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WiseGuidefor Spelling Section E

Standard Spelling Dictation (SWR p.76)

Do you pronouncethe word, say it in a sentence,and pronouncethe word again? Do you ask the
studentto say the word in syllables,then soundit out phonogrumby phonogramas he writes? If neededdo
you clarify which phonogram to use? Do you have the student dictate the word back to you as you write
it on the board? After he checkshis spelling, do you ask him how to mark the word and why?

thiak Why can we use the two-letter lkl'! It follows a single vowel saying iil. tR2sl
rAk Why can't we use the 2-letter /k/? The vowel is not a single vowel. lR2sl
sce Teachertells studentto use E double E.
mav What would the word say withoutY? (ma) If a word ends withA it says/ahl. [R18]
this Touch your throat and feel the vibration for the voiced sound of /TH/.
vour Underline lOAl- It's a 2-letter phonogram. Put a 3 over it. It's the 3rd sound.
- -4 2 English words do not end with V. tR7l
shott We need the /sh/ that we use at the beginning of a word. lR10l
wavg What are the 2 reasonsfor the silent E? We mark the first one that works. IRTI
kill Why can'twe uselk-s/ here? C saysls/ beforeE, I, orY. [R2'I7l
tov WemustuseOY because Englishwordsdo not endwith I. tR6l
likg of the E. Why can'twe useC here?The word would be "lice."
I said/I/ because [R7]
will WeoftendoubleL aftera singlevowel at theendof a baseword. tR17l
tradg A said /A/ becauseof the E. tRZ
robg O said /Ol becauseof the E. tRTl
wash OftenA says lahl after a W. Add to the SH Page: short, wash. Step 18. lR10l
ba by Y in an unaccented syllableis a crossbetweenlBl and lil. If we exaggerate it as/81,studentstend
to write ubabeuor useoneof the other ways to spell lBl
. Y in this word is logically linkedto I. In
Middle Englishit wasspelled"babi." Today,Englishwordsdo not endwith I tRsl. Y standsin for
I in babybut switchesbackto I in babies,babied. Eventhoughit soundssilly, exaggerate theY as
iil for spellingbaby,thensaythe word as we do in normal speech. See SWR pages 82-85.

Spelling Enrichments
* PANTOMIMING WORDS. Studentsshould selecta spelling word from SectionA- E words to act out.
When the word is guessedeveryonewrites down that word on a sheetof loose-leafpaperso that it may not
be used again. Did anyone select: was, are, has, have, or had? Why not? These words do not give us a
mental picture. Our messagewill be better understoodif we write or speakwith more vivid words.

COMPOUND WORDS. Pull from the pastlist of 3x5 cards:a, child, home,man, out, over andanvproblem
words the studentsneedsto reinforce. Use these along with the cuffent spelling words to make as many
compound words as possible. Examples:alike, childlike, homelike, tradesman,oversee,washout.

for the two words. I wiU ll'll;youwill I yolu'll;he will / he'll; she will / she'll; itwill I rt'll',we will I we'll.

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