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Some best advices of Aflaton

It has been said from past that our ongoing habits make our life
some of these habits are good and the others are bad maybe
they won’t affect in a low period of time but in high period of
time maybe they make us feel bad and take the joy of living
from us.
Aflaton the great philosopher of ancient Greek has so many
great words about joy of living and today I am going to say the
six advices that Aflaton believes its bad and believes they are
one of the most significant factors which human being can’t
enjoy from living and he emphasis we should listen to them and
do it properly in order to achieve what we want it means the
realizing the meaning of life and enjoying from living.
The first advice:
Be kind to others
According of Aflaton says everyone who wants good and
happiness to others finally their selves will find the happiness.
If you want happiness, you should have a good heart and the
person has a good heart whom they distance themselves from
any grudge and malice, grudge (‫ )کینه و بد خواهی‬is one of the
worst habits which a human being can ever have.
(maybe you say no it’s not right and we can’t forgive every one
and want good for them because they have hurt us so bad, well
the cause of this is usually being friend with wrong people that
Aflaton gave us a advice about this too and I am gonna say it in
the second advice )
The second advice
Don’t be friends with any one
Aflaton says treat with your friend in such a way to don’t need
a ruler and deal with your enemy in a way that if you refer to
ruler you will be right
It means you should never be friends with people who are
looking for taking advantage of you and secondly (it means you
should never trust your friends in such a way to let them take
advantage (misuse) from you ) And the second is that our
behavior of trust should not be such that we provide the
opportunity for abuse. There is fame sentence that says: Our
lamb-like behavior releases the wolf inside others
He says don’t be close to someone who can’t keep their own
The third advice:
Don’t humiliate anyone
Aflaton says don’t despise anyone because they may become
better than you or surpass you, no one is aware of the
tomorrow of their selves, humiliating others is also a bad habit
and it increases grudge and tension in yourself and those
around you, so if you want to clean yourself from hateful
thoughts the worst way is to empty them on others because
despites it doesn’t clean from you but it goes and returns back
more powerful
The fourth advice:
Don’t sleep before these three questions:
Aflaton was constantly emphasizing that every one must ask
these three questions before sleep, these three questions
remind them whether they have behaved according to their
intellectual values or not
1th one is to think did I do something wrong this day? And what
I could have done to make it right
The 2th is did I achieve something good today or not?
In here the good word means so many things like more skill,
informative word, a lesson of life, a better friend or anything
3th did I fail to act on my inner voice today or not?
If you want to be successful and achieve a good position in your
life and also have good thoughts and keep away the bad
thoughts and energies from your mind you should ask these
questions every night before sleep from yourself.
The fifth advice:
Don’t waste these things…
Aflaton says health, beauty, strength and livestock (‫ )مالداری‬they
are all the things that are good in the hands of good men and
will be equally vile and cause evil in the wrong hands
We should know the value of opportunities and blessings which
we have and use them in a good way because if its used in the
bad way it will damage ourselves as well
From Aflaton’s perspective all these blessings are in our hands
to know ourselves better and try to reach our perfection(‫بی عیب‬
‫ )و نقص بودن‬so we should never waste the things that have been
The 6rh advice: treat your enemies like this:
Aflaton says about his enemies that his enemies are three
The stronger group
The equal group
And the weak category
Encountering with the first group leads to destruction
I will fight to the second group until my death
But I will tame the third group even by begging
Because encountering with weak people reduces the position
of man in society and makes a person worthless

Some beautiful and fame sentences of Aflaton:

The only thing that causes happiness for human is justice
Beauty of human is in three things
Knowledge, love, freedom
A wise man while eating delicious foods should remember the
bitterness of medicine and must not eat much
If once upon a time your dignity and honor is decreased don’t
be disappointed the sun always goes down while sunset and
comes up until the other day’s morning
Love is the only illness which patient likes it
And in the end I want to finish my presentation by a poem of
Hafeez which is related to the sixth advice
‫ تفسیر این دو حرف است‬,‫آرامش دو گیتی‬
‫ با دشمنان مدارا‬,‫با دوستان مروت‬

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