Parapsicologia Clinicapdf 3 PDF Free - Parte12

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live in an Age when we can choose them both and when we can
see the relationship of both in all things.

Every page, every word, comes from years of study and practice.
This is not written by someone who took a course and suddenly became an expert. This is
the man who wrote “the book” and who will go down in history as an authority and a pioneer
in the interrelationship between psychology and spirituality. Many people who have been
abandoned and classified as incurable can be helped and restored to their mental and
spiritual health.

I am proud to have him as a friend and colleague and I am very proud of the work
he has done and the steps he has taken. I feel honored that you asked me to write this
foreword for several reasons. First, I have been an eyewitness of the evolution that José has
achieved in this process. Second, as a dentist, I am honored that Joseph's mentor in spiritual
liberation therapy was Dr. William Baldwin, who was also a dentist. And finally, I am honored
as a daughter of Changó, to be writing the introduction to a book where my guardian angel
plays a key and significant role. My prayer is that Changó and all other beings of light bless
this work and bring it peace

to many lives.
Dra. Miriam Bonet, DDS

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