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Burinlaf the scorched.

Burinlaf is the leader of the fourth company of the dark

sun, a famed group of sell swords amongst the
Underdark. They are known to undertake any task for
the right price. Specializing in lighting quick raids with
high impact and collateral damage. Whether you want
something stolen, an enemy assassinated, or an
obstacle removed, Burinlaf’s mercs will get it done with
a body count ten times the market rate.

Burinlaf took over the leadership of the fourth company

when he slew his father in single combat. However, there are whispers who say he is still unworthy,
saying his father single-handedly slew a dragon and Burinlaf lacked the strength to defeat him and
lead. There were constant whispers that Burinlaf poisoned his father before the fight (which he did
do). When word reached Burinlaf that King Xardorok was looking to capture a dragon, He was quick
to take the job and quell any rumours questioning his authority and stop the constant challenges.
Burinlaf took the entire fourth company to assist in capturing this dragon.

During the fight, all Burinlaf’s companions were killed until it was only the dragon and a burnt and
maimed Burinlaf. Only then did Xardorok arrive with his troops to defeat the dragon. Deprived of his
victory and left a broken and ruined husk Burinlaf was furious but unable to put up any resistance.

When he was taken back to Sunblight Burinlaf was locked away and not offered any medical care. he
was placed in the room with the still-beating dragons heart and tasked to keep it beating at any cost.
The heat in the room was unbearable and touching the heart only burnt him further. He began to
hear the dragon whisper to him saying it could free them both. Through his imprisonment, the
dragon was his only companion, as he listened and learnt the way of the dragon the pain lessened
and the burns slowly healed except for his hands which were broken and unusable.

One day a Duergar named Grandulpha visited him and offered him salvation for his service. The
Heart told him to agree. Grandulpha could not free him immediately but asked him to bide his time.
As a sign of her loyalty, she gifted Burinlaf a pair of chardalyn and dragon-scale gauntlets based on
the design of the Duergar Hammerers which allowed his hands to move again.

With his hands working and a new outlook on life, he began to train (think Iroh while in jail in ATLA)
and plot his revenge and the restoration of his first and last true friend.

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