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life with a predetermined time table causes you to get good

numbers and causes you to enjoy much more from your life than
you were enjoying before Mabey you think there are so many
people whom work hard and they don’t have time table and they
are successful in their profession, in fact yes, they are but more
than 85% of those people have so much stress in their life which
we can say it is the sight effect of not having a plan. Having a
time table is a life style that it worths your time which you spend
on it. And in this presentation, I am going to share my
information about making a daily time table, weekly time table
and monthly time table. And from deep part of heart, I want you
to listen to my presentation so you can understand how to make
a time table and I am sure that it will cause you to be better in
your life at least by 50%. (There has been written lots of books
about time table and maybe lots of people who work on personal
growth have given so many different opinions about it. If you
want you can search that kind of books and read them to add to
your knowledge about making a plan.) When I speak about time
table some of you might think it’s like school time table that we
should start every period from a specific time and we should
finish it on specific time. These kinds of opinions or these kinds
of feelings maybe cause you to feel restricted. And as you know
feeling limited or restricted always bothers us but it is not the
kind of time table which I want to speak about I want to talk
about a timetable to make us go one step forward and to make us
get good credits in our daily bases, not to limit us not to spoil
our feelings. I am sure that the people who don’t have time table
they haven’t made time table even once in their life or they
made time table but over a short term they stopped actualizing
their plans due to they felt restricted and they got tired because
they felt limited. if you listen to my presentation until the end,
you will notice having a schedule doesn’t mean to limit
ourselves but, it is a pre planning for a time to make us ready for
that time before we have reached to that time.
The life with a timetable requires two essential prerequisites
1: The first prerequisite is having a goal
2: And the second prerequisite is having the skill of prioritizing

I am going to talk about both of them

First, I want to talk about having a goal.
Veritably, a person who doesn’t have a goal why should they
need a timetable? What for should they want a timetable? for
doing some scattered tasks that the connection of those tasks
will never be able take them anywhere, well, this doesn’t want
any planning at all, and I should inform you that the people who
don’t have any goal planning will cause them to enjoy their life
even less than before this is the place which honestly, I must tell
you If you don’t have a goal in your life you don’t need any
planning but vice versa if you have a goal and you know after
finishing a part of your life you are going to reach to some
achievements you don’t have any solution without planning you
have to use from your time in the right way, planning is the skill
of using the time in the right way.

But let’s go to the second prerequisite

The second prerequisite is the skill of prioritizing
Friends, in one day we have limitation of time and force (power)
and this makes us to be able to do only a few tasks during the
day, if the tasks that we do during the day aren’t in the direction
of our goals it is like the days are passing by and we are doing
nothing to achieve our goals. What tasks come and prevent us
from reaching our goals? temptations, ideas, new offers, tasks
that come suddenly in our minds and this is where that we
should use from our skill of prioritizing with full discipline and
among the tasks that are in our minds that we should implement
them we should give the high priority to the tasks that lead us to
our goals. And the bad news is it is possible that you may
implement the works with low priority and in the end of the day
you might feel a good feeling of being useful despite of a little
physical fatigue and you might feel that Wow! I had a busy day
but you have run on the wrong road, you did not move towards
your goal. So, having goal and skill of prioritizing are two
essential prerequisites for planning.
We can plan for any period of time, annual, six months,
seasonal, monthly, and so on like that. The truth is as much short
period of time that we choose, that it is near to the present time
to that same amount the quality of our planning is better and to
that same amount the details of our planning is vast. It is true
which we can plan for the next year from now but the planning
that we do for our next week or our next month its quality is
different from the planning which we do for our next year. As
much as we think for a long-term planning the quality of our
planning becomes a generalization and as much as we think for
short-planning the quality of our planning becomes more
precise, we need both of them. It means we should know what
we want to do from now on for the next year and we must also
know what we want to do from now on for our next day, next
week and next month and it is the intelligently connection of
these that line up the results and causes us to grow in our lives.
Well, now it is the time to tell you how can you make a plan step
by step at first, I choose monthly planning:
The first thing which you have to do is you should write down
your goal in this period of time and well, I must inform you this
goal can’t come to your mind at this exact time basically, you
should have a five year goal for yourself you must have a one
year goal and so on come down and take your monthly plan
from that so I proceed with this premise, first make a plan for
your one month, let me help you, surely, there are some projects
which you want to finish, how much of your thesis do you want
to finish? How many articles do you want to write? How many
new clients do you want to attract to your business? Or how
many business travels do you want to go?
This can be your goal so, at first, you should write these goals in
a paper.
One tip that I want to tell you in paratheses is you should
convert these goals in to numbers until the time that you don’t
put a number on your goals you can’t achieve them and you
can’t determine the quality of your movement towards that goal.
Hypothetically let’s say your goal is to attract a lot of students to
your school in this month, well, how many? This should have a
number, instead of saying which you want to attract a lot of
students to your school you can say you want to attract 4 or 5
new students in a week this is a lot better.
Well, one month is created from 4 weeks and now that you have
determined your goals for one month it is the time to divide
these goals in to weeks this will indicate to you what things you
should do in every week now let’s look to the routine works that
you should do during a week for instance maybe you and your
family every Saturday go to some parks and you have fun with
your family this is a weekly routine you might have a weekly
workout routine, a educational weekly routine, or anything else,
these works allocate the parts of the weekly calendar that you
can’t change now with taking those works into consideration
assign the plans that you set for your week into days, meaning
Monday one series of those works Tuesday one series of those
works and so on and now regarding to the energy that you have
in every part of the day note the works that you assigned for that
week in to proper hours and like this you can make a daily plan
that by doing your daily planning you can reach to the weekly
planning and with precisely doing of weekly planning you can
achieve your monthly planning and so on.

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