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Module 10 of 12

Praying to Strengthen Your

Foundation to Carry Marital Blessings
2679 Howard Ave. Suite 138
Windsor, ON N8X 3X2, Canada

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“Destitute of the fire of God, nothing else counts;

possessing the fire, nothing else matters.
– Samuel Chadwick

From: elisha Tuesday 1:25 AM

Calvary greetings …

… and welcome to Module 10 of 12.

Before we dive in, please take these 3 prayers with holy madness
and fire in your voice:

1. My soul receive the divine touch of fire in the name of Jesus.

2. I withdraw my marital virtues from every evil altar in the name of
3. Every power mocking my prayers I bury you today in the name of

Now, we are ready.

Let’s begin with a notorious case study.

It happened in the 1980s.

The handwriting was on the wall.


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No one noticed.

Or if they noticed no one took any action… or knew what action

to take.

By the mid-80s, Jimmy Swaggart had become the world’s richest

and most famous televangelist.

His ministry received more than $150 million in gifts and

offerings annually.

Every week his TV program “The Jimmy Swaggart Telecast”

attracted 8 million eager viewers.

In that same decade up until 1987 another popular televangelist

Jim Bakker and his wife Tammy Faye were swimming in material

The way they told it, their prosperity was a gift from God, and He
had blessed them with an army of followers and immense personal

The ministry was burning through $500,000 a day.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly.

Then came the sunset…

These two popular preachers, one after the other, fell into the
dirtiest, most highly publicized sex scandals of the time…

... and were completely disgraced out of God’s work.

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This was on every TV and news media of the day.

Ministers of God everywhere lost a ton of credibility because of

the negative publicity generated by these events.

That is well known and documented.

But what most people did not know was that a few weeks before
all these things happened...

... a group of dare-devil witches were dispatched to the

Assemblies of God headquarters in the U.S. to issue curses against it.

They did their job well…

... and it took many, many weeks for the results to manifest.

… when these ministers began to fall like a pack of cards.

What hastened their fall?

Let’s take a brief journey into the Scriptures.

We all know the story of Balaam who was hired to curse the
children of Israel as they were progressing toward their Promised

It took God’s personal and immediate intervention to avert


In the book of Num 22:10-12 we read:

And Balaam said unto God, Balak the son of Zippor, king of
Moab, hath sent unto me, saying,
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Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt, which covers the
face of the earth: come now, curse me them; peradventure I shall be
able to overcome them, and drive them out.

And God said unto Balaam, You shall not go with them; you
shall not curse the people: for they are blessed.

Our Prayer Model

During this session, we will be looking at an individual as a

building or a house – in this case a spiritual house.

Every house has a foundation, which must be strong enough to

carry the weight of the superstructure on top of it.

How high the building goes and how well it survives the
elements is determined by the strength of this foundation.

In one notable instance...

The LORD gave Jeremiah these marching orders:

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the
kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to
throw down, to build, and to plant. - Jer 1:10

Please read that statement again and notice the order.

The prophet was commissioned to destroy certain things first

before he could make any attempt to build or plant.

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For a believer to really experience the dimension of blessings

that the Bible talks about, especially marital blessings, she must start
her prayers at the foundation … the very beginning … of her life.

2 Crucial Mysteries

Now, there are 2 things that can go terribly wrong at the

foundation of a person’s life.

When this happens other areas of life such as the spiritual walk,
the finances, marriage, or career are just sitting ducks for satanic
attack, disaster, and failure.

If these 2 things are not quickly identified and dealt with through
aggressively targeted and focused prayers...

... one may end up praying for ages without any tangible results.

Especially in the area of marriage.

These 2 foundational problems we are going to attack during this

session of prayers.

It is simple to pray and deal with them once you understand how
they operate.

To many, these are the prayers that will bring instant solutions.

To others it will take a while for the prayers to settle in and do a

thorough work…
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... maybe weeks or even months.

What I want you to note is that once you enter this session of
prayers with the required level of holy aggression…

... many turnaround breakthroughs will happen.

But first, what are these 2 foundational problems?

Foundational Problem #1:

Hidden or Unknown Curses

Many are operating under hidden or unknown (or undetected)


What is a curse?

- It is an evil spiritual energy originated through verbal


- It is a satanic mandate given to evil powers to attack and

destroy a person, a place or thing... relentlessly.

- It is a counter force that fights blessings

Curses fall into 2 categories:

1. Righteous curses

2. Unrighteous curses
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Righteous Curses

These are curses that a person qualifies for because she has done
what she should not. God issues righteous curses. He has ordained the
universe in such a way that once a person violates certain spiritual
laws, there’s a specific penalty that must be paid.

In the Bible, so many things are classified as abomination… if you

engage in them, such an action could trigger an automatic curse.

But there is a way out.

It always begins with deep and genuine REPENTANCE.

Unrighteous Curses

You may find it difficult to believe that there are powers assigned
to curse believers and churches day and night.

And these powers go about it religiously at the midnight hour

while others are fast asleep.

In some cases, curses run along generational bloodlines and can

be transferred from parents to children… from one generation to the

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This kind of curses can:

- Bind a person to a cage and he/she ends up struggling for

the whole of their life.

- Energize evil powers to attack a person once she enters into

a particular environment or when good things are about to

- Significantly retard one’s progress and cause them to

operate below their potentials all their lives (snail and
tortoise anointing)

- Suppress initiatives and achievement

- Neutralize the best of human efforts

- Work collectively against every member of a family, place, or


- Oppose and divert every single blessing meant for an

individual or family

- Ensure that despite all the qualifications for success, the

person routinely stumbles and falls at the edge of

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Sadly, in today's spiritual environment...

Many churches just prefer to “play the ostrich” that is, pretend
these things don’t exist in the hope that everything will be ok if they
live in denial.

But it is easy to detect when someone is operating under a curse.

You can pick up telltale signs just by reading through the emails.

It is also possible to tell if someone is operating under a curse by

examining their dream life.

In Job 33:14-18 we read:

For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not.

In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon

men, in slumberings upon the bed;

Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction,

That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride
from man.

He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing
by the sword.

Your dream life is a spiritual monitor of sorts and there’s a strong

indication that a curse is in place if you CONSTANTLY dream of the
following, among others:

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- fighting unknown persons without achieving victory

- going on an endless journey

- having repeated nightmares that seem to make no sense

- endlessly climbing without getting to the top

- sitting for examinations you couldn’t complete before

waking up

- getting to important appointments late

- plucking rotten fruits

- returning to your junior school or home where you lived as

a child

- always serving others

- going around in circles

- finding yourself in a cage, pit, jail, or prison

- always having a recurring dream before a problem starts

- regularly communicating with the dead

- etc

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A Heavenly Solution

Many believers are only vaguely aware of what we’re discussing


Others have a lot of information about it.

They might even think they know how to handle this issue.

But intellectual knowledge is not the same thing as experiential

or transactional capability.

I want to quickly make clear that GOD in His mercy has made
provisions for His children to break free (and stay out) of the bondage
of curses.

One of the myths of modern Christianity is the popular illusion

that once you give your life to Jesus all curses are taken away, never to

... even if the person continues to live the kind of life that attracts
and strengthens curses, e.g. a Christian involved in things like
abortion, masturbation, pornography, sexual perversions, cheating the
poor, etc.

Please note this:

Only the redemptive power in the blood of Jesus - and the correct
application in prayer – can permanently solve the problem of curses.

What does this mean?

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1. God has the power and control over curses and blessings

2. God has power over all spiritual entities that operate curses

3. The penalty for curses had been placed squarely on Jesus.


You and I do not have to live under any curse whatsoever.

As the Bible says in the book of Galatians 3:14-15:

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a
curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through

Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

This next verse in Revelation 22:3 really gladdens my heart:

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of
the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

Meaning as soon as the Lord Jesus is given the opportunity to set

up His throne in your life, the days of curses are over.

Onward to ...

Foundational Problem #2:

Covenants of Darkness

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The 2nd problem we are going to attack is what is known as the

covenants of darkness.

What is a covenant?

It is simply an agreement between two or more parties.

This is a strong and powerful thing spiritually….

So much so that God calls Himself the covenant-keeping God.

HE respects covenants.

There are good and bad covenants.

When you make a covenant with God, it is a good one…

and it will attract blessings to you and your family.

On the other hand ...

When you or someone on your behalf makes a covenant with the

devil, whether you know about it or not, it is still powerful and binding.

This is an evil covenant, a covenant of darkness… that opens the

door to curses, destruction, and calamity.

Consider this Scripture:

Because you have said, "We have made a covenant with death,
and with Sheol we are in agreement. When the overflowing scourge
passes through, it will not come to us, for we have made lies our
refuge, and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves."
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Therefore thus says the Lord GOD:

"Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a

precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; whoever believes will not act
hastily. Also I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness
the plummet; The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the
waters will overflow the hiding place. Your covenant with death will
be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand; when the
overflowing scourge passes through, then you will be trampled down
by it. -- Isaiah 28:15-18

Reading through thousands of emails, one of the sad things I see

is that so many are in dark covenants with the enemy without knowing

A person may still be in a dark covenant now if they were

dedicated to certain powers while they were babies in the womb, or
they were later initiated by their parents or friends.

To be initiated one does not have to know about it.

Or understand it.

For instance, many have unwittingly formed covenants of

darkness simply by seeking advice from TV mediums or psychics…

... others by going to cult churches or fortunetellers or reading

materials on astrology, magic, and the occult.

In some cases, the person does not need to be invited, or respond

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to any invitation.

It could come through harmless-looking things like tattoos,

incisions, food, drinks or even attending so-called spirituality

It could also be foisted on a person through the dream.

Multitudes have entered into strong covenants through sex.

There is a particularly dangerous type of strong covenant called

the blood covenant.

One of the most devastating forms of this is known as the

covenant with the first sexual partner.

This anti-marriage covenant can lead to barrenness, late

marriage, and inability to find a godly spouse…

... to be quite candid with you; this one is at the root of most
marital delay and distress you see today.

Then there are religious covenants (many are in a covenant with

satanic prophets they once consulted).

Another type is established and cemented by taking oaths in a

group or organization (e.g. the masons) or even some churches, which
believe in unbiblical ways of relating to the Creator.

Then there are the strongest of them all - ancestral covenants

transacted through evil dedication, initiation, and blood rituals, even if
the rituals were performed generations ago.
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The sad part is that a believer operating under these dark

covenants will always end up in frustration, no matter how many
blessings she claims, or how much “seed” she’s planting into God’s

Because these covenants act as spiritual barriers… to divert and

deflect away their blessings….

And all the while they will be thinking that God is not blessing

Consequences of Hidden,
Dark Covenants

The victims of such evil covenants described here are prone to

experience some or all of the following:

- untimely death

- chronic debt and/or poverty

- delayed or distressed marriages

- constant sickness (including so-called incurable diseases)

- recurring tragedy, disaster, and calamity

- unending nightmares and dream attacks

- unexplainable hatred and rejection

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- dryness in their walk with God

- intensive marital turbulence

- barrenness & unfruitfulness

- Getting married to a counterfeit spouse

- inability to find a godly spouse

- late marriage

- attacks from enemies posing as friends

- failure at the edge of success

- career failure

- and MORE

Deliverance and Good News

The Lord Jesus came to destroy these works of the devil and
release us to blossom and enjoy a close relationship with the Father…
with the attendant blessings, favor, and joy. – John 10:10

And this will definitely happen…

... as we settle this issue once and for all during this session of

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You will notice that the prayers for this phase sound super-
aggressive and rough-hewn.

If you wonder why that is, just pay a visit to a building site where
they are busy working on the foundation.

Not a pretty sight at all.

But when the foundation has been solidly laid, a beautiful

building can be erected on top to hide the not-so-attractive foundation
of stones and concrete.

The kind of prayers you are going to see shortly is the kind that
no power of darkness can stand against.

The only thing that can disturb you is ANY unconfessed sin in
your life.

This session's prayer strategy incorporates 9 crucial elements

that we were given as a blueprint to break out of foundational bondage
at the very beginning of this ministry.

It includes:

1. recognizing the source of the curse

2. repenting of any associated sin

3. renouncing the specific curse

4. revoking and canceling the curse

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5. restraining and binding the evil power behind it

6. reversing the curse

7. replacing the curse with blessings

8. calling down the fresh fire of the Holy Ghost

9. resisting the temptation to slip back into bondage

Please note the following guidelines…

A: Start with praise worship. Praise God and worship Him

with songs.

B: Confess out LOUD the scriptures promising deliverance

(i.e. the scripture ingredients).

C: Always cover yourself and your loved ones with the blood of
Jesus before you go into the prayers.

D: Close the sessions with high praises to the LORD.

E: Make a record of your dreams after the prayers (look out

for dreams that recur over and over again).

F: Highly recommended: Esther FAST (first 3 days) or last 3

days. In addition, you may also embark on a fast from 6 AM to 6
PM on Day 7 and 14 if you are able to do so.

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Disclaimer on Fasting

PLEASE CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR if you have any medical condition that
precludes fasting. Do not ask me any questions regarding whether you should
fast or not. Ask a qualified medical practitioner if it is OK for you to fast. In some
places asking someone to fast may be considered medical advice and we do not
dispense medical advice.

G: Plan on investing at least 45 minutes each night to pray these

prayers… and then some more during the day.

Be An Overcomer



Our prayers are not directed against human beings. When you see the word
enemies we are not referring to flesh and blood. Our enemies list can be
found in Ephesians 6:12.

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Da y 1 o f 1 4 :
F r i d a y , J ul y 2 3

Begin with praise and worship.

The thank the LORD for this unique opportunity.

• Lord Jesus I thank you for the release you obtained for me when
you became a curse on the cross.

• Father I confess to you that I have been in bondage in the

following areas (mention the areas one by one)

Then say this:

• LORD, I ask You to forgive me and my ancestors for any sin that
has exposed me to a curse (then name the sins that are brought to
your mind).

Follow this biblical example of how Daniel prayed about ancestral sins
in Daniel chapter 9: 3-19:

3 Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and
supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.

4 And I prayed to the LORD my God, and made confession, and said, "O
Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with
those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments,

5 we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and

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rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments.

6 Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in

Your name to our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the
people of the land.

7 O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is

this day -- to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all
Israel, those near and those far off in all the countries to which You have
driven them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed
against You.

8 "O Lord, to us belongs shame of face, to our kings, our princes, and
our fathers, because we have sinned against You.

9 To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have
rebelled against Him.

10 We have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to walk in His
laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets.

11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not
to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law
of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we
have sinned against Him.

12 And He has confirmed His words, which He spoke against us and

against our judges who judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster;
for under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been
done to Jerusalem.

13 "As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon
us; yet we have not made our prayer before the LORD our God, that we
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might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth.

14 Therefore the LORD has kept the disaster in mind, and brought it
upon us; for the LORD our God is righteous in all the works which He
does, though we have not obeyed His voice.

15 And now, O Lord our God, who brought Your people out of the land
of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made Yourself a name, as it is this day
-- we have sinned, we have done wickedly!

16 "O Lord, according to all Your righteousness, I pray, let Your anger
and Your fury be turned away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy
mountain; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers,
Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to all those around us.

17 Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his
supplications, and for the Lord's sake cause Your face to shine on Your
sanctuary, which is desolate.

18 O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see our
desolations, and the city which is called by Your name; for we do not
present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds,
but because of Your great mercies.

19 O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for
Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by
Your name."

(Please go ahead and use this prayer as a model to zero in on your own
sins and the sins of your ancestors… if you notice any pattern of sin in
your family, confess it to the LORD, asking for His forgiveness and
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Please add the following prayers:

1. O LORD forgive me for living a life of disobedience and sin.

2. Blood of Jesus cleanse me from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit in
Jesus name.

3. O LORD help me to submit myself under your mighty hand as from

today in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit visit my life with your fresh fire during this program and
beyond in Jesus name.

5. Evil spiritual deposits in my body, come out now with all your roots
in the name of Jesus.

6. Yoke of witchraft powers over my life be broken now in the name of


7. Any dark document caging my life catch fire and burn to ashes in the
name of Jesus.

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Day 2 of 1 4 :
S atu r d a y , J u l y 2 4

Scripture Ingredient

Gal 3:13-14

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for
us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:

That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus
Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Revelation 22:3

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb
shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

1 (Raise your two hands up) Father Lord, baptize my hands with your
liquid fire mixed with the blood of Jesus to destroy and break witchcraft
curses in Jesus’ name.

2 (Lay the two hands on your head) Father Lord, if there is any curse
upon my life, destroy them by your fire in the name of Jesus (pray for at
least 10 minutes).

3 I renounce any self-inflicted curse that I may have issued on myself in

the name of Jesus.

4 Lord send your angels to arrest any power issuing curses on me from the
kingdom of darkness in Jesus name.

5 I command such powers to be bound and cast into the abyss in the
name of Jesus.

6 I bind all satanic agents cursing my blessisngs with chains that cannot
be broken in the name of Jesus.
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7 I command demons operating these curses to be cast into the pit or
wherever Jesus wants to send them in the name of Jesus.

8 Let stubborn and unrepentant curses be returned to their source in the

name of Jesus.

9 Every spirit issuing curses against me, I bind you permanently in the
name of Jesus.

10 I break all ancestral curses by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

11 I renounce every known and unknown curse, and I ask for divine
replacement with divine blessings in Jesus name.

12 I apply the blood of Jesus to break any curse working against my

marital destiny in the name of Jesus.

13 I cover myself and my family with the blood of Jesus.

14 I apply the blood of Jesus to break all consequences of parental sins and
iniquities in the name of Jesus.

15 O Lord, turn all the evil targeted against me to good in Jesus name.

16 I command all powers of evil on assignment against me to return to

wherever they came from in the name of Jesus.

17 O Lord make everything the enemy has said is impossible in my life to

become possible in the name of Jesus.

18 I release myself from the canopy of any collective family captivity in the
name of Jesus.

19 I release myself from any inherited bondage in the name of Jesus.

20 O Lord send your axe of fire to the foundation of my life to destroy

every evil plantation in the name of Jesus.

21 LORD, I thank you for answering my prayers.

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Day 3 of 1 4 :
S u n d a y , Ju l y 2 5

Gal 3:13-14

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for
it is written, cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:

That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Revelation 22:3

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be
in it; and his servants shall serve him:

1 Let the blood of Jesus flush our of my system every inherited satanic
deposit in the name of Jesus.

2 I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life
from the womb in the name of Jesus.

3 Let the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost cleanse every
organ in my body in the name of Jesus.

4 I break and loose myself from every collective household and tribal
curse in the name of Jesus.

5 I vomit every evil food and drink that I was fed with as a child in the
name of Jesus.

6 I command all foundational strongmen attached to my life to be

paralyzed and buried in the name of Jesus.

7 Any rod of the wicked rising up against my family line be rendered

impotent for my sake in the name of Jesus.

8 I cancel the consequences of any evil local name attached to my

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person in the name of Jesus.

9 Evil foundational plantations in my life, hear the word of the Lord,

come out with all your roots in the name of Jesus.

10 I break and loose myself from every form of demonic bewitchment in

the name of Jesus.

11 I release myself from every evil domination and control in the name
of Jesus.

12 Let the blood of Jesus be spiritually transfused into my blood vessels

in the name of Jesus.

13 Let every evil gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed

forever by the blood of Jesus.

14 Lord Jesus, please walk back into every second of my life and deliver
me where I need deliverance, transform me where I need
transformation (pray this one for at least 5 minutes).

15 Every voice calling me away from my divine destiny be silenced in the

name of Jesus.

16 Any evil word spoken to withdraw me to a place of debt and poverty,

loose your power in the name of Jesus.

17 Every satanic arrow fired to divert my destiny, catch fire and burn to
ashes in the name of Jesus.

18 I will not remove myself from the kingdom of God in the name of

19 Every deceitful tongue speaking to remove me from my place of

blessing, be paralyzed in the name of Jesus.

20 Every curse hanging on my family tree, break break break in the name
of Jesus.

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21 Every curse with long legs, I break your legs in the name of Jesus.

Da y 4 of 1 4 :
M o n d a y , Ju l y 2 6

Gal 3:13-14:

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for
us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:

That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus
Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Revelation 22:3:

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb
shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

1 My enemies, hear the word of the Lord, my problems are over in the
name of Jesus.

2 I break every curse of poverty working upon my life in the name of


3 Every curse on my hands and legs, be broken in the mighty name of


4 Every curse issued against my source of income, be broken in the

name of Jesus.

5 Curses working against any area of my life break now in Jesus name.

6 I break and revoke every witchcraft curse issued against me in the

dream in the name of Jesus.

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7 Every effect of cursed house and land upon my prosperity, break
break break in the name of Jesus.

8 I break every cycle of financial turbulence in the name of Jesus.

9 Let my foundation be strengthened to carry divine prosperity in the

name of Jesus.

10 Every satanic marital covenant in my family die in the name of Jesus.

11 Evil blood covenants in my family, break now in the name of Jesus.

12 Inherited evil covenants in my bloodline, break in the name of Jesus.

13 Every covenant with the powers of my father’s house, break and die
in the name of Jesus.

14 I drink the blood of Jesus to neutralize every poison of darkness in

the name of Jesus.

15 Any ancient ancestral covenant fighting against my marital destiny,

loose your hold and die in the name of Jesus.

16 Family covenants with witchcraft trees, break in the name of Jesus.

17 You enemy of my full-scale laughter, die in the name of Jesus.

18 I fire back every arrow of witchcraft in the name of Jesus.

19 I take authority over every witchcraft chant or prayer working

against my life in the name of Jesus.

20 Let the fire of God locate the storehouses and strongrooms of

witchcraft storing my blessings and pull them down in the name of

21 Begin to thank God for your deliverance and restoration.

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Day 5 of 1 4 :
T u es d a y , J u l y 2 7

1 Any material taken from my body and placed on any witchcraft altar,
be consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

2 I reverse and cancel every witchcraft burial fashioned against my

marriage in the name of Jesus.

3 Every trap set for me by my spiritual enemies, backfire in the name of


4 Any evil padlock fashioned against any area of my life, be roasted in

the name of Jesus.

5 Let the evil wisdom of the occult targeted against me be converted to

foolishness in the name of Jesus.

6 O LORD deliver my soul from every form of bewitchment in the name

of Jesus.

7 Any evil bird monitoring my life, fall down and die, and be roasted to
ashes in the name of Jesus.

8 Any of my virtues traded out by workers of darkness, be restored to

me now in the name of Jesus.

9 Any of my blessings and testimonies swallowed by ancestral powers,

be converted to hot coals of fire and be vomited in the name of Jesus.

10 I break myself loose from the bondage of evil covenants in the name
of Jesus.

11 Any coven of witchcraft in which of my blessings are hidden, be

roasted by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.
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12 (Lay your right hand on your head as you pray this one) Every evil
plantation, pollution, deposit and material in my body, be melted by
the fire of God and be flushed out by the blood of Jesus.

13 Any evil ever done to me through satanic attacks, be reversed in the

name of Jesus.

14 Every damage done to my marital destiny through satanic operations,

be reversed now in the name of Jesus.

15 Evil hands planting wicked seeds in my life through the dream, wither
and burn to ashes in the mighty name of Jesus.

16 Obstacles and hindrances put in my way to block my desired miracles

and success, be cleared away by the east wind of God, in the name of

17 Any evil chant, spell and projection made against me, I bind you and
turn you against your senders in the name of Jesus.

18 I frustrate every plot, device, scheme, and project of satan designed to

affect any area of my life in the name of Jesus.

19 Any power projecting into the body of any animal in order to attack
me, forever be trapped in the body of such an animal in Jesus’ mighty

20 Every hidden evil covenant material in my home, catch fire and burn
to ashes in the name of Jesus.

21 Thank God for your deliverance and restoration.

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Day 6 o f 1 4 :
W ed n e s d a y , J u l y 2 8

Scripture ingredient
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us
into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through
his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. – Col 1:13-14

Say to them, as truly as I live, said the LORD, as you have spoken in my
ears, so will I do to you. – Num.14:28
1 Every drop of my blood in satanic blood banks, jump out by fire in the
name of Jesus.

2 Every demonic seat of judgment against me, be destroyed by the

furious earthquake of the LORD in the name of Jesus.

3 Let evil ordinances against my life be cancelled in the name of Jesus.

4 O Lord, go before me and make every crooked path straight in the

name of Jesus.

5 O God, straighten every crooked thing in my life in the name of Jesus.

6 As from today, let the covenant blessings of Abraham, Isaac and

Jacob begin to flow like a mighty gushing river into my life in the
mighty name of Jesus.

7 I set on fire every local satanic technology used to monitor my life in

this land in the mighty name of Jesus.
8 I neutralize every arrow fired into the ground to destroy my marriage
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by the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.
9 Thou power of the grave, lose your hold upon my marital destiny in
the mighty name of Jesus.
10 I shall not suffer loss in this land in the name of Jesus.
11 O Lord, break forth upon my enemies like a breach of water in the
name of Jesus.
12 Any evil voice calling out my name in the dark be silenced by the blood
of Jesus.
13 My God shall arise and all my enemies shall scatter in the name of
14 Wherever demons, witches, spirits are gathered against my marriage,
O thunder and fire of God, locate and scatter them in the name of
15 Every evil gate blocking my marriage in this land, be uprooted and be
cast into the fire in the name of Jesus.
16 Evil gates of my father’s house working against my marriage, be
uprooted and be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus.
17 Stargazers monitoring my marriage from near and afar, receive
angelic slap, be consumed by worms of fire in the mighty name of
18 Anyone reporting me to evil consultants in the land, receive divine
judgment, fall down and perish in Jesus’ name.
19 Any evil consultant accepting any case against me, receive angelic
slap, be consumed by worms of fire in the name of Jesus.
20 Any evil altar deliberating against my marriage, receive divine
judgment, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
21 Continue to thank God for your deliverance and restoration.

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Day 7 o f 1 4 :
Thursday, July 29

Scripture ingredient:

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?

But thus said the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken
away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend
with him that contends with you, and I will save your children.

And I will feed them that oppress you with their own flesh; and they shall
be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall
know that I the LORD am your Savior and your Redeemer, the mighty
One of Jacob. – Isa 49:24-26

1. I use the key of David to unlock the bowels of the earth, and to release

my marriage by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

2. I command a release of all my virtues buried in the earth now in the

mighty name of Jesus.

3. Thou womb of the earth, open up now and release my marital virtues by

fire in the name of Jesus.

4. Anything buried in the ground to hinder my marriage in this land be

neutralized, be scattered by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus.

5. Any evil land covenant working against my marriage, break by fire and

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the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.

6. Any evil voice crying against me inside the earth, be silenced forever by

the “It is finished” word of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

7. I reject disgrace; I bury all my shame and reproach today in the name of


8. Any power using the dust of the earth to manipulate my marriage,

receive divine judgment by fire, fall down and die in the mighty name of


9. It is written: Wherever the sole of my feet shall tread upon is given to

me for a possession; therefore, from today I drink the milk and honey of

this land in Jesus’ name.

10. From today every good thing I touch in this land shall prosper in the

mighty name of Jesus.

11. Every power firing arrows into the ground to manipulate my marriage,

fall down and die in Jesus’ name.

12. Fire of divine judgment, locate and scatter every evil meeting on the

land, in the waters, in the air against my marriage in the name of Jesus.

13. O earth, O earth, O earth as from today refuse to respond to the

instructions of my enemies in Jesus’ name.

14. Agents of darkness gathered against my marriage in the waters, be

arrested and be bound by the angels of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

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15. Evil gates in the waters standing against my family lineage, catch fire

and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

16. I use the key of David; I open the storehouses under the waters and I

release my marriage by fire in the name of Jesus.

17. I command my marital blessings to hear the word of the LORD: jump

out of captivity and locate me now in the name of Jesus.

18. Thou Lazarus of my destiny detained in the waters, hear the word of the

LORD: Come forth now in the mighty name of Jesus.

19. I loose my marriage from the evil chains of captivity in Jesus’ name.

20 I command a release of all my virtues swallowed by the waters in the

name of Jesus.

21 LORD, I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 8 o f 1 4 :
F r i d a y , J ul y 3 0

Scripture ingredient:
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was
contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having
spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly,
triumphing over them in it. – Col 2:14-15

1. Every strongman standing guard over my marital blessings, receive

divine judgment, be bound, be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus.

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2. Thou prison houses and storehouses in the waters, open up now and

release my virtues by fire in the name of Jesus.

3. Any evil covenant formed with the water to hinder my marriage, break

by fire and the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.

4. Evil voices in the waters crying against my marriage be silenced forever

by the majestic voice of the LORD in Jesus’ name.

5. I cast every marine serpent into the fire of God’s judgment in the name

of Jesus.

6. (One hand on your head) Every arrow fired into my head, jump out

now and go back to your sender in Jesus’ name.

7. Every arrow fired into my blood, jump out now and go back to your

sender in the name of Jesus.

8 Every arrow fired into my eyes jump out now go back to your sender in the

name of Jesus.

9 Every arrow fired into my throat jump out now go back to your sender in the

name of Jesus.

10 Every arrow fired into my legs jump out now go back to your sender in

the name of Jesus.

11 (For women only) every arrow fired into my womb, jump out now go

back to your sender in the name of Jesus.

12 Every arrow fired to delay my marriage, jump out now go back to your

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sender in the name of Jesus.

13 Every arrow fired into my family line, jump out now go back to your

sender in Jesus’ name.

14 Every arrow fired into my finances jump out now go back to your sender

in the name of Jesus.

15 Every arrow fired against my godly spouse, jump out now go back to your

sender in the name of Jesus.

16 Arrows circulating in my body, be arrested and be evacuated by the

blood of Jesus.

17 Poisons circulating in my body, be arrested and be vaporized by fire in

the name of Jesus.

18 I speak to the water in my body: Refuse to cooperate with the poison

and arrows of the enemy in the name of Jesus.

19 Any power speaking evil into my blood, receive divine judgment by fire,

fall down and perish in Jesus’ name.

20 Evil altars working against my marriage inside the waters, receive divine
judgment and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

21 LORD thank you for answering my prayers.

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Day 9 of 1 4 :
S atu r d a y , J u l y 3 1

Scripture ingredient:
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know
it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. – Isa
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up
my flesh, they stumbled and fell. – Ps. 27:2

1. I withdraw my photographs from every evil altar by fire in the name of


2. I withdraw my photographs from evil altars in the land by fire in the

name of Jesus.

3. I withdraw my photographs from evil altars in the waters by fire in the

name of Jesus.

4. I withdraw my photographs from digital evil altars in the name of Jesus.

5. I withdraw my photographs from evil altars in the heavenlies in the

name of Jesus.

6. I withdraw my photographs from evil altars underneath the earth in the

name of Jesus.

7. Blood of Jesus, wipe off every evil record about my destiny in the

heavens, on the earth and in the waters in Jesus’ name.

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8. Every marine decree to hinder my marriage, be broken by the blood of
Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus.

9 Every power firing arrows into the waters to manipulate my life, perish

with your arrows in the name of Jesus.

10 (With your finger pointed to the sky) I use the key of David to unlock the

storehouses of the heavenlies and I command my portion to be released

by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

11 You spirits and powers of the air, I bind and paralyze your activities

against my marriage in Jesus’ name.

12 Every ancient law programmed into the heavenlies to block my

blessings, be broken and be cancelled now by the power in the blood of


13 You spirits and powers of the air, release my marital blessings by fire in

the name of Jesus.

14 Any power assigned to shut my heavens and convert it to brass, receive

divine judgment, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

15 O Lord my God, open the heavens unto me and cause it to rain

abundance upon my life in the name of Jesus.

16 LORD I request angelic reinforcement; let legions of your military angels

be dispatched to assist us in this battle in the mighty name of Jesus.

17 Any evil voice crying against my marriage be silenced by the blood of

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18 I pull down every power in the heavenlies working against my marriage

in the name of Jesus.

19 I come against every agent of darkness in the water and in the air in the

mighty name of Jesus.

20 Evil altars set up in the heavenlies to block my marriage, be consumed by

the fire of divine judgment in Jesus’ mighty name.

21 LORD I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 1 0 o f 1 4 :
S u n d a y , Au g u s t 1

Scripture Ingredient:
But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed
with fresh oil. – Ps 92:10

1. Fire of God, locate and scatter every occult and witchcraft meeting in
the heavenlies against my marriage in the name of Jesus.
2. O Lord, rain down sulphur, brimstone and hailstone upon strange
children unleashed against my marriage in Jesus’ name.
3. Let the divine carpenters of the Lord dig up and destroy every hidden
foundation of witchcraft in my family line in the name of Jesus.
4. Thou principalities in my heavens, be shaken out and be overthrown by
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fire in the name of Jesus.
5. I speak destruction unto every root of marital destruction programmed
against my life from the heavenlies in the name of Jesus.
6. I speak destruction unto every root of captivity programmed against
my marriage from the heavenlies in the name of Jesus.
7. I speak destruction unto every root of strife programmed against my
marriage from the heavenlies in the name of Jesus.
8. I speak destruction unto every root of separation and divorce
programmed against my marriage from the heavenlies in the name of
9. I speak destruction unto every root of failure programmed against my
marriage from the heavenlies in the name of Jesus.
10. I speak destruction unto every satanic embargo established against my
marriage from the heavenlies in the name of Jesus.
11. I speak destruction unto every satanic roadblock mounted against my
marriage from the heavenlies in the name of Jesus.
12. Any satanic blanket in the heavenlies covering the glory of my marriage
be consumed by the fire of God in Jesus’ name.
13. Evil hands of darkness troubling my family, be cut off now in the name
of Jesus.
14. Satanic timetable and clock ticking against my marriage, be destroyed
by thunder fire of God in Jesus’ name.
15. I speak confusion of tongues upon evil agreements, evil unity, and evil
communication against my marriage in Jesus’ name.
16. I release myself from every evil marriage in the spirit; I declare that I
am married to Jesus in Jesus’ name.
17. Thou power of God, move with military precision and take my captivity
captive in the name of Jesus.
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18. I break every evil marital covenant with spirit spouses by the covenant
power in the blood of Jesus.
19. Anything in my life magnetizing spirit spouses to me, be consumed by
the consuming fire of the LORD in Jesus’ name.
20. Thou serpentine spirit spouse, I crush your head with the hammer of
God; I cast you into the fire of divine judgment in the name of Jesus.
21. LORD thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 1 1 o f 1 4 :
Monday, August 2

Scripture ingredient:
And the Gentiles shall see my righteousness, and all kings my glory: and I
shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. I
shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem
in the hand of my God. – Isa 62:2-3

1. The height that no one has ever attained in my family line, I will reach
and exceed by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.
2. Divine earthquake of the Lord, shake and empty my foundation of evil
attachments and strangers in the name of Jesus.
3. Arrows of affliction programmed against my life from the stars, die in the
name of Jesus.
4. Arrows of singleness programmed against my life from the moon, die by
fire in the name of Jesus.

5 Evil wedding ceremony in the dream, be consumed by fire in the name of

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6 I reject, revoke and renounce every satanic marriage in the dream by the
power in the blood of Jesus.
7 I declare that I am married to Jesus; let every power that attempts to drag
me into evil marriages in the dream receive immediate judgment by fire
in Jesus’ name.
8 Every demonic wedding ring given to me in the dream, catch fire and burn
to ashes in the name of Jesus.
9 Every demonic wedding certificate issued against me in the dream, catch
fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
10 I withdraw any marital vow made by me in the dream by the power in the
blood of Jesus.
11 I set on fire every evil wedding garment and ornament in the dream in
Jesus’ name.
12 Any power that has manipulated me into evil marriage in the dream,
receive the judgment of fire, fall down and perish in Jesus’ name.
13 Any evil power that has gained access to my sex organs in the dream, let the
anger and fury of the Lord overtake and consume them by fire in the
mighty name of Jesus.
14 Blood of Jesus, cleanse and purge my sex organs from evil deposits and
plantations of darkness in Jesus’ name.
15 Let all past defeats I have suffered in the dream be converted to victory in
the name of Jesus.

16 Every personality wearing the faces of my loved ones in the dream, be

exposed and be disgraced by the light of God in Jesus’ name.
17 I cancel every appointment with sorrow and tragedy in the name of Jesus.
18 Every satanic judgment against me in the dream, be cancelled by the blood
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of Jesus.
19 My vehicle of destiny shall not crash in the name of Jesus.

20 Evil consumption in the dream, be flushed out of my system by the blood of

21 LORD thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 1 2 o f 1 4 :
T u esd a y , A u g u s t 3

Scripture Ingredients: Ezekiel 9:1-5

Speak out loud like this:

As I go into this prayer, I hold in my hand the victory Jesus Christ

purchased on the cross at Calvary, when He made an open show of
principality and powers. I take my position in Christ as one given power to
become a son of God, even joint heir with Christ of the kingdom of God, to
execute judgment against every form of disobedience exhibited against the
knowledge of God.

Greater is He that is in me than any power on earth and in the seas.

I am born of God and I have overcome the world with my faith.

In faith, I hand over my battle to God. In faith, I come against evil

strongholds in the waters. In faith, I overthrow any evil queen enthroned in
the waters against my marital success. In faith, I trample upon your
serpents and scorpions in the name of Jesus. In faith, I bind you and I spoil
your palace and set your captives free in the name of Jesus.
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I announce that there shall be no reinforcement or evil reunion

against me in the name of Jesus. I seal my confession with the blood of Jesus
and I cover myself and my loved ones with the blood of Jesus. Amen.

1 Every evil agreement in the dream, be cancelled and be rendered null

and void by the power in the covenant blood of Jesus.
2 Every dark river of marital delay flowing to me from my father’s
house, dry up now in the name of Jesus.
3 Every dark river of marital delay flowing to me from my mother’s
house, dry up now in the name of Jesus.
4 Every satanic river of marital problems flowing from my family tree,
dry up by fire in the name of Jesus.
5 Evil trees of marriage destruction on both sides of the family, be
uprooted, crash and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.
6 Satanic padlocks hindering my marriage, catch fire and burn to ashes
in Jesus’ name.
7 Every familiar spirit assigned to delay my marriage, I bind you to each
other and dispatch you to the pit of fire in Jesus’ name.
8 Every ancestral spirit assigned to counterfeit my marriage, I bind you
to each other and dispatch you to the pit of fire in Jesus’ name.
9 Every witchcraft spirit assigned to counterfeit my marriage, I bind you
to each other and dispatch you to the pit of fire in Jesus’ name.
10 I break and loose my marriage from every witchcraft domination and
control in Jesus’ name.
11 You strongman of marital delay, the LORD rebuke you in Jesus’ name.
12 Every satanic law working to delay my marriage, be cancelled now, be
replaced by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
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13 I reverse every satanic judgment against my marriage by the power in
the blood of Jesus.
14 Witchcraft verdict against my marriage, you shall not stand, neither
shall you come to pass in the name of Jesus.
15 Anything buried in the ground to delay my marriage, I nullify your
powers by the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.
16 Anything buried in the waters against my marriage, I destroy and
cancel your powers by the blood of Jesus.
17 Anything hanging in the air against my marriage, I command you to
crash and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.
18 Anything placed inside a bottle to lock up my marriage, catch fire and
burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
19 Evil pronouncements made against my marriage in the air, land or
sea, be cancelled by the power in the blood of Jesus.
20 Every marine property working to frustrate my marriage, catch fire
and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.
21 LORD thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 1 3 o f 1 4 :
W ed n es d a y , A u g u s t 4

Scripture ingredients: Titus 2:5; Heb. 8:5

Begin with aggressive praise and worship …

1 I withdraw my marital glory from every evil altar in the name of Jesus.

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2 I withdraw my marital virtues from every evil altar in the name of
3 I withdraw anything representing me from every evil altar in Jesus’
4 Every evil spiritual environment manipulating my marriage, receive
the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah in Jesus’ name.
5 Any evil spiritual age group fighting against my marriage, be scattered
by the thunder fire of God in Jesus’ name.
6 Every evil altar upon which the virtues of my marriage have been
sacrificed, receive fire, burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.
7 Every witchcraft consultant using the dust to delay my marriage, O God
arise and visit them with divine judgment in the mighty name of Jesus.
8 Every marine arrow fired into my family line, jump out now, go back to
your senders 7 fold in the name of Jesus.
9 Let marine agents assigned to seduce my godly spouse receive the
arrow of fire and be paralyzed immediately in Jesus’ name.
10 I release my marriage from witchcraft captivity of my father’s house in
Jesus’ name.
11 I release my marriage from witchcraft captivity of my mother’s house
in Jesus’ name.
12 O God arise and decorate my upcoming wedding with your glory in
Jesus’ name.
13 O Lord, let the foundation of my marriage be built on Christ Jesus the
solid Rock.
14 LORD I dedicate my marital destiny to you; let anything that does not
glorify You be flushed out by the blood of Jesus.
15 O Lord, surround me with your favor day and night in Jesus’ name.

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16 Let the blood of Jesus cover me now in Jesus’ name.
17 O Lord, surround me with your walls of fire in Jesus’ name.
18 Blood of Jesus arise in your power and break the backbone of marital
delay in the name of Jesus.

19 Let any evil appointment concerning my marriage be disappointed in

Jesus name.

20 All the lost marital blessings of my family line I recover you by fire in
the name of Jesus.

21 Door of marital favor open unto me by fire in the name of Jesus.

22 Thank You Lord for giving me victory.

Day 1 4 o f 1 4 :
T h u r sd a y , A u g u s t 5

Scriptural Ingredient: Psalm 65:2

Revelation 22:3:

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb
shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

Continue with prolonged praise and worship.

1. I pull down the stronghold of confusion in my life, in the name of


2 Every cloud of confusion that has enveloped my mind fade away now, in
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the name of Jesus.

3 I reject every storm of confusion, and claim a sound mind, in the name
of Jesus.

4 I fire back every arrow of mind destruction fired into my life in the
name of Jesus.

5 My mind, receive the divine touch of fire in the name of Jesus.

6 Lord strengthen me in my inner mind with your fire and your power, in
the name of Jesus.

7 I pull down every stronghold of negative thoughts in my life, in Jesus


8 I bring into captivity every area of my mind to the obedience of Christ,

in the name of Jesus.

9 In Jesus name, I break the power of evil remote control over my mind,
in the name of Jesus.

10 I command all imagination contrary to my spiritual growth to be

defeated, in Jesus name.

11 I bind and frustrate every satanic imagination against my life, in the

name of Jesus.

12 I pull down every demonic ladder the enemy is using to climb into my
life, in the name of Jesus.

13 I cancel and nullify every imagination of enemy upon my life, in Jesus


14 Blood of Jesus, cleanse my mind from evil thoughts in the name of

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15 Sting of fear and failure release my mind in the name of Jesus.

16 I command every heavy burden on my mind to be rolled away in the

name of Jesus.

17 O Lord preserve my mind and keep if fixed on your word in the name of

18 O Lord write your word on the table of my heart with your indelible ink
in the name of Jesus.

19 I recover and possess every good thing I have lost as a result of mind
blindness in the name of Jesus.

20 Fire of the Holy Spirit fall upon me afresh in Jesus name.

21 LORD thank You for the victory.

Declare a day of thanksgiving unto the LORD. Praise and worship Him. Then
send a good offering to your church or local assembly where you fellowship. If
you can please sow a seed in an orphanage or a foster home that looks after
orphan kids. The LORD will bless you as you do so in Jesus name.

== THE END ==

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