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curiosity and I asked him: José, why did you sometimes seem so skeptical
when we talked about spiritualism, Santeria and other practices? I was
very surprised to discover in the pages of this book his relationship with
spiritualism and mediumship during his youth and early adulthood.
This was a topic we had never discussed. He pointed out to me that his
training and education in psychology led him to deny those experiences.
Luckily, he was able to reconcile his beliefs with his professional training,
and it is this same training that is now opening doors and offering
solutions to those who may feel abandoned and unable to be helped by
conventional psychiatric treatments and medications. In this book, José
offers you another tool, another modality to treat many “conditions” that
until now had been considered untreatable.

Although I was tempted to tell him that he should have written this
book much sooner, I am a firm believer that everything is in divine order,
and that everything happens at the appropriate time. I believe now is the
time when more people will be open and receptive to the knowledge
imparted in these pages. We have come a long way as a race in
understanding that we are spiritual beings living in a physical body. We
now speak freely about the law of attraction, about manifestation, about
chakras, about meditation, about energy healing, and many other forms
of healing and beliefs.
I am convinced that this work puts Dr. Cartagena in the same
league as Brian Weiss, Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil and other medical
professionals who have broken the barriers between science and
spirituality. We are in an Era in which as professionals we do not have to
deny the belief in the afterlife or in a Supreme Being. We don't have to
choose between one or the other, between God and science. We are blessed to

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