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This artwork is made by Daniel Buren.

He is a renowed artist with a important

impact on contemporary art.He received accolades such as the Golden Lion at
the 1986 Venice Biennale and exhibited his site specific work in prestigious
venues like the Guggenheim Museum in New York.The central focus in the
exhibition that this artwork was shown at is the exploration of the pyramid as a
mythical form.Buren presents a series of artworks that reboots and
reconsiders the concept of the pyramid.

I liked this one because it’s so dynamic and you can see different sides of it as
you look from different angles.I like artworks that you should analyze to see
everything about them.
This artwork is made by Bengü Karaduman.She seeks to portray the social and
physiological affect created by events that have been cemented in social
memory and investigate these events through design,sculpture and video
installations.Her main references are to the dream journals she has been
keeping since 2009. When the artist decided to record experiences she
acquires consciously or unconsciously,she began depicting the scenes and
patterns that occur in her dreams first as text and then as drawings,thus
creating a visual journal.

This artwork was a really interesting experience because it’s so unique and I
really liked how the artist combined a video with the artwork.
This artwork is made by the mother of the painter Nejad Melih
Devrim,Fahrenissa Zeid.She was a member of an artistic family that included
many other important artists.This artwork is called “My Hell”,dated 1951.It is
one of her most accomplished works in terms of linearity its intricately
fragmented surface and its synthesis of stained glass and painting.

I really liked Zeid’s painting so when I saw this umbrella I thought it was a
really unique and beautiful umbrella.I think that painting worked really well as
a design for an umbrella.
Istanbul Modern is a modern art museum established in Karaköy, Istanbul, in
2004.It is Turkey's first modern and contemporary art museum. It is located
between Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and Tophane-i Amire Culture and
Art Center. At the marriage of the Eczacıbaşı family, it was turned into a
museum by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, and it was opened to
visitors in the 4th Warehouse on December 11, 2004. In 2018, a building was
moved in Beyoğlu due to the reconstruction of the building. In 2022, the
location in Beyoğlu was closed and the new Museum building was built on its
old site on May 04, 2023 and opened to visitors again. The museum's
collection includes modern works of art, paintings, sculpture, photography,
design, architecture and new media.

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