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Ground Zero:
Overwhelming assault against "money swallowers,"
poverty activators and financial devourers
6-2557 Dougall Ave #138
Windsor, ON N8X 1T5, Canada

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From: elisha Monday 1:07 A.M.

Calvary greetings …

I’m pumped up right now.

(And you’ll see why in a moment).

Please close your eyes and take this prayer like a mad prophet:

“O God that changes the times and the seasons, arise by fire,
change my poverty to prosperity in the name of Jesus.”

Did you pray that prayer well?

Then … congratulations.

Just last week I returned from a tropical island where I attended the
funeral ceremony of a person near and dear to me.

He was a family elder who passed away in his nineties.

I arrived one week to the event.

Every day it rained heavily (because it is the middle of the rainy


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Every day my prayer team and I would look up to heaven and make
decrees concerning the day of the event.

We asked the LORD for mercy.

That He would withhold rain in the middle of the rainy season.

I started a countdown.

5 days to go… it rained heavily.

4 days to go … more rain.

3 days to go … more rain.

2 days to go … even more rain.

1 day to go … the rain came down heavier than usual.

Then the day arrived.

Early in the morning…

I looked out the window.

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I could see the gathering storm.

7 AM, it started to drizzle.

As we got out to the event, a little shower followed.

It continued till about 9 AM when we got to church.

By the time we came out of the church, the sun was shining.

No more rain.

A gentle breeze started to blow.

The sun came out in its strength.

Throughout the day, there was an abundance of sunshine, light and

heat... no sign of rain.

Glory to God.

Here is the contrast…

Now contrast that to what happened in the desert of Las Vegas this
past weekend.

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Thousands of Baal worshippers gathered for their annual demonic
ceremony known as “Burning Man” (you can google it).

This takes place in the middle of the Nevada desert…

… where it hardly ever rains.

Every year, it attracts the crème de la crème.

NPR said about Burning Man:

"Once considered an underground gathering for bohemians and

free spirits of all stripes, Burning Man has since evolved into a
destination for social media influencers, celebrities and the
Silicon Valley elite."

73,000 of them showed up this year…

… for a big drunken, drug-filled, sex-filled, orgy in the middle of the

Nevada Desert …

…. And for all sorts of debauchery and filth, as they have been doing
each year.

However …

When you look closely, you realize this is not “just” a bunch of hippies
sleeping in filthy tents in the desert.

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This is a religious ceremony.

Put together by the modern-day worshippers of Baal.

Complete with temples and rituals.

This year the LORD decided to send them a warning.


By sending a gigantic flood …

Torrential rains poured down in a desert where it hardly ever rains.

You can see the flood in the screenshot below:

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Just to leave no doubt about who was sending this warning…

A double rainbow was captured near the end of the video!

Where did we ever see a rainbow at the end of a massive flood?

Why am I
showing you this?

In the book of Daniel, we read:

Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever
and ever: for wisdom and might are his:

And he changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings,

and sets up kings: he gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge
to them that know understanding:

He reveals the deep and secret things: he knows what is in the

darkness, and the light dwells with him. – Daniel 2:20-22

Please close your eyes again as you take these 3 prayers:

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#1: O God that changes the times and the seasons, arise by fire,
change my poverty to prosperity in the name of Jesus.

#2: The wealth of the wicked has been stored up for me; I move
into divine position to possess it by fire in the name of Jesus.

#3: Any good thing that is slow in coming to me, be fast tracked
to locate me now by fire in the name of Jesus.


Last year, we began to talk about a great exodus - WEALTH

TRANSFER - suddenly gathering momentum…

… with the goal of transferring resources from the camp of the wicked
into the hands of God’s people (Prov 13:22).

Something that has been underway for decades is now about to break
forth and manifest in the natural realm.

A huge financial wave is about to hit the habitation of the saints for
the end-time spread of the glorious gospel.

What you are about to read will help you achieve 3 things in the

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coming outpouring of financial blessings:

#1: Ask and receive your portion from the LORD.

#2: Command the enemy to lay off your divine inheritance (via a
series of special announcements)

#3: Force the “money-swallowers” to vomit what they have


Glory to God.

Please pay close attention for the next 10 minutes or so.

Operation Kill Satanic Birds

Many years ago, I attended a mid-week service at one peculiar church.

It was a Wednesday night.

A very unusual service to say the least.

It started off with over an hour of high praises mingled with fiery
prayers… followed by a glorious session of worship.

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By the time the pastor stepped up to the pulpit the atmosphere was

Everyone rise up on your feet please, he asked politely.

We all stood.

There must have been ten thousand or more worshippers in the

auditorium and the overflow area on the right side.

He continued:

Tonight, we have an important assignment from the LORD.

This session is entitled: Operation kill satanic birds.

Listen to this first prayer…

… and pray it exactly the way I’m going to say it.

Pray it with holy madness.

Do not stop until I tell you to…

That first prayer lasted almost 30 minutes.

You should have seen the way we prayed.

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If you had spiritual eyes, you could see angels of war descending and
ascending all over the place.

It was a wild night.

Out of that session flowed thousands of testimonies for weeks and


It was a 3-hour service.

Two days after, the pastor received a letter.

He read the letter to the congregation the following Sunday.

It was a letter of apology.

From a witchcraft coven in the vicinity where the church was located.

Their unwavering assignment was to harass, attack and destroy the

church, its leadership, and members.

The letter explained that the attacks were targeted at inflicting

maximum damage by:

1. Infiltrating the leadership to cause strife, disunity, and evil

2. Attacking the health, marriage, and livelihoods of everyone
associated with the fellowship.

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3. Swallowing their finances to unleash the spirit of poverty,

I was especially struck by the implication of point #3.

Under it they listed various ways and means through which they
carried out their wicked assignment.

This was no ordinary letter.

It ran 10 pages long.

There was dead silence as the pastor read every line, sometimes
repeating whole paragraphs for emphasis.

It mentioned a specific case of one of their victims.

He was a faithful member serving in the children’s ministry.

He had a well-paying job at one of the big banks in the city.

At that point he happened to be praying and believing God for his

godly spouse.

However …

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Much to his dismay, money never lasted in his hands.

Anytime he was about to receive his salary, some emergency would

come up.

His car would break down. The computer crashed. Electrical

appliances stopped working.

At other times, someone near and dear to him would fall sick all of a
sudden and he had to help out with medical bills.

It was a rare month when he didn’t have to empty his account for some
emergency or the other.

All this was happening although he was paying his tithes and giving
his offerings faithfully.

He wondered long and hard what could be happening to him.

Well, on that Sunday morning the mystery was finally revealed.

The letter mentioned him by name!

The writer claimed that they were actively “swallowing” his finances in
the spirit in retaliation for his refusal to marry one of their members.

That’s why he was so viciously targeted.

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Because he refused to be manipulated into a marriage from hell.

Instead, he preferred to wait on the LORD for his godly spouse.

That got them really mad.

Incidentally, the bride they had carefully packaged for him was also a
member of the church.

She also served in one of the ministries.

In fact, she was in the service that night.

She was trapped.

How so?

One of the unusual things the pastor did as soon as he got on the
pulpit was to …

… order the ushers to shut all doors into and out of the auditorium.

The security crew was instructed not to allow anyone to come in or go

out… except in cases of real emergency.

Apparently, the super-targeted prayers had a disastrous effect on her

and her co-laborers who were there on an evil assignment.

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All these sounded surreal to me.

That is until we got to the last page of the letter, which revealed the
real reason why it was written.

The purpose of the letter was to ask for forgiveness from the entire

It asked for prayers for the LORD to take away His judgment from

It declared all their victims released and announced a restoration of

what they had stolen from them in the spirit.

It listed their real names and begged for congregational prayers to

avert the kind of divine judgment provoked by our prayers!

That was the day I realized how dangerous these prayers could be … to
agents of darkness, that is.

No wonder the devil hates it when we show believers how to pray in

this manner.

You might be wondering…

Did we pray for them as requested?

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Of course, we did.

Our prayers were not directed at human beings in the first place.

Tangible results followed.

Within weeks the fellowship was flooded with testimonies of financial

deliverance, spectacular healings, and restoration of lost blessings.

• New weddings were announced at almost every meeting.

• Many whose career had stagnated for years received sudden
promotion at work.
• Unusual business opportunities suddenly opened up for those in
• The ministry flourished and blossomed.

The last point is worth a bit of elaboration.

Before the end of the year two new auditoriums were added to the
existing ones to accommodate the influx of new members.

This was made possible by many of the homeowners closest to the

church selling their properties and moving away from the area.

The church applied to the City (and received approval) for rezoning so
these lands, buildings and structures could be legally converted to a
place of worship.

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Praise the LORD.

A night to remember but

I soon forgot all about it until…

Ministering that night, the man of God was operating openly in the
power of the Holy Spirit.

He believed and taught that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ must
be adapted to solve problems in the local environment in every
community where it is preached.

For instance…

In the ancient communities that Jesus and His disciples operated in,
there were lepers all over the place.

So, they activated the healing power of the gospel to heal them all.

Today we hardly see anyone suffering from leprosy.

But look around you.

We see deadly diseases and sicknesses afflicting so many.

In addition to preaching salvation, our gospel should also be targeted

at dissolving these modern-day infirmities and setting the captives

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According to the scriptures it is for this purpose that the anointing has
been released:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me

to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are
bruised… to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
– Luke 4:18-19.

What was the reason for that special Wednesday night session?

The man of God had noticed an epidemic of witchcraft in the church

and its environs.

He saw firsthand the devastating effects of witchcraft operations in the

lives of countless members who came for counselling.

As he sought the LORD concerning this thorny problem, he received

the blueprint on how to deal with it.

With extreme prejudice.

No negotiation.

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That Wednesday night was Ground Zero in his overwhelming assault
on witchcraft strongholds in that community.

For the very first time, those strongholds were confronted and
shattered in the power of the Holy Spirit…

… paving the way for an unstoppable flow of blessings into the lives of
God’s people.

Praise the LORD.

By launching that powerful assault, he demonstrated how to deploy

the power of the gospel to solve spiritual problems wherever you
happen to find yourself.

One day, I noticed something

disturbing in the Singles Forum

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A few years back we reopened our Singles Forum for those interested
in receiving their godly spouse…

… instead of satanic counterfeits.

To the glory of God, we have seen the so many testimonies in the last
year alone.

Many of the wedding pictures are posted to the Forum and Testigram,
our homegrown testimony-sharing platform.

Reading through the Forum posts after each session (as I sometimes
do) I discovered a disturbing trend.

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Once the enemy sees that they are losing the battle to keep our Eagles
from meeting and getting married to their godly spouse…

… they quickly turn their attention to:

✓ Attacking their finances

✓ Attacking their health
✓ Causing them to lose their job
✓ Destroying their business
✓ Pushing them into debt slavery

The list goes on and on.

It is time to pray again.

I break and loose myself from the curse of sudden destruction in

the name of Jesus.

There’s a precious eagle sister who got married not long ago.

They proceeded on honeymoon to another country …

… only for the government to have the borders closed against them
using COVID as the excuse.

They couldn’t get back to their country of residence.

To make matters worse, the husband received a letter of termination

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from his workplace while still stuck in a foreign country.

Thankfully, the wife is a true prayer eagle.

She’s been here for 5 years.

Like David, her hands have been trained to war and her fingers to fight
– Psalm 144:1

Do you remember Lesson 5 of the Prayer Academy?

Borrowing a leaf from that lesson, she and her spouse set about to…

Overload the enemy…

Before long the enemy had no option but to give up and flee.

I do not have her permission to share their war story.

It is quite colorful.

One thing I instructed them to do was use a mysterious method (which

is explained in detail in the Forum X Blueprint).

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Affliction shall not
rise a second time…

Now, I see this evil pattern over and over again.

As I looked at the hundreds of posts discussing this same issue…

The Holy Spirit gently reminded me of that Wednesday night prayer

riot from long ago.

I was handed the prayer blueprint.

And the upcoming prayer riot was born.

It has an unusual title:

“Operation Kill Money Swallowers”

The scripture makes us understand that things can be swallowed as a

result of a spiritual operation.

For example, we learned that Jonah was wholly swallowed by a huge

fish specially prepared for that assignment by the LORD Himself.

A great demonstration of a “swallowing” operation orchestrated from

the realm of the spirit.

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Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah.
And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three
nights. - Jonah 1:17

That happened in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament we see this in Matt: 17:27

“But so that we may not offend them, go to the sea, cast a hook,
and take the first fish you catch. When you open its mouth, you
will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for My
tax and yours.”

This is the Lord Jesus directing Peter on where to go and what to do to

pay the temple tax.

Question: How did the money end up there?

Answer: It was swallowed.

In these modern times, our environment is crawling with money-

swallowing powers and entities operating unseen in the spirit realm.

Yes, they still swallow …

✓ Money and finances

✓ Specific organs of the human body
✓ Marital virtues (love, joy, peace)

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✓ Business profits (thus turning a thriving business into a desert)
✓ Academic certificates (resulting in chronic cases of joblessness)
✓ Whole human beings thus making them unavailable to receive

Please pause right here and take this prayer with righteous

Let all my swallowed goodness and prosperity be released now

by fire in the name of Jesus.

Let’s think about the last point above.

The fact that blessings are being poured out does not mean everyone
will receive them.


Many believers are NOT even positioned in the right place and time to

Some do not have hands to receive in the spirit (they have been
spiritually amputated).

Many have been blown off course and are nowhere near their place of
divine appointment.

This was brought home to me by something quite painful that

happened recently.

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It was that incident, more than anything else, that prompted me to
open up this session to everyone…

… not just the Eagles of the Singles Forum.

(Provided you have gone through the Prayer Academy at least once).

Because when I did a random check in the other Forums, I saw the
same pattern repeated.

It didn’t matter what Forum I looked; the pattern was there.

Reflected in the thousands of posts and comments.

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What is this pattern?

The long and short of it is that the finances of God’s people

are being swallowed in the spirit …

… and only a handful are equipped to take action against it.

We have just opened this special Forum.

Entitled Forum X, this is where our financial deliverance prayer

sessions will be taking place shortly.

We will be deploying the very unusual method I alluded to earlier:

Ask. Tell. Force.

There is a crying need for this kind of session now so the outpouring of
blessings heading our way will not miss the target.

It is time for believers everywhere to get into divine position to:

✓ Receive the divine secrets of God’s wealth transfer agenda.

✓ Know what is behind 90 percent of their success or failure.
✓ Behold the revealed mysteries of the LORD.
✓ Locate the hidden origin of their battles.
✓ Discover and connect with their divinely appointed helpers.
✓ See and recognize their “angel” of blessings.

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✓ Uncover and demolish the “ladder” of destiny robbers in their
✓ And so much more.

Please take this as

an early warning signal…


Even a slight displacement from their divine position will doom many
to a place where the blessings of God cannot touch them.

Sadly, I had to re-learn this lesson the hard way just last week.

Therefore, I’m sharing this with you today.

Many people are daily praying for the blessings of the LORD.

Whereas what they are praying for is all around them… already

But will they be able to see, receive or partake?

Please take this prayer:

O God arise, give me the eyes of Elisha to see in the spirit in the
name of Jesus.

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Please join us for the
financial deliverance session if you can…

The program begins with a 7-day preparatory prayer sequence…

… while we wait for all our Eagles to sign up.

There will be testimonies as soon as the prep prayers begin.

The prep prayers are accessible to all members of the 24-Hour Forum,
Singles, Gold, NFR, and Diamond Forum whether they will be
joining the main event or not.

(Please do NOT share with anyone except

your spouse and adult children over 18 years old)

Friendly Reminder:

For these prayers to work as intended, you must surrender your life to
the Lord Jesus Christ.
You must be genuinely born again.
Nothing else will do.
The prayers you are about to see will only work for children of God.
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There is ONE key that unlocks everything.

That key is:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you. – Matt 6:33

Without it nothing else will work.

Repeat: For these prayers to BRING ANY ANSWERS, you must

surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.


#1: You must be genuinely born again

If you are not, you may be putting yourself in grave danger praying
this kind of warfare prayers you are about to see shortly. If you are not
willing to surrender all to the Lord Jesus, I suggest you stop reading

#2: Living a holy life is non-negotiable

You could get into serious trouble if you pray this type of prayers while
continuing to live in sin. As soon as you read this, the Holy Spirit will
bring conviction to your heart if you are living in any known sin. My
advice is that you drop this material immediately, go on your knees
and repent. Please do not go back to your vomit.
#3: Be filled with the Spirit daily

You must not be a fleshly, carnal believer. Learn to crucify your flesh.
Walk in the spirit. A few tell-tale signs of carnal Christians are that
they get angry very easily, cannot control their appetite for food or sex,
always compare themselves to others, tell small white lies, gossip and
complain about everyone, etc.

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#4: Get addicted … to the Word of God, your Bible, that is.

Read it out loud as much as possible.

Meditate on Scripture and let your actions and decisions be directed
by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.


Prep Prayers Start Date:

Thursday, Sept 7, 2023
(midnight hour)

Come with us as we turn our prayer guns to target the realm of

financial deliverance.

The Financial Deliverance Blueprint will be released shortly.

As we await the start of the prayer riot, please get busy with the prep
prayers and scripture confessions below.

You can get into the Forum early by signing up using this link here.

Note that the link will disappear in 72 hours.

If you use the link before it expires, you’ll be rewarded with a 30

percent discount.

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After 3 days the discount will be reduced to 20 percent.

And then to 10 percent.

Look at this as our way of rewarding you for …

… embracing the habit of taking ACTION quickly (one of the hallmarks

of successful people everywhere).

We call it the “Early Eagles’ Discount.”

Lasts only for 72 hours … as our way of rewarding Eagles who take
ACTION quickly.

Be An Overcomer



This period of prep prayers will give you ample opportunity to …

… sign up, log in and become familiar with the all-new Forum X.

Now to the prep prayers… (see next page)

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>> Start Here:
7-Day Prep Prayers

(Please always remember that

we are not praying against human beings at all).

Day 1 – Thursday, Sept 7, 2023


This is a midnight prayer. Meaning you rise between the hours of 12 midnight
and 3 AM (your local time) to take these prayers.

Begin with praise worship.

Scripture Ingredient: Isaiah 8:9-10

Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give

ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces;
gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, and
it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is
with us.

1. O LORD forgive me for living a life of partial obedience; help me to submit

to you completely in Jesus name.

2. Blood of Jesus wash me clean of every satanic mark and label in the spirit

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in the name of Jesus.

3. O Lord revive my dormant divine potentials by fire in Jesus name.

4. My Father, connect me to your creative power in the name of Jesus.

5. I refuse to stumble in the dark; thou power of divine revelation fall upon
me now in Jesus name.

6. Every curse of spiritual blindness upon my life be broken in the name of


7. I shut the gates, doors and portals that the enemy is using to infiltrate my
dream life in Jesus name.

8. Fire of God, fall and consume every altar of counterfeit religion in my

environment in Jesus name.

9. O LORD let your angelic hosts blow the shofar of victory on my behalf in
Jesus name.

10. O LORD quicken Your word to perform it in my life during this program
in the name of Jesus.

11. Let the judgment of fire come upon every spirit of Sodom operating in
my environment in the name of Jesus.

12. Let every satanic timetable for my life and family be roasted by the fire of
divine judgment in Jesus name.

13. Anointing of the Holy Ghost break every yoke of wickedness in my life in
Jesus name.

14. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.

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Day 2 – Friday, Sept 8, 2023

Begin with praise worship.

Scripture Ingredient: Psalm 24:7-10

"Lift up your head, O ye gates and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the
King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and
mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift
them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is
this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory."

1. Agenda of Satan, you will not prosper in my environment in Jesus


2. Let every power pushing satanic agenda in this area be disgraced by fire
in Jesus name.

3. Witchcraft altars in this place receive the judgment of God and fail

4. Father it is true that the earth is yours and the fullness thereof; arise
and deliver me from poverty and debt slavery in Jesus name.

5. O God arise and throw the camp of my enemies into panic and
confusion in the mighty name of Jesus.

6. Let the battle angels of the LORD be activated to pursue my dream

pursuers unto destruction in the name of Jesus.

7. O Sword of the LORD arise (shout it 7 times), massacre every satanic

beast on assignment in my environment in the name of Jesus.

8. This week, my Haman shall die in my place in the name of Jesus.

9. All my buried blessings, hear the word of resurrection, arise and locate

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me now in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. LORD let your fury, wrath and anger be released like wildfire upon the
powers opposing your agenda in this environment in Jesus name.

11. During this prayer riot the outstretched hand of the LORD shall write
the obituary of all my stubborn enemies in Jesus name.

12. I reject incomplete victory; my testimonies shall surprise my friends

and shock my enemies in Jesus name.

13. LORD, surround me and my family with the dazzling light of your
presence in Jesus name.

14. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers.

To join the Forum please click this link here


Day 3 – Saturday, Sept 9, 2023

Begin with praise worship.

Scripture Ingredient: 2 Chr. 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and

pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. -

1. LORD I thank you for what you are about to do in our lives during this
prayer riot.
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2. LORD release heavenly resources into the hands of those who truly desire
to join this program in Jesus name.

3. Every arrow fired into my eyes, get out now in the name of Jesus.

4. Every arrow fired into my mind, get out now in the name of Jesus.

5. Satanic plantations by spirit spouses in the dream, get out now and enter
no more in the name of Jesus.

6. Every poison circulating inside my body, blood of Jesus, neutralize them

now in Jesus name.

7. Anything in my body programmed to sabotage my destiny, be evacuated

by fire in Jesus name.

8. Every spirit of untimely death assigned against my family members, be

arrested by the burning fire of God’s judgment in Jesus name.

9. O Lord visit every area of my life with your fresh fire in Jesus name.

10. Every dragon of debt release me and die now in the mighty name of

11. Affliction shall not rise a second time in my family in Jesus name.

12. Any problem in my life disguised as something else, be exposed, be

disgraced, be terminated in the name of Jesus.

13. O LORD arise, purge me afresh with your fire; use me for your glory in
the name of Jesus.

14 Thank you, Lord for answering my prayers

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Day 4 – Sunday, Sept 10, 2023

Begin with praise worship.

Praise God and worship him with songs, even with dancing.

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below.

Scripture Ingredient:
Psalm 102:2: Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in
trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me

1. O Lord create in me a hunger for your Word in Jesus' name.

2. O Lord fill me with your Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and

understanding in Jesus name.

3. Every power assigned to eat up my harvest, I bury you today in the

name of Jesus.

4. Blood of Jesus arise in your power and fight for me in my dreams in the
name of Jesus.

5. Whirlwind of the LORD arise, carry satanic flood of affliction back to

sender in the name of Jesus.

6. I fire back every arrow of untimely death in the name of Jesus.

7. Evil deposits and plantations in my body, come out with all your roots
in the name of Jesus (place one hand on your head, the other on your
navel – pray for 5 minutes).

8. Evil trees in my life, hear the word of the Lord, dry up and die now in
the name of Jesus.

9. My blessings in the warehouse of the enemy, I clear you out by fire in

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the name of Jesus.

10. Accusations of darkness against my life, be cancelled by the blood of

Jesus in the name of Jesus.

11. Holy Spirit, please begin to reign in my life in an exciting new way as
from today.

12. O Lord break me and remold me in the name of Jesus.

13. (Pray this one with a holy shout – 21 times) Ancestral Pharaoh in
my foundation, let my family go in the mighty name of Jesus.

14. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.

To join the Forum please click this link here

Day 5 – Monday, Sept 11, 2023

Begin with praise worship.

Praise God and worship him with songs, even with dancing.

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below.

Scripture Ingredient: Job 36:11

"If they obey and serve

Him, they will spend their
days in prosperity, and
their years in pleasures."

1. Every enemy of my promotion and advancement this year, scatter in the

name of Jesus.

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2. Any evil wind assigned to blow me out of my divine position, die in the
name of Jesus.

3. Every power anointed to swallow my blessings, I command you to die in

the name of Jesus.

4. All my blessings in the warehouse of darkness, I clear you out by fire in the
name of Jesus.

5. Holy Spirit ignite my spirit with your fire; let every darkness flee away
from me in Jesus name.

6. Diviners and enchanters calling out my name for evil, receive instant
madness according to the word of the Lord in Jesus name.

7. Any satanic committee set up to judge me in the spirit, be scattered by the

whirlwind of the Lord in Jesus name.

8. Every power assigned to swallow my virtues, vomit them now and swallow
yourself in the name of Jesus.

9. O Lord ignite your holy fire upon my life in Jesus’ name.

10. My body, hear the word of the Lord, return to the days of my youth and
vitality in the name of Jesus.

11. Any power cursing my blessings, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

12. Every device and gadget used to monitor my life for evil, catch fire and
burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

13. I shall not sow for others to reap; I shall long enjoy the fruits of my labors
in Jesus’ name.

14. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers.

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Day 6 – Tuesday, Sept 12, 2023

Begin with praise worship.

Praise God and worship him with songs, even with dancing.

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below.

Scripture Ingredient:

In God alone my soul finds rest; my salvation comes from Him. He

alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress; I will never be
shaken. – Psalm 62:1-2.

1. O LORD ignite my tongue with your fire to destroy all contrary powers
rising up against my family in Jesus name.

2. Let all forces of darkness hindering the move of God in my family be

paralyzed in the name of Jesus.

3. Every power that does not want me to enjoy peace and prosperity, I bury
you today in the name of Jesus.

4. (With your right hand pointed to the heavens pray like this) Let the
heavenlies reject every satanic instruction against me in Jesus name.

5. Every ancient altar activated against my destiny, become desolate by fire in

the mighty name of Jesus.

6. Every incantation, occult and witchcraft activity against my life, be

consumed by the fire of God’s judgment in Jesus name.

7. Blood of Jesus, wipe out all evil ordinances against my life in the name of

8. O LORD fill my life with the brightness of your glory in Jesus name.

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9. I paralyze every satanic consultation contrary to my divine destiny in the
name of Jesus.

10. Let the spiritual strongmen in charge of my bloodline be bound and be

disgraced in the mighty name of Jesus.

11. O God arise and visit my foundation with your fire of deliverance in the
name of Jesus.

12. Father Lord let your wind of revival blow upon my household in the name
of Jesus.

13. Any stranglehold of witchcraft over my life be broken by fire in the name of

14. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers.

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Day 7 – Wednesday, Sept 13, 2023

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below (personalizing it where


You shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that
flies by day; Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the
destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand shall fall at your side,
and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked.
- Ps 91: 5-8

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1. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon my environment now in Jesus name.

2. Night birds of witchcraft flying against me, crash and burn to ashes in
Jesus name.

3. Evil birds assigned to monitor my environment, fall down and die in

the name of Jesus.

4. Coven powers working to hinder my progress in this territory, die by

fire in the name of Jesus.

5. Eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, I command you to eat your own
flesh and drink your own blood in the name of Jesus.

6. I belong to Jesus; I reject evil claim of water spirits over my life in the
name of Jesus.

7. Every entry point of water spirits into my life be closed forever by the
blood of Jesus.

8. I break every ungodly covenant and evil soul-tie with the spirits of my
ancestors in Jesus name.

9. Every generational transfer of sickness and infirmity, I cut you off, loose
your grip and release me now in the name of Jesus.

10. Every garment of ancestral infirmity, disease, untimely death, poverty,

shame, dishonour, disfavour and failure at the edge of breakthroughs
passed down to my generation, be devoured by the consuming fire of
God in Jesus name.

11. I recover every good thing stolen by ancestral evil spirits from my
forefathers, my immediate family and myself in the name of Jesus.

12. Holy Spirit, ignite my spirit and cause my life to explode in signs and
wonders in Jesus name.

13. Every foundational strongman assigned to pull me down, be buried by

fire in the name of Jesus.

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14. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers.


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