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human behaviour. The first thing I had to do was help people with sexual problems and
dysfunctions; then with people who had been victims of sexual abuse, and then with
criminals convicted of sexual crimes. Later I worked with patients who suffered from multiple
personalities or DID. These are all areas of controversy in the behavioral sciences, with
few professionals studying them. But with spiritual therapy for me, it was different. My
conversations with angels and different types of entities gave me a broader perspective of
this wonderful world we live in and its spiritual counterpart.

I was soon able to realize that this information could not be left alone with me and
my clients. That I had to share it. That he had to prepare others so that they could also help
others. That he had to pass the baton. That Spanish-speaking professionals would need
this information. That my people in Puerto Rico and the rest of the Spanish-speaking world
needed the kind of help that this therapy provides.

That is why I wrote this book, to serve as a call to all those who are brave and have an
open mind to face the unknown. Now I am sure that this is my life's mission.

This therapy is not a cure-all panacea. In fact, no therapy cures everything. There
are people who have double and even triple diagnoses.
These people will need therapeutic follow-up from the appropriate health
professional. But there are people whose physical and mental health deteriorated after a
spiritual invasion in the hospital, or in a bar, or after a sexual relationship, people whose
luck worsened after a relationship breakup. These people, if treated in time, will obtain an
almost immediate recovery. easy task due to all the spiritual and material obstacles that I
had to overcome. But here it is. However, when he was Writing this book was not


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