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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CE 13003: Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics

Autumn Semester 2023-2024
Section 20

Engineering Curves

1. A Point F is 80mm distance from a line AB. A point P is moving in a plane such
that the ratio of its distances from F and line AB is always 3/2. Draw the locus of
point P. Draw the tangent and normal to the curve at any point on it.
2. A Point F is 80mm distance from a line AB. A point P is moving in a plane such
that the ratio of its distances from F and line AB is always 2/3. Draw the locus of
point P. Draw the tangent and normal to the curve at any point on it.
3. A ball is thrown in air and it reaches a height of 250mm and coves a horizontal
distance of 400mm. Draw the path of the ball.
4. A point P is 40 mm and 60 mm respectively from two straight lines. The lines are
perpendicular to each other. Draw a hyperbola from P within 10 mm distance
from each line.
5. Draw a spiral of one convolution. Take distance of point P from point O as 40
6. A Point F is 80mm distance from a line AB. A point P is moving in a plane such
that the ratio of its distances from F and line AB is always 1. Draw the locus of
point P. Draw the tangent and normal to the curve at any point on it.
7. Draw Involute of a circle of diameter 50 mm. String length is equal to the
circumference of circle.
8. Point P is 80 mm from point O. It starts moving towards O and reaches it in two
revolutions around it with uniform angular velocity. Draw locus of point P
9. Major axis AB & minor axis CD are 100 and 70mm long respectively. Draw
ellipse by arcs of circle method.
10. Draw ellipse by concentric circle method. Take major axis 100 mm and minor
axis 70 mm long.

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