DND Character Background - Feather

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Feather is a member of the order of the threefold goddess. Feather grew up in the Eleint temple.

within the temple is all she has ever known. Her mother was a member of the order and she never
met her dad who was apparently an influential person who her mother married and subtly steered
down a path that the Order deemed necessary. Like all members of the order Feather was raised by
the order only occasionally seeing her mother at important ceremonies. Once it was discovered that
Feather had a magical spark her life became one of rigorous training in the magic arts to discover
where her abilities lay and study in the philosophy of the Order.

On her 13th naming day, she was granted the rank of Journeyer within the order and sent on the
Great Journey to visit each of the Temples. The Great Journey is expected to take many years.
Feather has now set out unaccompanied to find and visit each temple and learn the skills from each
before choosing a discipline. Not everyone survives this Journey, but Feather is determined to
complete the Journey and achieve the rank of ranger. While on the Great Journey Journeyers are still
expected to bring balance to the world. Feather has been on the Journey for almost two years, they
have only found the temple of Hammer in the far frozen northlands after several months at the
temple Feather is moving on to continue the Journey, bring balance to the world and find the other

Order of the Threefold Goddess

The order is an ancient monastic order of scientists, scholars, warriors, philosophers, and artisans
which is solely focused with maintaining balance in the world. The Order see the moon as a
reflection of that balance possessing three aspects xx (light or good), xx (dark or evil) and xx
(balance). They believe that this balance is essential for the world to achieve true peace. In keeping
with this view members of the order are expected to maintain this balance themselves. Members
who fall to far to either the light or dark are exiled to meditate until they return to balance. The
Orders presence in Faerun is distributed between 12 temples each presided over by a temple
master. In order to gain mastery in the Orders, all members are expected to travel to each of the
temples to hone different skills.

The Order is governed by the Council of Masters

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