The Secret Life of Bees

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The Secret Life of Bees:

Honey Bee Society:

 Castes: Queens (reproduction), drones (males, die after mating), workers (fema
all the work).
 Communication: "Waggle dance" for direction and distance of food sources, oth
pheromone signals.
 Hive Hierarchy: Queen has pheromones that control worker behavior, workers
new queens.

Threats and Conservation:

 Colony Collapse Disorder: Mysterious decline in bee populations, likely due to

pesticides, habitat loss, and climate change.
 Importance of Bees: Pollinate crops, vital for food production and ecosystem he
 Conservation Efforts: Planting bee-friendly flowers, supporting local
beekeepers, reducing pesticide use.

Fascinating Facts:

 Bees can fly up to 7 miles per hour.

 A single beehive can produce up to 100 pounds of honey per year.
 Bees have five eyes!

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