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Kim Cascone Massachusetts, from 1973–1976, where he

received formal training in composition and
Petar Jandrić arranging with a focus on guitar and electronic
Department of Informatics and Computing, music.
Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, In 1976 Cascone moved back to New York to
Croatia study privately with synthesist Dana McCurdy,
half of the electronic music duo Ear Food with
Abstract Brian Flahive. McCurdy taught Electronic Music
at the New School for Social Research, and it was
This entry describes the life and works of Kim
here that Cascone recorded his first piece of elec-
tronic music. Wanting to learn more about audio
engineering, Cascone attended the Institute of
Audio Research in Greenwich Village and
Kim Cascone · Postdigital · Glitch · Aesthetic · interned at the Secret Sound Studios co-owned
Electronic music · Sound art · Silent Records by Todd Rundgren and Moogy Klingman.
Cascone’s studies in audio and electronics
landed him work at Electronics for Medicine in
Pleasantville, New York, while studying elec-
tronic circuit theory at the Technical Career Insti-
Kim Cascone was born on 21 December 1955 in
tute (formerly the RCA Institutes). Working as an
Albion, Michigan, to Remo and Phoebe (nee
Engineering Technician, he developed an interest
Smyser) Cascone. Remo worked as a radio disc
in computer music. Purchasing a KIM-1 single
jockey before going to work in the insurance
board microcomputer in 1978, Cascone taught
industry. Phoebe worked as a clothing model and
himself 6502 assembly language and pro-
a librarian prior to starting a family. The Cascones
grammed a simple 16-stage sequencer that
soon moved to New York, where Cascone gradu-
connected to a digital-to-analog converter (built
ated high school in 1973.
from a schematic in Byte Magazine) that output
The explosion of rock music in the 1960s
control voltages to a modular synthesiser.
inspired Cascone to study guitar at the Febbraio
After moving from Westchester to a Manhattan
Music School in Mount Vernon, and later on at the
loft in 1980, Cascone worked in Bellevue Hospi-
Music Conservatory of Westchester in White
tal’s Biomedical Engineering Department as an
Plains. After graduating high school, Cascone
electronic technician. Wanting to pursue a career
attended the Berklee College of Music in Boston,
in audio, Cascone went to work as an electronic
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
P. Jandrić (ed.), Encyclopedia of Postdigital Science and Education,
2 Kim Cascone

technician for Crumar Keyboards, where he Sound Bank used in the sonification of web sites
voiced and repaired synthesizers, and later for and music production.
Eventide Clockworks, as a technician. In 1983 After a two-year stint at Headspace, Cascone
he also worked for composer Max Neuhaus, sol- went to work for Silicon Valley startup Staccato
dering and assembling electronic sound objects Systems, a Stanford University spinoff that devel-
for his sound installation ARC 2, at the Musée oped a software-based synthesiser called Synth
d’Art Moderne de la Ville, Paris. Builder that was used for developing algorithmic
In 1983 Cascone moved to San Francisco synthesis for video games. After being hired as a
where he formed electronic music projects Lan- Voicing Engineer Cascone went on to manage the
guage Lab, PGR, and Thessalonians. From 1984 Content Department. He is listed as a co-inventor
to 1993, Cascone recorded albums as PGR and of Event Modelling (US Patent US7310604B1),
Thessalonians at Poolside Studios in San an algorithm that created realistic, non-repeating
Francisco and at Sergey’s Recording Emporium sound effects and backgrounds for video games.
in Berkeley. Cascone organised a concert series at From 2001 to 2015, Cascone toured Europe
the ATA Gallery called Noise Nacht that show- performing electro-acoustic laptop music,
cased many San Francisco ambient-industrial and conducting workshops, and speaking about post-
noise bands. Cascone founded Silent Records in digital aesthetics in sound art. Cascone has
1986.1 performed with Merzbow, Keith Rowe, Tony
Cascone married Kathleen Parker in 1988 at Conrad, Scanner, John Tilbury, and Pauline
the Haringey General Registry in London while Oliveros among others.
recording an album with Keith Rowe of AMM. In 2009, Cascone founded the Hydrophonia
In 1989, Cascone worked as Assistant Music Festival which focused on anthropogenic noise
Editor on Twin Peaks (Lynch 1989) and Wild at pollution in our oceans, in 2010 he developed
Heart (Lynch 1990) and as an Assistant Foley the Subtle Listening Workshop that helped artists
Engineer on the films Driving Miss Daisy develop suprasensory skills via meditation and
(Beresford 1989) and Cold Dog Soup (Metter exercises, and in 2015 he founded the Drone
1990) at Skywalker Ranch. He left the film indus- Cinema Film Festival, a festival of video art
try in 1991 to concentrate on Silent Records and inspired by drone music.
Pulse Soniq Distribution, a distribution arm of Cascone has dual citizenship in the USA and
Silent that brought a variety of experimental, Italy and lives on the coast south of San Francisco
noise, ambient and underground music from with his wife Kathleen and son Cage. Cascone
around the globe to record stores throughout continues to release experimental guitar music
the U.S. on Silent Records under the project name Khem
Silent Records became recognized as the pre- One.
mier ambient music label in the US. At the height
of its success, Silent had nearly 100 releases and a
list of notable ambient artists. Silent was distrib- Influences
uted by Caroline Records and Distribution and
later by AEC Music Distribution. Cascone sold Cascone found his musical calling as a child while
Silent Records in 1996 and went to work as a watching the sci-fi classic movie Forbidden
sound designer for Thomas Dolby’s company Planet (Wilcox 1956). It was Bebe and Louis
Headspace, which was doing the sound design Barron’s soundtrack that pointed him in the direc-
and writing the music for the video game Obsid- tion he would eventually follow professionally.
ian, produced by Rocket Science Games. He also Coming of age in the sixties, Cascone was
worked with the team that designed the Beatnik exposed to many new instrumental sounds in
pop music, the most prevalent were the sounds
of the Moog synthesizer. His music studies
See Accessed 9 February 2023. exposed him to a lot of American and European
Kim Cascone 3

experimental music composers such as John application errors, system crashes, clipping,
Cage, David Berhman, Karlheinz Stockhausen, aliasing, distortion, quantization noise, and even
the noise floor of computer sound cards are the
Iannis Xenakis, Gordon Mumma, and many raw materials composers seek to incorporate into
others. Other musical influences were artists their music. (Cascone 2000: 12–13)
working in hybrid genres such as Frank Zappa,
Captain Beefheart, AMM, Brian Eno, Miles In later works, Cascone inquires topics in post-
Davis, John Coltrane, and Sonny Sharrock to digital aesthetics such as the perception of music
name a few. (Cascone 2003) and develops the concept of sub-
A good portion of Cascone’s influences come tle listening (Cascone 2014).
from non-musical sources such as film theory,
modern art, critical theory, western esotericism,
semiotics, continental philosophy, fiction, and Reception
surrealist literature. Additionally, Cascone has
found much inspiration from his studies in Neo- After its publication, Cascone’s (2000) definition
platonism and the writings of Rudolf Steiner and of the postdigital almost immediately gained a lot
Carl Jung. of traction in a wide range of artistic fields includ-
ing visual arts, architecture, and so on (Berry and
Dieter 2015; Bishop et al. 2017). In ‘What is
Notable Ideas “post-digital”?’, Florian Cramer (2015: 16) inter-
prets Cascone’s theory as ‘an antidote to techno-
Cascone’s most notable idea is his development of Hegelianism’. Cramer also points to underlying
the concept of the postdigital. In 2000, Cascone contradictions and argues: ‘Ironically, the use of
used the word postdigital in his influential paper the term ‘post-digital’ was somewhat confusing in
‘The Aesthetics of Failure: ‘Post-digital’ Tenden- the context of Cascone’s paper, since the glitch
cies in Contemporary Computer Music’ (Cascone music defined and advocated here actually was
2000). While it is widely claimed that Cascone digital, and even based on specifically digital
was the first person to use the term ‘postdigital’ sound-processing artefacts.’ (Cramer 2015: 17)
(e.g., Cramer 2015), his paper was published (emphasis original) This, however, is not
roughly at the same time with Robert Pepperell interpreted as a weakness in Cascone’s work but
and Michael Punt’s book The Postdigital Mem- as an inherent feature of the postdigital reality.
brane: Imagination, Technology and Desire Cascone’s work on the postdigital has also
(2000), and it is impossible to establish primacy strongly influenced the analyses of transforma-
(Cascone and Jandrić 2021: 567). tions in publishing industry (Ludovico 2012)
Cascone (2000) refers to Nicholas and, more generally, the then-emerging approach
Negroponte’s seminal Wired article ‘Beyond dig- of (post)digital humanities (Hall 2013).
ital’ (1998), saying it inspired him ‘to refer to this The beginning of Postdigital Science and Edu-
emergent genre as “post-digital” because the rev- cation journal2 (incepted in 2019) and book
olutionary period of the digital information age series3 (incepted in 2021) brought Cascone’s
has surely passed’ (Cascone 2000: 12). He work to mainstream humanities and social sci-
describes the development of the postdigital aes- ences (Jandrić et al. 2018; Jandrić 2022).
thetic as follows:
The ‘post-digital’ aesthetic was developed in part as
a result of the immersive experience of working in
environments suffused with digital technology:
computer fans whirring, laser printers churning out
documents, the sonification of user-interfaces, and See Accessed
the muffled noise of hard drives. But more specifi- 9 February 2023.
cally, it is from the ‘failure’ of digital technology 3
See Accessed
that this new work has emerged: glitches, bugs, 9 February 2023.
4 Kim Cascone

Legacy Major Works

In the third decade of twenty-first century, post- Major Writings

digital theory has lost some of its currency in Cascone’s writing has appeared in Computer
music and visual arts. In a 2021 interview, answer- Music Journal, Artbyte, Soundcultures, Para-
ing a question, ‘Which postdigital lessons from chute Journal, Junk Jet, Geometer, Postdigital
the arts can be generalized into humanities and Science and Education, among others. He has
social sciences?’, Cascone replied: ‘The ideas guest edited and written for Contemporary
I put forth in ‘Aesthetics of Failure’ (Cascone Music Review and acts as an advisor to the
2000a) seem quaint today.’ (Cascone and Jandrić sound art journal Interference. He is the founder
2021: 573) In the same year, answering a question of the .microsound list which focuses on post-
on ‘the relevance of the concept of the postdigital digital music and laptop performance.4
for today’s arts’, Cramer responded: ‘I think that,
in the meantime, the term postdigital has become Cascone, K. (2000). The aesthetics of failure:
rather useless in the arts, because it is constantly ‘Post-digital’ tendencies in contemporary com-
being conflated and confused with the too-similar- puter music. Computer Music Journal, 24(4),
sounding and much better-known ‘Post-Internet’. 12–18.
(Cramer and Jandrić 2021: 977) Despite these 014892600559489.
strong words, both Cascone and Cramer identify Cascone, K. (2003). Grain, sequence, system: Three
areas for future development of postdigital work levels of reception in the performance of laptop
in their fields. music. Contemporary Music Review, 22(4), 10
In the humanities and the social sciences, 1–104.
Cascone’s (2000) concept of the postdigital is 156900.
now routinely used in various contexts and Cascone, K. (2011). The Use of Density Groups in
expanded in many directions. Here, Cascone’s Electroacoustic Music. Contemporary Music
work serves as continuous inspiration in diverse Review, 30(2), 143–153.
fields such as philosophy of technology (Feenberg 1080/07494467.2011.636201.
2019; MacKenzie 2022), religion (Savin-Baden Cascone, K. (2014). Transcendigital Imagination:
and Reader 2022), critical pedagogy (McLaren Developing Organs of Subtle Perception. Inter-
2019), and others. Probably the main develop- ference, 4.
ment of Cascone’s work in this context is its transcendigital-imagination-developing-organs-
politicization and usage in a wide range of areas of-subtle-perception/. Accessed 1 January 2023.
related to emancipation and social justice such as Cascone, K. (2015). Evolving the Emergent Content
gender (Hurley and Al-Ali 2021), race (Matias Workshop. In C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, &
and Aldern 2020), post-truth (MacKenzie et al. D. King (Eds.), Interface Cultures: Artistic
2021), and so on. Aspects of Interaction (pp. 317–324). Bielefeld:
After the Covid-19 pandemic, another impor- transcript Verlag.
tant course of development of Cascone’s work is 39408841-031.
towards bioinformation (Peters et al. 2022), envi-
ronment, (eco)pedagogy (Jandrić and Ford 2022), Major Records
and other issues. There is also an insurrection of Since 1984, Cascone has released more than
Cascone’s original interest in sound studies, 50 albums of electronic music and has recorded/
exemplified in the Special Issue of Postdigital performed with Merzbow, Keith Rowe, Tony
Science and Education ‘Postdigital Soundscapes: Conrad, Scanner, John Tilbury, and Pauline
Sonics, Pedagogies, Technologies’ (Ford 2023).

See Accessed 9 February
Kim Cascone 5

Oliveros, among others. Selected albums (under social sciences, philosophy of technology, educa-
his own name and various pseudonyms): tion studies, and others.

As Kim Cascone
Blue Cube (Raster-Noton 1998) Cross-References
Pulsar Studies (anechoic 2004)
anti-musical celestial forces (Storung 2009) ▶ Postdigital
The Knotted Constellation (fourteen rotted ▶ Postdigital Aesthetics
coordinates) (Monotype 2011) ▶ Postdigital Cultural Studies
As PGR ▶ Postdigital Music
Silence (PGR, self-published 1985) ▶ Postdigital Publishing
The Chemical Bride (Silent Records 1992) ▶ Postdigital Science and Education
The Morning Book of Serpents (Silent Records ▶ Postdigital Sensibility
1995) ▶ Postdigital Visual Arts
As Heavenly Music Corporation
Consciousness III (Silent Records 1994)
Lunar Phase (Silent Records 1995/Astral References
Industries 2017)
In a Garden of Eden (Silent Records 1993/ Beresford, B. (1989). Driving Miss Daisy. [Motion Pic-
ture]. Beverly Hills, CA: The Zanuck Company.
Astral Industries 2018)
Berry, D. M., & Dieter, M. (Eds.). (2015). Postdigital aes-
As Khem One thetics: Art, computation and design. New York: Palgrave
Threshold of Eastern Octaves (Silent Records Macmillan.
2022) Bishop, R., Gansing, K., Parikka, J., & Wilk, E. (Eds.).
(2017). Across & beyond: A transmediale reader on
post-digital practices, concepts, and institutions. Ber-
Major Films lin: Sternberg Press.
Cascone has worked in various capacities in post- Cascone, K. (2000). The aesthetics of failure: ‘Post-digital’
production on the following films: tendencies in contemporary computer music. Computer
Music Journal, 24(4), 12–18.
Blood of the Heros (Peoples 1989) – Intern Sound Cascone, K. (2003). Grain, sequence, system: Three levels
Editor of reception in the performance of laptop
Driving Miss Daisy (Beresford 1989) – Assistant music. Contemporary Music Review, 22(4), 101–104.
Foley Editor
Cascone, K. (2011). The Use of Density Groups in Elec-
Twin Peaks (Lynch 1989) – Assistant Sound troacoustic Music. Contemporary Music Review, 30(2),
Editor 143–153.
Cold Dog Soup (Metter 1990) – Assistant Foley 636201.
Cascone, K. (2014). Transcendigital Imagination: Devel-
oping Organs of Subtle Perception. Interference, 4.
Wild at Heart (Lynch 1990) – Assistant Sound
Editor imagination-developing-organs-of-subtle-perception/.
Accessed 1 January 2023.
Cascone, K. (2015). Evolving the Emergent Content Work-
shop. In C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, & D. King
Summary (Eds.), Interface Cultures: Artistic Aspects of Interac-
tion (pp. 317–324). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. https://
Kim Cascone is a composer, writer, researcher of
Cascone, K., & Jandrić, P. (2021). The Failure of Failure:
sound, and electric guitarist. His main theoretical
Postdigital Aesthetics Against Techno-Mystification.
contribution is the development of the concept of Postdigital Science and Education, 3(2), 566–574.
the postdigital. Developed within the context of
music, Cascone’s work has inspired research in Cramer, F. (2015). What is ‘post-digital’? In D. M. Berry &
M. Dieter (Eds.), Postdigital aesthetics: Art,
diverse fields such as arts, aesthetics, humanities,
6 Kim Cascone

computation and design (pp. 12–26). New York: Pal- Lynch, D. (1990). Wild at Heart. [Motion Picture]. Poly-
g r a v e M a c m i l l a n . h t t p s : / / d o i . o rg / 1 0 . 1 0 5 7 / Gram Filmed Entertainment and Propaganda Films.
9781137437204_2. MacKenzie, A. (2022). Down to Earth Transdisciplinarity:
Cramer, F., & Jandrić, P. (2021). Postdigital: A Term That Response to ‘The Struggling Towards a Transdisciplinary
Sucks but Is Useful. Postdigital Science and Educa- Metaphysics’ (Gibbs 2021). Postdigital Science and Edu-
tion, 3(3), 966–989. cation.
021-00225-9. MacKenzie, A., Rose, J., & Bhatt, I. (Eds.). (2021). The
Feenberg, A. (2019). Postdigital or Predigital? Postdigital Epistemology of Deceit in a Postdigital Era: Dupery by
Science and Education, 1(1), 8–9. Design. Cham: Springer.
1007/s42438-018-0027-2. 3-030-72154-1.
Ford, D. R. (2023). Postdigital Soundscapes: Sonics, Peda- Matias, C. E., & Aldern, J. (2020). (Un)common white
gogies, Technologies. Postdigital Science and Educa- sense: the whiteness behind digital media. Postdigital
tion, 5(2). Science and Education, 2(2), 330–347.
Hall, G. (2013). Towards a post-digital humanities: Cul- 10.1007/s42438-019-00076-5.
tural analytics and the computational turn to data- McLaren, P. (2019). Reclaiming the Present or a Return to
driven scholarship. American Literature, 85(4), the Ash Heap of the Future? Postdigital Science and
781–809. Education, 1(1), 10–13.
Hurley, Z., & Al-Ali, K. (2021). Feminist Postdigital s42438-018-0015-6.
Inquiry in the Ruins of Pandemic Universities. Post- Metter, A. (1990). Cold Dog Soup. [Motion Picture]. Los
digital Science and Education, 3(3), 771–792. https:// Angeles, CA and London: Aspen Film Society and HandMade Films.
Jandrić, P. (2022). History of the Postdigital: Invitation for Negroponte, N. (1998). Beyond digital. Wired, 12. http://
Feedback. Postdigital Science and Education. https:// Accessed 8 September 2022.
Jandrić, P., & Ford, D. R. (Eds.). (2022). Postdigital Peoples, D. W. (1989). Blood of the Heros. [Motion Pic-
Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and ture]. Kings Road Entertainment, Handistom Invest-
Possible Futures. Cham: Springer. ment, and Kamisha Corporation.
1007/978-3-030-97262-2. Pepperell, R., & Punt, M. (2000). The postdigital mem-
Jandrić, P., Knox, J., Besley, T., Ryberg, T., Suoranta, J., & brane: Imagination, technology and desire. Bristol:
Hayes, S. (2018). Postdigital Science and Education. Intellect.
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(10), 893–899. Peters, M. A., Jandrić, P., & Hayes, S. (Eds.). (2022). Bioinformational Philosophy and Postdigital Knowl-
Ludovico, A. (2012). Post-Digital Print: The Mutation of edge Ecologies. Cham: Springer.
Publishing since 1894. Eindhoven: Onomatopee. 1007/978-3-030-95006-4.
Lynch, D. (1989). Twin Peaks. [TV Series]. Lynch/Frost Savin-Baden, M., & Reader, J. (Eds.). (2022). Postdigital
Productions, Propaganda Films, Spelling Television, Theologies: Technology, Belief, and Practice. Cham:
Twin Peaks Productions, Showtime (season 3 only), Springer.
and Rancho Rosa Partnership. Wilcox, F. M. (1956). Forbidden Planet. [Motion Picture].
Beverly Hills, CA: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

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