Lesson 7, Homework

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Victoria Reyna 2A 09/10/2022

LESSON 7: Homing in on Education

The satisfied learner
The number of homeschooling teenagers is on upsurge. Most parents are afraid from
homeschooling, it does seem like a challenge. There are a lot of huge misconceptions
about home education, such as “Homeschooling leads to isolation, less
extracurriculars, and college rejection letters.” So here is a family story to prove
Nikki Davis, a marine ecosystems lover, hated school. Her main complaint? No time
for social life, 10 minutes in the hall between classes and rare after-school hangouts,
so frustrating.
She could complete all academic work in a 2–3-hour span, which let free time for
anything she wanted to do. She said: “I can’t believe it. I have more friends now than
when I attended school.”
Nikki is a good example of how most teens react after a while of being homeschooled.
They realize it’s efficient—in fact, very efficient. Homeschoolers approach their
schooling in different ways, traditional gives you the option to still follow schedules,
textbooks, and tests. And there are unschoolers, such as David Jackson.
David Jackson is a homeschooler who follows the unschooling way alternative. He
learns in base of his interests. Watching a film like Henry V is history & literature.
Reading books are selected from a library. Bird watching is science and helping with
church bookkeeping is math.
This only shows the way that homeschooling gives a huge variety of fields, while still
teaching kids necessary and advanced subjects. The opportunities of education are

The fun they had

Tommy found a book in his attic, which seemed to be odd, since they were already in
2157. Obviously, it was a really old book, that had belonged to his grandfather’s
grandfather. The pages were old and crinkly, and she was surprised when the letters
didn’t move, quite funny actually. Apparently, it was about how school worked a long
time ago.
Margie hated school, especially the mechanical teacher hadn’t stopped giving her test
after test, each worse than the other. Because of this, her mom sent her to the County
Victoria Reyna 2A 09/10/2022

He took down and then rebuilt the teacher in about an hour. She could see the large
screen teaching the classes once again. Right after that she put in all of her tests and
work done so far, the machine read it and it all seemed to be fine.
The Inspector gave Margie’s mom the news, but Margie was disappointed, she had
the hope that the teacher would go away completely for at least a month, just like
Tommy’s had.
After that quick memory check, she looked at Tommy and asked him “Why would
they do that?” He quickly explained how school worked years ago. She was so
amazed about the concept of old school, that when she had to go back, she only
fantasized about it.
She would’ve loved to experience it, and she thought about how lucky and happy they
were back in the old days.

• Homeschooling: Being formed academically at home.
• Online school: Studying through technological mediums.
• Unschooling: The opposite to traditional homeschooling, no schedules
stablished, but different activities every days and focusing on the child’s
abilities and strengths.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Being on my PJ’s • Always being late
• Having less tests • More homework
• Loved the PowerPoints • Became lazy
• Didn’t have to participate • Got tons of anxiety
• Better sleep schedule • Less time to turn in homework

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