Top 20 Most Shocking Discoveries in Oak Island

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Top 20 Most Shocking Discoveries

in Oak Island

Oak Island is a place that's far beyond the ordinary. When you step into the sandy
shores of South Nova Scotia, Canada, it's like the earth itself is hiding the secret of
the ancients from you.

Even the winds in the trees whisper ancient stories and hold deep mysteries. In this
video, we dive into the shocking discoveries hidden in nature's stash. Get ready for
an extraordinary journey as we dig into incredible finds in the depth of Oak Island's


For centuries, the mystery of Oak Island has intrigued treasure hunters. Up until the
new hunters Rick and Marty Lagina, no treasure had been found. However, the
Laginas found some cool old stuff after spending over a decade at the island
alongside those before them. First on our list of discoveries is this 1797 Cartwheel

In the hushed shadows of Oak Island, Gary Drayton - metal detector expert and
author unearthed a relic frozen in time. He found a 1797 Cartwheel Penny featuring
the stoic image of King George III. Oh boy, what could this even mean?

This unassuming find is a tangible link to life in the 18th-century. It plays a key role in
the mystery that is Oak Island. How did it even get there, for one? This coin was in
use up until the late 1860s! This discovery of a little messenger from the past shook
through the island's mysteries.
Speaking of little treasures, this next discovery seems like a miniscule one. However,
as this next discovery is tiny, it urges one to be curious about what other jewels
could be hidden in this trove. This time a gemstone brooch was unearthed,
resembling a garnet pin from the 16th century. The Laginas and their team
discovered this tiny garnet pin, the island's first cherished relic. Its intricate design
feels like a nudge at untold tales. As the gem's dull sparkle mirrored centuries past,
one cannot just help but pose the lingering question - what other treasures lay
hidden, as Oak Island continues to guard its secrets?

A peak product of mystery from the list of discoveries is a copper artifact found in
2022. Etched with enigmatic symbols, it's almost like a small piece of something
grand nobody knows about just yet. This top pocket discovery, rich in copper with
traces of iron and zinc, puzzles even the most renowned archaeologist Dr. Edwin
Speculating a connection to 16th-century European religious leaders, he also
entertains the tantalizing notion of a Viking origin. This adds layers of mystery to the
find. What ancient tales does it carry, and what civilizations left their mark on Oak
Island to be discovered after such a long time?

Next up is another product of metal-detection. The discovered keyhole plate is an
intricate piece. Its form suggests craftsmanship and purpose, with details that
capture the eye. The metal, weathered by time, adds an air of antiquity. The keyhole
itself appears both functional and ornamental, and this leaves room for imagination
about the lock once secured. One can only speculate about the chests it might have
safeguarded and the secrets it may still hold underneath the layers of Oak Island's
history. This discovery hints at untold mysteries for sure. Could this keyhole be a
fragment from a chest akin to Captain Anderson's sea chest? The answers to these
questions linger in the mysterious Oak Island.
They dug deep, about 160 feet deep in the Money Pit, and guess what they found? A
combo of old parchment and leather bookbinding. Now, the wild part - this discovery
is resurrecting this theory that Shakespeare's original works might be stashed on the
Island. Alongside vegetable-tanned leather binding, they stumbled upon a chunk of
purple-stained wood, giving off thay fancy, old-school feel. Shakespeare's actual
masterpieces could really be hiding in Oak Island! The mystery's alive, and those
sheets might just tell the buried secrets of the Bard.


Next up, they found this French military cap badge and it might be from a French
soldier's hat back in the 1700s. Talk about digging up history! Word is, it could link to
the Duc D'Anville Expedition of 1746 – you know, that big French attempt to swipe
Nova Scotia from the British. Led by someone from the fancy La Rochefoucauld
family, the whole thing disappeared mysteriously. Now, this badge adds a new layer
of mystery. Is it a clue to the Duc D'Anville story, or does Oak Island have more
hidden tales waiting to spill out? The plot thickens, really.


In addition, there's this tag with "Ball" carved into it. This was also found on Oak
Island. Surprise twist? It might have belonged to Samuel Ball, a former enslaved
person who hit the jackpot and became a big deal landowner in Nova Scotia. Now,
the burning question - is it possible Ball stumbled upon the treasure everyone's
after? This tag discovery feels like cracking open a mystery. From Samuel Ball's
slavery days, could there be an untold story about him and Oak Island? The intrigue
leaves us to wonder. What if this name tag spills the beans on Ball's link to the
island's legendary riches?

There's an old stone well out in the wild west that is Oak Island. It's more than half a
mile from the famous Money Pit and, here's the crazy part; it never freezes during
winter. Some say it might be a huge 800 years old or even older. What's wilder is it's
the only spot outside the Money Pit area where water tests show a bunch of silver.
It's such a puzzling one! What's going on with this ancient well? What's it been hiding
all these years, and why does it laugh in the face of winter? The mystery's thick,
making us wonder about the secrets Oak Island's holding onto.


Next up on the list - the Laginas and their crew stumbled upon this copper coin, the
Spanish Maravedi from 1652. They found it in the swamp during their first season.
It's like a time-traveling hint that things were going down on Oak Island way before
the famous Money Pit found in 1795. It's so easy to imagine them, brushing off
ancient mud, thinking, "Who dropped this coin, and what was happening here back


Now, guess what was dug up on Oak Island? Only a gold-plated military officer's
button! This bling of a find adds to the pile of military stuff they've uncovered. Get this
– it's suggesting that Oak Island's underground structures might be leftovers from the
18th-century British military. Imagine spotting this golden button, gleaming in the dirt.
The mystery is absolutely thrilling at this point. What if this shiny button tells on some
military history?

Here's one thing you definitely did not see coming. An unexpected find surfaced
deep within the Money Pit excavation on Oak Island - human bones dating back to
the 17th century! DNA analysis unveiled a curious twist, narrating the stories of two
individuals - one with roots in Europe and the other from the Middle East. The
possible identities behind these bones are mind-blowing. It's absolutely wild!


In 2022, Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, Dr. Ian Spooner and his
team looked into the Money Pit on Oak Island. Guess what they found? Gold! But
not just any gold – it's like a secret stash buried 80 to 120 feet underground in an
area they call "The Baby Blob." Their excitement as they discovered this mysterious
gold spot must've been over the top. What's the story behind it? How did it get there,
and why is it in that specific area?
While trying to figure out where all the precious metals in the Money Pit of Oak
Island come from, the team hit the literal jackpot. They found this mysterious tunnel
at 95 feet deep in three different spots. Of course, here's the wild part: it runs right
under the Garden Shaft and through "the Baby Blob," where they detected a bunch
of gold and silver traces. The sheer excitement when they uncovered this secret
tunnel! What's it doing there? What's its story?

Like it's not all crazy enough, they found a big lead cross at Smith's Cove of Oak
Island and it's a total game-changer. Tests say the lead comes from Southern
France and goes way back to the 1300s or 1400s. This cross isn't just any old thing -
it hints that the Knights Templar just might have been out on Oak Island. It simply
keeps getting more interesting.

In a gripping revelation, Gary Drayton stumbled upon a wrought iron hinge. Tests
place its origins between the early 1600s and 1700s, suggesting it might have
secured a substantial door. This sparks speculation. Could this be the hinge to a
long-lost treasure chest? The grand secrets from this iron relic could be an important
piece in the puzzle of Oak Island's history. With this mysterious hinge, who knows,

Next up, this one's quite the mystery. A man-made drain that's like an ancient water
magic trick! No pumps or pipes - just rocks cleverly placed to control water flow.
What an ancient plumbing system. Who figured this out way back when, and what
for? Simply try to picture the island's past, where someone cleverly crafted this drain
without modern tools. What if it holds clues to the island's oldest tales?

The next thing discovered on Smith's Cove on Oak Island seems like a possible door
to one of the five ancient drains. Back in 1850, the Truro Company stumbled upon
these mysterious drains, thinking they might connect to a sneaky plan - flooding the
Money Pit as a clever trap. Imagine the suspense as they uncovered this maybe-
door to an old drain.


Now, in the same "Baby Blob", water tests spilled the beans - a good stash of silver
hiding deep down the money pit. Where did all this silver come from, and why
exactly was it stashed away? It's enough to start thinking about the stories locked in
with this buried treasure. At this point, it's like a real-life treasure hunt.


In yet another captivating moment, a lead cloth bag seal was unearthed, adorned
with mysterious marks that might link back to the Templars. The symbols are
intricate and mysterious. What stories do those strange symbols tell, and could this
seal be a clue to the Templars being connected to Oak Island? With this, it feels like
opening a door to hidden tales, wrapped in the mystery of Templar secrets.


Parts of an ancient wooden cargo barrel dating back to the 15th century were also
uncovered in the swamp investigation. It could be fragments from a barrel that once
held a piece of the Oak Island treasure.

The mystery's real, and we're left with lots of what-ifs. All these discoveries are like
opening hidden chapters in the island's story. Oak Island's past is like a big book
slowly opening up, and these discoveries add new pages!

There are still hundreds of unsolved mysteries stories we are willing to uncover on
Mystery Unity, If the intrigue of Oak Island has ignited your curiosity, don't stop here
plunge into the depths of secrets by watching our complete video on the channel.
The adventure doesn't end here, there's always more to discover. Keep watching,
keep exploring, and stay captivated with Mystery Unity! See you in the next video!

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