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In more and more schools, boys and girls are being harassed by their peers
through beatings, insults, humiliations, etc.
School bullying is any form of psychological, verbal or physical abuse produced
between students repeatedly over a certain period of time both in the classroom
and through social networks, with the specific name of cyberbullying.
The problem of bullying is a very famous problem since 1 in 3 children suffers
psychological and physical damage. These events usually happen when someone
is separated from others or is different from them, a group of children begins to
laugh at you, humiliate you or beat yourself up, in almost all cases the child or
adolescent does not talk to their parents nor with anyone trustworthy, thus
letting the abuse continue and lying to their parents, friends or close friends.
Adolescents are usually isolated and bullying usually begins with a small joke or
a small comment, this can become a continuous attack and being only wanting to
defend yourself is usually very difficult. Not finding support is usually very
difficult since we cannot trust everyone, except for them, who at that time tend to
have low self-esteem, also want to be alone because the rest humiliates them in
front of everyone and nobody wants to be near them.
Thanks to campaigns, influencing and many workshops, the level of bullying in
schools and institutes is lowering. Adolescents trust them more and confront
people who bully them and a solution is reached in some cases.

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