Home Economics Primary Four

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Meaning of home economic

Home economics is a field of study that focuses on the management of household resources, including
the areas of cooking, nutrition, budgeting, consumer education, family relationships, and home
management. It encompasses skills and knowledge necessary for individuals to effectively run a
household and make informed decisions related to food, clothing, shelter, and other aspects of daily life.
Home economics aims to improve the quality of life for individuals and families by teaching practical
skills and promoting healthy habits and sustainable practices in the home.


Scope of home economic; food and Nutrition; clothing and textiles; housing and interior decoration;
home management; child care, Development and family Living

The scope of home economics covers various aspects of managing a household and promoting well-
being within a family. Here are the key areas within home economics:

1. Food and Nutrition: This area focuses on understanding the principles of nutrition, meal planning,
food preparation, and healthy eating habits. It includes learning about food safety, food preservation,
and developing cooking skills.

2. Clothing and Textiles: This area involves learning about fabrics, clothing construction, and garment
care. It covers topics such as sewing, clothing design, fashion trends, and personal style. It also includes
knowledge of textiles and their properties.

3. Housing and Interior Decoration: This area focuses on creating a comfortable and functional living
space. It involves learning about interior design principles, furniture arrangement, color coordination,
and home decoration. It also includes knowledge of home maintenance and improvement.

4. Home Management: This area covers the organization and management of household resources. It
includes budgeting, financial management, time management, and decision-making skills related to
running a household. It also involves learning about consumer education, responsible purchasing, and
managing household chores.
5. Child Care, Development, and Family Living: This area focuses on understanding child development,
parenting skills, and family dynamics. It covers topics such as child care, child psychology, family
relationships, communication skills, and conflict resolution. It aims to promote healthy family
relationships and support the well-being of children.

Overall, home economics aims to equip individuals with practical skills and knowledge to effectively
manage their homes, make informed decisions, and promote the well-being of themselves and their


Career in home economic

A career in home economics offers a wide range of opportunities in various fields. Here are some
potential career paths within home economics:

1. Nutritionist or Dietitian: With a background in food and nutrition, you can work as a nutritionist or
dietitian, providing advice and guidance on healthy eating habits, creating meal plans, and promoting
overall wellness.

2. Food Scientist: You can work in research and development, creating new food products, improving
food safety, and ensuring nutritional quality. This field involves understanding the science behind food
and its impact on health.

3. Home Economist: As a home economist, you can work in various settings, such as government
agencies, non-profit organizations, or private companies, providing education and resources on
household management, budgeting, and consumer education.

4. Interior Designer: With knowledge of housing and interior decoration, you can pursue a career as an
interior designer, helping clients create functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces.
5. Clothing and Textile Specialist: You can work in the fashion industry, either as a fashion designer,
pattern maker, or textile specialist, utilizing your knowledge of fabrics, clothing construction, and
fashion trends.

6. Family and Consumer Sciences Educator: You can work as an educator, teaching courses in home
economics or family and consumer sciences in schools or community centers. This role involves
imparting knowledge on various aspects of home economics to students.

7. Childcare Provider or Early Childhood Educator: With a focus on child care and development, you can
work in childcare centers, preschools, or as a nanny, providing care and educational support to young

8. Entrepreneur: With skills in areas like food and nutrition, clothing design, or interior decoration, you
can start your own business, such as a catering service, clothing boutique, or home staging company.

These are just a few examples of potential career paths within home economics. The field offers diverse
opportunities, allowing you to apply your skills and passion in various industries and settings.

Home economic prapare boys/girls for home making and other carees which includes, dietician,
nutritionist, teacher, fashion designers, researchers etc

Yes, home economics education can provide a foundation for both traditional homemaking roles and a
variety of other careers. While historically home economics was often associated with preparing
individuals, particularly women, for domestic roles, the field has evolved to encompass a broader range
of skills and career options.

Home economics education equips individuals with practical skills and knowledge in areas such as food
and nutrition, clothing and textiles, housing and interior decoration, child care and development, and
home management. These skills can be applied not only to traditional homemaking but also to a range
of professions, including:

1. Dietician/Nutritionist: Home economics education provides a solid understanding of nutrition

principles, meal planning, and food preparation, which can be valuable for a career in nutrition and
2. Teacher: Home economics graduates can pursue careers as teachers, particularly in the areas of
family and consumer sciences or home economics education. They can teach courses related to food
and nutrition, clothing and textiles, and other aspects of home management.

3. Fashion Designers: Home economics education often includes coursework in clothing and textiles,
which can provide a foundation for a career in fashion design.

4. Researchers: Home economics graduates can pursue research careers related to food science,
nutrition, consumer behavior, or family dynamics. They can contribute to advancements in these fields
through research and analysis.

5. Entrepreneurship: Home economics education can provide the skills and knowledge needed to start
and manage businesses related to food services, catering, clothing design, or home decoration.

6. Community Outreach and Advocacy: Home economics graduates can work in community
organizations, government agencies, or non-profit organizations, promoting health, nutrition, and
sustainable living practices.

It's important to note that while home economics education can provide a foundation for these careers,
additional education, certifications, or specialized training may be required depending on the specific
career path chosen. Home economics education can serve as a stepping stone to a variety of professions
that involve aspects of homemaking as well as other related fields.


Importance of home economic to the society, it teach us how to live a good, healthy and happy life in
home, community, nation and the world, it teaches people how to care for themselves and their
families, it teach us how to eat good diet with little available resource
Home economics plays a crucial role in society by providing individuals with essential skills and
knowledge to lead a good, healthy, and happy life. Here are some key reasons why home economics is

1. Promoting Health and Well-being: Home economics teaches individuals about proper nutrition, meal
planning, and healthy cooking techniques. It empowers individuals to make informed choices about
their diet, leading to better health outcomes for themselves and their families. It also emphasizes the
importance of physical activity and overall well-being.

2. Developing Life Skills: Home economics equips individuals with practical skills necessary for daily life,
such as budgeting, time management, and home management. These skills are essential for individuals
to effectively manage their resources, make informed decisions, and maintain a balanced and fulfilling

3. Fostering Sustainable Practices: Home economics educates individuals about sustainable practices in
areas such as food production, waste management, and energy conservation. By promoting
environmentally friendly practices, home economics contributes to building a more sustainable society.

4. Strengthening Family Bonds: Home economics emphasizes the importance of strong family
relationships and effective communication. It provides individuals with tools to create a supportive and
nurturing environment for their families, fostering stronger family bonds and overall well-being.

5. Empowering Individuals: Home economics empowers individuals to take control of their lives and
make positive changes. It teaches self-reliance, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking, enabling
individuals to adapt to changing circumstances and overcome challenges.

6. Enhancing Economic Stability: Home economics education equips individuals with financial
management skills, teaching them how to budget, save, and make wise financial decisions. This
knowledge contributes to personal and family economic stability, which in turn benefits society as a
7. Cultivating Cultural Heritage: Home economics often incorporates traditional practices and cultural
knowledge related to food, clothing, and home management. By preserving and passing on these
cultural traditions, home economics helps to maintain and celebrate cultural heritage.

Overall, home economics has a significant impact on individuals, families, communities, and society as a
whole. It promotes health, well-being, self-sufficiency, and responsible citizenship. By equipping
individuals with practical skills and knowledge, home economics contributes to building a better and
more sustainable world.


Personal grooming and use of cosmetic, identification of the different parts of the body, hair, nose,
mouth, teeth, legs, nails etc

Personal grooming and the use of cosmetics are important aspects of self-care and can contribute to an
individual's overall well-being and confidence. Here are some key points related to personal grooming
and the identification of different parts of the body:

1. Personal Grooming: Personal grooming refers to the practices and habits that individuals adopt to
maintain their appearance and hygiene. This includes activities such as bathing, washing hands, brushing
teeth, and maintaining cleanliness of the body and clothing. Proper personal grooming promotes good
health, prevents the spread of diseases, and enhances self-confidence.

2. Use of Cosmetics: Cosmetics are products used to enhance or alter a person's appearance. This can
include makeup, skincare products, hair care products, and fragrances. The use of cosmetics is a
personal choice and can be used to express individuality, enhance features, or boost self-confidence. It's
important to use cosmetics safely and responsibly, following instructions and being aware of any
potential allergies or adverse reactions.

3. Identification of Body Parts: Understanding the different parts of the body is essential for self-care
and communication. Here are some commonly identified body parts:

- Hair: The hair on the head, which can vary in color, texture, and length.

- Nose: The prominent facial feature responsible for smelling and breathing.
- Mouth: The opening through which food is consumed and speech is produced.

- Teeth: Hard structures in the mouth used for biting, chewing, and speaking.

- Legs: The limbs that support the body and facilitate movement.

- Nails: The hard coverings at the tips of the fingers and toes.

Identifying and understanding different body parts allows individuals to communicate effectively with
healthcare professionals, address specific concerns, and practice proper hygiene and self-care.

It's worth noting that personal grooming and the use of cosmetics are personal choices and can vary
greatly depending on cultural, societal, and personal preferences. It's important to respect individual
choices and promote self-expression and self-care practices that align with an individual's values and


State the function of each part of the body, hair, nose, mouth, teeth, legs, nails etc

Here are the functions of each part of the body you mentioned:

1. Hair: Hair serves several functions, including protection from the sun and heat loss, insulation, and
sensory perception. It also plays a role in personal appearance and self-expression.

2. Nose: The nose is responsible for the sense of smell, allowing us to detect and identify various scents.
It also helps filter and humidify the air we breathe, enhancing its quality before it reaches the lungs.

3. Mouth: The mouth has multiple functions. It is the primary site for ingestion of food and drink,
facilitating the initial stages of digestion through chewing and saliva production. The mouth is also
crucial for speech production and plays a role in non-verbal communication, such as smiling and facial

4. Teeth: Teeth are essential for biting, chewing, and grinding food, breaking it down into smaller pieces
for digestion. They are also important for speech production and contribute to facial aesthetics.
5. Legs: The legs, along with the feet, provide support and enable movement. They help us walk, run,
jump, and perform various physical activities. The legs also play a role in maintaining balance and

6. Nails: Nails protect the fingertips and toes, providing a hard covering. They assist in gripping, grasping,
and picking up objects. Nails can also serve as indicators of overall health and can be an important
aspect of personal grooming.

It's important to note that while these are the primary functions of these body parts, there may be
additional functions and complexities associated with each. The human body is a complex system with
interconnected parts, and each part contributes to overall health, well-being, and functionality.


State the function of each part of the body, chest, arm, belly, public region, legs, hand, nails

Certainly! Here are the functions of each part of the body you mentioned:

1. Chest: The chest houses and protects vital organs such as the heart and lungs. It plays a crucial role in
respiration, as the expansion and contraction of the chest cavity allow for breathing and oxygen

2. Arm: Arms are upper limbs that facilitate a wide range of movements, including reaching, lifting,
carrying, and manipulating objects. They also contribute to balance and stability.

3. Belly (Abdomen): The abdomen houses various organs, including the stomach, liver, intestines, and
kidneys. It plays a key role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination.

4. Pubic Region: The pubic region refers to the area between the legs, specifically the external genitalia.
Its primary function is related to reproduction and sexual function.
5. Legs: Legs, along with the feet, provide support and enable movement. They help us walk, run, jump,
and perform various physical activities. The legs also play a role in maintaining balance and stability.

6. Hand: The hand is a highly versatile part of the body, allowing for intricate movements and fine motor
skills. It performs tasks such as grasping, manipulating objects, writing, and gestures. The hand also plays
a vital role in tactile sensation.

7. Nails: Nails protect the fingertips and toes, providing a hard covering. They assist in gripping, grasping,
and picking up objects. Nails can also serve as indicators of overall health and can be an important
aspect of personal grooming.

It's important to note that these are general functions associated with each body part, and there may be
additional complexities and functions specific to each individual. The human body is a complex and
interconnected system, with each part contributing to overall functionality and well-being.


What are cosmetic and deodorant

Cosmetics are products that are applied to the body for the purpose of enhancing or altering one's
appearance. They are typically used on the face, skin, hair, and nails. Common cosmetic products
include makeup (such as foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara), skincare products (such as
moisturizers, cleansers, and serums), hair care products (such as shampoos, conditioners, and styling
products), and nail polish.

Deodorants, on the other hand, are personal care products specifically used to control or mask body
odor caused by the bacterial breakdown of sweat. They are typically applied to the underarms and
contain ingredients that help inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria or neutralize odor molecules.
Deodorants come in various forms, including roll-ons, sticks, sprays, and creams.

It's important to note that cosmetics and deodorants are personal choices and can vary based on
individual preferences, cultural norms, and personal needs. Additionally, it's essential to use cosmetics
and deodorants safely and responsibly, following instructions and being aware of any potential allergies
or adverse reactions.


Importance of cosmetic and deodorant

The importance of cosmetics and deodorants can be understood in the following ways:

1. Enhancing self-confidence: Cosmetics can help individuals feel more confident and comfortable in
their appearance. They can enhance features, cover imperfections, and provide a boost to self-esteem.
When people feel good about how they look, it can positively impact their overall well-being and
interactions with others.

2. Expressing creativity and individuality: Cosmetics allow individuals to express their personal style,
creativity, and individuality. They provide a means for self-expression and allow people to experiment
with different looks, colors, and trends.

3. Protection and care: Skincare and hair care products included in cosmetics can help protect and
nourish the skin and hair. They can provide hydration, sun protection, and help maintain healthy skin
and hair. These products can also address specific concerns like acne, dryness, or aging.

4. Hygiene and odor control: Deodorants play a crucial role in personal hygiene by controlling body
odor. They help inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria and provide a fresh scent. Using deodorants
can contribute to feeling clean, fresh, and confident throughout the day.

5. Cultural and social norms: In many societies, the use of cosmetics and deodorants is considered a
standard part of personal grooming and hygiene. They are often expected in professional settings, social
events, and special occasions. Adhering to these cultural and social norms can help individuals feel more
accepted and confident in their interactions with others.
It's important to note that while cosmetics and deodorants can provide various benefits, they are not
essential for everyone. Personal choices regarding their use may vary, and it's important to prioritize
individual preferences, comfort, and health when deciding to use or not use these products.


Point to bear in mind for the choice and use of cosmetic deodorant e,g avoid heavy make up

When it comes to choosing and using cosmetic deodorant, there are a few points to keep in mind. One
of them is to avoid heavy make-up. While this may seem unrelated, heavy make-up can actually
interfere with the effectiveness of your deodorant. Here's why:

1. Clogged pores: Heavy make-up, especially foundation and powders, can clog your pores. When your
pores are blocked, it becomes difficult for the deodorant to penetrate the skin and work effectively. This
can lead to reduced odor protection.

2. Mixing scents: Some cosmetic deodorants have their own scents, which can clash with the scents of
your make-up products. This can create an unpleasant combination of smells. It's best to choose a
deodorant that is fragrance-free or has a neutral scent to avoid any conflicts with your make-up.

3. Skin irritation: Heavy make-up can sometimes cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. If you apply
deodorant on irritated skin, it can worsen the condition or cause discomfort. It's important to give your
skin a break from heavy make-up and let it breathe.

4. Staining: Certain cosmetic deodorants can leave stains on clothes, especially if they come into contact
with heavy make-up. This can ruin your clothes and make them difficult to clean. To avoid this, make
sure to apply your deodorant after your make-up has fully settled and dried.

Overall, it's a good idea to avoid heavy make-up when using cosmetic deodorant to ensure its
effectiveness and prevent any unwanted effects.


Identification of Different cosmetic, traditional/indigenous cosmetic e,g camwood powder "uhe' ( igbo)
or "osun" (Yoruba) antimony "otajele" (igbo) or "tiro" (Yoruba), "lalle" (hausa) or "laali" (Yoruba)
Sure! Here are some examples of different types of cosmetic products, including traditional/indigenous

1. Camwood powder (also known as "uhe" in Igbo or "osun" in Yoruba): Camwood powder is a
traditional cosmetic product made from the ground bark of the camwood tree. It is commonly used as a
natural skin brightener and moisturizer in West African cultures.

2. Antimony (also known as "otajele" in Igbo or "tiro" in Yoruba): Antimony is a traditional cosmetic
ingredient used as an eyeliner or eyeshadow. It is often applied as a black or dark-colored powder to
enhance the eyes.

3. "Lalle" (Hausa) or "Laali" (Yoruba): These are traditional cosmetic products used as lip stains or lip
colorants. They are typically made from natural ingredients like henna, beetroot, or berries and are
applied to the lips for a tinted or stained effect.

It's important to note that these traditional/indigenous cosmetics may have cultural significance and are
often used for specific purposes within their respective communities.


Effect in some chemicals used in cosmetics

Different chemicals used in cosmetics can have various effects on the skin and overall health. Here are a
few examples:

1. Parabens: Parabens are preservatives commonly used in cosmetics to prevent the growth of bacteria
and fungi. However, there is some concern that parabens may disrupt hormone function and potentially
contribute to certain health issues.
2. Phthalates: Phthalates are a group of chemicals often used to increase the flexibility and durability of
cosmetics. Some studies suggest that exposure to phthalates may be linked to reproductive and
developmental issues.

3. Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a preservative found in some cosmetics and hair products. It has
been classified as a human carcinogen by several health organizations and can cause skin irritation and
allergic reactions.

4. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS): SLS is a surfactant commonly used in shampoos, cleansers, and toothpaste
to create lather. It can be harsh on the skin and may cause dryness, irritation, and stripping of natural

5. Fragrances: Fragrances are often added to cosmetics to enhance the product's scent. However,
synthetic fragrances can be a common cause of skin irritation and allergic reactions in some individuals.

It's important to note that not all chemicals used in cosmetics are harmful, and many have been
extensively tested for safety. However, some individuals may have sensitivities or allergies to certain
ingredients. It's always a good idea to read product labels, do some research, and consult with a
healthcare professional if you have any concerns about specific chemicals or ingredients in your


Reasons for daily care of the body e,g is to remove dirty and sweet that may causes diseases to our body

Daily care of the body is important for several reasons, including:

1. Hygiene: Daily care of the body helps maintain good personal hygiene by removing dirt, sweat, and
bacteria that can accumulate on the skin. Regular bathing or showering helps prevent the buildup of
these substances, reducing the risk of unpleasant odors and potential skin infections.

2. Disease prevention: Proper daily care of the body, such as washing hands regularly, can help prevent
the spread of diseases. Many illnesses are caused by germs and bacteria that can be transmitted
through touch or contact with contaminated surfaces. Regular handwashing helps remove these
pathogens and reduces the risk of infection.

3. Skin health: Daily care of the body, including cleansing and moisturizing the skin, helps maintain its
health and appearance. Cleansing removes impurities, excess oil, and dead skin cells, preventing clogged
pores and acne breakouts. Moisturizing helps keep the skin hydrated and supple, reducing dryness and
potential skin issues.

4. Psychological well-being: Taking care of the body daily can have a positive impact on mental and
emotional well-being. Engaging in self-care rituals, such as bathing, grooming, and applying skincare
products, can promote relaxation, boost self-esteem, and improve overall mood.

5. Overall health: Daily care of the body extends beyond basic hygiene practices. It includes maintaining
a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels. These habits
contribute to overall health and well-being, supporting the body's immune system, promoting proper
bodily functions, and reducing the risk of various diseases.

In summary, daily care of the body is essential for maintaining personal hygiene, preventing the spread
of diseases, promoting healthy skin, supporting mental well-being, and overall maintaining good health.


Demostration on how to care of the body

Certainly! Here's a demonstration on how to care for the body:

1. Bathing/Showering:

a. Start by adjusting the water temperature to a comfortable level.

b. Wet your body thoroughly, ensuring all areas are covered.

c. Apply a mild, pH-balanced body wash or soap to a loofah or washcloth.

d. Gently scrub your body using circular motions, paying attention to areas prone to sweat and odor.

e. Rinse off all the soap thoroughly to ensure no residue remains.

f. Pat dry your body with a clean towel, focusing on areas prone to moisture, such as underarms and

2. Skincare:

a. Cleanse your face twice daily using a gentle facial cleanser suitable for your skin type.

b. Apply a toner using a cotton pad to remove any remaining impurities and balance the skin's pH.

c. Moisturize your face and body with a suitable moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated.

d. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 before going outside to protect your skin from harmful UV

3. Dental Care:

a. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

b. Spend at least two minutes brushing, covering all surfaces of your teeth and gums.

c. Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth.

d. Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen breath.

4. Hair Care:

a. Shampoo your hair with a suitable shampoo, focusing on the scalp.

b. Massage the shampoo into your scalp using your fingertips and rinse thoroughly.

c. Condition your hair, focusing on the ends, to keep it moisturized and manageable.

d. Rinse off the conditioner thoroughly to avoid product buildup.

e. Avoid excessive heat styling and use heat protectant products when using hot tools.

5. General Care:
a. Trim your nails regularly and keep them clean to prevent dirt and bacteria buildup.

b. Apply moisturizer or body lotion to keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness.

c. Wear clean clothes made of breathable fabrics to allow air circulation and prevent body odor.

d. Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day.

e. Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep for overall well-being.

Remember, everyone's body care routine may vary depending on personal preferences and specific
needs. It's important to listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly.



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