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A DRY approach to overflow

menus in Angular using portals

Jan Silbersiepe (jcs) 17-05-2021

Let’s pretend you face the following problem:

You need to develop a horizontal toolbar for a desktop web app

The toolbar needs to host a ton of components because your
app can do a ton of things
You need to support responsiveness up to the point where the
components inside your toolbar don’t fit anymore
Just hiding elements on small windows is not an option
Breaking into more vertical space is also not an option
Horizontal scrolling is not a solution, because you are not a
maniac and know it sucks on desktop
To solve this problem, we need an overflow menu that can host less
important components when there is not enough space. Looking
around the web it seems that this approach is a commonly accepted
solution: If you are a heavy user of chrome plugins you know it. If you
are a MS Office user you also know it.

An overflow menu in the wild (MS Office)

So let’s get into building this in angular! If you want to jump ahead
and directly look at the full code here is the repo. Also, as it is
considered good practice (at least by me), here is what the final
thing will look like:

So what is going on here? The components inside our toolbar

magically move from the container to the overlay menu when the
window reaches a certain width (breakpoint). As soon as one
component disappears from the container, the overflow-menu
button appears so you can open an overlay menu which now hosts
the disappeared component.

Portals and Outlets

To get to the bottom of it, lets first take a look on how cdk overlays
and portals work. There are two different types of cdk portals:
ComponentPortal and TemplatePortal. Both of them are capable of
rendering content dynamically. The ComponentPortal relies on a
component for this (who would have guessed that…) while the
TemplatePortal makes use of an ng-template as content for the the
portal. As we don’t want to rely on a specific component for our
overflow-menu because we also just don’t know what components
will be used in the toolbar eventually, we will go for a

To make the dynamic rendering possible every TemplatePortal

needs two things:

a TemplateRef that defines what content will be rendered

a PortalOutlet that defines where the content should be

To obtain a TemplateRef we just add a ng-template in our component

and put an template variable on it to be able to later address it with

The outlet can be defined in many different ways. The official docs of
the cdk portal use the convenient cdkPortalOutlet directive on
another ng-template. To seal the deal, the only missing link is to
create an instance of your portal and set it as the input of the
cdkPortalOutlet directive. Now your template will be rendered
inside the element that has the directive.

The setup looks something like this:

1 <ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]="portal"></ng-template>
3 <ng-template #content><span>foobar</span></ng-template>

3 @ViewChild('content') templateContent: TemplateRef<any>
5 ...

this.portal = new TemplatePortal(this.templateContent, this.viewContainerRef)

Overlay as portal outlet

Congratulations! We just created a very complicated way to render a
template in exactly the same place it would have been rendered if we
just removed all the stuff around it (I promise, it will make sense

Now its time to look at another, less convenient possibility for

defining our outlet: An Overlay. Instead of just passing a portal to a
directive, we now have to create an OverlayRef using the Overlay
service from cdk.

1 const positionStrategy = this.overlay

2 .position()
3 .flexibleConnectedTo(this.overlayOrigin)
4 .withPositions([
5 {
6 originX: 'center',
7 originY: 'bottom',
8 overlayX: 'center',
9 overlayY: 'top',
10 offsetY: 8,
11 },
12 ])
14 this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create({
15 hasBackdrop: true,
16 panelClass: 'jcs-overlay-panel',
17 backdropClass: 'cdk-transparent-backdrop',
18 positionStrategy,
19 })

The notable new players on the field now are an overlay origin and a
position strategy. The origin defines what element of the DOM will be
taken as a reference for where to place the overlay. The
positionStrategy defines how the overlay will appear relative to its
origin. I won’t go into too much detail on position strategies because
this could be a whole topic for itself.

The final step to make our template appear inside the overlay now is
to create a TemplatePortal - just like in the first version - but then
attach it to the overlay:

1 this.portal = new TemplatePortal(this.overlayContent, this.viewContainerRef)

2 this.overlayRef.attach(this.portal)

Now the template will appear in our overlay!

Context-aware rendering
Maybe you noticed already where this is going: To achieve what we
want for our overflow menu, we need to combine the two
approaches into one. Components in our template should be
rendered in a standard outlet when there is still enough space. If
there is not enough space they should be rendered in the overlay

The lazy solution could now be to just create all the items in your
toolbar twice - once in the actual toolbar and once in the overlays
template - and then just ngIf them in one or the other place based
on the window width. That’s not what I went for though because its
WET, hard to maintain and bulky to read.

To break down the better, DRY solution, let’s have a look at final API

<div class="item" *jcsResponsiveItem="'auto'; breakpoint: 250"> </div>
<div class="item" *jcsResponsiveItem="'auto'; breakpoint: 300"> </div>
5 <div class="item" *jcsResponsiveItem="'auto'; breakpoint: 350"> </div>
6 <div class="item" *jcsResponsiveItem="'auto'; breakpoint: 400"> </div>
7 <div class="item" *jcsResponsiveItem="'auto'; breakpoint: 500"> </div>
8 <div class="item" *jcsResponsiveItem="'auto'; breakpoint: 550"> </div>
9 </ng-template>
11 <button jcs-dynamic-overflow-menu-trigger>
12 <span>●</span>
13 <span>●</span>
14 <span>●</span>
15 </button>
16 </jcs-dynamic-overflow-menu>

The component makes use of content projection to define the two

major elements:

1. The template that contains the dynamic content

2. The button element to be use as a trigger of the menu

In addition you see a structural directive *jcsResponsiveItem that

seems to have something to do with the responsive behavior of the
dynamic items. Structural directives help adding and removing DOM
content dynamically. The most well known one is *ngIf which just
iffes away elements if the expression returns a falsy value. Our
structural directive works similar. We detect wether an item inside
the toolbar or inside the overlay and use the breakpoint input to
determine if it is supposed to be rendered or not.

1 @Input('jcsResponsiveItem') itemType: 'auto' | 'host' | 'overlay' = 'auto'

2 @Input('jcsResponsiveItemBreakpoint') breakpoint = 0
4 ...
6 const inHost = isInHost(this.element.nativeElement)
8 this.renderedInHost$ = this.dynamicOverlayService.displayInHost$.pipe(
9 map((shouldBeInHost) => (this.itemType === 'auto' ? shouldBeInHost(this.breakpoint
10 distinctUntilChanged(),
11 takeUntil(this.destroy$)
12 )
14 this.dynamicOverlayComponent.registerBreakpoint(this.breakpoint)
16 this.renderedInHost$.subscribe((shouldBeInHost) => {
17 if (inHost === shouldBeInHost) {
18 this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(this.localTemplate)
19 } else {
20 this.vcr.clear()
21 }
22 })

The inputs of this directive are the item type and the breakpoint. The
item type makes it possible to define if an item should only ever be
displayed in either the host or the overlay or actually use the
breakpoint to determine it’s location.

If the type is set to 'auto' the breakpoint input is needed to define

the number of pixels from where the item should be rendered in the
overlay and not in the host. Read it like “Minimum window width for
this item to still be rendered in host”.

Next we need to find out if the host element (of the directive) is
inside the host component or the overlay using isInHost. The best
way I could come up with to determine this is to (recursively) test if
nodeName of the parent Element is 'JCS-DYNAMIC-OVERFLOW-MENU'.
There might be better ways of doing it but this does the job.

To determine if our item now should actually be rendered in the place

it is in we use shouldBeInHost to determine if an item should be
rendered in host. The function updates every time the window is
resized. You can see the implementation here. Based on that, the last
task is now to actually render our item using createEmbeddedView
from ViewContainerRef or clear it if necessary. Check the structural
directive docs to learn more about how this works.

Content projection
At this point we are basically done with the tricky part. But maybe
you wondered how we were able to pass the elements inside of jcs-
dynamic-overflow-menu to the portals. Maybe you did not wonder
about this, then you can skip this section.

Generally, I don’t like to add a lot of inputs to component like this as

it is not so nice to read and understand imho. So what we want to go
for in a component like this is content projection! As you can see in
the example above, we need to project two main parts of the menu:

The template that contains our dynamic item components

The button that lets a user open the overlay

The button is easy: We just create a div, add a click listener and
project it inside using the select attribute:

1 <div
2 class="overlay-trigger"
3 *ngIf="showMoreButton$ | async"
4 title="more"
5 (click)="open()"
6 #origin>
7 <ng-content select="[jcs-dynamic-overflow-menu-trigger]"></ng-content>
8 </div>

The template is a bit more tricky as we need it’s reference in the

controller to be able to pass it to the portal. Fortunately, there is
@ContentChild(), a not so well-known decorator that lets us select a
projected element. We basically use this now as replacement to the
@ViewChild() from the first step. We can’t use template variables
here, so we need to go with just selecting the first occurrence of
TemplateRef in the projected content:

1 @ContentChild(TemplateRef) dynamicContent: TemplateRef<any>

This is how we make the template available to be thrown into any

kind of portal :)
At this point our menu actually works! To better understand what
actually happens let’s recap what we built:

We created the host component and added content projection

to make it possible to supply dynamic content and a trigger
button element to our menu.
We took the dynamic content inside of the host and rendered it
both in the host component and also inside an overlay.
To add the dynamic rendering we added a structural directive to
the items inside the dynamic content, that determines if an item
should be rendered in the host or in the overlay

What we end up with is a re-usable component that takes care of

automatically moving any element that is inside it to the overlay if the
breakpoint is reached.

What I really like about this solution is the fact that it is DRY af. Using
it does not require you to maintain two sets of the same components.
This makes it super readable and easy to use.

While developing I was mostly bothered by two major drawbacks:

1. The way to determine if an item is rendered in host or not is

weak. Also I always thought “there must be a more ‘angular’ way
of doing this”. If anyone has an idea, please let me know.
2. Explicit breakpoints have to be provided. I tried to make it work
with estimating the optimal breakpoints automatically based on
the with of all items inside the host, but it did not work properly. I
think in many scenarios it should be fine that explicit
breakpoints are needed. In the end people are used to it from

If you made it until here, I can only say thank you for reading the
whole thing!

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