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“Preparing for life”

Executive Head: Mrs Sally Eaton

Chair of Governors: Mr. Richard Carleton
Music Patron: Chris Watkins, International Violinist
Literacy Patron: Sir Christopher Ball, Poet
Upper School, Station Road, Langley, Berkshire, SL3 8GW Telephone: 01753 580516 (Option 0) E:
Lower School, St. Mary's Road, Langley, Berkshire, SL3 6BZ Telephone: 01753 580516 (Option 9) E:

Expectations for Pupil Behaviour

Dear Parents

I recently read an article in a teaching magazine in which a school leader was showing concern
over the increase in incidents of physical attacks faced by his teaching team. The perpetrators
being pupils.

He said that, “In 2021, one in seven secondary schools reported facing violence from pupils at
least once a month. I am concerned that this might result in headteachers and staff deciding to
leave our schools and possibly the profession.

At LHPA our experience is not quite at this level but I am sad to have to report to you that in this
academic year 3 members of staff have been seriously assaulted by children under the age of 8
and their injuries have meant that they have needed to seek medical assistance at a hospital.

Whatever the emotional needs that some of our children may have it is totally unacceptable for
a teacher to come to their place of work and be subjected to any form of violent attack. We
have a duty of care to our staff as well as our children and we take this seriously.

All teachers and LSA’s will support children in learning how to behave appropriately in school.
For the vast majority of our children a gentle reminder is sufficient.

If we consider that a child’s behaviour may escalate or is escalating, we will take the following
action: -

1. Alert a second member of staff to come and assist if one is not already present.
2. Move the child to a safe place.
3. Use calm language aimed at de-escalating the situation.
4. Contact parents to ask them to attend.
5. Use trained restraint techniques if it is necessary to protect the child and others.

Langley Hall takes seriously its responsibility to keep all members of the school community safe
and therefore, there will be consequences attached to a childs actions which result in: -

1. Damaging school property.

2. Using physical or verbal abuse towards staff or children.
3. Screaming and shouting.

Actions will be proportionate and appropriate to the behaviour, but we wish to inform you that if
a member of staff is assaulted by a child and the staff member requires medical treatment, it will
lead to a permanent exclusion.
Your support for our behaviour policy is of vital importance to us. Rarely would a child assault a
teacher if they are taught to respect and trust the adults who are entrusted to teach them.

I am sure that the vast majority of parents will be reassured by the measures we have put in
place to keep staff and children safe in school and will be supportive. In all the years I have
been teaching I have never had to write such a letter before but possibly Covid has exasperated
some children’s anxieties to a new level and we are seeing the impact of lockdown on our
youngest children’s in particular who do not appear to be school ready. Whatever the reason
the safety of those within my care is my priority and I seek your support in upholding our Golden
Code and in ensuring that our great teachers and leaders can carry out their duties without fear
of abuse.

Kindest Regards,

Mrs Sally Eaton B.Ed. FRSA

Executive Head

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