Intravenous Immunoglobulin For Adjunctive.2

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OPINION Intravenous immunoglobulin for adjunctive
treatment of severe infections in ICUs
Cécile Aubron a,b, Florian Berteau a, and Rosemary L. Sparrow c
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Purpose of review
This review focuses on the emerging literature regarding the use of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) in
critically ill patients with severe infections. The aim is to provide an accessible summary of the most recent
evidence of IVIg use in sepsis and septic shock and to help clinicians to understand why there is still
equipoise regarding the potential benefit of this adjunctive therapy in this setting.
Recent findings
Observational studies with propensity score matching analyses and investigating the effect of IVIg in severe
infections including necrotizing soft tissue infection have been recently published. These studies suffer
important flaws precluding robust conclusion to be drawn. Some recent randomized controlled trials raised
interesting findings supportive of personalized medicine but are likely to be underpowered or confounded.
Insufficient evidence is available to support IVIg use in sepsis and septic shock, apart from the specific case
of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Current literature suggests that IVIg efficacy in sepsis or septic shock
could depend on the IVIg preparation (IgM-enriched or minimal IgM), time of administration (<24 h), dose,
and the inflammatory/immunomodulation profile of the patients. Investigator-initiated research,
incorporating these parameters, is warranted to determine whether IVIg benefits critically ill patients with
severe infection.
intravenous immunoglobulins, sepsis, septic shock, severe bacterial infection

INTRODUCTION donated human plasma. They contain antibodies

Sepsis is a leading cause for admission to the ICU [1]. with a large array of unspecified reactivities repre-
Both sepsis and septic shock are associated with sentative of those found in normal human adult
increased risk of death, with septic shock having plasma. IVIg have a direct activity against pathogens
a high mortality of more than 50% [2,3]. With a and a complex immunomodulatory effect. They
relatively frequent incidence, an associated high cost have been investigated to be an adjunctive therapy
and long-term disability in survivors, sepsis and in severe infections since the 1980s, with high
septic shock are major public health issues [1,3,4]. heterogeneity in studies’ results [8].
Early recognition and resuscitation, including The purpose of this review is to provide an
prompt infection control, treatment with empiric accessible summary of the most recent findings of
broad-spectrum antibiotics and maintenance of
hemodynamic stability, are cornerstones of the a
Departement de Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Centre Hospitalier
early-phase management of sepsis and septic shock Régional et Universitaire de Brest, site La Cavale Blanche, Université de
Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, bDepartment of Epidemiology and
[5 ]. However, these measures and therapeutics do
not counteract the inflammatory imbalance and Preventive Medicine, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care
Research Centre (ANZIC-RC) and cDepartment of Epidemiology and
immunological dysregulation and the subsequent
Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
prolonged immunosuppression that are characteris-
Correspondence to Cécile Aubron, MD, Ph.D., Centre Hospitalier
tic of sepsis and septic shock [6]. Immunoadjuvant Régional et Universitaire de Brest, site La Cavale Blanche, Bvd Tanguy
therapy to bolster the impaired host immune system Prigent, 29609 Brest Cedex, France. Tel: +61 2 98 34 71 81;
because of sepsis or septic shock has been identified fax: +61 2 98 34 79 65;
as the next major advance in the treatment of sepsis e-mail:,
[7]. Intravenous polyclonal immunoglobulins (IVIg) Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:417–422
are immunoglobins produced from large pools of DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000639

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Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Severe infections

pathogen-specific receptors and opsonization of

KEY POINTS the pathogen via the antibody-binding domains
 Significant inflammatory and immunologic [12,13]. Apart from the antimicrobial activities of
dysregulation supports the benefit for IVIg use in sepsis immunoglobulin, an immunomodulatory effect
and septic shock. can be obtained with nonphysiologically high doses
of immunoglobulin [14 ]. The immune mechanisms
 Efficacy of IVIg in patients with sepsis and septic shock
responsible for the clinical efficacy of IVIg therapies
remains unknown.
remain unclear. In in-vitro studies, IVIg has a
 Recent literature suggests that future clinical trials concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on T
should investigate early and prolonged administration lymphocyte [15] and monocytic proliferation
of IgM-enriched IVIg to patients with high inflammatory after antigenic stimulation [16]. Also, IVIg can alter
response to severe infection.
cytokine secretion [17,18] and accelerate opsoniza-
 Personalized medicine might help to resolve the tion by several mechanisms [19,20].
equipoise around IVIg efficacy in severe infection.


IVIg use in sepsis and septic shock and to help Effects of IVIg preparations in sepsis and septic shock
clinicians to understand why there is still equipoise have been investigated in clinical studies over the last
regarding the use of IVIg in these conditions. decades with inconsistent findings reported on
patient outcomes. Most of the randomized con-
trolled trials (RCTs) of IVIg in sepsis suffered poten-
PHYSIOPATHOLOGY SUPPORTING tially important limitations, including absence of
INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULINS USE blinding, small sample size with lack of power, and
IN SEVERE INFECTIONS no concealed randomization [21,22–24,25]. Results
In sepsis and septic shock, the plasma concentration from the largest available phase III RCT investigating
of all classes of immunoglobulins is decreased. Rea- the role of IVIg G (Polyglobin, Bayer Biological Prod-
sons for this decrease in endogenous immunoglob- ucts, Leverkusen, Germany) in 653 patients with
ulin are incompletely understood and are certainly sepsis or septic shock did not report any effect of IVIg
multifactorial, including higher immunoglobulin G (600 mg/kg on day one and 300 mg/kg on day 2) on
consumption, extravascular leak or sequestration 28-day mortality or morbidity [26]. Metaanalyses,
of immunoglobulin, decreased immunoglobulin including RCTs, have reported a benefit of IVIg on
production, and preexisting immunosuppression mortality; however, sensitivity analyses excluding
[9 ]. Depressed levels of immunoglobulin at onset highly biased studies did not find this positive effect
and during the course of sepsis/septic shock have [25,27]. Therefore, the International Guidelines for
been associated with poorer patient prognosis, sug- Management of Sepsis and Septic shock suggest
gesting that endogenous immunoglobulin replace- against the use of IVIg in patients with sepsis or septic
& &
ment might improve outcomes [10 ,11 ]. The shock on the basis of the low quality of evidence [5 ].

hypothetical premise for the use of IVIg in severe Despite this recommendation and findings, IVIg
infections is based on the two main functions of appears to be widely used in some countries
immunoglobulin: antimicrobial activity and immu- &
highlighting the equipoise [28,29 ]. Some reasons
nomodulatory activity (Table 1). for these controversial findings and practices have
Antimicrobial activity involves several been suggested, including differences in IVIg prepa-
mechanisms including antibody-recognition of rations, IVIg regimen (dose and treatment duration),

Table 1. Main mechanisms underlying the microbial effects and the immunomodulation effect of polyclonal intravenous
Antimicrobial effects Immunomodulation effects (high dose) (putative mechanisms)

Neutralize pathogens and toxins Downregulate immune responses

Activate complement, leading to phagocytosis, bacterial lysis, Downregulate production of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1,
and attraction of leucocytes interleukin-2, TNFa, INFg)
Opsonization Accelerate clearance of antibodies
Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity –

INFg, interferon gamma; TNFa, tumor necrosis factor alpha. Adapted from [12,13,15–20,43].

418 Volume 25  Number 5  October 2019

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Intravenous immunoglobulin for adjunctive treatment Aubron et al.

heterogeneity in patients, and diseases [25]. In the Switzerland) 25 g/day during 3 days or 0.9% saline
sections below, we review these parameters that [29 ]. There were no differences in physical health at
might impact on the observed effect of IVIg. day 180, mortality or any adverse effect. However,
40% of patients in the placebo group had received
IVIg prior to randomization compared with 16% in
PARAMETERS THAT MIGHT IMPACT ON the intervention group, leading to a high risk of bias
[29 ]. A Cochrane database systematic review from
INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULINS Hua et al. [33] exploring the impact of various inter-
ventions for NSTI in adults found only the
Infections characteristics and pathogens &
‘INSTINCT’ trial from Madsen et al. [29 ] to have
Efficacy of IVIg in adjunctive therapy of severe reported on IVIg intervention and therefore came
infections might depend on infection characteris- to the same conclusion as the trial investigators.
tics and type of pathogens as immune-response and Although there is a large body of literature on
pathogen-virulence mechanisms might be differ- IVIg in patients with sepsis and shock septic from
ently accessible to immunoglobulin activities. Nec- various etiologies, recent or ongoing studies attempt
rotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI) with and to have a more homogeneous population, supported
without streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) by the fact that some IVIg might be more beneficial in
is one of the main infectious conditions where the some pathologies. In a double-blind, multicenter,
effect of IVIg has been investigated. randomized controlled phase II trial (CIGMA study),
The only available double-blind, placebo-con- &&
Welte et al. [34 ] randomized 160 patients with
trolled trial conducted in a homogeneous popula- severe community-acquired pneumonia requiring
tion of patients with STSS investigating IVIg invasive mechanical ventilation to receive either
potential benefit was inconclusive for the primary IgM-enriched IVIg (Trimodulin; Biotest AG, Dreieich,
outcome because the study was underpowered Germany) or albumin for 5 days. There was no signif-
because of being prematurely terminated for slow icant difference in the primary outcome (number of
patient recruitment [21]. In this trial, there was a ventilation free days) between groups nor in second-
3.6-fold higher mortality in the placebo group and ary outcomes including 28-day mortality. However,
patients who received IVIg had a significant the difference in 28-day mortality (relative reduction
decrease in the sepsis-related organ failure assess- of 20%) between groups was in favor of the interven-
ment score at day two and 3. It is unlikely that && &
tion [34 ]. Giamarellos-Bourboulis et al. [10 ] in a
another RCT with sufficient power will be con- retrospective study analyzed the outcomes of 200
ducted and achieved in this population. In 2018, patients with ICU-acquired sepsis because of multi-
a metaanalysis reported an association between IVIg drug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacteria. In this
administration and decreased mortality (33.7% con- study, treatment with IgM-enriched IVIg (Pentaglo-
trol group versus 15.7% intervention group) (rela- bin, Biotest, Dreieich, Germany) was an independent
tive risk, 0.46; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.26– factor related with favorable outcome [odd ratio
0.83; P ¼ 0.01) in patients with clindamycin-treated (OR) 0.34, 95% CI 0.17–0.67, P ¼ 0.002] suggesting
STSS; there was a strong homogeneity between four &
a benefit of IVIg in this condition [10 ]. Peritonitis
of the five included studies [30 ]. The last recom- morbimortality remains high despite adequate man-
mendations of World Society Emergency Surgery agement and often leads to an important inflamma-
and Surgical Infection Society Europe in 2018 con- tory response that might be accessible to the
sider IVIg as an adjunctive therapy for source control potential IVIg effects. Based on these elements, the
in necrotizing soft tissues infections by Streptococcus ongoing PEPPER (Personalised Medicine With
group A (recommendation 2B) [31]. IgGAM Compared With Standard of Care for Treat-
In a recent study, Kadri et al. [32 ] performed a ment of Peritonitis After Infectious Source Control)
propensity score-matched subset analysis from a mul- randomized open controlled phase II trial (Clinical-
ticenter retrospective cohort of 4127 patients with NCT03334006) will randomize 200
NSTI-related septic shock. The 161 propensity- patients with peritonitis to receive either standard
matched patients treated with IVIg had similar out- of care (SOC) or SOC and IVIg (Pentaglobin; Biotest,
comes (mortality or length of stay) as the 161 patients &
Dreieich, Germany) [35 ] in patients with peritonitis.
who did not receive IVIg, suggesting no benefit of
IVIg in this condition [32 ]. A Danish randomized,
double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial Characteristics of intravenous
(INSTINCT), published in 2017 by Madsen et al. immunoglobulins preparation
[30 ], randomized 100 patients with NTSI to receive Different IVIg preparations have been investigated
either polyclonal IVIg G (Privigen, CSL Behring, Bern, in the last decades. Regarding the most recent

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Severe infections

Table 2. Intravenous immunoglobulin preparations available and used in severe infections in critically ill patients in the most
recent published randomized controlled trials
Indications where
Commercial Composition Composition Composition immunoglobulins
name Company, country % IgG % IgM % IgA were tested

Trimodulin Biotest, AG Dreieich, Germany 56% 23%, 21% Severe CAP [34 ]

Pentaglobulin Biotest, AG Dreieich, Germany 76% 12%, 12% Sepsis, septic shock,
peritonitis [24,35 ]

Privigen CSL Behring, Bern, Switzerland >98% IgG Nonsignificant Nonsignificant NSTI [29 ]

Polyglobin N Bayer Biological Products, >97% Nonsignificant NS Sepsis [26]

(Flebogamma) Leverkusen, Germany
Endobulin (Kiovig) Baxter, Deerfield, IL (USA) >98% Nonsignificant Nonsignificant STSS [21]

CAP, community-acquired pneumonia, NSTI, necrotizing soft tissue infection; STSS, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.

literature, three main types of IVIg can be distin- retrospective multicenter observational study of
guished based on the percentage of immunoglobu- 3195 patients with sepsis and septic shock, com-
lin G (IgG), immunoglobulin M (IgM), and pared outcomes of 653 patients who received low-
immunoglobulin A. Characteristics of these prepa- dose IVIg (0.3 g/day for 3 days) to 653 patients who
rations are summarized in Table 2. No studies have did not receive IVIg [28]. With no association
compared IVIg preparations to one another; how- between low-dose IVIg and mortality, the authors
ever, clinicians must be aware of differences in concluded that low-dose IVIg did not impact on
composition as that might impact on the therapeu- prognosis [28]. Nakamura et al. [38] compared the
tic effect. The use of IgM-enriched IVIg in patients outcomes of 57 patients with sepsis receiving 15 g of
with severe infections is supported by the physiopa- IVIg on the first day of management to patients who
thology, and the association between plasma and received the same total dose of IVIg but spread across
kinetic IgM levels during the sepsis course and 3 days (i.e., 5 g/day for 3 days). Length of stay was
& &
patient outcomes [10 ,11 ]. Two recent metaanaly- shorter and coagulopathy improved earlier for
ses summarized the evidence around IgM-enriched patients who received the total dose of IVIg on
&& &&
IVIg [36,37 ]. Cui et al. [37 ] reported decreased the first day. Although suggesting an impact of IVIg
mortality (relative risk 0.60; 95% CI, 0.52–0.69) in dose, the retrospective design and the small sample
patients with sepsis or septic shock who received size did not allow robust conclusion to be made [38].
IgM-enriched IVIg. However, both reviews Finally, in a recent metaanalysis, including 16 stud-
highlighted the heterogeneity among studies and ies where the daily dose used of enriched IgM IVIg
&& &&
the need for further research [36,37 ]. varied from 0.15 to 0.35 g/kg/day, Cui et al. [37 ] did
not find any association between daily dose or total
dose and effect on mortality IVIg.
Intravenous immunoglobulins regimen
No RCTs have compared IVIg regimens (that is dose
and/or treatment duration) to one another. Com- Timing of administration
parison between studies is difficult as immunoglob- There is a body of evidence suggesting that admin-
ulin doses are given either in absolute values or on istration of IVIg must be early to have a beneficial
the basis of body weight; furthermore, the time effect on patients with sepsis and septic shock.
schedule of dose delivery and total dose varies However, there is no high-quality study investigat-
between studies. ing delay of administration.
Based on a prolonged decrease in endogenous Two retrospective single-center studies from the
immunoglobulin in sepsis [11 ] and a previous study same investigators reported an independent
that reported a beneficial effect of IVIg given for decreased risk of death when IVIg was administered
5 days [24], most of the recent and ongoing trials earlier to patients with septic shock [39,40 ]. In the
&& &
now propose a 5-day treatment regimen [34 ,35 ]. most recent, Berlot et al. reported an independent
High-dose IVIg preparations are required to ini- association between the delay in enriched-IgM IVIg
tiate immunomodulatory activity, whereas lower administration from admission to ICU and ICU
dose IVIg preparations may be sufficient to bolster mortality in 335 patients with septic shock (for each
antimicrobial responses in patients [20]. A recent 24-h increase, adjusted OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.05–1.27;
P ¼ 0.0005) [40 ]. Keeping with these findings, in the
propensity score matched subanalysis of a large

420 Volume 25  Number 5  October 2019

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Intravenous immunoglobulin for adjunctive treatment Aubron et al.

CIGMA trial, IVIg was required to have been admin- in patients receiving IgM-enriched IVIg than in
istered in the first 12 h following mechanical venti- patients receiving placebo (21 versus 10.1%) and a
lation initiation and in the INSTINCT study, IVIg 3.5-fold increase in cholestasis in the intervention
was required to be administered immediately upon group (9.9 versus 2.5%) [34 ]. Recently, severe fluid
ICU admission or in the operating room when overload was reported in a patient with septic shock
& &&
appropriate before ICU admission [29 ,34 ]. secondary to a necrotizing mediastinitis treated
with high volume of IgM-enriched IVIg questioning
the safety of such practices [42].
Patient immune-response profile Apart from patient-centered outcomes, health-
Based on pathophysiological data, immunosup- cost analysis should be performed as IVIg prepara-
pressed patients, and/or patients with an important tions are expensive and a limited resource.
inflammatory imbalance and/or a low level of Cost-benefit in terms of patient safety and quality
endogenous immunoglobulin would be likely to of life outcomes need to be carefully considered.
better respond to IVIg than those without these Finally, the largest IVIg RCT conducted to date
disorders. The results of the recently published was sponsored by a private company [26], and two of
CIGMA RCT [34 ], of IgM-enriched IVIg in severe the three most recent randomized trials were sup-
community-acquired pneumonia strongly support ported by an IVIg manufacturing company, whereas
this hypothesis. Although for the whole study pop- all of the authors disclosed conflict of interest with
& && &
ulation of 160 patients, there was no difference in an IVIg company [29 ,34 ,35 ]. This raises some
patient outcomes, between study groups, posthoc concerns about the influence of financial interests.
analyses performed in patient groups with either There is a need for investigator-initiated random-
high C-reactive protein (CRP) level (70 mg/l), ized trials of IVIg independent of companies with
low IgM (0.8 g/l), high procalcitonin (2 ng/ml) direct financial interests.
or combined high CRP and low IgM reported a
significant beneficial effect of the IgM-enriched IVIg
on the number of ventilator-free days, and an abso- CONCLUSION
lute reduction of 28-day mortality of 16.6–24.8% in Apart from the specific cases of STSS where the
these three patient subgroups in favor of IgM- literature strongly supports the use of IVIg therapy,
enriched IVIg therapy [34 ]. This supports the view administration of IVIg to patients with severe infec-
that patients with heightened inflammatory signals tion should not be SOC. Nevertheless, the most
may benefit the most from IVIg therapy [34 ]. The recent literature, including findings from RCTs
ongoing PEPPER randomized open controlled trial and metaanalyses, has provided new insights
( NCT03334006) that enrolled toward potentially efficacious strategies for the
patients with peritonitis to receive either SOC and use of IVIg to treat severe infections in critically
IVIg or SOC alone is moving toward personalized ill patients. If IVIg improves outcomes in these
medicine. In this study, eligible patients need to patients, it may be that it must be given at the very
have a proinflammatory interleukin-6 level equal early phase, at a high dose and for a prolonged
to or above 1000 pg/ml, which is the level that has duration of at least five days. Treatment with
been correlated to sepsis severity [35 ]. Although IgM-enriched IVIg preparations may be more effi-
such personalized medicine seems promising, its cacious, particularly in patients with the high
widespread implementation is unlikely to occur in inflammatory response and immunological dysre-
the near future. gulation. Whether answering these questions will
close the debate on IVIg efficacy in severe infection
and septic shock is uncertain; the state of equipoise
SAFETY, COST, AND CONFLICT OF may remain for some time yet.
Although IVIg might be largely used in other indi- Acknowledgements
cations in critically ill patients [41], the balance We would like to thank Bénédicte Rouvière for her
between IVIg benefits and adverse effects must be assistance with the review.
considered. Critically ill patients with severe infec-
tion are at higher risk to develop IVIg-associated
Financial support and sponsorship
adverse effects including renal failure or cholestasis,
compared with noncritically ill patients. The recent None.
phase II CIGMA trial conducted in a critically ill
patient with severe community-acquired pneumo- Conflicts of interest
nia reported a two-fold increase in acute renal failure There are no conflicts of interest.

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 421

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Severe infections

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