Trunk: Treat

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October 22 & 23, 2011

Monda y, O 6:30 p.m ctober 31st, . - 8:30 p.m.

Proven and Chosen

Leadership is necessary for the success of any organization or enterprise. There are about 300 biblical leaders who were studied and chronicled in the Bible. One hundred of the most prominent demonstrated the alarming fact that less than one in four finished well. Satanic attacks, huge obstacles, human weariness, and many other factors contribute to drop-out. I greatly appreciate the many kinds of leaders in our church. However, though teachers and other servants of the Lord are mentioned in scripture, the overseer (shepherd-pastor) and the deacon are the two primary offices in the local church (1 Timothy 3:1-13). Pray for us to run and finish the race well. As we are in our annual deacon selection process once again, we must remember: They must first be tested, then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach (1 Timothy 3:10). Though many may be nominated, we observe whether they have a consistent Christian lifestyle, are faithful in worship and Bible & Life Groups, and faithfully tithe and give to the Lord through His local church. They should be loyal to our church and staff. The apostle Paul went on to say that they must be Men of dignity, not doubletongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain (verse 8). They are serious about their service, and they do not lie, bear false witness, or gossip. They abstain from alcohol and any other possible addictions. They are not greedy, dishonest, or questionable in their work. It is interesting that Paul speaks about the tongue, implying that they must not say one thing and mean another, profess loyalty on one hand and spread discord in private. Satan uses the tongue more than any other weapon to divide and destroy. In our materialistic society they also must be concerned about the spiritual welfare of the church. Most importantly, they hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience (verse 9). Mystery means a truth which was hidden from the world and revealed at the appointed time and known by divine revelation. The faith speaks of our basic doctrine, which the deacon must understand and hold to. All of this must be done with a pure conscience. That sounds like a tall order but certainly an attainable one. I normally do not get heartburn over college mascots. However, one eastern schools nickname has always bothered me Demon Deacons. Can we say oxymoron? I have the highest respect for our godly deacons and ask you to not only submit your nominations, but pray for our Screening Committee during the time of proving and choosing. They are worthy of honor and respect. I thank God for those who have been faithfully serving over these years.

Guest Reception
There is a guest reception in the Commons immediately following the Saturday night and Sunday morning service. Come and meet Pastor Hayes.

Rev. & Mrs. Forrest Head

Dr. & Mrs. Hayes Wicker, Jr. along with the Pastoral Staff and Deacons of First Baptist Church Naples request the honor of your presence at a Wedding Reception honoring

on Saturday, October 29 at 8:30 p.m. or Sunday, October 30 at 12:00 p.m. in the Commons at First Baptist Church Naples.
If you wish to bless the couple, you are welcome to bring cards and/or gift cards. Please enclose a picture of you and your family if possible.

-------------------------------------Divine Design for Living

This weeks scripture: Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. This weeks prayer: Psalm 119:163 I hate and despise falsehood, but I love Your law.

Trunk & Treat

Monday, Oct 31 6:30-8:00 p.m. Church Campus Parking Lot
An incredible time of fellowship and a true alternative to Halloween!
Pre-registered participants will park, open their trunks, decorate them according to a chosen theme, and pass out candy to the children who visit their trunk. You can bring your car, van, truck, motorcycle, boat, swamp buggy, or anything else on wheels to participate. Themes will include God & Country, Sports, Animals, etc. Churchwide candy donations are being accepted in designated Trunk & Treat containers in the Commons. Stop by the Preschool or Childrens Ministry Desk to register your vehicle today! This event is a great opportunity to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to your church in a nonthreatening environment!

Time Change
Turn your clocks back one hour to standard time at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 6.

Living Christmas Trees

Tickets Still Available
presents, by calling 888-795-1559 THE LIVING (9am-6pm/Mon-Fri), CHRISTMAS TREES or in the Commons after all worship@ 7pm Friday, Dec. 2 services.

First Baptist Church Naples Purchase tickets online at

Thursday, Dec. 8 @ 7pm Friday, Dec. at Purchase tickets online 9 @ 7pm NEW: Saturday, Dec. 10 @ 1pm beginning Oct. 1 Sunday, Dec. 11 @ 4 & 7pm or call 888-795-1559 (9am-6pm/mon-fri)
for ticket information

Sunday, Dec. 4 @ 4 & 7 pm Thursday, Dec. 8 @ 7pm Performances: Friday, Dec. 9 @ 7pm Friday, Dec. 2 @ 10 @ NEW: Saturday, Dec. 7pm 1 pm Sunday, Dec. 4 @ 4 4 & 7pm Sunday, Dec. 11 @ & 7pm

L1, C1, C2, and R1 = $12.50 L2, R2, and front rows of L4, L3, C3, C4, R3, and R4 = $10.00 All else = $8.50

Our Final Beach Baptism of the Year is Sunday, November 13

Our final beach baptism of 2011 will be Sunday, November 13. If you would in First beautiful Gulf of Mexico,like to be baptized at the Baptist Church Naples call Linda please presents 596-8600 x280.

The Widows Oil ministry was birthed in Janets heart after speaking at an annual Pastors Wives Conference in Kaduna, Nigeria in 2009. One of the offerings collected at the conference was for the widows of pastors wives. Janet was overwhelmed at the number of widows and the range of ages. Women in a Muslim culture have few, if any, rights. When her husband dies, she has no rights to his possessions. The next male in line can take all that was owned from the home to the children. This leaves many women homeless and destitute. Though the Christian community is reaching out to assist these widows, the need far exceeds the means. Many times the Muslim relatives of the widow use this as an opportunity to persecute her for her faith in Christ. This information compelled us to begin a helps ministry to widowed pastors wives. The goal is to establish (with the womens leadership of the Nigerian Baptist Convention) a means of helping these women provide an income for themselves by gifting them with goats and feed or a sewing machine and material to begin a small business. The purchase of this devotional will help offset the start up costs for this vital ministry to our sisters- in- Christ in Nigeria.

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Announces our omens Ministry W tudy . . . Holiday Bible S

ill be . . . Our teachers w nnon Moore Week 1 - Shagie Hiers Week 2 - An nda Howard (Tuesday) Week 3 - Bre Hayes (Wednesday) Kim ncy Powers Week 4 - Naerri Dorrill Week 5 - Sh et Wicker Week 6 - Jan

Beginning . . . Tuesday, November 1st at 9 am & Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30 pm

We meet in the Worship Center, East Side for both Bible Study times.
Study books are available at the Lighthouse Bookstore.

Holiday Outreach Banquet

Womens Ministry Presents . . .

Between a Rock and a Grace Place

Featuring: Carol Kent
Additional information on our guest speaker can be found on our website:

Friday, November 11, 2011 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the Worship Center

Only 2 weeks left to Purchase your Tickets!
Tickets may be purchased in RefresHer or In the Commons after Church Services

Ticket cost is $15

Sunday, Oct 23/9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. FBCN Church Parking Lot
Come on by this Sunday and Karen will make sure to get you in! Successful donors will receive gift cards from Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios, Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant, and Sugar Palm Cafe & Bakery. Photo ID is required, eat a meal before giving blood, drink lots of water on the day of donation, and the minimum age is 16 with parent consent. Community Blood Center -- whats collected here...stays here!

Blood Drive

Discovering First Baptist Church Naples Monday, November 7 6:30 p.m. in Room DC121
Led by Senior Pastor Hayes Wicker, this is a very informative dinner seminar. It is held for those who are new to First Baptist Church Naples, those who want to join the church, or those who would like more information about our church and ministries. Please RSVP by calling 596-8600 x679. This dinner is designated for adults and children 11 and older. Childcare is available for children 10 years old and younger by advanced reservation. Please make your childcare reservation by calling 5968600 x360. Please plan to feed your child beforehand.

Calling All Men!


FIT for the FIGHT

For Winning the Battle for Godliness

Practical Strategies

This Wednesday 6:25 - 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel

This will Be a great time of study and fellowship as we learn how to fight the Battle together.

This Weeks Study: Arming Yourself Against Feelings of Inferiority By Dr. Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor

In the Missions Kiosk in the Commons

Middle School Students Challenged to Fill 400 Shoe Boxes!

The Middle School Students of FBCN are up for the challenge. They are working towards filling at least 400 shoe boxes! Way to go Middle School Students! 400 children around the world will hear of Gods love for them through your service to Him by filling shoe boxes. The church can help the Middle School Students by donating gift cards so they can go do some shopping or donate items to help fill their boxes. The Middle School collection bin for gift cards and donations is in the Family Life Center. Lets help our students fill those 400 shoe boxes! Why not challenge yourself to do more shoe boxes? We are asking everyone to do at least one more than last year. Please help us reach our church-wide goal of 2,000 shoe boxes. Stop by the tables in the Courtyard, Fellowship Hallway, or the Commons after services to pick up your information and your pre-wrapped shoe box. You can follow your box online at www. to see where it goes. Click today to learn more about Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Franklin Grahams Samaritans Purse. Or, for more information, contact Jody Statile at 239-591-1895.


And I will give you pastors according to My heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Ministry Appreciation cards are available at your Lighthouse Bookstore.

Annas Tea
A ministry of the deacons wives to the widows of our congregation. Join us for fellowship and encouragement from Gods Word. FALL THEME & SPECIAL MUSIC

Monday, October 31 Room WC117 1:30pm 3:30pm

Please sign up in the Fellowship Hallway or call Vada at 596-8600 x268.

Leadership Institute Candidate Training

Lasting change in our city, county, and state can only come from electing conservative, Christian candidates to public office. The Leadership Institute is based in Arlington, VA. Their mission is to elect Christian candidates. They work on a national basis with candidates for U.S. Senate and House, state governors, etc. but they also have a grassroots program that works with folks trying to win their first election. There will be a two day seminar held locally to prepare prospective candidates on how to win their first local election campaign. The dates are November 4 & 5 and is $25 to attend (that includes lunch on Saturday). The location is the Max Hasse Community Park, 3390 Golden Gate Boulevard West, Room B. Space is limited. Please call Jim Tindall at 450-5222 to register or for more information. FAITH Evangelism-The Lord has not brought us to beautiful Naples to live out our lives, but rather to out live our lives. We can do that by sharing the good news of Christ with others. Join us as we meet on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. in DC121.

You can be an Encourager!

There is an opportunity for you to serve as an Invitation Encourager during the 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services. Encouragers are trained volunteers who assist those who come forward during the invitation time. If you would like to receive training in order to join the Encourager Team, please call 596-8600 x250.

Courageous Living Bible Studies

Courageous Living is a 4-week Bible study to help strengthen families and fathers. The Bible study is designed around Courageous, the fourth release from the movie-making ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, and joins previous best sellers Fireproof and Facing the Giants to touch hearts and impact lives through heartfelt stories of faith and hope. The four Courageous teaching topics are Courageous Call, Courageous Priorities, Courageous Legacy, and Courageous Faith. There are two Saturday night 7:30 p.m. classes to choose from: Kevin VanDuser (co-ed) in DC121 and David George (men only) in WC103.
COURAGEOUS LIVING BIBLE STUDY FOR MEN Tuesdays, Beginning October 11th at 6:30am in DC 121

Protected Harbor Prayer Breakfast

Join us for our Prayer Breakfast Thursday, November 10 at 7:00 a.m.
Bringing America back to God How our rights are being eroded away from our Founding Fathers intent. Speaker: Harry Mihet, Senior Litigation Counsel with Liberty
Counsel. Harry grew up in Communist Romania where his father pastored seventeen, mostly underground, Churches.

Come hear his story and learn more about Liberty Counsels and Protected Harbors Missions.

Vineyards Country Club, 400 Vineyards Blvd. Ticket price: $30.00 per person Full table of 8 purchase price $210.00 Send check to: Protected Harbor, P. O. Box 771441, Naples, FL 34107-1441 or go to, or call Pat Milford at 597-4514.
If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land. --2 Chronicles 7:14

Barry Brown

Kenny Colin

Logan Hahn

James Rasmussen

Back to Basics: Quilting and Sewing

We will be meeting on Monday, Oct 24 at 6:30 p.m. in Room WC117. We will be learning to make quilt blocks. We have plenty of donated material for you to practice on, so just bring your machine (if you have one), scissors, thread, and we will have a great time. If you have not been able to finish your purse or place mats, bring and finish them on Monday. We have a great time fellowshipping and learning something new. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy at 3702592 or or Pam at 272-5583 or pcole@fbcn. org. Last class for the fall is Nov 7 where we will do a Christmas tree skirt.

In Sympathy
FBCN member Thomas Bennett passed away on July 19 while in NC for the summer. We express our sympathy to his wife, Carolyn, and the rest of the family. FBCN attender and volunteer Stephen Duzick passed away on October 10. We express our sympathy to his family.

KidzTown Worship
Attention all KIDZ! Have we got a great worship experience for you in KidzTown Worship today! We are continuing our theme, Ten Hut as we study through the book of Joshua. This week, we will be taking a look at Caleb, one of Pastor Larrys heroes in the Bible. We will learn that God always keeps His promises to us. However, sometimes we will have to wait on Gods timing for those promises to be fulfilled. In those times, we should be patient and stay true to God. KidzTown Worship is exclusively for children from 1st through 4th grades. It starts promptly at 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays and is located in DC120. KidzTown Worship is followed by an exciting hour of small group time in our KidzTown Neighborhoods (BLG).

Benevolence Fund
Our Benevolence Fund is depleted. Can you help? Our Benevolence Committee gives financial assistance to those in crisis. Please pray about making a donation to our Benevolence Fund. Make your checks payable to First Baptist Church Naples, and mark in the memo area BN.

Parent Dedication Class

A Parent Dedication Class will be held Sun, Nov 13 at 11:00 a.m. in Room ED165. This class is for parents wanting to dedicate themselves and their child to the Lord during a Worship Service. If you would like to make a reservation to attend a class, please call Kim at 596-8600 x360.

Upcoming Events
Saturday, October 22
6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Worship Service/Worship Center KidzTown Childrens Worship/DC120 Hispanic Worship Service/Chapel Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus Blood Drive/FBCN Parking Lot Worship Service/Worship Center Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus KidzTown Childrens Worship/DC120 Romanian Baptist/Modulars 3 & 4/SC117 Vietnamese Bible Study and Worship/DC220 Worship Service/Worship Center Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus Hispanic Worship Service/Student Center Equipping People to Serve/FAITH/DC121 Resonate Student Creative Arts Team/Student Center Project 56/DC220 Praise Kids/Education Building Romanian Baptist Congregation/Modulars 3 & 4 Back to the Basics Quilting & Sewing/WC117 Courageous Mens Bible Study/WC117 RefresHer Womens Ministry/WC East Side Family Meal/Fellowship Recreation-Gym AWANA Childrens Ministry/DC120 Band of Brothers Mens Ministry/Chapel RefresHer Womens Ministry/WC East Side High School Ministry/Student Center Middle School Ministry/Family Life Center-Gym Choir Rehearsal/Choir Room Orchestra Rehearsal/Worship Center Prayer for our Pastors/AD184 Celebrate Recovery/DC121 Grief Share/AD145 Our church is very active! Keep up with all that is happening at FBCN 24/7. Like us on Facebook at:

Sunday, October 23
8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

Monday, October 24 Tuesday, October 25

Wednesday, October 26
4:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 27
11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Last Weekend
Decisions For Christ
Profession of Faith Michael & Diana Bertron Baptisms Alexis Sommerville Spencer Sommerville Austin Wood Clint Wood Alexis Vallieres

Worship Attendance
October 15 & 16
Saturday Night Sunday Morning Total 1,706 1,709 3,415

Financial Stewardship
July 1, 2011 - October 16, 2011 Budget Actual Variance $1,939,466 $1,790,973 ($148,493)

Bible & Life Attendance

October 15 & 16
Saturday Night Sunday 8:15 Sunday 11:00 Home Groups 977 71 939 168

2010-2011 Operating Revenues

Debt balance as of October 16 $9,472,583

Next Week
Deacon of the Week
If you need assistance, please call the church deacon hotline at 800-732-9573. For Spanish, call 601-6051.

` Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse Cafe during regular business hours or at the door for $6.00 each or $25.00 for a family (immediate family residing in home).
Alternate choices include grilled chicken breast, hamburger, pizza, or a grilled foot long hot dog.

Meal for October 26 (4:45 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Fellowship Recreation-Gym) Chicken Marsala, Pasta, Vegetable, Salad, and a Dessert

` Cafe Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday Saturday Sunday Closed 3:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Closed 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Bookstore Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday



Dr. Wicker on the Radio

You can hear Dr. Wicker every day at 1:00 p.m. on 91.5 Kingdom FM WJYO. Dr. Wicker is also on WSOR 90.9 FM at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings, and on Praise FM 89.5 at 1:30 p.m. Sunday afternoons.

Philip Nemni & Ed Heim

October 24 - 30

Wednesday Family Meal

Sermon Notes

Have you ever wanted to ask someone for advice on how to deal with people? This week, well learn how to recognize those opposed to God, how to treat the opposite sex, and things to look for in a future mate. Theres a wealth of wisdom waiting to be learned! Sunday - Proverbs 29:1-14 / Monday - Proverbs 29:15-27 Tuesday - Proverbs 30:1-10 / Wednesday - Proverbs 30:11-20 Thursday - Proverbs 30:21-33 / Friday - Proverbs 31:1-9 Saturday - Proverbs 31:10-31

Pastoral Staff
Dr. Hayes Wicker ................................................................................................ Senior Pastor Miguel Cruz ............................................................................. Hispanic Congregation Pastor Beverly Day ............................................................................ Director of Preschool Ministry Justin Faircloth ....................................................... Associate Pastor/Middle School Ministry Steve Hayes...................................................................Associate Pastor/Biblical Counseling Forrest Head ....................................................................................... Senior Associate Pastor Jim Hill................................................................................Director of Single Adult Ministry Lewis Howard .............................................................................. Associate Pastor/Education Don Ingle ......................................................................................Director of Mens Ministry Shannon Moore ........................................................................Director of Womens Ministry John Patterson..................................................................Associate Pastor/Media & Technology Doug Pigg ............................................................Associate Pastor of Church Administration Tom Rider .................................................................. Associate Pastor/School Administrator Larry Rigley .................................................................. Associate Pastor/Childrens Ministry Dr. Todd F. Stearns ........................................................ Associate Pastor/Worship and Music Kevin Taylor ..............................................................Associate Pastor/High School Ministry Kevin Van Duser .................................................................Associate Pastor/Sports Outreach

First Baptist Church Naples

Church Receptionist ......................................................................................................... 597-6057 Enter ext. # for direct connection ..................................................................................... 596-8600 Lighthouse Bookstore ...................................................................................................... 449-4488 First Baptist Academy Naples ......................................................................................... 597-2233 24-Hour Prayer Line .......................................................................................... 597-PRAY (7729) Church Email ....................................................................................................... Church

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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