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ANALOG ELECTRONICS ns Short Answer Type Questio! ives in each of the A. Choose the correct answer from the given altemative following: 1. A varactor represents its highest capacitance w! (c) moderate 4 jas is — hen its reverse OBSCTE 2005, 2011] (a) maximum) (b) minimum Answer: (b) [WBSCTE 2008, 2011] 2. When reverse bias is applied, a varactor acts as- (a) inductor (b) capacitor (c) resistor Answer: (b) 3. Among the two parts of Schottky diode one is metal, the other is- [WBSCTE 2010] @) p-type material (b) n-type material (©) conductor (d) insulator Answer: (b) 4. Varactor (diode) stands for — [WBSCTE 2010, 2016] (2) variable reactance (b) variable resistance (©) variable conductance (d) variable inductance Answer: (a) 5. Ifa similar 15 V zener diodes are connected in series across a source, the regulated ofp volt, will be — [WBSCTE 2011] (2) 15V (b) 30V ©45V.— @30v Answer: (a) 6. Name of a breakdown in a lightly doped PN junction diode under reverse bias is — IWBSCTE 2011] (@) Avalanche (b) Zener eee (©) Thermal 7. Resistance ofa Reversp bias ideal diode is — (a) Zero ) Infinity (©) 100K (WeSCTE 2011] Answer: (b) 8. Resistance of a Forward biss ideal diode is [WBSCTE 2011] (a) Zero (b) Infinity Answer: (a) (©) 100k POLY-AE —eeiductor and Diode AES 9, Current flowing through reverse bias PN junction 4: Junction diode can be m leasured by — (a) Ammeter (b) Milli-ammet : [WBSCTE 2011 Answer: (¢) ca (©) Micro-ammeter : 40. Which diode is a unipolar device — [WBSCTE 2011] Tunnel diode 7 ce © (®)Gunn diode (€) Schottky dade 11. Which diode is used in tuning circuit — (a) Tunnel diode (b) Varactor diod Tee Answer: (b) le (c) PIN diode 42. Varactor diode is usually — 5 [WBSCTE 2011] (a) forward biased () reverse biased (c) unbiased Answer: (b) 13. The cut-in voltage for Ge diode is — * [WBSCTE 2012] @1V (b) 0.3 V ()0.7V ov Answer: (b) 14. A diode is a/an — [WBSCTE 2012] (a) bidirectional device (c) unidirectional device (c) both of them (d) none. Answer: (c) [WBSCTE 2012] 15, Free electrons in a p-type material — (a) are majority carriers (c) are minority carriers Answer: (c) (6) take no part in conduction (d) exist in the same numbers as holes 16. Phosphorus is called — [WBSCTE 2012] (a) divalent impurity (©) trivalent impurity (eypentavalent impurity (d) monovalent impurity Answer: (b) 17, Avalanche breakdown is primarily dependent on - [WBSCTE 2012, 2014] (a) collision (b) doping (c) ionization 4d recombination Answer: (d) 18, Diffusion current in semiconductor diode flows due to ~ [WBSCTE 2012] (bFapplied voltage (a) potential gradient pee (d) junction breakdown (c) concentration gradient Answer: (b) POLY-AE aay : AE.10 ANALOG ELECTRONICS-I 19. Transition capacitance in Semiconductor diode depends on — [wascTE 2012] (a) forward current, (b) reverse voltage (c) breakdown Voltage (d) forward voltage Answer: (b) 20. Zener diode can be used for - pec eta (a) meter protection (b) voltage regulation (©) rectifier (a) both a & b Answer: (d) 21. The Schottky diode has — IWBSCTE 2012] (a) 1 PN junction (b) no PN junction (©) 2 PN junction (d) none of the above Answer: (b) 22, In IN 4007, the ‘N’ means = [wescTE 2012] (a) number (b) 1V (©) junction (d) none Answer: (c) 23. The injected charge on either side of p-n junction under forward bias me ea (a) transition capacitance (b) storage capacitance (c) linear capacitance (4) none of the above Answer: (c) 24. The reverse saturation c urrent in a p-n junction diode increases with temperature because — TWBSCTE 201: 3] (a) the minority carrier concentration increases (b) the majority carrier concentration increases (©) the barrier height decreases (d) all of the above Answer: (a) 25. The cutin voltage for Si P-n junction diodes is about — WBSCTE 2013] (@ov (6) 0.2V OI13V (4) 0.6 V Answer: (d) 26. The forward resistance of an ideal diode is — i wescre 2013] (a) Zero (b) 50 ohms (©) 100 ohms infini Answer: (a) ee 27. The temperature coefficient of Zener breakdown Voltage i ., +e ge is — IBSCTE 2013] (a) Zero (b) negative (©) positive (d) none of the see , Answer: (b) POLY-AE ng Semiconductor an . p Diod (a) Zero ®1Ka BSCTE 2013] ‘Answer: (a) OKA infinite 1 29. Varactor diodes are used in — (a) AM circuits () FM ciceut WasctE 2013) (c) Voltage regulation @n citcuits “Answer: (b) D HF switching 30. Hot cartier diodes are commonly called _ ()Gunn diode (b) Esaki ‘tied = (WesctE 2013] “Answer: (c) (©) Schottky diode (d) PIN diode 31. The cut-in voltage for Si diode is 1V [WBSCTE 2014] a ce o (b) 0.7V ()03V (d)0v 32. Boron is called (a) divalent (b) trivalent : © Se (4) pentavalent impurity aswer: (WBSCTE 2014] 33. Conduction of Schottky diode is IWBSCTE 2014] (a) entirely due to majority carriers (b) entirely due to minority carriers (©) partially due to majority as well as minority carriers (d) none of the above Answer: (a) 44. n-type silicon is obtained by doping silicon with — WWBSCTE 2015] (a) Germanium (6) Aluminum, (c) Boron (@) Phosphorus Answer: (d) 35. To achieve Zener breakdown in diodes the doping should be — (WBSCTE 2015) (a) light ° (b) moderate (c) heavy (d) does not depend on doping, Answer: (c) 56. ALOK temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor behaves as — WBSCTE 2016) (a) Insulator (b) conductor (c) semiconductor Nswer: (a) 7. diffusion current flows through a PN junction just after its formation due to — IWBSCTE 201: 6) (@) forward bias (b) minority carries (©) majority carries POLY-AE ni AE.12 ANALOG ELECTRONICS-I Answer: (b) ; . [WaSCTE 2016] 38. BZ147 is a Zener diode made of ~ (GaAs (b) germanium [WBSCTE 2016] 39, Zener breakdown results from — ith impurity atoms (a) heat energy (b) collision of electrons with impurity (c) a high electric field Answer (c) [WBSCTE 2017] 40. A commonly used pentavalent material is — (a) arsenic (b) boron (c) neon Answer: (a) (d) gallium insie semi ial i ized by hell of how many 41. Intrinsic semiconductor material is characterized by a valence sI electrons? [WBSCTE 2017] (1 (4 ©2 ae Answer: (b) 42. Ionization within a P-N junction causes a layer on each side of the barrier called the — [WBSCTE 2017] (a) junction (b) depletion region (c) barrier voltage (d) forward voltage Answer: (b) : 43. To achieve Zener breakdown in diodes the doping should be — [WBSCTE 2017] (@) Light (b) Moderate (c) heavy (@) does not depend on doping Answer: (c) 44, In a Zener diode with high breakdown voltage - [WBSCTE 2018] (a) both P and N are heavily doped (b) both P and N are lightly doped (c) either P or N lightly doped (d) None of these Answer: (b) 45. Metallic crystal structure contains only one current named as = [WBSCTE 2018] (a) hole current (b) non conventional current (c) electron current (4) conventional current Answer: (d) 46. What happens if the input voltage is higher than refer clipper? (a) Output voltage = reference voltage tence voltage in a positive [WBSCTE 2018] POLY-AE Semiconductor and Diode AEA3 (b) Output voltage = DC Positive voltage (c) Output voltage = Input voltage (d) All of the mentioned “Answer: (a) A Varactor diode - " (a) has variable capacitance [WBSCTE 2018] (b) utilizes transition capacitance of a junction (c) has always a uniform doping profile (dis often used as an automatic frequency control device “Answer: (a) (b) (d) 48. A diode that has no depletion layers and operates with hot carries is called — [WBSCTE 2018] (a) Schottky (b) Varactor : (©) Recovery (d) PIN Answer: (a) B. Answer the following question: 49, Draw a biased positive clipper circuit. Answer: [WBSCTE 2014] +Ven =Vax bs Output Waveform Input Waveform 50. 1N4007 — what does it specify and what is the significance of IN? [WBSCTE 2014] Answer: 1N4007 is a general purpose diode rectifier that has a forward operating current up to 1 Ampere, The standardized IN-series numbering EIA370 system was introduced in the US by BIAJEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council) about 1960 | stands for p-n junction count i.e. | for diode Stands for rectifiers. 4007 indicates that this diode is a member of the 4000 series, which are general purpose diode rectifiers that have a forward operating current of up to | ampere, Mlustration 2 Take Vex=5V and Vac = ~4.5V, the emitter junction is Vow = Von + Voc =5-45 =0,5<0.7 (cut-in voltage of base-emitter junction for Si) ansistor is non-conducting. The given transistor is reverse biased. Hence the tr¢ b) Output Characteristics In(qa) + Active region 2 Xe Vec(volts) Cut-off region This is the plot between Vec Vs Ir for a constant Ip. Since J, =J,, the C-C output characteristics are practically identical to those of the C-E output characteristic. Short Answer Type Questions A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives in each of the following: 4. The CB configuration of the transistor gives — [WBSCTE 2012] fa) low input resistance (b) high input resistance (c) zero input resistance (d) infinite input resistance ‘Answer: (a) [WBSCTE 2012] 2. The value of alpha in CB configuration is ~ (a)always> 1 fa) always <1 (c) zero (d) 100 Answer: (b) 3. NPN transistor is preferred over PNP due to — [wBSCTE 2012] (a) low bias stability eCby mobility of electron greater than holes (d) high current gain (c) low leakage current POLY-AE — erie: ANN Bipol: Andee) polar Transistor AE.35 4. The CC configuration i ration of transistor is called — : (@) voltage amplifier (b) rectifier (c) invert iter fllowee oa er dy emnitter follower 5 Hy Bhase relation een input & output in a CE amplifier is ~ DWBSCTE 2012] Answer: (a) oe Os 6, The ideal value of the emitter injection efficiency factor of a BJT is — [WBSCTE 2013] 0 (1 (b) 10 c) 100 Answer: (a) . © 7. The injected carriers move in the base region of a BJT due to— [WBSCTE 2013] (a) An electric field (c) a concentration gradient Answer: (c) (b) a temperature gradient (A) none of the above 8. The output resistance is the highest fora—. [WBSCTE 2013} (a)CE amplifier (b) CB amplifier (c) CC amplifier Answer: (b) 9. The magnitude of leakage current in a CE transistor is [WBSCTE 2014] (a) equal to that in CB mode (b) less than that in CB mode (c) greater than that in CB mode (d) none of the above Answer: (c) 10. The value of @ of a transistor generally lies between [WBSCTE 2014) (a) 90 to 99 19 (c) 0.9 to 0.95 (0. Answer: (c) i " d biased, the transistor is in — 11. If both E-B and C-B junctions ofa BJT are forward bia ET a (b) saturation region (a) active region (d) inverse mode (c) cut-off region Answer: (b) 12. The typical value of alpha of a transistor is - : [WascTE 2016] : (a) 0.98 (by! (©) 0.5 Answer (c) POLY-AE nx ANALOG ELECTRONICS-I* AE. 3¢ 13. In a PNP transistor operating in active region, the main stream of current is — [WBSCTE 2017] i b) drift of electrons (a) drift of holes (b) drift o (c) diffusion of holes (d) diffusion of electrons Answer: (c) 14. If the voltage on the base of a transistor increases, does it — [WBSCTE 2017] (a) Turn on (b) Turn off (c) Not enough information (d) Remain the same Answer: (c) 15, Removing bypass capacitor across the emitter-leg resistor in a CE mode amplifier cme [WBSCTE 2017] (a) Increase in current gain (b) Decrease in current gain (©) Increase in voltage gain (d) Decrease in voltage gain Answer (d) 16. The lowest output impedance is obtained in case of BJT amplifiers for — [WBSCTE 2017] (a) CB configuration (b) CE configuration (©) CC configuration (@) CE with RE configuration Answer: (c) 17. In an amplifier, the coupling capacitors are used — [WBSCTE 2017] (a) to match the impedances (b) to control the output (c) to limit the bandwidth (6) to prevent dic mixing with input or output Answer: (d) 18. The common emitter amplifier is characterized by— (WeSCTE 2017] (a) low voltage gain , _ (b) very high input impedance (c) high voltage gain (4) signal phase reversal Answer: (c) & (d) 19. As the temperature of a transistor goes up, the base-emitter resistance — /BSCTE 2018 (a) decreases (b) increases seso1e 2048) (c) remains the same () none of the above Answer: (a) 20. nae impedance of a transistor connected in arrangement is the . e IBSCTE 2018] ) common i tter (b) common base m ¢) common collector (d) both (a) and (b Answer: (b) (6) and (b) POLY-AE Bipolar Transistor AE.37 21. Band @ ofa BIT are related as [Model . lodel Questic (@ a op (6) Bzati-a) ct @) () a=pKp-1 Answer: (b) 22. In active region operation of a trans 0 a transistor (a) both junctions are reverse biased re aes (b) both junctions are forward biased @) Eintter junction is forward biased while collector Junction reverse biased (@) emitter junction reverse biased while collector junction forward biased Answer: (c) 23. With both junctions reverse biased the transistor operates in [Model Question] (a) active region (b) cut-off regions (c) saturation region (A) inversed region Answer: (b) 24. If a = 0.98, then the value of B of the transistor is [Model Question] (a) 0.49 (b) 49 (©) 50 (os Answer: (b) 25. For an emitter-follower, the voltage gain is [Model Question] (a) unity (b) greater than unity (c) less than unity Answer: (a) B. Answer the following question: 26. Deduce the relation between Iegy and Jeg of a transistor. ([WBSCTE 2014] Answer: Ina CB configuration, Te =a, + Leng We Know that Ip=lc + In 2 = (Ie +14) + Leno Or, I.(1-a@) =@ly + Leno POLY-AE ANALOG ELECTRONICS-I AEG ae Vee Ry Oe _ MeV . y, Vow By inspection, we can say that the circuit is fairly stable against variations of Vor and B. By choosing high Ra we can reduce S’& 5". But S can be very high and there is a possibility of thermal runaway. 3.7 Emitter to Base Bias This is another type of biasing arrangement in the electronic circuitry. This type of biasing is used very much in the analog electronic circuitry. Short Answer Type Questions A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives in each of the following: 1. Ley ina transistor is due to - [WBSCTE 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014] (a) majority carriers (b) minority carriers (©) both majority and minority carries Answer: (b) 2. Bias compensation circuits consists of — [WBSCTE 2004, 2008, 2009, 2014) (a) varistors (b) thermistors (c) resistors Answer: (b) 3. Anemitter follower circuit is mainly used as — [WBSCTE 2004, 2008] (a) power amplifier (b) impedance matching device (c) low input impedance circuit Answer: (b) POLY-AB re , Transisto Bi 4, AJFET can be Cut-off with the ep of () p, help of — ww AE.47 IBSCTE 2004, 20; ‘Answer: (a) os ©r,, a 5, The quiescent point stuffi N8 of a transistor Occurs due to change of its — (a) load current (6) leak, [WBSCTE 2005, 207, 2011) Answer: (b) ‘ge current (©) base current 6, FET have similar ‘i i aya (©) npn transistor nswer: roperti - Propetties to [WBSCTE 2005, 2011] (C) unijunction transistor 7. The width of the channel of a FET can be varied by varying the — e IBSCTE 2005, 201: 1] (@) gate voltage (b) drain voltage m (0) source voltage Answer: (a) 8. When a BIT used for amplification purpose ~ (a) both emitter and collector junctions are forward biased () both emitter and collector junctions are reverse biased (©) emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction and is reverse biased Answer: (c) (WBSCTE 2006, 2011] 9. An ideal value of stability factor is — [WBSCTE 2006, 2008, 2007] @1 (b) 100 (©) 200 Answer: (a) 10. The de load line of a transistor - , ___ WBSCTE 2007, 2008) (a) has negative slope : (b) is a curved line (©) does not contain the Q point Answer: (a) 1. The channel width of a JFET can be varied by varying — [WBSCTE 2007, 2008, 2009) (@) Vos (0) Fas © Voy Answer: (a) 12. The voltage at which drain current begins to low is called-. .WBSCTE 2008, 2003] (@) gate-source voltage _(b) sensing voltage —_(c) threshold voltage ‘Nswer: (c) 3, In JFET, the point of reference is generally — [WascTE 2008, 2009] @ drain (b) source (€) gat (@) ground POLY-AE nk ANALOG ELECTRONICS-1 AE.48 Answer: (d) [WBSCTE 2009, 2014] 14, AC load line has a slope — (e)equal tothe slope of the DC load line (a) greater than (b) less than Answer: (a) 15. With reference to the current amplification factor of transistor - ee 2010) (@a>B ()a0V (c) Vos = Vp (d) None of these Ansier: (a) 25. Which of the following controls the level of Ip? [Model Question} (@) Vos (b) Vos (ce) Ie () Voc Answer: (a) 26. When an input signal reduces the ehannel size, the process is called: {Model Question] (a) enhancement (b) substrate connecting " (c) gate charge (d) depletion Answer: (d) POLY-AE ate 1. The smallest of the fol (a) h; Answer: (b) 2. The Ng (a) 1.03 Answer: (b) Yh "0 Owing h-parameters is — (c) h, of a transistor is 0.97, then hy, is— (b) 32.33 (c) 3.233 [WBSCTE 2004, 2008] [WBSCTE 2004, 2005) 3. When a metal semiconductor junction is formed, electrons flow from — (c) semiconductor to semi Answer: (b) (a) metal to semiconductor 4Bysemiconducton to metal conductor [WBSCTE 2005, 2011] 4. Out of the four h-parameters of a transistor the smallest one is — [IWBSCTE 2005, 2007, 2014] (@) 4, (b) A, Answer: (d) 5S. When working with NMOS, Vs and V5 must have polarities — (a) positive, positive (c) negative, negative Answer: (a) 6. As compared to BJT, MOSF (a) faster Answer: (a) 7. In heparameter h stands for (a) highest Answer: (b) 8. FET can be used as - (a) LDR Answer: (c) Or, _ gp) hybrid (b) MDR (d) hy [WBSCTE 2005, 2006, 2008, 2014] (b) positive, negative (d) negative, positive Ts have switching capability — (b) slower (c) similar (c) hard (gyVVR [WBSCTE 2009, 2011] [WBSCTE 2003] (d) host [WBSCTE 2009] (4) MBR POLY-AE nX ANALOG ELECTRONICS-I AE.102 9. For small value V of drain to source voltage, JFET behaves like a— [WBSCTE 2010) (a) diode (b) capacitor (c)in verier (4) resistor Answer: (d) 10. The common collector amplifier has the highest — [WBSCTE 2010) (a) voltage gain (b) current gain (c) power gain (d) output impedance Answer: (b) LL, The oxide layer of MOSFET is made up of — [WBSCTE 2010] @) M0, (b) SiO, () GeO, (d) FeO Answer: (b) 12. For hybrid parameter in CE configuration f,, denotes [WBSCTE 2010] (@a@ (b) B (c) input impedance —_(d) output impedance Answer: (b) 13. Which of the following effect can be caused by a rise in temperature- [WBSCTE 2011] (a) Increase in MOSFET current (b) Increase in BJT current (c) Decrease in MOSFET current Answer: (c) 14. The A, in hybrid parameter is equivalent to — [WBSCTE 2012] @) Bx (b) @ (c) collector current (d) none of these. 15. The h-parameters of a transistor depend on — (WBSCTE 2013] (2) Temperature (b) size of the transmitter (c) pressure (d) none of the above Answer: (a) 16. Which of the following h-parameter of a transistor has greatest value? (ay hi (b) hr ) ht DN Answer: (a) wn oe 17. The h-parameters of a transistor depend on its - (a) configuration (b) operation point cee (c) temperature (d) all of the above Answer: (d) POLY-AE nk ANALOG ELECTRONICS-I AE.120 Short Answer Type Questions A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives in each of the following: 1. The best frequency response is obtained from — [wescTe 2004, 2014] (a) RC coupling (b) transformer coupling (©) direct coupling Answer: (¢) 2. Transformer coupling provides — __DNBSCTE 2006, 2008] (a) low efficiency (b) high efficiency _(c) medium efficiency Answer: (b) 3. The best frequency response is obtained form [WBSCTE 2007, 2008] (a) RC coupling (b) Transformer coupiing, {c) Direct coupling Answer: (c) 4. The gain of ARC coupled amplifier [WBSCTE 2010], (a) falls at low frequency only (b) falls at high frequency only (c) falls at low and high frequencies (d) remains constant at all frequencies Answer: (c) 5. Gain-bandwidth product of cascade amplifier is — [WBSCTE 2010] (a) constant (b) less than single stage amplifier (c) greater than single stage amplifier (d) depends upon number of stages Answer: (a) 6. Advantage of transformer coupled amplifier is ~ [WBSCTE 2010] (a) high power gain (b) high bandwidth (c) better DC isolation (d) less power consumption Answer: (a) 7. Inan RC coupled amplificr, the drop of voltage gain on the low frequency side is due to- : Bs (a) The shunt capacitor (b) the transistor ae (©) the coupling capacitor (d) none of the above Answer: (c) 8. To amplify DC signals one uses ~ 0 7 13) (a) Digest cow (b) RC coupling aa ing peor . ances former coupling (d) combination of RC and transformer coupling POLY-AE (a) 480 dB Answer: (b) (b) 24 dB TWaSCTE 2013) (©) 18dB (4) 448 10. Whi i i ich of the following amplifiers provide best impedance matching? — (a) RC coupled amplifier (WBSCTE 2015] (c) transformer . (b) direct coupled amplifier Answer: (c) soured amplifier, (d) none of these 1. Whi Seicrini ine - 11. Which of the following circuit element is essential to construct voltage amplifier?— (a) resistor b) capacit [WBSCTE 2016] Answer: (a) (©) capacitor (©) thermistor 12. Which of the following amplifiers provide best impedance matching? (WBSCTE 2017] (a) RC coupled amplifier (b) Direct coupled amplifier (c) transformer coupled amplifier (d) none of these Answer: (c) 13. When a multistage amplifier is to amplify D.C. signal, then one must use — [WBSCTE 2018] (a) RC (b) Transformer (©) Direct (a) None of these Answer: (c) 14. If two stages of a cascaded amplifier have decibel gains of 50 and 30, then overall , gain is - [WBSCTE 2018] (a) 80 dB (b) 1500 dB ()24B (d) none of these Answer: (a) Answer the followin: juestions: [WBSCTE 2014] 15. What is buffer amplifier? Answer: mplifier ply ¢ ) 1S on apadsece transformation from one circuit to another. It is designed to have an am i ct hing, the benefit of which is to maximize i ffers are used in Impedance matching, ) " Ba eter between circuits or systems. Another name by which buffer amplifies He oe as is a voltage follower. The name is given because of the characteristic of irs amplifier to output @ signal of the same amplitude as the input (given the unity gain [g of 1 or OdB])- (sometimes simply called a buffer) is one that provides electrical plifier POLY-AE

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