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Table 13.

1 : Differences between asexual and sexual reproduction

N0 gametes are formed. 1. Gametes are formed

l. _;.;ng of genetic material, therefore, no or less 2. Genetic mixing, increased variation.
_ No ••..,.... .
2 variation in offspnngs.
NonnallY more offspring. 3. Fewer offspring.
· only one parent is involved 4. Usually, two parents (male and female) are involved.
4· . rapid process during favourable conditions.
5. Slower process
5. Jt JS a

es male and female, often show 13.2 REPRODUCTION IN HUMANS

fbe two Sex ,
d1 differentiating features called secondary The organs of the reproductive system are divided
outwaf Y
sanal characters. into the primary and accessory parts:
some secondary sexual characters (i) The primary reproductive parts include the
gonads (testes in males and ovaries in females)
which produce the sex cells (or gametes) -
the sperms and eggs.
(ii) The acces.wry reproductive parts include all those
structures, ducts and glands which help in the
transfer and meeting of the two kinds of sex cells
leading to fertilisation and in the growth and
development of the egg up to the birth of the baby.
So, according to the above criteria, would you
consider secondary sexual characters as given in the
box above, as reproductive parts? No. These do not
directly participate in reproduction.
13.2.1 Male Reproductive System
Hips broad - Male or Female? The male reproductive system (Fig. 13.1 A-C)
Lower arms projecting out from elbow- Male or female?
consists of the following organs:
Think of sexual distinction in certain animals : (1) Testes (one pair) to produce sperms
Lion and Lioness ... (2) Sperm duct (vas deferens) from each testis to
Cow and Bull ... carry the sperms
Cock and Hen ...
Peacock and Peahen ... (3) Accessory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate
Secondary sexual characters throughout the animal world and bulbo-urethral glands) to contribute to the
serve to identify and attract sex partners. Odours (body seminal fluid
smells), calling sounds, skin colouration, body contour, (4) A penis for transferring the sperms into the
behavioural patterns, etc. are some such sex clues.
female vagina
In humans, the secondary sexual characteristics include:
(5) Urethra contained inside the penis, conveys the
• Distribution of hair on body and face (beard and
sperms received from sperm ducts.
moustaches in males)
• Breasts in females 1. TESTES (sing. : testis)
• Muscularity-stronger built in males A. Location of testes
• Skeletal struciure The two testes (popularly called testicles) are oval
• Psyche and behaviour organs which are contained in a thin-walled sac
• Deeper voice in males of skin called scrotum ( or scrotal sacs)
(Fig. 13.1 A, Band C).
• In the embryonic stage, the testes are contained the seminife rous tubules. The interstitial
within the abdome n. They descend into the also called Leydig cells produce the ce11s
scrotum shortly before birth. An abnorm al hormon e testosterone. 1"0.a\e
condition results when they do not descend and it The sperm produci ng cells of the sem· .
leads to sterility, i.e., incapability to produce sperms. tubules keep multiplying and produce spe lllifero11s
• A slightly higher temperature inside the body mature sperms pass mto a small networknns. 'l'L
of • ue
does not permit maturation of sperms. But in (Fig. 13.1 C). From the network , arise 12_1 tuhes
the normal condition, being in a separate sac (efferent ducts) which join a small tubular kn4 ducts
suspend ed from the body, the testes escape too epididymis (epi : above, didymos : testicle) fi~~ ~e
much body heat.
Temperature regulation in the testes
Sperms are produced in the testes at a temperature 2 to
a cap on the upper pole of the testis. The epidiJ ~e
is continue d by the side of the testis upto its back
where a distinct tube sperm duct (vas deferens) .0tn
3°C lower than that of tlie body. This temperature is The epididymis internal ly contains a single coile:Sesb·
(actually about 6 metres 1ong) which traverses frtue
regulated in a strange manner through the movements of
the scrotum wall. the upper part of the testis to its back and the ~
fl It
When it is too hot, the skin of the scrotum loosens so that continues into the sperm duct. The epididymis stores
the testes hang down away from the body. When it is the sperms for some days during which they mature
cold, the skin contracts in a folded manner and draws the
and become motile (capable of moving).
testes closer to the body for warmth.

B. Structu re of testis
Each testis (Fig. 13.1 C) is encased in a
capsule which is internally partition ed into around
250 lobules (segments). Each lobule contains : ,,....---r,J AS
(i) Semini ferous tubules (semini : sperm,
ferous : bearing) where the sperms are produced. BULBO· ::..>.r-- ERECTILE
The process is called spermatogenesis.
(ii) Interstitial cells (interstitial: filling in between) ~ PENIS

which are packing tissues between the coils of l'IU!.-U'--RETHRA

B ..,;;-.........,.-"-'_.:.;.: - -'---TE STIS

Sectional view (diagrammatic) of male reproductive organs,
showing passage of sperms from testis to urethral opening

EPIDIDYMIS - -..:..__
GLAN D----- l--=4 (SEGMENT)
URETHRA - - - - - - ' t - -+-t r--....-- --GLAN D (VAS DEFERENS)
SPERM DUCT --~ + - - - - TESTIS
' - - - -- EPIDIDYMIS
Arrangem ent of male reproductive organs in the body
(highly simplified and diagrammatic). SCROTUM - -~ ,::;::_
Fig. 13.1 : Human male reproductive system. Longitudinal section of teSlis

«B'MH%+ 1g.,1-1191'
Male reproductive system
I 1

Ducts Accessory glands Supportive structure
(i) Epididym is (i) Seminal vesicle Penis-Transfers
·n·,terous tubules
sern1 (ii) Sperm duct (Vas deferens) (ii) Prostate gland sperms into the female
1. ro<Juce sperms organ (vagina)
(iii) Ejaculatory duel (iii) Bulbo-urethral glands
Pterstitial cells
2. ;ro<fuce Testosterone

(iii) Bulbo-urethral glands (or Cowper's

2· · rm duct (vas deferens) from. each testis
The spe • These are two small ovoid glands which open
ward into the abdomen passing through
rravels up canal. The ingum . al al . . all . into the urethra just before it enters the penis.
. • al can ongm y 1s
an U1gu1llhich allows the descent of testes along with • The secretion serves as a lubricant.
the one w
vessels, nerves, etc.
their. ducts, blood 4. PENIS
in the abdomen, the intestine The penis lies in front of the scrotum, cylindrical
Some..h ,ries• d"e to pressure
bulges into the scrotum through the inguinal canal and in shape, serves for the passing out of both semen and
causes the most common type of liernia. urine {Fig. 13.l C). It is a highly vascular organ, having
erectile tissues and vascular spaces. Under the influence
The nvo sperm ducts loop over the ureters of of sexual stimulation, blood flows in large amount into
their side, come together, and join the median duct, the penis and enters into the vascular spaces or sinuses,
or urethra, at the back of the urinary bladder. which makes it rigid and erect. Expansion of these
spaces compresses the veins and thus blood cannot
3. ACCESSORY GLANDS (Fig. 13.1 A and B) drain out. Such condition of penis is called erection.
Three male accessory glands are as follows :
Semen is the mLxture of sperms and secretio ns from
(i) Seminal vesicles seminal vesicles, prostate and Cowper's glands. It is a
• A pair of lobulated glands located between the milky fluid. Its average amount is 2-3 ml in a single
posterior surface of the urinary bladder and ejaculation and contains 200,000,000-400,000,000 sperms.
the rectum.
• A duct from each seminal vesicle joins the THE COURSE OF SPERMS IN MALE
corresponding sperm duct just before it unites Seminiferous tubules
with the urethra. (produce sperms)
• Produce a secretion which serves as a medium
Network of tubules
for the transportation of the sperms. The -1,
mixture of this fluid and the sperms produces Efferent ducts
a milky fluid, the semen. In the sperm duct, -1,
the sperms are sluggish, but by the addition of Upper part (head) of epididymis
this secretion, they become active.
Middle part (body) of epididymis
(ii) Prostate gland -1,
• A bilobed structu re which surroun ds the Hind part (tail) of epididymis
urethra close to its origin from the bladder.
Sperm duct (vas deferens)
• It pours an alkaline secretion into the semen -1,
as it passes through the urethra. It neutralises Urethra (in penis)
acid in female's vagina.


rt?) Brt0!1)r.ess 11:1:ieeR ~
~Tick-mark the correct meaning of reproduction FUNNEL
(i) increase in population ovioucr
(ii) increase in the number of parents
(iii) production of new individuals of the
(iv) production of identical individuals A CERVIX
2. State very briefly the chief function of each
of the following :
(i) Seminal vesicles
(ii) Prostate gland
(iii) Cowper's gland FALLOPIAN
(iv) Sperm duct (vas deferens) TUBE (RIGHT)-+---+--..

13.2.2 Female Reproductive System URINARY (RIGH'T)
BLADDER - -1--+C.:::i
The female reproductive system (Fig. 13.2 A, B,
and C) consist of the following reproductive organs.
1. A pair of ovaries P'---CERVIX
2. A pair of oviducts (or Fallopian tubes) to CLITORIS----
convey the egg released from the ovary 8 VAGINA
3. A sac-like or pear-shaped uterus for the
growth and development of the embryo OVIDUCT ~ - --OVARY
developed from the egg
FJl-1---,1'"--- FUNNB.. OF
4. A vagina, and UTERUS--t- - - - - OVIDUCT
5. Vulva, the outermost part HTT"r=---URETEA
C --fril~,.._,.._+-- URINARY
The two ovaries are small ovoid bodies. Their GIRDLE-.....i,........i
peripheral part produces ova or the eggs. Normally,
only one egg matures in each ovary every alternate VULVA-----' ----RECTUM
month. A maturing egg contained in a cellular sac is
called the follicle. As the egg grows larger, the follicle Fig. 13.2 : The human female rep ro ducting organs :
A-front sectional view (diagrammatic); B- Sectional side view,
also enlarges and gets filled with a fluid and is now parts are differently coloured for better distinction. C- Sectional
called the Graafian follicle. When ripe, the follicle side view (diagrammatic);
bulges over the surface of the ovary. Oogenesis is
the process in which the ova- producing cells give 1. Oestrogen (as was secreted by the follicle prior
rise to the mature ovum.
to ovulation).
2. Progesterone.
Ovulation is the rupture of the follicle releasing
the egg (Fig. 13.7). The released egg is picked up by
fimbrae (cilia) of oviducal funnel of the oviduct The
Arc the two terms one and the same? .... "NO"
remnant of the follicle persists for sometime to convert
into a yellow mass called corpus luteum (corpus: All ova (singular ovum) are eggs but all eggs are not just
body, luteum: yellow). It secretes two hormones :
vagina. The sides of the vulva have two small fleshy
ample, is the ovum (central yellow
's egg, [or e~a·ve albumen (white) and the covering folds, the labia minora (lesser lips) which are hidden
f{e n 1 5 nutn
here) Pu dded to it as the ovum passes down the by larger hairy folds, the labia majora (greater lips).
sp that are a These folds are the equivalents of the male scrotum. In
. th female gamete or the proper egg cell the uppermost angle of the vulva in front of the urethral
·s just e opening is located a small erectile clitoris which is ·,
oVtJlll 1 ny extra parts).
a highly sensitive and is the equivalent of male penis.
v,oucrs Role of hormones in reproduction
2, O VI' ducts also called Fallopian tubes
two 0 ' The ovaries of a young girl start functioning
The t bes are about 12 cm long. Near the
rine u ' around the age of 10 to 14 years. It starts releasing
or ute d' g ovary' each oviduct has a funnel-
pon in the ova (ovulation) and this stage in her life is known
corres ening called the oviducal funnel Cilia
O as puberty.
s~~ped th~ funnel help to pick up and push the
]lning d ovum into the oviduct. Subsequently, the At about the same time as the first ovulation, the
release £muscular contractions (or peristalsis ) of the ovary also releases female sex hormones into the
d . th
,\lllves o viduct push the egg own mto e uterus. blood stream. These hormones, called oestrogens,
wall of 0 are responsible for bringing about bodily changes
3. UTERUS such as growth of mammary glands, widening of
The uterus is a hollow pear-shaped {7cm x 5cm) hips, growth of hair in the pubic region and armpits
organ situated in the pelvic cavity between and an increase in the size of uterus and vagina.
he urinary bladder and the rectum. It has two These developments are referred to as secondary
;egions, an upper wider portion which receives the sexual characteristics. While anot her horm one
two oviducts and a small lower constricted part, the secreted by the corpus luteum, progesterone prepares
cervix or neck. the uterus for receiving the embryo.
4. VAGINA In boys, puberty takes place around the age of
The vagina is a muscular tube (10-15 cm long) 11 to 15 years of age. The testes start producing
starting from the lower end of the uterus upto the testo stero ne, resu lting in the deve lopm ent of
outside. The vagina receives the male penis during secondary sexual characteristics like deepening of
copulation. The great elasticity of its wall also allows voice, growth of testes and penis, growth of hair on
the passage of the baby during childbirth. The opening chest, in the pubic region, armpits, chin and upper
of the vagina in young females is partially dosed by a lip (moustache).
thin membrane called hymen (or the virgin knot). The
hymen is frequently ruptured in childhood due to e
strenuous physical exercise or disease. Puberty is the perio d durin g which imma ture reproductiv
le of
system of boys and girls matures and becomes capab
5. VULVA reproducing. At age 10 in girls, first sign is the enlarg
of breasts. In boys at 11 years, the enlargement of testes
The external female genitalia is called the vulva. It the first sign.
contains independent openings of the urethra and
Female reproductive system

Uterus Vagina External organs

Ovaries Oviducts
Protects and Receives Vulva, protects
Follicle cells produce Transport ovum into uterus;
nourishes growing the sperms urethra and
ova, oestrogen and fertilization takes place here vagina.
progesterone and then zygote travels down embryo
into uterus via the oviduct

Hen's egg, for exa mpl e, is the ovu vagina. The sides of the vulva have
m (cen tral yell ow two sma ll fleshy
sph ere) plus nutr itiv e albu men (wh
ite) and the cov erin g folds, the labia minora (lesser lips) whi
shell that are added to it as the ovu ch are hid den
m passes dow n the by larger hairy folds, the labia majora
oviduct. (greater lips).
These folds are the equivalents of the
Ovu m is just the female gam ete
or the pro per egg cell male scrotum. In
(wit hou t any extr a part s). the uppermost angle of the vul va in fron
t of the urethral
opening is located a small erectile clit
oris wh ich is
2. OVIDUCTS highly sensitive and is the equivalent of
male penis.
The two oviducts, also called Fal
lopian tubes Role of hor mo nes in rep rod uct
or uterine tubes, are abo ut 12 cm ion
long. Nea r the The ovaries of a you ng girl star t
cor res pon din g ovary, eac h ovi duc fun ctio nin g
t has a fun nel - aro und the age of 1O to 14 years. It
shaped ope nin g call ed the ovi duc star ts releasing
al funnel. Cilia the ova (ovulation) and this stage in her
lini ng the fun nel hel p to pic k up life is kno wn
and pus h the as puberty.
released ovu m into the oviduct. Sub
sequently, the
waves of mu scu lar con trac tion s (or per At about the same time as the first ovu
istalsis) of the lation, the
wall of ovi duc t pus h the egg dow n into ova ry also releases female sex hor
the uterus. mo nes into the
blo od stream. The se hormones, call
3. UTERUS ed oestrogens,
are responsible for brin gin g abo ut
The uterus is a hol low pea r-sh ape d bod ily changes
(7c m x 5cm) such as growth of ma mm ary glan
muscular organ situ ated in the pelvic ds, wid eni ng of
cavity between hips, growth of hai r in the pub ic reg
the urin ary bla dde r and the rec tum ion and arm pits
. It has two and an increase in the size of ute
regions, an upp er wid er por tion wh rus and vagina.
ich receives the The se developments are referred to
two oviducts and a small low er con stri as sec ond ary
cted par t, the sex ual cha rac ter isti cs. Wh ile ano
the r hor mo ne
cerv ix or neck. secreted by the corpus luteum, proges
terone pre par es
4. VAGINA the uterus for receiving the embryo.
The vagina is a mu scu lar tub e (10 In boys, pub erty takes place aro und
-15 cm long) the age of
starting from the low er end of the 11 to 15 years of age. The testes
ute rus upt o the star t pro duc ing
outside. The vagina receives the ma tes tos tero ne, res ulti ng in the dev
le pen is dur ing elo pm ent of
copulation. The great elasticity of its secondary sexual characteristics like
wall also allows dee pen ing of
the passage of the baby dur ing childbi voice, growth of testes and penis, gro
rth. The opening wth of hai r on
of the vagina in you ng females is par chest, in the pub ic region, armpits,
tially closed by a chin and upp er
thin membrane called hymen (or the virg lip (moustache).
in knot). The
hymen is frequently rup ture d in chi
ldh ood due to
strenuous physical exercise or disease. Puberty
Pub erty is the period during whi ch imm
5. VULVA ature reproductive
system of boy s and girls mat ures and
becomes capable of
The external female genitalia is called reproducing. At age 10 in girls, first sign
is the enlargement
the vulva. It of breasts. In boys at 11 years, the enla
contains ind epe nde nt ope nin gs of rgement of testes is
the ure thr a and the first sign.

Female reproductive system
Ovaries Oviducts
Follicle cells produce
Uterus Vagina External organs
Transport ovum into uterus; Protects and Vulva, protects
ova, oestrogen and Receives
fertilization takes place here nourishes growing the sperms urethra and
progesterone and then zygote travels down embryo vagina.
into uterus via the oviduct

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