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Multiversal Entertainment (old irrelevant one since apparently its beneficial to make a new

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Other(s)
Character: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia),
Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead,
Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Kayama
Nemuri | Midnight, Eri (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My
Hero Academia), Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Tobita Danjuurou | Gentle
Criminal, Shinsou Hitoshi, Shimura Nana, First One For All User (My
Hero Academia), Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Kurogiri (My Hero
Academia), Kamiji Moe | Burnin, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Usagiyama
Rumi | Miruko, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Protection Squad, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero
Midoriya Izuku, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Fluff
and Angst, Literally any izuku you can think of, Sassy Midoriya Izuku,
Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku
Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk,
Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Manga Spoilers, Also a bunch
of different universes idk bro, Yo i suck at romance lmao but i tried,
Kirishima Eijirou Has One For All Quirk, Kendo Itsuka Has One For All
Quirk, Midoriya Izuku has a lot of guns, Astronaut Izuku, Sorta smut in a
one or two of these, Midoriyas across the multiverse, Midoriya kills
everyone, Dekubowl, soon, Bit of detailed violence here and there,
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-01-22 Updated: 2022-05-25 Words: 223,200 Chapters:

Multiversal Entertainment (old irrelevant one since

apparently its beneficial to make a new work}
by TheFicDude


Class 1A, 1B and heroes watch other Izuku's in other universes.

The beginning



"Why're we all here?"

Currently, the students of class 1-A and 1-B found themselves sitting around in a theatre room,
wondering what they were gonna watch.

Aizawa stepped up to explain but Nezu, hidden in his scarf, beat him to it. "Well you see, very
recently, Ms. Hatsume from the support course managed to create a device that would let us peer
into other universes."


At this, the students stared at him in shock, before the whole room went into chaos.

"You telling me there are other universes??"

"So Multiverse theory is no longer a theory... that's cool."

"Aw sweet, a movie!"

Aizawa activating his quirk, silencing the whole room and allowing Nezu to speak once more.

"As I was saying, this invention could very well give us insight on our own timeline, giving us
ways to improve ourselves and warning us of later events that these alternate versions have already
experienced. However, the device itself has to select someone, a catalyst, to view through. That
brings us to right now. Hatsume, if you would." Nezu said as he looked towards the stage, where
Hatsume was pushing along a heavy looking chair with a sleek looking helmet.

"Yep! This baby right here will let ya see anyyy universe. One of my finest babies if i do say so
myself. It'll do a scan of the room and search for a catalyst, and if it finds one it'll register their
name to the panel here. After that, they just sit down here and we'll get to see their other versions
on the big screen." she rambled, a huge smile on her face.

How did she even make this machine? Was the common thought throughout the room.
Izuku looked on in wonder. Something like this would be very helpful...

"A machine like that should be able to show the potential of 1-B! A catalyst is sure to be in our cl-"
Monoma's rant was cut off as Kendo chopped his neck. "Sorry, continue!" she said, sitting back
down, slumping Monoma's body to the seat next to her.

"Right! And hereeee we go!" Hatsume said as she pressed a button, the chair suddenly vibrating
before shooting out a light grid that sweeped around the room. The grid shut off and the machine
lay still for a few seconds. The panel flashed in success and a name showed up. "Oh my... well I
can't say I'm surprised in the slightest." Hatsume said with a grin. She put up the name on the big

Izuku Midoriya

"Wha- WHAT?!" Izuku stood up looking from side to side as everyone stared back at him.
"WHATTT? HOW IS THAT DAMN NERD A CATALYST?" Bakugo yelled, hands sparking in
anger. Everyone else was busy talking amongst themselves, glancing at him every now and then.
"Woah Deku way to go! Your other selves must be really interesting! Although it doesn't surprise
me." Uraraka said, patting her friend's back and hoping her blush wasn't obvious.

"Yes, I'm glad to know it was you Midoriya, I wonder what your alternate selves are like. Maybe
one of them has a better handle on that quirk of yours." Iida remarked with hand chops. All Might
tried not to let his smile show. Well done my boy... the former symbol of peace thought, a sparkle
in his eyes. Then his eyes widened. What if they find out about One for All?? Nezu caught his eye,
and shook his head. Aizawa sighed, "of course it'd be the problem child."

Nezu clapped his paws together in order to get their attention. "Well if all this chit chat is done,
would you go on and sit down on the device Midoriya?" Nezu asked, to which Midoriya nodded
frantically before going to sit down on the chair. Well, atleast the seat is comfy... I hope it doesn't
blow up on me...

Hatsume grinned, a mad gleam in her eyes as she whizzed around him, strapping his arms and
placing the helmet on his head, taking liberty to feel him up. She pressed some buttons on the
panel and it selected a universe, the machine humming softly.

The big screen flickered once, before finally going white, ready to show.
"Let's see what the rest of us are like!"
Universe 01
Chapter Summary

Oh villain


Izuku watched on as the new heroine swooped in, taking down the villain and stealing the
glory in one fell swoop.

Must be nice. To have a quirk, even if it's simple gigantification... Izuku thought bitterly as he
walked towards school, eyes filled with envy.

"Oh... this one doesn't seem very nice." Uraraka commented timidly. The rest nodded with her. Has
he always thought like this before? Bakugo wondered as he watched on with a scowl.

The rest of the day passed on like usual. Getting picked on in class like usual, until at last the
teacher singled him out for wanting to go into UA. "You? In UA? Who the hell would want a
quirkless Deku like you?" Bakugo yelled, sparks flying off in his hands. Izuku tried to form
up an excuse but was shot down instantly.

"Geez, c'mon Bakugo where you really always like this?" Sero asked as he fidgeted in his seat, a bit
annoyed by what he was seeing. "Of course the ruffian has always been like that." Monoma said,
not liking what he was seeing at all. He'd had his fair share of bullying for having his quirk, he
couldn't even imagine what it was like for a quirkless person.

The school day ended with Izuku taking notes on the new heroine Mt. Lady, before it was
roughly snatched out of his hand by Bakugo. "What do you think you're doing nerd? You
can't be serious with this crap." Bakugo smirked as he blasted the notebook between his
hands, throwing it out the window. Izuku's eye twitched slightly as Bakugo put his hand on
his shoulder, making the fabric smoke. "Don't think of applying to UA, or else." he said with
a smile that promised pain.

"Were you actually like this all the time?" Mina turned to ask Bakugo, growing more annoyed by
the boy's action, but he wasn't paying attention. He was staring at the screen in a dead calm face,
his lips twitching into a snarl. It's another universe so... maybe this one is just... worse? the class
thought, not wanting to believe that was Bakugo.

Bakugo turned around to look at Izuku as if he'd just had a brilliant idea. "Oh I know. If
you really want a quirk that badly, take a swan dive off the roof of the building, and hope you
get a better quirk in your next life." Bakugo said with a smile, as if what he'd said was truly
amazing. It took a moment for Izuku to register what he said,and what little restraint he'd
had left snapped. He turned to look at Bakugo with a smile. An eerie smile that just barely
contained his anger, but no longer hid a trace of fear.

"No... Bakugo don't tell me you actually said that to him. Right?" Kirishima asked, his tone hoping
that his friend hadn't actually done that. Before Bakugo could respond, he felt a shiver down his
spine and turned to look right at Uraraka, who was shaking out of anger. "Did you say that to him?"
she asked with venom on her every word. "H-hey the s-show isn't done y-yet..." Kaibara said as he
pointed back at the screen. Uraraka's expression softened, but not before shooting Bakugo a glare,
as did many others. This isn't over.

Bakugo stopped smiling as the nerd just stood there, shaking like a leaf with that dumb smile
on his face. "So, are you just gonna stand there sh-" Bakugo didn't get to finish his sentence
before a chair was thrown at him. Bakugo barely dodged in time, and turned back to the
nerd in shock before meeting with his fist. The two extras cried out in alarm as Izuku
descended down on Bakugo, his face eerily calm as he aimed punches at his former friend's
face and throat, wanting to hurt him, to cripple him, to... kill him. It didn't matter if he was
weak, he wanted him to pay, wanted him to pay for all that he'd put Izuku through. Bakugo
was in shock, barely managing to block most of his attacks as he struggled to understand
what had just happened. He lashed out, blowing the nerd off of him.

"Woah... holy crap.." Sato said. Aizawa grit his teeth, glancing at Bakugo. He had a feeling that he
really had said that at Izuku, given their relationship. Toshinori could only frown in

Izuku huffed, grabbing his bag and pushing past one of the extras. "Hey. Hey nerd! WHAT
THE HELL WAS THAT?" Bakugo half yelled, barely getting a hold of his wits. He rushed
out but Midoriya was already gone. Izuku had simply run out and kept running until a sewer
grate had flown off merely a foot in front of him. The rest of the events played out like they
had for our Izuku. He nearly drowned, before being saved by All Might.

"Woah! He got saved by All Might himself!" Kendo exclaimed. That nerd met the sludge bastard
before me, Bakugo said, swallowing the guilt he felt. He didn't know how much he'd really
angered Midoriya with that comment. What he'd said was stupid, and he realized that now.

"Can I... be a hero? Even if i'm quirkless?" Midoriya asked hesitantly, before freaking out as
a skinny man walked out of the smoke All Might had just been in.

"Oh wow so you looked like that even then!" Uraraka exclaimed, and then looked at Izuku in
realization. Did you know all along?

Izuku frantically refused to believe he was All Might until he explained his situation, and
then his dream was shut down by All Might. That last small spark he had left, went out.
"Ah... ok." Izuku said weakly as the man tried to comfort him, telling him a job as a police
officer would be good. Izuku ignored him, not noticing the man left until an explosion in the
distance snapped him out of his haze.

"Wow... he's crushed. Did this actually happen? It seems like it happened!" Mina asked, turning to
look at All Might. All Might sighed, giving a quick nod with a saddened gaze. The rest turned to
look back at the screen, slightly troubled that the number one hero hadn't believed in Izuku.

All Might frowned, a bit disappointed he'd let Midoriya down.

Izuku slowly walked downstairs, and was again snapped out of his haze when an explosion
sounded closer than before. Did I seriously subconsciously walk here? Izuku thought, walking
to the front of the crowd. Wait... that's... that's the villain All Might saved me from. That
means... this is my fault... Izuku thought, slowly beginning to panic. He covered his mouth to
stop himself from throwing up, and finally got a clear look at the victim. It was Bakugo.

"Bakugo!" Almost everyone yelled in shock. The man himself just grit his teeth at this humiliating

Izuku locked eyes with him for a second. He recognized the fear in Bakugo's eyes. He could
walk away, let him die. He could get revenge for all the pain he'd be put through... and all
he'd have to do was turn the other cheek. It would've been oh so easy. But ultimately, there
was still something in him that wanted to be a hero. He ran into the sludge, throwing his bag
and managing to give Bakugo a second of air. All Might suddenly swooped in again, saving
the day.
Both classes cheered at the display of heroism, happy that Bakugo and Izuku were safe.

Izuku walked off, ignoring the calls of the pros. He just wanted to get home and rest. He'd
been so close to punching the symbol of peace in public the moment he'd seen him again. It
wasn't his fault for shattering Izuku's dreams, but he was mad nonetheless. Suddenly he
heard running behind him, and turned around to meet Bakugo again.

"Woah, is Bakugo actually going to apologize?"

"I didn't need your damn help nerd! You did nothing! You got in the way of All Might, you
quirkless bastard. You shouldn't have run in!" Bakugo yelled, huffing as he made to turn
away. He heard Izuku murmer something, and Bakugo turned around again, angry. "THE
HELL DID YOU SAY NERD?" Izuku turned around to face Bakugo, his eyes dead and
furious. "I said... 'then next time I'll just let you die.'" and with that, Midoriya walked away,
leaving Bakugo shellshocked.

"Holy crap! This one's way more brutal than I thought!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed. He'd barely known
Izuku, but even he could tell this way out of the norm.

"HELLO AGAIN! IT IS I, ALL-" All Might's sudden entrance was cut off as he debuffed.
"Young man, you-" Izuku raised his hand, cutting off the pro. "No offense, All Might." he
spat the name out like it was filth. "But I don't want to hear another word out of you.
Goodbye." Izuku said slowly, walking off and leaving the pro shocked as well.

"That was the day it all turned around. One could go so far as to say you're the reason all this
is happening, All Might." Izuku's voice narrated.

"Woah what? was that a flashback or something?" Kaminari asked. No... don't tell me, Aizawa's
eyes widened inperceptibly as he thought, hoping he wasn't right.

The screen began to display UA and the surrounding area. It was in complete and utter ruin.

"No..." the majority of the people present said, shocked at the immense amount of destruction on
display. Even Kamino hadn't been anywhere nearn this bad.
"It's not too late to stop this, young Midoriya. Please... haven't you taken enough lives
already? When will you be satisfied?" All Might pleaded, sorrow and pain in his voice. He
was in his skinny form, kneeling in pain before a slightly older Midoriya, who was wearing a
suit. Blood was dripping from All Might's side. Toshinori desperately wished he could assist
his students, but he could no longer muster up his quirk. Izuku said nothing, merely watched
on as the remaining heroes and hero students on scene were being wiped out one after the
other by his Nomus. Remnants of UA's building could be seen here and there, scattered
across the broken land.

"I can't believe it..." Midnight said. Everyone else agreed. Nezu's eyes saddened a bit at seeing his
beloved school gone. How could Midoriya be capable of such destruction?

"Well..." Midoriya said, watching as a nomu slammed into Todoroki's ice, grabbing the boy
by the neck before roughly slamming him into the ground, where he stopped moving. "I
suppose you were right. Quirkless people have no chance at being a hero." Izuku sadly
admitted as he turned to look at All Might, a deranged, broken smile on his face. "But you
have to admit, I make a damn good villain." With that, Izuku weakly laughed as everything
around them burned and broke. "I'm... so sorry. I wish I could've saved you." All Might
coughed out weakly, looking down at the ground. Too ashamed to meet Izuku's eyes.

Midoriya sighed, shaking his head like a disappointed parent. "You're only saying that now
because of what I've done. You have absolutely no idea how furious I was when All for One
told me you were quirkless. Alas, none of that matters. If I can't be a hero, then I'll be a
villain. And if I can't be that either... then I'll just burn the world to ashes and start anew."
Izuku said, pulling out a gun.


"Midoriya don't do it."

"H-hey... just put the gun down ok?"

Almost everyone was calling out, clutching their seats or outright standing as their voices rose in

Izuku put the gun to his former idol's temple, who still refused to look at him.
"Say hello to Shigaraki for me." he said with a bored tone, and pulled the trigger.
Universe 02
Chapter Summary

Telekinesis and Flames deku

Nobody spoke for a minute after the video ended.

Everyone was in shock. Izuku, their classmate, had just murdered the symbol of peace in cold
blood. Nobody could believe it.

"I think it is best if we move on to the next one. That Izuku has already made his choice." Nezu
said somberly, attempting to break the atmosphere. Well, I have atleast learned something from
that one, Nezu thought as he glanced at Midoriya, his eyes slightly narrowed. You would be a very
dangerous villain, Izuku Midoriya.

To his side, All Might clenched his fists. I wish I could've done something for him. He grit his
teeth, no use crying over spilled beans.

Hatsume nodded as she pressed next on her panel. The scene opens up with Izuku carrying trash on
a beach.

All Might jolts up, recognizing this was where he trained young Midoriya.

"My life has been pretty normal so far. At 4, I awakened my quirk just like anybody else. It
was a mixture of my mom and dad's quirks. Telekinesis... and flames . I trained to become a
hero only using my mom's telekinesis, because if people saw my flames, they wouldn't see
me... they'd see him." Izuku's voice narrated.

"Who's he talking about?" Kinoko asked. Todoroki narrowed his eyes as he watched Izuku lift trash
on the beach. So this version of you also has a shitty dad . Flame quirks too... very coincidental,
Todoroki thought, already having figured it out when he spoke of his flames with such hatred.

"But he didn't." The scene cuts to All Might on a roof with Midoriya, in skinny form and
explaining his situation. "He didn't see a villain in me, he didn't see my quirk." The scene
cuts again to Izuku flying to his friend Kacchan, who grasps his hand as Izuku uses his
telekinesis to pull his friend out, blood running down his nose.
"Woahhh, so you two are actually friends in this one!" Kirishima exclaimed, flashing his sharp
teeth. Bakugo merely grunted.

"He saw me for the hero I could be, and for that, I accepted his power, and became his
successor. After I trained, I accepted his quirk, and prepared for the entrance exam." The
scene cuts once more to Izuku walking into UA, joking around with Kacchan before he trips.

Uraraka blushes, already knowing what happens here.

Izuku stops midfall, weightless. He uses his telekinesis to correct himself and turns around to
thank his... oh wow she's really cute.


"Ohoho I'm sensing a crush here."

"Damn you work fast Midoriya!"

Uraraka resisted the urge to float away at that, her face bright red.

Instantly his mind started running as she explained her quirk. Zero Gravity. Holy shit, with
both our quirks combined... he didn't even want to imagine the potential. He rushed in quickly
as Kacchan joked about them, and soon it was time for the practical.

"Yeah... zero gravity AND telekinesis? That's a combination I wouldn't like to fight." Momo said,
shivering slightly. Everyone else agreed.

Izuku whizzed around from bot to bot, crushing them like paper with 5% of One for All.

"One for All?" Sero asked.

"It's probably what that nerd calls his telekinesis" Bakugo said quickly, already knowing the truth.

"Yeah but, he still has the same green lightning our Izuku has. So.." Tsuyu, the ever observant one,

"It means All Might passed on his quirk to Midoriya. However, that seems to only be the case for
this one." Todoroki finished. He was starting to believe this was the case for their Izuku as well,
but he wasn't going to out his friend like that.

Everyone watched on as Midoriya crushed robot after robot, and then the Zero Pointer appeared.

"Oh no..." Kaminari exclaimed.

Uraraka bit her bottom lip. She figured she knew what was going to go on as well. But she had no
doubt he'd save her.

Izuku made to walk away, until he heard a pained cry for help. He turned around to see
Uraraka, pinned down by rubble.

"Uraraka!" The majority of class 1-A yelled out.

All Might grinned, getting ready for what was next.

Izuku ran to Uraraka, there in less than a second. "Make me weightless!" he yelled out. She
slapped his wrist hurriedly and looked away as Izuku put 5% into his jump, soaring to the
Zero Pointer much faster than if he had used 100% of One for All.

Izuku reared his fist back, the fabric shredding apart as he cranked up One for All to 100%,
layering his arm in a telekinetic green glow for reinforcement. He swung his fist at max
power, completely knocking the Zero Pointer's head off of it's body and destroying the
majority of it with the force of a descending meteor.

"Holy... SHIT" both classes were in shock at the display of power they'd just witnessed.
Uraraka watched on in shock as Izuku floated down to where she was, lifting the rubble from
her. "With that, I had made a good friend, and completed my entrance exam." Izuku

"After that, I attended UA, passing with the highest score. We had a few tests..." the scene
cuts to Izuku using his telekinesis and One for All to propel the ball as Aizawa watched on.
"The battle trial..." the scene cuts to Izuku and Bakugo brawling, jumping from wall to wall
like seasoned fighters. "And... the USJ"

Class 1-A shivered at that, while class B leaned in. They hadn't seen what had happened, but they
knew it was bad.

"It was the first time I'd used my flames in a long time." The scene cuts to Izuku leaping onto
the Nomu's back, tears in his eyes as he screamed, trying to make it come off of Aizawa.
Shigaraki laughed on in the background as Aizawa weakly tried to tell him to save himself.
Izuku's hands ignited into dangerous emerald flames and Shigaraki's eyes widened as Izuku
completely incinerated his Nomu's head with a feral yell, his tears drying rapidly due to the

"Holy shit!"

"Woah... ribbit, he beat the All Might killer.

"Finally, it was the sports festival. I did well enough with my telekinesis, but I finally found
someone in the same predicament as me. Someone who understood my curse." The scene
showed Todoroki and Midoriya brawling for the headbands, Todoroki's left side briefly
igniting into flames. "He told me about his... dad. The number 2 hero? Could've fooled me."

Todoroki huffed as he tried to hide his small laugh.

"His dad was just as bad as mine, but... I didn't want Todoroki to be shackled like me. So I
pushed him..." Midoriya is seen leaping above the glacier Todoroki sent, smashing down in
front of Todoroki and punching him away. "Until finally..." Flames bathed the arena as
Todoroki finally unleashed his left side, a smile on both of their faces.

"You go Deku!"

"Don't celebrate just yet." Todoroki said. His class looked at him in confusion and he sighed. "He
hasn't used his flames yet."

Todoroki's smile died down as he stared at Midoriya expectantly. "What about yours?" He
asked. Midoriya shook his head sadly. "There's no redemption for a villain's kid. I'll win
without his power." Those were the wrong words to say to Todoroki, who grit his teeth in
anger, his smile gone as his flames died down. "You... you god damn... hypocrite!" he roared
out, unleashing his strongest ice wave yet, completely burying Midoriya.

"Woah holy crap..." Kendo said, shivering. Todoroki frowned at the screen, hoping his other self
could save this other Midoriya, as he himself had been saved.

Midoriya punched his way out of the ice, shivering and beaten up. He pulled out an icicle
that was embedded in his left shoulder, gritting his teeth. "The fight went on a bit longer... I
was beaten to hell and back..." Todoroki ran in, covering his right hand in ice and punching
Midoriya in the chest, throwing him back. He yelled at Midoriya, telling him to use his
power. "I refused to use it, I wasn't going to be like him. I wasn't going to use his cursed
quirk... but Todoroki reminded me."

Todoroki grinned softly, watching as his other self yelled at Midoriya, telling him he wasn't his

The scene changed to a flashback. This one of a younger Izuku with his mom, as he cried
about not wanting to be like his dad.

Almost everyone there was frowning, tears threatening to leak.

"It's ok Izuku. Whatever you choose to be, you'll be great. I know it. But if you really want to
be the greatest hero, you have to give it your all!" Inko smiled, booping her son on the nose.
"Aww" the girls cooed. "His mom is really nice!" Tsuyu complimented.

The scene changed again, to show Uraraka and Izuku sitting on a rooftop, eating some

"Woah, romantic" Toru said, causing Uraraka to blush.

"Hey Deku... how come you barely use your flames?" Uraraka asked, staring at her food
pensively. "Huh? You know why..." Izuku said, puzzled. "Yeah I know but, I mean... it's
kinda dumb isn't it?" She said, causing Izuku to frown.

"Wow... nice." Kaminari said, facepalming.

"I don't mean to say that you're dumb Deku. I just mean that... your reasoning for holding
back doesn't make sense to me. It's not his quirk... it's yours, isn't it?" She said, staring at
him expectantly with those gorgeous, chocolate eyes.

Uraraka coughed, focusing on the screen despite the massive blush that had just erupted on her

"Well... I mean-" Uraraka cut Izuku off, pouting now. "No excuses! You said you wanted to
be like All Might right? Be the greatest hero?" she asked, putting down her burger as she sat
closer to him. "Yeah... I want to be a hero that can put the people's hearts at ease..." Izuku
said fondly.

Everyone smiled at that. His attitude was really infectious.

"Well... could you really be happy with yourself? Being the best without giving it your all?
It'd be like you're looking down on everyone, including yourself..." Uraraka said sadly,
Izuku's attention now on her every word, both of them staring into each others eyes.

"But that's what the nickname's for. Deku" As she said that, music began to softly play,
slowly rising.

Everyone sat up straight now, they could sense something was about to happen.

"To remind you to give it your all." Uraraka said as she poked his chest jokingly. The scene
faded away to show Izuku back in the ring with Shoto, his eyes tearing up slightly.

"To remind you to do your best, Deku."

With that, Izuku erupted into an emerald inferno, his flames bursting from him in a torrent
of pain and realization.

"YES!" Uraraka yelled as she stood up from her seat, the rest of the class cheering on as well.

The Uraraka on screen did the same. Iida stared at Izuku as he remembered something. The
scene faded away as Iida recalled a memory from a few years ago, to a younger Iida and his
brother watching the news. "The villain has incinerated nearly half of Musutafu! Endeavor
was quickly taken down after a brief standoff with the villain... All Might is now en route to-"
the memory fades as Iida comes to a realization, shock drawn all over his face. "It can't be..."

All Might looks to Izuku as well, a small smile on his face. "You're finally using your flames.
Young Midoriya, I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into..." he trailed off as he
gazed at Endeavor, the flame hero's face slowly contorting in rage as he realized just who his
son was fighting. Finally it cuts back to Todoroki, who was now realizing Izuku was Green
Hell's son. Izuku's dad had beaten his own in terms of sheer firepower, Musutafu was a
testament to that. He was starting to regret breaking down Izuku's wall as the ice and
concrete around Izuku was basically vaporized.

"Holy crap, Midoriya's stronger than Todoroki!"

They both ignored Endeavor's yells as they powered up. Todoroki pushes his flame output to
the max, as permafrost formed all over his right. Izuku smiled as he cranked up his flames
higher, turning them nearly white as green lightning also crackled around him. The floor at
his feet peeled away from his telekinesis, and Cementoss decided to cut it off.
"Yeah! He'll kill Todoroki! Er, no offense man." Kirishima apologized. Todoroki said nothing,
eyes transfixed on the screen.

Izuku and Shoto's flames collided, but Shoto was forced to use his ice to leap upwards as
Izuku's flames almost immediately overpowered his. He landed back down as Izuku cocked
his fist back, condensing power into his arm. Todoroki smiled as he realized the futility of his
situation, raising his hand to try to counteract Midoriya's attack.

"Holy crap this is intense!"

"Todoroki will be incinerated!"

"All Might! SHUT IT DOWN!" Cementoss yelled. All Might tore away his shirt to reveal his
hero costume as he leapt out. At the last moment, Cementoss erected a wall for Todoroki as
All Might threw a punch to counteract Midoriya's, completely destroying the ring in an
instant. With that, the battle was over.

"Holy crap!"

"All Might himself had to step in!"

"This Izuku is incredibly strong."Everyone bickered amongst themselves as Todoroki and Izuku
were carried away to the infirmary on screen.

Todoroki looked at Midoriya on the chair, and smiled.

I'm glad you're someone I can call a friend, Midoriya.

Universe 03
Chapter Summary

Vigilante Deku x Tokage cuz why not

"This next one will be the last one for today." Nezu announced, eliciting aw's from the crowd.

Hatsume sighed as she pressed the button for the next one, the rest curious as to what they'd see
this time.

"So... let me get this straight."

"Wait that's... my voice?" Tokage said, confused.

The scene showed Tokage sitting across from Izuku in a cozy cafe, a warm cup of coffee in
her hand as she lifted a finger and waved it at him. "You're hot."

Tokage blushed slightly at that, a bit embarrassed at how forward she was, although she couldn't
deny he looked good, now that she looked at him. Everyone else laughed at that.

She raised another finger. "You already have a job, and might I add your food is literally
godly." Izuku blushed at that, rubbing the back of his head. Tokage raised up one last finger,
this one disconnecting from her hand. "And you're a really sweet guy. So... How're you single
again?" she asked, utterly baffled by her own question.

"Damn girl, you sure work fast." Kendo asked, teasing her friend. Mina looked back at Uraraka,
who was wearing a slightly gloomy expression. That's not it my ass... Mina thought with a sinister

"Well uh, you see, nobody really likes quirkless people like me-" Izuku tried to argue but
Tokage's hand flew off to cover Izuku's mouth. "And I'M saying I think you're pretty darn
great." Tokage's phone hummed, and she sighed. "Welp sorry to call it short today, but class
will start soon."

"Y'know you really don't have to visit me as I'm opening up shop every single day..." Izuku
sighed, checking the time which was barely 7 a.m. Though... I won't deny I enjoy your
company. "And miss seeing my favorite mophead? Also your coffee is literally the only thing
that keeps me awake for class. Unfortunately, Vlad King did say we'd be gone for a week for
training camp, so I won't get to see you often." Tokage said with a frown, her tone sad.

"They sure seem close..." Uraraka mumbled. Tokage was staring at the screen fixatedly, wondering
where this was going as an almost imperceptible blush worked it's way onto her cheeks.

"Oh? Going camping in the woods?" Izuku joked. "Yeah but teach hasn't given info on
where. Y'know, villains and whatnot." Tokage said, waving her hand in dismissal.
"Anyways, I'll see you next week Midoriya, or would you prefer..."

Tokage split her upper half, hovering to Izuku so she could pet his hair. "Iz-u-ku?" she asked
with a smirk. "Tokage!" Izuku exclaimed, to which she laughed as she went back to her
lower half. They bid their farewells and that was that.

"Wow, you're really direct aren't you?" Yanagi said as she looked at Tokage. "Well what can I say,
honesty is the best policy after all." Tokage said, shrugging it off.

Izuku watched her go, his smile slowly falling as he sighed. Sorry to do that to you, but right
now you're also my way to finding the league... Izuku thought, pulling out his phone.

"Wait... what?!" the majority of both classes exclaimed. Tokage was puzzled now, wondering what
the other Izuku meant.

Izuku revealed that he had in fact placed a tracking device on Tokage. Normally I would
never have done this, especially to her, but I know the league is gonna strike. Shigaraki will
likely be after the top contenders of the sports festival, considering what happened at the mall
with Kacc- Katsuki... Izuku corrected himself mentally.

"Wait... but he's quirkless, isn't he? If he knows what's going to happen why isn't he going to the
poli-" Momo asked before her eyes widened as the screen changed.
Izuku walked into the backroom, revealing an absolutely massive armory filled to the brim
with guns and weapons of all sorts.

"Holy shit." Bakugo simply said. Everyone else gawked at the weapons in the room, enough to
arm a small army.

Izuku closed up shop for the night, texting his mom that he'd be going to Hosu for some
business and that he'd be back by next week. After that, he drove for a while until he came
close to where the camp was, staying far enough away that he wouldn't be detected.

"Holy fuck he's a vigilante." Kaminari said as he watched Izuku take out his gear.

"And now...I wait." Izuku said, leaning back in his totally not stolen car. The camp went
normal at first, with the students practicing to improve their quirks, until the third day,
which is when he finally noticed them.

The league... they'd amassed more people than he thought. It'd only been Shigaraki, Kurogiri
and the Nomu, but now... Izuku's recognized a few of the high profile villains.



Some kid with a gas helmet

A nomu


Tog- wait .
Izuku zoomed in on his binoculars on the two. "Motherfucker..." Izuku cursed, recognizing
the last two. Hell, he'd SAVED those two a while ago. He'd also made quick friends with
them, bonding over their own shackles, and even patrolling with them as vigilantes, but
they'd eventually gone to do their own thing. He recognized Twice too. "Great... I have to
fight people who I like... to protect people who I like. Fuck."

"Damn... this is a complicated situation." Present Mic commented, feeling a bit uncomfortable at
what he'd just witnessed.

Nightfall fell and that's when the league finally made their move. Izuku had run out of his car
as soon as he'd seen the blue flames in the distance, putting on his gear as he tumbled down
the mountainside. Gotta get to that cliff for a good vantage point... he thought as he sheathed a
knife to his side.

Wait... wasn't that where he fought- Aizawa's thought was cut off as Midoriya finally made it to
the top of the cliff.

"I think you and me should have some fun up here kid! Ready?" Muscular exclaimed as
muscles burst out of his arm. Kota could only look on in horror as Muscular raised his arm,
ready to kill him.

"No!" Almost everyone yelled, wanting to save him.

The next scene happened in slow motion. Muscular's confident expression slowly morphed
into one of pain and shock as Izuku suddenly appeared, severing Muscular's arm as if it were
butter. He scooped up Kota and flung a grenade at Muscular in one fell swoop, jumping off
the cliffside.

"WOOHOOO!" Tetsu and Kirishima yelled proudly, standing up in respect of the sheer badass that
was Izuku Midoriya.

"Who- who are you?" Kota said shakily in his arms as they ran. Izuku ignored the angry yell
behind him, even as he felt a very hard landing just a few yards behind him. "Just your
friendly neighborhood vigilante, here to save the day." Izuku quipped as Muscular yelled
bloody murder behind him.
"Izuku barely beat this guy with a quirk, ribbit... but now, he doesn't even have that..." Tsuyu
commented, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Izuku put Kota down, turning to Muscular. "Keep on running ahead kid, Eraserhead should
be around here to help." Kota looked up at Izuku in shock as he loaded what looked like a
grenade launcher in his hands. "What? B-but what about you? He'll k-kill you!" Kota
argued, tears running down his face.

Izuku unhooked his mouthguard, letting Kota see his fearless grin. "Don't worry kid, I'll be
just fine, I just don't want you to see what comes next." Kota's eyes widened, and he ran.
Izuku smiled, turning around and walking towards Muscular, who was finally there.

"Oh... I don't think I can watch..." Ibara said, covering her eyes.

"He's got balls... facing down a villain like that even though he's quirkless..." Kaibara said, nodding
at the Izuku on screen with respect.

Muscular punched a tree out of his way and barely managed to raise his arm as a grenade
flew at him. The impact blew him back, burning some of his muscles away. He grunted,
blood still dripping from his other arm even though he'd covered the wound with muscle.

The smoke cleared, and Izuku wasn't there anymore. "WHERE DID YOU GO BRAT? I'LL
as he frantically looked around. A second later, he dropped heavily to the ground,

"Woah what? Wait what just happened?" Mina asked, confused.

Aizawa glanced at the floor. It was dark, but he could just make out the gas that was on the ground.
"He knocked him out. Smart. He's efficient."

Izuku dropped down from a nearby tree, tightening his mouthguard to make sure the gas
didn't seep through. "That should keep you tuckered out until tomorrow." And now... to find
my stupid friends, and make sure the hero kiddies are okay, Izuku thought, running off to
where the gas was.

Huh... it's slowly dispersing... someone must've knocked out the source, Izuku thought as he
changed direction to the blue flames. He had an idiot to scold first then.

Tetsu and Kendo smiled with pride, happy they'd helped.

C'mon... where are you... Izuku thought until he ran headfirst into none other than Dabi.

Izuku and Dabi rolled away from each other, flame sparking off one's hand as the other took
out their pistol. They both recognized each other, shocked. "Holy crap, Midoriya? What the
hell are you doing here?" Dabi asked in shock, getting up and shaking the man's shoulders.

"I should be asking you that, Dabi. Seriously? You're attacking children? Why on earth are
you following Shigaraki of all people?" Izuku asked incredulously, waving at Twice
offhandedly, who was incredibly conflicted on what he should do.

"Hot damn, they just got busted!" Toru squeaked. "This feels extremely surreal" Shishida stated.

"Stain was with the league, so I figure handyman also follows the same-" Dabi's explanation
was cut off as Izuku dropped to his knees, laughing. "You- you really think my master would
ever work with someone like him? Are you serious Dabi? Holy shit, you are!" Izuku said,
wiping a tear from his eye.

Master? Iida noted, a bit shaken by the implications of that statement.

"Look, Stain would never have worked with someone who lacks conviction, and frankly,
Shigaraki doesn't have shit in the conviction department." Izuku said seriously as he turned
away, causing Dabi to look away as well. "Look, I suggest you just... leave please. I won't
take you down but this is low, even for you. You're always welcome back at Serendipity..."
Izuku said, running off to find Toga and leaving Dabi to think.

"So he took down a dangerous villain, walked headfirst into another one and talked him down, and
now he's going after another one? Boy's got a death wish..." Midnight muttered, rubbing her

Toga was easier to find, all he had to do was follow the girly laughter and bloodlust. He
caught her just in time as she was about to jab Uraraka with a needle. They both made eye
contact, one exasperated and the other shocked. Toga's posture immediately shifted to look
more rigid.

"So..." Izuku said, tapping his foot all disappointed as Uraraka scrambled off of Toga in
shock, believing Izuku to be with the villains. Toga sat up, looking incredibly guilty all of a
sudden. "I-I'm sorry, I kinda just... went along with all this, it seemed fun." Toga muttered,
beginning to sweat nervously as she rubbed her wrist.

Of course she'd feel guilty. Izuku had saved her life before. She better be grateful...

"Wait what? Jesus, this Izuku's life is all over the place!" Sero yelled out.

The scene cut to Izuku throwing out the trash from behind the bakery, going into the back
alleyway only to find a trail of blood. He followed it hesitantly up to the source. It was a girl
about his age, laying down hidden by the cans, heavily injured. What kind of person would
he be to not offer the girl aid.

She'd weakly tried to attack him, then pleading not to be taken to a hospital, and so he
reluctantly complied. His reward once she was better? A stab on the shoulder. The girl had
smiled, bloodlust written all over her face before it fell away to a frown.

"Uhh... not what you expected?" Izuku joked. Toga frowned. "Usually when I stab
someone... I love to see them bleed but... I- I don't like seeing you bleed..." she said,
furrowing her eyebrows as she lowered the knife. "Well aren't I special." Izuku sighed, and
that was how they became friends.

The scene changed back to the present. Toga sighed, sheathing her knife and standing up.
Uraraka helped Tsuyu to her feet, glaring at the two warily. Izuku waved them off, "relax
I'm not actually with them, I'm just here to convince her that this is a dumb idea and she
should get out as soon as she can."
Izuku turned to look back at Toga with a smile. "You know my door is always open for you
and Dabi, adios." Izuku said, waving a peace sign and running off. All was well for a minute

Out of nowhere, a kick smashed into him, breaking his helmet and throwing him into a tree.
It was Iida.

"Oh crap... he's screwed." Mineta mumbled, gnawing at one of his balls as Iida adjusted his glasses
with a bit of guilt.

Fucking... Iida, Izuku thought angrily, doing his best to ignore the pain as he threw a
smokebomb, ignoring Iida's cry of shock. He was ducking and weaving in between trees, the
darkness providing cover for him. He was almost to the edge of the forest and began to slow
down, until a disembodied hand came from his side and punched him in the side of the face,
tripping him up.

"Ohhh, there she is..." Mina said excitedly, throwing a quick glance at Tokage.

"You!" Tokage yelled, angrily floating up to Izuku, who was getting up slowly, cursing
everything h e ever knew.

"I know what it looks like but-" Tokage slapped him. An honest to god sharp slap that hurt
him more than the punch. She was very disappointed and angry at him. He looked up to see
tears threatening to fall as she grit her teeth. "You were with them weren't you? Your...
friends attacked my friends!" she yelled at him, anger barely contained.

"This is intense...." Kinoko murmured, her classmates nodding in agreement. It's just like in those
romance movies... Bakugo idly thought as he watched on.

"No no no no! I'm not actually with them! I came because I actually know two of them and I
came to talk them out of it... and um, also to find you." Izuku murmured that last part out.
Tokage stopped staring at him angrily, confused now.

"You... know them? But you're not with them?" she asked, hoping he was telling the truth,
trying to understand what he meant. She... didn't want to fight him.
"Aww" the girls cooed, making Tokage blush harder. She felt bad her other self punched him, but
not like she wouldn't have reacted the same way.

"I met them before. They're nice people, I swear, they just erm, got mixed in the wrong
crowd just now. I also didn't... want anything happening to you." Izuku said, rubbing his
head. Iida's kick had more power than he expected, he noted as he felt blood on his
fingertips. He could hear a few of the students not that far off. "I'm sorry for... making you
think the worst of m-" Izuku was cut off as Tokage hugged him tightly, and he pretended to
ignore the tears that were falling on his shoulder.

"You stupid idiot! You could've died! You're a vigilante... you're quirkless and you're a
vigilante." She pulled away from him, staring into his eyes with her own watery and slightly
angry ones. "Are you insane? Do you have a death wish or something?" she cried out, half
angry and half sad, shaking him as if she could snap him out of his vigilante-ing.

"I've... I've always wanted to be a hero but, I'm quirkless. So i became the next best thing. I...
I can quit... if that's you want..." Izuku coughed out slowly, and he meant that. He knew it
would bug him, to not help when he knew he could, but... he'd do that for her. Hopefully she
won't turn me in to the authorities...

"This much fluff is going to give me cavities..." Monoma grumbled. Kendo smacked him in the
back of the head. "Oh shut it, this is really sweet."

Bakugo leaned in. C'mon nerd, for once in your life do something right and kiss her, he thought

"God... to think I have a crush on a vigilante. I can't just turn you in..." she mumbled as she
facepalmed herself, too distracted to notice her slip up. Izuku froze at that, startling her.
"Uh, you alright?" she asked, worry in her eyes. "Y-you have a c-crush on me?" Izuku
asked, surprised and completely lost now. Holy crap she has a crush on me... she has a crush
on ME... on ME. What do I do, what do I- no, maybe she didn't mean it that way or-

Hook, Bakugo thought with a small smile.

"I- I-" Tokage stuttered, before she took a deep breath and just decided to come forth.
"Yeah. Y'know, I would've thought the constant flirting would've been obvious" she half
joked, trying to distract herself from her blush. Her classmates voices were getting closer.

Line , Bakugo's smile turned more ferocious, leaning in to see what was to come. Everyone was
watching expectantly, especially Tokage.

"I- I like you too, Tokage..." Izuku said, causing the girl to snap out of her train of thought.

Sinker , Bakugo laughed as everyone else cheered, happy at the confession.

Tokage stared at him as if he'd just grown a second head. He began to sweat, about to say
sorry as if he'd said something wrong, when suddenly she grabbed him by the mouthguard,
pulled him towards her, and kissed him.

"YEAHHHH" the classes erupted, with Mic taking the lead as Aizawa sighed, although the small
smile on his face was unmistakable. Midnight sighed, saying something about young love as All
Might looked towards the screen with pride. Tokage blushed furiously as Uraraka tried not to feel

She pushed him away, smiling and blushing as Izuku looked like his brain had shut down.
"You... should probably go. It'd suck if my boyfriend was arrested literally right after he
became my boyfriend..." she joked, flashing a smile at him. "Y-yeah I... I'll go do that..."
Izuku mumbled, stumbling off before breaking into a full on sprint. The police were already
on scene, but by then he was gone.

He arrived to his beloved bakery, Serendipity, at early light, and within the hour, two people
had shown up at his doorstep.

It was Dabi and Toga. "We're here to take you up on that offer, Midoriya..." Dabi asked
hesitantly. He respected Izuku, kind of like the younger but wiser brother he'd needed for a
while now. Toga made herself at home, slumping on a chair and snatching one of Izuku's

Izuku smiled, sighing at the two of them as he went to get them something to eat. They may
be villains, but deep down they're good people. Izuku would make sure to help them, because
they needed it.
"You really are a hero aren't you. Taking villains into your own place to help them..." Iida said,
awe and shock in his voice. His respect for his friend grew by the second. Uraraka smiled warmly,
the kiss from earlier pushed to the back of her mind.

The day was spent with Izuku helping Dabi and Toga get comfortable. They told him about
the league, and about the mysterious boss of theirs. He mentally promised himself he
wouldn't let anything happen to them. If Shigaraki wanted them, he'd have to go through

Two days later, Tokage finally showed up. She was there, early as usual. "Y'know, you never
did tell me how a 16 year old kid somehow runs an entire bakery..." she joked. trying to make
idle talk, walking into the bakery as they held hands. "Well uh, this actually belonged to my
dad... but I've been helping him for as long as I remember so I'm fit to run it. I also kind of...
did school online, so I had a lot of free time. No one to bully me in class when I don't have
class to begin with." Izuku quipped.

Tokage's top half floated above him, her hair falling in front of him. "Tokage I can't see..."
Izuku laughed but she shook her head. "You can call me Setsuna, you've earned it." she said,
flashing a sharp smile at him as her top half settled down on his head. "Well, it's only fair my
g-girlfriend gets to call me Izuku." he said, chuckling as he ran his hand through her hair.

This is so romantic... I want him to touch my hair like that... Tokage thought wistfully, gazing
towards Izuku strapped to the chair. Unknown to her, Uraraka was having the exact same thoughts
as her. The rest just watched on.

"Oh are we interrupting something? You want me and Dabi to come back later?" Toga's
voice came from the counter as she watched them, chewing on some chocolates. Immediately
Izuku bolted up, his face bright red as Tokage floated off his head. "Oh... so you're one of the
villains that he was talking about." Tokage said warily, and Toga simply saluted to that as
Dabi walked out, throwing a nod her way. Setsuna looked down at Izuku with a questioning

"They um... work" he said, staring down at the desk sheepishly. "Oh so she's the
love interest. Huh... she's alright." Toga remarked as she looked her over, slightly offending
Tokage. She pouted at Toga, who simply shrugged. Izuku sighed, so this is my life now... he
thought. With that, the screen faded to black as Dabi asked where the mayonnaise was.
"Well..." Awase.

"That was certainly something." Honenuki.

"Midoriya certainly lives an... interesting life." Todoroki remarked.

"Yeah no kidding... quirkless bakery owner by day, quirkless vigilante by night, all with a hot
girlfriend to boot!" Mina squealed, whipping around to look at Tokage, who just blushed and
looked away. Uraraka pushed down her feelings, not wanting to get jealous when it wasn't even her

"I believe it's time to release Mr. Midoriya. We will continue more of these tomorrow. Class is
dismissed." Nezu stated, and the classes nodded. Mei went to free Midoriya, and Tokage couldn't
help but look at the green haired boy. He is pretty hot now that I'm looking at him. I wonder if he'd
bake something for me... Tokage thought idly as she left with the rest of her class.

"Well, that was certainly enlightening" Nezu said as he rubbed his eyes. Aizawa huffed and Mic
nodded rapidly. All Might smiled proudly, happy his successor had managed to talk down two
villains from a life of crime.

No matter what Izuku chose to do, he'd be amazing at it.

Universe 04
Chapter Summary

Aight pro hero izuku. If you want a feel for the scene, just youtube "Jiren defeats Maji

The next day, both classes came in livelier than usual. They were excited to see what Izuku's other
selves were up to as well as their other selves.

Tokage glanced at Midoriya once, blushing furiously before taking her seat, an action that didn't go
unnoticed by Uraraka.

"Hello class... the other staff members won't be joining us today because we still have a school to
run. I'll be your fill in teacher" Aizawa breathed out as he made himself comfy in the back.

"Go ahead and play the next universe" Aizawa said with a yawn before falling asleep. Hatsume
blinked at him before smiling and pressing play.

The scene showed Kamino, more specifically, All Might's statue, indicating his last battle as
the symbol of peace. A man was sitting on a bench in front of it, shoulders sagged.

"This one seems like a sad one..." Bondo murmured, his classmates agreeing with him.

Suddenly an explosion was shown a couple blocks away. The man stood up quickly, before
pulling out his phone and ringing his agency.

"Woah a hero?"

"I think I can already tell who this is."

"Get me Wavelight and G-Force, they're needed here in Kamino... there's a villain attack."
Izuku said, hanging up.

"Woah it is!" Sero exclaimed.

"Wavelight and G-Force?" Kendo questioned.

"Probably the nerd's sidekicks." Bakugo scoffed.

Izuku sighed. Can't I go one day as the number one hero without trouble around me? Izuku
thought as he took off his sweater.

"WHAT? THAT NERD'S NUMBER ONE?" Bakugo yelled out, wanting to leap at their Izuku in

Murmurs of astonishment and approvement echoed out throughout the room at the news.

A blur of light appeared in the distance, appearing next to Izuku in an instant to reveal the
two sidekicks. One of them looked like a sleek rabbit, and the other a big man with a long
white beard.

"Here ya go boss" the rabbit said as he handed a sphere to Izuku. "Y'know you don't have to
call me boss, right Wavelight?" Izuku said as he tapped the sphere three times, which opened
up and enveloped around him to reveal his costume. No matter how many times I see that, I
still can't get used to it... G-Force thought.

"Woahhh, his sidekicks look so cool!" Mineta exclaimed.

Iida studied Wavelight with interest. He's faster than me even with Recipro... Iida admitted

"Ooo, that baby looks so good! I wonder if it's mine..." Hatsume said to herself thoughtfully.
Izuku's costume design hasn't changed much in the future, save for the fact he didn't have his
hoodie bit anymore, and the design was different here and there.

"Wavelight and I will evacuate, you're in charge of the villains until we're done." Deku told
G-Force, who nodded before the three of them ran off towards the villains.

Tsuyu sighed. "Who knew he'd grow up to look that hot, ribbit."

"Tsu!" Momo exclaimed, flustered.

Uraraka merely stared.

The civilians in the immediate area we're evacuated in just under a minute. Wavelight and
Deku zipped in from building to building, coming out of them a mere second later with
civilians in tow, the heroes in the area helping out. The sounds of battle were close as G-Force
burst out from one of the buildings, grabbing one of the villains and thrusting them
downward, to which they promptly slammed into the pavement... almost as if gravity had
been increased.

"Woah... they're so coordinated!" Honenuki stated. Everyone was keeping their eyes peeled to the
screen, picking up on how the future number one hero worked.

His sidekicks compliment him. Another speedster to help him with evacuations. He's prioritizing
rescue while he let's his other sidekick fight the villains. He must have alot of faith in those two...
then again, they already have the skills of a seasoned pro, so it's no wonder he trusts them, Aizawa
thought as he watched his student zip from building to building.

Deku and Wavelight appeared next to G-Force as he finished off the last of the villains, who
was forced to the ground due to the gravity being increased. "That the last of them?"
Wavelight asked. Izuku closed his eyes, using his senses to determine if it was.

"Woah, that guy has a gravity based quirk just like you, Ochako!" Toru squealed, turning to look
back at her friend who just smiled sheepishly.

They heard a laughter somewhere around them. G-Force sighed. "Apparently I missed one."
They stood back to back with each other looking for the enemy, when suddenly, a gray sludge
like tendril leapt out from under one of the cars, solidifying into a person. "You're mine!" the
villain yelled before shooting out their stretchy arm at Deku, who still had his eyes closed.

"Midoriya open your eyes!" The majority of both classes yelled.

Todoroki shook his head. That villain isn't a threat to him...

"Think again!" Wavelight yelled as he intercepted the villain in midair, kicking him off quite
a distance before the villain slammed into a car. The villain grunted, shaking his head and
getting up, but Wavelight didn't give him a chance to recover. Two balls of light shined in his
hands as he aimed at the villain. "Justice... flash!" he yelled as the two balls slammed into the
villain, exploding spectacularly.

"Super speed and energy attacks? This guy's just too strong! Both of them are!" Sato yelled

The smoke cleared to reveal the villain, sprayed across the car in a messy display of spilt
sludge. The villain's face twisted into fear. "Please, don't hurt me!" it cried weakly. "His
body is like sludge. Be careful Wavelight." G-Force warned. "Yeah yeah, I'll knock him out
before he tries something else!" he yelled as he ran towards the villain, closing the gap
between them in a second. "Justice... kick!" Wavelight yelled as he kicked the villain in the
face, cleaving the car behind him in two.

"His kicks pack a tremendous amount of force." Iida commented, respect for the sidekick's

"He's an idiot though. Still green!" Bakugo yelled, making the rest of the class look at him in

"The damn rabbit got cocky! He let his guard down!" Bakugo yelled at them as if they were idiots.

Wavelight smirked, happy with his Ultimate move. He'd never admit he got the inspiration
from his boss's finisher 'Smash's" The villain recoiled in pain, but then laughed as he
shrugged off the kick and leapt at the sidekick. "Wait wha-" Wavelight's shocked cry was cut
off as sludge tendrils wrapped around him and slammed him into the pavement before
hardening around him.

"Woah... he regenerated from that like it was nothing! His quirk is pretty diverse!" Kirishima said
in awe.

Monoma nodded. It's kind of like Vlad sensei's blood control.. .

"You know, those ears of yours are like parachutes, Wavelight." the villain commented
gleefully as their hand morphed into a pair of scissors. "Maybe if i snip them off, you'll be
able to run even faster!" Wavelight struggled against the sludge. "Y-you're a monster!"

"Damn sidekick got too overconfident. Hasn't Deku taught him anything?" Bakugo huffed.

"The poor guy! I don't want him to cut his ears off!." Mina pouted.

"I'm sure Deku isn't just gonna let that happen, Mina..." Uraraka chuckled.

"Wavelight botched up..." G-Force huffed angrily as he made to step towards the villain.
"It's ok." Deku said from behind him, shocking G-Force. He stepped aside for his boss. Deku
smiled at him, the same smile he'd use to comfort people. "I'll handle it."

"Woah... he's gonna fight."

"I wonder how strong his quirk's gotten."

"That smile! I feel safer already..."

Music began to play as Deku stepped into the scene. The villain looked up surprised, before
smiling. "At last... the big man steps in!" the villain yells out happily. Deku merely stared at
the villain, his eyes glowing dark green with power.

"H-hey... that's really intimidating..." Kinoko whimpered out.

"That villain is done for. Midoriya is in a class of his own." Shishida noticed. This battle was over
before it started...

"Don't take your eyes off me!" Wavelight yelled as light exploded, throwing the sludge off
him. "What in the-" the villain startled as Wavelight leapt away from him and to Deku's
side. "Boss! I'm sorry!" he said, before leaping away from the fight. Deku simply nodded as
he stared down the villain.

"Tck... whatever, you're the one I came for anyways..." the villains annoyed expression went
back to confident as he stretched his arm out to Deku's direction. "Let's have some fun! Show
me what you've got!" the music got more intense as the villain clenched his fist, his whole
arm getting bigger and bigger.


"His arm's nearly as tall as that building!"

"Doesn't matter. Midoriya has already won this fight. You can see it in his eyes."

The villain's arm finished growing, and then the villain's humongous arm descended onto
Deku, ready to crush him like a bug.

Midoriya looked up at the arm, a smile on his face as it got closer and closer. When it was
nearly a yard away from him, he simply exhaled. The force of it blew the giant fist and villain
away in an instant, destroying the immediate area in front of Deku as well as the villain was
swept away.

Everyone just sat there in shock.




Aizawa's eyes flashed red, silencing the students. He sighed, looking at the screen with no small
amount of shock and awe. "I understand we're all startled by Midoriya's alternate self, but keep it

"Well, that's that." Deku turned around to look at his sidekicks, who weren't hiding their
shock very well. "Let's go get some food. G-Force, do me a favor and tell the agency to pick
up the villains." Deku said as he tapped his chest three times, his costume shrinking down
before turning back into the sphere.
Hatsume squealed.

Midoriya and Wavelight walked away, chatting about as G-Force made the call. He looked at
the damage a single breath had taken, and looked back at Midoriya. Sometimes even I forget
how powerful you really are... I'm just glad you're not a villain. G-Force smiled under his
beard as he ended the call.

"Man... that was intense!" Kaminari said, leaning back into his chair.

"Yeah... he's much stronger than even All Might was.' Jirou said, twirling her jacks.

Uraraka smiled as she looked at her Deku. I knew you could do it!

Hatsume got up and stretched a little, moving back to the device as she got ready for the next

"W-wait!" Kuroiro hesitantly called out.

His class looked at him in confusion.

"Um... I need to use the b-bathroom."

Universe 05
Chapter Summary

Game grumps au skit. Also ey im finally caught up on all chapters, so the next one
will be a new one. Probably a support course izuku.

After Kuroiro came back from the bathroom, Mei played the next universe.

The scene opens up with Bakugo and Midoriya on a couch, playing Super Mario 64.

"Woah that's one of those pre-quirk era games!" Kaminari said.

"Hey Kacchan." Deku said. "What is it nerd?" Bakugo asked lazily, focused on the game.
"Can I share something with you from earlier today?" Deku asked with a smile on his face.
"Yeah what is it Deku?"

"Well, I sent you a text, early in the morning, because I had to go outta town for one
weekend, this month... and so I was like... I won't give specific dates, but..." Deku began,
Bakugo struggling not to laugh as Deku talked. "I was like, do you have any preference
whether I go uhh... this weekend or the next weekend. Your response..." Deku was cut off as
Bakugo began to laugh, and Midoriya did his best not to laugh as he stared at the text.

"They sure seem pretty friendly." Sero smiled.

"It's so weird to see Bakugo genuinely laugh like that!" Mina exclaimed with a pun.

"At 9:30 in the morning...'Motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ fuck dude
motherfuckin Facebook movie bullshit Jesus can you fucking believe this shit?' No... no... no
punctuation." Bakugo laughed as Midoriya just shook his head with a smile.

Both classes began to laugh at that. "Seriously Bakugo? Pffttt" Kirishima snorted at Bakugo's
"Randommm capitalizations..." Midoriya said. "So I respond 'I have no idea what we're
talking about right now.' 45 minutes pass... I get a text from you. 'God damn created
Facebook then fucking lawyers and shit right fucking Winkleboss twins god damn rowing the
boat fuck yo shit I can't even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck I just
watched this shit fuck Jesse Eisenberg man'... I respond, 'Kacchan, you're scaring me.'"
Bakugo laughed hard, clutching the couch and his stomach as he recalled the incident,
Midoriya rubbed his forehead with a sigh.

"BWHAHAHA!" Uraraka was clutching her stomach. Tokage smiled fondly, she liked seeing
Midoriya happy. Almost everyone was laughing or had a smile on their face. Even Todoroki and
Aizawa had a small smile on their face.

"An hour passes, you respond 'Motherfucking Spider-man Spider-man you put in the time
fuck put in the time motherfucking built shit with this bare hands fucking best friend shit
Jesse Eisenberg... I'm very tired'" Bakugo was outright clutching his stomach as tears fell
from his eyes, the game long since forgotten. Midoriya continued reading, "'No problem,
man. I'll...I'll do most of the talking at the Grump session today.' Immediate, like response...
I'm talking like 5 seconds later...'No man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit
man you have to be so interested in the shit I have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude
I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jesse Eisenberg man he fucked over Spider-man
crazy Winklevoss twins rowing Trent Resin or did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented
Facebook I don't like dying I can't think of who the fuck invented Facebook All I can think is
who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook?' and then... in
all capital letters... 2 hours later..."


Bakugo laughed harder than before, almost falling off the couch as even Midoriya began

Both classes had stopped listening as soon as Izuku had yelled 'Mark Zuckerberg', the idea of
Bakugo being so out of it incredibly funny to them.

"Aw man Bakugo... this is beautiful..." Kirishima laughed, wiping manly tears from his eyes.

Bakugo himself even had a rough smirk on his face, his on-screen counterpart's joy being too
Bakugo tried saying something, but just kept laughing. "What... the fuck..." Midoriya said
bewildered. "I... I had to wake up supremely early... I was..." Bakugo tried to defend himself.
"I was crying reading those" Midoriya said as he placed his hand on his friend's back.
"Really? Aw that makes me happy." Bakugo said. "Well I didn't wanna like... I didn't wanna
call you out and be like 'what're you talking about anymore?' cuz I was afraid you'd stop, so
I was just like, I'll just calmly keep respond with my own agenda, hahah.. and see what

"I had to wake up way earlier than I usually wake up, right? To take Kirishima to the then on my way fucking back, on my way back I was just like sooo tired."
Bakugo said as he rubbed his eyes, resuming the game. Izuku startled at that. "You were
texting that while driving?!"

"Bakugo! That is extremely irresponsib-" Iida started.

"CAN IT FOUR EYES!" Bakugo yelled back.

"Nononono, here's the thing. That was all Siri, that's why it was all just... fucking nonsense."
They both laughed at that. Izuku wiped a tear from his eye. "That was... insane..."

Bakugo shook his head with a smile as he continued. "Um... but, as I was leaving the airport,
I saw this fucking kid that looked just like Jesse Eisenberg, in the fucking car, and it got me
thinking of Jesse Eisenberg and the Facebook movie, and then I was just like fucking Jesse
Eisenberg man, and then I had my phone in my hand because I was, I just started the GPS
situation, and then I was just like..... beep beep." Izuku laughed as Bakugo rambled on. "H-
heyy... uhhh 'Text Deku... fuck Jesse Eisenberg' and then that just made me laugh really
hard, I just kept crying... and then I was really surprised that it stayed on track with
everything I said..." Bakugo said. Deku nodded.

"It was amazing." They both laughed at that, and the scene faded away.

Jirou sighed. "That was poetry in motion.

Momo nodded. "That was quite entertaining."

"Well... atleast you do possess a hint of humor in you..." Monoma said condescendingly.


Aizawa's eyes flashed. "Bakugo, sit down. Hatsume, please play the next one."
Universe 06
Chapter Summary

So overhaul chapter. Quirkless inventor Izuku fic! Oh and IzuMomo. Leave

suggestions and thoughts in the comments!

"I thought I told you that the jetpack was off limits..." Izuku said in a slightly scolding tone.

"I'm sorry..." said a soft voice, belonging to a child.

"Oh? Jetpack?" Mei remarked curiously, while the rest were confused about the child.

The screen came into focus. Showing Izuku bandaging up a little girl's wrist. The girl had
light grey hair and a horn, and crimson eyes similar to Bakugo's, minus the cruelty. Izuku
simply sighed as the girl winced.

"You could've really hurt yourself Eri, you're lucky I hadn't calibrated that one to go higher
than 15 feet..." Izuku said, standing up and looking around his room. It was a relatively
large workshop of sorts.

"Ahh! Look at all those babies!" Hatsume squealed, zooming in with her quirk to look at
Midoriya's inventions.

Bakugo's eyes narrowed. He knew what the nerd's room looked like, and this wasn't it.

"Uh... who's the child?" Kaminari asked, already lost.

Jirou rolled her eyes. "Who knows... but her name is Eri."

"Anyways... it's gonna be time for school. I trust you'll be ok?" Izuku said as he scratched
the back of his head, peering down to look at Eri. She nodded her head. Izuku set about to
cleaning up the area a bit, as one of his inventions prepared breakfast.

"Wait... he's leaving her alone? That's really reckless, she's a child!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed angrily.

"Look at her arms and legs..." Kodai said quietly, and they all paled when they noticed. Her limbs
were littered with pale scars.

Aizawa grit his teeth. To do that to a child... no... it couldn't be Midoriya...

Izuku turned around, walking back over to Eri before handing her a... modified shotgun.

"Um?? Midoriya are you insane!?"

"You don't give weapons to kids!"

"What kinda-"

Aizawa activated his quirk, silencing any further comments.

Eri looked down at the shotgun, then at him. "Um..." Midoriya chuckled, ruffling her hair.
"Relax... this one doesn't kill. If anyone enters that's not me, just shoot them with that. It's a
stun shotgun, just pull the trigger easy peasy." Midoriya explained as he buttoned up his UA
uniform. "Food's in the fridge whenever you're hungry, and I saved you some apples from
yesterday..... Look, I know I'm basically a stranger and you don't have to explain what's
wrong... but there are people after you, aren't there." Midoriya said, it wasn't a question.

"Wait... what?" Kendo said, incredibly lost.

"People are after Eri?" Uraraka asked, worry in her tone.

"I'm willing to bet they're the same bastards that hurt her." Katsuki growled, already itching to fight
these unknown criminals.

Eri looked down again, nodding softly. She was afraid he'd kick her out. She would
understand, no one wanted to be a target for some little girl, especially not one they just met
barely a week ago. To her surprise... "yeah I figured as much. We can talk more about it
later but for now, you know the drill. Just stay inside and don't let anyone see you, and no
one gets inside unless the facial recognition goes green." Midoriya said. She looked up at him
in disbelief. He... isn't kicking me out? she thought as she saw him smile.

"Of course Midoriya wouldn't kick a little girl out! He's so manly!" Kirishima loudly exclaimed,
wiping away a tear.

"Relax Eri, I won't let anyone hurt you." Midoriya said gently, finally ready. Eri's eyes
began to water. "But... why are you doing all of this... for me?" she asked in a wobbly tone.
He laughed softly, realizing that that was what was worrying her. "I wouldn't feel right not
helping someone when I know I have the means to. Isn't that reason enough?" he asked.
Deciding to let her think on that, he bid his farewells and left for UA. Either way, I have
security cameras and drones all over this area. If anyone comes after her, I'll know.

"Holy shit. Solo Dad Midoriyaaa!" Mina cheered loudly.

"But that poor girl... she barely looks 6 and she already has the eyes of an adult..." Ojiro
commented sadly.

"Oh I hope I meet these villains so I can give them a real thrashing..." Tokage growled, her
classmates agreeing with her.

The rest of the day passed on normally for Midoriya. He was in the support course, since he
didn't have a quirk. Midoriya sighed as he recalled the past year...

"Just take a swan dive off of the roof of the building"

"I am sorry young man... without a quirk... there is just no way you can become a hero..."

Izuku's dreams had been broken, but from the ashes, a new one had sprouted. Heroes protect
the civilians... but who protects them? he had thought, and then the answer had come to him.

He didn't want to be a cop, or a doctor or anything bland like that. So he decided to be an

inventor, and through that idea came new friends. Izuku glanced at Mei, still hard at work
even though it was lunch... but then again, he was still in the workshop as well instead of
eating. He chuckled at that.

"Ohh he's support course!" Sero remarked, impressed.

Uraraka took the opportunity to glare at Bakugo, then at All Might. That makes twice those two
have said the same thing, crushing Izuku's dreams. Tokage took the opportunity to glare at Bakugo
as well, she hadn't missed the fact he'd said that either.

Meanwhile Mei was writing down notes, reminding herself to invite Izuku over very often so she
could teach him how to make super cute babies with her.

"Ahem" a soft voice cut through the noise, and Izuku perked up and looked at Momo with a
smile. "Well if it isn't my favorite miracle maker momo!" he greeted. Momo blushed at that.

"I thought I told you to just call me Momo, Izuku..." Momo was still embarrassed at the
nickname Izuku had coined for her the instant he'd found out what her quirk was. Needless
to say, he'd nearly fallen in love with her quirk right then and there when he realized just
how much of a help she'd be.

"Aww it's love!" almost all of the girls squealed, while Yaoyorozu blushes and denied it, but then
she felt a shiver down her spine. She turned to look behind her and saw Hatsume barely an inch
away from her.

"So... your quirk let's you create... anything?" Mei asked, voice barely a whisper. Back in the
workshop, Power Loader shuddered as he felt some fear for apparently no reason.

"Ye-yes... so long as I know the molecular structure, and no organics..." Yaoyorozu explained

The grin on Mei's face instantly let her know that she had just made a terrible mistake in explaining
her quirk.

"Good to know." Mei said before hurrying back to the front.

Soon enough, school was over. Izuku, Mei and Momo walked to the station together. Momo
was the only one who didn't need to take the station since she got picked up everyday. Usually
she just dropped them off, but then... "You know, it's been nearly a week since I've last been
to your place. Are you working on something new again?" Momo asked curiously, and Mei
instantly perked up as she overheard.

Shit, i didn't tell her about Eri! Izuku cursed internally, and he decided to roll with Momo's
question. "Yep, making a little something special for my kickass girlfriend. I'm sure you'll
like it!" Izuku exclaimed happily. Momo blushed and smiled, "I look forward to it." He
smiled back, he really liked seeing her smile.

"Aww! This is so romantic!" Mina squealed, shaking and sighing as she watched love bloom
before her very eyes.

Mineta was biting one of his purple balls, muttering something about Midoriya being a lady's man
and whatnot.

Momo simply looked at the screen. He is... surprisingly romantic... more than I thought he would
be. No! I'm not getting flustered over my classmate, it's just another version... Momo shook her
head, attempting to make her slight blush disappear.

She looked towards her Midoriya, thinking. Unless...

They all said their farewells, and Izuku walked the last mile home. He made it a point to not
take the train to the stop nearest his house. Who knows what might follow... he thought idly as
he checked back the security cameras...

And saw they were all offline.

"Ohhh fuck." nearly everyone there said slowly, fear and panic slowly making it's way into their

Izuku's eyes widened in fear and he was off running, making it to his base in less than a
minute, or atleast, what was left of it. "No no no no no..." Izuku ran around the rubble,
looking for Eri. His creations... his defense system was completely torn apart. "ERI!" he
yelled, hoping against all hope that she'd call out to him an- Izuku tensed up as a heavy hand
wrapped around the back of his neck.

"Well well... isn't this a surprise. So you're the filth that took Eri." A voice said, and he was
turned around to come face to face with a man. A man who was wearing a mask, shaped like
a beak. He had short brown hair, and yellow eyes that were filled with barely controlled

Aizawa tensed up immediately. He knew that face. He'd seen that face in the briefing that Nighteye
had given him, just a few days ago.

"That's the leader of the Shie Hassaikai... Overhaul." Aizawa told the students, already making
notes for Nighteye. He had to know a little girl was involved in all this.

"Shie Hassaikai?" What's that?" Sato asked, focused on the screen.

"You're the ones she was running from, aren't you?" Izuku spat out, voice filled with venom.
The hand on his neck tightened. "We'll be the ones asking the questions kid." the man next to
Overhaul chided. He wore a white hood with a similar mask to Overhaul, only it covered the
eyes as well.

"How filthy... you're all infected with hero syndrome. Don't even think about using your
quirk, it won't end well for you." Overhaul warned, and Izuku sneered at that. "Shouldn't be
too hard, considering I don't have one." At that statement, Overhaul froze, looking back at
Izuku, really looking at him.

"So he's quirkless in this one too..." Todoroki noted, silently worried for his friend on screen.

"Deku did say he got his quirk really late..." Uraraka replied.

Overhaul's eyes seemed to be smiling, and frankly it was creeping Izuku out. The man had
also stopped rubbing at his exposed wrist, and the other henchmen around him had also
turned to look at him. "Someone who isn't infected... I haven't met one like you before."
Overhaul's voice sounded lighter now, and he turned towards the man on his left. "Kurono,
change of plans, we're taking him with us as well." Izuku tensed at that. Why on earth would
he- Izuku's thought was cut off as the man nodded, and an arrow shaped line of hair cut
through his white hood and stabbed into his shoulder.


"Midoriya!" the students cried out.

Izuku winced in pain, before noticing that everything seemed slower now. So much slower... it
must be his quirk! Izuku realized as he tried to struggle, but he was already in the car the
villains had presumably come in. He didn't see Eri, they must've taken her back to their base

Izuku struggled, or atleast tried to under the effects of Kurono's quirk. Overhaul was sitting
next to him, and the man took off his mask, so Izuku could see his face fully. Kurono and the
man sitting next to him both turned back to look at their boss in surprise. Apparently the
man rarely takes off his mask. Izuku was startled to find a sincere smile on the man's face.
"What's your name?"

Izuku tensed, but he answered anyways. Not like there's any family left for you to hold against
me. "Izuku Midoriya." Overhaul nodded, relaxing into his seat. "Kai Chisaki. You and I,
Midoriya, we can change the world..."

Everyone was hooked onto the villain's small talk now as they noticed the conviction oozed into
every word.

"This world... it's infected with sickness. With these... quirks . But you... you're not sick. You
can help me cure this mad disease. With you, I can rid the world of this sickness. Curing
quirks and this... hero filth." Kai turned to look at Izuku, with some sort of fondness and
greed in his eyes.

"You're going to be... very helpful to my cause." Kai said.

With that, the screen went black.

No one knew what to say.

But they were all wondering the same thing.

This villain is out there... and they're keeping a little girl hostage...
Universe 07
Chapter Summary

Telekinetic Izuku x Uraraka. Also vigilante-ing

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"So... that's it?"

"C'mon! You can't just leave us off on a cliffhanger!"

"That isn't manly at all! Midoriya just got captured with Eri!"

On and on the students protested, until Mei put her foot down and shut them all up.

"Sorry, that's just as far as my baby can make this particular universe go. Now, can I play the next
one?" she asked, annoyed. Deep down she was worried for the Izuku and Eri on screen though.

Everyone kept their traps shut after that, and Mei played the next one.

"Hey shitbag!"

"Woah ok, what a way to start the next one." Toru eeped out, startled by the suddeness of the

The screen showed an annoyed Izuku, glaring back at... Endeavor.

Todoroki perked up at this.

"...Excuse me?" Endeavor asked, not even being able to comprehend the 180 that just
happened. "Did i fucking stutter? I was content to let you grumble on and on but your son
decided to spill his 'tragic anime protagonist backstory' a few minutes ago, and as an aspiring
hero I can't just ignore it." Midoriya said lazily, perfectly willing to throw down with the
number 2 hero if need be.

"Holy shit." Monoma simply said, and no one could disagree.

Todoroki was suppressing the biggest shit eating grin he'd ever had since... ever.

"You... you have some nerve to speak to me that way-" Endeavor began as he took a rough
step towards Midoriya, only to be cut off. "Yeah yeah cut the shit, Fire fart. Unlike you, I
have a lovely gravity girlfriend i need to make out with, and then I have an Icy hot fuck that I
need to knock some sense into. Now, I'm only going to say this once..."

"Gravity girlfriend?" Mina said, eyes widening in realization.

Everyone turned to look back at Uraraka, who's entire face was strawberry red as her eyes remained
transfixed onto the screen.
Shoto had long since started recording. This opportunity was simply too good to miss. Aizawa
pretended not to notice.

Izuku's voice took on a serious tone as he stopped being sassy. "Shoto isn't you. Todoroki
may be his last name, but you are nothing compared to him... Just like how All Might and I
have nothing in common." Izuku said, beginning to walk away from the stunned flame hero.

"Wow..." a few students quietly said, too shocked to respond with anything more.

Todoroki's respect for Izuku was growing by the second.

Midoriya paused right before turning the corner, as if he'd just realized something. "Oh
except we're both male. That's the only thing we have in common. Only thing you two have
in common. Yeah... I just ruined the mood didn't I? Fuck." Izuku winced at himself before
hurrying off.

Bakugo just sighed and facepalmed incredibly hard. Shoto was shaking, though 1A wasn't sure if it
was due to anger, or something else.

"So who won?" Izuku said as he heard the cheer. "Oh Izuku! Kirishima won the arm
wrestling match." Uraraka said, leaning in to give him a kiss. "Shouldn't you be uh...
y'know, preparing for your match?" Izuku laughed, nodding in agreement. "Can't go to my
match without a good luck kiss, it'd be bad luck for me." Izuku flashed her a grin.

"Smooth as silk aren't you!" Kaminari remarked, a few of the students snickering.

Mina kept sneaking glances back at Uraraka, who she was pretty sure had been knocked
unconscious due to the kiss on screen.

Soon enough the match started, and Todoroki and Izuku made their way to the ring. "Best
outta 5 wins?" Izuku joked, but Todoroki did nothing. Sheesh... talk about a
cockblock... Izuku huffed as he prepared his quirk. Midnight gave the go ahead and Izuku
just had time to shield himself before Todoroki released an enormous wave of ice at him.
After a few moments, Izuku burst his way out of the ice, using his telekinesis to throw the
chunks out of the ring.

"Woah so he's got telekinesis in this one too!" Kirishima said, excited to see this manly duel.

"Auntie Inko has a very minor form of telekinesis. Possible this nerd got her quirk, just stronger."
Katsuki said, deciding to give the extras some info.

"Midoriya's scary..." Yanagi said, focusing on the Midoriya on screen. Maybe she'd discover
something new to help her quirk with this one.

"Listen Todoroki, I told you before... no amount of ice can cool down all of my hotness."
Midoriya sighed, shaking his head like a disappointed parent. Shoto got ready to release
another ice burst, but the floor tile in front of him peeled away and slammed into his face,
courtesy of Midoriya. The match went on like that for some time, with Midoriya blocking
Todoroki's ice, while Midoriya launched any object in the ring at Todoroki.

"Wow... this is almost like the opposite of how it went during the actual match..." Kendo said to
herself, watching as the Izuku on screen didn't seem to be trying.
Todoroki and Izuku talked as they fought, and Shoto was getting more and more distracted

"Hey, I had a talk with your birth giver, and I told him to shove it." Izuku said as he socked
Todoroki across the face. Caught off guard by the suddeness of Midoriya's statement, he
stumbled back. "I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told him. I'm not All Might, and you
aren't him. Your quirk isn't his quirk..."

"It's yours."

And with that, Todoroki's left side erupted into enormous, bright flames. Midoriya took the
time to subtly push the cold air towards Todoroki with his telekinesis. He knew very well an
extreme temperature change could blow him away.

"You may have been winning before, but you just forfeited your chance to win..." Todoroki
said as he took a step forward, a borderline deranged smile on his face.

"Did I?" Midoriya quipped.

"Your quirk can't block fire." Todoroki said.

"Mm. Mm. Doubtful." Midoriya smirked.

Before Todoroki could comment back, they were interrupted by a loud "SHOTOOO" and
Izuku rolled his eyes, turning around to look at Mr. Firecracker.

Endeavor started ranting on about how Shoto had given up his rebellion or something,
Midoriya honestly didn't care enough to pay attention. He glanced back at Shoto, as if to ask
Is this really your dad? He's got his head so far up his ass it literally popped right back into
place! Midoriya thought, slightly in awe.

Shoto snorted at that. An actual snort that to this day no one in that room will ever forget.

The rest were just too busy laughing and staring in awe at the balls this Izuku had to talk shit about
the Number 2 hero on screen.

Aizawa jotted down notes for Nezu, it was best to note whatever he could to help mold the
students properly.

Telekinetic, Sassy, Confident. Relationship with Uraraka Ochako. Made Todoroki use his flames
instead of winning the match

Midoriya began to yawn, as noticeable and loud as he could make it. "Holy shit Shoto."
Midoriya walked towards Todoroki, the match temporarily forgotten by him. Todoroki
simply seemed baffled as Midoriya stood in front of him with a broken look on his face.
Izuku placed his hands on Todoroki's shoulders, then hugged him.

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Holy shit he's hugging Todoroki!"

"Did he forget the match?"

"How is he not getting his arm burnt to a crisp?!"

Midoriya was fine as the flames simply rolled over his telekinesis covered arm. He began to
cry on Todoroki's shoulder, his tears turning to steam as they landed on the flames. He
patted Shoto's back, who was simply at a loss for words. The entire stadium was frozen, too
shocked and confused to even know what to say.

"Are... are you crying?" Todoroki asked, not sure what to say or do.

"Yeah sorry... I just... didn't realize how much of a shitstain your dad really is. There's
nowhere near enough toilet paper here to help with that..." Midoriya began to laugh as he
said that, releasing Todoroki from his grasp.

The look on Todoroki's face was priceless. Honestly I wish I'd brought a camera for this instead of
my phone, thought I'm not complaining...

"You're the last child that Endeawhore over there will ever have right?"


"Good to know. Guess he won't be needing his balls anymore after this match."

Todoroki choked on the air hearing that, coughing hard.

Todoroki was trying incredibly hard not to let a grin show on his face. The mental image of Izuku
kicking the flame hero between the legs was very amusing to him.

"Anyways, sorry you have to put up with Adult Katsuki over there. Oh, and sorry for this."
Midoriya finished saying as he used his telekinesis to push a startled Todoroki out of bounds.

Midnight took a few seconds to process what had happened, but then. "Shoto Todoroki is out
of bounds. Izuku Midoriya wins!" and the crowd was snapped out of it's stunned silence,
applauding Midoriya.

Izuku turned to look back at Endeavor's barely contained fury, smirking at his expression.
He nodded towards Todoroki in farewell and walked back into the stadium.

"Well that was anticlimactic..." Sero whined, he'd been expecting a more dramatic finish.

"Midoriya could've beaten Todoroki at any point in this fight." Kodai noted.

Todoroki silently agreed, but he was more interested in the fact that this particular Izuku had just
insulted his father on multiple occasions and lived to tell the tale.

"Izuku! Congrats!" Uraraka squealed as she hugged him tightly. She'd be lying if she said
she wasn't worried about her boyfriend going against the strongest student in her class.

After that, Midoriya dropped out, because he didn't really feel like going against Bakugo.
Also I know it's bound to piss him off... Izuku snorted at that as he enjoyed some Mochi that
Uraraka had given him.

"That damn nerd! I'll kill him!" Bakugo yelled out, before realizing that unless he figured out how
to hop dimensions, he wouldn't be able to.
He huffed and sat back down.

"Yo Midoriya! Manly match out there bro!" Kirishima said as he walked over. Midoriya
narrowed his eyes. "How's the new power treating you?" Izuku said, and Kirishima froze,
before sighing in defeat and sitting back down next to him. "Y'know Midoriya, I thought
you'd be more accepting of this... All Might chose me for a reason, I thought you'd under-"

Midoriya cut off Kirishima. "Wait hold up. You think I'm upset because I wasn't chosen?"
he asked, stupefied. Kirishima nodded, confused. "What- no! Why would I want all that
stress? No, right now I'm just annoyed because you got that power right before the entrance
exam. You've had ample opportunity to practice with it, but it seems like you haven't
practiced with it at all." Izuku said disappointingly.

"One for All?" Pony asked to herself

"Chosen by All Might?" Kirishima asked, puzzled as well.

"This isn't the first time it's been mentioned either, ribbit." Tsuyu noted, a finger on her chin.

Aizawa's eyes narrowed. He'd made the connection a few moments ago.

This One for All... it's definitely the name of All Might's quirk, and he passed it on to Midoriya. It
would explain why he kept getting injured if he got it that late in his life.

A low growl escaped Aizawa's lips, as he silently promised himself to lay into Toshinori when he
saw him next.

What I'd like to know, is why I wasn't informed of this despite being his teacher.

Kirishima's eyes widened in realization, and he looked away sheepishly. "Honestly, I've been
more busy trying to improve my own quirk... sorry." Izuku waved him off, too busy eating
Mochi to answer properly.

Gran Torino is sure to whip you into shape, so I won't worry too hard... Izuku thought as
Kirishima walked back towards Katsuki. He'd never understand how someone could enjoy
Bakugo's company, but to each their own.

"Gran Torino, that was the pro that was there at Kamino!" Yaoyorozu noted.

Tokage's eyes widened. She glanced towards their Midoriya. Could he actually have All Might's
power? It's not something I could just ask him...

Unbeknownst to her, she wasn't the only one thinking that.

Katsuki huffed. Guess that's out in the open now...

So there is a connection between you and All Might, just not one bound by blood. Todoroki thought
as he regarded his friend.

Izuku perked up as his phone went off, but his cheerful expression fell away into shock. His
friend 'Flashfire' had just messaged him.

'One of your classmates is called Tenya Iida, right?'

'His older brother was just attacked by the hero killer in Hosu.'

'Do we move in?'

Flashfire? That's the technique my father uses... Todoroki's eyes narrowed.

Izuku's eyes were swimming with rage. His friend's brother was attacked. He had to respond
in kind. 'Mobilize the team.' Izuku typed. He got up to leave for Hosu immediately, bumping
into Uraraka on the way out. "Hey sorry Ochaco, something came up." He kissed her and
flashed her a smile. "Don't wait up!"

"Mobilize the team?" Mina asked.

Kendo glanced at her lizardy friend, already having an inkling about what this Izuku was going to

Midoriya was shown walking towards the screen, before the scene changed and suddenly it
was night time, and he was outside, in a vigilante outfit.

"Fuck! Another one?" Awase choked out.

"Just how many of these Midoriya's are lawbreakers!" Iida commented, his arms chopping all over
the place.

Little rich coming from you, isn't it Iida? Todoroki thought offhandedly.

"Guess Midoriya isn't as much of a goody two shoes as I thought..." Tokage mumbled to herself.

Midoriya jumped down from his perch, landing in front of three other people. He greeted all
three of them. "Flashfire..."

Shoji sucked in a breath, recognizing the vigilante as the flame villain who had attacked them at
camp. "Dabi."

Midoriya turned towards the second person, who was dressed in a long, dark purple coat,
running a gloved hand through his gray hair. "Rubber." The man nodded in greeting, a
smile on his lips.

Aizawa jotted down this new person. Possible future villain?

And finally, Izuku turned towards one of his most recent recruits. "Mindwipe."

And from the shadows, long scarf flowing in the wind around them, came out Shinso.

Ojiro's mouth dropped.




"Isn't that the dude Midoriya fought in his first round?"

"Yeah! He had a brainwashing quirk!"

Aizawa used his quirk, reining in the students while also making a note of this event. I'll have to
invite Shinso for the next time... the kid does have potential...

Aizawa noted the scarf wrapped around the general course student, and pushed down the small bit
of pride he got from that.

Izuku flashed all three of them a smile. "Well gentlemen, I've called you all here in Hosu to
hunt down the hero killer... his presence has gone on long enough. So..."

"Let's go catch a killer."

The screen turned black.

Immediately the students started talking amongst themselves. Uraraka flustered as Mina and Toru
teased her about the other version of her that was with Midoriya.

She tried not to notice Mei feeling Izuku up as she freed him. Tried being the key word.

Yaoyorozu and Tokage were also looking, as well as Todoroki, but for a different reason. He had
questions about 'One for All'... but he supposed they could wait.

For now though, he would be content with what he'd recorded.

Chapter End Notes

These universe viewings take place around after Bakugo and Midoriya fought the
second time.

Also thing to note: Future chapters will delve into manga territory, especially the next
Universe 08
Chapter Summary

JT battle, but it's also gamer izuku hmm

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


Izuku turned around and came face to face with Todoroki, who proceeded to pull him away from
everyone, stopping at an abandoned hallway.

"W-what's this about Todoroki?" Izuku asked, puzzled. This reminds of that time in the sports
festival when you told me the truth about your family... Izuku thought.

"I need you to answer something for me. In these universes we've been seeing so far... a quirk
known as 'One for All' was mentioned." Izuku froze up at that, something that Todoroki noticed.
He hadn't been told much about what the others had seen.

"Last time we had a talk like this, I asked you if there was a connection between you and All
Might, so... I just want you to answer me two questions, Midoriya." Todoroki said, his voice
unbelievably soft right now.

Crap crap crap, if Todoroki knows then... maybe the rest do too... but... Izuku looked at Todoroki,
really looked at him. He's my friend. I...I can trust him.

"Are you All Might's successor?"

Izuku tensed up, before nodding in defeat.

"I am."

"Your quirk. It's his, isn't it?" Todoroki asked.

"It... it is."

For a minute, all was quiet as the weight of this brief conversation settled in them.

Todoroki placed his hand on Midoriya's shoulder, a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad it's you. You're a good person Midoriya." Todoroki said, before beginning to walk
towards the theater.

"Huh-" Midoriya startled, not expecting what Todoroki had said. "W-wait Todo-"

"It's Shoto. I think you've more than earned it." Shoto said, still walking away. Izuku looked at his
friend's slowly receding form, a smile forming on his face. I'm happy he took it well atleast...

He followed after him, and was joined by Tokage and Yaoyorozu a few seconds later, who
proceeded to make small talk with him on the way to the theater.

There were many new things when both hero classes came back into the theater that day.

For starters, Shinso and Nighteye were now with them to watch, courtesy of Aizawa.

Tokage and Yaoyorozu had been talking with Midoriya since they'd walked in together, much to
Uraraka's chagrin.

Finally, Mei appeared to have made some modifications to the universe peering device.

"Uh Hatsume, what're these new settings for?" Izuku asked timidly as he approached the chair.

"Oh! I've added two new settings to my baby! One of them is a short burst viewing mode, although
I suppose you can call it a 'Trailer' mode." Mei exclaimed, quite proud of herself.

Izuku nodded, jotting it down in his notebook. "And the other one?"

At that, Mei's cheeks heated up. "O-oh that one's not really a setting... it's more of a filter really..."
she said, not meeting his eyes.

That's unusual for Hatsume. Usually she's all honest about everything... Izuku thought as he noted
her appearance. "Filter...?"

She coughed into her hand before staring back at him. "I took the liberty of peering into your other
selves to see if I could get inspiration for some new babies... but um, let's just say other versions of
you make babies too, just not the... mechanical kinds..." she finished, her voice trailing off to a
whisper at the end.

Izuku's eyes widened as he realized the implication of his statement. "O-oh... y-yeah that's probably
for the best..." Izuku coughed out, not being able to comprehend or imagine him doing it with
anyone like that. Midoriya tried not to freak out as he noticed All Might's sidekick staring at him,
seated next to Aizawa. They exchanged brief pleasantries before Izuku walked back towards the

Hatsume nodded silently and proceeded to strap him in, unaware of the earphone jack that had
been listening to the whole thing a few feet away. Jirou was having a hard time pushing down the
blush that had surged up.

"Hatsume, you can go ahead and play the next one." Aizawa said, before flicking Shinso's
forehead, waking him up.

"You could learn from a few things you see. I don't waste time on lost causes, so pay attention."
Aizawa simply said, and Shinso grit his teeth, nodding with determination.

Nighteye said nothing, just leaning forward to observe what was to come.

The screen flicked on, and they were ready.

Level 22
Uraraka Ochaco

Midoriya briefly looked at the info above his friend's head, before proceeding to check out the
levels of his other friends.
Mineta has the lowest level here at 18, while the lowest on the other team is Shinso, also at 18,
hmm... Izuku thought. They were currently getting ready for their match, which was the last
match of the joint training exercise for today.

"Woah what? Levels?" Kaminari perked up.

"Like in video games?" Awase asked out loud.

"Shinso's there as well." Monoma noted.

Must be 1A against 1B if it's joint training... Aizawa thought to himself.

"I float!" Uraraka exclaimed as she made her helmet float.

"I melt!" Mina followed up as she spewed some acid from her hands.

"I stick." Mineta finished as he pulled out a few of his balls.

"We don't stand a chance." Mina and Uraraka drooped in defeat. Izuku chuckled at their
attitude. "I think we'll be fine."

They have Shinso, Monoma, Kodai, Yanagi and Nirengeki. "The only real one that poses a
threat to me would be Monoma. Shinso's quirk won't affect me." Izuku remarked. "I can go
on ahead and try attacking them. I'm too big of a threat for them to simply ignore, even if
I'm heavily weakened right now."

"It still sucks that Aizawa won't let you use your special abilities. You wouldn't even need us
if you could just use all of your quirk right now!" Mina pouted. "I think that's the point
Mina..." Uraraka chuckled.

"Aizawa nerfed him?" Kaminari asked incredulously.

"So he's apparently so strong here that he has to be held back? Ok then..." Kinoko mumbled,
slightly afraid of just how much power that Izuku had.

"But we can still beat them right? Even if you can't use your cool tricks you're still allowed
to use the enhancing aspect!" Mineta asked hopefully. Izuku nodded. "No hero is just their
quirk... I think I know what their game plan is." Lucky I passed off One for All as just another
aspect of my quirk. Who knew that a gaming quirk would be so diverse...

"There's that One for All again!" Pony whined, wondering exactly what it was.

"I'm beginning to believe our Midoriya has this power as well..." Monoma huffed out, throwing a
glance at the green haired boy in question.

Shoto and Bakugo said nothing, focusing on the screen.

"Are we not gonna acknowledge the fact that Midoriya has a quirk that basically turns him into a
video game character in real life?" Kaminari asked excitedly.

"Shh, we're about to see it, idiot."

"Monoma and Shinso will definitely come after me. They don't know I'm immune to
brainwashing, and Monoma is the only one who can even think of contesting me." Izuku
began, trying to slow down his ramble so his friends would understand.

"The other three will be looking for you, so maybe attempt to lure them in by faking them
with Mineta's quirk, and then doubling around to take them from behind. They've all got
powerful quirks, but I'm sure you two girls can take out Yanagi and Kodai in a 1 on 1, and
from there it would just be Nirengeki. I'll come around to assist as soon as I've captured
Monoma and Shinso." Midoriya finished, already having two backup plans on reserve in case
this one fell through.

"Woah... he picked us apart pretty fast..." Nirengeki whimpered out.

"He's a scary tactician... I'm not sure if we'll win..." Yanagi sighed.

Midoriya leapt from pipe to pipe, looking for his opponents until he heard Uraraka cry out
near him. Betting that's Shinso... Izuku thought as he whipped around, spotting Monoma
leaning against one of the pipes. "My my... sounds like your classmates are in trouble.
Shouldn't you be going to help them?" Monoma drawled.

Izuku smirked, opting to leap towards Monoma. He sighed, floating a few shrunk down
chunks of concrete courtesy of Kodai and Yanagi's quirk. "It must be so nice... to be born
with a magnificent quirk." Monoma continued, his voice turning harsher as he enlarged the
chunks in midair, hurling them at Midoriya.

Midoriya punched and kicked through the debris, slamming down where Monoma had been
a second ago.

He heard Monoma's voice in the distance, most likely Shinso impersonating him. "You don't
know what it's like to be pushed down... simply because of what quirk you were born with.
Someone as blessed as you wouldn't know what it means to work to get to where you are

Izuku growled. Then he heard Monoma just a few feet behind him, standing there with an
incredibly smug smile on his face.

"That can't be good." Kendo grumbled. She knew that expression well.

Shinso and Monoma were both focused on the screen.

"I had the luxury of copying your quirk a couple of weeks ago. Quite an informative and
complex one if I do say so myself. Imagine my surprise when I read your information. To
learn about your parents... or should I say, your father?" Monoma said, smiling at the angry
expression that overtook Midoriya's face.

He didn't have time to react as Izuku leapt forward and threw him onto the ground. He
ignored the dislocated shoulder and continued. "Tell me, Midoriya. Do your classmates
know? Do they know your father is a villain? Do they know..."

"That your father was responsible for putting an end to the symbol of peace?"

Everyone's eyes widened at the implication of that.

"You mean to tell me..."

"His dad..."

"Was the villain All Might fought at Kamino?"

"It's a possibility. But keep in mind this is an alternate reality. It's possible this isn't the case for
your Midoriya." Nighteye stated calmly, even though deep down he was freaking out, hard.

If All Might passed on One for All onto All for One's child... if it really is Midoriya... Nighteye
pondered, trying not to let his worry show.

Aizawa excused himself. This was something that demanded immediate attention.

Midoriya froze up in shock, before looking enraged again. Before he could knock Monoma
out, a large chunk of debris slammed into his head, knocking him off of Monoma. "You're
getting too excited now, Midoriya." Monoma taunted.

"Shut up!" Midoriya said, leaping towards Monoma again, but before he could punch him...


Izuku's head was slammed to the side by an invisible force as Monoma activated Twin
Impact, leaving Midoriya sprawled on the ground.

"Izuku!" Tokage cried out at the same time Uraraka cried out "Deku!"

They both tossed a quick glare at the other before turning to look back at the screen.

HP: 438

Yeah... I noticed... Izuku grumbled angrily in his head as he got back up. Monoma had
retreated a bit farther back, lounging on a roof. "I suppose it's too much to ask for you to
simply give up?" Monoma asked, exasperated. Izuku snorted as he rubbed his head. "In
your dreams."

Monoma grinned, activating Brainwash

Effect: Brainwashing has been detected. Negating...

Monoma's grin died down as Midoriya raised his arm, positioning his fingers in a flicking

"Game over" Izuku said as he flicked his finger. Instead of the usual air blast coming out
however... long, dark tendrils rapidly sprouted from Midoriya's arm, quickly filling up the
immediate area between them. Monoma yelped and ducked away as a few tendrils pierced
right through the building he was sitting on.

"What the heck?!" Nearly the whole class yelled out.

What the hell?! Izuku yelled in his head as this new power began to rampage around. It
wasn't responding to him at all. What's going on?! Stop! I said stop! Izuku yelled internally as
the tendrils picked him up and flung him through a few buildings.

"Shinso!" Monoma yelled out in worry. Shinso had been hiding behind one of those buildings
Midoriya had just blown through. "I'm here! What the hell happened Monoma?" Shinso
yelled out as he held his arm, which was hanging loose. "Brainwashing didn't work on him.
He appears to have activated a new power wh-" Monoma was cut off as Midoriya roared in

He made eye contact with the two of them, fear in his eyes. "You two need to get away! My
quirk... nngh... I can't control it!" Midoriya yelled out in pain.

HP: 370

HP: 213

HP: 148

"Izuku's health is getting lower! He's going to die!" Kaminari squeaked out, fearing for his friend.

"Why aren't the teachers stopping the exercise?" Shishida asked, worried as well.

Why can't I control it? What is this? Is it... One for All? Izuku thought as he was slammed into
another building. He could briefly spot the others as he was lifted higher by the tendrils. Get
away... from me... One for All... stop!

Midoriya desperately clawed at his arm as he was slammed down again, blood flying from his

HP: 86

"One for All... hrrk... STOP!"

Midoriya spotted a glowing pair of red eyes in the distance, and suddenly the tendrils ceased
to be. He slumped down, comfortably slipping into the warm embrace of unconsciousness.

Both classes sighed collectively, grateful that no one had died.

Then they began to wonder just what had those tendrils been? Midoriya had assumed they
belonged to One for All, so maybe...

"Could our Izuku have those tendrils? In his quirk?" Toru asked, deciding to voice out the question
no one else wanted to.

"Pfft, c'mon Hagakure. His is just an incredibly strong enhancer, that's all there is to it." Sero
laughed it off.

"I wouldn't be so rash as to assume that..." Tokage muttered, just loud enough for them to hear.

"What do you mean?" Iida asked. Kodai was about to answer but then the screen wasn't black
anymore. Everyone quickly paid attention.

Where... am I? Izuku groaned, before realizing that he didn't have a mouth... or a body. He
didn't have anything except his legs, hands and upper head.
Before he could freak out in this empty space he was in, a voice called out to him from
behind. "Easy there pipsqueak..." she said. He turned around, meeting three individuals.

Nighteye sucked in a breath. It couldn't be...

"Woah, who are they?" Kaibara asked.

One of them looked like a bald ruffian, an annoyed expression on his face. He wore a leather
jacket with shoulder pads and had a square jaw. The one next to him was a muscular woman
with a large flowing cape. She had a kind look on her... oddly familiar face. Finally, the last
one stepped forth. Izuku sucked in his breath as he finally realized who he was looking at.

"Hello... Nephew." the frail man said. The first holder of One for All.

Bakugo choked on his spit, curling into himself as he coughed hard.

Nighteye was as unmoving as a statue.

Everyone else had begun to freak out.

"Holy crap!"

"Holders? You mean there were others before that held this quirk?"

"Izuku is related to the first holder?"

"Wait so is his dad actually that villain?"

"Is our Izuku his son?"

Everyone cut off their opinions at that question, pondering the implications of it.

They were almost certain now that their Midoriya did in fact possess this quirk. And if that was
true... what else was?

A loud clap startled them all and they turned towards an irritated Kendo, who had clapped with her
enlarged hands. She pointed towards the screen.

"Questions for later."

Izuku was freaking out, spewing word vomit that no one but himself could hear. The woman
laughed, while the ruffian chuckled at his obvious despair. "Daigoro, Nana, please..." His...
uncle said, sighing as if he were tired.

"Right right, we're short on time." Nana waved him off. Wait... holy crap, that's All Might's
master! She reminds me a bit of my mom... and... someone else? Izuku thought, and Nana
noted that he recognized her. She smiled and ruffled his hair. "You've probably heard about
me from Toshinori, or All Might, but yep, I'm Nana Shimura." she greeted with a grin.**

And that's where he recognized her from. His father had mentioned that last name. Tenko
Shimura... otherwise known as Tomura Shigaraki.

The students froze up at that, especially the 1A students. They hadn't been aware that the villain
who had attacked them at the USJ, who had been responsible for the attack at camp... was the
grandson of All Might's master. It was a very hard pill to swallow.

Nana's smile deflated as she noted the look in his eyes. She sighed, "I already know kiddo.
It's... not something I wanna talk about just yet. Right now, we're here to give you some info
on that crazy quirk you pulled out."

"Hey!" Daigoro complained, before walking up to Izuku and lifting his hand. From it, the
exact same black tendrils sprouted out, only it was very well controlled this time.

"That crazy quirk you used a few moments ago was my quirk. It's top grade if I do say so
myself. I call it 'black whip' and it's incredibly useful for restraining, or just for getting
around. Swinging around like your tape armed friend." Daigoro said as black whip receded
back into his hand.

Sero perked up at that. A quirk so similar to his own.

"Wait... so he was able to use his quirk? Does that mean he can use the other quirks as well?!"
Momo questioned loudly.

Mina pat her head rapidly, telling her to shush and watch.

"That's right kid, One for All is growing inside you. You're lucky you were able to use my
quirk first. These quirks that you're going to be getting... they're much stronger than they
were back when we held them... boosted by One for All. Yours included." Daigoro explained.

Everyone sucked in a breath as that information settled in them. One for All could boost any of our
quirks to a much greater degree... Yaoyorozu thought to herself.

"It's possible that you were able to access our quirks due to being my brother's child. His
resistance to multiple quirks might be why your body can handle ours... but that won't make
them any easier to master." The first holder said.

Nana nodded in agreement. "You're safer mastering black whip first, and mine... 'Float' is
what I call it." She said with a smile. I can float? Izuku wondered in bewilderment. He'd
always wanted to fly.

Uraraka smiled slightly at that. She felt a bit warm and fuzzy thinking about floating around with
Izuku, sharing a kiss in midai- Uraraka slapped her furiously blushing cheeks, trying to calm her
rapidly beating heart.

The three holders flinched as the area around them glitched. "Guess we don't have much
time. Listen kid, these quirks... they're not to be taken lightly. They respond to emotion, so
master them. Have heart kid, because you're about to inherit all 6 of our quirks." Daigoro
smirked, plunging his hand into Izuku's dark, misty chest.

We'll always be with you, Izuku Midoriya. Keep on smiling, and don't be afraid to use us."
Nana said as she began to fade

His uncle, the first holder of One for All, ruffled his hair as he smiled. "My brother may not
show it... but he does care for you. He's simply... too far gone to make amends. You have
many people who care about you, Izuku. Good luck." he said as Izuku's vision began to blur
again, before finally going black.
The screen shut off, no longer playing that universe.

Everyone was too starstruck to make coherent thoughts, too busy trying to make sense about what
they had just witnessed.

Nighteye was the only sensible one there, already jotting down notes on their interactions. On the
holders, on the information given, on everything he could remember.

For a minute, nothing could be heard except for the scratching of Nighteye's pen scratching against

Then the screaming started.

Chapter End Notes

Leave opinions and suggestions if you want, hope you enjoyed!

A Confrontation
Chapter Summary

This is basically a brief intermission. Don't worry ill post another universe in a few
hours too.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Izuku expected many things when he got out of the chair.

Being forcefully ripped out and shaken around while people were screaming was not one of those

He barely had a second to process it was Kaminari shaking him before a giant explosion startled
them all.

"Calm your shitty selves extras!" Bakugo yelled. "Fucking repeat of the break-in crap from the
beginning of the year." he grumbled as he slumped back down in his year.

"We have questions." Kodai said.

"Lots... lots of questions." Bondo followed up.

Izuku gulped. He didn't know what had happened but he had a pretty good idea. Before he could
say anything though, Nighteye interjected.

"It would be most unwise to share a secret as big as that one to everyone here, if it is true you
possess it." Nighteye warned, glaring at Midoriya. He didn't approve that he had been chosen, and
his lack of control over black whip in that universe had all but proved it.

Bakugo scoffed at that, while Todoroki's eyes simply narrowed. "Something the matter, Bakugo?"
Nighteye asked dryly.

"Yeah. You may have been All Might's sidekick, but you aren't him. He's the one who can decide
what to do with his power, and I'm sure he would've stopped this whole thing if he knew One for
All was involved."

"The fact that he didn't means he trusts everyone here. Besides... it's for shitty Deku to decide now.
Considering it's his." Bakugo sneered, leaving Nighteye momentarily silenced.

"Kacchan..." Deku sighed, a bit flattered by his friend's words.

"Wait... Bakugo. Does this mean you knew about One for All?" Kirishima asked his friend.

"The damn nerd told me right after the battle trial. I thought he was pulling my leg, but over time I
managed to put the pieces together. This nerd is All Might's successor, and he has his quirk."
Bakugo said. He figured it'd be best for him to explain since shitty Deku would turn into a
stuttering mess.
"That just raises so many other questions..." Jirou trailed off.

"To be handpicked by the symbol of peace... hm yes I can see it..." Shiozaki mumbled to herself as
she looked Izuku over.

Mei was busy jotting down notes on marketing now that she knew Izuku's true value.

"So... you would've stayed quirkless if you never got One for All?" Sato asked Izuku.

He nodded sadly. "I doubt I'd even be here if All Might hadn't chosen me..."

Tokage had floated over to Bakugo, a small glare on her face. Uraraka took notice of that, and
immediately connected the dots. "You used to go to middle school with him..." Uraraka addressed
Bakugo. It was time to resolve this issue here and now.

"Yeah... you don't strike me as the type of guy who wouldn't pick on a then quirkless kid. I barely
know you and yet I think I can safely say you two weren't all buddy buddy..." Tokage said, daring
him to say something stupid. Bakugo's face was absolutely livid right now.

"G-guys that doesn't really matter... It's all in the past anyways-" Izuku's defense was cut off by

"On the contrary, since the beginning of the year Bakugo has had it out for you. It hasn't appeared
to be resolved in the slightest and I can only assume this has been going on since before UA."
Yaoyorozu concluded, her voice trailing off in slowly growing anger.

"Bakugo. Did you use to bully Midori?" Mina asked, any cheerful tone in her voice long gone.
Shinso was pretending to be asleep, but if the shaking of his uniform was any indication, he wasn't
happy about what he was hearing.

Bakugo simply stood there in silence, shaking in rage as he longed to blow something up.

"Oh I think it's safe to assume that his silence speaks for itself." Monoma drawled out lazily.

"Now isn't the time Monom-" Kendo began.

"On the contrary. I'm not out to pick on them right now. I'm simply saying that it's clear as day you
saw him as beneath you. He's not the only one here who has been shunned by their quirk... or lack
thereof." Monoma said, any friendliness in his voice long gone.

"Bakugo..." Kirishima whispered, not wanting to believe his friend would stoop that low.

"Someone with such a blessed quirk... I bet no one ever really said no to you, huh? And someone
with nothing, like Izuku, still shone brightly and believed in his dreams, and you didn't like that one
bit, did you?" Monoma spat out, Bakugo's eyes getting more and more deranged.

For a second, all was silent. Then small pops began to emanate from Bakugo's hands. He yelled
and began to throw a right hook at Monoma, while Monoma's fist enlarged, courtesy of Kendo's

Before either of them could connect, everyone's quirks were erased.

"That... is enough." Aizawa's voice droned out, venomous in tone.

He'd been watching for a while. He had hoped they could resolve this peacefully.
"Everyone sit down, we're playing the next one. This issue... Bakugo, we will be talking about this
at the end of the day." Aizawa said. "I had assumed you two simply had some rivalry with each
other, but now it's crystal clear to me. Here at UA, we don't condone bullying of any kind, so make
no mistake, we will be addressing this." Aizawa said silently, before proceeding to sit down. "As
for any questions you all may still have, save it after class."

Hatsume shivered for a bit, patting Izuku's back comfortingly as he sat back down. Before she
could play, the screen flashed red in warning, something that anyone noticed.

"Is it going to blow?" Uraraka asked, already familiar with Hatsume's inventions.

"No it's just the filter I installed. It's warning me that this universe has graphic depictions that aren't
suitable for younger audiences."

"What? Like... deaths?" Sero asked.

"Among other things, yes." Hatsume nodded.

"Wouldn't that be useful? If it could give us insight on the possibility of someone's death in our
reality." Todoroki spoke up, many agreeing with him.

"I agree. Whether it be mature or not, you are all aspiring hero students. You'll eventually have to
come across death, some of you have almost come close to it yourself. This is an opportunity that
is simply too useful to pass up." Nighteye reasoned.

Aizawa hummed next to him. "It's only logical. Go ahead and play it, Hatsume."

Mei nodded, turning off the filter.

She pressed play, and the screen went back up.

Chapter End Notes

So yeah next chapter lots of people are gonna die, just a heads up. Also I'd be lying if i
didnt say i wanted to make 1 or 2 of these universes into their own fics
Universe 9
Chapter Summary

Izuku kills the bnha universe. Except he only kills 1A and B. Also yui x izuku. Also...
yeah im not really sure

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Class 1A."

"Class 1B"

"Tamaki and Hadou"

"No pro heroes"

"Setting: UA"

"Authorize lethal force."

"Huh? What's going on?" Sato asked.

"Are we... targets?" Kendo asked.

"But then why aren't the pros being targeted?" Shinso asked.

"Who's speaking?" Shoji wondered, not able to pick up the voice due to the distortion in it.

The screen cleared up to reveal UA, and someone walking towards it.

Someone decked out with more than enough weaponry to wage a small war. Wearing a
darker version of Izuku's jumpsuit, with a sick smile painted onto the mouthguard. A copy of
Aizawa's scarf slung around him.

"Don't... tell me that that's..." Awase trembled. There were just... so many weapons.

Guns, blades, grenades, pouches... scattered all over his person. He jogged towards UA
calmly, already hearing the students running downstairs to intercept him outside. He had
taken care of the security system already, so he wouldn't be seen going in.

"Not just anyone can knock out UA's security system..." Aizawa trailed off.

Izuku stood to the side of one of the entrances, casually loading up a shotgun he withdrew
from his back. The sound of footsteps were getting near. The next moment seemed to last a
minute, but only took the span of a second.

The door was blown off, as a figure had burst through it.
"Wait Kirishima!" someone yelled inside.

Izuku pointed his shotgun at the back of Kirishima's head, now filled with armor piercing
rounds, and pulled the trigger. No matter how hard he was, it wouldn't matter at such close
range when caught off guard.

"Kirishima!" A few people screamed. Mei paused the video quickly.

One or two nearly threw up, barely holding it in. But none of them, were prepared for what they
had just witnessed.

They couldn't believe it. One of their own had just been snuffed out, just like that. Aizawa had
white knuckles as he watched his student fall to the ground on screen, lifeless.

Kirishima himself was shell shocked, having a hard time processing just how quickly it had
happened, he'd been disposed of so easily.

For a minute, everyone sat there silently as they tried to cope, and Mei was given the go ahead to

Izuku swerved into action the moment he pulled the trigger, ignoring what was left of
Kirishima's head as he flung a grenade into the building, shooting it in midair and causing it
to detonate, killing whoever had been inside. He ducked as Katsuki's palm passed over his
head, propelling himself upwards to evade Midoriya's bullets. Bakugo blasted towards
Midoriya in a fit of rage, and Izuku leapt up to intercept him.

Izuku grabbed both of Bakugo's wrists, redirecting the blasts away from him while
simultaneously slamming him down into the ground. He slashed Bakugo with a paralysis
coated knife, leaving him immobile, but still alive.

Bakugo shuddered quietly at the quick efficiency he had just been taken out with.

He strolled in, walking past Tetsu Tetsu and Shoda's corpses. He shot them each in the head
once, just to make sure, then he continued walking.

No one was saying a word anymore.

Everyone's eyes were focused now on the enormous threat that had just taken out three of their
classmates in less than a minute.

He jumped inside one of the classrooms as Jirou's amp attack tore through the hallway he'd
just been in. The instant she stopped firing, he peeked around the corner and shot twice. She
dropped to the ground, dead.

Jirou was having a really hard time trying not to throw up. Four of them had been killed with an
ease that was almost downright nauseating.

Four down. Foolish of the hardheads to run in headfirst. They're not invincible, Izuku chided
in his head as he ran out and to the side. He knew they were coming. He'd left a little surprise
in the bodies.

Izuku ducked down barely an instant before Iida's recipro powered kick could shear his head
off. In one fluid motion, Izuku shot at the leg that landed first, causing Iida to fall forward...
straight into Izuku's knife. He didn't have time to think as he dove forward, Mina's acid
spilling right through the floor he'd been standing on.

He fired quickly, his bullets melting in the acid wall Mina had thrown up. An instant later,
Izuku was behind her, shooting her twice. He ran away, swerving from hallway to hallway,
dropping tear gas in his wake. I need to find the big guns... Izuku said as he headed towards
the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, a good assortment of students were holed up, having barricaded any
entrance inside. Todoroki, Shoji, Pony, Tsuyu, Ojiro, Sato, Hagakure, Monoma, Tokage,
Mineta and Bondo.

"We should be out there helping them!" Tokage grumbled, feeling a bit tense about being
boxed in like this."

"Are you crazy? We'd die if we went out there!" Mineta squealed out.

They made their choice, we have a higher chance of survival in here. Besides, the rest are out
looking for him. If he comes here, we'll be able to-" Todoroki was cut off as Shoji perked up.
"I hear movement, above us. Wait no- it's gone?" He tensed up as he tried desperately to
hear where the vigilante was.

"We're dead!" Mineta choked out, gnawing on one of his balls.

A second later, three of the walls were blown away by set charges, the students leaping up
and distracted, their focus split on all three holes that had just been made. None of them
noticed Izuku materialize in between them, two rifles aimed at the biggest threat in the room.

"Is that his quirk?"

"Todoroki watch out!"

"It's like Hagakure's but he could control it!"

Todoroki didn't have a chance to react as the bullets tore through him, his body falling
forward as Midoriya spread his aim, taking out Ojiro and Mineta in the spray. He leapt
backwards as Tsuyu slammed down where he'd been standing.

He rolled away from Pony's horns, discreetly dropping some odorless and colorless tear gas
in between the bodies as he ducked and weaved, taking out Sato in the process.

We're... getting massacred out there. Todoroki paled.

No one could believe their eyes. The students were being mercilessly shredded through by one

He shot at Monoma, scaling up the wall even as the Copy quirk user fell as well. "Shoji,
where is he?" Tokage yelled out, turning towards Shoji just in time to see him fall forward, a
knife buried in his neck.

"Everyone scatter!" Tokage said as she detached, floating upwards a split second before
Izuku materialized out of thin air, his blade passing through empty air. He jumped up just as
another one of Pony's horns passed by, tossing a grenade at Tsuyu and shooting it before she
could react.

The grenade went off, icing over the immediate area with frost. Tsuyu passed out almost
instantly from the cold, and Izuku redirected his attention towards the rest. Bondo and
Hagakure had already fallen, succumbing to the tear gas they'd been too late to realize.

He shot them all once, just to make sure, and glared up at Pony and Tokage. They couldn't
get out through any of the entrances except the three Midoriya had made. And the only way
out, was through him.

Mineta threw up. It was inevitable. He just couldn't stand seeing his own dead body.

Quite a few more were close to following.

Tsuyu shivered a bit, watching her other self encased in ice, unable to do anything.

Aizawa and Nighteye were taking down notes, trying to ignore the lump in their chest as they saw
the dead students.

This one is highly efficient. No movements are wasted, and every action is made with intent to
kill. Aizawa shuddered. This version of Izuku was completely logical in the methods he took.

"That makes 15. Only 26 left" Izuku said as he checked over his gear. "Tell me, how does it
feel? To be so helpless that you couldn't even save one of them?" Izuku taunted Pony,
spreading his arms out to gesture at the dead bodies around him, every move of his
calculated to be as condescending as possible. The girl gave a yell in rage as she dove towards
Izuku, the smile on his mouthguard seeming to mock her.

"Pony NO-" Tokage rushed towards her friend but was too late. Izuku blurred and suddenly
he was thrusting his blade through her chest. He pushed her away and tore out the horn that
had pierced through his shoulder.

He glanced up at Tokage's tear stained face. Then he began to hear running and shouting,
getting closer and closer. "As much as I like to play with my food... I'm simply short on
time." Izuku said with finality. He tossed another grenade up at her, she flew to the side to
dodge but it went off, electrocuting her.

She yelled out in pain as her floating chunks froze up and spasmed, before she fell back
down, unconscious. Izuku walked forward to shoot her, but then the ground began to soften,
and vines quickly came out of nowhere and began to constrict him.

More students had joined them, and they were all wearing gas masks. Fucking Yaoyorozu...
Izuku grunted. He cut the vines off before he was properly ensnared, but more kept
surrounding him. He took the liberty of throwing out two smoke bombs to block their site.

Ok. I spot Honenuki, Shiozaki, Kinoko and Tamaki. I hear more of them coming. The biggest
threats right now are the two nature girls, so they have to go. Izuku thought, a plan already in
motion. He held his breath, erasing his presence for the moment and cutting away from the

Nejire burst in, followed by Awase and Shishida. "He's here right? Everyone else is coming."
Nejire told Tamaki, wincing as she glanced at the corpses. They were trying to dispel the gas,
while Shishida tries to sniff Izuku out, but the tear gas was making it difficult.

"He's surrounded now. It's over." Todoroki stated. He'd watched as Mirio alone had wiped out his
class. The other two of the big three should be enough.

I zuku materialized again, quickly throwing three more smoke bombs and taking a shot at
Shishida, which was blocked by Tamaki's quirk.

"Hrrk-" Honenuki's yell was cut off as Izuku slit his throat, quickly dropping him to the
ground and withdrawing into the smoke. Nejire turned towards the noise, and then she felt
chills at the back of her neck.

"This smoke gas was made to double as an incendiary weapon as well. It's highly
flammable." Izuku explained, no emotion in his voice. Nejire turned around quickly, her eyes
catching sight of the flamethrower in his hands.

One spark. It took one spark before the majority of the cafeteria was completely engulfed in
flames. Izuku held the trigger down, the flames rushing out like a torrent and incinerating
Nejire. He could hear panicked yells and shouts from the others. The flames licked over him,
his gear having been made to withstand extreme temperatures.

He spared a glance at Shishida and Awase's burnt corpses, and quickly put a suffering
Shiozaki out of her misery. "Now where is-" Izuku's honed instincts kicked in without
conscious effort, making him roll backwards as Tamaki's octopus tentacles swept over where
he'd been. He opened fire, Tamaki's hard shells blocking his shots.

Izuku blurred out, materializing behind Tamaki and aiming to stab his neck, but then wings
sprouted from his back, making Izuku stumble. He quickly leapt back as Tamaki began to
lay it heavy to him, forcing him to go on the defensive.

Without warning, Izuku threw out his scarf, ensnaring a startled Kinoko. He pulled her
towards him, pulling her out of the smoke and wrapping his arm around her neck. With his
other hand, he aimed a gun to her head, forcing Tamaki to freeze.

"Kinoko!" 1B yelled out in fear.

Izuku sighed. "Here's a tip for you, free of charge. It's always wisest to attack the villain
before they can orient themselves properly. You just threw away that opportunity." Izuku's
voice took on a serious tone, and he pulled the trigger. Tamaki barely had time to react as
Kinoko's body was thrown at him, the blood from her wound splashing onto his face and
blinding him.

Blood spewed from his mouth, and he dropped to the ground, dead. Izuku had slid his sword
into his side, bypassing his armor. "Let's do a headcount here." Izuku talked to himself,
checking over his gear. 24 are dead, that leaves 17. Creati is the biggest threat at the moment.
Oh... make that 25 dead. Izuku mentally corrected himself, throwing a flashbang at the ceiling
and shooting Kuroiro as he popped out of the now bright ceiling.

"16 left-." Izuku was cut off as an enormous word just punched right through the wall,
severing the cafeteria in half and slamming him out of it, hard. Manga...
"What is he?" Sato whispered out.

"This... this is a learning experience for you all. Make no mistake, you all have powerful quirks...
but that doesn't make you invincible." Aizawa said, seeming to have aged a decade or two as he
witnessed his students dying.

"Quite. Anyone, with the right amount of time, knowledge, and equipment, could effortlessly take
out anyone of us... even All Might." Nighteye said sadly. The proof lay in front of him.

"Find him! Shit, Monoma... Yaoyorozu we need you!" That was Kendo, and Yaoyorozu was
here as well. Monoma was apparently still alive, but he'll die soon enough anyways. 4 alive so
far. Momo goes first. Izuku grunted slightly, pulling out a sniper rifle and using heat
signatures to lock onto Yaoyorozu. They couldn't see him yet due to all the smoke from the
flames and gas.

His eyes widened as a laser came out from the darkness, severing his rifle in two and forcing
him to back off. He opened fire on Aoyama, only to have the bullets get deflected by Dark
Shadow. He quickly booked it, running down the halls as Tokoyami gave chase, all alone.

"Bad move." Shoji said. Tokoyami silently agreed. He was no doubt influenced by Dark Shadow in
the darkness, and he knew he wouldn't make it out alive.

Izuku turned a corner, subtly dropping a mine down before continuing to run. He stopped
and turned around just as Tokoyami swept over the mine, blowing him up. "Foolish. Always
be aware of your surroundings." Izuku doubled back around, hoping to intercept Aoyama,
and lo and behold there he was.

He startled, firing off a laser which Midoriya ducked under. He fired another one, which
Midoriya easily dodged. A knife got buried in his belt, disabling it and making him unable to
shoot. Before he could figure out what to do, Izuku was on top of him. One quick knife to the
gut, and that was it.


He made his way up to the top of the building, overlooking the now exposed cafeteria,
courtesy of Manga's attack. Useful to barge in, and useless when wanting to stay hidden. The
entire cafeteria is exposed to me, including all of you. Like fish in a barrel. Izuku said as he
surveyed who was inside.

Manga made note of that. The last thing he wanted was to doom his classmates.

Manga, Kendo, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Yanagi, Tsuburaba, and Rin are here. Not to mention
Kaibara, Kamakiri, Sero, Koda, Kaminari and...Kodai. Everyone is accounted for except
Bakugo. Ok... Izuku cautious pulled out three grenades, slowly stalking closer to the edge as
he surveyed his opponents and laid out a plan.

Shinso's eyes widened as he realized something the others hadn't. He glanced at their Midoriya, a
bit of fear in his eyes.

He could've turned out like that one... with just a couple of changes... the thought hit Shinso like a
freight train, and he decided to focus back on the screen.
Izuku let go of the three grenades, causing the hero students to scatter instantly, save for
Kodai. She shrank down the one closest to her and Kendo threw it away. The other two blew
away the students, and Midoriya leapt down, plunging a knife into Kaibara's neck.

He immediately opened fire, spraying shots everywhere. Kodai managed to enlarge some
rubble and shielded Kendo and Manga. Sero and Koda got caught in the fire before Rin
started shooting, his scales managing to break the rifle.

"It doesn't matter if we group up or fight individually... it's like he has equipment for any scenario.
He's been reading us like a book..." Kendo murmured to herself.

No one was finding it pleasant seeing themselves die. They didn't understand what was going on.
Why there were no teachers or other students. They didn't know why this Izuku had turned out like

"10" Izuku said as he placed his palm on top of Rin's head, his sonic support item slamming
Rin into the ground hard, where he stopped moving. He ducked and weaved Kamakiri's
enraged barrage, almost like child's play. He leapt forward just as Kamakiri lifted his foot,
but the boy's quick reflexes saved him from getting skewered. Izuku pushed off on the
impact, rolling backwards and firing off two shots towards Tsuburaba and Kaminari.

He heard Kaminari's body hit the ground so he ran towards Tsuburaba, Kamakiri running
after him. Izuku broke through Tsuburaba's shield, his fist nearly cutting right through the
boy's jaw and knocking him unconscious. Before he could finish the boy off, he was forced to
intercept Kamakiri again.

"You're holding your own well enough, Kamakiri." Kaibara complimented him, silently relieved
they hadn't died yet atleast.

"It makes sense. You've already got really good reflexes, and your quirk is perfect for this. Lethal
force is necessary in this case." Shishida told his classmate.

Kamakiri nodded with a scowl, hoping his alternate self can put an end to this Izuku.

Izuku and Kamakiri leapt towards each other like seasoned fighters, exchanging strikes and
jabs at each other, barely managing to parry the others attacks. But all it takes is one small
slip up. Kamakiri stumbled on the rubble, and Izuku jumped at the opening.

"Fuck!" Kamakiri yelled.

"I feel a little bad saying this but... atleast it's not us" Sero whispered, patting a still shaking
Mineta's back.

Bakugo was suffering an inner turmoil. For years he thought he'd been unmatched when it came to
efficiency and power. He thought no one could best him in a 1 on 1, and this Midoriya had crushed
that thought and discarded it in less than 15 minutes.

The blade Izuku had been about to plunge into Kamakiri had been pulled away by an
invisible force, and Izuku turned around to look at Yanagi.

She suppressed the need to shiver. He looked downright dangerous as he was, hunched over
slightly, his body coated with the blood of her classmates... of her friends- Yanagi froze at the
thought, and Midoriya tried to take that opportunity to strike, but Kamakiri was quicker.

The boy yelled out, a blade jutting out from his palm and plunging into Midoriya's shoulder.
Izuku barely felt it, and grabbed Kamakiri's head, bringing his knee up to break the boy's
jaw, hard. He dropped Kamakiri, now unconscious, and turned to who was left. Then he
heard a series of explosion coming above, and backflips out of the way just as Bakugo shot off
an AP shot, punching a hole through the floor he'd just been standing on.

"Crap... c'mon Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled out, encouraging his friend.

Bakugo, Manga, Kodai, Kendo, Yaoyorozu, Yanagi and Uraraka. Izuku noted. "How does it
feel? To be so... useless." Izuku taunted. Every word chosen specifically to unnerve Bakugo.
Bakugo was one of the most dangerous there, but he was also the most predictable.

"Bakugo? Predictable?" Tokoyami asked himself, lost.

"It's because they've known each other the longest. Deku read Bakugo like a book back at the
battle trial! And without his quirk." Uraraka recalled, impressed with her friend.

Yeah, he knew I'd start with a right hook. He's been reading me like a goddamn... Bakugo's eyes
widened in realization.

"Like a book."

"Huh?" Kirishima said intelligently.

"Deku... he's been writing in his notebooks since forever. The damn nerd keeps notes about heroes
and quirks and..." Bakugo's voice trailed off. He hadn't checked the nerd's books in a while. But he
knew very well just how much info they could contain.

Kendo laughed quietly. "You're telling me he has notes on all of us? Strengths and weaknesses and

Bakugo nodded. "Deku was writing down a whole bunch back at the sports festival..." Uraraka
whimpered out.

Nighteye's eyes widened, and he made a mental note to check out Midoriya's notebooks. Aizawa
wrote that down as well, he figured these notebooks would help him alot if they contained that
much information.

"Come now... 41 of you against 1 of me. And yet... in less than 20 minutes, you've already
been reduced to a mere 7. For shame..." Izuku shook his head in disappointment, his
distorted voice grating on Bakugo's nerves. "A pity... that you couldn't even save the person
who was right in front of you. I'm sure Kirishima must be very pleased with you." Izuku
drawled, and everyone could hear just how condescending his tone was.

Bakugo yelled out in inarticulate rage, blasting towards Midoriya, just as he had expected.
Uraraka shouted out in warning, but it was too late. In one fluid motion, Izuku pulled out the
knife fastened against his wrist, and severed one of Bakugo's hands clean off. He followed up
that motion by drawing out a pistol with his other hand, and emptying the whole clip into his

The entire exchange took barely a second and Izuku wasted no time, throwing a grenade
against the floor and shooting it as it bounced up, taking out Yanagi and Manga in the
process. He pushed away Uraraka's outstretched hand, shattering her helmet with a kick
from his steel toed shoes.

His instincts screamed at him and he ducked just as a cannonball whizzed through the air,
missing him by a couple of centimeters. He opened fire, with only Yaoyorozu's quick shield
saving her life. He grunted as he was a step too slow, Kendo's enlarged fist grabbing onto his

She yelled out in rage as she brought him around, slamming him down onto the ground with
as much force as she could. The impact shattered Izuku's mask and he quickly kicked Kendo
clean in the gut, sending her back. He rolled away behind cover as a hail of bullets rained
down at him, from Yaoyorozu. He threw a grenade, taking the chance to catch his breath.

"Last three. C'mon ladies... please." Mina whimpered out."

Kendo gave out another yell, Izuku leaping above her big fist only to catch an enlarged pipe
to the chest from Kodai. He grunted, ducking and weaving while subtly making his way to
Yaoyorozu. Once he was within range, he quickly ensnared her in his scarf, pulling her in
front of him just as Kendo lashed out.

"Dammit! I'm sorry Yaoyorozu!" Kendo cried out, begging forgiveness.

Momo sighed. "It's all right. I doubt the outcome would've changed..." she said sadly.

Midoriya quickly held Yaoyorozu's neck, breaking it and throwing her at Kendo. While she
grabbed her friend out of reflex, Izuku rushed in, landing two solid hard punches into her
chest. The force of it blew her away and Izuku quickly closed the distance, only for a solid
wall of ice to erupt between them.

"Monoma!" Nearly everyone shouted. Momo winced, rubbing her neck and feeling the phantom
pain of her alternate death.

Monoma was held up by ice he had erected, having copied Shoto right before being shot. He
was bleeding badly. Midoriya sighed, disappointed that he'd wasted a bullet. Monoma
roared, sending out a torrent of flames as Kodai supported Kendo. Izuku quickly loaded up
another rifle, almost killing Monoma if not for another ice wall. But the wall obscured his
vision, and Izuku's blade cleaved right through the wall and into his chest.

He turned around, finally ready to end this. Blood covered his cheeks, and his hair was damp
with it. He turned towards Kendo and Kodai, but only saw Kendo leaning against the far
wall. Before he could move, he heard the sound of a pin being removed, and turned to his left
to see Kodai holding one of Bakugo's gauntlets, now enlarged. The last thing he saw was her
rage filled eyes before he was engulfed in the enormous explosion.

Nearly all of the two classes cheered loudly at that. Happy that this madness had been stopped, and
then they got silent again. Out of everyone there, only two remained.

Kodai cried out quietly in pain, a tired expression on her usually emotionless face. Her arms
had nearly broken at the force of that blast, but... atleast it was over. She staggered over to
Kendo, wanting to check up on her friend.
"Hrrk-" Kendo choked out, blood flying from her lips as two knives buried themselves into
her chest.

"What?!" Nearly everyone yelled, completely lost at what had just happened. They'd killed Izuku,
so why...

"A for Effort... I'm always too soft around you... it makes me slow." Izuku said,
reprimanding himself. Kodai could only watch silently as Izuku walked out from the flames,
perfectly intact and healthy. "Wh-" Kodai barely had time to say before Izuku opened fire
on her.


Izuku sighed, walking forward to stand near Yui's body, and watched as the sky began to
fade away.

"Wait... what?" Pony whimpered out timidly.

Aizawa's eyes nearly popped out as the surrounding area began to disappear. "Don't tell me..."

Izuku stretched in relief and looked up at the sky as everything faded away. The bodies, the
rubble, everything except him. And suddenly he was prying a helmet off his head, safely back
in the warehouse he called his home.

"UA simulation 4407 complete."

"Deaths: 1"

Izuku sighed as the AI he had installed rattled off information on the simulation. He turned
around to see Yui, silently sitting on the sofa and sipping her tea.

"You have got to be..."

"Fucking kidding me..."

Kaminari began to laugh, followed by Kaibara and a few others.

"It was just a simulation?!" Tokage yelled out.

Many of them were now crying in relief or simply out of fear. The more sensible ones were just
trying to process this turn of events in their own way.

Izuku sipped his water, pecking his girlfriend's lips as he placed down the helmet on a
cluttered desk. "Hope I didn't make you wait too long."


Nearly everyone turned to Kodai, who was staring at them all with her normally emotionless face.

"He just killed you not one minute ago, what do you mean 'Mm'?" Tetsu tetsu rattled on,
completely lost.

"Does the fact he literally killed a simulation of you and us not bother you one bit?" Kendo asked

"It was a simulation." Kodai simply said, as if that was reason enough.

Right now her thoughts were more occupied thinking about Midoriya as a potential partner. She
couldn't deny he was... efficient. Intelligent and kind, and cute as well. "Mm..." she simply said,
lost in thought.

You've got to be kidding me... nearly everyone thought.

"I'm... I'm just glad we d-didn't actually die." Kaminari choked out, holding an unconscious Mineta
in his arms. Mineta had passed out the moment it was revealed it was all a simulation.

Yui handed him a notebook. It was the notebook he'd lent her to give her some advice.
"Thank you for the notes on my quirk. It helps to know what my strengths and weaknesses
are." she simply said, and he hummed happily as he went to put the notebook away.

Yui sat there silently for a second, before saying "You wrote down 'Emotional chain' in red
ink on my page. No one else had that. Why is that?" Izuku tensed up at the question, before
sighing. If there was anything he was, it was honest.

"I care about you alot. It can be seen as a weakness. One that others can exploit, that can be
used against me..." Izuku answered. "Mm... I'm not defenseless." Yui argued. "I know... it's
not for you. It's for me. Emotional warfare and all... but I've made my peace with it, so you
shouldn't worry." "Ok." Yui said, trusting him.

"Wow girl, you're very trusting." Tokage noted, resting her dismembered arm on Kodai's shoulder.

"I wouldn't have picked him as a lover if I didn't know I could trust him." Yui said, Yanagi
humming in agreement.

Izuku sighed, picking up a blade to inspect it, and getting lost in thought.

"Families, friends, allies... don't let any of them distract you from the mission, Midoriya."
Stain lectured him, withdrawing the very same blade Izuku now held. "No one must ever
hold you back from your dream. You can change the world, so do it... "

Izuku turned to look back at Yui, a small, sad smile on his face.

"Don't let anyone stop you."

The screen turned black, and shut off.

"I think that's enough for today." Aizawa cut through the silence as he jotted down some more

"Quite." Nighteye simply said, adjusting his glasses.

"Come to think of it, this is the second time Midoriya has been shown to have Stain as his teacher,
ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"Wait really?" Honenuki asked.

"Yes. The quirkless Izuku that had a crush on Tokage did mention that Stain was his master." Iida
recited with punctuated hand chops.

"I guess it makes sense... he was all about the perfect hero... and Midoriya does seem to fit that bill.
He has a lot of conviction." Uraraka said, a bit of admiration for Izuku at the fact that the hero
killer respected him.

"Bakugo, Shinso, with me." Aizawa simply said, getting up and beginning to walk out.

Izuku groaned, rubbing his neck as he got out of his seat. Everyone watched silently as Hatsume
unstrapped him, some of them still unsettled by his other self.

Kodai however, was not deterred in the slightest. In the silence, nothing could be heard except the
sound of her walking towards Midoriya.

"O-oh hey Kodai... can I help you with something?" Midoriya asked Timidly.

"Mm. I wish to go on a date with you." Kodai said, as if she were simply asking for some spare
paper or something.

Izuku blinked at her, completely lost. Nearly everyone else was staring at them with their mouths
hanging open.

Izuku met Kodai's even gaze, his eyes widening in realization, and then his head tilted in confusion.


Chapter End Notes

Me: just a short slaughter

My brain: 5k words-
A New Start
Chapter Summary

Another intermission of sorts. Yknow, just moving along the plot and stuff.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Todoroki silently counted the seconds in his head.

Then the shouting began, everyone crying out simultaneously.

Hm... took nearly 30 seconds, Todoroki thought humorously.

"Y-y-you..." Midoriya stuttered like a broken record.

"Hold on now Yui... you can't just call dibs like that all willy nilly!" Tokage scolded, a slight
twinge of jealousy surging inside her.

Uraraka and Yaoyorozu nodded furiously.

"Why?" Yui simply asked.

"B-because you don't even know him that well!" Uraraka fumbled for an excuse.

"Quite. Relationships must be made by people who know and love each other quite well."
Yaoyorozu said wisely.

"That's what the date is for. Getting to know him." Yui simply stated.

"I-" Uraraka cut herself off as she simply couldn't contradict the logic of that statement.

Todoroki glanced at Midoriya, noting the boy's near catatonic state. "Perhaps it is best to discuss
this at a later date!" Iida interjected, also noticing his friend's current state.

"Hm. I apologize if I overstepped your boundaries." Kodai told Izuku.

That snapped him out of his funk. He didn't like others feeling bad over him when they did nothing
wrong. "It's f-fine Kodai! You just caught me off guard... hehe." Izuku whispered to her, flashing
her a comforting smile.

She gave a very small smile that Izuku noticed, and that made him feel so much better. "Please let
me think on this. I'll g-give you an answer before the end of next week!" Izuku nearly shouted,
bowing in apology in case he was being too much trouble.

"Mm. Ok." Yui said, walking back to her seat.

Before anyone else could freak out, Nighteye cut in. "Midoriya."

Izuku startled, turning towards All Might's former sidekick. He had a feeling Sir didn't like him,
and he had a hunch as to why. "I would very much like to see these notebooks you write in. The
ones that have information on quirks and heroes."

"How did you-" Izuku startled, realizing they'd probably have seen them in his alternate versions.
He supposed he trusted everyone here with his books, even if it didn't end well with Bakugo. "I'll
be glad to! I-if anyone else wants to see then... they're welcome to as well!"

The next hour was spent with Nighteye and his classmates nearly ravaging his notebooks as they
flipped from page to page, looking over their own pages and then some. He was afraid they'd
accidentally rip a page off or something, but thankfully they were respectful.

After that, class resumed as usual for a bit. The next couple of days went by in a blur. Izuku and his
class got their butts handed to them by Mirio Togata from the big three, and then Izuku learned that
Sir Nighteye had asked Mirio to invite him for his internship.

Izuku's hunch about Sir not liking him turned out to be right. He didn't approve of Izuku being One
for All's current holder, but ultimately he admitted he wasn't the worst choice All Might could have
made, so he left the argument at that.

Izuku had also noticed that Bakugo seemed more subdued, and seemed to be avoiding him at that.
He briefly wondered what that was about, but ultimately his attention was now focused on a girl.

Specifically, 5 girls.

Since the last universe viewing, Yaoyorozu had asked him to help her with her quirk, listening to
his suggestions and sparring together. It wasn't bad, but it was a bit odd and out of nowhere.

Mei had taken to randomly kidnapping him and dragging him to the workshop, teaching him a bit
about making support gear and showing off her babies. It was nice, and Izuku was grateful for the
new knowledge.

Tokage had also taken to hanging around him a bit more. Considering they had never really talked
that much before, it was odd, but he was happy to make a new friend. He liked her passion for
dinosaurs, so similar to his own passion for heroes. He also found her quirk really interesting.

Uraraka had been a bit more... attached than usual. Striking up conversations more often and just
generally hanging out more. She also seemed to be blushing more than usual, though he wasn't sure

Lastly, his thoughts currently were filled up with Yui's proposal. "A date..." Izuku muttered, his
voice the only noise in his quiet room.

How was he supposed to answer that? He'd never been asked on a date before. Maybe she'd been
joking? He honestly wouldn't be able to tell with her passive expression. But... I'm not opposed to
saying no... so why don't I just say yes?

Oh that's right. She's a beautiful, strong and heroic female that was levels above him. He was just
Deku. Izuku huffed at that. He should really just get it over with, see what comes of it. Plus
Ultra... Izuku said in his head, psyching himself up to go and tell her.

He went to open his door and came face to face with Bakugo, who had been just about to talk.

"WAH-chan! You scared me!" Izuku cried out. Bakugo, unreasonably calm, simply said "Mind if I
come in?" Izuku blinked at that, incredibly surprised and confused his friend hadn't blown him up
or atleast started yelling. "Sure..."
As Bakugo slumped down on Midoriya's bed, he thought back on the conversation with Aizawa.
The conversation that had taken place after the last universe viewing.

Aizawa had told Lavender Hair to go and fetch All Might. Then he'd directed him to the teacher's
lounge, where Principal Nezu was already waiting.

"Ah, Mr. Katsuki Bakugo! I've been expecting you! Would you like some tea?" Nezu chirped out.

"No...sir." Bakugo grunted, throwing in the formality at the last second.

"Mm. Very well! Let's cut right to the chase then. We're here to discuss your attitude, specifically
your attitude towards Izuku Midoriya." Nezu said, placing his tea down.

"What does shitty Deku have to do with any of this?" Bakugo growled out.

"Quite alot actually! In fact, he seems to matter a great deal to you, Bakugo. For the wrong
reasons." Bakugo gave a confused glare at that, and the principal chuckled.

"Tell me. Why did you bully Midoriya?"

"I never bullied the da-" Bakugo started, but Nezu cut him off.

"After the first viewing... the one where Mr. Midoriya became a villain, I decided to do some
research of my own. I visited your middle school, and spoke with both your and Midoriya's
mothers. Based on the conversation we had, it seems they're terribly unaware of what seems to be
going on between the two of you." Nezu said. Bakugo's teeth were grinding against each other, as
he struggled not to yell.

"So what? Whatever I have with the nerd doesn't affect me as a hero." Bakugo responded.

Aizawa sighed. "That's where you'd be wrong. You see your classmates as... 'extras'... simply there
as stepping stones for your grand delusion as the future number one." Bakugo started at the insult,
but Aizawa's eyes flashed furiously. "Know this, Bakugo. People have feelings. Humans... villains
and heroes alike all have dreams and aspirations. They love and they hate."

Aizawa leaned forward, his gaze level with Katsuki's. "You had no right shunning Midoriya for
simply following his dream. There was no acceptable reason that could justify what you and the
others did. You simply did it, because you were strong and he was weak, and you didn't like that
someone as weak as he was wanted to stand besides you."

Aizawa's voice was slowly getting a dangerous edge to it.

"You need to understand, that you seeing your classmates as below you, makes you completely
unworthy of standing besides them. No one has ever appeared to put their foot down, so I will. This
is me putting my foot down and telling you that just because no one bothered to say no, that doesn't
make it right." Aizawa finished, his harsh glare almost making Bakugo gulp.

"Deku's never fought back. I doubt he cared." Bakugo weakly argued.

Nezu sighed. "Tell me, what kind of hero do you wish to be?"

Bakugo stared at the principal, confidently saying that "I wanna be like All Might. The number
one. The indisputable champion that always wins."

Nezu hummed at that. "So tell me. Place yourself in All Might's shoes, and answer me this... would
All Might harass Midoriya because he was quirkless?"

Bakugo froze at that.

No matter how he thought of it, the answer was obvious. Of course All Might would never shun
anyone, because he was All Might. Because he cared about saving lives and never judging based
on a quirk or lack thereof.

"No..." Bakugo growled out, his hands clenched into fists to prevent from exploding.

At that point, All Might and Shinso had walked in, and they gulped at the tense atmosphere in the
room. "Did you get it?" Aizawa gruffly asked Toshinori, who nodded and passed him a sheet of
paper, who passed it to Nezu.

Shinso shifted from foot to foot, awkward and confused at the situation.

"Expelling you would not resolve the issue. You have a promising career as a hero, Mr. Bakugo. I
will not punish a child for never having been taught how to treat others equally. That fault falls on
the adults. As you are now, you don't strike me as an All Might... you strike me as an Endeavor."
Nezu said, his almost jovial tone causing Bakugo to nearly blow up, figuratively and literally.

"You need to realize... that people have limits. Everyone, even someone as nice and forgiving as
Mr. Midoriya, have limits. If you truly want to be a hero like All Might, then you need to learn how
to properly address your weaknesses, and how to interact with people. No one has told you that you
were wrong before, so we will."

Nezu leaned forward, sliding the paper upside down towards Bakugo.

"How you've been treating others is wrong."

Bakugo hesitantly reached for the paper. Nezu's eyes had a dangerous gleam to them as Bakugo
slowly flipped the paper over.

"Your words make a huge difference in how someone turns out, whether they show it or not."

On the sheet was a bunch of information on the currently known alternate Izuku's, that Mei had
taken the liberty to explore in her spare time. He glanced down at the percentages.

57% Hero.

32% Vigilante or other.

"11% may not seem like a lot... but no matter which iteration of Midoriya it is... they all share
something in common. They all embody "Plus Ultra"... even the villains." Nezu said, almost
sounding sad.

11% Villain.

"I do hope you can make peace with yourself and him. Who knows, maybe one day it could be the
difference between life and death." Nezu told him, pointing his head at the door to indicate this
conversation was now over.

Deku's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he glanced up to see Deku staring at him with
worried eyes.

At the end of the day, that's simply all there was to them. Worry. Not a hint of malice or any evil
intent. Just good old fashioned worry.

"Do you still see me as your friend?" Bakugo asked, because that was the easiest question to ask
right now.

Izuku did a double take at that, not expecting the question.

"Well.. I uh..." Izuku thought, because he'd never really thought about his relationship with
Bakugo. He never really thought about where they really stood.

"I think... I was fooling myself into thinking you were. But... I don't think we are. I don't think
we've been friends for a long time." Izuku said, a bit of sadness in his tone.

"Then... why?" Bakugo choked out. He was a bit angry. If he didn't consider him his friend then
why did he save him? Why run in during the sludge villain incident?

Izuku seemed to realize what he was asking. "Kacch- Bakugo. I'll always run in when someone is
in danger. I told you back then didn't I? You just looked like you needed help." Izuku smiled

"Heh. So you're just that nice of a guy huh?" Bakugo huffed out somewhat bitterly. He wasn't
expecting such a... simple answer.

"N-no! I just... wouldn't you?" Izuku deflected.

Bakugo grimaced at that, because in reality... his first reaction would've been to attack the sludge
bastard if their roles had been reversed. He'd always jump first to attack, to win.

Maybe that was the problem? He cared more about winning to save, rather than saving to win. But
maybe now... now that he understood where exactly they stood, maybe he can improve.

"Before... I don't think I would have done that first. But now..." Bakugo looked down at his palms,
the one's he'd used to show off his quirk or attack weaklings with. "I would."

Izuku wasn't quite sure what was going through his head, but he understood Bakugo had come to
some sort of realization. He smiled at his classmate, hoping he'd found the answer he was looking

Bakugo got up, stopping right before he left the room. He seemed to be shaking, though Izuku
wasn't sure of what. "Deku."


Bakugo grit his teeth, swallowing down his rage and pride just this once, because he knew it was
only right to do this.

"I'm only going to say this once."

"I'm... sorry. For being an asshole"

Whatever Izuku had been expecting, it wasn't that. In his infinite wisdom, he simply said "huh?"
"You heard me! Just... yeah." Bakugo finished, turning around to leave for the gym. He needed to
work off all this mental stress.

Izuku watched as Bakugo left, completely lost on what Katsuki was thinking. He would never have
apologized in a million years before, but now...

Huh... I guess he's... matured?

Izuku sighed, shaking his head with a smile.

He'd have to answer Yui tomorrow. He was simply too mentally exhausted now to do it.

"I wonder what we'll be watching tomorrow..."

Chapter End Notes

Don't worry, there'll be another chapter in an hour or so. This time they'll be reacting to
the fic "NNN" by Zeuzul! This'll be the first universe that I havent invented myself, so
less writing for me! Oh yeah it's got some nsfw elements but it's more of implied so
yeah. Enjoy!
Universe 10
Chapter Summary

The fic used in this chapter is 'NNN' by Zeuzul. I recommend it it was a really great fic
and i enjoyed reading it. I hope this chapter does it justice and sorry for the delay,
phone typing is slow.

Here's the link so you can check it out.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Everyone, Midnight will be chaperoning this session."

"We discussed it yesterday and… we agreed that deaths are valuable information that we can take
advantage of… even if it is a bit messy.” Aizawa sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Midnight licked her lips. “Of course, the chances of anything… mature happening are high with
the filter off, and I’m not talking tragedies.” she said, winking at them all.

“Right… I don’t get paid enough for this.” Aizawa said, walking out, but Midnight stopped him.

"Oh no you don't!" Midnight snagged Shinso's capture weapon, smoothly tying Aizawa up like
she'd had practice doing it before. Aizawa's eyes flashed in panic as he struggled against the
makeshift restraints.

Class 1A took it all in stride, while 1B blinked in confusion.

“Wait… by mature do you mean…” Kinoko whispered out.

“Yep… the down and dirty. Baby making… not the mechanical kind.” Mei confirmed, her blush
barely visible. She’d already seen quite a few in her spare time and it wasn’t as much of a shock.
"Correct. If anyone wishes to step out, now is the time." Midnight said somewhat seriously.
Everyone took a second to think, before steeling their nerves.

“Play the video!” Mineta shouted excitedly.

A loud crack was heard and Mineta dropped unconscious, courtesy of Bakugo, who simply huffed
and nodded. Mei shrugged and the screen turned on.

Day 1

Mineta and Kaminari brushed their teeth, a nod passing between the two. As they finished
Izuku walked into the bathroom.

“You ready for the whole month?” Kaminari smirked.

Mineta elbow’s Kaminari before whispering. “Come on, you know he wouldn’t know about

“Oh, yeah. Let’s do our best this month.” Izuku smiled bashfully, a light tint of pink on his

Mineta and Kaminari left Izuku and out in the hall glanced at each other.

“Uh what?” What’re you guys talking about?” Mina asked, completely lost.

“Oh that’s most likely No Nut November.” Kaminari stated.

Everyone gave a resounding ‘Oh’ in understanding, then glared at the two.

Kaminari simply shrugged.

Kaminari spoke first. “You sure? That definitely seemed like the kind of reaction Midoriya
would give to this.”

Mineta pointed to himself. “Look me in the eye and tell me you honestly believe Midoriya
knows about No Nut November.”

Kaminari scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah I guess not. Guess he loses by default huh?”

“What? I don’t even think Midoriya you know…” Mineta made an obscene hand movement.
“With or without partners.”

"Y'know... I actually can't imagine him... doing it." Uraraka managed to cough out. The idea of
such an angel involved in such... lewd acts was such a foreign concept. Everyone else silently
agreed with her.

Kaminari laughed. “Yeah, he’d probably faint just by holding hands with a girl.”

Kaminari snorted at his own joke.

The went back to their rooms and prepared for the first day of their month long challenge.

Day 7

Mineta sat in his seat waiting for class to start, thumbing the eraser of his pencil anxiously.
He ground his teeth, eyes darting across the room.

“What’s wrong dude? You look tense.” Kaminari sat down in Izuku’s empty chair and
rested his elbows on Mineta’s desk.

“This is harder than I thought it was gonna be.” Mineta whined.

“Really? I don’t think it’s been that bad so far. How often did you normally ‘pop off’ if you
catch my drift?” Kaminari made the motion of Mineta using his quirk.

“More like when didn’t I pop off. I was the pop off master. A master bai-”

"TMI..." Jirou grumbled, wanting to stab her earjacks in Mineta's head.

“Okay, yeah let’s not go that far.” Sero chipped in trying to hide the mild unease Mineta’s
comment had riled up in him.

“You in on this too?” Kaminari’s eyes widened.

“I mean most of the guys in the school are I think. Even Bakugo but I’m betting he’s gonna
lose real quick.” Sero pointed a thumb behind him at the blond.

“The hell I will, flatface! First I’m gonna beat not beating my meat then I’m gonna beat your
ass!” Bakugo’s spiky hair bristled with an angry confidence.

"The hell I will, flatface! First I- oh god fucking damn it." Bakugo stopped as he realized he was
quoting himself. Monoma guffawed at him.

"My my... such youthful vigor." Midnight whispered out, Aizawa silently beginning to scream in
his makeshift cocoon.

Kirishima clapped a hand on Sero’s shoulder. “Is that an insult or just him cracking so early
he’s hitting on you?”

Mineta tried to tune out the resulting noise from Bakugo hearing Kirishima’s playful jab.
Instead he looked around the room trying to distract himself.

Kaminari pointed to Iida who was busy talking to Koda. “What about them two, Mineta?
Think they’re in on this?”

Mineta clicked his tongue. “Not in the slightest. I tried bringing No Nut November up to Iida
and he said it was incredibly unhealthy. Something about studies saying it’s better for you to
regularly ‘release’. That you’re more likely to be happy if it happens often. I got my doubts.”

"Always on about what's best for everyone, aren't ya Iida..." Sero chuckled. Iida sputtered at that.

Kaminari tapped his chin. “You sure you don’t start gaining powers or something the longer
you hold back? You know like those people that can avoid eating for a really long time.”

“A sacrifice for forbidden power.” Tokoyami nodded sagely.

"No... Tokoyami not you too..." Toru lamented.

“Were you just eavesdropping the whole time?” Sero asked.

“No.” Tokoyami crossed his arms.

“Yes.” Dark shadow gave a thumbs up.

The door slid open and Mineta looked over thinking it was their teacher.

It wasn’t.

It was just Izuku chatting happily with Ochako, bright smiles on both their faces. They were
the image of unburdened joy.

Kaminari nudged Mineta. “Are you sure about Midoriya? Those two seem real chummy
“Dude them two? No way.” Sero made an X with his arms. “Those two are way too innocent
and pure for anything spicy to happen.”

“That’s what I said.” Mineta agreed.

"Why do I feel like there's definitely something spicy going on now." Tsuyu commented, already
having an inkling on how this was gonna go.

"Honestly... with Midori's luck I wouldn't really be surprised." Toru added on.

"I'd be more surprised if Midoriya had a harem." Kaibara pitched his two cents in.

Kaminari swerved to face him. "Wanna bet?" Kaibara shook his head, not wanting to tempt fate
whenever Midoriya was concerned.

They watched Izuku and Ochako walk over to her desk and chat. The duo was in the best of

Aizawa entered the room shortly after and the kids all rushed to get in their seats, beginning
the day.

Day 14

Mineta sat slumped down on the sofa of their dorms’ first floor common space. He had a
miserable expression on his face.

He groaned. “This is torture.”

His phone vibrated and he checked it. There was a message from Kaminari.
It was a picture of Kaminari holding two fingers against each temple with his mouth open as
if he was yelling. In front of him was a single slice of pizza somehow in midair.

The message with the photo read,

Kaminari: 14 days into NNN and I’ve mastered telekinesis

"Pfft!" Awase spit out, laughing at the image.

Tokage looked back at Yanagi, a question already forming. "No. I'm not doing that." Yanagi stated
with finality. We'll see about that... Tokage thought.

Mineta send something back.

Mineta: I hate you

He tabbed out of his messages and saw the Midnight themed background for his home

Mineta groaned again.

The dorm room doors opened and in walked the real Midnight.

Mineta’s eyes widened at seeing Midnight in her hero costume despite having seen it many
times before.

He looked up to the ceiling. “Who keeps deciding to torture me? This is hard enough as it is.”

"That's karma for you." Kendo sighed.

Mineta glances back to Midnight to see that she was talking to Iida.

“...Midoriya? He’s helping Asui study right now I think.” Iida chopped in the direction of the
girls’ rooms.

Midnight cupped her chin. “I thought he’d be done by now. Well that’s fine. I can wait.”

She sat down near the kitchen and waited patiently.

A number of the boys let their gazes wander.

Mineta held his head in his hands. “Gotta stay focused.”

Tokoyami sat next to him and closed his eyes with his arms crossed. “I recommend

“I recommend beating that meat.”

“Shut up, Dark Shadow.”

Shoji snorted quietly.

Mineta looked towards the other side of the common room to see Bakugo and Kirishima
distracting themselves by playing video games against each other.

Mineta knew he needed something to distract himself with.

The elevator to the girls’ side opened and Izuku stepped out looking refreshed.
Izuku spotted Midnight and hurried over with a smile. “Sorry about being a bit late.”

“No that’s alright. I didn’t wait long.” Midnight stood up and her costume creased in all the
right places.

"Oh?" Mina said, sitting up properly now. Her gossip senses were tingling hard right now.

"Y'know what... I'm glad I reconsidered that bet..." Kaibara said, sweating slightly.

Most of the other boys in the common room either gawked or groaned or gave some other
sign that they were aware.

But not Izuku. He kept his same charming, innocent looking smile as he talked to midnight.

"Seriously how is he so immune?" Sero shouted, outraged.

"He is too pure to be corrupted by such temptations..." Ibara sighed in respect for Izuku, her hands
clasped together.

“So, where’s Asui?” Midnight put her arms over her head, stretching.

Mineta stared in disbelief.

“Damn.” Dark Shadow rested an elbow on Tokoyami’s shoulder and rubbed his incorporeal

Tokoyami shook his head, a light ruffle in his feathers. “Fiends.”

“Tsuyu was feeling tired so she’s sleeping now.” Izuku’s freckles bunched together as he
smiled up at her.
"Tired huh..." Monoma deadpanned at that.

"So like... they're totally screwing aren't they." Tsuburaba decided to say it. Aizawa wriggled
furiously in the background.

Midnight was silent, intrigued by what was happening. Aoyama said something in french about
Midoriya becoming a man.

“I see, so she won’t be joining us for practice.” Midnight then led Izuku out of the dorms,
hips swaying as she walked, her hands resting behind her head.

"Practice? PRACTICE?!" Rin nearly screeched out.

"I-i'm sure they mean actual practice... not that they're doing something else." Pony tried to say, but
even she was starting to have second thoughts.

“God damn.” Dark Shadow was immediately swatted with a newspaper by Tokoyami even
though he too was watching Midnight leave.

Mineta buried his face in his hands. “I’m gonna fail.”

Day 15

Mineta sat at his desk, a haggard look on his face.

Tokoyami, Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari all gathered near his desk. Kaminari spoke up.
“What’s wrong, man?”

“I failed.”

A gasp arose from the other boys.

Kirishima wiped a manly tear away. "You did your best bro..."

Bakugo merely looked at him in disbelief.

Mineta shook his head. “I was up all night and I failed.” He stared at his left hand with
sorrow and shame.

The other four boys hung their heads as if at a funeral. They mourned his loss.

The door slid open and Izuku walked in, looking tired himself. His eyes drooped and he

Mineta frowned at that. “Why’s he all exhausted?”

"Gee... I wonder why..." Shinso said sarcastically. Most of the people present jolted at his voice.
They hadn't even realized he was there.

Kaminari looked over at Izuku. “I don’t know, maybe that after class training has been really
tough on him. I know I felt like I was gonna die at the training camp.”

Mineta curled in on himself. “Oh god, don’t remind me.”

Izuku took his seat in front of Mineta giving a half hearted greeting to the boys. He looked
ready to pass out as his head drooped.

The door opened again and this time Tsuyu stepped in though Mineta noticed something

She was having trouble walking, as if her legs were sore or something.
Nearly everyone's jaw dropped as their brains were making connections they didn't want to

"Ribbit... I guess we know who lost No Nut November." Tsuyu simply said.

Uraraka looked at her friend. "Are you... not surprised?" Tsuyu shook her head. "Not really... more
flustered if anything. I wouldn't mind hopping him" Uraraka sputtered at that, her cheeks red.

Iida bolted up immediately as soon as he understood what the universe was implying. "Mating in
the dorms is strictly forb-" Iida was cut off as Sero's tape wrapped around his mouth, and then Sero
proceeded to cocoon him much like Midnight did Aizawa. Iida was struggling the entire time.

Mineta thought back to what she’d been doing yesterday. She was with Midoriya yesterday
and didn’t join the training…

Mineta’s eyes widened. “Hold the fuck up.”

"For once Mineta is the voice of reason..." Sato says.

"Famous last words by the great philosopher Mineta the perverted, 'Hold the fuck up.'" Kaminari
said, everyone chuckling at that.

"So are we not going to acknowledge the fact that Midoriya is screwing Midnight and Tsuyu? And
possibly Uraraka?" Sero asked incredulously. Mineta groaned, his pervert senses tingling, but he
remained unconscious.

Day 22

“You are so full of it,” Sero said.

“I’m serious, think about it.” Mineta urged.

“I am, which is why I can tell you that you’re out of your mind. There’s no way Midoriya’s
been doing all that, all through november.”
“Look.” Mineta held his hands together as he spoke. “We’ve seen him be all lovey dovey with
Uraraka. We know he’s spent time with Asui. And what about all those after class lessons he
takes with Midnight?”

"Ok no, yeah he's definitely doing all three of them." Ojiro admitted.

It was only Shoji grabbing her wrist that prevented Uraraka from flying away.

Midnight pointedly ignored Aizawa's searing glare. "It's another universe..." Midnight said in

Mineta looked around the 1st floor common room spotting most of the people there far
enough away that their conversation wouldn’t be overheard.

“Okay, first of all…” Sero held up a finger. “Midoriya and Uraraka are like best friends so
obviously they get along. Second,” Sero held up a second finger, “he’s smart and friendly so it
makes perfect sense that he would help Asui or anyone else who needs help studying. He
helped me once before.”

Mineta held the sides of his face with his hands. “Not you too. He’s banging everyone.”

“No, he’s not. And as for the after class stuff, he keeps walking into class super tired. When
would he have the time or energy to be doing all that after training.” Sero glanced over to the
kitchen where Izuku was having tea with Momo, both them smiling.

"Oh no..." Momo whimpered out, a blush on her face.

“That’s cause banging is his after school training.” Mineta followed Sero’s gaze. “He’s a sex
crazed maniac. He’s doing the opposite of No Nut November. He’s giving all the nut. Think
about it. That’s why he’s been tired so many days.”

"I never thought I'd see the day where Mineta spoke truths." Kirishima said in awe.
"Too bad no one believes him..." Kuroiro muttered.

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami said in agreement.

“Didn’t you say that Iida told you how that was healthy though? How it’s supposed to make
you happy and energized?” Sero asked.

“In moderation of course.”

Both boys jumped at the sudden intrusion by Iida.

Iida took a sip from his orange juice before continuing. “Anything done in excess would be
unhealthy or leave you tired. That’s why you guys shouldn’t be participating in that stupid

“For the record I’m no longer cause I lost.” Mineta said glumly.

Sero scratched his chin. “Class rep, are you telling us to nut regularly?”

Rin choked on the air, Monoma following suit.

Kaminari and Sero were both bawling their eyes out with laughter. Iida struggled furiously against
his bonds.

“I’m just saying to stay healthy so you can perform in your academic career.”

“By busting one every now and again?” Sero quirked an eyebrow.

Iida said nothing and merely took a sip of his juice.

Iida struggled harder.

"A nut a day keeps the bad stuff away..." Awase joked. Tsuburaba snorted at that.

Day 26

Monoma stomped over to class A’s dorms. Stepping inside he looked around until he found
who he was looking for.

There was Kendo sitting beside Izuku, chatting happily. Mina sat on Izuku’s other side. They
held some papers in their hands.

Tokage pointedly stared at Kendo, a mischievous grin on her friend. "Say a word... I dare you."
Kendo warned, but it was hard to look threatening when your cheeks were burning up.

Monoma stepped in front of them, sneering. “What are doing hanging out with the enemy,

“They’re not our enemy and I’m just having Izuku and Ashido help me plan some more
events for our classes to get together. We don’t do much together as classes. Usually. ” Kendo
glanced at Izuku as she mumbled that last word.

Kendo buried her face in her now enlarged hands as Tokage laughed next to her. Mina wasn't
faring much better.

"Lucky I didn't bet..." Kaibara mumbled.

“I knew it. I’d been hearing rumors about their class especially this...this...conniver.”
Monoma gestured to Izuku who tilted his head in confusion.
"Woah Monoma listened to Mineta?" Jirou asked, surprised that the 1B student would listen to one
of them.

Monoma faltered a little on the inside as Izuku’s head tilt reminded him of a small puppy.
Not a hint of malice in Izuku’s face.

Monoma sighed. "I must admit he is simply too... good." Nearly everyone gaped at him as he just
basically complimented someone from 1A.

“He’s not conniving. He’s just helping me out. I mean, look at him.” Kendo petted Izuku’s
fluffy hair. “I don’t know what rumors you’ve been hearing but Izuku has been nothing but
nice to the other girls and I.”

Izuku blushed under the praise and shrunk in on himself. Mina seemed to find this amusing
and she began petting his fluffy green hair as well.

"Why do I wanna do that now?" Mina asked out loud. She blushed hard as she realized she had said
that out loud.

"You have similar hair, why don't you just headpat yourself?" Sato asked.

"It's not the same!" Mina argued back.

Monoma stared at the scene in front of him before huffing and walking over to the group of
boys in the kitchen.

“Keep, him away from our class. I know he’s putting on an act. No one’s that innocent.”
Monoma pointed a thumb behind him to Kendo and Mina teasing a flustered Izuku.

"No one's that innocent huh?" Tetsu tetsu teased his friend. Monoma simply scoffed, refusing to
admit defeat.
"Monoma is still right though..." Kuroiro muttered.


"I mean... Midoriya is making love with them, so that doesn't make him innocent."

Realization dawned on Monoma's face. He stood up immediately and pointed an accusing finger
on 1A. "Aha! Your Midoriya is not as innocent as-" Monoma's voice faded away as nearly all the
females gave him a death glare. He gulped and quickly sat down, his life flashing before his very
eyes. It was disappointingly... short.

“See, this is what I’ve been saying.” Mineta raised his hands towards Monoma. “Someone
gets it. I mean did you hear that? She called him by first name. You don’t call Midoriya by
first name unless you’re ‘smashing’, right?”

Kirishima scratched his cheek. “You realize how unreliable you sound if Monoma is the
person agreeing with you, don’t you?”

Bakugo snorted at that. "You're alright Kirishima."

"Huh? Thanks man!" Kirishima gave his friend a toothy grin.

“It’s not too unreasonable that they are on good terms. Midoriya is a good friend to
everyone.” Tokoyami looked up from his bowl of cereal. Dark Shadow nodded in agreement.

“You’re all blind and you don’t even know it.” Mineta mumbled under his breath.

“Surprised you came here for that. I thought it would be some more class A versus class B
stuff.” Kirishima pointed a spoonful of cereal at Monoma then shoved it into his mouth,
tearing through it with his sharp teeth.

“Hmph. Not like I need to come over for a challenge. I hear some of you guys already lost
part way through November.” Monoma eyed the boys smugly.
"Wait... you do that too?" Kirishima asked, surprised.

"I don't have to answer that you brute." Monoma said in retaliation.

Tokoyami looked down in shame. He had fallen not so bravely in battle.

"F for Tokoyami." Kaminari whispered loudly.




Tokoyami groaned, muttering under his breath.

Mineta spoke up. “I don’t count. Everyone knows I got a condition.”

“Oh yeah, what condition?” Sero asked.

Mineta put a hand on his chest dramatically. “I got a sickness for the thickness.”

“You’ve got a sickness alright, from being in this class of chumps. You guys can’t even make
it half of the way through the month. Our class is beating this month harder that you guys
beat your meat. And me?” Monoma pointed to himself. “I haven’t nor will I nut at any point
in November.”

Sero gave Monoma an Iida patented hand chop. “You don’t nut at any point outside of
Everyone laughed at that, Monoma stuttering out some half assed response.

The other boys snickered. Tokoyami sputtered some of his cereal and Kirishima nearly
choked on his.

Monoma turned tail and stormed off, fighting the heat of embarrassment on his face.

"Atleast take the loss like a man, Monoma..." Tetsu tetsu shook his head.

Day 28

Mineta stroked his chin, eyeing the rest of the lunchroom as he ate. He was sitting with some
of the boys including Sero, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Kaminari and even Shoji.

At another table they saw Izuku sitting with Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu, Kyoka. This wasn’t too
odd the boys had agreed, as everyone in the class was often friendly with each other and
Izuku got along so easily with everyone.

What was a bit strange was that they were soon joined by Ibara, Pony, Yui and even Mei.
That and also Izuku’s head drooped every so often as if he was tired. Once or twice his head
leaned over onto Tsuyu’s shoulder after which he’d jolt awake and apologize.

Everyone gawked at that. "Are you kidding me?!" Kaminari choked out.

"How does he even have the stamina for all of that? He's a monster!" Shishida exclaimed.

Kendo timidly poked Shiozaki, who seemed to have broken down the moment she'd seen herself.
Oh boy...
"So manly..." Tetsu tetsu and Kirishima cried out.

Mineta had woken up to all the noises, and Kaminari quickly filled him in. "Harem."

"Midoriya you backstabbing smooth talker!" Mineta cried out, leaping towards their Midoriya but
quickly being wrapped up by Sero as well. He struggled furiously, determined to learn Midoriya's
secret. Kaminari was close to following suit too, but he didn't want to be taped up.

Mineta narrowed his eyes at even girls outside of their class being so chummy with Izuku.
“Look at this, I know what I’m talking about. I’ve got a sixth sense for perverted things and
it’s telling me Midoriya is secretly the most perverted of us all.”

Kaminari glanced between Mineta and Izuku. “Not to call you out dude but ever since you
lost No Nut November you’ve been super keen on this idea. You sure you’re not just jealous
or something.”

Mineta wagged his finger at Kaminari. “You don’t get to grill me on that. Mr. ‘It doesn’t
count cause I didn’t use my hands’. Plus the only person here who hasn’t lost is Shoji but I
got my doubts, who has six hands and doesn’t use em?”

Shoji coughed loudly, shaking his head. "Gotta admit... your senses were right Mineta." Kaminari
complimented his friend. Mineta wiggled in agreement.

Shoji pulled his face mask up higher, trying to hide his blush.

“You know Kirishima and I are still in it right?” Sero asked with a gesture towards Mineta.

“Okay, you maybe but how does Kirishima manage to handle this long without losing. That’s
like twenty eight days of being hard.” Mineta’s gaze focused on the red head.

“That’s my secret captain,” Kirishima grinned, seeing the opportunity to strike. “I’m always hard.”
The Kirishima on screen followed suit.
“That’s my secret captain,” Kirishima saluted with a smile. “I’m always hard.”

Bakugo groaned his head at that callback.

The sound of clattering distracted the boys from that statement.

They looked back to Izuku’s table. Izuku’s face had food from his plate on it and Ochako
was busy trying to help him clean it off with a napkin.

There was quite a mess and Ibara also grabbed a napkin to help out.

Mineta turned to the other boys with a look of determination. “We need to get to the bottom
of this and I know exactly who can help us.

"Ooo, who?" Toru asked.


Mineta knocked on a dorm room door and the rest of the boys from earlier waited behind

“Are you serious dude?” Kirishima yawned.

The door cracked partway open. There was a chain lock on the other side of the door
preventing it from opening fully.

Mineta spoke up. “We’re here to find out the truth about Midoriya.”

"Woah wait who is it?" Mina asked curiously.

The door closed.

Sero blew a raspberry and shook his head.

The door opened to reveal Shouto with a serious expression on his face. “I understand. Come

"Uh?? What??" Nearly everyone yelled, whipping around to stare at Todoroki.

"I have a feeling, they have mistaken what I know." Todoroki said. Mina and Toru's Tododeku
senses said otherwise.

The boys walked into Shouto’s room and saw the walls lined with papers clipped or pinned
and different strings connecting the papers and photos and names.

Among the photos were Izuku, All Might, Izuku using his quirk, Izuku in his hero costume,
and a random picture of Koda’s bunny with question marks all around it.

Koda gawked in confusion and amazement. Everyone did.

They heard a slam behind them, and turned to see Aizawa face down on the desk with Shinso
barely suppressing a shit eating grin.

"Wait, do you actually have that in your room?" Sero asked. Todoroki pretended not to hear.

Sero closed the door as he was the last one in. “So, about Midoriya…?”

Shouto clapped his hands together. “So, I’ve gathered as much evidence as I can on their
Mineta bounced on his feet. “See, see? So, what’s the scoop?”

Shouto looked across at all the boys with an intense but certain gaze. “Midoriya is without a
doubt, All Might’s secret love child.”

Their Midoriya did a brief spasm, Mei glancing at him in confusion. Everyone else was either
laughing or staring in shock.

Bakugo was shaking, barely holding it together. For someone so smart, you're ridiculously dense
Icy hot...

Kirishima and Sero started laughing while Mineta face palmed. “Not that. We’re talking
about how he’s with all of the girls. He’s defiling the sanctity of No Nut November.”

“Of what?” Shouto’s face morphed into pure confusion and that got Kirishima and Sero
laughing harder.

“This was a mistake, I’m out of here.” Mineta trudged out of the room, disappointed.

Shouto cast a glance at the door then a glance at Kirishima and Sero who wiped tears from
their eyes. He shook his head. “So, anyway I’ve found the missing link.”

“Oh yeah? What is it?” Sero partially covered his mouth to not start another laughing fit.

“Bunnies.” Shouto emphasized his point by using two index fingers above his head like
bunny ears.

Aizawa's eyes held promise that he would be drinking after this.

Even Tokoyami’s face had trouble holding back a smile at that. “H-How so?”
Shouto began pointing to the different pictures he had. “So we already know how similar
Midoriya’s quirk is to All Might’s and how they act like father and son. The thing is it
doesn’t end there. Think about this. What characteristic does All Might’s image and
Midoriya’s hero costume share? That’s right the bunny ears.”

Todoroki nodded, agreeing with himself. These were all valid points, and now his classmates
would understand.

Shouto pointed to the picture of the green hero costume. “And everytime he’s involved
somehow there’s bunny related stuff. He gets into UA and All Might just happens to be
teaching the same year. He’s got the green bunny hood and his fighting style is him jumping
around really quick.”

Shouto placed his hands together again. “My father, during the encounter with that noumu
came across Miruko, the rabbit hero. Who else did my father come into contact? Midoriya,
at the sports festival coincidence? I think not.”

Todoroki and Iida looked confused at that. Miruko wasn't at Hosu, was she?

The boys except for Kaminari were stunned by what they had just heard, incapable of
following Shouto’s train of thought.

Frankly, everyone was in the same boat.

"How-" Kirishima started asking, but Bakugo placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.
It wasn't worth it.

Somehow it made some sense to the blonde and he asked, “So how does Koda’s bunny play
into this?” He pointed to the picture with the question marks around it.

Shouto cupped his chin. “I’m not sure. Maybe he’s the mastermind behind this whole

Koda made a subconscious note to ask his bunny about this.

Day 30

Mineta tilted his ear to hear better. He’d been walking over to the teacher’s lounge to ask
Midnight about the after school training and see if he could find answers for himself.

As he’d gotten to the door though, he’d heard Midnight talking, presumably on the phone.

“...Yes tonight works, it’s the weekend after all. Oh, absolutely. Bring as many other pros as
you can for this session. It’ll be amazing I’m sure of it. I’ll send someone to lead you to the
room once you get to UA.”

"Oho? Sounds like Izuku's in for a party..." Midnight perked up, Aizawa having long since given
up trying to escape. It wasn't logical to waste so much energy.

Mineta heard Midnight hang up and bolted away from there with this new nugget of

Throughout the day he discreetly told the other boys, not including Iida or Koda, to meet him
at a certain unnamed, seemingly unused training room.

He’d been piecing together where Midnight’s training sessions were most likely to take place
and this had been the spot with the highest chance.

Deep into the night he gathered near the room with some of the boys; Kaminari, Shouto,
Sero, Kirishima, and Tokoyami.

Shouto wiped his eyes and spoke first. “Do you mind if we hurry this up, I want to go to sleep

“Why are you even here?” Sero asked.

“Mineta said we would find out the truth, so I’m here,” Shouto stated calmly.

Todoroki sighed at his alternate self. "Wrong truth I'm afraid.

"The only truth that matters!" Mineta yelled back. He was determined to find out the truth, and see
his female classmates in the process.

“Shh, we gotta be sneaky about this.” Mineta motioned for them to follow him as he tip-toed
closer to the room.

As they got closer they heard a noise like a bedframe rocking or a mattress squeaking.

The boys aside from Shouto and Mineta all looked at each other with apprehension.

A voice cried out loudly from inside but it was muffled.




Sero’s voice trembled as he spoke. “There’s no’s Midoriya right? He...this is too
much for anyone but especially him…”

“Shh” Mineta hushed them again and put his hand on the door handle. The boys all held
their breath and Mineta opened the door.

Everyone held their breath, ignoring Aizawa and Iida begin to wiggle furiously once more.
They all gaped in shock at what they saw inside.

Beds and mattresses filled the massive training room with pillows and covers paired to each.

On each mattress or bed beneath the covers rested one of the girls from either class A or B,
the covers brought up to about their collarbone making it clear that they were not wearing
anything else underneath. Their hair messy, frames breathing heavily and their faces
flustered with blushes and perspiration.

Everyone's jaw dropped. Many looked away out of respect, nearly everyone was blushing and left
speechless. Midnight crackled her whip out of respect as Aizawa and Iida began to yell, struggling

Mineta and Kaminari had gotten on their knees. Electing Midoriya as a god amongst men and the
ultimate harem king.

All of the girls from both classes were accounted for except Ochako. She was nowhere to be

Uraraka tried not to let it show how much that hurt. Mina winced at that. "Ouch."

Who was to be seen was in the middle of the room on the largest bed.

Izuku, with his back to the door, the covers reaching up to about halfway up his back.
Beneath him was Midnight, out of her hero attire, out of any attire, her body bare and
holding onto Izuku’s back and the nape of his neck.

Aizawa yelled out louder now, as if he was experiencing literal torture. Midnight's eyes were fixed
on the screen, wanting to see more.

Despite them being under the covers, it was clear that the two were going at it like animals.
Midnight moaned into Izuku’s neck and it became clear that the voice the boys had heard
earlier was hers.

Sero’s voice came out quiet as a whisper. “You’re...kidding...right?”

Shouto stroked his chin. “They’re going at it like rabbits. Hmm. Very suspicious.”

"Todoroki!" Someone choked out, everyone being snapped out of their trances at Todoroki's
nonsensical logic.

“Holy Shit!” Dark Shadow’s voice resounded in the room and everyone turned towards

There was immediate yelling at the boys to out from the majority of the girls, the ones that
weren’t busy trying to hide themselves under the covers in embarrassment.

"No! Tokoyami you cock bloc-" Mineta was cut off as more tape surrounded him.

Izuku himself turned red and tried to hide his face in Midnight’s embrace.

Midnight stroked the hair on the back of his neck. “Don’t stop now, we were almost there.”

Izuku’s muffled voice came out, “But people are watching.”

Midnight laughed. "I don't mind if they watch." Everyone looked at her in shock, and a little bit of

Midnight spoke into his ear. “I don’t mind if people watch.” She savored the way he
trembled as a chill ran up his spine.

Regardless of her words Izuku shook his head, still buried in her embrace.
Midnight motioned with her head to some of the other girls and they more forcibly yelled at
the boys to leave.

Reiko made some pillows fly towards the boys, swatting them away.

Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero took pillows to the face and retreated out of the room.

Tokoyami tried to look away and follow the boys out.

Dark Shadow put an arm on Tokoyami’s shoulder. “Hang on a moment, let’s see how this
plays out.”

“Dark Shadow, we are leaving, now.”

Tokoyami dragged Dark shadow out of the room with him.

Shouto seeing the boys leave decided to go with them.

That left Mineta standing there in shock mumbling out loud. “I knew it. I knew. I was right
the whole time. This maniac is a threat to everyone fighting through No Nut November.”

"How does it feel to be right for once?" Jirou tried to joke, still too flustered by what she had
seen. Atleast he finds me attractive...

Izuku’s ears perked up at that.

Before Izuku could say anything Kendo stood up, making sure to cover herself with blankets
as she activated her quirk. She chased Mineta out and shut the door behind him.
"Haha! Big sis Kendo am I right?" Tokage tried to joke at her friend, only to find her nearly
catatonic. Tokage waved a hand in front of her friend's face. "Huh, Kendo machine broke." she

Now it was just the girls and Izuku.

Midnight spoke directly into Izuku’s ear with a sultry voice. “There. Now that they’re gone
we can continue.”

Izuku glanced back towards the closed door with a pensive look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Midnight kissed his cheek, digging her fingers into his soft hair.

“He said ‘No Nut November’ but…” Izuku turned to look Midnight in the eye. “You said it
was Numerous Nut November.”

Bondo dropped to the floor, unconscious before he'd even left the seat. Kaminari followed suit.

"Y-you mean to tell me he's been doing... that all month?!" Kinoko asked incredulously.

"What kind of monster...." Kaibara gawked.

“Uh...well…” Midnight looked away, averting her gaze.

Momo cleared her throat. “That’s more a matter of perspective.”

Jirou glanced at her friend, unimpressed. "W-what? It is!" Momo defended herself. Midnight
coughed into her hand.

“That’s right.” Kendo came back from the door and took a seat across from Izuku. “That’s
just what those idiots were doing, not us.”
Midnight pulled Izuku back down and spoke into his ear. “That’s right, besides we’re almost
done anyway. We should finish what we started.” She ran her hands up and down his back.

"Yes. It'd be bad to give up after having come so far." Midnight nodded in agreement.

Izuku still seemed unsure. “I don’t know…”

Midnight gently tugged on his earlobe with her teeth.

That convinced Izuku.

Before long the two were back at it and Midnight found sweet release, her back arching as
pleasure spread throughout her body.

Midnight made a silent vow to... train with Midoriya in the future. Aizawa simultaneously made a
vow to always have an eye on Midnight.

This time she didn’t bother hiding her moan, voicing it right into Izuku’s ear as they both

She lay there, breathless and Izuku stopped supporting himself, resting on her. He was

"Y-yeah no kidding..." Sero chuckled.

He’d been doing this in secret throughout the whole month.

They lay there, enjoying each others warmth as the girls from the two classes gathered
around, caressing Izuku’s hair or praising him for how hard he’d worked to satisfy them all
throughout the month.
Yui reached over, grabbing his hand. Her normally stoic face shifted, a soft smile crossing
her lips. She rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb as her eyes stared burned with
emotion. Izuku smiled back, tired as he was.

"Y'know, if not for the setting, that would've been downright romantic." Tokage said to her friend.


"Shame Kodai called first dibs." Tsuyu bluntly said.

"I don't mind sharing." Yui said, equally as blunt. Before anyone could answer, they were drawn to
the screen.

The door opened once again and Izuku tilted his head to see who it was.

Through the door walked Ochako, the missing member of their class alongside a number of
pro heroines that Izuku recognized. Among them were; Ryukyu, Miruko, Bubble Girl, the
female members of the Wild Wild Pussycats, Mt. Lady, Burning from Endeavor’s agency,
Ms. Joke, and even Uwabami.

Kirishima dropped unconscious, shortly followed by Tetsu tetsu and Monoma.

"You're kidding..." Kendo choked out. Shiozaki's head dropped onto Kendo's lap, also unconscious.

Izuku’s eyes widened. “I thought you said you were only bringing a few.”

“It is just a few, Deku.” Ochako sat down and began rubbing Izuku’s back. “Come on, I
know that if anyone can handle it, it’s you.” She brought her hand down giving Izuku’s but a
light squeeze, earning a light blush from the greenette.

Uraraka's face was bright red now. Her heart was beating incredibly fast, but atleast she wasn't the
only one.
Koda quickly made sure that Iida still had a pulse, before passing out himself.

Ryukyu shut the door and the pros all gathered around the bed Izuku was on. Izuku got up
off Midnight and she bundled herself up in a blanket, gazing lovingly at him.

Bubble Girl rubbed her arm awkwardly. “So, are we good to start this?” She looked down at
his lap as he sat. He looked spent.

Aizawa thanked whatever deity watched over him that Nighteye hadn't come today.

The other pros followed her gaze and began to look a little worried.

Ochako smiled and unclothed herself at a speed that impressed even Midnight. She sat on
Izuku’s lap, grinding slowly. “You just need a little motivation.”

Uraraka squeaked unintelligibly.

An alarm rang and Izuku turned his gaze to the digital clock blaring 12:00 on one of the bed

"Saved by the bell!" Rin sighed in relief. Midnight groaned at the bad timing.

Ochako ignored the alarm and kept grinding, letting her chest graze against Izuku’s. Her
breath was hot against his neck.

He resisted the urge to grab her behind as he watched it move. “O-Ochako? It’s not N-
November anymore…” He closed his eyes for a moment, swallowing hard and taking a deep
breath to calm his growing arousal.

Ochako rubbed her nose against Izuku’s, causing him to open his eyes and look into hers. He
was mesmerized in her soft brown eyes.
Uraraka passed out, her unconscious body almost floating away if not for Shoji. All this boldness
was simply too much for her.

All around them the pro heroines began shredding themselves of their clothes.

Uwabami sat down next to Izuku and caressed his cheek. Ryukyu ran her fingers up and
down the muscles on his arm.

“Um, girls?’s not Novembe-mph”

Izuku was silenced by a kiss from Ochako and she felt him harden against her.

Kinoko and Rin dropped unconscious.

Ochako pulled away with a smirk on her lips. Her voice was teasing as she spoke.

“Numerous Nut November is over but…”

Ochako glanced at even the class A and B girls gathering around Izuku.

“...Deku Dicku December just started.”

Midnight roared in approval. Aizawa's body dropping to the floor as nearly all the girls combusted

The students still conscious were yelling and freaking out.

Shinso got up, dragging Aizawa with him.

He was going to rinse his eyes for atleast an hour.

Chapter End Notes

Yeo first reaction to another fic. Was fun to do, hope you enjoy. Took longer than
expected cuz my phone died and i was drawing. Consider this a late night gift
Universe 11
Chapter Summary

Astronaut Izuku. Also if you're curious the world he crash landed on was the world in
halo 4. The name escaped me just now so i forgot. But yeah he's using forerunner tech.
Just a fun lil fact... yknow

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

After a brief hour long break, everyone went back to their seats.

Quite a few people had to be taken to the infirmary, and Aizawa still hadn't returned.

"Thank his lucky stars Nighteye didn't come today. I wouldn't have let him leave." Midnight
lamented humorously.

"Well... atleast Deku didn't see all of... that..." Uraraka took solace in that silver lining.

"Oh! I could make it so he can!" Mei perked up. "Wait... you mean to tell us he could've been
watching all along?" Sero asked.

"Yeah! I just need time to implement the baby and he won't have to sit here." Mei beamed.
Everyone stared at her incredulously.

"Why didn't you do that before?" Shinso asked.

"No one brought it up!" Mei said as if it were obvious. She had already recorded the previous
universe, intent on watching it with Izuku.

"Mm. Ok." Shinso simply said, taking it in stride. Aizawa came in, sitting away from Midnight.

"Go on dear, play the next one." Midnight said eagerly.

Mei shivered a little, and pressed play.

I've always had a deep fascination with space...

Uraraka perked up at that. She liked space too.

When quirks came to be, almost all technological progress was put on pause. Space exploration

"It is true. If quirks had not come to be, space travel on a bigger scale would have been possible."
Iida threw in his two cents.

"That's kind of weird to think about actually..." Mineta added on.

I wanted to know what was out there. I wanted to go beyond what we knew of space. To go 'plus
ultra!' as UA would say.

"Plus ultra!" Everyone chimed in in excitement.

So that's what I did. I went beyond. I studied and built and forged on and on, learning how to
make space equipment that had stopped being made nearly 200 years ago. I learned how to
make the necessary equipment and shuttle required to make it to space safely. It took almost a
decade, and by the time i figured I was ready... I was barely reaching 15 years of age...

"You're kidding me!" Mei gasped out.

"Wait so would he be like, the youngest astronaut... ever?" Awase asked.

When I found out I didn't have a quirk, I was upset for a while, because I wanted to be a hero
like Kacchan... but this dream was more achievable, and it's what I wanted to do. I couldn't have
done it alone either... I had friends and family to help. Strangers willing to lend a helping hand.

The screen cut to Yaoyorozu, making some plating while Midoriya bowed to her repeatedly.

It showed Awase, combining material to make it stronger, better.

Mei was shown lecturing and helping Midoriya on certain hardware.

Kacchan was seen blasting some platings Izuku had brought him, to test their strength.

"Aww... this is so wholesome!" Mina squealed out.

"Oh I wanna see his baby!" Mei grunted out with a pout.

Technology has come a long way in 200 years. Before, space travel was possible yes... but it
wasn't as secure. With all this current technology however... with quirks... it was more than
secure. It was better than ready.

Aha... I forgot to mention I never got the paperwork for all of this... nor did I actually... build this
with consent from the government. But eh... who're they to impede progress? My mother tried to
tell me to get someone else, but this is what I needed to do. I had to see the fruits of my labor. I
had to see beyond, and I was more than willing to give my life for it.

So I bid my mom and Kacchan farewell, I bid everyone farewell, and I got in, ready to take the
next big step. A decade put to use making all of this... it was time to see if it had paid off.

Everyone held their breath. This Izuku was doing something no one had bothered to do in nearly
200 years.

They were honored to be able to see this, something that no one else would ever see.

Izuku was shown settling into his small pod. His space shuttle was much more compact, as
many of the equipment used in the past was now obsolete or simply smaller. His was about
the size of a large truck. Izuku snorted inside the shuttle, admiring it's beauty and laughing
at the fact that he had kept this hidden from basically everyone for many years.

"His outfit looks so badass!" Tsuburaba exclaimed.

"Much more sleek and high tech." Shishida agreed.

"His babies look amazing!! Oh they look so beautiful I love them!" Mei squealed, unable to
contain her excitement.

"Always determined to go beyond aren't you. Of course... that is what makes you who you are,
Midoriya." Tokoyami dipped his head in respect.

Iida stood up, remaining as firm as a tree trunk. "While I know you cannot hear us, it is an honor
to-" Shoji covered his mouth. "Be calm now, my friend. Just sit with us and enjoy the fireworks."
Iida nodded in understanding.

"T-minus 10."

Izuku took some deep breaths, attempting to calm his nerves.


He checked every button and switch around him.


He had to make sure everything was calibrated properly.


"6!" The students counted along.

Midoriya took a second to reflect on his life, steeling his nerves


He ruffled inside one of his pouches, withdrawing a photo.

"4!" The students yelled.

Izuku took another second to look at the picture. It was of him and his mother, surrounded
by his friends.


Awase, Mei, Bakugo and Momo smiled at the picture. It was nice to see them all smile like that.

Izuku sighed, sticking the picture next to an older and more worn out picture, one that was
of him and his old friend.


The picture was of a young Izuku and Uraraka. They had an arm slung around the other and
appeared to be laughing at something.

A few people squealed. Uraraka smiled at the picture. She bet it would've been great to have Deku
as a childhood friend.

"Guard my back, gravity girl." Izuku chuckled with a smile.


Izuku grit his teeth as Dagobah Beach seemed to part in the middle, revealing where
Midoriya had stashed the shuttle all these years. It rumbled, the machinery vibrating and
whirring as they finally got put to use.

Then he was off.

He breathed out. Launch went off successfully, Izuku thought gleefully, taking the
opportunity to look outside the window. The city was slowly getting smaller, the people and
cars shrinking until they weren't visible anymore. "I wonder what the people seeing this must
be thinking?" Izuku told himself humorously."

"Yeah!" Kirishima yelled in excitement.

Many gave cheers to the alternate Midoriya.

"Look at who's Ms. Good Luck charm hehe..." Mina told Uraraka, a sly grin on her face.

"W-well... we were friends there. I wonder what happened..." Uraraka said, wondering what had
happened to her alternate self.

This was only supposed to be a trial run... I got up there safely, but I had only intended to stay up
there for 5 days.

I was stuck floating for an hour, near the moon, basking in the sight that was Earth. He could
see it in front of him... his home. It was almost enough to move him to tears.

"It's so... beautiful." Uraraka said in awe.

"It's so weird... to know that every human ever is just... there. It's kind of poetic, in a way." Kuroiro

"Midoriya has ascended into the infinite abyss of space." Tokoyami followed up, entranced by the
beauty that was earth.

Mei had started recording long ago, her baby capable of doing that already.

I spent the next two days drifting along the milky way, passing by the other planets in our solar
system, gazing at the stars. The first step had already been taken on the moon, so long ago.

Izuku intended to put the other foot down.

"This is so great! We should have 13 in here!" Uraraka said to Midnight, looking like a kid in a
candy store.

Midnight shook her head sadly. "13 is busy with class, but Mei will be sure to give me a copy."
Mei nodded.

Space is beautiful... but it is also very dangerous and mysterious. Izuku narrated. He was
shown asleep in the shuttle, the AI he had installed navigating the ship for him while he

"That doesn't bode well..." Yanagi stated. She didn't like the way Midoriya had said that.
Izuku was startled awake as the console in front of him flashed red. "Wh-"

"Warning! Warning! Unknown space breach detected!" The AI screamed.

"What?!" Nearly everyone yelped out.

Izuku watched as some... tear in space slowly enlarged in front of him. It was massive, easily
over a mile long, and it was pulling him in. "Oh no... this is bad. This is really really bad!"
Midoriya yelled as he set all thrusters in reverse, but the pull was simply too strong.

"Midoriya!" Nearly everyone cried out in worry.

The tear in space sucked him in, and Midoriya looked at the picture of him and Uraraka for
comfort, sucking in his breath as he vanished in a flash of light.

Space is dangerous... but it is oh so interesting

"Is he... dead?" Kinoko asked timidly.

"I don't think so... he is narrating after all." Yaoyorozu said, hoping he was alright.

I was adrift in space for nearly a year. That tear in space... turned out to be a portal of some
sorts. Leading from one part of space to another. Whether it was in the same universe or not... I
guess I'll never really know.

Uraraka's eyes widened. "Portals... in space?"

"It's not completely impossible... it does seem entirely possible. I think I read once that it was
theorized that wormholes were portals as well... but to actually see this portal... it's amazing..."
Tokage trailed off.

"But how is he narrating if he was gone for a year?! He shouldn't have the resources for it!" Sero
cried out.

I crash landed on some foreign planet. A very strange mechanical planet the likes of which I'd
never seen before. It was like... a technological world, and I sensed that something malevolent
lived here. Eventually, I'd come to learn this place was known as 'Requiem'. The screen
changed to show Izuku in his suit, looking around the terrain. Trees and mountains littered
the area as far as the eye could see. It was... beautiful.


"That looks so amazing!"

"He probably lived off the wildlife huh?"

Turns out... I wasn't as alone as I thought. I found relics and old stations... well, old for the
people of this time. For me... it was more advanced than anything I'd ever seen before. I spent
days reading the archives... learning about these... Forerunners and Prometheans.

"Alien life?!"

"Alien life!"
"So we're not alone..."

"I... I think I need a minute."

After a few days, I began to notice that I was being watched.

"Oh fuck." Mineta mumbled.

I got to see these... Prometheans for myself. Izuku hid away as 4 sentient mechanical warriors
walked into the station he'd been hiding in, simply walking around. He wasn't sure if they
were looking for him. Frankly... I don't wanna find out...

I decided to leave as soon as possible, before whatever was watching me decided I'd overstayed
my welcome. I picked up many new toys in my time there... Izuku was shown holding some
kind of futuristic sniper, gray with orange accents. Parts seemed to be floating seemingly on
their own.

Mei made some unintelligible groan of admiration as she watched him check out the weapons.

It took nearly 10 months. The air was breathable, and the wildlife consumable. I began to see
more and more of the mechanical creatures. Some were like wolves, but with heads that
reminded me of ants. Others were... flying drones of sorts I suppose. I steered clear of them all.

I fixed my shuttle using the advanced technology here... and with the hyperdrive I'd rebuilt in the
station... I was confident I could get back home. Izuku wiped the sweat from his brow as he
fell to the ground, his shuttle now complete. It looked glorious. It was grey and dark green,
glowing orange lines trailing around it.

"That looks so badass!" Kirishima and Tetsu tetsu exclaimed.

Izuku was shown leaving the planet, all the Prometheans there turning to look up at the
rapidly shrinking shuttle as it left their world. It took nearly a month to find my way back. You
wouldn't believe how hard it was to find my own planet when you're not even in the right
universe... I think.

"Oh no..."

"I hope he found his way back..."

"Don't say that! Of course he will!"

Finally... I made it. I was home.. Izuku narrated as Earth appeared before him, as beautiful
and magnificent as he remembered. He prepared to descend, wondering just what had gone
on while he was away, but of course... something had to go wrong. One of his thrusters
decided it would be ok to take a nap on the job.

"Oh... fuck."

"Oh fuck!"

Everyone began to panic as the Izuku on screen started to descend down to Earth, a bit too rapidly
for their taste.
The control panel kept flashing red in warning. Izuku wasn't too worried about burning up
upon reentry, the shielding could handle it. He was worried about the landing. He rebooted
the whole system, the shuttle temporarily shutting down. Hopefully the thruster would come
back online... and quickly, because that dome was starting to get awfully close.

"Have you tried turning it on and off again?" Awase quipped. Kendo shot him a glare.

"Is that... the USJ?" Monoma asked.

Sero noticed that it was. "Oh boy..."

The shuttle turned back on, the booting sound a welcome noise to his ears. He quickly turned
on the thrusters, attempting to stabilize and control his crash. "Aw fuck... brace
yourselves..." Izuku joked to himself as the shuttle careened into the dome, albeit much
slower now. It would still be a pain to explain, but he'd atleast live to explain it.

The last thought he had before crashing into the center plaza was Oh fuck... this is the USJ.

"Midoriya makes an entrance." Iida adjusted his glasses.

"But he's quirkless! He's gonna get killed!" Mineta panicked.

"Quirkless doesn't mean useless." Kodai noted, and the previous quirkless Izuku's were a testament
to that.

He groaned, noting that he was, in fact, alive. I sincerely hope there isn't a class at the moment.
I hope the teachers don't scold me I didn't mean to crash on purpose... Izuku thought as the
door to the shuttle ejected, and Izuku stumbled out.

He noted many things. First, he noted that there were, in fact, people here. There were many
people laying down on the ground, unconscious. Secondly, there was a ragged looking young
man staring at him in shock and confusion, standing besides some... hulking figure that was
even bigger than All Might in size. Speaking of All Might, he was there too, next to a couple of
students, including...

"K-k-kacchan?! All Might?! I swear I didn't mean to crash here! Please forgive me!"

Bakugo looked at Izuku in shock. They were being attacked by villains, and All Might had
almost died. And suddenly, a big shuttle crashes in from the roof, crash lands, and out of it
comes Izuku. "What the f-"

"Yeah no kidding... this just threw everyone there for a loop." Kaminari chuckled.

Izuku bowed at the two menacing figures, apologizing to them as well. All Might gawked at
him, and the red head beside Kacchan hesitantly said. "Uhh... hey... they aren't with us..."
Kirishima honestly didn't know what to make of all this. Even the stoic Todoroki was at a
loss for words. "Huh? They're not? Then why.... oh." Midoriya's eyes widened in realization.


"Well well... isn't this a surprising turn of events. Who might you be... Reinforcements?" the
scrawny man asked him. Izuku noticed he had hands all over his body. Weird... "Young
man... you must get to safety! These villains are dangerous!" All Might warned. Honestly
Izuku could care less, he was living!

"Deku! Get the hell away from them!" Bakugo warned, and the scrawny villain began to
scratch his neck. Bakugo set off a few warning blasts as the misty man started moving again.
"These guys will kill you! Get the hell out of the way!" Bakugo yelled.

"Nomu!" the scrawny man simply said, and All Might barely managed to react as the
hulking figure blurred, punching All Might away, who had pushed Bakugo away. The warp
villain was now free.

"Holy crap!" Kaibara yelled out.

"Is he ok?!" Pony asked, worried.

All Might's quirk levels are dropping! What? Izuku thought as he displayed the quickly
lowering quirk levels on his visor. "Hey! Stupid villains! Leave them alone!" Izuku yelled
out, drawing the attention of the scrawny man.

Izuku had picked up on many things during this very brief introduction. That enormous,
strong villain they had brought was clearly meant to go up against All Might. It didn't
appear to be sentient anymore, and it had multiple quirks. Screw laws... lives are on the line!

Izuku decided to finally test out a weapon he'd been holding out on. Last time he'd used it
he'd almost died, but it was time to put to use the fruits of his labor. He casually reached
inside his shuttle, something that the villain noticed.

"You're irritating me... Nomu. Kill the brat!" the villain said. Everyone tensed up, and the
Nomu came charging at him. Bakugo yelled out in warning, as All Might rushed to intercept
the villain, but he wouldn't make it.

"Deku!" Uraraka cried out.

Todoroki tensed up as he barely caught the smile Midoriya had.

The Nomu screeched, punching right through Midoriya. Right through him, as if he wasn't
there. Everyone paused, confused. He should be dead! The villain tried to process what was
happening. "What-"

Izuku materialized on top of the Nomu, turning off his cloaking device as his hologram faded
away. The villain's eyes widened and Shigaraki tried to warn his pet Nomu but it was too
late. In one fluid motion, Midoriya shoved what appeared to be a grenade, and leapt off of
the Nomu.

"Oh shit." Rin simply said.

The Nomu turned to look at him, and then his upper half exploded. The Nomu's entire chest
and head were completely incinerated as the grenade went off in it's mouth. It dropped
heavily to the ground, where it lay still.

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"HOLY SHIT!" Kirishima yelled out.

"He just took it out with one attack!" Kendo cried out.

Mei stared in awe at the babies Midoriya had displayed. A hologram to trick the Nomu. A cloaking
device to sneak up on it. A grenade that disintegrates, preventing the Nomu from regenerating. She
shivered a little with giddiness.

"H-how?! You... you cheat! You can't kill the Nomu, you can't!" Shigaraki yelled out in rage,
furiously scratching at his neck. "Tomura Shigaraki... we must go. We can't kill All Might
with the Nomu gone." All Might and the others were still staring at Izuku in shock, sure that
their eyes were playing tricks on them.

They were all distracted as a commotion started on top of the stairs. The other heroes had
arrived. Shigaraki and Kurogiri quickly took the opportunity to escape before the heroes
could react. All Might grit his teeth, and Bakugo blasted towards Izuku. "Deku what the hell
was that?! Where have you been?! What the hell?!" Bakugo yelled inarticulately, trying to
make sense of what the hell the nerd was doing here.

Izuku tried to calm his friend down, explaining what had happened as the pros quickly
spread out to gather the others. All Might was quick to rush and explain that Midoriya
wasn't a hostile, but that he had to come with Cementoss. All Might left in a hurry, probably
to make sure the others were all right. Izuku smiled at Bakugo as they walked upstairs. The
shuttle was going to be confiscated, obviously, but he'd atleast managed to snag the photos
before they were taken as well.

Mina perked up, gasping and squealing.

Toru whipped to look at her. "What? What!"

"They're gonna meet!" Mina cheered out.

Everyone looked at her confused, before they realized. Uraraka squeaked, her heart beating
rapidly. Honestly it probably wasn't healthy for that to happen so often during these viewings.

Uraraka sighed, resting against Mina as they came down from their fear. She perked up as
she heard Bakugo and someone else coming up the steps.

Mina and Toru gasped, leaning forward. Everyone else grinned in anticipation of this long awaited

"So you're telling me everything you just did right now was future tech?"

"Yeah basically... how's Aunt Mitsuki? And my mom?"

"They're fine nerd! They've been worried sick for you, but you're fucking here now so it's
fine. You do realize you just fucking discovered new life right? Do you know how big that
shit is? And you're telling me you've been in fucking space for a year?"

"Almost a year... I..."

Uraraka's breath hitched as Bakugo and the other boy came into view. Izuku trailed off and
his eyes widened as he realized just who he was looking at.
Jirou glanced at her friend, worried. She could literally hear her frantic heartbeat all the way from
here, and she wasn't even trying to listen to it.

Bakugo looked on in confusion as Izuku and Uraraka walked towards each other. They
looked exactly the same as the other remembered. Her with her pink cheeks and brown bob,
and him with his messy green curls and kind green eyes. They rushed towards each other,
hugging the other tightly. Everyone there looked on in confusion as Uraraka seemingly
hugged a stranger. Bakugo's eyes widened as he connected the dots.

"Oh shit... so that gravity girl you were talking about before was pink cheeks huh?" Bakugo
asked, and the two squeaked, pulling away from each other and blushing. They tried talking,
stuttering and blushing too hard to look each other in the eyes.

"You two are such a train wreck!" Tokage laughed out. She found it really romantic and funny at
the same time.

Shiozaki scolded her. "Don't tease..."

Thankfully, they were saved as a voice called out in bewilderment. "...Midoriya?!" Izuku
turned around to look at... Yaoyorozu? "Oh my god hey!" Izuku cheered out! He was happy
to see Uraraka, and that his friend Momo had made it in.

"Did Awase and Mei make it in?" Izuku asked excitedly, running up to Momo, and Uraraka
pouted behind him. Yaoyorozu blinked at him, then chuckled. "Yes I'm fine, thank you

Izuku blinked, then panicked, bowing to everyone present. "Ahh! I'm sorry I wasn't being
rude I swear! Are you all right?" Izuku turned to look back at Uraraka, worry in those
gorgeous green eyes of his. "Are you all right?"

Uraraka gulped, heart pounding. "Yep! Never better!" she coughed out quickly.

Sero laughed, the awkwardness levels between the two was just so amusing.

Everyone sighed in relief, happy that the worst was over for now, and that this reunion had come

"Alright, alright! C'mon nerd, they still need your statement. And you are gonna be in there
for a fucking while." Bakugo reminded him.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head, chuckling nervously. He walked back to Uraraka,
withdrawing a photo from one of his pouches.

Uraraka's breath hitched as she looked down at the photo they'd taken so long ago. Izuku
smiled at her. "Thank you! You inspired me alot y'know?" Uraraka looked back at him, a
wobbly and heartfelt smile on her face.


Izuku grinned even wider. "Yep!"

"There's just so much I can't wait to tell you!"

With that, the screen shut off.

Everyone cheered. Some were crying, some were laughing. Everyone was in a good mood after
that happy ending.

Even Aizawa and Shinso couldn't contain their smiles.

"Alright everyone calm down, go ahead and play the last one for today." Midnight lectured, but she
was smiling too.

Mei nodded, and off to the next one they went.

Chapter End Notes

Guess who's wifi decided to die yesterday? So sorry i couldn't post this yesterday. Wifi
still isnt back im using burger king wifi. Either way, enjoy!

Also i reread my entire work and realized quite a few errors so I'll be sure to fix those
when i have WiFi again
Universe 12
Chapter Summary

This chapter is a reaction to the fic "Welcome to my Dream World" by RubiiChan.

Here's the link if you wanna check it out!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Midoriya always feared nightmares whenever he would go to sleep. The thought of creatures
and possible evils coming for him with their darkness-ridden clutches terrify him.

"Revelry in the dark" Tokoyami helpfully supplied.

"Yeah I'm not good with scary stuff..." Kaminari chuckled nervously.

Mina and a few others nodded in agreement.

That was, until he claimed his Quirk, despite the doctor saying it wouldn't ever be possible
thanks to a toe joint. The greenette would have bawled looking back at this time, but now, he
could only roll his eyes at the doctor's nerve to offend him that way.

"Aw look at him! He's so small and cute!" Toru squealed. The rest agreed.


Midoriya had a pretty good day overall on his fifth birthday despite Kacchan having blasted
his explosions very close to his face for the nth time. Still able to keep a facade for his mother,
the grenette went to bed at 9 pm. And yet, he felt an urge to stay up for another hour.... What
should he do?

Almost everyone glanced at Bakugo, who just ignored them.

Oh, maybe a book will ease his worries.

"Taking every free instance to sharpen the mind..." Iida said with respect.

Lighting up his room with the switch, Midoriya got off his bed to a small shelf of books. Story
books, that is.

He was always fond of reading any books except for those that had to do with murders and
death. He was simply too young, too innocent for such monstrous genres of literature.
However, something about the book consisting nightmares called out to him. Normally, he
would avoid this book out of his dislike for nightmares.
Yanagi, Tokoyami and Kuroiro perked up.

For tonight, however, he was willing to give himself a little spook.

"Aw man... I don't like jumpscares..." Uraraka whimpered out.

"To willingly look into the abyss..." Kuroiro trailed off.

Opening the lock that closed the book with an included key, he pulled off the chains that
bound the pages together in a tight bind. They were silver in color, and rather thin.

When they clattered to the floor, he opened the first page and started to read as he sat back
on his bed.

"The Marionette's Revenge."

"Oh hell no!" Mineta whimpered out, covering his ears.

What title was that? Oh well, time to start reading.

"Well, atleast the lights are on."

"If the lights are off for more than 15 seconds, we are legally allowed to panic."


"A puppet was created by a skilled craftsman who was known for his finesse in carving
anything out of wood. One fine day, the craftsman passed, and all who knew him attended his
wake. His will insisted to give all his creations to those who needed them more than he did."

"Aw! That's very kind of him!" Pony said.

The child felt sorry for the poor guy. Even though all this was fictional, he can't stop himself
from wanting to weep for him.

"I know right? The dude was so manly! Giving his stuff away for others!" Kirishima nearly cried

Nevertheless, he continued.

"The puppet was his prized creation, for he was never able to have a child with his wife, who
passed a few years prior. He regretted this mistake, so he made the puppet to cope. It was
given to a kid who was known for his arrogance.

"Oh no... there's the 180." Kaibara whispered out.

"Poor dude..." Awase sighed.

Being a snob, he never shared the puppet to anyone, even if they offered to give him
something. But in just a month, the marionette was all mangled and its wooden pieces was

It was ugly.
The boy threw it away, never wanting to see it again.

"Bad move. Very bad move." Jirou warned. Everyone had a good feeling where this was headed.

Midoriya sweated a little. Did this story just narrate his life story up to present? Just a few
changes to the details, but there.

Everyone tensed up at that.

With a cold sweat down his back, he read the last part.

"However, the marionette, after being left in the dust for a long time, came to life. It came at
the boy... and neither were seen nor heard from again."

Kaminari whimpered a bit, holding his head in his hands. Mina quickly checked behind her.
Kuroiro, Tokoyami and Yanagi nodded in appreciation of a good story.

He felt the shivers down his spine, but it was exhilarating. He loved the chills, and he thinks
he can sleep easy.

"How do people enjoy scary stuff like that?" Toru exclaimed.

"He just said he loves the chills it gives him..." Sero sighed.

Shutting the lights off, he heads to bed, dreaming of that puppet from the story...


Inko opened the door and immediately felt the need to vomit.

Everyone immediately steeled their nerves, preparing for the worst.

There was no blood or anything. No violence.

Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief.

So why is she afraid of the hands that came from under her son's bed? And... why do the
wails she hears remind her of Izuku?

"I suggest... moving immediately?" Rin said questioningly.

"What are these for, mom??" He was rather confused when his mother bought a few rings
with weblike patterns in the inner part, a few beads looped by some of the threads at a few
intersections (like bugs stuck to a spider web), and three dangling threads, each having a
small, silver feather.

(He'll soon learn that they are dreamcatchers.)

"Those won't save him from the horrors..." Yanagi chuckled. Not that he seems to mind anyways...

"Sweetie, do you know what happened last night?"

"All I remember was that I read some sort of horror story dealing with this puppet, and fell
asleep... What happened, mom?"
"I saw these... hands come from under your bed, and their wails seemed to remind me of


"Don't look under the bed. Don't look under the bed."

"His room looks exactly like his dorm room now that I look at it."

Apparently another reason for Katsuki to blast near his face is because he likes to make fun
of Deku's tendency to faint when it comes to occurences that could possibly go very, VERY

Uraraka threw a quick glare at Bakugo.


They both agree to go to a Quirk Counselor that they can trust, now that Izuku's told his
mom everything (minus the Kacchan part).

"Well, this is.. certainly a bizarre case." The counselor, named Ronri, known in the facility
for his logical thinking despite whatever the circumstances.

The child just tipped his head to a side in utter confusion. Seems like his mother decided to
pick up on this and asked the question Izuku has harboured since last night.

"Aw... he's like a confused puppy!" Kinoko giggled at the comparison.

"What's going on with my baby?"

"Well, I was able to have a thorough look at him and apparently, his Quirk came in. Just a
year late."

"Late bloomer huh?" Monoma said.

"Seems like every one of them either remains quirkless or gets one later on..." Shishida noted.

The greenette's eyes blew wide.

"I have a Quirk?!"


"Yes, indeed. But it is one that can be mastered with enough control. You see, some may not
exactly.. accept you for your Quirk, knowing the societal code nowadays...." Ronri muttered,
rolling his eyes at the stupidity of society.

Aizawa and Midnight scowled at that, more familiar with those societal codes than they'd like to
be. People didn't like it when Aizawa removed their ability to be flashy, while one or two had
glanced at Midnight warily after the forest attack, since she had a quirk similar to one of the

"Your Quirk deals with dreams...."

Izuku beamed, but....

"Of course there's a but." Kendo pouted.

"and nightmares."

"Oh shit." Tsuburaba whispered. didn't last long.

"N-Nightmares?! But, they're scary amd evil! I don't want to--"

And then a calm hand to his shoulder and a quiet hush. "It's OK. I am fully aware that
nightmares and dreams can be all confusing. You should be fine with the dream half, but the
nightmare.... can use some work. If you don't mind me asking, Ms. Midoriya, may I test his

"If my son is OK with it, Ronri-san."

After an affirming nod, Ronri took the child's hand, and spoke.

"Tell me. Can you sense your own dreams and only yours?"

Izuku shook his head no.

"I can see your dreams too, Ronri-san!"

"Oh?" Tokoyami helpfully said.

Well that was new.

"Tell me, what was I dreaming last night?"

"10 bucks it's something terrifying." Mineta said.

"You weren't exactly dreaming, more like remembering a few folders left unmanaged as you
fell asleep."

"Yes that was incredibly creepy. Almost wet myself." Monoma deadpanned.

THAT was new.

Despite having been called out, Ronri was able to identify some possible outcomes.

A quirk like that would've been seen as villainous... Shinso thought, sympathizing with that Izuku.

"I think I know what your son's Quirk is. Well, the basis, I can't say anything specific. But
anyway, Izuku Midoriya is able to use the energy from not only his own dreams and
nightmares, but those of everyone else."

The Midoriyas were in awe.

"Do you think, even with such a concerning power, that I'll make a good hero?"

Aizawa nodded.

Izuku's classmates shouted words of confirmation.

"A quirk like that may seem villainous, but it can certainly be used just as well for heroics." Yanagi
said. Kodai nodded.

"With some practice, I can confidently say that you will be one unique hero." The counselor
spoke with a smile as he went for a Quirk details form.

After writing down the necessary details, he passes the paper and pen to Izuku.

"We only need a name."



"Um.. uh... I got nothing."

Izuku thought, and thought. And finally, he wrote down the best he can think of.


Inko was glad Izuku had spent the day with no casualties. She smiled as he finished his daily
hero streamings and tucked himself in.

"Wait we don't even get to know the name?" Yaoyorozu frowned.

"Bah!" Kamakiri spat out in disappointment.

"Good night." she said before closing the door.

Midoriya Hisashi was glad that he was never near that mistake of a child. The Quirkless son
he bore was just another pebble in the vast, grand world. As if he'd ever sum up to anything.

Everyone immediately growled at that, even Bakugo.

It was one thing for a bully to say it, another thing for his own father to as well.

After typing the last of his required data, he clocks out and heads to the apartment he had--


Why was there a black dreamcatcher on his door? He wasn't even superstitious!

"Run..." Sero helpfully supplied.

He immediately tore the decoration off the door.... when he heard a voice.

"I missed you."

"Ok yeah no, that's creepy as shit." Awase startled, leaning back in his seat.
He lives alone.

"Not helping..." Rin added.

Who the hell was this runt?!

Looking back, there was no one.

Then he checked all the rooms.

Kitchen? No one.

Then the cupboards.

No one.

"He won't be found unless he wants to be..." Kuroiro said.

His study room, bedroom, bathroom, even the basement.

No one.

"Show yourself!"

"Man everyone there is making classic horror movie mistakes..." Kaminari complained.

Bakugo snorted. "As if you wouldn't do the same thing.

And then, a child's laughter rang in the one room he didn't check.

Everyone gulped at that.

Child laughter in horror movies was also a no.

The storage room.

Double no.

Koda whimpered a bit.

He looked inside and was in shock when he saw a LITERAL HAND COMING OUT OF HIS

Many of the students yelled back, almost jumping onto the person behind them.

Yanagi, Kuroiro and Tokoyami chuckled at the display.

He can only watch as the hand felt a music box.... and snagged it, pulling it into the mirror.

"Don't reach into the mirror. Don't reach into the mirror." Mineta chanted as he gnawed on one of
his balls

Hisashi was enraged. That was a prized possession!

"Not worth it bro..." Tetsu tetsu shook his head.

He punched the mirror, thinking he would be able to claim the music box.

Nope. All he did was punch a mirror into bits, causing his knuckles to bleed.

Bakugo snorted at the man's pain.

He cursed as he went to wrap his knuckles with bandages.... but stopped.

'Who was laughing back there?'

"Your son... he was laughing at how stupid you are..." Kaibara whispered out like a ghost.


Izuku didn't expect to actually steal something, but he did.

Whatever, he never really held remorse for his father anyway.

"Yeah! Fuck the guy!" Bakugo yelled out.

Everyone was a bit sad that that was Midoriya's father. They briefly wondered what his mom was

It's been a few years, and Midoriya learned to hone his Quirk....

It allowed him to create terrains or items related to one's dreams and nightmares, use energy
from them, and maybe a few more?

Everyone gasped. That was much more powerful than they'd originally thought.

"Midoriya can set the terrain to his advantage. That's already a very good start." Yaoyorozu said
with pride.

Dreams were one half of his Quirk. From it, he was able to make dreams literally come true,
or have his surroundings be dreamlike.

"So if I dreamed of hot babes he can make them real?!" Mineta nearly drooled.

Jirou took the opportunity to stab him with her jack.

Nightmares were the other half. He made disturbing noises and imagery from the dark,
looming energy of the nightmares. Mostly, these nightmares were his own or his mother's.

"Wonder what Midoriya dreams about..."

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

As odd as it sounded, Izuku was fond of the scary, creepy nightmarish half of himself.

Yanagi hummed in agreement. Kuroiro and Tokoyami nodded.

Ironic, since the name of his Quirk can be misleading.

He vividly remembers the registration form and what he had placed.

'Quirk: Goodnight'

"Misleading name huh? I dig it." Sero said.

"Yes, it could definitely be an advantage to throw off your opponent with false information." Iida
said, rubbing his chin in thought.

The confusions that could come from those who hear about it can be hilarious to him.

His personality seemed to shift too.

Back then, he was always a sweet, pure child that wanted to help everyone.

"Oh no..." Uraraka whimpered out.

Now, he's grown.... a sense of mischief.

"Please don't tell me he turned into Monoma..."


While he is still the cutie pie that the elderly knows, he can be a little condescending to others.

Bakugo tried not to let his rage show.

One time, a teacher was embarassedly scrambling as she went for the worksheets she
apparently left in the previous room.

There was silence.

And then.....


"How dare you laugh at our teacher like tha-" A girl who was known for her nitpicky antics
was complaining, when Izuku just grinned at her, and she was immediately back in her seat,
sweating bullets like she saw a poltergeist.

Tsuyu shivered a little, her fight or flight instincts kicking in.

"I hope this one doesn't go villain..." Kinoko said hopefully.


All Might expected the slime villain to be on the loose, possibly taking over someone's body.

He never would have thought that the same villain would be brought in his place by a

"Midoriya took him down?"

"Eh? I fought the bastard too y'know!"

Green hair with black, round eyes akin to a cute animal's (maybe a deer?), and a rather short

He didn't expect someone so ordinary to use DARK POWERS against the slime villain, for
his eyes were outline with cracks of purple.

Everyone gawked at Midoriya. He looked positively horrifying right now.

The sight chilled him to the bone, and All Might had a little bit of fear-


The same kid was all back to normal, offering All Might an empty soda bottle, containing the
same sludge villain.

Kaminari rubbed his neck at the sudden whiplash.

"Thanks, young man! I have to get going now, for justice never waits!"

The muscled hero jumped up, flying, but felt a weight on his lower leg.

"Everytime!" Bakugo yelled out.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! GET OFF MY LEG!" All Might tried to shake the kid off his foot. By
the way, said kid was sitting on the hero's leg, both legs dangling off one side.

"All Might stop! He'll fall!"

"I'm gonna die if I do that."

"...Fair point!"

Everyone sighed as the green bean averted a possible death.

They land on top of a building, and Midoriya spoke.

"So, tell me.... Can I be a hero with a confusing Quirk?"

"How can it be confu-" His voice caught in his throat when the boy's arm was in dark
tendrils. And then, it disappeared into a glowing light.

"Yeah that's very confusing to look at..." Midnight remarked.

"I'm basically able to use dreams and nightmares... Though I admit, I use my nightmare half

"Well, my boy, I believe with some practice, you will get the hang of it!-" Smoke.

"Looks like his time is up." Aizawa groaned, burrowing deeper into his scarf.

And there, in All Might's place was a skeletal man.

"....oh. I guess even heroes have their own secrets."

The screen turned off.

"What?! You can't just leave us off on a cliffhanger!" A lot of the students complained.

Kirishima groaned. "It's just like the one with Eri..."

"I'm sure we'll see them again eventually! Some universes cycle back... it just takes time." Mei

Everyone cheered at that.

Izuku rubbed his neck as he was let out of the chair.

"So... what did we learn today class?" Midnight asked.

"That Midoriya is an unrivaled lust driven beast." Mineta stated in a normal tone.

Midoriya nearly passed out as he heard that. "Wh-"

"That muscles over here can make damn good babies if he puts his mind to it!" Mei cheekily said
as she slung an arm over a startled Midoriya.

"That other life exists..." Shinso grumbled.

"Dream powers are scary..." Kaminari said.

"Dream powers are great" Yanagi corrected.

After that, they went back into the dorms, and Midoriya was startled as Mei barged into his room

"Hatsume what-" Izuku choked out.

"Shh, I'm here to scan your brain, also I brought a movie." she said, plugging a disc into a projector
she'd brought.

"Huh-" Midoriya was cut off as Hatsume planted a helmet onto his head. "Just wear this for
about... 10 minutes."

"What're we watching?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Just the 3 universes we watched today. I figured you wouldn't want to miss out." Mei said.

Izuku smiled at that, touched that she'd thought about that.


Chapter End Notes

Wifi is still out reeee

Hope you enjoy.

Also do yall wanna see me do the date with kodai in like uh, 2 or 3 chapters or nah?
Universe 13
Chapter Summary

Warning: chapter contains heavy manga spoilers, including the most recent chapter.
Also Deku almost dies but gets saved by death

Yeah, you read that right.

Sorry it's a bit short. There's only so much my brain can supply me

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The next day came far too quickly.

Well, in Izuku's opinion anyway.

Mei merely grinned like a predator as she calibrated her baby to run by itself.

Izuku sat down next to Uraraka and Iida, refusing to make eye contact with any of his female peers.

Mei snickered.

"Morning class. Today we'll be joined by Present Mic and Nezu. Midnight is unavailable and All
Might is busy trying to figure something out." Aizawa told the classes.

"Heyyy! Wish I'd known we were watching movies sooner, Shota!" Mic greeted, berating his

"Now, now Mic, calm yourself." Nezu said as he greeted both classes.

We've found no evidence so far that All for One is Midoriya's father. But on the plus side, we
atleast have managed to glean information on possible future opponents. Nezu thought as he
regarded Midoriya.

"I'm so excited! You get to watch these with us now Deku!" Uraraka squealed excitedly.

Midoriya coughed and nodded furiously, not making eye contact. "Y-yeah... I'm curious on what
we'll see..."

"Then let's not waste anymore time. Hatsume..." Aizawa grumbled.

She nodded, and pressed play.

Footsteps echoed down a hallway, a familiar pair of red shoes coming into view.

I can remember it like it was yesterday... the day everything changed for me, Izuku narrated.

"This is... surreal to look at." Izuku said. It wasn't any less weird even after the fourth time.
"Stupid anime protagonist bullshit..." Bakugo growled.

"Wouldn't that make you the rival though?" Kirishima grinned.

I'd say Todoroki honestly... Sero thought.

A sickening crack was heard. Weak, pitiful coughs and gasps for air could be heard. The sky
came into view, and a school. The person appeared to be laying down.

Izuku tensed up immediately, and the more intelligent people had immediately realized what they
were looking at.

Y'know, almost every problem can be solved without the need to die. But people usually realize
that too late... Izuku narrated, and the screen panned to show an aerial view of the school,
Midoriya's broken body clearly in view.

Uraraka sucked in a deep breath, clenching Izuku's arm like a lifeline.

Bakugo was rigid. Go take a swan dive off of the roof of the building! He remembered saying.

Izuku coughed up more blood. Everything hurt. His vision was beginning to get blurry, but
he picked up noises getting closer. Uneven footsteps suddenly coming to a stop before him.

"D-Deku?... no no no... what the fuck.... why? Why?!" Bakugo yelled out as he kneeled to the
side of his childhood friend, pulling out his phone immediately to call an ambulance. He'd
just barely gotten out the door when he'd heard the crack.

Tears silently streamed down Izuku's face. Quite a few people were shedding tears.

"You never listened to me before! Why... why why why!" Bakugo yelled, demanding an
answer as he panicked, not daring to touch Izuku's broken body. There was just so much
blood. Izuku smiled as Bakugo informed the paramedics about what happened.


"Stay awake you fucking nerd! You-"

Izuku's eyes were closed. He couldn't muster the strength to keep them open. His lips
cracked into a small smile, happy atleast, that Katsuki had atleast cared enough.

"-hear me? You're not gonna die Deku!"

Bakugo looked down at the ground, his face contorted in sadness and rage, directed at himself.
Shinso's fists were clenched.

"Stay alive Deku!" Uraraka cried out, her voice wobbly. Others joined in, and Izuku could only
watch as his alternate self bled out.

I don't wanna die... was the last thought he had.

"You won't." a voice echoed in his head.

Then he woke up, panting and shaking. He was in some empty void, with nothing as far as he
could see.
"W-wha..." Mina choked out, still saddened by what she'd seen.

"Where..." Izuku rubbed his head, wondering if that had all just been some terrible

"I've chosen you... Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku turned around to look at who had spoken to him, not recognizing the feminine voice.
What he saw startled him. It was a woman cloaked in living shadows, faces appearing and
disappearing at random within the cloak. Her skin appeared to be comprised of space, stars
and planets littering her skin. Izuku knew instantly who he was talking to...


Everyone sucked in a deep breath, their faces paling as they realized the implications of that

"H-huh?" Kaminari eloquently said.

Izuku was transfixed to the screen, his mind racing a mile a minute.

Nezu was trying not to let it show how shocking this bit of information was, but his mind was
racing as well.

Izuku chuckled a bit and looked down. "Guess I really am dead..." Death hummed as she
approached him. "You don't have to be." He looked back up at her, confused. She smiled,
her teeth shining sadly with the brightness of dying stars.

"I have watched over everything that has ever lived, and I... I haven't met one like you in a
very long time..." Death said as she walked around him. "H-how so?" Izuku timidly asked.

"Someone who has faltered, someone who has been pushed, time after time... and yet, their
heart remains pure. Someone with no ill will, despite having every right to bear it. Someone...
incorruptible." Death mused.

Many people were shaken by the events that were transpiring, but the words made sense. Try as
they might, their Izuku had a heart of gold. One that hasn't shattered despite all it's gone through.

Izuku choked back a sob at the praise he got from freaking Death. Uraraka hugged him, and Iida
placed a hand on his shoulder in support.

"You may have been bruised, burned... nearly shattered... but you held strong. You retained
who you are..." Death turned to look at him, meeting his eyes. He couldn't help but stare into
her eyes, so complex and filled with life and death, the vast cosmos hidden in her very eyes.
"You didn't break... and that makes you oh so special. It makes you dangerous. It makes you
strong. It makes you a true hero."

Izuku choked back a sob as he heard the words no one had said to him. His legs gave out,
failing to support his emotional self. "I can give you life, if you are willing to continue as you
are now. If you so wish to continue on your journey, I shall help you. I will let you walk away
from my embrace as many times as you need... but you must know...
Izuku tensed up as Death trailed off. She sighed, looking back at him. "If it meant saving the
world, would you kill?" she asked, her voice echoing out into the vast abyss as the weight of
her question sank onto Izuku.

Everyone sucked in a deep breath, some of them choking on it.

They turned back to look at their Izuku. He was focused on the screen as if nothing else mattered.

Nezu narrowed his eyes, curious as to what All Might's successor would answer.

Are you willing to sacrifice a few for the many? Nezu wondered.

"I... I don't want anyone to die... I'll save them all, I'll do my best to make sure everyone
comes out safely!" Izuku said, looking up at her with determined eyes.

Everyone smiled at the sight. He really was the ideal hero. Thinking of others before himself.

Death shook her head as if she'd been expecting that answer. "There are people who are
beyond salvation. People who simply wish to destroy. Your idol, All Might, has fought to kill
before." Izuku tensed up at that information. All Might... had killed?

The students were distraught. They couldn't wrap their heads around that.

"All for One. That's who she's talking about." Bakugo said.

Izuku nodded, realizing what Death was implying now. "Some people... can't be saved." He
recalled the words All Might had told him after his encounter with Shigaraki at the mall.

"There will be many choices in your future. How you answer now will greatly affect the
outcome of that future. Would you end a thousand lives, if it meant saving billions? Yes... or
no?" Death simply said. Those were the two choices he was given. He thought about it, long
and hard. Would he really be capable of ending lives?

"I think... you wouldn't be talking to me now, unless you had already known what I was
going to say. You want me to kill, but... you chose me because..." Izuku trailed off, thinking
long and hard about his next words.

"You chose me because I wouldn't be corrupted by it."

Izuku's eyes widened in realization.

Nezu jotted something down, making a note for the future.

Todoroki regarded Izuku, wondering what was going through his friend's mind.

Death smiled. "I... I won't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it. There's such a thing as too far...
I don't think just anyone d-deserves to die." Izuku mumbled out, looking down at his shoes.
She ran her hand through Izuku's hair, humming. "Then rise, Izuku Midoriya."

"Be the hero this world needs..."

With that, everything was gone in a flash of light, and the screen flicked back at the present.
Izuku was walking down a different hallway now, and had paused in the middle of one. He
turned to his left, looking through the glass at Kurogiri, bound to a chair in a padded room.

The students jolted as they saw the warp villain. 1A growled at Kurogiri, while Aizawa sighed in
relief. It seemed the warp villain was atleast behind bars in this reality.

Izuku hummed, walking right through the glass as if it didn't exist, and stood in front of
Kurogiri. The warp villain tensed up as he noticed that someone was now in his cell with
him. He was curious as to how this person hadn't been notice-

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed as he recognized Izuku. "Don't worry. No one can see us, no one
even knows I'm here. I'm simply here on a visit, to understand." Izuku told him. "You won't
get a word out of me." Kurogiri simply said.

"They're in Tartarus aren't they? How have they not noticed him?" Present Mic asked, turning to

"He's got literal Death in his corner... something as difficult as sneaking into Tartarus would seem
like nothing to him." Aizawa deadpanned.

"That's fine. I'm not here to get you to talk. I already know all there is, Kurogiri. I shall talk,
and you shall listen. I'm just... passing the time." Midoriya chuckled, Kurogiri's eyes shifting
in confusion. This was... an unprecedented event.

"I know about All for One's grand plan. About what Shigaraki intends to do, or rather...
what he's doing right now. I know why you're here, and I know who you are..." Izuku looked
at Kurogiri straight in the eyes.

"Shirakumo Oboro."

The students looked confused, not recognizing the name. They turned to look at the teachers, but...

Aizawa and Present Mic looked like they had seen a ghost, staring at the screen with wide eyes,
completely fixated on the villain.

Nezu looked like he had aged a decade or so, his lips pursed and his tail ramrod straight.

"Shirakumo Oboro was a promising hero student who once attended this school. He was a fellow
classmate... a very close friend of the two next to me." Nezu informed them sadly.

Aizawa grit his teeth, fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white.

The students of 1A were tense, never having seen Aizawa act so emotional before.

"So we were attacked... by a former UA student..." Iida summarized.

Aizawa was kicking himself mentally. His friend was alive. His friend was a villain. He was-

It explained the USJ. Kurogiri had warped to his students the instant he'd blinked. He'd been
experimented on. That much was certain. White cloud had been turned into black mist.

Present Mic stood up. "Sir! We-"

Nezu cut him off. "Not now. We will deal with this after. There is still more information to gather."
Present Mic slumped down on his chair hard. He placed a hand on Aizawa's shoulder reassuringly.
They will get to the bottom of this.

Kurogiri immediately began to spasm, trying to get away from his restraints. This child
shouldn't know that. He shouldn't even be here. "Who are you?" the villain demanded.
Izuku hummed. "You already know. As we're sitting here, speaking, the heroes are getting
ready to invade the mansion. They intend to stop Shigaraki before he can be awakened."

Everyone perked up at that. "Invade the mansion?" Mineta whispered out.

"Shut up and watch!" Sero scolded.

"I know you know what's going on. Your little master has been pulling the strings even from
here." Izuku said. Kurogiri narrowed his eyes menacingly, but ultimately conceded. "It
doesn't matter if you know. You won't be able to stop this. There will be war." Kurogiri
promised, although now he wasn't as sure, not with this new player on the board.

"No... there won't."

Kurogiri tensed up at that, surveying Izuku. "Shigaraki has an army rivaling the heroes. He
has the High End. He has the money, the resources, and the manpower to go toe to toe with
the heroes. You will lose. Your little spy, Hawks... they're onto him. It doesn't matter if you
warn them now. It'll be too late. If they're already there like you've said, then the league is
already aware of it." Kurogiri sneered.

"Wait, Hawks?"

"Woah that's who you went with Tokoyami!"

"He's the real deal and he's a spy... awesome."

"Well... technically it's the 'Paranormal Liberation Front now.'" Izuku corrected helpfully,
his tone snarky.

The screen changed to show Kyoto.

Mei perked up, recognizing it.

It showed an enormous group of heroes. Endeavor was leading the group, closely followed by
many heroes. Aizawa, 13, Present Mic, Ryukyu, Wash, Miruko... so many pros were there.
Some were more recognizable than others, but there were just so many of them.

Shoto noted the scar that now adorned one side of his father's face. Hmm...

"That's... that's alot of heroes." Kinoko whimpered out.

"It's the final battle." Yaoyorozu supplied.

"The villains have enough firepower to actually go toe to toe with the heroes? That's bad! That's
really bad!" Awase choked out in shock.

"I've seen it all happen. This battlefield. I see many people die. I've thought long and hard
about what I must do... and I think I'm ready now." Izuku narrated.
The scene changed to show another group, this one led by Endeavor's sidekick Burnin.
Behind her, were 1A's big three, along with Uraraka and Tsuyu, and a large handful of other

"Woah... costume changes." Uraraka perked up at that.

"Ribbit... looks like some of us upgraded." Tsuyu noted as she looked at Todoroki's new gear.

The scene changed once more, to another hero group. The rest of class 1A and 1B seemed to
be shown there. Kirishima was stretching his arms, preparing for the oncoming battle.

"We look so cool." Tsuburaba smiled as he looked at the dramatic shot. And they did, both classes
looked really badass there.

"Hm... I notice a few of us are still missing." Kendo noted.

The scene changed yet again, showing Fat Gum with Tamaki, Gang Orca, The Lurkers and
Midnight. A few other 1B students were there as well, along with quite the handful of pros.

"You look nervous Komori." Yui noted.

"No kidding! We brought a whole army! We... we're going to f-fight a whole army..." she
whispered out, trembling in fear.

"T-then... it's a good thing we're watching this... right?" Izuku stuttered out, upset that a fellow
student was distraught.


"Thanks to Hatsume's baby... we know what's going to happen. We can p-properly prepare for it.
So... it's ok! We just have to do our best!" Izuku tried to sound confident, giving her one of his
signature 'Everything is ok' smiles.

She blushed a little, nodding in agreement. "R-right!"

Nezu chuckled silently at the display. It seems you're a beacon of light without even trying. I look
forward to seeing what else you'll do.

"You're expecting us. Hawks was sent to infiltrate your little league, but he's being played.
You expect the heroes to lose..."

The scene changed again to show the villains, and there were so many villains. They
recognized the base league members, now outfitted with new gear, as well as a few surprising
faces. The leader of the Hearts and Mind Party, Koku Hanabata. Tomoyasu Chikazoku,
board member of Feel Good Inc. Finally... Rikiya Yotsubashi, CEO and president of

"Oh fuck." Quite a few of them said, recognizing atleast one of the last three. They were influential
in their own way of course.

Nezu was jotting all of this down like crazy, taking notes of all the new threats and just how far
their reach went.

"There are even heroes in there..." Izuku startled, recognizing atleast 1 or 2 of them.
Uraraka shivered a bit as she stared at Toga, prancing around happily.

Hawks was shown staring at Twice, who was doing some ridiculous movements around him.
Hawks regarded Twice with a smile, but it was a facade. He'd been keeping a close eye on
Twice, ever since he found out he'd gotten over his trauma.

"His... trauma?" Rin asked.

"During the attack at the camp, I fought against him briefly. He seemed... crazy. Saying
contradicting things and acting sporadically." Shoto recalled.

The scene changed to show Twice again, this time though, there were more Twice's... and
more High End.

The students tensed up as they saw these Nomu. These looked more advanced however, more
deadly and stronger.

Nezu's eyes flit briefly with worry and anger as he noticed intelligence in their eyes. These Nomu
are more advanced now...

The scene flit back to Izuku, who was now standing up. "Don't worry Oboro, I'll save you
after this is over. You don't deserve this." Izuku smiled sadly. "Do you really believe you can
save them? You are merely but one child. Many of your comrades will die." Kurogiri
regarded Izuku, his tone bordering on smug.

Izuku laughed at that. A sweet, jovial laugh that chilled Kurogiri to the bone. "Your
mistake... was gathering so many villains to one spot. It makes my job... so much easier."
Izuku said as he dusted himself off, turning around to leave. Kurogiri's eyes widened, a bit of
fear finally showing. "What are you talking about? What can you do?"

Izuku wagged his finger at him. "Ah ah ah... that would be cheating. You expected pretty
much every hero to be there..."

Everyone watched with bated breaths as they realized the universe was coming to a close.

Izuku was shown walking back out the hallway, Kurogiri beginning to madly thrash behind
him, left behind and forgotten for now.

"You expect them all to die. However, you didn't account for me. While I..."

Izuku's eyes were now transfixed onto the screen as if nothing mattered. Everyone was.

The screen finally panned down to show Izuku, overlooking Kyoto. A couple of dead bodies
were strewn around him, perfectly intact. It was as if they had just simply died.

"I expected pretty much every villain to be there. Thank you..."

"For gathering them all, for me."

With that, the screen went dark. The last thing they all saw was Midoriya's smiling face, utter
confidence in his expression.

"...Holy shit." Bakugo broke the silence.

"So... we have a war to look forward to then." Todoroki said, deciding to tackle this now.

"Indeed... Aizawa, Mic, both of you are excused. I want both of you to go to Tsukauchi and inform
him of all this. I don't want you to go searching. You are to simply deliver the information. Is that
clear?" Nezu said strictly. Both of them nodded furiously, and they were off.

Nezu texted someone, and then sighed. He sipped his tea and regarded his students.

"This has been... very informative, wouldn't you agree? All Might and the big three will be joining
us shortly." Nezu informed them.

"Atleast we have a clearer picture..." Kendo mumbled out.

A few of them were stressed out. They'd be in for a big fight, and they didn't know when, thought
it seemed far off.

Izuku was stuck in one of his mumbling sprees, theorizing as fast as he could.

"W-woah! Calm down Deku..." Uraraka chuckled as she poked her friend's cheek.

"So greenie, how's it feel to be important?" Tokage joked, floating over to Midoriya.

"I- I wouldn't say that... I think it's just a matter of me being in the right place at the right time... or
maybe the opposite..." Izuku chuckled.

"Pretty much every version of you we've seen so far has started off weak, but has gotten really
strong. Or... efficient." Yaoyorozu trembled a little as she recalled how her other self had died,
albeit it was a simulation.

All Might walked in, nodding to his students, and they all took it as a sign to sit back down.

Yui met Izuku's eyes, a question unspoken between them.

Izuku's eyes widened in realization. Aw crap! I completely forgot due to everything that was

He mouthed 'after this' at her, hoping she'd understand.

She nodded, and that was that.

Hatsume selected another universe, and hit play.

Chapter End Notes

Ahh. So next chapter will be a reaction to another fic. Still tryna work which one ill

Then itll be a villain deku one

Universe 14
Chapter Summary

This chapter is a reaction to the fic "If god made people then the devil made me" by

Go check it out if you want!

Also how do i post links because I'm extremely lazy and can't google it

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yeah, she’s been told by many people before, as well as her friend that it was painful. But for
whatever reason, she figured they were either exaggerating or just trying to scare her. She
really should have listened.

“Hold on, ma’am! It almost over!”


"Mom?" Izuku asked in worry, recognizing her voice. All Might and the big three were startled as
they had just walked in.

She cried with pain and frustration. The pain was because of the actual pain she was
experiencing, and the frustration was because the doctor had told her that nearly 2 minutes

“Hold on, girl! You got it! You’re doing great!”

"Hag?" Bakugo perked up as well.

"Don't tell me..." Jirou trailed off.

She looked over to the woman that said that. Through her teary strained eyes, she could see a
familiar face that she’s known for nearly all her life. Short spiky blond hair, red eyes, and her
usual determined smile; even if it looked more concerned than normal.

"Wait, that's your mom Bakugo?" Kaminari asked incredulously.

"Your mom looks exactly like you! Only she's a female adult." Kirishima remarked.

"Your mom looks really sweet Deku! We actually saw her in another universe before!" Uraraka
chuckled out.
"Yeah can't wait to meet her." Tokage quipped with a cocky grin.


“Thanks * pant * Mits- Grrrnnn… Mitsuki * pant * . I’m glad you’re here.”

The combination of pants, grunts, and trying to concentrate on the task at hand made the
sentence much harder to pronounce.

“What are you thanking me for? You were there when I gave birth just three months ago.
You think I’m gonna miss out on you doing the same, Inko?”

"Your moms seem like good buds. No wonder you two grew up together." Jirou said, twirling a
jack in her hand.

Bakugo and Izuku exchanged uneasy glances, remembering all the times Mitsuki scolded them as

The blond woman gave a face of fake offended which had caused a short chuckle out of the


“Oh, god.” Inko said to herself.


"I'm never having a baby." Kaibara said.

All the girls looked at him in confusion.

Kaminari and Mineta snorted at the bait.

After what felt like hours which was actually just a couple minutes, Inko had successfully
given birth to her first child. As she’s already known for months, it was a baby boy. She held
him ever so gently in her arms.

Wrapped up in a soft blanket, she saw his face for the first time. As she expected, chubby
cheeks and small nose; just how every other infant comes into the world.

"Aw..." the girls cooed, some of them discreetly taking pictures.

It was easy to tell who had taken after because of the green hair that matches hers. The only
difference being it took the same style as his fathers. A pang of sadness came over her at the
thought of the man.

The students scowled as they were reminded of the man. Izuku merely stared in sadness.

Just as quickly as it came, it left with another wave of joy of finally seeing her baby sleeping
soundly in her hold.

“So, watcha think?” Mitsuki asked with a quite tone as to not awake both children each
mother held. A little bit after Inko had birthed her own kid, Masaru came in with little
Katsuki in his hands.
"Pfft! Somehow you managed to look angry as a baby!" Kaminari laughed out.

"Shut up! Baby me can still kick your ass!" Bakugo yelled.

"Honestly... at this point I wouldn't even doubt it." Jirou snickered.

Giving a quick smile to her friend, Inko looked at the innocent being she brought into the

“Worth it.”

Izuku smiled at that, his heart warmed.

“Is everything still going good in here?” The three adults looked to the doctor that had
quietly entered the room.

“Yes, Doctor. And thank you again.” Inko gave an answer to which the doctor smiled.

“There is no need to thank me, Mrs. Midoriya. If you have any questions, just let me know.”
The doctor said before turning back to the door.

A minute after he left, the room fell into a comfortable silence. Inko continued to awe over
her firstborn and the other two parents either witnessed the happiness or reminisced the day
of the birth of their own boy.

Then, a wiggle.

Toru and Mina choked back a squeal, totally in awe at baby Izuku.

All Might smiled with joy. To think that was his successor.

Inko giggled to herself to see her baby squirm slightly before resting once more.

“So, what are you going to name him?” Masaru asked curiously. Beside him, Mitsuki looked
just as eager to know.

Inko knew the answer.

It was a name she had picked out for a long time.


As if it were fate, the newborn opened his eyes.

Inko was astonished to see the pitch-black voids with tiny green irises that glowed.


"Similar to your eyes Mina!"

"Yeah, except mine is the sclera while his is the iris. Still, eye matching buddies!"

Four Years Later
“Izuku~ Where are you~” Inko sang her words to where they reached the entirety of the
home. The mother smiles to herself when the first place to look popped up in her head.
Taking her sweet time walking towards her destination, she approached the closed door.

Opening it revealed the space behind it to be a small storage closet. She took a moment to
look around before beginning to shift some of the objects around. One thing after another,
she saw nothing that she didn’t expect.

After another short minute of searching, she backed away and closed the door behind her to
go look elsewhere.

Then there was silence.

Not a noise, and no movement.

Slowly, the doorknob began to turn; but not from the outside, no.

From the inside, the handle fully turned that caused the latch to release and the door to open
gently as to not make any sound. From behind the door, a small head with dark green messy
hair peeked out. Looking left and right, the little boy declared that he was successful.

"Aww aren't you just the cutest!" Tokage chirped in a small voice.

Izuku withdrew into himself, he kinda wished he was back in the chair. Sero snickered at how red
his face was right now.

Just as he stepped out to enact his second part of the plan…


It was a surprise when Izuku felt arms scoop around his waist and lift him up. The boy
began to squeal when Inko dug her head into his neck and blow her lips onto his skin;
causing a sound that comically resembled a fart.

"I see where you get your niceness from..." Monoma said.

“Hahaha~ You thought you could hide from me?” Inko said teasingly while walking over to
the living room couch and plopping her son onto it.

“But I covered my eyes so you couldn’t see the glow.” The young boy replied in between

“Which is exactly why you didn’t see me when I spotted you huddled up in the corner.” Inko
revealed while raising a pointed finger compliment her explanation. The boy before her
adopted a look of realization before he laughed to himself once again. “So, what would you
like for lunch, young man?”

"If you can't see them, they can't see you... guess that failed." Kirishima laughed as Inko explained.

When Inko asked this, Izuku laid back on the couch as Inko made her way to the kitchen;
half-expecting what his answer already was.
“Katsudon!” The boy’s excited shout was paired with the woman’s amused chuckle. Taking a
quick look over her shoulder, she saw her son was now leaning over the arm of the couch with
the purest look of happiness.

A few people made a mental note of the Katsudon.

His big grin that had a number of tiny freckles at the corners of his lips that nearly met his
wide eyes. She remembered the first day she saw them.

"Too bright!" Many people yelled.

Only Aoyama was able to resist.

And just like that day, they were still pitch-black. But not the kind of black where it looked
like instead of white it was a dark color. It was black as in it looked like there was nothing at
all. Like there were colorless voids where his eyes were supposed to be.

The only indication that he even had eyes was the two little orbs of bright green that just
seemed to float in his sockets.

"Like miniature suns." Kendo summarized.

"Only they're green instead of blue." Kaminari corrected.

"Yea- wait... blue?!"

Kaminari only snorted.

It was safe to say from the day he was born that Izuku would be getting a quirk. Kids who
were born with qualities of their powers from the day they are birthed is rare but does
happen. It was with that information that Inko didn’t freak out and think that something
had gone wrong.

Other than that, Izuku was just a normal boy with big dreams.

Both were greatly expecting his quirk to come in any day now. And when it did, no matter
what it was, Izuku was going to take it to the top and become the #1 Hero.

“Hmhm, Katsudon it is.”

Izuku's mouth watered at the mention of his favorite food.


Inko jolted up in her bed.

For reasons unknown, she was in a cold-sweat and her heart was racing. Looking around her
dark room, she found not a single thing that could indicate her sudden awakening.

But the feeling would not go away.

"Mom instincts." Shoji quietly said.

Following sudden maternal instincts, Inko jumped out of bed and ran to the door that did
little to slow the woman. Rushing down the short hallway to where her son’s room resided,
she opened the door and scanned the room.

With the little light provided from the hero themed night light, her heart skipped a beat when
Izuku was not in his bed.

He was on the floor in front of her.


Face down and an arm stretched out towards her; as if he was trying to open the door himself
but collapsed suddenly.


Even for how light she was, she felt the room around her shake from how hard she dropped
to the ground. The pain in her knees from doing so were nothing but background static in her
frantic mind. Inko quickly rolled him over and placed him on her lap. She inspected nearly
every part of him in seconds; trying to find a clue to what happened. There was slight relief
when she saw that he was still breathing.

Everyone released the breath they didn't know they were holding.

Then what's wrong with him?

She mentally connected a few dots together and had the thought to check his eyes.

Gently holding the back of his head with one hand, she used the other to carefully spread
apart his eyelids.

The usual voids of black were there…

But his green pupils weren’t.

"That's kind of creepy..." Mineta stuttered out.

In a shocked gasp, the mother picked the younger greenette up and charged out the room and
towards the front door. Just before taking a foot out into the warm night, she used her quirk
to nab the keys that she had almost forgotten and off she went.

Laying Izuku down in the back seat and then hopping behind the wheel, she gassed the car
towards the nearest hospital.

Unlike the normally relaxed posture she has when driving, she was instead pulled close to the
wheel while looking like a maniac with her jerking head turning to every possible detail she
saw before her. In just a second, she would have seen the road, then look back to Izuku in the
rear-view mirror, then to the sides of the road, then back to Izuku, then in front of the road.

Everything seemed to go by so fast yet slow at the same time. The passing headlights above
were almost hypnotic each time the cycle of dark and light came over the car. The sounds of
her own breaths were even louder than her tires speeding on the pavement and entire her
body shook uncontrollably. Finally giving a glance to the silent radio in her car, she was able
to see that it was almost 3 in the morning.

Inko had fallen asleep at 9:30 and Izuku went to bed two hours earlier than her. For all she
could have known, Izuku very well could have dropped just 10 minutes after she put him to
bed. There was the possibility that for nearly 8 grueling hours, her baby could have been
dying on his own floor and she wouldn’t even know it.

Inko couldn’t do it.

She couldn’t.

Not her only child.

Her Izuku.

Izuku choked back a small sob, Uraraka squeezing his hand in comfort.

As she’s done many times before, the mother looked back to her son to see if anything has
gotten better or worse.

She didn’t know if him sitting up straight in the middle seat while staring directly at her with
an emotionless face counted to being either good or bad, but the fact that he still didn’t have
his green pupils and there what looked to be black cracks coming out instead sent a feeling of
dread come over her.

Pulling a move that only a mother could, Inko braced her left foot down on the floor, used the
other to slam on the breaks before using her right hand to twist around the seat and grab her
son to keep him from falling forward with the momentum of the moving car.

"Woah, your mom's a badass..." Rin whispered out.

Bakugo smirked, remembering Auntie Inko. Damn right she is

Surprisingly, it worked.

The car skidded to a stop and neither of the greenettes were flung out their seats thanks to
the efforts of Inko. The moment the car to a final halting point, she smacked the vehicle in
park and twisted herself to lean over her chair. Taking both her arms that were now free, she
latched onto both his shoulders and gave a quick shake as to get his attention.

Even if he was still staring directly at her with empty eyes, she knew that something was
wrong. Something was holding her son back from letting him come back to her. If the
strange black marks that were emerging from his sockets was anything to go by, then this for
sure had to be his quirk manifesting.

From the looks they had; the marks seemed to be cracks. Staring at them for a moment, Inko
realized that they were growing. Slowly, they made their way all across his face; around his
cheeks and down his jaw looked to be where they were more active.

“Izuku! Izuku, please! Please tell me that you’re okay! If there’s something wrong, you have
to tell me, right now! Izuku!?” No matter what she said or did, his state of unresponsiveness
remained; the cracks getting larger and longer.
The fearful mother had to accept that there was nothing she could do to help and decided to
continue their way to the hospital. Pushing her son back against the seat and sliding back
down into hers, she prepared to set the car to drive and head out.

Just as she grabbed the shift, something in the back of her mind told her to take one last look.

And so she did.

Just in time to see Izuku’s mouth open.


"Wait what?"

"You can't just leave us on a cliffhanger!"

His body ached.

That was new.

For as long as he remembered, his body never ached.

He could tell that he was awake, but it was hard to move. Every part of him felt like cement.
That, or he was just extremely tired. The latter makes more sense.

Even opening his eyelids was a task.

Izuku was home.

"Well that's a relief" Shoji said.

But that was to be expected. He didn’t remember going anywhere last night. What was
unexpected was that he was in the living room instead of his own. The interior of the house
was lit up by the late morning sun that felt warm on his face. Noticing just exactly where he
was, Izuku found out he was on the couch.

Realizing the rhythmic movement around him, Izuku slowly turned his head to see none
other than his mother laying there with him. What he was feeling was her breathing. She
looked even more tired than he felt. However, it was the tiny scratch marks all over her that
caught his attention.

Another few moments of investigation, he found what probably played a big part in him
feeling like he was in cement. Inko had wrapped her arms around both his own as well as his

"Well... atleast he's ok." Toru slumped in relief.

Iida lightly poked Midoriya as he was starting to mumble again.

While he loved his mother’s affection, this was a little too tight for him. Carefully wiggling
himself out of her loving prison, Izuku got himself free. Upon doing so, he discovered another
detail that was different from the previous night. These were not the pajamas he wore to bed.

It was difficult for his four-year-old little mind to understand what was going on as he
searched for any other possible clues to what happened last night that he was sure was just
any other night. His right arm twitched, but he ignored it.

Izuku perked up at the sound of a voice reaching his ears. It was so barely audible, he nearly
missed it. Turning, he finally saw that the T.V was on. The volume was so low, that it almost
couldn’t go lower than that.

Since he watches it all the time to see anything about heroes, Izuku immediately knew that it
was the news channel.

He knew that Inko didn’t like it when the T.V. was on when no one was watching it, so he
headed over to turn it off. Along the way, he felt his left side tense for a split second before
relaxing; again, ignoring it.

"Once is a coincidence... twice however..." Toshinori warned.

Just before his tiny finger could press the power button, there was something on the screen
that stopped him.

Ignoring the news guy talking on the screen, Izuku inspected the scene of which he stood. The
boy recognized the street that was on camera to be the one just a few blocks from here. And
it was… destroyed. His neck twitched.

Not to a sense where houses or cars were flipped over, but there was definitely an assortment
of broken things. The first thing he noticed was the nearly unlimited amount of glass
shattered all across the streets and houses. The windows of homes and cars, the bulbs from
the streetlights, pretty much everything that was made of glass.

However, he did see that some cars have damages to them. Dents, scratches, one looked like it
had a tire completely torn off. His right hand flexed before easing.

"What could've caused that?!" A few students yelled out. Nezu glanced at Midoriya, having
connected the information. Izuku himself had already made the connection as well.

“Once again, we are getting reports from people all around the neighborhood that late last
night around 3 O’clock, there was what many have described to be a ‘monstrous screech’. It
was during the period of when the sound was going off that people said any glass materials
they had shattered. Unfortunately, no one has seen or heard anything sense as they all had
the suspicion of a villain attack. However, the best clue so far is that some had heard
screeching tires minutes before the screech. Further investigation is being done, but as of yet-

"Don't tell me..." Yaoyorozu and Kendo said simultaneously.

Ibara lowered her head in prayer.

Mid-sentence, the screen before Izuku’s widened eyes flashed off. In the reflection of the
black screen, the boy could see his own glowing green eyes before making out the figure of
Inko sitting up on the couch.

Turning around, he saw that she was indeed awake and held the T.V. remote in her hand.
Somehow, it was only until now that the boy saw the wet stains trailing down her eyes.

“Izuku… we need to talk.”

"That's a pretty dangerous quirk..." Sero admitted.

"No kidding... he's barely a kid and he caused all that" Kaminari added.
Ten Years Later

“Alright, kids, listen up!” Said kids that were previously chattering to themselves gave their
attention to the teacher up front. “It’s important to know that as third year students, you
need to start thinking seriously about what you’re going to do the moment you are no longer
students of this school. Your lives will be beginning quicker than you know it. I could just
pass out these career aptitude tests, but- “Before finishing the sentence, the adult snatched
said papers off his desk and looked to the class with a smirk. “Why waste time when I know
that you all want to go to the hero track!?”

At that rhetorical question, the man did a spin and threw the papers in the air; the blank
sheets flying through the air before gliding to the floor.

Nezu sighed contently, pleased that Aldera was already being dealt with.

During which, the class erupted into cheer while their quirks made just as much of a show.
Some being minor elements while others presented their physical qualities. One of which
being an overly muscly guy who flexed to no end. Another was a boy who was strangely
pulling his eyes out of his sockets and waving them around.

Izuku watched all this happen with a deadpan stare. Seeing as this was just another waste of
his time, he resorted back to his notebook. The villain fight this morning was enough to keep
him occupied with this days events as to not be overcome with boredom. His half-lidded eyes
that were actually nonexistent trailed over the number of notes and information he gathered
when Mount Lady appeared from nowhere and dropkicked the villain into subconsciousness.

Kaminari and Mineta noticed what was written on the notes.

"Sexy?! Midoriya you lust driven beast I've caught you!" Mineta proclaimed.

"N-no! You've got it all wrong! I don't mean that I find her sexy. I put it down because her costume
appeals to the public, it helps with rankings and well... it is a sexually appealing costume that many
would like, it would get her attention. Midnight is another example of that..." Midoriya explained.

"Y'know if it was anyone other than you, I wouldn't have believed it." Kendo admitted.

"Wait... have you written that for any of us?" Tokage asked curiously. Midoriya choked on his spit,
stuttering for a response.

"Focus... we can read all about it later." Yanagi interrupted.

Oh I am so gonna find out...

His right thigh jerked ever so slightly.

It was… cool, sure. But the way she did it was annoying. It was quite obvious that Kamui
Woods had it under control but decided that it was a good idea anyway to just send her 50-
foot tall ass crashing into the villain that then caused the same villain to destroy whatever he
landed on.

‘Sheesh, people are so careless.’

In regards of the aptitude tests, he knew exactly what he was going to do. What else was there
possibly to do? If you didn’t try for the highest, then you’ll only get the lowest.

‘That’s why I’m- ‘

“Aiming for UA, huh? You sure you got what it takes, Midoriya?”

The mention of his name and the question snapped Izuku out of his thoughts and towards his
teacher. The man was looking at him with a nearly unreadable expression, but the boy could
see the hidden intent. Everyone else around him was doing just the same. The only difference
being that they made no effort to hide it.

Along with them, Izuku saw a very certain blond standing on top of desk in a frozen state.
Only a single finger on his hand spasmed for a second.

"That doesn't bode well for Midoriya." Iida frowned.

‘Let the show begin.’ The greenette groaned inwardly to himself.

“As a matter of fact, yes I am.” He stated it, plain and simple. There was nothing else to it.

Yet, the people around him seemed to kick one hell of a kick out of it as they burst into an
even louder ruckus than before. This time, being laughter and mockery.

"Hey!" some students complained.

Shinso and Monoma sighed, too used to this situation.

“Hahahaha! And just what are you gonna do, huh!? Give them your ‘Medusa stare’? Haha!”

“He probably thinks that he can just get in by grades alone! What an idiot!”

“No! He’ll probably just try to scare them or something dumb like that!”

"If Habuko was able to do it, I don't doubt Midoriya could, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked out.

"Yeah, paralysis." Bakugo grunted as he recalled that fight with the uh... fuck what was his
name? Bakugo frowned.

The insults kept coming. And what did the teacher do? Nothing. Oh well, nothing he hasn’t
dealt with before.

With one simple action, the class slowly died down and looked at the boy with confused and
stunned expressions.

Izuku was yawning.

Izuku stared, confused at the screen. Isn't he worried about Kac- Bakugo?

After letting that happen, he looked back to the class with the same unimpressed emotion on
his face.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just that your comments were so hurtful and breathtaking, that I needed
a moment to catch my breath. But now that I’ve done so, why don’t you continue to waste
yours?” Izuku was practically leaking sarcasm from his words and didn’t even try to look
sorry. Meanwhile, the kids looked just plain stupefied.

Sero and Kaibara laughed at that. "Damn!"

"Yeah! Don't let em get to you!" Mina cheered. Izuku was at a loss for words.

Sure, he would always give that same face that said he was unaffected, but he almost never
said anything back to them. But even then, it wasn’t anything along the lines of insulting
them back.


‘Here we go.’

Everyone threw a quick glare at Bakugo, already used to seeing this, unfortunately.

A hand slammed onto his desk that let out a small explosion at the same time; resulting in a
new scorch mark on his desk. Thankfully, Izuku had managed to grab his notebook out of the
way before it could be caught in the crossfire.

“Who the hell do you think you are to suddenly grow a damn spine, you fucking weakling!?
You seriously think that you can use the useless quirk of yours to be a hero!? Stop telling
jokes when you are one, dumbass!” Katsuki Bakugo relentlessly spewed even more insults
and threats to the other boy who barely batted an eye.

Toshinori frowned at that. Bakugo was rigid, wincing at his own words.

“I’ve always had a spine, Bakugo. I just don’t see the need to waste it on this class, especially
you.” It wasn’t normal for Izuku to take it this far. Usually, he would just ignore anything
and everything around him until they finally shut up and left him alone.

Guess even he was starting to get tired of it.

“Heh!? What, you think you’re some hot shit all the sudden!? Keep talking and you really
will be hot when I smoke your ass!” Using the hand that wasn’t still pressed on his desk,
Bakugo brought it close to Izuku before releasing a few pops as a way to intimidate the

He failed.

Todoroki's eyes narrowed. Bakugo reminded him a lot of Endeavor, but even he couldn't beat the
flame hero at that.

“Bakugo.” Izuku said the name with a hint of venom. But that wasn’t what shocked the class.
It was that the shorter boy hand raised his own hand to hold the blonde’s tightly; seemingly
unaffected by the small explosions that still went off before stopping when Izuku went to
speak again. “Using your quirk, even in school, without a hero license is against the law.
Please try to control yourself. Every hero knows that.” With the venom being paired with
mockery, the two boys met each other’s gazes.

For a moment, they simply stared at one another; waiting for something to happen or for
someone to make a move. For a bit, it looked like it was going to be Bakugo as he looked even
more pissed then before and raised his other hand off the desk to most likely attack with it.

"Holy shit..." Awase trailed off.

Yui regarded Bakugo with her piercing gaze, briefly wondering if she could get away with
punching him.


“Alright, you two! That’s enough!” The teacher that finally decided to do his job called out to
them just in the nick of time. Bakugo looked miffed, or course, but did smack Izuku’s arm
away and return to his desk; cursing all along the way.

After the class settles down and returned their attention to the teacher, Izuku looked down to
his hand. Over a majority of his fingers had burn marks and singed skin. There was even the
faint smell of burnt flesh coming from it.

Everyone winced at that. Even Bakugo flinched. Kirishima frowned at his friend.

Izuku merely blinked at the sight before hiding his hand in his pocket.

It was only a few seconds later that he pulled it back out to reveal not a trace of the injury.

"Woah what?! He can regenerate?" A few people yelled out.

"That was fast..." Tokage said with a bit of jealousy. Her own regeneration was very minor.

Besides the short confrontation, the day went on rather normally. Except for the occasional
time where Izuku would spot someone giving him a strange glance; probably thinking about
his earlier retaliation. It didn’t matter to him. All that mattered was that class just got over
and everyone was leaving.

The greenette wanted to leave but knew that it would only be after a confrontation if the boy
who crappily hid around the corner of the door meant anything.

"Really? You just don't give up do you?" Monoma snarled out.

It was in that moment when Izuku realized him, he felt the notebook in his grasp that was
about to be placed neatly in his backpack was swiped out of his grasp. Naturally taking a
look at his hand to see that it was indeed missing, he turned even further to spot the culprit.

Bakugo stood confident as ever with a scowl on his face and Izuku’s notebook held tightly in
his hand. On both his sides was another one of his classmates; also known as suck-ups just to
try and get a speck of tainted brightness that Bakugo has claimed himself to give.

“What? Did you actually think that this was over, Deku? I don’t know when the hell you
suddenly grew a pair, but you better knock it the fuck off.” The blond said in a calmer
manner; even if the anger in his eyes was more than apparent.

Todoroki's frown deepened.

“Watcha got there, man? His diary or some crap?” One of the other two kids said while
taking a peek at it. “Notes on how to be a hero? Hahaha, you’re kidding me!?”

“So, he does know that he’s pathetic!” The second boy said with dark humor before laughing
like the other.

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you scribbling in this all day like the twitchy fuck you are. If
you really have to take the time to take notes on how to be a hero, then you think that you
would figure out that you’re not cut out for it.” It was too easy for Bakugo to use words that
would break anyone’s spirit. He’s been doing it for years, after all.

However, the boy before him that still sat in his chair hardly seemed affected by his words
and looked to be more distracted by the notebook that he held in his hand.

He's not even paying attention... Kinoko thought with a bit of awe.

‘This should do the trick.’

At the thought, Bakugo pulled his free hand out of his pocket before sending it to the object
in his hand; explosions at the ready.


The blond was never able to do as he planned when Izuku launched out of his seat towards
him. In shocked reaction of the sudden movement, Bakugo flung the book behind him and
redirected his hand to aim for the greenette.

Again, his hand never met its target when Izuku rushed past him in a blur.

The shorter boy wasn’t out of Bakugo’s sight for a second before the blond spun to see
something truly bizarre.

Izuku was hanging out the window.

"Midoriya!" Everyone shrieked out in panic, startling the green haired boy.

One foot placed on the ledge while the other hung freely outside. One hand was latched
around the corner of the wall and just in the tips of his fingers in his other hand was the

Izuku had managed to catch it just before it fell to the ground below. Pulling himself back
with his arm, Izuku hopped down from the ledge and took a moment to brush off his
possession; his back turned to the surprised three.
"You could've been seriously injured!" Iida reprimanded.

"I think that one had it handled Iida..." Izuku chuckled nervously.

“Bakugo, there is nothing you can do to deter me. I’m assuming this is about me wanting to
go to UA, correct? Well guess what; I’m still going.” Even if Izuku was facing away from
them, they could easily hear the anger in his voice. “And there is nothing you can do to stop

Bakugo was livid for several reasons. First; Deku was talking back to him. Second; Deku
didn’t even seem fazed by him. Third; Deku.

Uraraka growled, and Izuku wisely reached for and squeezed her hand. No way he was letting her
attack Bakugo.

“Tch! I don’t even need to stop you! You’ll get your dumbass crushed in the entrance exams!
You’re nothing but a useless, weak, pathetic, little bug that anyone can crush! You’re
nothing!” Bakugo tried to think of anything to say that could get under the greenette’s skin.
He wanted to see him hurt. He wanted to see him cry. Then, a dark idea came to mind. And
Bakugo smiled. “But, since you sound so confident, why don’t I give you a bit of advice?”

“And what could you possibly have to tell me that is anything close to ‘advice’?” Izuku asked
while just barely turning his head for one eye to glare at the blond.

“If you really want to be a hero that fucking bad, then how about you just pray for a better
quirk in your next life after you take a swan-dive off the roof!” Bakugo both looked and
sounded like a maniac from the way he spouted the awful words. His eyes sadistically wide
and a wide grin on his face.

Quite a few people growled, turning to give the explosive boy a piece of their mind, but...

Before he could react, there was something else on his face.

Izuku’s fist.

"Hot damn!" Mina yelled out in shock.

With an impact that sounded more harder than what was expected, Bakugo was flung
backwards from the surprising amount of force. The blond landed with a painful grunt a few
desks back but continued to slide on the ground until his head was nearly out the still open

The throbbing sensation in Bakugo’s nose was something he’s never experienced before. He’s
been in many fights and knows what pain feels like, but never has he been hit like that in his
life. It was downright stunning to feel a warm liquid rush out of his nose not a moment later
after landing in the ground.

Serves him right. Uraraka thought viciously.

Straining a growl instead of shouting out in pain, Bakugo clutched his nose and sat up to look
furiously at the bastard that dared to punch him.
He almost gasped when he saw the sight.

Izuku looked more pissed than Bakugo has ever seen him. He knew it took a lot to get the
greenette mad, but this was on a whole other level. His lips were pulled into the biggest snarl
that showed his clenched teeth.

"T-that's really scary..." Kinoko and Toru whimpered out.

Even Toshinori had to resist his hero instincts. That was the look of a villain.

His eyes were wide with disbelief and anger as they glared daggers at the downed boy. If
looks could kill, then Izuku wouldn’t have needed to spin around and deck the blond straight
in the nose.

But out of all that, it was the large crack-like marks growing out of Izuku’s eyes that really
shocked Bakugo. What the hell were those? He’s never seen anything special regarding
Izuku’s mysterious quirk. Everyone just summed it up to be only the dumb glow-in-the-dark
pupils and void-like eyes.

Yet, there is was.

And that wasn’t all.

On the fist that was still extended, Bakugo could very clearly see the skin and flesh on his
knuckles looked as if it was peeled back to reveal the bones underneath. That was when he
realized why that punch hurt so damn much.

A few people felt like throwing up at the display. They were surprised it wasn't hurting the Izuku
on screen.

Izuku took the opportunity to jot down notes on what he was seeing.

The brief stare-off between the two didn’t last long before Izuku’s eyes shifted from fury to
match the look of the two other boys who stood frozen still; shocked.

The greenette shoved past of them and grabbed his backpack before slinging it over his
shoulder and jumping over Bakugo. In just a few seconds, the boy had dashed down the
hallway and out of sight.

As Bakugo fully sat upwards, he could only think one thing.

“What the fuck?”

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami admitted.

"'What the fuck?' seems to sum up this entire situation." Jirou admitted.


After the loud curse, there was the sound of thud.

Izuku stood in a quiet and isolated ally. Using the same fist that he had stupidly punched
Bakugo with, he had bashed it against the wall. After a moment of letting it sit there, a tiny
trail of blood leaked from his recovered knuckle. As the distressed boy watched it slowly drip
down the wall, he took deep and calming breaths. Almost as if the falling crimson was
hypnotizing, Izuku regained his composure; taking his fist from the brick wall and bringing
it close for him to inspect.

With eyes that no longer had the cracks forming around it, he saw the scraped skin that was
covered in blood. It was nothing new to him.

"Right... regeneration." Rin recalled.

"Obviously there's more to it. Some type of diverse transformation. We have the eyes, and he was
definitely the cause of the monstrous screech and damage..." Tsuburaba scratched his chin.

Izuku was more distracted by the fact that he had slipped up. He didn’t mean to punch
Bakugo. He didn’t even want to, but his quirk had other ideas.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he looked back to his hand. For a second time that day, it
was unscathed.

Deeply inhaling and exhaling, the greenette turned and walked out the ally.

Making it to the open sidewalk it was connected to, Izuku found that he was in a more out-of-
the-way part of town compared to the route he usually takes. Meaning he had a longer walk
to take if he wants to get home.

Guess that’s what he deserves for running away blindly.

He was familiar with the place enough to know where to go, it just meant that he needed to
take more alleyways if he decided that shortcuts were an option. Coming to a conclusion that
they were, Izuku started his journey home.

And just like that, he became one with the crowd. Walking alongside them as them he really
was just another regular teenage boy. He breathed like them, thought like them, ate like
them, and looked like them. Despite his unique eyes. Then again, a large portion of the people
had physical properties that made them stand out, so Izuku really did look normal.

"Yeah. You're kinda plain looking Deku." Uraraka chuckled, then realized what she'd said.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way! You may be plain but you're also cute and smart and-" Uraraka
choked as she realized what she said, Mina and Toru nearly squealing at that.

"Bw- huh? Cute? I uh-" Deku startled.

"Both of you settle down now, you're causing a ruckus." Iida said, channeling his class president

Izuku sighed, thankful for the save.

The thought was almost humorous that nobody suspected a thing.

Not a single soul even had a clue as to what lay underneath Izuku’s skin.
Even the boy himself wasn’t sure.

Coming to the entrance of another ally, Izuku turned into it and crossed into walkway where
the only occupant was the green-haired boy.

“I thought I’ve gotten to the point where even Bakugo can’t hurt me anymore. But then
again, he’s never told me to kill myself before. That idiot.” Izuku said his thoughts out loud
as he neared an underpass; ignoring the more frequent twitches of his arm. “I would like to
hope that by punching him he would back off a little, but knowing him…” He trailed off on
the last sentence as it was clear as day how the blond would react the next time they meet.

He was approaching the underpass now. Izuku continued to ignore the twitches that were
becoming more of jerks as his arm looked like he was doing some very strange things in his

Izuku tensed up. "That's where the sludge villain attacked!" Toshinori exclaimed.

They looked on in worry for the alternate Izuku.

On the very first step of going in, his left arm shot out from his pants where another sound of
a thud followed. This time, there were noises of cracks and broken concrete mixed along with
it. Spinning his head to see what happened, Izuku saw just what had caused the sound.

His hand was embedded into the wall.

"Ouch." Sero winced.

"Yeah uh, what?" Awase said in confusion.

For a moment, he looked at it shocked. The tips of his fingers no longer had skin or flesh as
his exposed distal phalanges were dug deep into the concrete. Where his bones have
penetrated the wall, small cracks had etched in around it. Then, the boy’s expression turned
into that of annoyance.

“Why are you the way that you are?” Izuku’s asked as if he were talking to a questionable
friend who just did something stupid. “I don’t understand why you can’t just be normal.” He
said while placing a foot against the wall and using his other hand to grab onto his stuck
wrist. After a particularly hard yank, all five of his fingers were freed.

Izuku frantically jotted down notes, picking up all he could about the other Izuku's quirk.

It was merely a quick shake of his hand before the exposed parts were recovered by
everything that was supposed to be there; flesh, blood, nerves, and skin. Deciding to walk in
the middle of the tunnel and away from the walls as to prevent another spaz of his quirk, he
continued forward.

Half-way there and nothing has happened so far.


"Not for long." Tsuyu predicted.

Taking what should have been another step, Izuku heard possibly one of the most disgusting
moist sounds in his life when he set down his left foot. Other than inwardly shivering and
taking the initiative to not look at whatever he stepped in, he moved on without stopping.

Only, he couldn’t.

After nearly falling from his left foot not being there to move forward, Izuku whipped his
head to his side and downwards to glare at whatever nasty substance some asshole just
dumped here.

"Pfft!" Uraraka chuckled.

"Yeah that's pretty disgusting." Tetsu tetsu admitted.

“Eeooh, that’s not normal.”

The thick liquid that was stuck to the bottom of his shoe just so happened to be a near pitch-
black green; raising the amount of grossness. Giving a stronger tug, he found that he was
actually stuck.

After a grueling discovery, Izuku saw that it was actually moving up his foot. Kicking it into
double-time, he kicked his leg in different directions to try and find leverage. But no matter
what, his leg would not shift an inch as the slime was now up covering his ankle.

It was then that Izuku saw exactly where the sludge was coming form. From the sewage lid
he was standing on, the slime was pouring through the small holes.

Izuku sucked in a deep breath. His classmates frowned and glared at the villain.

“Damnit! Get off me!” This time, he tried twisting and jumping away, but to no avail.

“I don’t think I will.”

A chill ran down Izuku’s spine when a gargled voice responded to his demand. With wide
eyes, he looked back down to the lid just in time to see two large eyes slither through the holes
and peer menacingly at him.


"Yeah uh... fuck that." Kaibara shivered.

"Quite." Monoma agreed.




The moment that Izuku used his free foot to stomp it down on one of the eyes, the slime
retracted just enough for him to pull free and rush down the other end of the underpass. If
that was any bigger indication that the slob with eyes was a villain, then Izuku didn’t know
what was.

"Serves you right!"

"Now run!"

While he didn’t consider himself to be weak, he was still far too young and inexperienced to
ensure that there wouldn’t be a risk of serious injuries. To the villain anyway.

Izuku was just about to make it to the other end where there was a very short distance away
from a main sidewalk where he would be able to call for help from a hero.

“And just where do you think you’re going!?”

Everyone cursed, annoyed that Izuku's plan had failed.

Izuku cursed to himself as the plan was no longer an option when the slime villain shot past
him and spreading out to his full size; completely taking any means of escape. The thing was
much bigger than Izuku initially thought. It easily filled out the area of the underpass and
very well could easily use itself to engulf several people.

He could also see that it just didn’t have eyes but also a large mouth with ugly teeth.

Before Izuku could answer; not that he was going to anyway, a tendril shot out from the mass
of goo that was heading straight for him. Without a second to spare, the target of the tendril
just barely dodged to the right. He heard a grunt of irritation from the villain before it shot
out another limb of slime before Izuku even had time to stop his previous dodge.

Using his surroundings, Izuku kicked off the wall that he was close enough to, allowing him
to safely evade the goo that splat on the spot he was just in not moments ago.

"Nice!" Kendo complimented.

"Where's All Might though?" Izuku asked.

"Huh? All Might?" Iida asked him.

It would have been a perfect dodge if it weren’t in fact a trap.

Much to his surprised annoyance, a third tendril swiped towards him at a low angle. It made
a direct contact with his left leg that instantly tripped the boy into making him fall harshly to
the ground on his back.

"Aw crap! That's so unmanly!" Tetsu tetsu and Kirishima yelled out.

Ignoring the pain as he always did, Izuku attempted to pull away from the grasp that was
inevitably on his leg. He didn’t so much as move an inch before he felt himself being quickly
dragged along the dirty ground toward the scowling ball of slime.

The closer he got, the more that scowl turned into an evil grin.

“Hehehehe, I would love to play tag with you for a little bit longer, but I’m in quite the hurry.
So, why don’t you just do me a favor and quit struggling? Huh!?” Just as he finished talking,
the villain felt great resistance with the boy.

Looking again, he saw that the greenette looked to have his hand dug deeply into the ground.

"Guess even an awesome quirk like that doesn't help." Kaminari pouted.

"He's still alive..." Ojiro defended.

“If you think I’m just gonna let you do whatever the hell it is you want with me, then you’re
sorely mistaken!” Izuku tightened his grip; the ends of his exposed bone fingers latching into
the concrete just as it had done before.

Because of that, confusion was mixed in with his emotions as he felt the ground rumble
slightly beneath him.

“Curse you brat! I’ve already wasted enough time- “


Due to the odd angle Izuku was laying in, it took him a moment to turn himself just in time to
see the sewage lid fall to the ground. The cracks that were on the ceiling indicated that it had
smashed against it.

"Holy crap!" Sato yelled out.

"I'm guessing this is All Might." Iida assumed.

But what was it that had caused it to fly off like that?


Everyone gasped out, some turning to look back at Toshinori, who was sighing in peace.

Before Izuku’s very eyes, All Might stepped out from the manhole. A man of great important
and symbolization stood proud and strong on the other side of the underpass; the light from
behind him making the hero look even more astonishing.

The villain didn’t seem to think the same thing.


"Sludge bastard is dead." Bakugo sneered with confidence.

Almost immediately, a limb of sludge shot over Izuku’s head and at the hero. Unlike the
greenette, it was dodged with hardly any effort. Before the villain could even react to the
failed attempt, All Might blasted off from his spot and charged the ball of slime.

Another gooey attack was sent to intercept the hero.

An attack that will be overshadowed momentarily.

"Yeah get him All Might!"

In a booming voice, All Might called out one of his signature moves and threw a punch.

His fist met nothing but air.

And that air became a weapon.

As if standing in the middle of a storm, magnificent winds rushed down the enclosed space
and towards the two on the other end of it.

Everyone gawked in shock, at a loss for words at the sheer force that was All Might.

Izuku felt it hit him first as he as closer. Thankfully, due to his angled position, the winds
mostly blew over the top of his body. But that didn’t mean he didn’t feel the blast as his hold
on the ground was nearly released and flown backwards. Izuku quickly put his head down
with his other arm to protect himself.

About just as the counterattack started, the boy felt the hold on his foot vanish and the
gargled yells of the villain behind him came soon after. In the midst of the gust, there was the
sickening noise of the sludge spreading and hitting the walls all around him; ending the
villain’s cries.

The wind died down.

Along with it came the defeat of the sludge villain.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered, happy the villain was defeated.

Izuku slowly raised his head from the ground to look behind him. Indeed, the walls, floor,
even the ceiling was covered with the same green goo. Despite the fact that it was rather gross
and that the slime was most likely trying to kill him just a minute ago, it was an amazing

Remembering just exactly who it was that made such a scene, Izuku whipped his head back
around to face a large pair of shoes.

“HELLO DOWN THERE.” The voice that originated above him called down with care.
Looking up, the boy saw the #1 hero was standing right in front of him. “I APOLOGIZE
SYSTEMS WERE SO HARD TO NAVIGATE?” In an instant, Izuku shot up from the

"Can you get any louder?" Shinso winced, Monoma snorted.

“Ohnonono, All Might. I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize or anything.” The much smaller
boy said while waving his arms around. He may not have been quite the same overly excited
fanboy as he once was, but it was still exciting to see and have All Might in his presence;
considering that he was still Izuku’s favorite hero.

"I'll say, he's not my idol, but even so... he's the symbol of peace." Kirishima admitted.

Many nodded in agreement.

The muscly adult seemed to process his words for a short moment before giving a strange
look to his hand.

“UURRM. THAT DOESN’T LOOK ‘FINE’.” At the hero’s words, Izuku looked to his hand
to see that the tips of his bones were still exposed for the world to see. As soon as he realized
this, he gave a sharp yelp before flinging his hand behind his back.

“Oh! That? T-that’s just my… quirk. It doesn’t hurt, I swear.” After the mention of his
quirk, Izuku managed to calm himself although he was still slightly nervous.

greenette could see that his worry was genuine. It felt nice.

"Aww" Uraraka giggled.

"How can someone be so... nice?" Shoda asked in disbelief.

“Yes, All Might. See?” Izuku pulled out his hand and showed it to the man who looked
curious. It was completely normal. No bones, no red flesh, just normal skin. All Might leaned
in a little closer with an impressed look as he rubbed his chin with one hand.

“HMM, THAT’S A NEAT QUIRK YOU HAVE THERE.” Izuku grew a barely noticeable
blush at the compliment that he wasn’t used to as he turned away while rubbing the back of
his head with his other hand.

“Really? That’s nothing much compared to what I can actually do, but if you say so."

“YOU MEAN THAT YOU CAN DO MORE?” At the question, Izuku tensed.

‘Crap, I wasn’t supposed to say that.’

"Whoops..." Izuku chuckled.

“Uuhhh, I’m not really… comfortable… talking about it.” With the hand that he was
presenting to the hero, he brough it back and held it close to his chest; changing his gaze to
the ground in front of him.

sentence, All Might gave a confident thumbs up. It really did feel nice to be given this much

"Guess you need some more compliments don't you... hmm, how about handsome?" Tokage

"I- uh... well, huh?" Izuku said.

Truly wise words.

Even though in reality, Izuku was certain that it would be All Might who wouldn’t be
comfortable after learning of his quirk.

"I will admit, I would initially be put off, but I wouldn't judge you for it." Toshinori smiled at

“Thanks. That means a lot.” But even so, he felt the same. “Do… do you want help… picking
up all this slime?” After a brief pause, Izuku offered his assistance to the hero; seeing as the
villain was sort of… all over the place.

“NO NEED, MY BOY.” With just those four words, All Might was gone. Not even in a blur,
just gone. The split-second that it took Izuku to process that, he once more felt a gust of wind
overcome him as he needed to shield himself with his arms and close his eyes.

"So fast!" Iida remarked.

"Yeah it was like a blur!" Pony cheered.

After feeling it subside, he opened his eyes to see All Might standing before him again. In
both hands, he held two soda bottles that contained the villain as the boy saw the floating eye
in one of them.

“TA DA.”

"Well... I'll admit you do tide and efficient work, but you could use more work with your teaching
skills." Nezu admitted.

“Wow.” At Izuku’s reaction, All Might gave a hearty laugh. The smaller of the two was just
on the verge of maybe joining in but was stopped short when the hero fell into a bout of
coughing. “All Might! Are you alright!?”

HAHAHAHA.” Again, Izuku couldn’t help the fact that he was talking to the Symbol of
Peace, so he took his word for it. “BUT I REALLY MUST GO. THIS VILLAIN WON’T

“Right. Well, thanks for saving me.” In his final words, Izuku gave a wave to the hero walked
out from underneath the underpass and crouched down low.

“ALL IN A DAY’S WORK. SEE YA AROUND!” In that last part, All Might shouted as he
rocketed off the ground and into the sky.

"Big leaps." Tsuyu simply said, a bit of awe in her tone.

Izuku watched him go.

His eyes following the figure of the man getting smaller and smaller before disappearing
behind the horizon of tall buildings. It was a sight to see. And an experience he’ll forever

"I'll bet. You almost died and then got personally saved by the symbol of peace!" Sero grinned.

"Yeah... but I don't think he really needed the help..." Izuku admitted as he watched the screen.

The thought of maybe seeing if he could get an autograph crossed his mind during the
interaction, but he decided against it. The conversation that followed instead was worth it to

Honestly, this was the first time in a while that he’s felt this kind of pure joy. A smile placed
itself firmly on his usually neutral expression.

"Aha!" Mina exclaimed. Everyone grinned, Izuku's smile simply being too infectious.

Too bad things never last.

The smile slipped away as the thought crept into his mind.


“Really… thank you, All Might. If you hadn’t saved me… I don’t think I would have been
able to control myself.”

"Wh-what?" Kinoko asked.

Izuku’s entire body burst into a jolt of twitches and jerks after letting go of the strain he’s
been holding the entire time. But as soon as it came, it was gone.

"Woah wait, what's happening?" Mineta asked, looking around.

The greenette stood there for a minute; both hands clamping the middle of his uniform while
breathing heavily. After a few practices, his breathes slowed and his heart calmed.

The cracks that forced themselves around his eyes slowly subsided back into his voids.

Everyone watched on as the Izuku on screen calmed himself down.

“He…hehehehe…hahahahahahaha……… not this time.”

The screen shut off, and the students were left to stew on that ending.

"So... he would've killed that villain if All Might hadn't stepped in?" Tetsu tetsu asked, catching on.

"It seems that way. He didn't look particularly worried about the situation. He seemed more...
annoyed?" Izuku mused.

"Gotta say, seems weird and creepy to see you with actual hatred written all over your face..." Jirou
said nervously.

"Like a well honed blade." Nezu compared.

"Well, if you would Young Hatsume." Toshinori said, nodding at her.

"Oh right. Yep, last one for today!"

A few people groaned, and Mei hit play.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

I've been extremely distraught with lots of things today but it's no worries.

I think this might've been the longest chapter so far.

Universe 15
Chapter Summary

I'm alive! Sorry, life stuff came and hit me. Also i got lazy. Anyways yeah enjoy
villain izuku at the raid.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

My whole body is screaming at me, but... I can move!

"Kendo?" Tetsu tetsu asked, recognizing the voice.

My arms and legs are aching, and I can't keep this up for long... but I can still move...

The screen showed Kendo, in her hero costume with orange lightning running around her.

"Woah! Don't tell me..." Kirishima trailed off.

That's One for All! Izuku and Toshinori thought.

One for All... 20%!

Kendo yelled out in her head, glaring ahead as she took a stance, the ground cracking under
her due to the power.

Everyone looked on in awe.

"That's a whole fifth of All Might's power." Tokage said smugly, happy with her friend.

"Wonder who she's fighting." Sero said.

"Of course Kendo would be worthy. Us 1B studen-" Monoma was cut off by Kendo's glare.

I have to hold on, a little longer... Kendo thought as the screen changed to show a deformed
Overhaul with four arms. He's not gonna back down... he'll die before giving Eri up. I need to
stall for time... Nighteye and Lemillion are down, I just have to hold out. she growled as she
leapt upwards, avoiding his deadly hands.

Mirio tensed up at that. Nighteye had told him about Overhaul.

It was one of their current cases.

"Wait... that's the guy who kidnapped the other Izuku! Eri was in it too!" Hatsume said. She
remembered the inventor being kidnapped.

"I guess Izuku's quirkless here too?"

"Could this be a continuation?"

"It's possible..."

Kendo thought back to Izuku, remembering what he'd said.

"Nighteye may have a quirk that decides the future, but I don't believe in it." Izuku said
dryly, staring at Kendo with those intelligent eyes of his. She could never really figure him

He always seems on guard, always analyzing, but she's caught brief instances where his eyes
flit with fear, with worry. Like a cry for help. Kendo was brought out of her thoughts as
Izuku continued. "My dad said, that the only future we should believe in is the one we aspire
to make. So that's what I trust in more than some quirk."

Izuku's right. Kendo thought. "It doesn't matter if the future's already been decided. I don't
care if it's been set in stone, because I'll shatter that future!" Kendo declared.

Everyone was on her every word. Toshinori and Mirio knew what that was about more than

Kendo smiled at her other self, and looked back at Izuku, happy that his other self had inspired the
other Kendo.

"You little brat!" Overhaul snarled as he placed his hands on the ground, reassembling them
into tendrils that nearly killed Kendo. She ducked and weaved in between them, a few of
them barely nicking her.

"Aw, watch out Kendo!" Kinoko cried in worry.

The majority of 1B was tense as they watched the big sister fight a deadly villain.

His attacks are fairly simple to predict, and I'm fast enough to dodge them, but my control over
One for All is lacking. I can't dodge forever, Kendo thought.

Kendo leapt over a spike and Overhaul's outstretch arm, kicking off of the villain's head and
jumping upwards towards the ceiling.

Big Fist is more counterproductive here, it makes me a bigger target, but... that's what 20% is
for! No matter what attack I land, with this added strength I can take him out! Kendo landed on
the ceiling, angling herself just right.

Just have to land one blow! Kendo yelled in her head as she enlarged her fists, pushing herself
off the ceiling and flying down rapidly towards Chisaki.

One strike to the head!

Everyone watched on with their breaths held, anxious about the battle.

Overhaul looked up just in time to see Kendo reorient herself, bringing her foot down on his
head in a devastating axe kick.

"Manchester Smash!" she yelled as the surrounding area was blown away from the force of
the blow.
"Yeah!" A lot of the students cheered.

"She's pretty good!" Nejire complimented, and Mirio chuckled in agreement.

Izuku was mumbling on how she'd used her quirk, gathering intel on Overhaul's fighting style and
mannerisms. Yui glanced at him, wondering what he was writing, before deciding she could just
ask to read it later.

"In midair... you're painfully easy to predict!" Overhaul yelled out as he made more spikes,
Kendo barely managing to enlarge her hands as the spikes crashed into her.

She yelled out in pain, flying backwards and shrinking her now bleeding hands.

I would've been skewered if the ground hadn't been cracked into pieces earlier Kendo
shuddered at the thought. Where are the others...

Kendo was distraught and barely noticed as Overhaul taunted Eri, bringing her back into
the mess of a large room.

"No! What are you doing? Run away!" Pony yelled out.

"Aw crap this isn't looking good!" Awase fretted.

"Eri..." Izuku frowned at the sight of the child. He didn't like seeing her look so sad.

"Do you really believe this girl can save you Eri?" Overhaul asked. "...No" Eri admitted.
Kendo's mouth opened a bit in shock, that comment stung.

"Yeah... ouch." Tokage winced.

Kendo watched on, a bit disappointed she wasn't enough.

Eri hesitantly bargained for their safety if she came back, but Kendo cut her off as she got
back onto her feet, shaking in pain. She thought back on what Izuku had said after the hero
killer incident.

"Aw... your little hero." Tokage teased.

"Shut up!" Kendo yelled a bit, blushing.

Monoma chuckled at their antics.

"Some people don't want to be saved... even if they need to. I'll never back away from
someone who's crying out for help, even if they won't admit it." Izuku said, looking at his

She'll remember the next words he said, as clear as anything.

"A hero's job, is to save others. Even if you have to butt into other people's business to do it."

That thought rang out in Kendo as she grit her teeth, pulling out a spike from her wrist.
"Maybe what he said is true, maybe you don't think you want my help..." Kendo coughed
out, looking at Eri with intent.
"Woah... you've got that Midoriya look in your eyes." Awase noted.

"Bw- huh?" Kendo and Izuku asked, startled.

"Y'know... the uh..." Awase trailed off, at a loss for words.

"Conviction!" Mirio yelled out.

"Determination." Toshinori helpfully supplied.

"Yeah, that." Awase agreed.

"You continue to be an inspiration onto your peers, Mr. Midoriya." Nezu complimented with a
small smile.

"but... I won't let you down!" she yelled out, glaring at Overhaul as she crushed the spike in
her big fist. "I'm going to save you!" she declared.

"Yeah!!" Everyone cheered out, moved by her determination. Kendo nodded in agreement with her
alternate self.

Kendo was cut off from her rant as Overhaul suddenly lashed out, grabbing onto... Izuku!


"Dang it, that villain noticed him."

Izuku had been trying to sneak up on Overhaul, but he'd been discovered, and now he was
being held up by the villain.

"Now... be a good little hero and hand Eri over to me, or your friend dies." Overhaul said
smugly, believing he'd won. He'd skewer these two after Eri was in position.

Izuku looked around, seeming utterly unphased at what was going on despite being so close
to imminent death. His eyes gleamed with something sinister as he caught sight of Eri.

"Okay what?"


"Hold on, that might not be Izuku then..."

"So you're Eri huh? I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting, although Lemillion did
mention you after that run in the other day. My name's Izuku!" Izuku cheerfully greeted the
girl, taking pride in both Kendo and Overhaul's stupefied faces.

"I'm not liking where this is going..." Kinoko whispered, leaning back in her seat.

Overhaul growled, his eyes turning lethal. "I said give Eri back or your teammate dies!" he

"Huh?" Izuku asked.

Overhaul turned his head to glare at Midoriya.

Izuku chuckled. "Oh that's right, that's the lie you all believed..."

Overhaul's eyes changed from hatred to pure fear and realization as Midoriya placed a hand
on Chisaki's wrist, staring at him with his dead eyes.

"I'm not with the heroes."

Kendo merely managed to gasp before Izuku activated his quirk, instantly killing Overhaul.

One for All's sparks went off as Kendo let the quirk go in shock, staring at the red mist that
used to be the villain.

"Wh- what?" Uraraka whimpered out.

Everyone's jaws had dropped from the sudden change of events.

But... he's a hero... isn't he? Izuku thought.

"I-Izu-" Kendo's stutter was cut off as the ground under Eri was shot forward, Midoriya
catching the girl in midair. "It's ok now Eri. He won't hurt you anymore, but I can't allow
her to take you either." Midoriya said, trying to comfort the girl.

Wh-what? Why did he kill him?

What's going on? How-

"Why?" She managed to choke out, because this wasn't Midoriya anymore. His eyes were too
focused and had a certain rage to them that used to hide in the background. He had shown
his true colors.

"But... he's a hero?" Pony trembled out, confused.

Kendo's heart fell a bit, realizing that the other Izuku, the one the other Kendo looked up to, was a

"Himiko, I have Eri. Overhaul's dead too. I'm just going to wrap a few things up here."
Izuku informed, tapping his finger to his ear. Kendo was trying to push down the flurry of
feelings that were surging through her. She glared at him, steeling her nerves. Izuku smiled
as his girlfriend cheered in his ear.

"Wait... girlfriend?" Mineta asked.

"Little traitor is in kahoots with the bloodsucker" Bakugo growled.

Izuku tensed at the tone. He was upset he'd turned out this way.

"That's... that's his quirk." Kendo stated. Izuku snickered, cat out of the bag. "Yep. I had the
misfortune of meeting him a while back. My father gave me his quirk. But little Eri gave it
back, even if it was unwillingly. So there were indeed two of the same quirk's, well... not
anymore. Honestly surprised he didn't recognize me sooner." Izuku explained, throwing a
glance at the red mist in disgust."

"All for One..." Toshinori solemnly said.

Nezu frowned, making note of this turn if events.

"But... where's everyone else? Where's sir?" Mirio asked hesitantly, the smile on his face briefly
dropping in worry.

"I... I don't get it. Why?!" Kendo yelled out, already making plans to try and stall for time.
"Simple. Because this world is flawed. I want to make a new world, because this one is
already broken. People worshipping strong quirks and heroes... unable to make anything
more of themselves simply because they got the short end of the quirk gene pool... it's
disgusting." Izuku growled out, face twisting in disgust as he thought back to a certain
childhood friend of his.

He'd be sure to make his death extremely painful.

Bakugo tensed up at the prospect of a fight. Kirishima nudged him to get his mind off of it.

So this Izuku had the ability to disassemble and reassemble anything he touches with his hands...
and Overhaul has that too. That's a very dangerous villain to fight. Izuku thought, thinking of ways
to counteract such a quirk.

"I don't get it! Why? You wanted to be a hero didn't you? We were all on the same side!"
Kendo choked out. Izuku laughed at that.

A grunt from the side distracted them, and Izuku chuckled as he noticed Nighteye slumped
down, a broken spike through the chest.

"Sir!" Mirio cried out.

"Nighteye..." Izuku paled at the state All Might's sidekick was in.

"Oh now that's just precious, look at the wounded sidekick, trying to make a difference. Oh,
and for your information, Itsuka..."

Kendo tensed up as Izuku knelt, his exposed hand touching the ground.

"I was never on your side"

The ground disassembled instantly, reassembling into large tendrils that almost skewered
Kendo if she hadn't slammed her big fists together with One for All, the resulting shockwave
being enough to break the spikes.

Before Izuku could reassemble the ground, Kendo fired off a finger flick at 100%, causing his
left arm to be completely obliterated as he barely dodged.

"C'mon! Get him!"

"Kick his ass!"

"Don't lose!"

Izuku quickly reassembled his arm, ducking underneath Kendo's swing and reaching out to
grab her, only for her to leap away. I need to end this fast, but she's too much of a hassle...
Without warning, Izuku turned towards Eri and Kendo ran forward, aware of what he was
going to do. Before anything could happen however, the ceiling caved in as Ryukyu, Uraraka
and Tsuyu barged in atop a knocked out Rikiya.


In the distraction, Midoriya reacted and quickly reassembled the ground into spikes,
skewering Kendo through the chest just like Overhaul had done to Nighteye. She could only
choke out a grunt as her senses were briefly overloaded with pain.

"Kendo!" Nearly everyone yelled out.

"Overhaul... did the same thing to Sir..." Mirio asked in fear. He's going to die?

Tamaki placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. "That won't happen. We won't allow it to."

All Might nodded in agreement. I won't allow you to die Mirai...

Ryukyu acted on instinct, blowing Midoriya away with the force of her wings as Tsuyu
quickly snatched Eri up. Uraraka fumbled in disbelief, trying to understand what happened.

"He's with the villains!"

Izuku growled, reassembling himself along with Rikiya. Tears slipped from Eri's eyes as
Kendo placed a hand on her head to comfort her. "Hey... Uraraka. I have a favor to ask."
Kendo coughed out.

Uraraka looked at Kendo with worry. "You're not going to die!" she declared. "I need you to
give this to All Might. He'll know what to do." Kendo continued, plucking out a few strands
of her hair and shoving it into Uraraka's hands. "Wh-"

"Don't argue. This is really important so please, just get it to All Might." Kendo strained out.
Her vision was getting blurrier. "Sorry. Tried my best to protect you." Kendo told Eri sadly.

Quite a few students were weeping now. This was a bad scenario to be in.

"I don't want anyone else to die..." Eri cried out, tears falling as she clutched Kendo's hand,
her horn beginning to glow. "Please... live!" Eri declared as her horn began to glow brighter
and brighter, excess energy leaking out from it.

"Woah is that her quirk?"

"Is she a healer?"

"C'mon! You can do it!"

Uraraka gasped as Kendo's injuries seemed to be reverting, The spike was pushed out of
Kendo's chest as it reverted back to normal. Kendo's eyes widened as she realized she was
uninjured now.

"Yeah!!!" Everyone cheered out.

"Is this... your power?" Kendo wondered out loud, before flinching as previous injuries
began to appear and disappear again. She's... rewinding me? So that's it... Kendo thought as
she grit her teeth, glancing at Izuku as he tried to snag Tsuyu and Ryukyu.

"Rewind? That's an incredible power..." Izuku said in awe.

"Yeah holy crap. She could rewind-" Bakugo tensed up, swerving to look back at All Might. "She
could rewind you!"

All Might tensed at that. "She could... but she doesn't have control over her quirk from what I'm
seeing. We can save this discussion for after we've saved her."

Izuku growled as he realized Eri had started to use her quirk. He yelled out, erecting massive
walls that pushed the heroines back. Kendo stood up, One for All sparking up again as she
held Eri on her back, tying Eri to her with Mirio's torn cape. Plus Ultra...

Izuku tensed up as he realized what she was about to do. Music began to kick in as Uraraka
backed away, energy crackling like crazy around Kendo.

"Oh shit..." Monoma said.

"Get him!" Awase yelled.

"This music is pretty kick ass." Jirou nodded in appreciation.

One for All...

Full Cowling...


All Might and Izuku's eyes nearly bulged at that. "She's using 100%!" Tokage nearly yelled out.

"Wait so is she as strong as All Might now?" Nejire wondered.

"Not quite. One for All gets stronger as it is passed on over time. I imagine she's even stronger than
me." All Might said, much to the awe of the students.

"But... won't she be broken? Deku kept breaking himself using 100%..." Uraraka worried.

"She's using Eri's quirk to her advantage, continuously breaking and rewinding herself. It's really
impressive!" Izuku said, looking at Kendo with admiration and respect.

Kendo blushed, coughing into her fist as she hurriedly looked back at the screen.

Izuku got bigger as he reassembled more and more, throwing more tendrils at her. In a blur
of movement, she disappeared, and Izuku tensed up as he saw her right underneath him. She
enlarged her fist, the added power of One for All crackling around her as she swung with all
her might.


With the force of a meteor, Izuku was blown upwards and away, right out of the room, the
surrounding area shattering around them due to the sheer force of the impact. Izuku cried
out in pain. That was much stronger than he'd expected. Of course... Kendo's big fists act as
strength amplifiers to them... so with One for All... it'd be even stronger. Izuku realized,
coughing up some blood and reassembling himself as he began to fall.

"Yeah big fist can handle One for All much easier, but only in the hands. Not to mention your quirk
already adds onto your strength in those hands. Your fists are basically mini meteors right now..."
Izuku noted, taking notes on that.

Kendo leapt out of the hole, kicking Midoriya upwards and wincing at the same time. Eri's
quirk is getting stronger... I have to end this fast! Izuku noticed her pained expression. "She's
getting stronger isn't she? Why don't you just hand Eri over? I'm the only one who can shut
her down now.

"Like hell I will!" Kendo declared, speeding forward as she kicked him back up into the air.
Izuku reassembled himself, turning his limbs into giant arms as he reached for her. She
dodged, clapping her hands together and nearly shattering him with the force of the blow.
The windows in the area shattered from the shockwave.

"Holy crap..."

"She's strong..."

"I don't want to get neck chopped anymore..."

"Then behave."

"I looked up to you... I wanted to be like you!" Kendo yelled out, tears threatening to leak
from her eyes as she jumped over Izuku's outstretched arm, cocking her own fist back.


With that, Kendo swung her fist, and Izuku's eyes widened in fear as nearly a dozen flaming
fists suddenly covered his vision. He grunted in fear, twisting as the seemingly laser like fists
passed through him. He tensed as nothing happened, but then a moment later he was blown
back as the blows caught up to him one by one, literally obliterating chunks out of him and
punching holes throughout his body.

"Holy shit!"

"She punched right through him!"

"That's so badass!"

Izuku watched on in awe. This is the power that awaits me once I master One for All...

Izuku looked up as his reassembled flesh blew away like dust, his eyes shrouded in fear as
Kendo flew over him, shrouded in darkness with glowing energy crackling around her.

"But Itsuka... I'm already proud of you." Izuku suddenly said with a smile, throwing her off.
Kendo yelped, almost caught off guard as she jumped over Izuku's hands.

"I'm not gonna fall for your words anymore!" she yelled out, throwing one last punch at him
and enlarging her fist at the last second.
The impact was strong enough to let loose a sonic boom, driving Izuku down into the ground
below so hard he nearly exploded on impact, causing another shockwave in it's stead. Izuku
passed out, barely having been able to reassemble himself back to normal before he died. He
left Rikiya as chunks, too tired to heal him.

"Is it over?"

"Yeah it's over!"

Everyone cheered at that.

"Gotta admit. He's tough if he was able to go up against 100% for that long."

"There are many factors at play though... for one, this should be her first time using 100% with
full cowling. Two, she wasn't trying to kill other me, and she was just shaving away at me before
delivering the final hit. I don't think that had to do with my toughness. I would've definitely died if
she'd landed a direct 100% to my face-" Izuku was cut off from his mumbling as Iida poked his

"None of that now! The video is nearly over!" Iida declared. Izuku chuckled, looking back at the

Bakugo and Todoroki's eyes were narrowed. So that's the top... that's what I have to surpass! they
both thought.

Kendo keeled over as Eri's power began to get stronger. Uraraka floated out with Nighteye,
Tsuyu and Eraserhead.

"Sir..." Mirio choked out, in shock at the sight of his mentor.

All Might clenched his fists as he saw how grievously wounded his old friend was.

Aizawa moved Tsuyu's hand from his eyes, using his quirk and causing both Kendo and Eri
to pass out as their massive energy's were suddenly cut off.

With that... the battle was over. Tsuyu and Uraraka moved to apprehend the unconscious
Midoriya, but before they could...

A warp gate opened up under Izuku, and he fell through, landing in Kurogiri's grasp.

"You did your best, Izuku Midoriya. Don't worry, I won't discard you." the warp villain
comforted the unconscious Izuku.

Toga had hurried over, already busy cleaning up Izuku's wound.

"If you ask me, I'd say you looked pretty cute, and atleast this mission wasn't a total bust..."
Toga trailed off, glancing distastefully at Lemillion's unconscious body tied to a chair.

"Mirio!" Nearly everyone yelled out.

The screen shut off, and everyone simply let all the action set in.

"Kind of idiotic..." Bakugo grumbled.

"Huh?" Izuku asked.

"You had the girl who could rewind big hands over here from the brink of death, and yet our
teacher erased her power before she could rewind All Might's shitty sidekick!" Bakugo barked out
as if they were idiots.

Everyone's eyes widened in realization. Some smacked their heads.

"That's... a really good point." All Might simply said.

"I hope he's ok..." Kendo looked at the black screen in worry. She glanced back at Izuku, who gave
her a timid smile. He'd understand if she was wary of him now due to what they saw.

To his surprise, she gave him a smile. His smile turned warmer at the fact he wasn't being seen as a
villain by her.

"Well now... I believe that is enough for today. This session has been quite informative." Nezu
said. Already he was formulating countless strategies and scenarios with the information he'd seen.
The girl and her quirk, Nighteye's death, the full extent of One for All's max power, and more.

He dismissed the class, and they were off to the dorms.

Izuku was tapped on his shoulder and turned to look at Yui, who was staring at him expectantly.

"O-oh... yeah." Izuku remembered.

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter is the date oh fuck i suck at romance LMAO

Broccoli's First Date
Chapter Summary

Izuku gets a date with Yui? Romance is not my forte, but i tried.

Also hear that? That's the sound of me finally changing the relationship tag after
nearly 20 chapters, enjoy.

Notes since I suck at describing clothes:

Yui basically wears a more formal version of the "normal" outfit she wears in her uh...
shifuku? The character sheet thing, idk the name
Second off Izuku wears the suit Kirishima wore in the movie Two Heroes, only his tie
was green instead of red.

Hope that helped

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The next day came and we were greeted with...

"What do I do? What do I do what do I do..."

Izuku was currently pacing around his room in a circle, lost in his own thoughts.

"I need advice. Internet isn't helpful... hmm. Maybe Iida or Uraraka know?" Izuku thought,
imagining his friends giving him advice. No, nevermind. Uraraka probably doesn't know and Iida
would give me some textbook advice... Oh! Izuku jolted up as he realized who he could ask,
swinging open his door and running out.

Izuku knocked frantically at the door, hoping his friend would answer.

The door opened a second later, revealing Todoroki. "Took you long enough!" someone yelled
behind Todoroki.

Izuku stepped in and to his amazement, Bakugo was there as well.

"Ka- Bakugo? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked in bewilderment. They both winced at the
sound of that. "Just... call me Kacchan. Shit sounds weird hearing you say 'Bakugo'..." Bakugo

Izuku nodded, before realizing this doesn't answer his question.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "I knew your dumbass would come looking for Icyhot here for some
advice. I also knew Icyhot is dumb as bricks when it comes to romance, so here I am."

Izuku gawked at him. "Y-you're here to give me advice?"

"Do I have to fucking spell it out for you? Yes you idiot! I'm only helping because I don't wanna
deal with your shitty attitude when you completely fail at your date!" Bakugo yelled out.

Todoroki looked amused. Is this his way of caring?

"I- uhh... but-" Izuku stuttered, trying to ask something he desperately needed to know. Shoto
sighed. "Bakugo, he wants to know how you can give him advice. You don't exactly strike me as
someone who's well versed in the art of romance."

"Eh?! What do you mean? I'm a goddamn fierce, loving, romance machine!" Bakugo yelled out in
defense, palms sparking.


Bakugo huffed. "I've been forced to watch that sappy crap with my folks ever since I can
remember. I've picked up a shit or two." He explained.

Izuku's eyes widened. "So-"

"Yes I already said I'd help dammit!"

"So... when's the date?" Shoto asked.

"Uh... around 6?" Midoriya recalled. "Mmm... 3 hours before curfew then. We've got a few hours
till then. First, who's leading who?" Bakugo asked.

"I uh... I said I'd take her somewhere..."


"I uh... haven't decided yet."

Bakugo facepalmed as Shoto sighed. "Right." Shoto turned around, walking to his desk and pulling
out his wallet. "I know a fancy restaurant Endeavor frequents from time to time. It isn't absurdly
pricey, but it's good quality. I'll set you a reservation for 7pm." Shoto explained as he handed
Midoriya a good stack of yen.

"Huh?! What?! Hold on this is all so sudden..."

"Second off, Deku. Your clothes, they're atrocious." Bakugo scoffed. Izuku took offense to that.
"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"They're very bland." Both Todoroki and Bakugo said simultaneously.


"My old man is a fashion designer, I'll get him to send something for you real quick." Bakugo
huffed out. Izuku nodded, remembering where Bakugo's fashion sense came from.

"Now, lastly... what do you know about her?"

Izuku perked up at that, finally something easy.

"Oh! Well her quirk is called Size. She can alter the size of any inorganic object as far as I can tell.
It works similarly to Uraraka in terms of how she gets it to stop working. Although I've noted that
it doesn't seem to work on organi-"
"Shut up! I asked what you know about her, not her stupid quirk!" Bakugo interrupted him, rubbing
his forehead.

"You don't know do you." Shoto said.

"She's... a girl?" Izuku dumbly said.

"Alright I'm gonna go call my pops, you handle this Icyhot." Bakugo said, completely done.

Toshinori fidgeted in his seat, Nezu and Aizawa looking at him in amusement.

After a minute, the door opened. In walked Mirio and... Nighteye.

They both stared at each other, contemplating what to say to each other. This is the first time
they've seen each other in a really long time.

"All Might." Nighteye greeted.

"Nighteye." All Might greeted back, showing a smile.

Mirio was looking at them expectantly, as if he expected friendship to blossom or something.

Nighteye sighed, breaking eye contact and taking the seat next to Toshinori.

Mirio beamed at that small progress.

"So... what did you see?" Aizawa asked.

"A different outcome." Nighteye hesitantly admitted.

Mirio and Toshinori looked at Nighteye in confusion.

"Allow me to explain. During the first visit Nighteye took here, I asked him to take a peek at Mr.
Midoriya's future. Today as well, I asked him to use his quirk again. However... you say you saw
different outcomes?" Nezu explained.

Nighteye nodded. "Usually when I use my foresight, the future I see is set. It can't be changed. I
can try changing it, and it might alter things, but it's temporary. The film strip i view will continue
on as normal, just with a few added scenes that would be my attempts at changing it. However...
with your successor, I saw two vastly different outcomes both times. I feel like if I used my
foresight on him again, it would show me something else yet again." Nighteye said.

"So... young Midoriya can change the future?" All Might asked hesitantly, not daring to believe
just yet.

"...yes." Nighteye admitted, allowing himself to hope, just a bit, that Toshinori can avert the grim
future that awaits him.

The smile All Might gives him is worth it.

"Do you believe this has something to do with the viewings?" Aizawa asked.

"It's entirely possible. However, I believe it's for a different reason. Midoriya is... unpredictable.
He's constant, yet ever changing." Nighteye said. Aizawa looked at him, confused. "I don't
"I imagine Nighteye's quirk worked differently on Mr. Midoriya for the same reason he was
chosen as a catalyst for Ms. Hatsume's invention. He is... unique." Nezu theorizied.

"Quite." Nighteye admitted. "He's smart and determined. He should've died on multiple instances,
and yet from what I saw... it was like the strip was cut off, but it kept going." Nighteye said.

"Cut off? But... that means they die don't they?" Mirio asked hesitantly, aware of the extents of
Sir's power.

"Indeed. His however was... blurry. The cut section wasn't clearly seen, and then it picked up
immediately after. Like a ripple..."

"So... what does this mean?" Aizawa asked. "Well... for starters... I will be training Midoriya more
frequently now in preparation for the raid. Now that I know I am to die, I have no doubt the boy
will do what he can to stop that future. We already have key details on the yakuza. This greately
increases our chances for success. We will predict Overhaul's movements and act accordingly."
Nighteye stated. Please... Midoriya. Help me save All Might...

"Right. The raid. Who else will be participating? We know Ryukyu is since we saw her. Uraraka
and Asui are interning with her."

"Well... Fatgum has experience dealing with quirk boosting dealers, so he was an obvious
candidate. If I'm not wrong, Kirishima is interning with him."

"Great, so that's 4 of my students there for the raid, excluding the big 3."

Aizawa sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Worry not Aizawa, the raid won't be for a while. We have
information that will greatly help us, and I'm sure we'll glean more over this week." Nezu said.

All Might sighed, a bit relieved now that the future could be changed. He glanced outside the
window and happened to catch Young Midoriya leaving for the 1B dorms, wearing a quite dashing
suit that looked really good at him.

Much better than what he'd worn at I-Island. All Might chuckled at the thought.

"He looks alot like him with that suit on." Nighteye noted, shooting down All Might's good mood.

"Mirai... he's my successor. Will you ever accept that?" All Might frowned, glancing at his former
sidekick. "You don't get it. What if he's his child? What if you literally gave away One for All to
All for One, all wrapped up?" Nighteye asked, his voice getting more strained as he continued.

"Something I never understood..." Nezu interrupted them, sipping his tea.

"All Might has given his seal of approval. Midoriya's classmates see him as a good fit. I see him as
a good fit. We've already seen a universe where he meets with three of the holders, one of them
being All Might's late master, and the first. Everyone I just listed thought he was a good fit, so why
don't you?" Nezu asked.

Nighteye was at a loss for words at that, and he merely looked away, lost in thought.

"Oh Midoriya-" Kendo was cut off as she noticed his attire, coughing into her hand and hoping he
couldn't notice her sudden blush.

"Y-you look nice." she simply said. He beamed at that. A few minutes later, Yui came down from
her room. Izuku's breath hitched as he noticed her attire. A simple, good looking turtleneck with a
long skirt, and leggings that really brought out h- eyes up!

"You look nice!" Izuku squeaked out.

Yui gave a small smile at that. "Thanks. You too." she said, meaning it. He really does look good
in that suit.

"Well uh... enjoy your date, bye!" Kendo rushed her words, pushing them out the door and closing
it behind them. She turned around, catching eyes with Tokage, who simply nodded and smirked.

"So, where to?" Yui asked, taking the time to gather her thoughts and keep looking him over.

"O-oh uh, Shoto recommended me this restaurant his dad visits. It's called the 'Crimson Dragon'
and I hear it's got good food. U-unless you don't want to... sorry I probably should've asked first!"
Izuku panicked, rubbing his hand through his messy curls.

Kodai hummed in amusement. "It's fine. I'm a bit hungry anyways."

"O-oh, ok!"

They spent the train ride making idle talk, exchanging words about their classmates and families.
Midoriya tried really hard not to geek out over Kodai's quirk. He'd been pleased to realize that his
assumption for her quirk was right. She didn't just enlarge or shrink down objects, but she reduced
or increased their overall properties accordingly. If she made something bigger, it'd be heavier and
just... more, or less if she makes it smaller. It was really quite a-

"You going to say something? Or are you just going to keep staring into my eyes?" Yui said
humorously, a very light blush on her cheeks. I could basically see the infatuation in his eyes...

"H-huh? Sorry what was that? I was too busy staring into your eyes. Uh! I mean-" Midoriya
startled, covering his mouth.

Yui gave a small 'heh' of amusement, looking out the window and staring at the passing scenery.
They were both content to simply sit there in silence. The ambience was calm and content, contrary
to the awkwardness Midoriya had expected.

It was... very nice.

The food at the crimson dragon was just as good as Shoto had said it was, if not better. Izuku had
ordered some soba to go, as a gift to Shoto for the help. He wasn't quite sure what to give Kacchan

It had been interesting to learn about what the others had seen, with the other versions of him. He'd
shuddered and apologized alot as Yui told him about the universe where he'd apparently killed both
classes, and he'd nearly cried in relief as she revealed it'd all been a simulation. Shame he had
decided to leave his notebooks back in his dorm room.

They had ultimately decided to walk half of the way back, to spend the time left before curfew.

"Y'know, that suit really does look good on you." Kodai finally said, looking him over again. Izuku
chuckled nervously, not used to the sudden compliment.

"You l-look really good too, Kodai." Izuku said with a smile. With that attire, she looked really
formal, especially with the way she walked. It kind of reminded him of Yaoyorozu, all prim and

"Mm. Yui is fine."

"O-oh, then uh... Izuku, if you want!"


They spent a couple of minutes walking in silence after that, before Yui spoke up again.

"Did you mean that?" Yui suddenly asked.

"Did I mean what?"

"That I looked really good. It may seem a bit plain, but I did have help. Tokage and Kendo

"Wh- yeah of course I meant it. Why wouldn't I?" Izuku asked in confusion, his pace slowing.

"You don't think I look plain or something?" Yui asked bluntly, curious on what he really saw. She
wasn't exactly someone who wore her heart on her sleeve, and she understood that most people
couldn't get a read on her.

"No I... I think you look really pretty." Izuku managed to say, his voice oozing with sincerity.
They'd both stopped walking at this point, staring at each other.

"Is that so? You don't find my attitude off putting? Doesn't it get frustrating that I don't express
myself like others?" Yui asked in a lower voice, looking deep into Izuku's kind, green eyes, waiting
for an answer.

"I-I don't think it's off putting. It's kind of like... your charm, you know?" Izuku breathed out,
surprised he didn't realize how beautiful her cerulean eyes looked. He could see emotion in them,
just the barest hint of curiousity and focus.

"My... charm?"

"Y-yeah like. It's what makes you w-who you are. I'm not frustrated at all, why should I b-be? It's
part of what makes you, well... you. And I like you for who you are..." Midoriya hesitantly said,
praying he hadn't just screwed himself over.

Yui gave a soft smile at that, one that he could visibly see. His own heart pounded furiously, and
he dared not breath. "That means alot, thank you." she said.

"Y-yeah... no problem!" He choked out, before smiling back at her, his eyes brimming with tender
emotion. "That's what I mean, you're smiling at me. It may not be o-often... but that's what makes it
special. It feels nice to be able to see you smile." Izuku said happily, his smile widening as he
closed his eyes, hoping she understood how honest he was being.

"Oh..." Yui said, nearly fumbling with that word. That was a first. She hadn't even realized she'd
been smiling until he'd mentioned it. She could also start to feel her heart rate slowly increasing. It
was nice to hear him say that, knowing full well he meant every letter of it.

"Mm." she simply said happily, leaning forward and planting a kiss on his cheek.

Izuku choked, standing rigid as he realized what had just happened. "We should keep walking.
Don't want to be late." Yui said, grabbing onto his hand and walking forward, noting the small
yelp she heard behind her. She'd address them later.

With that, Yui and Izuku walked towards UA, both silent and lost in their own thoughts.


"Shut your damn mouth! You wanna get us caught?" Kendo and Bakugo whispered loudly, each of
them covering Tetsu tetsu and Kirishima's mouths respectively. Tokage, Mina, Toru and Pony
were busy whispering at each other, showing off the pictures they'd taken.

"Peh! Who knew shitty Deku was actually a smooth talker." Bakugo grunted out, watching the two
lovebirds make their way back to school.

"I know right? My heart nearly imploded from all that fluff!" Mina squealed out.

"I think I fell for him a little..." Kinoko mumbled a bit, looking away from Tokage's near predatory

"Indeed. That was... quite romantic." Yaoyorozu said, her heart beating furiously. That was like
something straight out of one of my romance novels...

Kirishima noticed Kaminari writing down notes on a piece of paper. "Did you really come here to
take notes?"

"Yeah man, gotta learn from the harem king." Kaminari mumbled as he wrote.

"We should probably make our way back, I think Kodai noticed the hardheaded outburst over
here..." Jirou said nervously, shooting a glare at Kirishima and Tetsu tetsu. "Aw c'mon you can't
blame us! That was incredibly manly!" They argued.

"I think we've already committed enough sin as it is. As lovely as that was to witness, we really
should be heading back." Ibara interjected, Yanagi nodding in agreement.

Pretty much everyone in both classes had been keeping tabs on the lovebirds. They'd left back
Shoto, Monoma, Mineta, Shoji, Tokoyami, Shoda, Kuroiro and Koda. Some had just been busy,
while others simply respected their privacy.

"U-uh! I'll walk you back to the dorms, but... could I get something first?" Izuku asked as they
approached the UA gates. Yui glanced at him curiously, giving a small nod.

He rushed towards the 1A dorms, shouting out a quick greeting to Shoji and Tokoyami in the
living room as he barged into his room, looking for something specific. It pains me to part with
one of my All Might possessions... but I'm sure it'd make her happier than me. Besides I have
another one at home so it's fine... Midoriya thought as he found what he was looking, rushing back
out his room.

"H-hey! Sorry to keep you waiting." Izuku apologized as they began walking to the 1B dorms.

Yui decided not to mention she'd seen the majority of their classmates attempt to sneakily enter
their respective dorms through the windows.

"So, what did you need to do?"

"W-well... I figured you'd like this, and it's not like I need it... so" Izuku chuckled as he took
something out of his pocket, holding it out to her.

Yui's eyes widened near imperceptibly as she saw what he was holding.

It was an All Might Matryoshka doll.

She quietly and slowly took the doll, slowly unlayering it. The biggest one was All Might in his
last hero costume, getting smaller and smaller with his previous costumes.

Her heart warmed at the gift. She knew just how much he prized his All Might collection. For him
to give this to her, it meant alot.

"Y-you mentioned you liked Matryoshka dolls, and I had that so..." Izuku said, feeling a bit
nervous in the silence that followed as she ran her fingers through the doll.

She looked up at him, and he could see the happiness in her eyes. Izuku gulped, "I-"

Izuku was cut off as Yui leaned in, her lips meeting with his own. Izuku froze as he felt her lips
pressing against his own, and he took a second to panic before reciprocating, slowly tilting their
heads to deepen the kiss.

None of them noticed the muffled shout as Sero furiously wrapped Kirishima's mouth shut in the

It felt nice.

Really nice.

Their hearts were beating faster, and they enjoyed the taste of each others lips as their hands
cupped the others cheeks, and then all too soon they had to pull away.

Stupid oxygen... Izuku thought, still in a daze at what had just happened. Holy crap that was my
first kiss...

"That was a very pleasant first kiss." Yui whispered out, looking back down at the doll. Izuku
could swear she was almost glowing with happiness. Holy crap that was her first kiss... Izuku's
brain nearly short circuited.

"Izuku, thank you."

His eyes widened as she gave him a small smile, this one much warmer and happier than before.

"I-uh- thanks. I mean, you're welcome! I mean uh-"

"Mm! I really enjoyed tonight."

"I-I... I did too!" Midoriya calmed down, or atleast he tried to. His heart was screaming loudly right
now. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Y-Yui..."

"Mm! That's enough fun for one night..." Yui said as they finally reached the 1B dorms.

She gave him another kiss, this one quicker but just as pleasant. "Good night." she said, entering
the dorms.

"Good night..." Izuku trailed off.

He walked back to his dorms, still in a haze and trying to process this entire day.

"Holy crap. I kissed a girl! Ha...Ha Ha!" Izuku cheered aloud to no one, really giddy.

Aizawa pretended not to notice as he watched Midoriya on one of the security cameras, doing some
weird little celebration dance outside the dorms, before proceeding to literally jump to his balcony
from the ground.

Aizawa sighed, shaking his head to get rid of the small smile on his face.

"Damn problem child."

Chapter End Notes

So the next 2 chapters are reaction fics and they'll be posted tmr cuz i literally burned
myself out with this one.

Thank you all so much for:

500+ Kudos
100+ Bookmarks
A whopping 10k+ Hits!
And for enjoying this fic. I hope y'all continue to enjoy this, goodnight!
Universe 16
Chapter Summary

This took, surprisingly long. Rip my phone.

The fic they're reacting to for this chapter is "Way of Hisashi the House Husband" by
Yama951. Specifically: Chapter 8

Here's the link if you want to read, it's pretty interesting!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Good morning everyone! Today we'll be joined by Aizawa and the big three again. Nighteye will
also be joining us, but for now those are your chaperones for today." Nezu greeted.

I should really look into more chaperones... we're already busy planning around this new intel to
monitor them... Nezu thought as he sat down. Nighteye and All Might sat side by side, something
that made Mirio and Izuku smile.

Kuroiro and Tokoyami nodded at Tamaki in greeting, who gave a wobbly wave back. "Good
morning everyone! Ohh I'm so excited! Hey, how many universes have you all seen by now? What
have they been about? How come Midoriya is the special one? Have y-" Nejire's questioning was
cut off by a glare from Aizawa.

"Now, now... let's not burden the first years!" Mirio laughed, also tossing a glance at Aizawa. Last
thing they need is to get kicked out.

"Just get on with it." Aizawa said.

Yui took the opportunity to sit next to Izuku as Mei cycled through universes. Nearly everyone
smirked at that.

Monoma was about to say something if Kendo's hand hadn't covered his mouth with her big hand.

"Don't you dare ruin this." Kendo said cheerfully with a smile that held promise of great pain.

Izuku gulped as Uraraka's gaze bored into the side of his head.

"Oh, h-hello Kodai..." Yaoyorozu greeted, flashing the girl a smile.


Izuku chuckled, a bit nervous with the attention, but he couldn't deny it was nice to sit with his...
girlfriend. The thought made him feel all sorts of ways.

Uraraka frowned a bit at the pang she felt in her chest, and opened her mouth to say something but-
"Alright! Here we go!" Mei interrupted, clapping her hands and hitting play.

Hisashi washed his hands after dealing with that troublesome individual.

"Huh?" Izuku choked out, not expecting this to start with his dad.

Only an act of the divine would manage to protect someone from his wife’s complete fury. It
was a rare sight to see his wife gave off such a murderous aura, especially when they found
more and more damming evidence of the man’s crimes against women and children.
Especially the late wife.

"Wait... what's going on?" Ojiro asked in confusion.

Mrs. Toga didn’t realized her actual husband was murdered and replaced as the shapeshifter
wanted to use her to get a child perfect for criminal and assassination training to bring back
his group. Mrs. Toga was a young nurse with a Blood Analysis quirk, which helped in
checking for anemia, insulin levels, and other blood related medical checkups. The remains of
her body was found in a trash can, dated to be sometime after Himiko’s fourth birthday. The
sickening part was the monster draining her of her blood, cooked it into a stew, and gave it to
her daughter while teaching her some twisted ideas of love.

"Oh... I think breakfast is coming back out again..." Jirou mumbled, holding her stomach.

"Himiko Toga, from the league of villains." Aizawa supplied.

Uraraka and Tsuyu frowned at the mention of her.

Nezu glanced at the cheese he'd been nibbling on, deciding he wasn't hungry anymore.

Inko wanted to kill him on the spot herself.

"Woah woah!" Kaminari nervously laughed, putting his hands up.

Izuku was having a hard time imagining his mother killing someone. Toshinori shuddered.

But cooler heads prevailed, in the form of Hisashi granting the now quirkless man mercy
under the tender care of Dr. Tsubasa.

Hisashi dried his hands and left the lab.

Doppel, for doing his part of the bargain, gained custody of his niece, her paid therapy, an
alibi, and a non disclosure agreement for everyone’s sake.

“I must thank you again for all this.” Doppel said as he drove the couple home in the form of
some driver. Hisashi quickly realized something.

“Now I remember why your quirk looked familiar. Your family were the leading clan of the
Ten Thousand Masks, or perhaps some distant relative. Infamous assassins that no one knew
the actual membership. People just called you, killed someone or steal something, and frame
some unfortunate individual with the crime.”

"Ten thousand masks?" A few students asked. Even the more educated ones couldn't recall such a
Nighteye and Aizawa jotted that down.

“Well, that was something my grandfather, who called himself Noppera-bou, wanted to
continue. The secrecy and killing, but my father and uncles hated that. Some rebelled against
it and the group practically ended without fanfare. My uncle became the pro hero
Mannequin before he retired to his fashion company and gave the hero agency to his
protegee Best Jeanist. My other uncle left to America and became a civil right’s activist and
lawyer there. My father, on the other hand, is a mess. He’s a famous actor and fashion model
so he’s in trouble for sexual harassment and running away from his many flings that resulted
in children. I only stumbled on what my brother was doing in complete accident. I went from
working as a professional body double to a semi-legal detective and bounty hunter almost

“Semi-legal detective?” Inko asked.

“I might have gathered evidence with my shapeshifting through not entirely legal means.”
Doppel muttered.

“Ah, I see. If you want, I can help you with that.”

“T-thank you but you’ve done so much for me and Himiko already.”

Inko gave him her card either way.

They soon arrived back home and saw Tenko and Izuku testing out Tenko’s newest mod for
Minecraft. Some silly nonsense about magic.

Nighteye and Toshinori nearly choked on their spit as they saw Tenko Shimura playing video
games with Izuku in his own house.

"What the-"

Hisashi remembered how Tenko’s programming skills started like it was yesterday.

It was during his electronics and computer programming phase.

Hisashi did got in trouble from his wife for building another extension of the basement and
having another layer of it built.

Sometimes, he wondered if his tendency to hoard quirks had spread to other things during
his time as a house husband.

"Oh so he's All for One here too." Bakugo grunted.

"Starting to believe it's likely the case here..." Monoma trailed off.

Izuku's frown deepened. If it turns out to be him, nothing is going to stop me from giving him a
piece of my mind.

He was practicing his programming, that he remembered. A simple bot to quietly hack into
organizational databases, usually government, for later reading.

After all, it was years since Hisashi gave a copy to the Foundation and they haven’t even sent
a letter why they haven’t replied yet.

"Foundation?" Awase asked.

"Sounds like more and more villains..." Rin said, slumping down into his seat.

As the time passed, the more his paranoia crept up on him, despite the Foundation’s
influence in the country was under his control. He held the power to kick them out and buy
back the locations they were using in the country easily.

Of course, Hisashi reminded himself, that was only a formality given how the Foundation
was organized. There would be cells spread out doing their own thing and it would be a
bother to clean them all up.

Then again, it made sense for something Samuel Cole Peterson founded to follow a rather
anarchic organizational policy. Hisashi still remembered those years in college where he had
to listen to Peterson’s philosophical rants and conspiracy theories. Funny that one sarcastic
yell to write down his rants and publish them resulted in Peterson becoming a philosophical
cornerstone and a paradigm shift in philosophy and culture.

Izuku took the opportunity to jot that down. It never hurts to write something down.

He was shaken from his thoughts when young Tenko entered his home office.

“Dad… mom said it’s time for dinner…”

"Seems they have... adopted Tenko." Toshinori coughed.

"Quite. I wonder if All for One is tampering with him even in this reality..." Nighteye wondered.

Mirio's eyes widened as he finally connected the dots.

"Wait, so your dad's a villain?" Nejire asked without any tact. Izuku winced at that.

"Unconfirmed." Kodai answered for him, ending that line of thought.

Curious at the contents of the usually locked room, Tenko walked to the computer.

“Whatcha doing anyway?”


“Oh?” Tenko looked at the lines of difficult code on the screen, “Looks complicated.”

“I can teach you the basics. I remember some old game mods I used to do.”

“Oh?” Tenko asked with interest and curiosity at the idea. “You can do that?”

“Of course. Think of game modifications as a sort of practice. You would be able to make
your own games in no time if you keep practicing.”

And practice he did. Starting small and slowly going up the difficulty. In fact, Tenko ended
up on top on his computer programming electives in middle school.
Though his choice of high school was still undecided.

“Izuku, please tell me you didn’t experimented on the Corruption magic…” Tenko called out
as the brothers played their game. Curious, Hisashi used a See-Through-Barriers quirk to see
a Minecraft world being corrupted by some purple things around a red pentagram in a circle
on the grass.

Hisashi lost track on the updates to that game centuries ago but he wasn’t surprised that it
was still being updated. It was basically the Lego of video games.

"Yeah it's kinda sad a bunch of games got discontinued after quirks kicked in..." Kaminari pouted.

"You can still find a few if you know where to look." Yanagi interjected.

“S-sorry! I thought I can control it!” Izuku cried as he watched his base being corrupted in
the game while Inko opened the door.

“We’re home!” Inko called out.

“Hey mom! Well, looks like we’re gonna spam the purifying flowers, again.” Tenko muttered
as they paused the game before they went to hug their parents. “Well, at least we know how
bad I coded the speed of the spread there. That’s too fast.”

“Looks like you two had fun.” Hisashi said as he watched his son crying at he screen,
watching his farm animals turning into corrupted purple things.

Bakugo snorted at their misfortune.

“Well, anyone in a mood for some pizza? I know dear, but it’s late and we forgot to buy
groceries so it’s takeout night.” Inko said as the family then picked what they wanted, some
pizza toppings and some chicken salad for the slight push towards a more healthy diet.

To pass the time, Hisashi went to his home office to plan a way to get answers from the silent

As he brooded, he was reminded of the number of times his dear wife nagged him for being
dramatic again when a simple solution would had been preferable, especially for the
marriage anniversary.

Let the records shown that Midoriya Hisashi was within legal rights for his actions in the
purchase of a few cuts of Kobe beef, a bluefin tuna, some cubic Yubari watermelons, a sack of
Kinmemai rice, a small sack of Da-Hong Pao tea leaves, a small sack of Kopi Luwak coffee
beans, and a personal reservation in the Japanese Imperial Palace in Kyoto with a certain
Honda Kiku.

Whom Hisashi was well acquainted with and thus would theoretically be useful as a
character witness. Though Hisashi wouldn’t dare make the Kami of Japan do such a petty
thing. He has proper logical standards to uphold after all.

Izuku's jaw dropped. "What-"

Still, Plan A was basically warping into the Japanese branch and demand for answers, then
destroy the place and the surrounding area if they won’t give him what he wanted.

But, Hisashi reminded himself, simple plans, nothing dramatic.

"Ok so like... how did such an evil villain get married to such a sweetheart?" Kendo asked

"Love works in mysterious ways." Shiozaki helpfully supplied.

Plan G was probably good enough for his wife to accept, if she found out about it. Then
again, she would notice if he decided to bring a meal or two down to the basement.


Plan T would be good. A simple hack into one of their companies and instigate a false alarm
then use that to get the answers. But it would require a lot of energy and Inko would notice
the disparity in the electric bill.


Plan XR would be a even simpler. Call in a favor to make a Yakuza group attack one of the
companies and use them as a cover to break in and get the answers-


That woke Hisashi up from his thoughts.

Nighteye jotted down the interaction. It helped alot to know what the villain mastermind's line of
thought was.

Tenko was by the door with his arms crossed.

“I was going to tell you that the food’s here but now I’m wondering what you’re muttering
about and if I should tell mom you’re going to commit a crime, again.”

“No, not a crime, just wondering how to get answers from a rather secretive group.” Tenko
rolled his eyes.

“Like what, the Illuminati?”

“As if I would be caught dead trying to join with those wannabe puppet masters I’ve dealt
already with.” Hisashi muttered. “No, the Samuel Cole Peterson Foundation.”

“... You want to break into a humanitarian organization for answers.” Tenko said with
disbelief dripping from his tone.

"Trust me kid, we're as shocked as you are." Awase said, shaking his head.

"You know he can't hear you, right?"

"...shut up."

“I asked them to do something for me and they hadn’t replied in years.”

“Have you tried calling them?”

Hisashi thought about it for a moment.

"You've got to be kidding me." Izuku groaned, clutching his head.

Wait... is that why he hasn't called? Were the villain attacks simply his way of checking up on me
instead of calli- Izuku shook his head, cutting that thought off. He'd believe it once he saw results.

“... Seriously dad? You were planning of breaking into their headquarters and not once did
you think of just calling someone in the organization?” Tenko rubbed his forehead. “And
now I know where Izuku got his planning skills from.”

Bakugo laughed hard at that, a few people chuckling as well.

"Sometimes the best solution is the easiest..." Mirio smiled.

“What can I say? Old habits die hard.”

"Yeah uh... how old?" Sato asked.

"About 200 years or so..." Izuku mumbled.

“Well, you better hope those old habits crash and burn then, Hisashi.” Inko said as she took
a step forward to place herself in front of the door. “Now let’s go down and we’ll have a nice
discussion, as a family, about the importance of simplicity, cause it turns out Izuku inherited
the Midoriya family tendency for the dramatic.”

Izuku sputtered at that. Did I really? Yui gave a soft 'heh' at that.

Tenko winced at that.

“Y-you noticed mom?”

“Dear, I work in Hero Law. I heard more than one hero talking about a green haired kid
with a notebook at hero fights and crime scenes.”

Hisashi winced at the thought.

Izuku winced at the thought.

He briefly wondered if his own mother had noticed. He decided he didn't want to find out.

“And you know the saying. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, and thrice is a
conspiracy.” Inko took a step back to let the two walked ahead.

Tenko and Hisashi went down the stairs to the dinning room to see Izuku tearing on his seat
with the food on the table.

The family took their seats and begun eating their chicken salad first.

“So, Izuku has been stalking hero fights around and a hero thought it was suspicious at how
he managed to go from hero fight to hero fight quickly and writing down on his notebooks in
that code of his.” Inko began.
“I got to meet an underground hero at least.” Izuku muttered.

"10 bucks it was Mr. Aizawa" Kaminari snickered.

Nejire opened her mouth to accept the bet before Tamaki cut her off.

"Please... we all know it was him." Jirou snorted.

“Yeah, and you got yourself dragged home by the hero because of it.” Tenko added. Izuku
looked at him in shock from the betrayal. “Hey, don’t look at me like that, mom figured it out
on her own.”

“And you both decided to cover that up by looking like you were playing Minecraft the whole
time we were out?” Hisashi added.

“I really did need to test the coding I did for the mod. But Izuku wanted to make it look like
he was doing something. Also, his analysis notebook got confiscated by the hero.”

Izuku openly frowned at that. Uraraka patted his back in sympathy.

Inko hummed at that in thought.

“Dear, it would be hypocritical to plan out a law suit for a search and seizure without a
warrant when you’re telling us to not be dramatic about it.”

"Midoriya... what is your family?" Shinso asked as he clutched his head. Aizawa followed suit as
he sighed deeply.

“There’s a difference between a making a threat and going through with it. Also, a difference
between doing things in the proper channels and just bulldozing everything when you don’t
get your way.” Inko countered.

“Well, in other news,” Tenko said, hoping to change topics, “I’ve decided to go to UA for high
school.” Izuku’s eyes lit up at the news.

“What. I thought you didn’t want to be a hero.” Hisashi said.

Izuku perked up at that. "Decay would certainly be useful for heroics, especially for rescues! Of
course... it's not exactly something he can control, but I'm sure with enough practi-" Izuku was cut
off from his line of thought as Yui poked his cheek. He mumbled a quick sorry at that.

“I don’t. I’m thinking of taking the Support Course to help in my programming skills. I’m
pretty sure Izuku supports that.”

"Support buddy!" Mei cheered.

Izuku nodded with a grin.

“U.A., formally known as Ultima Academia, was founded in 2033 as a certified international
school with three major courses, General Education, Business and Management, and STEM,
usually called Science and Technology. The Heroics course was added when the school
decided to be the first hero school in the country when the martial law government imported
the hero system from America and it’s one of the top high schools in the country for all four
courses-” Izuku babbled out.

"You're certainly... informed." Tamaki remarked quietly.

"You should get the principal to have you for a commercial about UA" Kaminari joked.

Nezu hummed in agreement.

“Remember to breath and drink some water, Izuku.” Inko interrupted.

Izuku stopped himself and took a sip.

“Well, the problem is that the business and tech courses are Hero Management and Hero
Support courses now.” Hisashi added.

“Technically, only one management and one support class are focused on doing stuff for
heroes, and there are two hero classes, three support classes, three management classes, and
five general education classes per year level with roughly twenty students each class.” Izuku

“How much UA stuff did you read? Cause I feel like I should add critical reading and
comprehension if you just accept the propaganda without question.” Hisashi said.

"Yes, how much did you read?" Iida asked curiously. Even he wasn't fully aware of all that.

Izuku opened his mouth to answer, before he looked down as he wondered that too.

“I’m sure you both have plenty of time to do that since you’re both grounded. You, Hisashi,
are under house arrest and with limited communications to your friends. The last thing we
want is a false alarm at the police station and hero agencies. Remember that incident at

Technically, as the Shogun of Japan, Hisashi did have the right to visit the Imperial Family in
certain occasions, old helmet notwithstanding.


"Did your mom seriously ground your 200 plus year old dad?" Kendo laughed.

"Yes. Yes she did." Izuku said in awe and bewilderment.

“And Izuku, you go straight home after school, no side tracks, no scenic routes, no visiting of
crime scenes and battles, if one where to happen, leave immediately, but you are allowed to
go with your friends if you decide to do something as long as you tell us about it.”

Izuku sighed.

Izuku sighed as well.

“Yes mom…”

“Good we have this talk.” Inko said as she opened the pizza box for a slice.

The rest of the dinner was simple banter among the family. Tenko’s video game review
channel was picking up on popularity, Izuku topping his classes, Inko complaining about an
American prosecutor by the name of Edgeworth who managed to put what she thought to be
an innocent man in prison, and Hisashi talked about a new hobby he was picking up.

Sewing and costume design sounded like fun to him.

Izuku perked up at that, gawking at his... other dad.

"Dad for One..." Sero mumbled.

Nighteye and Toshinori looked like they had aged a couple of decades with that line. Nezu briefly
wondered what their All for One would say to that.

Probably just obliterate UA if I'm being completely honest.

“Hope we won’t find ourselves with another basement full of clothes and fabrics. If that
happens I can and will put up a yard sale, again.” Inko said as she placed the remaining pizza
and soda in the fridge. “Honestly Hisashi, at the rate of your hoarding, we might end up
breaking zoning laws for the number of basements we already have.”

“I did make sure to sell what I made. The hydroponic greenhouse is growing the whole
neighborhood’s herbs, spices, and vegetables. I can imagine selling the costumes and outfits.”

Inko made a soft smile.

“Planning of making Izuku’s hero outfit then?”

“Now what gave you that idea?” Hisashi replied as Izuku’s eyes lit up at the idea of designing
his future hero costume.

"Dad for One." Kirishima shamefully agreed, Bakugo merely stared at his friend. "He's a villain-"

“You make it sound like it’s a given that he’ll end up in the hero course. Izuku’s quirk
doesn’t exactly scream hero material.” Tenko commented.

“T-Tenko!” Izuku whined, “I will get into UA and be a hero, flashy quirk or not.”

"Yeah! That's the spirit!" Uraraka cheered, her classmates nodding in agreement.

“Now, now Izuku, it’s getting late and you have class tomorrow.” Hisashi said.

“Night then.” Izuku said as he went to his room.

When Inko was far enough, Hisashi walked to Tenko.

“Come to the home office. I need help with some software issues.” Hisashi calmly said.

Of course, Tenko knew exactly what he meant by that.

The two headed upstairs and locked the door.

“So… got trouble with the newest update of your operating system or do I have to scrub the
internet of some embarrassing photo again?”
"A-again?" Mineta asked incredulously. Frankly, everyone else felt the same way.

Tenko took a sip of his mug full of soda.

“I want you to hack into the Samuel Cole Peterson Foundation communication channels.”

Tenko choked on his soda.

Quite a few people coughed loudly at that. "Asking a child to-" Iida began, before deciding it
wasn't worth the effort.

Turned out that Tenko misjudged on what he thought what Hisashi meant by ‘software

Apparently, it included illegal digital activities.

“Dad. No. I am not going to hack into what’s likely to be an AI watched network and end up
on some secret listing somewhere.”

“It’s the Peterson Foundation, of course everything electronic they have is watched by a
number of non-sentient and non-sapient AI like hawks.” Hisashi said in an annoyed tone.

Tenko’s eyes just widen.

“And you want me to hack into that minefield?”

“How else am I going to talk directly to those in charge?”

"I don't know dad, maybe give them a call?" Izuku growled. Everyone glanced at him warily.

Toshinori coughed into his sleeve.

Tenko looked at his father. He then rubbed his forehead.

"Lot of that going around." Tsuburaba said, even as he rubbed his own forehead.

“Dad. I’m pretty sure you lived through the age of the smartphone, not the age of steam. Just
call them properly on some hotline.” Tenko noticed Hisashi opening his mouth. “And no, I’m
not going to hack into their network as a Plan B.”

Tenko unlocked the door and was about to leave the room.

“You hack into government archives and hero agency channels for Izuku, why not for your
father?” Hisashi asked in a clear tone.

"W-what?" Mirio asked hesitantly.

Izuku was touched at that. More hero info for him to jot down.

Tenko locked the door.

“You knew that?”

“As my father-in-law’s favorite detective would say, ‘When you have eliminated the
impossible, whatever remains, even the improbable, must be the truth.’ or something like
that. Izuku needs someway to keep track of hero and villain activities. You made yourself to
be an expert in programming, even more so than me but that’s due to my distrust of AI. Not
to mention that, once being the overprotective brother who used to keep track on a wannabe
vigilante of a younger brother, I might have went a bit overboard on checking on you and

"That's... actually a good saying." Nezu admitted somewhat reluctantly.

Tenko turned around to look at Hisashi with one brow raised.

“Really. Let me guess, trackers on our phones? In our clothes? Chips in our bodies?”

“We are going off topic here.”

"No no, I'm sure this is still on topic." Monoma argued.

“Why? Afraid mom would ground you even more?”

“She would likely ban you from electronics if she found out about your hobby of checking
into secret government databases.”

“It’s not a hobby… it’s research.”

“Into what, exactly?”

Tenko sighed.

“What exactly happened to my biological family. I didn’t want to make mom and Izuku
know what I was really doing on my computer, hence the whole game mods development and
the programs for Izuku’s hero stalking and quirk analysis.”

Toshinori tensed up at that. Everyone else sat a bit straighter. They had a really good idea on what
had happened to his family.

“Wasn’t that on the news online somewhere? A villain fought against a hero and caused a
massive fire that destroyed a chunk of Fuyuki City?”

“That’s what the media put on the news but it’s just that, broad and vague.”

Tenko looked away, at a family photo hanging on the home office wall.

“It’s a deep seated trauma so I really can’t forget that night. I lived with my older sister, my
parents, and my grandparents.” Tears began to fall down Tenko’s cheeks, “I vaguely
remembered them by now. But they all were trying to make me happy and calm, enough that
I managed to control my quirk to held my sister’s hand. My mom telling me to stop itching
my neck...” Tenko’s hands shook a bit, “But that night was still clear in my mind. It was
raining heavily. My family was watching the news about the villain Gasoline, who could turn
water into gasoline, fighting against the first responding heroes. I remember something about
him being one of those Heatwave like cultists. Well, he went suicide bomber in the end at the
oil refinery.”
Tenko wiped his face dry.

“Thing is, no one said what caused the fire. The house caught a flame in a few minutes. The
whole neighborhood was burning.”

Everyone glared at All for One.

Tenko’s eyes went unfocused and his voice dulled.

“It was hot, despite the rain. The explosion of the refinery made everyone deaf for a while. I
tried to get my sister who was sleeping at her room but dad told me to run out first. I tried to
get my grandparents but mom told me to go ahead. She’ll get them out. I ran to the front
door with my father carrying my sister, still asleep or passed out from the smoke I don’t
know. Then the ceiling of the house collapsed and dad pushed me out of the way. I saw my
sister’s head get crushed by a large piece of burning rubble. She should have survived with
me… she was almost out…”

A few people choked back a sob.

"He's pretty perceptive!" Nejire noted.

"Yeah... he was able to get around my erasure." Aizawa grumbled, rubbing the scar that was under
his eye.

Hisashi simply went to comfort his son with a hug. He made sure the sound proofing and
quirk negation quirks were activated, just in case.

“Let it out. Sometimes a good scream is all we need.”

Tenko screamed and sobbed.

Hisashi waited until the crying stopped.

“Should we call the therapist for a session? I know how this will go. The quest for revenge, for
retribution, for justice. It breaks the person either way, big or small. They become obsessed
with it, keep pushing themselves for it, until they lose sight of what they were doing.” Hisashi
calmly said as he let go.

“Let me guess. You saw people fall into that in your really long life?”

“Much worse really. I fell into that trap. After my brother died, I sort of got lost in anger for
a couple of years, going too far into my work, finding out what really happened, stopping
idiots from taking over the country, until the rage fizzled out. Then it became a sort of
routine in dealing with the usual pests until I met Inko and finally starting to rebuild myself

"Huh..." Toshinori frowned at the thought.

"The scary villain had a brother?" Nejire asked.

"Yeah, but the brother wasn't evil." Izuku answered.

Tenko chuckled after a moment.

“It’s funny. I kept this all to myself for years and now I’m spilling it all out just like that.”

“It’s a quirk of communication really. Ask the leading but truthful questions, gently guide
them through the issues while being a good listener, even look nice and friendly, then they’ll
just tell you everything you want.”

"Guess that's how he gained information and power." Mirio commented with a slight frown.

Monoma and Shinso made note of that, since one tended to have a way with words and the other
required a way with words due to his quirk.

Tenko rolled his eyes.

“Wow. You can make being an understanding person sound like some Machiavellian ploy.”

“I deal with the media and corporate interests, if you don’t get your image right and control
people’s perceptions about you, you’re dead meat in the business.”

“Thank heavens I’m not taking that career path then.”

“I can help you with your search you know. I practically own eighty percent of the country’s
media industry.”

"That would explain how the Stain video got around so fast..." Iida summarized, rubbing his chin."

"Good point." Shoto agreed.

“That’s the problem though. Adopted son of the mysterious immortal media baron looking
up the news about some forgotten villain attack? Someone or something will put them
together somewhere.”

“That’s cute. Thinking that something didn’t already knew what you were doing.”

Tenko looked at Hisashi with annoyance.

“You are not making me paranoid about the Hexadecimal or AI in general. Besides, it’s
getting late. Call them properly and not have a tantrum when you don’t get your way dad.
Still, no fair on using your bard proficiency to make me spill out my dark and brooding
backstory that quickly.“

“What can I say, rolled a natural twenty on my charisma check.”

Tenko chuckled.

“Well, night dad.” Tenko said as he exited the home office and headed to his room.

Hisashi sighed.

“Really hope they’re not falling into the same mistakes my brother and I did. Maybe a family
movie night? The Tale of Beren and Luthien? No… that’s more Inko’s kind of movie. Maybe
a Doctor Who movie, the twenty first Doctor ones were good, morally complex, and hopefully
push them away from that binary moral insanity that gripped my brother.” Hisashi
muttered to himself before he closed the door and went to the phone for a personal call.
"It's so... weird seeing that villain act like an actual dad. It's like we're watching something
forbidden..." Ojiro said, slightly in awe.

Shoto gave a soft chuckle.

"What's so funny Icyhot?"


Shoto gave a small smile at the thought that the villain All Might fought at Kamino was still a
better father than his own.

He sighed as he remembered the number.

He hadn’t used it in centuries.

He wondered if it still worked.

Nezu jotted that number down.

“Hello, this is the Samuel Cole Peterson Foundation hotline, Sophia speaking.” a rather
friendly, if nasal, voice answered the phone. Hisashi wondered if it was one of the many
automated systems or an AI with a voice synthesizer in place. It’s been centuries since the call
centers were automated away after all.

“Yes, I wish to speak to Omega Thirteen. I’m afraid it’s rather important.”

“I’m sorry sir but there is no one with that name in the organizational listing.”

“Really? But Athos wants to warn them about their fatty acid build up.”

“... patching you through sir…”

"That was quick." Shoda said.

Hisashi stayed silent for a moment as the phone began ringing. He continued on the
thirteenth ring.

“All for one and one for all. United we stand, divided we fall.”

A ding.

Izuku made note of that, a bit impressed with their methods.

“Good evening Agent Athos. It has been a century or two since you called us.”

“I seem to recall sending a package to your group on I-Island a few years ago. And yet I don’t
have the results of that package sent back to me.”

“... Yes. We know of the results of that set of tests from our researchers. The debate went all
the way up to the council. Ultimately, we were unsure how to proceed beyond simple

Hisashi gripped the arm of his chair.

“This is my son we are talking about. If the Omega Council thinks there’s something wrong,
then there is something wrong. I know what and who you are, an amoral puppet master,
imagine the distrust it would cause to the Foundation if people learn who or what sits in its
board of directors.”

“Going straight to threats now Athos?”

"Oh boy. Sounds like it's going to be I-Island all over again..." Jirou complained.

"Don't remind me!" Mineta wailed, biting on one of his balls.

"Sucks we weren't there for that. To think we were so close." Mina complained with a pout.

"Yeah, we were playing Uno while you all saved the day..." Toru frowned.

"Quite." Tokoyami agreed.

“It’s not that hard to ferment fear and distrust against your kind. You already made it easier
with your group’s total control over the small islands and those flocks of cultists going to
them after signing away everything.”

“You of all people know the reason for the secrecy. The enemy may be gone for centuries but
the plans set into motion are working as it intended. You may think my iteration is nothing
more than living chopped off tendrils of the enemy but the second iteration has no connection
to that thing.”

“Trust is a two way street Mastermind. I may trust the Foundation in keeping you on a leash
but I do not trust you.”

“Yet you go to me for this.”

“You are a wild card, unfortunately. If the Council says no, it’s a no. But you’re designed to
be a trickster, for some reason beyond me, so from you there’s a chance to get the results.”

"Guess he can't stand no for an answer." Midoriya grumbled. Yui frowned lightly, reaching out to
hold his hand. The action calmed him down a bit.

The resulting silence unnerved Hisashi, for he knew how fast the thoughts of the being on the
other side was.

“I’m going to paraphrase an old quote or some such but are you sure you want to know? The
resulting package would be redacted and all that but since you’re one of the hundred and
eight groups supporting the Foundation, it would be kept to a minimal. It’s just, when some
things are known, it is difficult to make them unknown. Especially with your perfect

“If I am willing to ignore it and stay in blissful denial like what my wife prefers, do you think
I would even talk to you about this.”

“No. Of course you don’t. Very well. The package is being sent. Just remember that I warn
you about this and that the Council is only thinking of humanity’s interests at heart.”
A click and the call ended.

Now all he had to do was wait.

Before he went to bed, Hisashi went to check on his kids.

Tenko fell asleep on his desk, his laptop running a coding program.

"That can't be good for the eyes." Iida frowned, biting back the lecture he wanted to give.

Kendo nodded with a grin. "We've caught Reiko like that a few times, I don't doubt it'll continue to
happen alot."

"Hey!" Yanagi complained.

Izuku slept in his bed. Hisashi took a moment to read one of his quirk analysis notebooks.
The fact that pen and paper was still in use in the current day and age still surprised him,
though it is Japan he reminded himself. The countryside barely entered the twenty second

Izuku’s drawing skill improved and the code dense and difficult to figure out, like it was
written in another writing system entirely.

Hisashi hoped it wasn’t an ominous sign, just childhood fun that would stop in due time.

He didn’t wait for the results for long.

He was alone at home when it arrived.

His wife went to America to help some ace attorney friend of her’s back from college.

Tenko and Izuku were at school at the time.

So Hisashi was alone to find an unmarked box addressed to him.

"Oh boy, that can't be good..."

"I wonder what the results are for."

Izuku made a note to write his notes in a different code. Better safe than sorry.

He was careful, did the basic scans.

Nothing dangerous.

He placed the box on the home office table and opened it slowly.

Inside was a stack of papers, blank and empty.

When he touched the first page, words form it. It faded when he let go.

“Clever. Biometric based e-paper.” he felt the first page. “Feels exactly like paper. Cutting
edge stuff then.”
Mei squealed, nearly hopping in delight. She scribbled down notes so she could make that later.

Hisashi looked at the first page properly.

Object of Interest-00001: Quirks

Threat Level: Case to Case Basis

Nezu tensed up, realizing what this meant.

Nighteye and Aizawa sat straighter.

Public Awareness: Normalized



Description: OoI-00001 is a collection of sixty anomalous nucleotides, forty two known to the
public with the remaining eighteen kept secret due to their destructive potential.

Research in medical archives suggests that the anomalous edits and additions into humanity’s
genome began in the summer of 2031 at the earliest. In only a few months, more than three
fourths of all humans had their DNA altered through an unknown process. Medical technology
was either unable to spot the resulting bumps caused by the new nucleotides or were hidden
from view by the same process that made them. The changes were only noticed by a number of
member organizations but were assumed to be technical errors at the time.

"Uh... what?" Kaminari asked, completely lost. Mina nodded in agreement.

"They're describing how quirks came to be. Summer of 2031 at the earliest." Iida summarized.

There is some consistency in the effects of the anomalous nucleotides. [-], biological, [-], [-],
philosophical, psychological, and sociological research suggest a deep connection of the
anomalous nucleotides to [-], [-], or [-]. More research is advised.

Side effects of OoI-00001 on society includes but not limited to:

- A widening unevenness and rising prices of health care, insurance, and other public services
the further an individual is from the baseline human form.
- A noticeable increase of indifference and aggression of gene expressed individuals to
individuals without OoI-00001.
- Abilities that counters known laws of nature, fueling in distrust on the scientific institution.
- [-] in areas high of gene expressed individuals.
- An increase of cult [-] in areas high of gene expressed individuals or performed by gene
expressed individuals.
- Complete failure of blood transfusions, organ transplants, and similar procedures due to
massive genetic differences between individuals.
- Attempts to 3D print organs, travel beyond the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and synthesize stem
cells, among other things, completely fail due to extra gene expressions, anomalous mutations of
the host, breakdown of higher brain functions, and [-].
- Attempts to synthesize anomalous nucleotides fail due to their inherent instability.
- Theoretical human extinction within a generation due to vast genetic differences that should
result in the inability to procreate.
- Psychological shifts in line to certain behaviors and personality traits because of a quirk, such
as increasing hotheadedness for fire users.

"I never realized how much of an effect quirks truly had on society..." Momo said in wonder.

"Quite. It is interesting seeing all of this on paper." Nezu nodded in appreciation.

The anomalous nucleotides are classified by their usual gene expression on the individual.

Alpha Class: Quirk Immune

Status: Observation, Protected

Only ten percent of the total human population in the eve of the twenty third century are
considered Quirk Immune, also known as True Humans by the bioconservative faction and cells
that continue plan HUMANITY FIRST. They do not have anomalous nucleotides in their DNA.
How these individuals managed remains unknown.

Izuku looked down at his feet, wondering if he was truly born quirkless.

HUMANITY FIRST was the first plan in place by the Omega Council in the defense of the
human species. It was discontinued when the level of genetic alteration was discovered. The plan
is not completely discontinued and a number of operations continue in the defense of the
remaining Quirk Immune.

Because of their lack of anomalous nucleotides, Quirk Immune individuals are given excellent
health care including 3D printed organs, synthetic blood transfusions, in vitro fertilization, and
more under operation HIPPOCRATES hidden as part of public welfare initiatives.

Due to their dwindling population, a number of cells are becoming more and more preemptive in
the defense and continuation of the Quirk Immune as part of the survival of the human species.
Attempts of the Maui cell in gathering support for operation UTNAPISHTIM is a noticeable
example. Other potential operations include GATTACA, MATRIX, and FALGSC.

"I am... so lost." Kinoko mumbled. Pony patted her head in sympathy.

Nezu's frown deepened as he recognized what was on the paper.

Hisashi went to skip to the next classification.

Beta Class: Quirk Carrier

Status: Normalized

Ten percent of the total human population have the anomalous nucleotides but have not shown
any unnatural gene expression. A child of a Quirk Carrier have a chance of developing a quirk.

As part of operations HUMANITY FIRST and FILTERED MASQUERADE, all Quirk Carrier
individuals are placed under quirkless status and any attempts to segregate them from the Quirk
Immune are to be hindered for the protection of the Quirk Immune.
As part of FILTERED MASQUERADE, all medical research, government, corporate, and
major organization, are to be infiltrated and push away from developing and discovering certain
knowledge and technology.

“That explains a lot.” Hisashi muttered as he skipped to the next classification.

"It does..." Izuku mumbled, brows furrowed as he processed this large amount of information.

Delta Class: Aesthetic Deviation

Status: Normalized

Gene expressions that resulted in unnatural aesthetic physiological change from human
baseline, such as hair color, skin color, eye color, etc.

SOCIAL ADAPTATION is used to help society adapt and normalize to the fact that more and
more people have these changes and abilities. The results are mixed…

“Nothing important…”

"Weakling quirks..." Bakugo scoffed. Monoma shot him a glare.

Epsilon Class: Deviation from Base Human Form

Hisashi decided to skim over some pages, reading only the categories the Foundation made in
the centuries of research.

He stopped near the end to a particular category.

Blackbody: Regulated

The ability to absorb radiation and convert it to neutrinos. Wielded by the hero Blackbody,
brother of Thirteen. Used in clearing up Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi, Kovvada, Akkuyy, and
Atucha Exclusion Zones of radiation.

Izuku frowned. "I haven't heard of that hero before."

"Quite. I wasn't aware 13 had a brother." Nezu said.

"Well... it is an alternate reality..." Uraraka mumbled, a bit of awe in her tone as she realized her
idol had a brother, and with a cool quirk too.

Black Hole: Regulated

The ability to absorb objects like a black hole. Wielded by the hero Thirteen. Working as a
rescue hero and teacher.

They have tabs on one of the teachers... who else do they have tabs on. Nezu wondered as his
beady eyes narrowed.

Decay: Observation

The ability to break down molecular bonds during periods of negative emotion. Agents in the
Japanese quirk and genetic database altered its description to better control the ability.
"Tomura Shigaraki...." Iida frowned as he named the holder of that particular quirk.

Omega Class: Existential Warpers

Status: Hidden

These individuals have one or more of the forbidden eighteen nucleotides in their DNA. The
unnatural gene expression made by these nucleotides results in abilities that can and will alter
the very laws of nature.

A few of the students gaped at that. "Reality altering quirks?" Kuroiro mumbled, a bit of fear in his

"We already have a few quirks that fit that description." Izuku noted, flipping through his

"13 has Black Hole. Yaoyorozu can make anything inorganic, and Uraraka has Zero Gravity. Not
to mention you, Yui." Izuku stared at her with a bit of admiration, blushing slightly.

"Indeed. In a sense, you're making more matter out of nothing. Or less, if you choose to shrink an
object." Nezu agreed.

FILTERED MASQUERADE is in place to maintain the survival of the human species. Should
an Omega Class individual is shown in simulations to have an ability that is an existential risk to
humanity, elimination is preferred. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a common cover up

"They'll... kill them?" Koda frowned at that, a bit upset.

"It can't be helped. Reality altering abilities are... troublesome. Especially in the wrong hands.
Sometimes there are no other options besides extermination." Nighteye explained.

Dreamer: Eliminated

The ability to alter reality in one’s dreams. Simulations shown that if left alive, the Dreamer’s
radius of effect would increase until it surrounds the planet in twenty years. This will result in
an existential breakdown as reality becomes conformed to dream logic when Dreamer is asleep.

Everyone gaped at that description. "That's... that's really strong." Mirio choked out.

"Reminds me of the other Midoriya with dream powers." Yanagi recalled.

"Yeah... I wonder if he'll evolve his quirk to that degree." Kuroiro wondered.

False Vacuum: Eliminated

The ability to be a living false vacuum, which will result in a vacuum decay and the resulting
rewriting of the laws of physics. For the safety of humanity and of the universe, the pregnant
mother was eliminated. Some money was anonymously sent to Blackbody and Thirteen’s father
by an agent.

The adults tensed at that. Another sibling of 13, and one that was eliminated. Nezu's frown only
deepened more. A quirk like that... it was unfortunately for the best.
Mathmagician: Eliminated

The ability to alter, control, and reorganize numbers itself. Eliminated before his fourth
birthday. However, it is suggested that Mathmagician expressed his ability earlier than expected.
A number was either removed or added into reality. More research is necessary and if shown
that mathematics was altered in some way, operation CARRY THE ONE shall be activated.

"Um... how is that dangerous? They're just numbers?" Mina asked in confusion.

"I'll explain afterwards." Yaoyorozu promised, too focused on the screen.

Narration: Contained

The ability to alter reality based on the narrative the individual has vocalized. The Narrator is
currently contained in a time loop surrounding his high school with a narrative in place to
prevent possible escape. To maintain psychological stability, comedy scripts of varying genres
are used within the time loop, particularly high school romantic comedies on the lead up to

"Like an anime protagonist..." Mineta mumbled in awe.

Yui glanced with a bit of worry at Midoriya's notebook as smoke began to come out of it. Izuku
was currently scribbling as fast as he could, his pencil a blur.

Normality: Observation

The ability to define what is normal in reality. Depending on the hypothesis, Normality could
range from [-] to alter his surroundings to what he considers to be normal. Fortunately,
Normality simply believes he has a strong regeneration quirk due to the actions of Foundation
agents. Normality was made to witness a fake event with the Nishinomiya city mayor being
awarded by an agent for having the lowest crime and villainy rates of the world. The sudden
decrease in crime and villain attacks in the city was substantial. Continued maintenance of
Normality’s psychological health is a top priority. Operation FUN BRIGADE is advised to be
continued beyond Normality’s high school education.

"You're telling me quirks like this actually existed and we didn't even know?" Nejire asked, a bit
creeped out at just how much power these individuals possessed.

"You'd never think about it, but there would have had to be quirks that just... couldn't be
controlled." Izuku mumbled.

"Indeed. It's illogical to assume there wasn't atleast one quirk that was better off erased." Aizawa

Palette Shift: Eliminated

The ability to rearrange the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum. Simulations shown that only
the location of the color on the electromagnetic spectrum is shifted, other factors such as photon
energies remains unaltered. Analysis of Palette Shift’s DNA shown a high likelihood of
monochromatic vision. Palette Shift was eliminated soon after.

Hisashi kept reading the list of rather terrifying quirks before reaching the last one. As
unfortunate as it was, he agreed with the Omega Council on the need to commit such actions
for the survival of humanity if not the universe.

"It's quite fortunate All for One never thought to take one of their quirks..." Nighteye sighed in

"I don't think he would've been able to. Nearly all of these quirks are on another level entirely..."
Toshinori shuddered at the thought.

Then he noticed the last page.

For Omega Council eyes only

Zeta Class: Undetermined

A temporary designation for abilities outside known classifications.

Izuku Midoriya (Individual of Interest-77041. Code name pending): Undetermined

Izuku tensed up, eyes fully focused on the screen. Everyone else was now staring, fully fixated on
what was being shown.

Son of former agent Athos (IoI-770) of the Musketeer cell. Genetic analysis suggests placing him
on Quirk Immune but the anomalous DNA loop suggests Quirk Carrier.

Recent analysis of the DNA loop revealed all sixty anomalous nucleotides all bonded in such a
way that stabilized their inherent instability. This shifted the debate between elimination,
observation, and containment camps.

“What.” Hisashi muttered in subdued rage at the very idea.

No one said anything as they tried coming to terms with the information currently given.

One noticeable quality, currently unknown if it is connected to the anomalous DNA loop, is the
complete inability to predict Izuku Midoriya in every simulation and predictive analysis.
Foundation analysts suggests a potential connection to [-] to account for this quality. The
Hexadecimal expressed worry on the individual they stated to be blind to. This worry extends to a
number of in-the-know individuals from other member organizations.

Nighteye stood up abruptly, nearly tumbling the seat he was on. Toshinori and Aizawa bristled in
surprise. "That must be why! My foresight... it didn't work on you..." Nighteye regarded Izuku in a
new light.

"W-what? Wait... you used your quirk on me?" Izuku startled.

"Indeed. It's possible that's why your future was uncertain. You are, scientifically... unpredictable."
Nezu stated, looking at Izuku as a possible threat now. This information changed the playing field

"So... that's really bad huh?" Kaminari asked, understanding the gist of the situation a bit.

"Being scientifically unpredictable? I'd assume so. The future is uncertain when you're
concerned..." Yaoyorozu appraised Izuku, who merely looked lost.
Classification and action shall remain undetermined as more research is necessary. If Izuku
Midoriya is a threat, it is predicted that former agent Athos will attempt to neutralize the
individual. Whether or not he will succeed remains inconclusive.

The students frowned at that. No way were they letting anyone kill Izuku.

One worst case scenario is that Izuku Midoriya is [-]. If true, then we must prevent a Omega
Class Harvest Scenario.

"Omega Class Harvest Scenario?" Iida asked in confusion.

"Probably a doomsday scenario." Shoji reasoned.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. :Dc - O-13

Hisashi sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

“And now I remember why I wanted a vacation from all this nonsense.”

He placed the papers back in the box and placed it in a hidden spot among his files and
documents before returning to his chores.

Contingency plans were forming in his head already but for who he remained undecided.

The screen shut off, leaving the students in silence.

A few of them were glancing at Izuku warily.

He didn't like that.

A nudge shook him out of his thoughts.

"Being unpredictable isn't bad if that's the case for you. It means the villains won't know what to
do against you." Yui said, trying to make him understand.

"Indeed, that is a valuable trait to have!" Iida added, catching on.

"Yeah! That's like, really cool Deku!" Uraraka cheered, pumping her fist up.

Maybe that's why my baby chose him as a catalyst... Mei thought as she held a hand to her chin.

Nezu finished scribbling down notes, and called the classes to attention.

"We still have two more to go through for today. Hatsume, if you would."


Chapter End Notes

Ey so, next chapter will be another react to the fic "Locked in Digital" by RogueDruid!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and uh, might actually do another separate fic entirely.
Hoping to get a first chapter up before today is over. Enjoy!
Universe 17
Chapter Summary

I am so sorry for the delay.

The fic used this time is 'Locked in Digital' by RogueDruid (Icarius51)

Hope you enjoy! I actually meant to post smth for valentines too but like... idk bro
writers block ig, anyways enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Uraraka Ochako rushed up the front steps of UA, heart thumping in her chest.

"Oh hey it started with you this time!" Izuku exclaimed. Uraraka chuckled at seeing herself on

‘Today is the day! The first step! All I have to do is pass the entrance exam. I can do this. I
know it!’

"Admirable positivity you have there." Iida noted with pride in his voice. Her classmates nodded in

Pumping herself up, she jogged down the path to the building, her eyes flashing over the
people who were walking with her. From attention-grabbing blonde spikes, to pink skin, and
even a towering teen with six arms.

"It's us!" Mina squealed. Shoji hummed while Sero chuckled. "We've already seen ourselves

"Yeah but... it's still us!"

And then her eyes passed over him and something deep in her skull tingled, a warning.
Instinct, flickering on and making her notice the teen walking ahead of her.

He looked almost fragile. Short, thin, and most of his form hidden by a dark tan jacket with a
fake fur collar that reached halfway up his cheeks, revealing only the barest smattering of
freckles. He had earbuds in, his loosely spiked green hair falling to cover the rest of his face
from the cheekbones up. Aside from the loose black slacks, and tan jacket, the only thing
visible about him was the long boxy case slung over his shoulder. Likely tools or gear for the
physical exam; if she was right, they were allowed if built by the applicant.

"He looks..." Kendo trailed off, not sure how to describe it.

"Dangerous." Mirio supplied helpfully, his smile a bit forced now.

"Certainly got your heart pumping, huh?" Mina teased. Uraraka sputtered at that.
"Looking at him makes my instincts nearly scream at me." Tsuyu admitted. Izuku was carefully
observing his counterpart, picking apart his behavior and looks.

Beyond that was something about his stance. He moved with a weird silent grace, his steps
surefooted. There was a tension to his frame, though.

"He's experienced." Nezu noted, leaning forward.

"Experienced?" Kaminari tilted his head, comfused.

"The way he moves... everything about him practically yells that he's on another level." Tamaki
mumbled, staring at the screen timidly.

"I bet his case has a sword!" Kaminari yelled out in excitement.

As she jogged by his eye darted her way, deep fathomless green and black focusing on her,
before flicking back forwards.

"Oh... his eyes..."

"They don't look very Midoriya."

"Huh? What's that mean?"

"They don't have that... spark, y'know?"

She wondered why she felt like she was being acknowledged, and then dismissed.

"Probably because you were." Monoma chuckled. Kendo slapped the back of his head.

Breaking free from her thoughts, she passed the teen, hearing the faint bassbeat of his music
as she passed within reaching distance.

‘Why did he look familiar…. Dammit, I can worry later. Exam now!’

"Oh so she's seen him before." Tokage assumed.

"Seems like it." Izuku said, growing more curious by the second.

“No built-in cheat of a Quirk, no hero here to save you, and a drive to be somebody. Oh, you
will work wonderfully.”


"A villain?"

"No quirk here either huh?"

“What? Sir… Who are you?”

“Heh, kid. Because the world isn't ready, and I'm tired of waiting. I want to see it. The end of
all my work.”

Nezu frowned, reminded of his... past.

"Is he going to be experimented on?" Nejire asked hesitantly.

“What is it!? What do you want from me!?”

“I want you to become a survivor. I want you to win.”

Nezu's lips curled into a frown.

"Survive? Win? Huh?" Izuku asked dumbly.

"The shitty villain wants you to win." Bakugo summarized, his face deadpanning.

Tenya breathed deeply and slowly as he listens to Present Mic explain. However, he was
interrupted from his thoughts by a very faint almost imperceptible sound from the side of the
room. A slow repetitive sound. A rasp, metal on stone, he believed.

"Four eyes, I don't recommend it." Bakugo chided, already knowing what he was going to do.

It took a few seconds for him to identify it, but when he did he frowned. A figure to the side,
sitting on the very end of the very back row, a blade and sheath half-drawn in his lab, though
the shape was too far and too awkwardly angled to make out. At the very least he could say it
wasn't a katana. A ring with a flat stone plane sliding over its edge. If not for his acute
hearing, he may have even missed it under Present Mic’s voice. And if he could hear it, he
guaranteed that most of the other people near the teen would also hear it, possibly drowning
out the Instructions! What a diabolical plan to get a one up over the competition! In fact,
Mic’s words offered another question!

Everyone gaped at Iida, who only adjusted his glasses in mild embarrassment. Tokoyami and
Kaminari looked at Izuku's blade in awe.

He stood up and offered his insight to the examiners.

“May I ask a question!? There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villains on
this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for U.A., Japan's Top
Academy! We are here to be molded into model heroes after all!” And then he turned his

"Same old Iida" Sato chuckled.

“And you, with the sword! Do you think this is a game!? Your maintenance is distracting and
should have been done earlier!”

Cool sharp eyes looked up from under limp black and green hair, and the blade in his hand
was closed with a smooth rasp of leather and wood on metal. “Apologies. It's a nervous tick
of mine. I’ll refrain.” the words were soft and calm, but clear and easy to hear.

"You would've died." Kuroiro simply said.

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami's feathers ruffled as he observed Izuku's gaze.

"He's so... at ease." Shoto noted, a bit impressed with the level of self control this Izuku had.

Accepting such a reason, Tenya focused back on the examiner, as the 0-pointer was revealed
and explained.

For some reason, he couldn’t help but feel cool sweat along his spine, as if he had just had a
close encounter with something dangerous.

"Atleast you've got good instincts." Monoma shrugged. Pony couldn't help but think that Izuku
looked badass, like that really cool and reserved character in an anime.

Later, as he readied for the exam, he couldn't help but seek out the green haired teen.

It took several moments, but there, in the shadow of the wall next to the gateway, stood the
teen. His jacket was unzipped, revealing a tight black shirt, laced with what looked almost
like rips made of metal. Hanging from it was black straps leading deeper into his jacket,
where a myriad of shapes was hidden under the loose form.

"Iida..." Shoji warned, as if the other Tenya could hear him.

Ibara ducked her head, her hands clasped in a prayer.

And at his side, was the sword. It was clearer now, the long fairly wide blade, and the wide
blocky crossguard.

"You'd be better off keeping quiet, or else you'll get to see that sword up close and personal." Sero
said, studying the blade.

Iida considered confronting the teen once more, berating him for off putting the other exam
applicants with his demeanor, when the shout of “GO” from Present Mic grabbed his

"Really? Off putting? C'mon Iida! A good portion of us are already off putting." Uraraka pouted, a
bit disgruntled at the other Iida.

"I apologize, everyone. It was not my intention to single out Midoriya for that " Iida ducked his
head in shame. Izuku patted his back in comfort.

By the time Mic had finished yelling about how there were no countdowns in real life, the
teen with green hair was gone.

And a downed 1 pointer rested in the street past the gates, far ahead of the rest of the
examinees rushing that way.

Kamakiri whistled. "Bet he gets the top score."

"I'd have to be an idiot to bet otherwise." Kaminari snorted.

Jirou and a few others deadpanned at him.

“It’s quite simple. There are 9 games I’ve loaded into the simulation, each one designed to
teach you skills and force you to think… creatively.”

"Games? He survived video games?" Nejire asked, a bit disappointed.

"Something tells me they won't be the normal kind." Awase grumbled.

“Complete every game, and you get to leave.”

“And the world will get to see exactly how effective my designs are.”

Nezu was frowning even more now, his sharp teeth jutting out slightly at the corners.

"Yep. Definitely not average games." Nirengeki nodded, a bit worried for the other Izuku.

Aoyama grunted as he fired once more, another robot shattering under the force of his laser.

It had to be the tenth or so, most of them the higher value 2 and 3 pointers; and he still had
plenty of time.

Aoyama smirked. "Alas, I have a bit of screentime to show off my sparkles."

However, as he jogged forwards to search for a new target, he heard the whine of engines and
turned a corner, to see a pair of 3-pointers charging the same green teen who had been
singled out during the explanations.

"Not for long." Hagakure snickered.

He stood, sword held in his right hand as the two robots closed in. Taking a deep breath,
Aoyama began to ready his laser once more before the teens left hand raised, and two shots
rang out, the sound of gunfire startling the French teen.

A few of the students yelped at the sudden sound of the gunshot. Jirou winced as Kaminari
accidentally released a few volts.

He barely had time to register the matte black gun in the teen’s left hand, held back and
away from the 3 pointers charging him, and instead at the bot that had been flanking him,
which was now smoking from a cracked lens in its ‘face’ and leaking oil from a hole punched
through its chassis.

"Nice save!" Uraraka congratulated. Izuku chuckled in embarrassment.

"Indeed. Thank you." Aoyama beamed at him, grateful for the save.

As the other robot grew closer, the gun was swiftly holstered, vanishing in the depths of the
tan jacket, and the green haired teen stepped forwards.

A swinging robot fist, fast and strong enough to crush through cars and buildings, but
missing green hair by over a foot. The teenager had stepped in closer than the fist was
passing and brought his blade up and around, left hand supporting the right through its
motions, moving faster than Aoyama could trace.

"He's so fast!" Mina gawked in awe.

"It's not just that. He predicted the attack and reacted accordingly..." Mirio noted, well aware of
Sir's method of fighting.

As he did, the gears and wiring of one shoulder flashed with sparks, wiring severed before he
lunged up and off the knee of the robot. The blade pierced through the neck of the beast,
through cables and wires, and was torn to the side, leaving the robot to twitch before
slumping, disabled.

"That's badass..." Kaminari mumbled in awe.

Yui nudged Midoriya, grabbing his attention.

"How skilled are you with a blade?" she asked.

"I've uh... never used one before?" Izuku answered nervously.

A few students sighed in disappointment.

In all, both take-outs took less than ten seconds from start to finish. Aoyama had barely had
time to gather his nerves from the sound of the gunshots before it was over.

Green eyes met blue, and the mysterious green-haired teenager pivoted and leapt down from
the bot, before heading further away.

"Damn, not even a word from him..." Tsuburaba chuckled.

"He's pretty efficient." Shishida acknowledged with respect.

“Perhaps I should hunt down some less… contested points. Yes, that will be for the best.”

Aoyama took a turn away from the young man with a sword, focusing back on his own task.

"That's the wisest thing you've said so far." Toru admitted.

“Is that the kid.” A tall man wearing loose dark clothes watched the screens, glancing down
at the suited animal next to him. “The simulation survivor.”

"Mr Aizawa!" 1A yelled out as they saw their teacher.

"Simulation survivor... is it something public?" Tokage wondered out loud.

“It is. His application was quite interesting, I must say. Particularly when you consider his
absence from schooling for the last year. The fact he managed to pass the practice exams sent
to him is remarkable.”

“Hmmm. He’s skilled. What about his mind.”

“There lie the problems. Isolation. Trauma. Stress and anxiety are all through the roof.
But… he does seem to have a handle on it. Coping mechanisms and an understanding of his
own triggers to a frankly wonderful degree.”

"That's... terrifying." Kirishima said.

"So he's been gone for atleast a year..."

"It's definitely left lasting effects..."

“Hmmph. Send in the 0-pointer. I want to see how he reacts.”

A button pressed, and the rumble of the robot moving echoed through the observation room.
Aizawa kept his focus on the green haired teen.

‘ Show me your potential, Izuku Midoriya.’

"Teacher's pet." Mineta complained.

Aizawa shot him a sharp glare for that.

Uraraka gasped, dropping the robots around her, and panting from exertion and fighting off
a wave as nausea.

“Tw…. Twenty-eight!”

"Man... your quirks drawbacks really seem like a big pain..." Mina clutched her stomach as she
imagined the pain.

Aoyama hummed in sympathy.

She began to advance, running deeper into the city, before the ground rumbled.

“Wh-” She glanced up eyes widening as she took in the massive form of the robot that was
grasping the building.

"And here comes the zero pointer." Kaibara announced.

In fact, she was so distracted she didn’t see the falling debris about to bury her.

"Uraraka!" Almost everyone yelped out.

But then a hand grasped her shoulder, and she felt herself get pulled. She recognized it as
something almost like a judo flip, dry and sure hands gripping her arm and shoulder as she
was pulled back and swung around from the collapsing building. She left the ground just as
the impact of debris shook her out of her stupor, but by the time she was about to say
something she was on the ground over three meters away from the impact, having been sent
sliding across the street.

"Izuku with the save, yet again." Tokage smirked with pride.

“Hey. You can nullify gravity, right?”

That voice was calm and smooth, and she glanced to see the teen she had noted on the way in.
he stood, arm still holding her back behind him as he focused on the massive robot tearing
through the area. His sword was sheathed at his side, and he was rummaging inside his
jacket for something with his other hand.

"Even the way he talks is much different now..."

"You're telling me a year of video games did this much change?"

“That thing’s gonna cause more problems and damage than leaving it solves. I need to either
stop its movements or kill it. Mind using your quirk on me for a minute?” he glanced back
over his shoulder, eyes gleaming with intent.

"He's going to take it down? But he's quirkless!" Tsuburaba exclaimed.

Kodai looked at him, a bit distastefully. "That doesn't mean he's useless."

"Izuku's reasoning is on point though." Toru complimented.

“Uh, yeah. Here!” she tapped his arm, and suddenly she could feel the faint lift of pressure
from his grip on her shoulder, fighting back the surge of nausea that it sent through her.

“Thanks. Hold it for about 30 seconds if you can. Sorta want to land after this.”

"Wait he's going to float up? What if he misses?" Jirou asked with a bit of worry.

Yaoyorozu chuckled softly. "I'm sure he won't."

And then he was gone, leaping up at an angle and, surprisingly given how hard she knew that
sort of control in zero-gravity was, landing in a window frame several floors up across the
street, and then leaping from there to the opposite side of the the damaged building the 0-
pointer was crashing through.

Uraraka looked impressed at how easy Midoriya had maneuvered in zero gravity. Her eyes glinted
with a bit of pride.

She lost sight of him, the robot already moving and causing more damage to the street,
kicking up dust and smoke from its actions. Any other applicant nearby had long since
vanished from the scene, and with nausea racking through her skull, she could barely stand
straight as she jogged away from the robot, before grabbing a nearby car for balance.
Glancing around. she tried to find the teen so she could let him down from whatever he was
doing—wait, was he on the robot's shoulder?

He was.

"Oh my." Nezu chuckled, anticipating what was to come.

Standing braced to the neck of the 0-pointer, he was shoulder deep in what looked like a
maintenance panel, sparks flying as he sabotaged it. Yanking back, he came away with a
length of cable wrapped around his arm, and the robot began to shudder, sparks shooting
from several joints as it seized up and shifted awkwardly, one arm suddenly falling limp and
dragging the robot across the intersection away from her as it swung its head back and forth.

He knew what he was doing... Mei noted, watching the other Izuku systematically sabotage the
zero pointer.

Worried, she focused on the teen to see him swinging around from the top of the head,
anchored by the cord in his left hand, while a long blocky shape was pulled from under his
large jacket with his right, two straps showing it had clearly been cinched tight to his frame
under the concealing outfit.

"Don't tell me-" Iida choked out as he recognized the shotgun.

"Oh shit." Rin sucked in a deep breath.

But the profile was unmistakable.

Grabbing the frame of the 0-pointers ‘face’ the green haired teen swung around, and landed,
feet braced and wide, as the double-barreled shotgun in his hand was leveled dead center
with the largest of the lenses adorning the robots head.

"Oh shit." Jirou and Tokage echoed.

In the sudden silence, the world quieting as things seemed to slow.

No one dared to breathe, anticipating what was to follow.

The teen said one thing.


And then the roar of the shotgun blast and shattering glass echoed through the intersection.

"Holy shit!" A good portion of the students yelled out. Nezu began cackling as quietly as he could.

And then the back of the robot began to spark, and smoke billowed out of it.

"What the actual fuck?!"

"Yeah how strong was that shotgun?"

"He defeated the zero pointer without a quirk... you continue to impress."

“What the actual fuck,” Ochako whispered, watching the teen leap from the robot even as it
collapsed, limbs losing energy as it slumped, the green hair teen sliding the shotgun into his
jacket with comfort even under the effects of Zero Gravity, spinning as he coasted away from
the now seizure-ridden robot.

"I think that's the first time I've heard you curse, Ochako." Tsuyu noted.

A few of them giggled at that.

"Yeah that's new." Izuku admitted, not expecting that from her.

"Well... if I saw you beat the zero pointer with a shotgun, I'd definitely say 'what the actual fuck?'
is more than an appropriate response." Uraraka defended nervously.

"Oh hey look, she said it."

Remembering that she was the one doing that, she clapped her hands, the teen dropping the
last half foot and shaking out his left arm. He paced his way towards her and held out a
hand. Face softened slightly, and an air of contentment around him.

“Thanks for the assist. Name’s Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku.”

"Aha! Friendship blooms no matter what the world!" Mina squealed.

Kodai decided not to mention the fact they've already seen atleast 1 universe where they aren't

Suddenly it clicked. She knew exactly who this was.

“Uraraka Ochako…. Are you the simulation guy?” she panted, trying to fight back rising

"Oh yeah I'm betting lots more people know." Kirishima admitted.

"Maybe they were streamed?" Kaminari thought out loud.

Smirking, he slid his hands in his pockets, as behind him the 0-pointer tilted over, crashing to
the ground.

“I might be.”

"Ok, that's pretty hardcore." Jirou admitted, looking at the screen.

And then she puked on his boots.

"That, not so much." Jirou immediately retracted.

Uraraka began to hastily apologize to Izuku, who told her it wasn't a big deal.

Simulation: Survival

Day 1. Hour 2:12:11

Izuku gasped as he shot up from the white sheets, hand coming up to his neck.

"Oh, flashback huh?" Shinso muttered.

"This must be when he played the games." Kuroiro pitched in his two cents.

Flashes of memory filled him. A needle, manic blue eyes, the underpass, the rough grip of
latex around his neck.

"Yep, definitely a villain." Sero deadpanned.

"Atleast he's alive." Toru mumbled.

Instead of the comforting room he was used to, with its colorful posters and hero worship
clear, this room was… brutal in its simplicity. The bed was larger than he was used to, with a
dark grey comforter and white sheets and pillows. The walls of the room were sheer concrete
and lit by bars of a recessed white light. A desk was to his left and, halfway across the floor,
grey carpet from under the bed gave way to white, square tile.

"If I was in a room like that, I'd probably go insane." Bakugo grumbled, his hands twitching just
looking at it.

"I think that's the point." Izuku replied thoughtfully.

"Quite." Nezu said.

An open doorway to the far right led into an open space with a tiled wall, and across from the
bed on the far wall was what looked like a closet, with curved metal panels acting as doors.

Finally, was a metal door to his left.

"Don't go towards it..." Mineta whispered fearfully.

Speaking of, he glanced down to see that somehow he was dressed in black loose slacks and a
white t-shirt with a green stripe from the collar down over the heart to the waist.

Bakugo snorted. "Even villains have better taste in fashion than you."


Scrambling, he got out of bed and moved to glance in the tiled room, revealing a bathroom
with a shower, before darting to the closed door and looking at it. To his side was an green
button. Tentatively, he pressed it, only for the door to open.

"Don't enter..." Mineta repeated.

Before him, a large high ceilinged area stretched out.

‘Brutalist’ was his first thought. Large pale concrete expanses for walls and floors. With a
glass floor over complex computer electronics in the center, around a raised podium with a
reclined seat on it.

The far walls were a massive bank of windows, with a pale white glare filtering through the
glass that blocked out any view past it, leaving only the faintest shape of buildings and streets
out beyond the room. However, in the center of that wall, the room extended out into what
looked like an office area. Desk, laptop, and high backed chair.

"Woah, that is pretty brutal." Awase admitted.

"Guess that's where he'll be playing?" Mina guessed.

"Atleast the chair looks comfortable." Izuku tried to find the silver lining.

“Where am I?”

"You're in a simulation, inside another sim- gah!" Kaminari's joke was cut off by Jirou's jack
stabbing him.

On the desk, a ringing began.

"Don't pick up." Everyone immediately advised.

Suddenly Izuku felt nervous. This was… creepy. He glanced around and tried to find another
way out, but besides an opening leading to a kitchen area, a glass conference table with a
series of chairs around it, and several scattered white couches.

"You're only now feeling nervous?" Iida asked incredulously.

"He changed so much..." Nejire said in awe.

‘ What would All Might do?’

"All Might would never have gotten himself in that situation to begin with." Nighteye replied

Uraraka was tempted to throw her shoe at him.

Taking a deep breath, he turned and tried to march for the desk, though the clash of his stern
march with his short and thin stature was… comical, to say the least.

"Pfft!" A few of the students stiffled their laughter.

"You're about as far away from threatening as I can imagine, Deku!" Bakugo cackled.

"Oh is that so?" Izuku coldly replied, his voice cutting through the noise and startling his

Izulu chuckled nervously. "Sorry, I wanted to see if I could be threatening. I guess that answers
that, heh..."

Bakugo wisely kept his mouth shut.

He looked for the phone, only to see the screen of the computer flashing with an ‘Incoming
Call’ logo.

Tapping enter, the screen went black, before snapping on to show the caller.

Long red hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and skin shallow and pale stretched around
thick black rimmed glasses.

"hm, I don't recognize him." Shoto admitted. The other students agreed.

Nighteye snapped a photo to investigate later.

“Hello, Mister Midoriya. Pleasure to see you’ve awakened.”

“Wh-Where am I! Why am I here! What is going on!” Izuku shouted, voice cracking from

"Yep, classic Izuku, ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"To be fair... I'd be freaking out like that too..." Kinoko muttered.

Lips parted to reveal straight white teeth. “Well, that's quite simple. You are currently inside
a computer. Not just any computer either, no… this is a high tech prototype. The first, and
possibly only of its time. I call it the Simulation Drive. Your body has been turned to data,
and you have been uploaded into the drive. What you see is a complex rendering of a
location. In reality, you are in a computer.”

"Oh shit."

"I think I see where this is going."

"Wait... I thought he was just going to be playing on the computer...?"

Izuku froze, ‘ in a computer’ he blinked and the words just… didn’t make sense. There were
plenty of stories—fiction—about such a thing, but for it to happen, in real life? It was too
absurd, even with quirks!

"We live in a world with quirks. I'm pretty sure nothing is impossible now." Mirio admitted.
The students nodded in agreement.

“See, my dream for three decades now has been to create a way to enter a digital world. I’ve
researched and designed and tested for quite some time… and just as my prototype came to
completion, I was fired. My research was taken, locked away… but I managed to keep the
prototype. I’ve been testing it, but I keep running into a problem, you see.”

"Entering the digital world would be cool, but the way he's going about it is wrong." Mei said with
a frown.

Izuku wanted to scream, to shout. But the words just kept bouncing inside his skull as he
stared at the screen in horror.

“Quirks. The power of the people… break the simulation. They are unpredictable, untracked
variables. The simulation can’t keep up with them. Not quite. So I needed a new target, a
new tester… someone quirkless... someone with a dream. See, I've heard of your dilemma.
You wish to be a hero… Well, I offer you the greatest training possible. The simulation has 9
‘games’. Classics from early in the millennia that the system has revamped and used to form
its own simulated tests and environments. All you have to do to leave… is complete all 9
games. Each has its own lessons… it's own changes and challenges. But fear not, the world is
on your side. As you run through the games... As the simulations play out around you, the
world can watch you perform. And who knows, you may even end up with some very useful

"So he was watched by the world..."

"So it only worked because he was quirkless huh?"

"They're just video games..."

"Did you completely forget about the beginning of this?"

Izuku felt himself go limp, and crashed to the chair heavily, bouncing gently off its springs as
he tried to process.

"Poor Deku..." Uraraka frowned, feeling for her friend.

“Now I must leave you. I’ll be watching.” the glasses came off to reveal pale blue eyes. “Good
Luck, have fun!”

"Well that isn't fucking ominous" Bakugo barked out.

The screen turned back, and Izuku stared at it before he spoke.

“But I suck at video games.”

The screen turned off.

"Yeah I kinda do suck at video games." Izuku admitted.

"Then you're in for a rough time." Shoto told him.

"Icyhot, have you ever played a video game before?" Bakugo deadpanned. Todoroki said nothing.
"Sucks it left on a cliffhanger." Tokage pouted.

"We'll probably see more of this one eventually Tokage." Izuku comforted. She grinned at him.

"Setsuna's fine."

"I- oh um, ok. Izuku is fine too."

Nezu interrupted their chattering, nodding at Hatsume.

"Oh right." Mei mumbled, selecting another universe.

Shinso stifled a heavy yawn. These seats were really comfy.

The screen turned back on.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry for the delay, rip writers block or smth idk. I did start 2 separate fics in the
meantime so i wanted to know which seems more interesting. Vigilante killer izuku or
gamer izuku?
Universe 18
Chapter Summary

Two in one! This time it's 'The Walk In' and 'Buns and Roses' by Zeuzul, go check em
out they were fun to read, apologies for the delay

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

All Might walked briskly through the dorms. He looked at his phone. Izuku hadn’t
responded to his texts or his calls. Maybe he’d left his phone somewhere or the battery died
so All Might was coming straight to him to tell him.

"That's... unlike me." Izuku noted. He'd never leave All Might on hold unless he was doing
something really important.

All Might was excited to give Izuku the good news. There’d been an offer for an internship
sent in specifically for Izuku from none other than Miruko herself.

Bakugo choked on his spit as a few others made noises of surprise.

"The fuck? How did you of all people get Miruko's attention? She doesn't do team ups! Especially
with weaklings like you!" Bakugo yelled at Izuku.

Izuku simply stammered out that he didn't know.

All Might smiled. It was great that Izuku was earning the attention of other heroes, especially
those ranked in the top ten. Given that and Miruko’s own fighting style coupled with Izuku’s
change to shoot style All Might was certain that this would be a great learning experience for
the boy.

"That's a good point! I could definitely incorporate Miruko's fighting style to help with my shoot
style..." Izuku muttered, jotting down a quick note.
Tsuyu and Iida nodded in agreement. Learning from the rabbit hero would definitely improve their
own form.

He made it to Izuku’s floor but as he approached the door, he heard a lot of movement from
inside including a bed squeaking. All Might’s brow furrowed wondering if the boy was doing
some late night training.

"Oh no..." Jirou squeaked.

Aizawa placed a palm on Nighteye's shoulder.

"I'm sorry."


He knocked on the door and there was a loud thump like something hitting the floor.

"Dad Might with the cockblock" Mineta whispered, his voice clearly audible.

"Indeed. He's a better dad than my old man."

Shoto agreed.

Midoriya and Nighteye sputtered.

"Dad Might?!"

"Shoto, he's not my dad!"

The idea of All Might being a father was laughable to Nighteye. He doubted Toshinori ever
actually had eyes for anyone, only for justice.
“Young Midoriya, are you okay?”

"I'd say he's doing more than fine." Kaminari smirked.

“All Might? Y-Yes I’m okay, you just...caught me in the middle of something.”

It was hard to tell because of the door between them but Izuku’s voice sounded a bit tired.

"Wonder why." Tsuyu and Yanagi said simultaneously, deadpanning.

“Oh, sorry my boy. It’s just that I have great news and you weren’t answering your phone.
Um...can I come in?”

“Uh, uh, one moment please.” Izuku’s voice held a little panic in it.

"Oh my god." Nighteye said as he finally realized where this was going, placing his head in his

There was a lot of shuffling around and feet stepping inside.

"Who do you think it'll be?" Mineta asked.

"Hey! Don't talk about us like that!" Mina pouted.

"We... didn't?" Kaminari said.

Mina blushed hard as she realized what she implied.

All Might scratched his cheek.

He’s certainly very enthusiastic about training. I bet he accidently made a mess with One for
All again. Not that it’s a big deal. I certainly won’t lose faith in him for a less than tidy room.

Wait, could he use his quirk fo- Uraraka squeaked, almost floating away if not for Izuku.

The lock on the door clicked open and All Might heard the bed creak.

He took that as a sign to come in. He turned the knob slowly giving Izuku time to object if he
wasn’t ready. The boy didn’t so All Might opened the door fully.

Aizawa sighed, burrowing further into his scarf.

On the bed was Izuku in just his boxers. His hands gripping the bedsheets tightly as he sat on
the bed with a slight lean backwards. His face was flushed and he was a bit sweaty.

"God the amount of awkward tension rolling off of you is insane." Kaibara said, slightly in awe.
Tsuburaba snorted.

All Might gave a light chuckle. “Guess you’ve been busy tonight, training hard. Make sure
you stay hydrated though, training will wring you out and it’s been a hot night so far.”

"Yes. Training. And nothing else." Tokage assured, barely keeping the blush away from her face.

Izuku looked forward with at a slight angle downward. “Y-Yeah it’s been really hot.”

"You're terrible at this." Yui told him frankly, not in a mean way. Simply stating a fact. Iida and
Uraraka nodded in agreement.

Izuku’s eyes widened and he leaned backwards a little more. His fingers gripped the
bedsheets a little tighter and he shifted his legs some.

“Are you alright?”

“Yup!” Izuku winced at his response being higher than he meant to.

“Are you sure? You look somewhat uncomfortable. Is it a stomach ache or something.” All
Might grabbed his own left side. “There’s no shame in being sick, just need to make sure you
take care of yourself my boy.”

"Blue b-" Mineta was cut off as a jack stopped just short of his head.

“No, no it’s not that.”

All Might’s brow furrowed. “Is it your quirk?” Despite being concerned, All Might felt right
calling One for All Izuku’s quirk. The boy had earned it and All Might was incredibly proud
of him even if he was acting a little strange.

"Oh yeah, kinda forgot you have his quirk..." Kaminari remembered.

"How do you forget?" Shishida asked incredulously.

"I dunno... lot of stuff has been going on y'know?"

Before Izuku could respond All Might heard something scratch on the ceiling. He looked up
but Izuku immediately regained his attention when he spoke quickly.

"Nice save."

“It it isn’t my quirk! That’s been going well for a while. Control hasn’t been an issue.”
There was a very quiet scraping sound from under the bed and Izuku quickly adjusted
himself on the bed making it squeak louder than the scrape.

All Might stared at Izuku, the boy giving him a very awkward and forced smile.

All Might knew Izuku wasn’t particularly good at lying.

"Something we need to work on." Aizawa told Izuku. Nighteye nodded in agreement.

"Quite. A villain would've figured you out in an instant."

“Are you sure you’re okay? You can tell me anything you know? I’m your teacher.

Remember that I’m always here to help if you need it.”

Izuku’s closet door creaked open a crack.

"No really... this is something he can't tell you." Awase said.

Izuku cleared his throat. “I um...I…” He sputtered for a moment before getting coherent
again. “You said there was something important to tell me?”

All Might hesitated for a second but decided to trust Izuku. “Yes, it’s about the work studies.
Do you know of Miruko?”

Izuku’s blush grew a shade deeper. “Y-yeah, I m-met her on one of the patrols. She’d heard
about the raid on the Yakuza and wanted to-”

"Wait wHA-"

A loud crash outside interrupted their conversation.

Something had crashed onto the balcony.

Izuku sighed, literally feeling how screwed his other self was.

Izuku’s eyes widened in panic and as All Might squinted he realized it wasn’t something, it
was someone.

Outside on the balcony in just her underwear, Ochako scrambled to get up.

Everyone raised their eyebrows, glancing at Uraraka.

"I uh-"

Uraraka glanced at Izuku, internally pouting and smiling at the fact he was looking away from the

All Might immediately looked away and instead at Izuku’s frantic face.

Ochako quickly rushed to the side of the balcony using it to hide most of her body except her
face and neck.

“Y-Young man, were you two…?”

"For god's sake All Might." Nighteye sighed.

"How dense is he?" Aizawa asked All Might's former sidekick seriously.

Mirio was tempted to pat his mentor on the back, and also to laugh.
The closet door swung open and Mina’s face peeked in. Her neck and part of her shoulders
were visible and bare hinting at her wardrobe situation being more scandalous than

“Well,” Mina raised her voice, “cat’s out of the bag. Might as well all come out now that
we’re caught.”

"Ballsy move" Tokage grunted in respect. Ibara shook her head with disapproval.

Jiro’s voice came from under the bed. “I told you we were going to get caught...and I am not
coming out from under here.”

Jirou did not squeak. She did not. Her frantically waving jacks were something she couldn't control
right now though.

All Might stood up from the bed.

"All Might. Just... leave" Kendo groaned.

"To be fair... I wouldn't know what to do in that situation either." Rin admitted.

There was a croak from the ceiling. “My camouflage isn’t at a level where I can just change
part of myself so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t look up All Might.”

"Ribbit..." Tsuyu quietly croaked out, a light blush on her face.

All Might honored her request, though his mind was reeling too fast to look up anyway.

A portion of the wall near the balcony door peeled and Momo’s head peeked over what All
Might realized was a fake wall.
"That's... surprisingly clever wow, I didn't even notice. As expected of Yaoyorozu" Izuku
complimented her. She blushed furiously, attempting to calmly cough out a 'thanks'.

“We shouldn’t have rushed our hiding.” Momo blinked keeping the fake wall covering
everything below her eyes.

All Might stared in disbelief at Izuku before clearing his throat.

“I don’t want to sound rude my boy but...going by the pattern here…” He sighed. “Should I
assume young Hagakure is in here as well?”

"Do you even have to ask?" Shoji deadpanned.

“I’ve been in his lap the whole time!” Toru’s voice was cheerful and unabashed despite being
the most exposed person in the room.

"Damn girl!" Mina looked at where her friend was, flashing a cheeky grin.

"Hiding in plain sight... as expected of Hagakure." Izuku noted.

Yui blinked at him. "I didn't expect you to be so... calm."

"I think if I let myself focus on that, I'd be more of a mess hehe..." Izuku admitted.

Izuku’s boxers shifted as Toru wiggled in his lap. Izuku took a shaky breath.

Izuku took a sharp intake of breath as well. Hagakure squirmed in her seat.

He opened his mouth to say something but All Might clapped his hands together interrupting
the boy.
“We can talk about the work study later. I didn’t mean to interrupt you, sorry about that.”
He coughed into his hand. “I’ll leave you to it.”

The girls breathed out a sigh of relief, and the rest stared at them in shock.

He backed up and walked out, closing the door behind him.

All Might walked down the hallway and he heard the girls giggling from Izuku’s room.

Y'know... they did look pretty cute, though I suppose they're always cute... Izuku thought, admitting

Jirou coughed and looked at the screen as if nothing else mattered. Uraraka's face turned bright red
and Yui gave him what he assumed was her version of a smug grin.

"I muttered that out loud didn't I."



He scratched his cheek.

“Huh…’One for All’ indeed.”

Nighteye immediately took an incredibly sharp intake of breath, choking on it. He’d swear he lost a
couple of years of his life hearing that.

A few students yelled out in shock or laughter as the rest merely blinked, processing that pun
before reacting as well.
Izuku sighed, feeling his quirk rumble for some reason. The vestiges were probably rolling in their

Aizawa slammed his head onto the desk, his shoulders shaking.

The culmination of 9 generations worth of power, and he makes a joke out of it. Nighteye sighed.

"A fitting dad pun." Todoroki admitted with a soft smile on his face.

"Todoroki nO-"

"I will be having... words with All Might after this." Nighteye finally said, composed.

"Now now, there's still more." Nezu reminded them all, internally cackling at the joke.

Izuku opened his eyes, imprinting the images he was witnessing into his brain forever.

Laying on his right arm and against his side was Ochako in her underwear and pantyhose.
Her gentle breath felt nice against his side.

Uraraka's fingers clenched tightly against the underside of her seat. She refused to float away.

On his left arm and side was Tsuyu not wearing any clothes. She let out a soft croak every
time she finished a breath.

Tsuyu's blush grew a bit more prominent.

Jiro laid against his right leg, her arms wrapped around his thigh and her face against the
leg of his boxers. Her jacks were also gently wrapped around his thigh. She too was in her
That's... that actually looks really nice... she admitted begrudgingly.

Mina held tightly onto his left leg, snuggling happily against his bare thigh. Izuku wondered
how her cheek could feel so heavenly soft.

Mina blushed, biting back the snarky remark she wanted to say.

Mina’s bra-less chest sandwiched part of his leg. She had her own thighs tightly holding the
part of his leg below the knee. He could feel her panties against it.

He couldn’t see her but he could feel Toru’s naked body laying down on him. Her fingers
held onto his shoulders.

Wish that was me , Toru pouted.

Izuku tried to tilt his head upwards to see Momo who was cradling his head, her fingers
caressing his jaw and neck. It was hard to see her because her chest stopped his head from
moving much. Even from that angle her sleeping face held a royal beauty to it.

Yaoyorozu mumbled something unintelligibly, her hands covering her face so no one could see her
red face.

Izuku managed to notice that she was wearing only panties and a white dress shirt.

His shirt.

"Harem king..." Mineta dipped his head in respect, followed by Kaminari.

Izuku groaned.

His cheeks burned and he felt a small smile grow on his face .
Yep, that's definitely a sight I won't forget . He admitted.

“..mmm” His boxers shifted.

"C'mon... where are we? Just the 1A girls?" Tokage pouted, a bit jealous that only the 1A girls
were getting Izuku.

"Yui has him, so..." Kendo said, with Tokage deadpanning at her friend.

“Good morning, Toru. Did I wake you?” He kept his voice quiet, careful not to disturb any
of the still sleeping girls.

“...uh uh. I just wanted my morning kiss.” Toru’s voice was sleepy as she leaned her face
downward, shifting her weight on Izuku’s body.

"There's so much fluff!" Nejire aww'ed, cupping her cheeks.

Izuku closed his eyes and pushed his face toward her as best as he could. His face shifted into
a bigger smile as he felt her soft lips against his own. A happy hum escaped his mouth when
they separated.

Eyes still closed, Izuku leaned his face further and rubbed his nose against hers very softly.

“How can you always tell?” There was a playful pout in her voice.

"Yeah, how?" Toru asked curiously. She had to admit that she really liked that he seemed to know
where she was.

Izuku slowly opened his eyes.

“It’s not part of your quirk or anything is it?” Toru’s fingers traced the muscles on his

Uraraka looked at Izuku, eyebrows raised questioningly. He merely shrugged helplessly.

“I don’t think so.” He couldn’t see her and yet he stared straight at her. “I just really want to
find you, to know where you are, to touch you.” He looked right into her eyes with a loving

"How can someone walk the fine line between purity and temptation..." Ibara asked herself in awe.
A few of the students wish they'd brought sunglasses for all this sunshine.

Izuku’s boxers shifted again and the bed creaked. His face reddened. “T-Toru?”

Toru ground herself against his boxers. “What? After all that I want to touch you too.”

Toru coughed, shifting in her seat.

“T-That’s not what I-I meant.” His cheeks were flushed.

Toru’s fingers trailed down from his shoulders to his chest. Her own chest was beginning to
betray her arousal as it pressed against Izuku.

“Oh? Do you mean you don’t like this?” The bed creaked louder as she ground harder
against him.

Izuku took a shaky breath. “I do...a lot.”

Toru smiled, flattered that he was being honest.

He shivered when he felt a finger trace down the side of his neck.
“I love that you’re so honest but I’d love it even more if you didn’t leave me out.” Momo’s
face slid into Izuku’s vision.

Awase whistled loudly, eyebrows raised. "Didn't expect you to be the forward type like that."

Yaoyorozu stammered out a response in defense, but it was so quiet only Jirou and Shoji heard.

Momo leaned down and placed an upside down kiss on Izuku’s lips, one hand caressing his
neck the other cupping the bottom of his chin.

The bed creaked louder and Izuku let out a small moan into Momo’s mouth who drank it
happily. She pulled back looking into his eyes and bringing her fingers up to caress his

Izuku felt movement against his right thigh. “Kyouka?”

Jiro’s jacks unwrapped from his thigh and traveled up the outside of his boxers.

Izuku shivered a bit. He had seen her stab through concrete with those jacks multiple times. He
briefly trembled in fear before shaking his head and looking back at the screen.

Izuku hissed. “Kyouka wait Toru’s-”

“Eeep!” Toru voice pitched high and she leaned onto Izuku’s upper body more, making the
bed creak loudly.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were there." Jirou coughed out, embarrased.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.” Kyouka peeked from Izuku’s leg, an embarrassed
blush on her face. She retreated her jacks, gently scraping Izuku’s thigh with them.
Toru snorted at Jirou, accepting the apology.

“Are you okay, Toru?” Izuku could feel Ochako and Tsuyu stirring in his arms.

“I’m okay and don’t worry, Kyouka. It felt kinda nice, it’s just I wasn’t ready for it.” Toru
rested her forehead on Izuku’s chest, her breath hot against his well defined muscles.

"Oho?" Mina grinned at Toru.

"What? I bet it would!" Toru pouted, crossing her arms.

Jirou sputtered, almost stabbing them with her jacks.

“De~ku~” Ochako’s voice was a soft teasing whine.

Izuku shivered at her tone, something that didn't go unnoticed by the red Uraraka.


Izuku felt something wet touch his cheek. He glanced over to see Tsuyu retracting her tongue
from his face. Her normally blank face and eyes now peered intently at him, begging for

"Ribbit..." Tsuyu sighed out, enjoying the show.

Izuku couldn’t move his head much as Momo was still lovingly cradling and caressing it.

Momo smiled, her gaze still on his green eyes as she moved a hand from one of his cheeks.
Her fingers finished stroking his freckles and traced over his lips. She seemed fascinated by
the shape of his mouth.
Izuku leaned his head against her chest, offering himself to her as he moved his arms.

Although Ochako and Tsuyu were laying on them he could still use them a little.

Izuku’s left hand touched Tsuyu’s bare shoulder then slid down from her arm to her side and
then finally her waist. Tsuyu let out soft rapid croaks as she felt him touch her. Finally he
brought his hand to rest on her butt giving it a gentle squeeze.

Izuku sucked in a deep breath, tempted to apologize before realizing that... it wasn't him.

"So... I'm not the only one who can literally see the affection in his eyes, right?" Tsuburaba asked.

The others nodded in agreement.

"You have very expressive eyes." Yanagi told him. He blushed, accepting the compliment.

If the blush on Tsuyu’s face and the look in her eyes didn’t tell Izuku how much she enjoyed
that then the lick she gave his ear most certainly did.

Another longing whine brought his attention to Ochako. He brought his right hand up and
stroked her arm before moving across it onto her collarbone. His fingers explored and
mapped it before going down to her chest caressing the part of her breasts on the outside of
the bra, never digging in.

Ochako’s hands pawed at his chest, unsatisfied with the small teasing he was giving her.

"Down girl!" Mina teased, Uraraka pouting at her. She couldn't deny she was a bit jealous her
Deku hadn’t displayed the smallest amount of attraction towards her, as far as she was aware. His
constant blushes weren’t much help considering he got flustered easily.

Izuku brought his fingers down tracing her cleavage before sliding them to her side. His hand
traveled to her waist then inched across her stomach. Once halfway he traced a finger
around her navel.

Ochako’s right hand went down over Izuku’s. She ran her own fingers across the scars on his
hand. She moved her left hand to his chest and rubbed it with the pads on her fingers.

She took a hold of his right hand and guided him downward. Down below her navel,
shivering against his touch. She brought his hand to the edge of her panties, her face flushed,
eyes hungry for more.

"Momo... can you make water with your quirk?" Jiro asked her friend, noting their Uraraka's
determined looking expression.

"Huh? Wh-"

Kyouka cleared her throat. “Not that I want this to stop but wasn’t there something you
needed to do?”

Izuku blinked and stopped.

Ochako grabbed his hand with both of hers now and placed it between her thighs grinding
herself against it, the whine in her throat not calming down.

Izuku shifted, not daring to look at his friend. Then he glanced at Yui, who seemed as
expressionless as always. Wait... how's she feeling about this? She's basically watching me make
out with other girls, but it's not me me, so…

Izuku took a deep breath trying to calm himself. “I was going to wait until everyone was
awake. I didn’t want to disturb any of you while you were asleep.”

Kyouka looked over at the only person who was apparently still asleep.

Mina was still rubbing her cheek against Izuku’s thigh. She had a big smile plastered on her
face, her eyes still closed. Mina unwrapped one of her arms from Izuku’s leg and ran her
hand up his thigh using the opening there to get deep into his boxers.

The smile on Mina’s face grew wider when she heard Izuku’s flustered exclaim.

Mina opened her eyes, winked and stuck her tongue out playfully at Kyouka.

"I knew it." Toru said, shaking her head. "Of course you were awake."

Mina smirked, sticking her tongue out at her friend.

“ whole...time?” Izuku’s breathing became ragged.

“~Maybe~” Mina’s voice held a playful tone even as she didn’t let up inside of Izuku’s
boxers. “But I can tell someone is definitely awake now~”

Izuku gasped and gripped tightly with both hands. Tsuyu croaked and Ochako let out a loud

Kyouka frowned at Mina then slid her jacks up Izuku’s boxers as well.

“Wait...wait...I need to...go.”

Shinso whistled. "With willpower like that, it's no wonder you were chosen as All Might's

Izuku gaped at him, slightly betrayed.

“It’s kind of important isn’t it? Since it was from All Might?” Toru sat up, fingers lightly
tapping Izuku’s shoulders rhythmically.

This time Ochako was not the only one disappointed as all the girls stopped.

It took a monumental effort but Izuku was able to get out of the bed without the girls
dragging him back in.

He looked around for his clothes. Ochako was hugging his pillow.

"Cockblocked himself. Wow." Kaminari said, impressed.

Izuku turned to Momo. “Could I have my shirt please?”

“No.” She smiled pulling the unbuttoned sides closer together as she hugged herself.

“Momo I need to get dressed.”

“I’ll just make you another shirt and keep this one.”

Yaoyorozu subconsciously nodded in agreement with her other self.

He looked at her in confusion. “If you’re going to make another shirt why give me the new
one? Why don’t you keep the new one?”

“I want your shirt.” The height difference between them made it so Izuku’s shirt didn’t cover
Momo’s panties.

Izuku looked around seeing Tsuyu and Kyouka snuggle up under his cover and Toru take
another of his pillows for herself.
“Here.” Momo spread open Izuku’s shirt that she was wearing and began producing a new
shirt from her stomach.

Izuku’s eyes were glued to her as she used her quirk.

"Like what you see?" Mina teased Izuku. He kept his mouth sealed tight, and she pouted at him.

“You don’t have to stare that hard.” Momo hid her face in the collar as she blushed.

"Yeah uh, shouldn't you be looking away?" Jirou glanced at him.

"I'm sure it's fine Kyoka. He is my boyfriend after all." Yaoyorozu sighed out, blushing at the

Yui raised her eyebrows slightly, staring at Yaoyorozu.

She caught herself. "I meant her boyfriend."

Uh huh... Jirou smirked.

Izuku held the new shirt in his hands and bent down towards the bed. He set the shirt down
putting his hands on her waist and leaned forward.

Momo let out an excited gasp when she felt Izuku’s lips against her stomach. She dug her
fingers into his hair but he pulled away quickly, smiling at her.

“Sorry, I just like watching you work.” Izuku’s smile melted her heart and Momo let out a
happy sigh.

"Smooth." Uraraka grinned at her friend, aww'ing at the display of affection.

“That’s not fair you know.” Momo’s blush deepened as her voice came out muffled from
behind the shirt’s collar.

Ochako peered at them from behind the pillow, her thighs constricting it.

Izuku put the new shirt on looking for his pants. He found them on the bed with Mina
digging her face into them, snuggling happily against the fabric.

“Mina, my pants?” Izuku fixed his collar, the shirt still unbuttoned.

Mina sat up stretching her arms toward him while smiling. “Take me with you.”

"Please..." Mina begged.

Izuku scratched his cheek. “I don’t think I can, if it’s about the work study.”

Mina pouted and dropped back onto the pants snuggling tighter against them.

“Then I’m staying here with this.”

Izuku gave a sheepish smile. “Why are you all so interested in my stuff?”

"Yeah, what gives?" Izuku asked curiously.

The pillow in Toru’s grasp shifted. Kyouka and Tsuyu pulled the covers up hiding half their
faces. Ochako breathed deeply into the pillow she was holding.

"Probably because they remind them of you?" Nejire suggested smugly. Tamaki had done the wise
thing and had decided to take a nap.
Aizawa was tempted to fall asleep as well, but he knew Nezu would wake him.

Mina dug her face out of his pants and peered at him, her yellow eyes glowing in an almost
drunken haze.

Her cheeks flushed and she smiled. “Because they smell like you.”

"Called it."

Mina pulled her knees up and hid her face, squealing into her legs as Izuku’s face began to
match her pink skin.

Kyouka pulled her head out from under the cover. “Don’t say it like that! It sounds weird!”

Jirou agreed, her jacks twitching in embarrasment.

Izuku met her eyes and Kyouka hid her blushing face with the cover again as Izuku noticed
her jacks wrapping around themselves.

“It’s...they remind us of you. It’s like having your presence still with us.” Her voice was
muffled but high pitched with embarrassment under the cover.

Izuku felt a hand on his. He looked over to see Ochako’s hand as she peered longingly at him
from behind the pillow.

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” Ochako sat on the edge of the bed.

Izuku walked over. “I probably need to hurry for this.”

"Wait, is this about Miruko?" Sato recalled.

"Still don't get how shitty Deku got her attention." Bakugo grumbled, a bit jealous.

The girls glanced at Izuku. I think we all know how…

He cupped her cheeks with his hands and bent down placing a kiss on her lips. Ochako’s
hands set down the pillow on the bed and wrapped around his back.

The kiss was short and Izuku pulled back his face, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs. “I’ll
make it up to you later, I promise.”

He began to step back but Ochako’s legs wrapped around his waist, locking ankles and
dragging him down on top of her.

Izuku placed his hands on the bed to steady himself and Ochako brought hers up his back
and grabbed the back of his head pulling him into a much deeper, more passionate kiss.

The surprise in Izuku’s eyes gave way as they closed and he felt himself melt into Ochako’s
passionate embrace.

The bed squeaked as the other girls moved closer to the pair.

Ochako mewled happily into Izuku’s mouth before pulling away a little. When Izuku opened
his eyes he saw the lust in her gaze and realized that the hold she had on him was more than
just the physical one of her arms and legs wrapped around him.

Uraraka gulped, quivering in her seat as she looked longingly at the screen.

"D-down girl..." Mina squeaked out, also staring at the screen hard.

Her husky voice whispered loud enough for everyone in that room to hear.
“Why don’t you make it up to me right now?”

Izuku glanced down at Ochako’s pantyhose, his face hot. “Ochako, are you…?”

More bed squeaking and Mina grabbed onto Izuku’s left arm trying to pull him further onto
the bed.

His attention was then pulled to his right as Kyouka caressed his hand and Tsuyu peppered
the scars on his arm with delicate kisses.

Tsuyu locked eyes with him and pressed her chest against his arm croaking in between

Ochako tightened her hold on him pulling him in with one hand on his back and digging her
right hand into his hair. She grabbed him so roughly his shirt tore on the back. He was stuck
staring into Tsuyu’s eyes as Ochako kissed his cheek repeatedly.

"Honestly, it's pretty impressive you can handle all of us, ribbit. I wonder if that's due to your quirk
or just your training." Tsuyu said bluntly, a finger on her chin.

Izuku coughed loudly, patting his chest as he tried to stammer out a response.

Izuku felt Toru’s body press against him from behind pushing him further against Ochako.
He felt Toru’s soft invisible lips kiss his other cheek.

On his left Mina pulled at Izuku’s new shirt tearing part of the sleeve and began feeling up
his arm.

The girls could feel the heat radiating off him, his whole being flushed with their affection.

He managed to move his eyes just enough that he could see Momo who gave him a tender

Momo reached over Ochako, playing with Izuku’s hair.

“I can make you new clothes, so just stay a little longer.”

Yaoyorozu found herself nodding in agreement once more, wanting it to go on longer.

The shirt Momo was wearing slipped revealing more of her chest.

Izuku swallowed and closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

The work study was very important, especially if All Might was so readily encouraging

...but so was spending time with the girls.

The girls grinned at that. Success!

He opened his eyes and green sparks lit the room as he activated Full Cowl.

The girls cheered and whooped pulling him further back onto the bed.

Frankly, a few of the girls were tempted to cheer as well.

Izuku’s luminescent emeralds caught Ochako’s warm brown eyes.

“...Finally.” She uttered.


The girls slept peacefully on Izuku’s bed holding onto some of his belongings. Ochako had a
satisfied smile on her sleeping face.

"She has been slain..." Mina joked, gazing down in mock sorrow. Toru nodded.

"Team kill..." Kaminari whispered, getting a jack to his side in response.

Izuku ran down the hallway trying to tuck his dress shirt in his pants, his tie hanging loosely
and undone around his neck.

By the time he made it to the teachers lounge he was dressed presentably even if his tie was
the same miserable pudgy mess he always wore.

"Mm. I can teach you if you want." Yui nodded.

"Huh? Yeah! I'd like that." Izuku beamed at her.

All Might looked up from the table taking a sip of his tea. “Come on in, none of the other
teachers are here right now so you don’t need to worry about being cautious.”

Izuku nodded and took a seat in front of All Might, thanking him when the man offered him
some tea.

“So young man, the work study I mentioned yesterday. The offer came in from Miruko. I
believe you said you met her before, yes?”

Izuku blushed. “Y-Yes we met before...and talked.”

"'Talked'" Bakugo deadpanned.

All Might smiled. “Well that talk must have impressed her. She’s not one to like taking
sidekicks or even teaming up in general.”

Bakugo growled. Miruko was like his second idol right after All Might. He respected her spirit.

“Yeah, it was an interesting talk…” Izuku drank from his tea trying to calm his blush.


All Might nodded. “I was thinking she’d be a great source of experience with your Shoot
Style. You might learn a few things and having the attention of heroes in the top ten certainly
isn’t bad.”

Izuku didn’t respond and kept drinking.

“Young Midoriya?” All Might cleared his throat. “If your mind is still on last night…”

Izuku sputtered, spilling tea on the table. He scrambled to wipe it off.

All Might gave him a sympathetic look. “My boy, it’s nothing ashamed about.”

“I-I wasn’t…” Izuku shook his head. “Nevermind. When was this supposed to start?”

All Might put a hand on his chin. “As soon as possible, so I guess yesterday?”

"Aww, you kept the rabbit waiting!" Tokage teased.

Izuku panicked but All Might raised a hand to calm him down.
“It’s okay. I told her that you were busy and we’d send you when we could.”

Izuku’s cheeks looked like strawberries with his blush and freckles.

Noticing this All Might quickly added, “No no, I didn’t give any specifics. I just said it was
school related.” He scratched the back of his head. “Miruko wasn’t happy but she seemed
understanding enough.”

"You could probably make it up to her somehow." Tsuburaba snorted. Awase and Monoma
cackled at that, at Midoriya's expense.

“So, I should go now?” Izuku finished wiping the tea from the table.

All Might nodded. “I’ll let her know you’re coming.”


Izuku stood before Miruko’s hero agency, his hero suit in the special case provided by UA.

A great force erupted as something landed in front of Izuku who shielded his eyes. He bent
his knees, taking a stance ready to fight the possible threat.

When the dust cleared he saw Miruko standing before him in her hero costume. She took one
look at him then turned around.

“About time you got here.”

"Keeping a top 10 pro waiting... for shame." Toru shook her head in mock disappointment,

Izuku hadn’t even gotten a proper look at her face since she’d turned away so quickly.
“Sorry, I was...busy at school.”


Miruko huffed. “Whatever, just go get changed inside and come meet me out here.”

“Yes, Miruko.” Izuku rushed towards the building already opening his case.

“And don’t take forever!” She called after him .

"Yeah... wouldn't want a repeat of the morning." Mirio agreed, teasing Midoriya.

Izuku returned shortly after in his green jumpsuit, the mouthpiece resting around his collar
and the hood hanging loosely behind him.

He saw Miruko standing ahead of him, her back still to him.

His eyes glanced over the various bunny aspects of her appearance. Her pawlike boots, her
long white ears, the fluffy bunny tail.

She looks really cute... Izuku thought.

“Hey, kid.”

Izuku blushed and rushed to her side. “Yes?”

“We’re going to go patrolling. I’m not going to slow down my normal pace so make sure
you’re able to keep up.” She angled her body so that Izuku still couldn’t see her face.
“Yes ma’am!”

"Damn straight. Either shape up or ship out." Bakugo agreed with her.

Izuku saw her ears wiggle a little.

Cute... he thought again.

“Um, when do we start?”

He got his response when Miruko suddenly bolted off into the sky with a high powered

"She's a good teacher for someone who doesn't like taking sidekicks." Aizawa admitted.


Izuku activated his Full Cowl and rushed to keep up.

It was difficult. She could leap to the roofs of buildings three, four maybe even five stories
high without effort. Izuku had to use walls to bounce himself from. His current mastery of
One for All didn’t give him enough power to safely leap that high.

"Hopefully one day I'll be able to jump that high too." Tsuyu said.

"With your legs, I'm sure you will reach that level!" Izuku assured her.

"Been looking at my legs, Izuku?" Tsuyu teased him without thinking.

"I- uh..."
After some jumping around Miruko stopped on the roof of a six story apartment complex.
Izuku took a couple seconds to maneuver himself to the top next to her.

She squatted down, hand on her chin and peered down at a group of people just behind the

Izuku squatted down putting his hand on his chin attempting to imitate her.

He glanced at her meeting her eye. She quickly looked away and coughed.

“See those guys down there? They’re dealing in large quantities of quirk altering drugs,
including those quirk nullifying ones that the Yakuza were distributing.”

“How? I thought they weren’t in the market after the Eight-Precepts got arrested.” Izuku
kept trying to see Miruko’s face but she kept turning away.

"Ah, so this must take place after the raid." Nighteye noted.

"Yeah, sounds like we won too!" Mirio chirped up.

“Not entirely sure but the police think it has something to do with the League. See that guy by
the truck?” She pointed a gloved finger down at the crowd. “See that big guy down there?”

“The one with the skull helmet and body armor?”

Jirou and Yaoyorozu's eyes widened in recognition.

Kaminari stared at the villain, wondering where he'd seen him before.
“Yeah, he was involved back when you guys got attacked at the USJ. He got let out recently
but the police found out from following him that he’s been in contact with the League

Izuku tapped his finger on his knee. “And wherever he’s been showing up there’s been drug
deals going down?”

Miruko nodded. “The other ones are bad enough, but those anti-quirkers are the ones we’re

Izuku frowned. “Wait, why are they doing things out here though? Shouldn’t this be
somewhere more secret?”

Nezu frowned. Atleast now we have someone to tail in the future.

“League probably doesn’t trust them enough to meet at any of their places. And everyone
knows these complexes house large extended families so big groups of people like this aren’t
out of the ordinary.”

Miruko peered over to see Izuku writing in his notebook. “Where did you pull that from?”

“Oh, I um always keep carry at least one with me whenever- wait look.” He pointed towards
the skull-helmed villain opening the back of a truck pulling out a case.

“That’s our cue.”

“Wait, what about the police?” Izuku put away his notebook.

Miruko lifted her left glove showing a small watch-like contraption on her wrist. “They’re
already on their way.”

"Ohh, smart!" Izuku exclaimed.

"If you want, I can integrate something like that into your costume!" Mei beamed at him, eager to
invent stuff for her friend/ possible crush.

“Oh yeah! That’d be really useful actually!” Izuku smiled back, not noticing the light blush on
Mei’s cheeks when he did that.

With that she jumped from the roof and landed straight into the middle of the group on the

Izuku jumped over to a nearby building using it’s walls to bounce between and scale down
safely. He heard Miruko taunting the villains out in the open.

He rushed out to meet her and saw some of the villains running away.

“No point running, none of you are getting away. Might as well fight it out.” Miruko bent her
knees and bounced around the courtyard using anything from walls to streetlights to cars to
adjust her trajectory as she dropped villains left and right with a single kick.

"She's fast." Shishida said.

"And strong..." Kinoko followed up.

Izuku stared in awe at the mastery she had over her quirk when he caught something in the
corner of his eye. It was a villain running away.

“Stop!” He called out and rushed after him with Full Cowl.

The villain did a heel turn lunging at Izuku with an arm turned blade. Izuku managed to
bring up his foot in time to deflect it with his iron soles.

"That's twice your babies have saved me. Thanks Hatsume!" Izuku said, causing the girl to beam
again with a slight blush on her face.

The villain sprayed something from a small bottle in his other hand that made Izuku stop to

Izuku sucked in a deep breath in worry.

The villain back up, looked at the bottle in disappointment, threw it on the ground angrily
and bolted off again.

“W-” Izuku coughed. “Wait!” He started after the villain again.

This time the villain’s blade grew larger and he turned launching it straight out his arm and
at Izuku like a javelin.

"Oh no!" a few of the students yelled out.

Izuku managed to bend and lean backwards enough that the blade only scraped his
mouthpiece and a few strands of hair.

The blade continued past him on a trajectory for the skull-helmed villain.

Izuku readied a finger and flicked it with 20% of his quirk. The wind pressure knocked the
blade off its trajectory and it slammed into a nearby tree harmlessly.


Izuku uprighted himself and shot off another flick this one at the villain running away from
him. The blast caught the villain in the back and knocked him to the ground.

Izuku checked him quickly and found that the villain was unconscious. He looked back at the
main fight.

Miruko had cleared about two thirds of the villains and was continuously building up speed
from bouncing off everything.

"She works fast." Bakugo grinned in appreciation. Of course she won't wait for a weakling like

Izuku spotted the skull villain open the suitcase and arm a gun with some of the contents
from the case.

The villain aimed his gun around trying to get a shot on Miruko who was too quick to pin

“Miruko! The bullets!” Izuku prepped another flick as he increased his speed.

The villain snapped his aim towards Izuku.

Izuku saw his move arm and rather than try and full on stop he tried using something Mina
had taught him.

Mina perked up. "Oh?"

He twisted his body to shift its momentum to his right shoulder and felt himself start to spin
to the side.

He got a few inches to the left when the villain shot and the bullet caught the very edge of
Izuku’s mouth guard, breaking it.

Izuku himself was unharmed but the shot added to his momentum rotating him faster as he
took aim and flicked.
His blast caught the villain square in the chest and slammed him into the side of the truck,
bending the door and breaking the window.

Izuku landed after the spin, letting the momentum drag him into his run as he went to check
on the villain.

Izuku jumped on the hood of the truck, aiming a flick at the villain, careful to stay out of his

The villain’s eyes shifted in his skull helmet and he blinked the world back into focus.

“Don’t move.” Izuku shifted a little on the truck, ready to jump back if need be.

"Badass..." Kaminari muttered in awe.

"You're always using every trick you pick up to your advantage, aren't ya Deku." Uraraka grinned.

"As expected of Midoriya! I commend you for your swift takedown there." Iida told him, his hands
swiftly cutting through the air.

"Y'know... I can teach ya that later if that's alright." Mina offered, receiving a bright smile in
agreement from Izuku.

The villain saw Miruko laying waste to the few remaining villains and he raised his hands in

“I give up.” He slumped back hitting his back against the truck and letting off a charge of
electricity through it.

Izuku screamed in pain as his nerves were overloaded by the burst and he fell off the truck,
spasming on the ground.


The villain got up and two feet away before Miruko slammed in with a high velocity

Both her feet slammed into his torso, breaking the front of his armor and launching him into
another car. The villain’s body broke the door in, went through the front and bent the door
on the other side halfway out.

"Holy shit." Bakugo merely said.

Nejire whistled in appreciation for that display of power.

Sirens blared as the police arrived and began restraining and arresting the villains.

Miruko double checked that the skull-helmed villain was knocked out then returned to

“Damn it!” She kicked the back door in on the truck.

Izuku looked up , still spasming and finally got a good look at Miruko’s face since he’d joined
her that day.

Her jaw was clenched, her nose was scrunched up into a snarl, her eyes full of fury.

He met her eyes and something in them shifted, something aside from anger was in there.

"Yeah idiot, she's not mad at you " Bakugo growled.

Izuku looked away. He didn’t like seeing her angry. Not because he was afraid but because
he felt bad thinking he did something to upset her.

Izuku closed his eyes trying to will the residual pain away.

He felt hands prop him sitting up against a tire. The hands moved to his face, his cheeks.
They felt soft.

“Kid! Can you hear me!?”

Izuku opened his eyes to see Miruko crouched in front of him, her gloved hands on his face
and worry in her eyes. The anger was still there in her expression but Izuku realized now that
she was this close; the anger wasn’t directed at him.

"Always quick to place blame onto yourself." Shoto remarked, glancing at his friend. He was
relieved the other Midoriya hadn’t been too seriously injured atleast.

Light spasms still coursed through his body but his focus was on Miruko’s red eyes. Maybe
the shock had messed with his cognitive functions. Maybe it was just the way Miruko looked
at him. Either way Izuku’s emeralds lost themselves in her rubies.

"She does have pretty nice eyes." Tokage admitted, earning a raised eyebrow from Kendo.

Miruko quickly turned away again and stood up, calling for paramedics to check on Izuku.

Izuku was looked after by someone who healed him by transferring energy to him via a hand
touch on his forehead. They let Izuku sit there resting while they went to help round up the

Izuku took the time to jot down notes on that quirk.

Miruko kept an eye on things, her back still to Izuku but standing only a few feet from him.

The villain Izuku had stopped before was being restrained when he woke up in a panic.
Missing the blade arm he had thrown the first time he turned his other arm into a second
blade and lobbed it haphazardly.

It was headed for Miruko.

“Look out!” Izuku couldn’t stand up yet but he reached inside and used his Black Whip.

"It's that quirk from the other universe!" Pony exclaimed.

"We'll have to see if you can actually use it. That'll have to wait for tomorrow unfortunately." Nezu

Only a single thin strand came out of his glove but it was enough and it snatched up one of
the car doors that had been broken off during the big fight.

Izuku yanked it back and intercepted the blade with the door as a makeshift shield causing
both to fly off to the side harmlessly.

The villain now with no arms was quickly restrained in an iron maiden and hauled off by the

Miruko spoke up again. “I had that under control.”

“I’m sorry…” Izuku replied glumly, retracting the Black Whip.

“I’m not scolding you.”

"Oho..." Toru and Mina said.

Izuku looked up in confusion.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. It was a good move. I just...wanted you to know that I had it
under control, that I’m strong enough.” She rubbed her arm.

"Aww... c'mon, tease her." Mina urged on.

The police finished up and thanked the two of them.

Miruko glanced back at Izuku. “Come on, we’re heading back. Patrol’s done.”

“Oh, uh I can still keep goi-” Izuku stumbled a bit as he tried to stand up.

“No, you can’t.” Nighteye said.

“You may think you can keep going, but your body won’t be able to keep up with you.” Aizawa
said, staring at Midoriya.

Midoriya’s eyes widened as he realized his teacher was talking about the camp attack. He nodded
in understanding.

Miruko simply walked over put an arm under his legs and picked him up bridal style.

Izuku looked up at her blushing and speechless.

“Woah woah woah!” A few people yelled out while Izuku stuttered and coughed.

“The voltage that guy gave you was no joke. He’s killed people before you know?” She bent
her legs and blasted off over rooftops.
Kaminari thanked his lucky stars he wasn’t one of them.

“Besides, with how late you got here and all that jumping around and fighting, we’ve burned
enough of the day out.” Miruko kept her gaze forward, the wind blowing her beautiful white
hair back.

Izuku stared at her face, feeling safe from the sheer confidence she exuded.

“Why do you keep staring?”

“Oh, sorry.” He looked away.

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing. I’m curious.”

“C’monnn, tease her.” Mina said.

Toru agreed. “Tease her.” She chanted.

Izuku snorted. “No way am I teasing a pro who can tear me in half with a single kick.”

Izuku looked back and locked eyes with her just for a moment but Miruko quickly looked
away again, not meeting his gaze.

Izuku scratched his cheek nervously. “This is going to sound dumb but...I

“Spit it out.” Her voice was firm but not angry.

Izuku blushed deeply. “I just thought it felt your arms because you’re so strong.”
“Oh my god Deku. You absolute cheeseball!” Uraraka chuckled out, covering her mouth with her

“Cheeseball? Wh-“

“You’re such a softie.” Jirou told him, a bit flustered at the other Izuku’s words.

Miruko blinked, her ears lowered and something struck across her face that may have looked
like a blush but Izuku could not tell as he dealt with his own.

“Oh my god.” Bakugo said, his voice sounding resigned and at the same time annoyed.

“That’s right. I’m strong, don’t forget it. Strong enough to do what I want. Strong enough
for any consequences, any enemy.” Her arms grasped him more firmly pulling him closer
against her.

“Aww!” Mina cooed.

They reached Miruko’s agency building and she brought him inside. It was empty just like it
had been earlier. The cool air helped calm Izuku’s blush down.

She set him down gently and he stood leaning his back against the wall. Izuku caught her
glancing at him a few times while he stood there.

“Did you need something?”

Izuku stiffened up a little when he saw Miruko stand fully upright and look at him intensely.

“Yeah, about before.”

“Oh?” Tokage perked up.

“The fight?” Izuku asked.


“Me being late?”

“No.” Miruko was losing her patience.

“Dammit nerd! Just ask her!” Bakugo yelled out.

“Me intercepting the bla-”

Izuku was cut off went Miruko’s right foot slammed into the wall next to his face.

Izuku stiffened up, feeling threatened and yet really flustered.

Wait what-

Awase let out a long whistle, intimidated but also impressed.

“What I asked you before, do you remember it? When we first met face to face.” Her eyes
were now looking straight at him, a growing blush on her face.

Izuku felt his face heat up and he nodded.

“Is she… saying what I think she’s saying?” Kinoko whispered out.

“I know back then you said you didn’t care about it but I do so I’ll say it again. I’m strong.
Strong enough to take care of myself, of anything …” her cheeks burned, “of anyone .”

“She is. Holy shit she is.” Pony said in english.

Midoriya was internally screaming right now, unsure of what to think.

They were both steaming but Miruko kept her eyes locked on him. She needed to know.
“What’s your answer?”

“Yes.” He spoke so softly only she could hear him.

“Oh heck! It’s happening!” Toru and Mina yelled out, followed by a few of their more exuberant

Aizawa’s glare put a stop to that.

“Pfft. Deku’s done for. She’ll break him.” Bakugo snorted, refusing to believe Deku would last
even a minute.

A range of emotions flickered over her face from disbelief, to joy to embarrassment to

“You’re not saying that cause you’re scared or anything are you? I want this but I don’t want
you being dishonest.”

“Pretty sure if he didn’t want to, he would refuse, but much more… politely” Tsuyu said with a
finger to her chin.

That’s not… untrue… Izuku thought.

Izuku nodded. “I’m…” His voice was still quiet so he raised it. “I’m telling the truth. I want
this too. I feel the same way you do.”
The joy on Miruko’s face made it worth the embarrassment it took to say that out loud.

Miruko gaze moved downward and he followed it realizing that he had put his hand on her
thigh in the middle of his declaration.

“OHOHO!”Mina yelled out, nearly standing up from her seat.

“Very forward of you.” Yanagi said quietly.

“So he’s either dead or she’s ‘hopping’ him right then and there.” Kaibara said, earning a chop to
the neck from a flustered Kendo.

Izuku pulled his hand leaning back against the wall but Miruko slammed both hands onto
the wall on either side, cutting off any escape.

Miruko smiled at him, her confidence now fully restored alongside her joy. Her foot on the
wall cracked the concrete.

“Weird flex but-“ Kaminari cut himself off with a yelp as Jirou’s jacks appeared a centimeter away
from his eyes.

Her leg tensed and Izuku saw just how well defined the muscles in her thigh were.

“How about I show you just how much heat I’m packing in these guns?”

Izuku gulped and nodded.

“Oh my god…” Uraraka whispered out, cupping her face and trying to hide her furious blush. Most
of the others were trying to do the same thing.

Izuku walked back across UA’s campus to his dorm room. It was nighttime and he was
completely exhausted. He hadn’t even done his tie or tucked his shirt in.

“Oh. He survived.” Bakugo said, almost sounding disappointed.

“Hmm… Izuku’s first costume looked like a rabbit. Is it possibl-“ Before Todoroki could come up
with an even more outlandish theory, Midoriya interjected with a tired “Shoto… please.”

He was thankful he had One for All otherwise he might not have survived.

“Oh ok.” A few of the students said in understanding.

Izuku dragged his feet through the first floor of Heights Alliance and all the way up to his
room. He opened the door without needing to unlock it and stumbled in. Six figures waited
for him sitting patiently on the bed.

He didn’t even have the strength to slowly get on the bed so he just flopped face first into it.

“Mood.” Kaminari said.

There was a startled noise from the figures and one ran to turn on the lights.

The girls of 1-A saw Izuku’s eyes slowly drifting off to sleep, the fatigue clear on his face.

Kyouka who’d turned on the light closed and locked the door before returning to the bed. All
of the girls dressed in their pajamas sat around Izuku, watching his frame rise and fall as he

Tokage grumbled something about the 1A girls hogging Midoriya, casting a glance at their

Sharing is caring…?

Ochako brushed his bangs with her fingers. “Maybe we went overboard this morning.”

There was a small murmur of agreement from the other girls.

“He didn’t even do his tie.” Tsuyu croaked, gently stroking his cheek.

“He can’t even do his tie.” Kendo snorted.

“Help me turn him.” Momo had her hands on his shoulders. “We can at least make sure he
sleeps comfortably.”

The girls agreed and turned him over, careful not to wake him up. The girls all took a spot
snuggling against his body.

Despite being asleep and beyond tired the girls were positive they saw a slight smile on
Izuku’s lips.

“Guess you two really went at it like-“

“Finish that joke and I’m expelling you.” Aizawa’s voice cut right through Mineta’s joke, and he
stammered out a quick ‘yessir’.

The next day Izuku woke up under a mass of warm bodies, unable to see but incredibly
comfortable. He started to move and his vision cleared as the mass of warmth dispersed
clearing a way for him.

He sat up to the the girls all stroking his face, or playing with his hair, or holding his hands.
“Mm… I wouldn’t mind waking up to that everyday.” Izuku admitted without thinking.

Uraraka sputtered. “Deku!”

Iida quickly berated him on not saying such embarrassing things and whatnot.

“Did you sleep well or do you need to go back to sleep?” Momo caressed his neck from

“I can’t there’s school and-” Izuku’s eyes widened. “The work study!”

“Hmm?” came Toru’s voice from his right as she ran her fingers across his cheek and behind
his ear.

“ Miruko.” He began.

“We know.” Ochako brought up his right hand and brushed her lips against his scars.


“Your tie wasn’t done.” Tsuyu declared matter-of-factly.

Izuku frowned.

“Busted.” Rin smirked.

Izuku frowned.
“That and you told us about her before.” Mina booped him on the nose. “And we already
said we were okay with it. Even if things change we won’t stop caring about you. Well, I
won’t.” She stuck her tongue out and winked at the other girls.

“Same. I don’t really mind.” Mina shrugged in agreement.

Yaoyorozu gawked at her. I mean I agree, but you shouldn’t say it…

Mina was met with whines and complaints for trying to one up the rest of them.

“Wait, you didn’t get hurt did you?” Kyouka pressed her index fingers and her jacks

“I did.”

Immediately Izuku was pushed down onto the bed by everyone.

“I take it back,” said Mina.

“You need to rest,” added Tsuyu.

“Pfft” Jirou cackled at their immediate 180.

“It wasn’t Miruko’s fault.” The girls stopped so Izuku continued and sat back up. “It was a
villain with an electricity quirk. She said he was at the USJ incident. Big guy, had a skull
mask on.”

Jirou’s grin died down as she was reminded of the villain.

Kyouka ground her teeth. “He! That…! Grrr!” She stabbed a pillow with her jacks, her face
fuming with anger.
“Kyouka?” Izuku reached out and touched her shoulder with his left hand.

Kyouka took a deep breath muttering something as she took Izuku’s hand in both of hers,
rubbing circles into it.

Jirou looked down, a bit ashamed the other Izuku had nearly died to one of her villains.

Momo’s hands dropped down and wrapped around Izuku’s waist pulling him into a
protective hug. “He was the villain that caught Kyouka and I off guard. The one that used
Kaminari as a hostage.”

“Mm… kinda glad I don’t remember that.” Kaminari admitted.

Kyouka gripped his hand more tightly, not wanting to let it go.

“I…” Izuku didn’t know what to say. He’d been caught off guard as well.

“Just promise me you’ll be more careful. You get hurt enough as it is fighting your own
villains. I don’t want you getting hurt fighting mine.” Kyouka mumbled into his hand as she
brought it to her lips.

“Or mine.” Momo whispered in his ear.

Jirou and Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement.

“Next time we see him, we’ll kick his ass.” Jirou growled.

One by one the girls closed in trapping him in their hug-filled cuddle pile.

Izuku felt something warm touch his face. “T-Toru?”

Momo looked on the bed to see Toru’s clothes laying limply without form.

“Toru, no!”

“Toru, yes!” Hagakure cackled.

“Toru, Yes!”


Izuku stood in front of Miruko’s agency. He’d managed to avoid another ambush from the
girls because enough of them were concerned about yesterday. They let him go without too
much fussing aside from some cuddling.

The school was another issue. After hearing about his injury from the electric villain some
were insisting on keeping a chaperone with him at least until he made it to his destination.
Midnight had been particularly excited for the role.

Aizawa glanced at Nezu.

“Mm. I assume you’re keeping an eye on Kayama?” Nezu asked.



She’d also been extremely disappointed when it was decided by a technical majority vote that
he could still go on his own.

Izuku’s thoughts were interrupted as the door opened and he was met with Miruko staring at
him intently.

“You know the drill.” She pointed a thumb behind her.

Izuku nodded and within minutes was back out in his hero costume, the mouthguard missing
as he didn’t have a replacement yet.

Miruko’s eyes were warm as they looked him over. “Alright, let’s bounce!” She bent her legs
and jumped off leaving Izuku to rush after her again.

Izuku briefly wondered if his world’s Miruko would be willing to help him with his shoot style.

It wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?

This time Miruko jumped higher buildings of six, seven and ultimately stopping on an eight
story building. She stood upright waiting patiently.

She watched Izuku bounce off the walls with small bursts of controlled speed.

On the last jump however, his soles banged against a pipe running along the wall and his
jump didn’t hold the same speed as before.

Rather than flailing Izuku twisted his body and let loose a flick at 20% aimed past his feet.
He shot one flick after another and built up speed and torque as he spun over Miruko.

Izuku touched the roof with one foot and rather than attempt to full stop he let the
momentum twirl him and he brought down the other foot until he slowed down into a safe

Mina chuckled. “Not bad.”

“Yes, nice save.” Tokoyami agreed.

Miruko smiled and walked over standing above him. “Not bad, a little on the flourishy side
but it works. What kinda fighting style is it from?”

Izuku stood up with a sheepish smile. “It’s from a dance I learned from…”

“One of the girls you mentioned before?”

Izuku nodded.

Miruko’s nose twitched. The wind blew their hair and Miruko’s eyes ran down to Izuku’s

“No fair. Mina’s getting all the brownie points this time.” Toru pouted while her friend smirked

“Is Miruko jealous?” Uraraka asked Deku, who was frankly too overwhelmed right now to even
process that. It was oddly surreal to have his alternate self with his female classmates, as well as

And if Mei was correct… there were quite a few other versions of him like that out there.

Wait a minute…

“Uh…. Hatsume…” Izuku asked hesitantly.

“Mm? What’s up?” Mei turned to look at him.

“Out of curiousity, uh… how many other me’s have uh… multiple partners…” Izuku coughed out,
a furious blush on his face.
“As of right now? 37% out of all the universes registered so far. 37% of all Izukus or Izumis have
atleast more than 6 partners.” Mei rattled off as she recalled the information.

“Did you just… have that off the top of your head? Also Izumis?” Izuku questioned.

“Of course! Any data is useful data after all! And yeah there are a bunch of you that are chicks,
and might I say you look mighty fine as one. It’s an infinite multiverse after all.” Mei shrugged.
She decided not to mention the other names they've gone by.

“Yeah thanks for just… blowing my mind without any hesitation.” Izuku sighed out, jotting down
these new tidbits of information in ‘Multiverse Journal #1’ which didn’t go unnoticed by Uraraka
or Iida.

“Come here.” She motioned as she walked towards the edge of the roof and squatted.

Izuku sat down nearby, blinking curiously at her.

Her nose twitched again. “See those warehouses down there?”

Izuku nodded.

“The police is asking for our help following up on yesterday’s bust. They think this might be
one of the places the League is using as a drug factory.”

“Shouldn’t we be with them, especially after yesterday?” Izuku felt a tinge of guilt when he
saw anger flash across Miruko’s face for a second.

She shook her head. “No, they’ve got other heroes with them. We got a different job. We got
a good vantage point in case any villains escape. Guess why we’re on this duty?”

“Maneuverability?” Izuku offered.

Miruko nodded. “That and strong legs.” She slapped her thigh.

Izuku coughed weakly, shuffling in his seat.

Tsuyu looked down at her own strong legs. “Hm.”

Izuku blushed and looked back to their target. “Is it okay if I take notes?”

“Sure, go ahead,” She shrugged.

Miruko watched him pull out his notebook then looked how far apart they were. Her nose
twitched a third time. She inched her way sideways, more like a crab and less like the rabbit
she was.

“Pfft!” Jirou chuckled at the pro’s behavior.

“Seriously. Where did you even pull that out from?” Mirio asked curiously.

“Pulled out what?” Izuku asked.

“The notebook.” Tamaki mumbled.

“Oh, this?” Izuku asked, pulling out his notebook from-

“Yeah! That! How’d you do that?” Nejire asked, baffled at the magic trick.

Izuku scratched at the back of his head, the notebook gone. As if it was never there.

“I just… did?”
Nezu hummed, also a bit intrigued by that display.

Izuku didn’t notice until she leaned against him, her face right by his, peering at his
notebook. “Watcha writing?”

The mini heart attack Izuku had manifested itself only as a strangled ‘eep’ in his throat.

Miruko poked his reddened cheek. “Fun as it is to see you like this you can’t stay this jumpy
around me all the time.” She then added softly, “Especially not when it’s just us two.”

“Yeah… just you two.” Pony repeated.

“Looks like someone needs a little… confidence building.” Tokage said as she looked at him, her
smirk showing off her sharp teeth.

Izuku gulped as Kendo bonked her friend’s head.

Izuku leaned into her, showing her the page he was working on.

It was an entry on her and her fighting style. There was a sketch of her in her hero outfit just
standing but also one of her midaction using objects to bounce around like she had the day

There were little notes about her reinforced boots and the watch she’d shown him.

Izuku quickly flipped open his notebook, copying down the notes his other self had taken.

“Thanks, me.” He muttered as he wrote.

She looked up and saw him staring at her with care, admiration and a whole host of emotions
that made her head spin.

Miruko grabbed his hood and forced it over his head.

He blinked big green confused eyes at her.

Uraraka gave out a weird squeak/ hiccup of adoration and happiness as she saw how cute and lost
Deku looked there.

“Can’t look at you when you stare like that.” She turned her face away and felt it heat up as
her ears drooped.

“Tease the bunny…” Toru whispered out to Izuku, who rubbed at his nose and pretended not to

Izuku leaned his head against her shoulder and even though neither looked at the other, they
both held blushing smiles on their faces.


Izuku followed Miruko back into her agency, the sun low in the sky. Izuku had a bruise on
his jaw, a scrape on his cheek and a cut just above his eyebrow.

Miruko had him sit on a sofa while she fetched a first aid kit. Izuku opened and closed his
jaw slowly trying to ease the pain. Miruko returned handing him some ice and he put it on
the bruise while she cleaned up his face.

He hissed when she disinfected his cheek.

“Damn, you really got put through the wringer huh…” Tsuburaba winced at the other Izuku’s
“Atleast I’m helping out, even if I did get a bit hurt.” Izuku smiled, happy that his other self was
helping out.

The students all averted their gaze from his bright smile.

“Sorry.” She dabbed the cut on his forehead lightly. “You know we could have just had you
checked out by one of the medics.”

Izuku smiled sheepishly. “I wanted to take you up on your offer…” his cheeks tinted red,
“about taking care of me.”

Miruko looked away cheeks puffed trying to hold something in. Not being able to look at him
she just kept dabbing his cut even after it was clean.

“Miruko? Miruko?” Izuku took hold of her hand when she didn’t respond.

She snapped her head back, her cheeks puffy and her lips tightly pressed together. She
wasn’t looking him in the eyes.

“Miruko?” Izuku held her cheek tilting her face so he could see her eyes.

“Aww she’s shy!” Nejire cooed.

“Hard to believe she’s the same person who can jump entire buildings and kick criminals through
cars…” Sero scratched at his head.

“Pros do have their own lives outside of the job. You’d be surprised how their hero personas alter
from their regular lives.” Nezu supplied.

Mirio nodded in agreement. “Yep! Take Sir for example! He may seem really strict and all, but his
office is just filled with All Might me-“
“Now now. That’s quite enough now, Mirio.” Nighteye quickly cut in.

Izuku pouted as he remembered that Nighteye had one or two things that he didn’t have in his
collection. He had to admit, the ex-sidekick’s collection was an impressive one.

I’m a failure of an All Might fan…

“Why do you have to stare like that?” Her voice was barely above a whisper. “Say things like
that?” She brought both of her hands down on the sofa back on each side of Izuku’s face.

Her toned arms made sure he wasn’t going anywhere as she leaned in close to his face, hers
blushing but excited. “I can’t help myself when you’re like that.”

Izuku set down the ice and spread his arms open to accept her.

Her blush deepened. “Midoriya.”

He smiled sweetly.

“Round 2.” Shoji simply said.

“To eat from the forbidden fruit and come out of it twice… you have my respect Midoriya.”
Tokoyami nodded at him.

“Um… thanks?”


Izuku dragged his feet as he entered the dorms, tie in his pocket. He walked into the first
floor not even registering the different faces of his classmates. Instead he just looked for a
comfortable place to sleep.
He was so tired he likely wouldn’t make it to his room.

His eyes caught Ochako laying on the couch snuggled up in a blanket. He stumbled over.

She got up removing the blanket. “Deku?”

Izuku walked up to her and he leaned his body against her. His body just slackened against
her smaller frame and they both went back down onto the sofa before Ochako had a chance
to react.

“Oh I’m sorry Uraraka!” Izuku squeaked out, embarrassed.

Uraraka chuckled, flustered at the display on screen. “It’s fine, he was tired.”

“Deku, what’s wrong?” She looked at his face and realized he had fallen asleep.

She laid there with him on top for a moment, her hands reaching up to hug him. One hand
on his back the other in his hair. After a moment she looked back to her classmates, blushed
then hid her face against Izuku’s.

As embarrassed as she was she rubbed Izuku’s back and dug her fingers into Izuku’s fluffy

“That’” Kaminari blinked. “Did anyone else know they were a thing?”

“Wow, we really are clueless.” Kaminari looked down in defeat.

“For such attentive students, you sure take long to notice stuff like that within your own class.”
Aizawa deadpanned.
Sero shrugged. Kirishima shook his head.

“Must be recent then. I mean there’s no way something like that could have been a secret for
a while. “ Kaminari laughed anxiously.

Mineta raised a finger. “Actually I-”

“Of course Mineta knew.” Sero groaned.

“Seriously, how did you know.” Kirishima gawked at him.

“Trade secret.” Mineta simply said with a smug look on his face.

He was interrupted by Tsuyu’s tongue slapping the table near Mineta leaving a crack. “You
shouldn’t gossip about him while he’s asleep.” She croaked annoyedly.

Kaminari murmured an apology for starting the conversation.

The girls aside from Ochako huddled into a little circle murmuring to each other.

Momo looked away for a moment and caught Aoyama smiling mysteriously at them.

She frowned but before she could say anything he made the motion of his mouth being zipped
up before giving her an okay sign with his fingers.

Aoyama smirked. “Fear not, I am not one to spread the secrets of others.” He said with a twinkle.

Momo chose to ignore that and picked up the blanket, draping it over Izuku and Ochako. “If
you’re going to sleep down here you should make sure to stay covered.” She patted the covers
lightly before adding quietly enough that only Ochako and Kyouka could hear. “And
Ochako nodded, snuggling her face against Izuku’s.

Momo turned to the rest of her classmates. “It’s late anyway so the rest of us should also get
some rest.”

There were few objections and most of those were squashed by Iida offering to stay up with
whoever wasn’t sleepy and study quirk usage laws.

Iida frowned. “What’s wrong with studying quirk usage laws?”

“Absolutely nothing, class prez.” Kirishima assured him hesitantly.

Ochako felt her heart race as many of her classmates cast a glance her way while they left for
their rooms.

Being found out by the rest of the class was not a shock she thought she’d have that day.

And yet when she looked at Izuku’s sleeping face and heard his soft breathing she couldn’t
find any regret in what had just taken place.

She placed a kiss on his cheek.

“That’s so sweet!” Mina squealed.

Uraraka’s heart pounded against her chest, wishing so desperately that she could do that. She cast a
slightly jealous glance at Yui, her head leaning against Izuku’s shoulder.

Her Deku.

“Goodnight, Deku.”
“You’re a good person Uraraka.” Izuku told her warmly, causing her to snap out of her thoughts
and making her cheeks warm up.

Izuku awoke the next morning warm and comfortable. He almost didn’t want to get up but
he felt so refreshed from sleeping that he knew he couldn’t go back to sleep.

Izuku opened his eyes slowly and saw Ochako’s blushing face below him. He smiled sleepily
at her.

“Ochako.” He leaned forward and kissed her. It was a soft and loving kiss but he noticed
that she was blushing harder now and her eyes glanced to her right.

Izuku’s face reddened almost instantly when he noticed Aizawa, All Might and Midnight
standing there.

“Busted!” Kamakiri and Awase yelled out.

Aizawa took a sip from his juice pouch, his eyes unimpressed with the scene before him.

Shinso glanced at his mentor. “Really?”

“What else am I supposed to do.” Aizawa shrugged.

Midnight held her cheeks and let out an excited squeal, muttering something about ‘youth’
and passion’.

Izuku felt Ochako tighten her hold on him at that, and he was left with his cheek pressing
against Ochako’s while he finally looked up at All Might.

The man had no idea how to respond to this so he simply offered a sheepish smile and a
tentative thumbs up.
Nighteye facepalmed, almost tempted to cry. The former symbol of peace was absolutely terrible at

Izuku was at a loss for words from the sheer embarrassment so he just laid there on Ochako
who kept a snug but tight hold of him while they stared at their teachers.

Aizawa finished his juice and spoke up. “Miruko asked for you again today. You’re to head
on down as soon as you’re ready.”

“Round 3…” Mineta whispered out.

Izuku nodded dumbly.

“Oh, he should have an escort today for sure.” Midnight chimed in, smiling at Izuku.

“Oh no, he can’t handle Miruko and Midnight.” Yaoyorozu said with a bit of worry.

“Eh, give it some time.” Jirou shrugged.

All might motioned towards his protege. “I doubt that’ll be necessary. Young Midoriya is
perfectly capable of handling himself. He’s capable enough to get the attention of a high
ranking hero after all.” He gave Izuku a proud almost fatherly smile.

“Yes, he is very... capable . ” Midnight’s eyes met Izuku’s and she brought her hand near her
face, resting her finger horizontally between her parted lips.

A few of the students made a mental reminder to make sure Midnight didn’t snag Midoriya for
personal training or something similar.

All Might tilted his head in confusion. “Yes, that’s what I said?”
Bakugo snorted while a few of the other students groaned at his cluelessness.

“Oh great,” muttered Aizawa. “Come on you two. Nedzu wants that meeting earlier rather
than later.” He turned and walked off.

All Might gave Izuku a goodbye wave and followed.

Midnight smiled. “Goodbye, Midoriya~” She waved, wiggling her fingers as she left.

Izuku glanced at Ochako to find that her blush had calmed down a little but she was also
pouting as she watched the teachers leave.

Izuku hugged her, laughing anxiously. “That was a scare. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t
notice them.”

Ochako looked up at him, her pout leaving her face. “It’s okay.” The blush returning in full
force. “I like it when you’re like that.”

“Get em girl!” Toru squeaked out, raising her fist up in triumph.

They rubbed their noses together, smiling at each other as Ochako stroked Izuku’s hair.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Ochako finally spoke up again.

“You should get ready.”

“But you’re so warm and comfy.”

She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be here when you’re back. Ryukyu hasn’t asked called for Tsuyu
and me in a while. Come on, I’ll help you get ready.”

Izuku got up with a groan as Ochako sat up and reached for his shirt. She helped him tuck it
in giving a light squeeze when she tucked in the back part.

Izuku buttoned up his collar and pulled his tie out of his pocket. Ochako took the tie and put
it around his collar getting behind him to do it properly.

Uraraka tried not to think about how much this reminded her of some dramas she had seen from
time to time.

The resemblance was not lost on Bakugo.

Izuku felt her chest press against his shoulder and upper back as she tied the knot.

Izuku let himself lean against her a little, smiling. “This reminds me of those dramas my
mom watches sometimes, where the married couples help each other get dressed.”

Ochako’s hands stopped moving. “M-Married?”

Uraraka and Midoriya sputtered nonsense while the others cackled or hooted.

Midoriya was fairly certain a chunk of his soul left his body and Jirou was positive Uraraka’s heart
was throwing a party in her chest or something.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t-“ Izuku’s apology was cut off as Iida softly chopped his head.


Uraraka slapped her cheeks, forcing herself to focus.

“Oh, no no I didn’t mean-” Izuku looked up at her.

“I-I wouldn’t mind that…” Her face was red but there was no panic in it, just a blissful smile
looking to the future. “...being married. When we’re properly established as heroes.”

A few sly grins were cast her way, but she absolutely refused to look at Deku right now.

Although… her other self wasn’t wrong.

Well… it wouldn’t hurt to tell him that… she thought, biting on her other lip.

“Ye-yeah… what she said…” Uraraka whispered out, and Izuku turned towards her so fast she was
afraid he’d snap his neck.

“I- uh-“

Her smile was contagious and Izuku couldn’t help how big his own smile got, his cheeks
hurting a little.

Ochako cleared her throat. “Anyway,” She finished his tie. “You should get going. Don’t
keep Miruko waiting.”

Izuku stood up and faced her. “Are you sure?” He took ahold of her hands. “I could stay.”


“I don’t want you, any of you thinking that I don’t care and I’m just running off and-”

Ochako pulled his head down and kissed his forehead. “It’s okay. I already told you.” She
stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers. “I’ll be here.”
Izuku gave her a quick peck on the cheek and they separated. Izuku walked halfway towards
the door before stopping.

Yaoyorozu sighed as she allowed herself to slump in her seat. So romantic…

He turned, ran back to her, and pulled her into a kiss, wrapping his arms around her. He
held her, one hand on the back of her head, the other and her lower back. Ochako let her
hands rest on his chest, a happy hum in her throat.

There was a loud crunch.

The pair stopped and looked to the source.

Standing in the kitchen of the first floor was Kaminari, his mouth full, cheeks puffy as he
chewed. In one hand was a slender box, in the other a fistful of cereal. He had no milk.

Kirishima and Sero started laughing, followed by Tsuburaba and Awase.

“Seriously Kaminari? What the heck man?!” Sero choked out as he wiped away a tear.

Iida frowned. “I hope you don’t actually do that with all the cereal…”

Ochako and Izuku sputtered, their faces turning into tomatoes ripe for picking. Izuku
hugged Ochako closer, both of them embarrassed and unsure of what to do knowing that
they’d had an audience the whole time.

“Nice.” Kaminari shoved the fistful of cereal into his mouth crunching loudly.

“Oh my god” Jirou rubbed her head, feeling the beginning of a headache.

“For fucks sake, Sparkplug!” Bakugo growled out, slightly offended Kaminari was eating cereal

Izuku got off the train, face flushed. His phone vibrated and he checked it. It was a message
from Miruko, an address close to her agency. Another message came in.

Miruko: Be ready, no holding back today.

“Does she mean… on the job or…” Izuku trailed off, uncertain.

Yui stared at him, her face betraying no emotion. “Mm.”

“How am I supposed to take that…” Izuku tilted his head in confusion.

Izuku nodded and put his phone away. Before long he was outside a small cafe. He’d
borrowed their bathroom and changed into his hero outfit. Like the day before it was still
missing his mouth guard.

Mei pouted at her other self. She should’ve already made him a new one.

He tugged on his hood contemplating putting it over his head. He shook his head and left it
uncovered. He rubbed his gloved hands together.

“Yeah what the fuck’s up with that rag, Deku? You’ve only used that shit like… twice!” Bakugo
barked out.

“Well uh… I just like the weight of it on my back? It’s just comforting to have… just in case…”
Izuku explained timidly.

I wonder what kind of work we’re doing today. She said no holding back. I bet it’ll be tough.
He checked his phone again. No new messages.

“Oh you sweet summer child, never change.” Monoma said, shaking his head in defeat.

He heard a crash behind the cafe in the alleyway.

Izuku put his phone away and went over to investigate.

Turning the corner he saw her.

“Miruko!” He called out smiling.

Spotting him, Miruko smiled back and walked up to him.

“What are we doing toda-eeeh!?”

Izuku was interrupted as Miruko picked him up bridal style, crouched and jumped away
high in the air.

“She works quick.” Nejire chirped up.

“Yeah… she won’t hold back on ‘training’ today.” Tsuburaba snorted.

“W-What’s going on? Is something wrong?” Izuku looked up at her.

She smirked. “Nope, just practicing.”

“Practicing?” Izuku asked, confused.

“Yeah for what?” Kaminari followed, just as clueless.

Izuku’s furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but instead of getting any clarification Miruko
just tightened her hold pressing him against herself and speeding up.

Within moments Izuku spotted her agency. Miruko jumped towards the open window on the
third floor.

A realization set in Izuku’s mind. “We’ve never gone up past the first floor.”

Miruko dropped through the window onto the third floor. There was a large bed and she
dropped him onto it. He bounced once.

“Oh.” Izuku simply said, gulping.

“Not gonna lie, that bed looks really comfy…” Tokage admitted, Kinoko nodding alongside her.

Miruko closed the window before turning to Izuku, the smirk on her face accentuated by the
light blush on her cheeks.

“The last two days were just warmups.” She got on the bed hovering her body over his.
“Today, I’m getting serious. You’d best be ready.” She sat on his lap.

“Told ya. Third time’s the charm.” Awase shrugged.

“On this day… Izuku Midoriya died. How? T-“ Kaminari’s little speech was cut off yet again as
Tsuyu’s tongue smacked the back of his head.

Laying there on the bed Izuku blushed. “You mean we’re not patrolling today?”

“Did you really think that’s what you were going to do?” Shoji asked incredulously.
“Y-yeah?” Izuku answered back. Is that not what she meant?

Miruko blinked then laughed. “Is that what you thought we were doing today?”

“Run. While you can still use and feel your legs.” Shoto advised, Bakugo nodding in agreement.

He nodded, pressing his index fingers together. “Because of your message.”

She laughed again before wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “Thanks for that. I was
feeling a little tense on my end.”

“It’s honestly amazing how oblivious you can be sometimes, problem child.” Aizawa sighed,
resigned to his fate.

“Atleast when it comes to matters concerning yourself.” Nighteye followed up, tilting his glasses in
a disapproving way.

“Why are you wearing your hero costume though?” He motioned to her outfit.

“Looking at your notebook, I thought you liked my hero costume.” Miruko put her hands on
his cheeks and peered into his eyes. “Am I wrong?”

Izuku choked on his spit, pounding on his chest hard. A few eyebrows were raised.

Uraraka thought back to the battle trial, when Deku had been gawking at her while she stood there
in costume.

I wonder…

He felt her press into his lap. His face got more red and his hands reached up, resting on her

“Well?” Her face held a mix of confidence and apprehension.

“I do.”

“Hmm? I didn’t hear you.” She was building up confidence seeing him flustered.

“Say it…” Mina said, looking back at Izuku. He absolutely refused to open his mouth.

“I-I do. I really like your costume. You look amazing in it.” Izuku’s voice raised with each

Miruko rubbed his cheeks with her thumbs, the warmth passing through her gloves.

Face burning Izuku brought his arms down and rested his hands on Miruko’s hips.

She tightened her thighs against his waist. She leaned forward.

“There is no use escaping now. Don’t worry, my father can pay for the funeral.” Todoroki assured
him, making Midoriya sputter yet again in embarrassment. After all, it was the least he could do
for his friend, and it would be the most useful thing his father had ever done.

Izuku looked hesitantly at the screen. One for All… don’t fail me now…

Izuku felt his heartbeat go wild in his chest. Her quirk and theme was that of a rabbit but she
was looking at him with a hungry, carnivorous gaze.

“Yeah she doesn’t really fit her ‘prey’ motif, she looks more of a predator there.” Kendo admitted.
She took her hands off his cheeks and touched his hood, running her fingers over the bunny
like protrusions. She grabbed his hands, gently pinning them against the mattress as she
intertwined her fingers with his.

Her breath was hot against his face as she spoke.

“I’m going to show you what it really means to go at it like rabbits.”

A few students gulped in embarrassment.

Mirio started cackling at the joke, wiping a tear from his eye. “Aw man, I was wondering when
that would come up.”

“Revelry in the dark…” Tokoyami said, closing his eyes as his feathers ruffled.

Miruko stepped outside her agency squinting against the morning sun glaring down. She
stepped forward finding a box with the address to her agency on it.

She smiled and picked it up.

“Oh, Miruko. You’re up early.” A man with an apron and a chef’s hat stepped over from the
sidewalk. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to know what all that racket was all through yesterday
do you?”

“R-racket?” Izuku whimpered out.

“The fuck… did the whole block hear?” Bakugo squinted.

Miruko shrugged. “Probably some of the nightly patrols. You know how antsy everyone has
been recently.”
“Yeah, I bet that’s what it was.” The man walked off heading back to his store across the

“Yeah… I bet.” Shinso repeated, looking like he’d aged a thousand years in less than a minute.

Ibara ducked her head in prayer.

Miruko sighed.

“Miruko, you’re still here? Thought you’d be out on patrol already.” A young woman in a
yellow and black costume with insect wings dropped next to Miruko.

Miruko frowned. “Is everyone just going to come bother me this morning?”

The winged hero held up her hands defensively. “Just curious. By the way, you hear what
was going on yesterday? Sounded like a warzone.”

A few students squeaked or shouted, tossing glances at Izuku who’s face was rapidly getting

“The hell? Did the whole neighborhood hear?” Monoma gasped out, shocked.

Midoriya was close to passing out. To think that they all heard…

Miruko blushed. “Has to be construction. Yeah, that’s what it was. There’s been a lot of
rebuilding going around.” She glared at the other heroine. “Anyway, don’t you have your
own patrol to get on. Stop wasting time pestering me.”

The winged heroine backed off and flew away leaving Miruko seemingly alone.

Miruko shook her head and opened up the box. There were carrots and carrot related snacks
inside. She pulled out a single carrot and took a bite.

“Oh, of course she’d like carrots.” Kaminari told himself, surprised it'd skipped over his head.

As she ate and tried to calm down, Miruko paid little attention to the approaching footsteps
until they were near her.

She finished the carrot and turned around. Her face scrunched up when she saw who it was.

It was an older woman a few inches shorter than Miruko with similar white hair and bunny

“Momruko!” Mina and Toru squealed out.

Izuku desperately hoped she wasn’t going to ask abou-

The woman held a smirk on her face. “Hmm, what’s this I hear about you making a racket
all day lon-”


“Stop! Don’t even start, mom. You know exactly what that was yesterday. Don’t even think
about trying to be coy.” Miruko huffed, picked up her box and walked back into her agency,
shutting the door.

The smile on the face of Miruko’s mother went from a smirk to full blown smugness. “Well
it’s about damn time.”

“A mother always knows…?” Sero helpfully supplied, earning a smack to his head from Jirou.

Inside the agency Miruko stomped up to the third floor, went into the bedroom and dropped
the package of carrots and carrot snacks by the door.

Her eyes wandered over to the bed, or rather what was left of it.

The legs and frame holding the bottom of the bed up were broken leaving the mattress on the
floor. Large scratches from the bed’s legs scraping covered the floor. The headrest that
leaned against the wall was shattered, a massive chunk just laying on the ground.

Pretty much all of their jaws dropped.

“What the actual fuck!?” Bakugo yelled out in shock.

“The hell happened?!” Awase choked out.

“Sh-she did that?!” Izuku asked incredulously.

“I… I guess yo-you really did go at it like r-rabbits…” Uraraka stuttered out, her face beet red right

“Is… is he alive?” Kinoko asked hesitantly.

The wall behind the headrest had bent, cracked and caved in at various points. Bed sheets
were torn and pillows had been ripped to shreds.

Miruko closed the door and walked to the side of the king sized bed. She sat down on the

In the middle of the bed lay Izuku in just his underwear who when he saw her attempted to
bring up what remained of the bed sheets to cover himself.

Izuku sighed in relief.

“I swear, it’s like a tornado swept by the room or something…” Kendo asked, half embarrassed but
also half awed.

“Looks like Bakubro set off a few explosions in the room.” Kirishima remarked.

Tokage nodded, impressed that Izuku was even conscious right now.

Miruko pulled the sheets away, her eyes looking him up and down before stopping on his
boxers. “Was that all you were planning on wearing today?” She wore a simper smile on her

He blushed. “W-Well no I-I was g-going to…” He put his hands down on the mattress and
tried to stand up.

His legs gave out and he dropped down.


“Pfft-“ Kaminari covered his mouth.

His face went crimson as Miruko snickered. He tried again, this time wincing as he tried to
move his legs before ultimately crashing back onto the bed.

“I...I can’t walk,” He squeaked out.

“That’s obvious. Atleast you can feel your legs.” Bakugo scoffed.

Todoroki appraised Midoriya as if he’d just done something to earn his utmost respect, like kicking
Endeavor right between the legs.
Miruko hummed and scooted closer, placing her hand on his bare thigh. The shiver that ran
through Izuku’s body gave her more confidence than she already had seeing him flustered.

“I thought that might happen.”


Miruko ran her gloveless hand up and down his leg traveling from just above his knee to his
upper thigh. She savored the way he became jelly against her touch. “First two times you
were pretty tired, even with your quirk. I thought it’d be rough on you when I actually went
serious. Honestly I was a little scared I’d break you.”

“N-no kidding…” Midoriya whispered out, shuffling in his seat and making sure his legs still

She leaned closely against him, reaching her other arm around his waist and rubbing his
other thigh as well. “But you surprised me. You're ...” Her eyes ran over the scars on his
arm. “...sturdier than I thought.”

Izuku felt a small sense of pride wash over him knowing that he’d impressed her.

Izuku smiled a bit with pride at that. Yui tossed him a very slight smirk as she noticed.

That pride emboldened him and he spoke up.

“Y-Yesterday, that thing you did.”

“Which one?”

“The l-leg thing, with you on top.”


“Oh? What about it?” Miruko hands reached down, traveling down the inside of Izuku’s legs
to the back of his thighs.

Izuku swallowed, both his mind and body remembering yesterday’s intimacy. The soreness
in his legs feeling better under her caring, massaging hands.

“Is there...a guy version of that?”

“Midnight could probably teach you.” Awase snickered.

Aizawa sucked in a deep breath. “No…”

Miruko blinked, her hands stopping. “You mean where you’re on...hmm.”

Her hands resumed massaging him and she grumbled a bunch of things under her breath.
The only thing Izuku was able to make out was the word “press”.

Rather than answering the question Miruko gave his thighs a light squeeze.

He let out a small exclaim because they were still sore.

“Press...?” Izuku questioned, tilting his head.

In that moment, Mineta resolved to teach the harem king whatever secrets he had left.

She gave him a wink. “Toughen yourself up first. Although, you’re voice is cute the way it is
now so keep that the same.”
Izuku averted his gaze from the screen, mumbling something incoherent.

Izuku’s eyes widened in a sudden realization. “T-The noise! What about all the noise we
made yesterday.”

“It’s fine. I closed the window.”

Bakugo cackled at that. “Yeah, like that would help much.”

“Window probably broke from the impacts.” Shinso grumbled.

“Are you sure?”

Miruko frowned. “For as wild as we were yesterday you’re awfully bashful today.”

Izuku looked down. “It’s just being found out by other people is embarrassing.”

Izuku nodded in agreement.

She hummed, thinking of a way to tease him.

“’re ashamed to be found with me?”

“No!” Izuku yelled out, catching himself and shutting his mouth in embarrassment.

“No!” Izuku face snapped up instantly catching Miruko off guard as he stared into her eyes,
the expression on his face confident and resolute. “You’re amazing in every way possible.”

Yep… that’s what I was going to say . Izuku gulped.

He took a deep breath. “You’re strong, insightful, beautiful, successful, confident, cool under
pressure, playful, caring.” His gaze dropped down. “If anything it’s you that should be
ashamed of being seen with...just me.”

“How’re you so….” Mina trailed off, unable to find the words.

She merely waved her hands around erratically.

Jirou snorted. “Realllll specific Mina.”

“You’ve got a really high charisma stat.” Awase said sagely, as if he’d just bestowed some rare
knowledge onto him.

Pony giggled. “Only in certain uh… situations.”

Miruko felt her heart race and her cheeks heat up then a sudden anger take her over. She
snapped her fingers in front of Izuku, bringing his attention back to her face.

“The hell’s wrong with you? How are you going to sit there and sell yourself short after
saying something so heartfelt with such a cool face?”

Izuku stared dumbfounded.

“I stand corrected. You’re absolutely clueless when it comes to how others perceive you.”
Nighteye sighed.

Miruko’s hands were off his legs and now either pointing at him or on her hip.

“You know how much stock I put into strength.” She poked his chest.
“But I’m not-”

She cut him off.

“And you also know I’ve never done team ups before. Don’t like em. I don’t do anything I
don’t want to do.”

Bakugo grunted in agreement.

She poked his face. “I chose you. I went out of my way to look for you, so don’t think for a
second I’ve got any shame about being seen with you. I don’t care who knows. I don’t care
that the whole neighborhood heard us all of yesterday.”

“What?” Izuku squeaked out.


She didn’t stop. “And I’m not just going to sit around and listen to someone put down the guy
I care about, even if it’s himself.”

Her finger pointed right at him, her chest rising and falling as she breathed heavily.

“That’s so sweet!” Yaoyorozu sighed, placing a hand to her cheek.

A multitude of emotions ran across Izuku’s face and he ultimately spoke up, looking like he
was going to pass out.

“So everyone knows about yesterday?”

“’Unknown tremors felt all throughout town, more news at 7’” Sero joked.
“Honestly kinda surprised the floor didn’t give way or something…” Kirishima said, scratching at
his head in wonder.

Miruko’s cheeks lit up. She’d been so into her speech she hadn’t paid attention to exactly
what she’d said.

She crossed her arms. “Y-Yeah, so what? I bet they’re jealous now.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better.”

She huffed. “Well it should. You can take and dish it out like a champ. I’ll bet there’s no guy
out there as good as you at-”

The girls cheeks reddened at that.

“Please stop.” Izuku covered his red mess of a face. “I know you’re trying to make me feel
better but please…”

Miruko dropped her arms and they sat there in silence for a while. She leaned her shoulder
against Izuku feeling his nervous trembling.

She placed a hand on his back and gently rubbed the muscles on his back.

She glanced at him, seeing his flushed face before she took a deep breath and spoke.

“I’m satisfied you know?”

Izuku perked up, curious.

Izuku looked at her from behind his fingers. He opened his mouth to speak but Miruko
stopped him.

“Not just in that way. I mean overall.” She ran her fingers along his arm with her free hand.
“It’s only been three days but it feels like a highpoint you know? Even just sitting together,
leaning against each other. Even if it was just that it’d be happy, long as it’s you I’m leaning

Izuku smiled, touched by her honest words.

Izuku lowered his hands, a grateful smile spreading across his face as he leaned on her. “M-
Me too.”

Miruko’s smirk returned. “I’d hope your satisfied.” She patted his thigh. “It’s not like I can
do more now that your legs are out for the day.”

Mei mumbled something as she took down notes. She could probably make something to help with
sore muscles.

Izuku was about to protest but seeing the smirk realized she was only teasing. Instead he just
took and held her hand. “I might have to rely on you more today then.”

Miruko’s smirk turned into a full on grin. She let go of his hand and picked him up bridal
style. “That’s right, I’ll be your legs for today. Anywhere you want to go I’ll take you. After
all I’ve been practising.”

“So that’s what that was about!” Jirou exclaimed.

“Oh yeah… the whole bridal carry thing.” Tetsutetsu recalled.

Izuku remembered the times she’d picked him up and carried him. “That’s what that was
“Of course, had to be ready for our day off.”

“Day off? But I have school.”

“Atleast you remembered your studies.” Iida sighed, wiping at his glasses. Izuku chuckled

“Nope.” She held him closer. “When I asked for you yesterday I told them I’d need you for
two days. Yesterday for…”

She was beginning to enjoy just how easy it was to fluster him as she saw him blush again.
“...and today for whatever we want. I’m not going on patrol either.”

“S-So then is there anything you wanted to do, Miruko?”

“Heh, always interested in others before yourself huh?” Ojiro chuckled, shaking his head.

“Call me Rumi...Izuku.” She felt a little lightheaded and embarrassed. She’d ridden him so
hard he couldn’t walk and yet just saying his name left her like this.

The only solace she had was that he’d be too flustered to notice. He likely wouldn’t even be
able to speak let alone call her by name. Part of her hoped so, she’d probably die if he did. It
wouldn’t happen. He’d be too flustered, right?

“He’s gonna say it.” Nejire declared confidently. The green bean may seem shy but he comes
through when he’s needed.

Izuku reached over pulling their heads closer together. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips,
gazing lovingly into her eyes.

“We need… sunglasses. Momo please…” Jirou said as she shielded her eyes.
His face was more flushed than she’d ever seen it before and yet he spoke clearly, his voice
carrying an emotional strength she’d only heard hints of before.

“What do you want to do, Rumi?”

A few excited cheers and yells were heard in the theater as the other Izuku said her name.

“So manly!” the two hardheads cried out, a fist pressed to their chest.

His eyes two big green emeralds of care and affection, radiating his feelings with such an
intensity that Rumi felt her entire being enveloped by his warmth.

Uraraka sucked in a deep breath, gazing almost lovingly into his bright, warm and lovely eyes-

Uraraka coughed, looking away from Deku.

Her heart raced so hard she thought it was going to break out of her chest and present itself
to Izuku personally. Her ears drooped, face burned and cheeks hurt from the goofy smile she
was sure was plastered across her face.

Izuku’s heart panged in happiness at how happy Miruko was right now.

A full blown squeal escaped her lips and she didn’t even try to stop it as her foot thumped
loudly on the floor.

“Felt that.” Mina nodded with a smile on her face.

She dropped him back onto the bed. He bounced twice. She got on, hovering just above his
body, her lovestruck face inches from his.

“I’m going to take you again.”

“Run!” a few of his classmates yelled out.

Izuku stiffened up in panic.

Bakugo snorted. “I’d like to see him try.”

A small panic arose in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak but she placed a finger to his lips.

“Not today. When you’re feeling better. And you’d better be ready cause you’re going to need
to Plus Ultra to keep up.”

Izuku and a few others sighed in relief.

She laid down on top of him, snuggling her body against his as much as possible.

“But today I just want to stay like this. If it’s not too much to ask.” She hugged him

Izuku’s eyes softened again and he wrapped his arms around her. “Anything you want, for
however long you want, I’ll do my best to give you.” He placed a kiss on her cheek.

“You really go ‘Plus Ultra’ whenever possible huh?” Shinso snorted.

“Honestly that’s really impressive. You go beyond for pretty much anything, it’s… pretty
touching.” Jirou admitted without thinking.

Izuku looked at her, shocked. Jirou pointed her jacks at him before he could open his mouth.
“Not. A. Word.”

Her cheeks ached a little more. She tightened her hug. “Then I want you to hold me, cuddle
me all of today.”

She felt him run his fingers up and down her spine, and she shivered in his grasp. She felt his
other hand in her hair as he brought her head closer, his mouth by her ear. She was this close
to turning into Jello.

His voice a whisper against her sensitive ears. “Anything that you want, Rumi.”

She turned to mush from how tender his love was.

“Oh yeah, she’s absolutely smitten.” Kinoko sighed.

He pulled back and she could only stare at him, her voice failing to make any sound even a

She pursed her lips, hoping that he could understand her last request.

The hand on the back of her head pulled her in. It didn’t matter that there was no force to it,
she wouldn’t have resisted anyway. She knew he’d understood her when his eyes closed and
his lips pushed forward.

“Hey girl, so like… deets. Is he a good kisser?” Mina turned to look at Yui, who looked slightly
surprised at the sudden question.

Izuku squeaked out in response. “How did you even-“

She closed her own eyes and felt his soft lips against hers. The kiss didn’t simply envelop her
with his affection, it struck her to her very core filling her heart, soul and mind.
“Mm. That answer your question?” Yui responded.

She didn’t want it to stop and so it didn’t.

The screen shut off.

“Well… that was something.” Kaminari broke the silence, stretching in his seat.

“Yeah, who knew Midoriya was such a beast.” Tokage smirked.

“I uh… I don’t think that’s the takeaway here?” Izuku weakly defended himself.

“I believe that’s all for today.” Nezu interrupted, getting up along with the other two sensible
adults in the room. The ones we saw today did bring up some interesting tidbits of information. I’ll
make sure to go over some of these with Tsukauchi.

Bakugo growled. “How the hell does a weakling like you attract all of their attention?” he asked in

Midoriya honestly had no clue, he simply shrugged in confusion.

Mineta stood up, a confident expression on his face. “I’ll tell you how.”

A few people groaned. “This should be good.” Monoma mumbled out sarcastically.

Mineta pointed at Izuku dramatically. “He’s the ultimate switch!”

“Huh?!” A bunch of the students questioned him.

“It’s simple really. Midoriya is so caring that he’s willing to conform to the ladies desires… but the
ladies themselves are also caring enough to not have extravagant desires. It’s a win win!” Mineta

That… actually seemed like a pretty plausible explanation.

“Huh…” Midoriya simply said, lost in thought.

“So… you can be either really gentle or… really rough, is that it?” Tokage said as she floated over
to him, a smirk on her lips.

“I uh… huh?” Izuku smartly said.

“Right. I’m out.” Bakugo said, pushing past Izuku and headed to the dorms.

A big fist closed around Yui as Uraraka’s hand touched her. Yui blinked in surprise as her gravity
was removed.

Mina and Tokage made eye contact, a silent conversation passing between them in less than a

“I think we’re due a little girl chat, wouldn’t you agree?” Mina asked, Toru and Tokage nodding in
agreement. Yui’s eyes widened slightly in realization. Oh .

“I have to admit, I am curious as well.” Yaoyorozu admitted, Kendo nodding in agreement as she
carried the now weightless Yui out of the theater.

Midoriya simply blinked, unsure how to react. Should I do something?

Uraraka threw him a smile that seemed to say ‘sorry’ as she left the room with the other girls.
A hand landed on his shoulder. “We should get going.” Shoto said. Izuku nodded in agreement.

“Woah woah! Sorry candy cane, I need Izuku over here for some heavy lifting.” Mei interjected,
finished checking up on her baby.

Shoto blinked at her, and she simply blinked back.

“It’s ok Shoto… I’ll just help Hatsume with whatever she needs. Should help pass the time.” Izuku
shrugged, and Shoto hummed, walking towards the dorms.

“So, what do you need?” Izuku asked, curious.

Hatsume grinned at him. Not her usual ‘oh you’re gonna love this baby’ grin, but more of a ‘I’m
aware of what I’m doing but I’m gonna do it anyways’ type of grin.

Izuku gulped.

Chapter End Notes

Yo im so sorry zeuzul btw i meant to upload this on valentines day, anyways i hope
this lives up to expectations and sorry everyone for the delay
Universe 19
Chapter Summary

Super saiyan third year Izuku. Why? Because why not, enjoy!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Ok girl, spill the deets!” Mina quickly got to the gist of things.

She’d somehow acquired glasses and a suit in the short walk it took to reach the 1B dorms.

Momo probably made them.

Atleast they dragged me into my own room. Yui thought, resigned to her fate.

“Let’s not beat around the bush. You were tailing us. Betting that all of you were.” Yui bluntly

Ibara nodded in defeat, unable to lie. “Well that makes things easier to explain.” Tsuyu replied.

“Well I mean… uh, we were just curious, and besides we didn’t interfere with the date.” Toru
defended herself.

Yui decided not to mention the fact that she’d literally seen Uraraka knock out one of the waiters
like some sort of ninja, but then again that same waiter had come out a few minutes later like
nothing had happened, though he did seem to be acting odd.

“Still, we weren’t there for everything, so that’s why were here for gossip. C’mon how was it.”
Tokage butted in, slinging a disconnected arm onto Yui’s shoulder.

“It was… fun.”

“Fun? C’monnn.” Mina pouted.

“Kodai is a woman of few words. Though for her to say ‘fun’ means it must have definitely been
enjoyable.” Yanagi softly said.

“So… just to be clear. You don’t mind if others join, right?” Tsuyu decided to be blunt about it. No
use beating around the bush, after all.

“Mm. I don’t mind.”

“Wh- really?!” Uraraka choked out.

“Mm. He has a big heart. I’m content enough with whatever chunk belongs to me.” Yui said with a
very slight blush.

“Good. Guess I’ll ask him tomorrow.” Tsuyu nodded.

The other girls gawked at her.

“Woah woah woah who said you could call dibs?” Mina exclaimed and Toru nodded in agreement.

Tsuyu said. “First come, first serve.”

“Well, in that case, might as well go right after.” Tokage shrugged, noticing a new doll she most
certainly hadn’t seen before last time she was in Kodai’s room.

Ibara shook her head, a light blush on her cheek even as she reprimanded Tokage.

Yaoyorozu looked deep in thought and the others also looked like they were considering

“Mm. Tomorrow then. Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to sleep.” Yui cut through their train of
thoughts, gesturing towards the door.

Uraraka’s frown deepened as she left. She wanted nothing more than to confess to Deku… but
what if he doesn’t feel the same way?

A few of the others were having similar thoughts.


“C’monnn! I’ve seen like a bunch of your other selves do it!”

“I’m telling you, it just won’t come out.”

“Then make it come out before I do it myself!”

“Hatsume, what on earth’s going on over- oh.”

Powerloader scratched his chin in confusion as Mei seemed to be trying to pull something out of
Midoriya’s wrist.

“Oh hey!” she greeted before proceeding to poke at Izuku’s arm.

“What’re you doing?” Powerloader sighed, already getting to berate Hatsume.

“Trying to get Zuku over here to use Blackwhip!” Mei pouted.



Mei frowned and huffed as if she were talking to little kids.

That’s rich coming from you… Powerloader and Midoriya thought to themselves.

“It’s another quirk he can use. Watch some of the universes on the chair, sheesh.” Mei explained.
Oh right, the multiverse or whatever… Powerloader blinked as he remembered the mindblowing
device Mei had made. So far they’d kept this out of reach from anyone outside the theater. A
device like that would be very dangerous in the hands of the villains, and even the hero committee.

“Could you atleast tell me how my alternate selves used Blackwhip?” Izuku sighed, exhasperated.
Mei smacked her head as if she’d forgotten something. “Oh right! Ok so, you go 20%, I’m pretty
sure… and then you just like, intently focus on capturing something?” Mei scratched at her head as
she tried to recall the details properly.

“20% hurts to use, but I think I can manage it for a little under a minute.” Izuku nodded as he
shifted into a more ready stance. He held a fist out in front of him and focused on one of the
dummies Mei had brought.

“I just have to… focus ” Izuku said.



Still nothing.

“Try imagining your friends falling from a building or something. Imagine you throwing out a rope
to catch them.” Mei frowned deep in thought.

“Oh! Imagine failing to grab your girlfriend as she’s falling, and then just like… force yourself to
reach for her without actually moving.” Mei exclaimed, pounding a fist onto her open palm.

Izuku nodded, trying to envision that exact scenario.

I could’ve used that quirk to grab Bakugo… and then Kamino would never have happened…

Powerloader coughed. “Shouldn’t you two be doing this in the gym or somet-“

Then the room was filled with a swirling mass of tendrils.




Aizawa punctuated every word with a pull of the ear. Izuku merely winced in pain as he was
dragged to the theater. Vlad King had been startled when tendrils had punched right through the
walls and then Midoriya had been flung through a few empty classrooms and a tree.

It was only Aizawa quickly erasing his quirk that had prevented further damage.

Powerloader managed to shield Mei in time and Izuku had been smart enough to quickly move his
arm away from them.

“Next time you practice a new quirk, you do it while we’re around.” Aizawa continued, his tone
livid. All Might followed behind them. He was lost in thought, wondering if Midoriya would be
able to use Nana’s quirk in due time.

Izuku walked in to find his classmates already seated, blinking up at him and a drowsy Mei.

“The fuck…” Bakugo whispered out as he noticed that Izuku’s arm was in a sling.

“Izuku. How did you manage to break an arm. We saw each other not even 12 hours ago.” Shoto
shook his head in disbelief.

“Wuzzat? Oh we’re already here.” Mei giggled, her fatigue disappearing as if it’d never existed as
she bounced up to the chair.

Aizawa sighed. “Right. All Might and Vlad are supervising today along with the big 3. Me and
Nighteye have to discuss the upcoming raid, and Nezu is… planning for the future. Have fun or
whatever.” Aizawa grumbled as he walked out.

Vlad King shrugged at All Might, who merely gave a small smile back.

“Well, let’s see what all the fuss is about. Hatsume, if you would.” Vlad said gruffly, nodding
towards her.

She quickly set up the universe, and the students made themselves comfortable in their seats as the
screen flickered on.

“Class… today we’ll be doing rescue training.”

“Rescue training?” Class 1A asked out loud, excited.

“Oh this is from the first week of school.” Mineta sighed, disappointed he wasn’t seeing anything

“Mmm, USJ again then, I wonder what’ll be different this time though.” Uraraka wondered.

“Mm. You’ll be joined by 3 teachers including myself, along with 2 3rd years.” Aizawa said,
turning to the door just as the aforementioned 3rd years entered.

“That’s new!” Mina exclaimed.

All Might hummed. “Aizawa did originally ask for more supervision, since he figured I’d
somehow mess up. Guess Nezu accepted in this one.”

In walked 2 students. One obviously nervous and slightly frail looking, with dark, semi long
hair. His mouth was a bit wobbly, and his eyes were facing the ground. He was shaking.

“Tamaki!” Mirio and Nejire exclaimed , and their quiet friend gave a small smile at his appearance.

The other one walked in more confidently. He had curly green hair with the sides and back
shaved close to the skin, and his intelligent, green eyes brimmed with amusement and
excitement. It was obvious he worked out as the school uniform seemed to cling to him. He
was smiling brightly at them.

“Midoriya!” the students yelled out, startling the green haired boy.

Nejire’s eyes were transfixed to the screen. Oh no… he’s hot…

“Yo!” the green haired one said.

A few students greeted him hesitantly. Bakugo didn’t know why, but he already knew he
didn’t like the green one. He felt… powerful.

“Classic Bakugo, guess that rivalry goes deep huh?” Kirishima shook his head with a smile.

“Wait… so did you actually feel intimidated by Midoriya?” Kendo asked, confused.

Bakugo growled but kept his mouth shut.

“My name is Izuku Midoriya! You gonna introduce yourself?” Izuku teased his quiet friend.

“Tamaki.” He simply said.

“Good enough!” Izuku comforted his friend. Tamaki gave a wobbly smile at that. “Right,
these two will be tagging along, just as a precaution considering the break in earlier this
week.” Aizawa said, rubbing his eyes. Izuku tended to be a problem child without even
trying, so he could atleast expect the USJ to be eventful.

“Yeah… eventful.” Shoji deadpanned.

“You both seem like good buds.” Nejire noted. It would be cool to have Izuku as a friend. We
should hang out with him more!

“So… what makes you two so special?” Mina asked, eyeing Izuku’s uniform and how it
seemed to tease at his chiseled muscles. “Tamaki is one of UA’s big three. Hadou and Togata
will be supervising 1B tomorrow.” Aizawa explained.

“And Midoriya?” Kaminari asked, looking the green haired student up and down.

“He’s what you would consider the top dog. Out of every pro and student in Japan, he’s the
one who stands the best chance at number 1.” Aizawa explained, to which Izuku chuckled
nervously as he scratched the back of his head. Way to single me out, Aizawa!

“WHAT?!” a bunch of students yelled out, none louder than Bakugo.

“Oho, so he’s at the top, huh?” Mirio smirked at the challenge. He was pretty interested so far.

At that, the students perked up. Bakugo and Todoroki were immediately on guard as they
took more notice of their competition. The students were gossiping amongst themselves at
this new bit of information and Tamaki hid behind his bulky friend since glances were being
cast their way.

“What’s your quirk?” Bakugo asked gruffly, wondering just how some plain looking student
is the closest to number 1. It should be him! Not some… human broccoli looking fuck.
Izuku’s lips dipped down in a slight frown before he corrected it to his small smile.

“PFFT! Human broccoli?” Tokage snorted, then full on cackling at the comparison.

“Well… I call it “Saiyan Pride”… but it’s basically a really strong enhancer I suppose.”
Izuku lamely explained. A few students shot him questioning gazes at the name of his quirk.
He’d chosen it because his quirk did stem from his saiyan blood, atleast half of it. He’d take
pride in being the last remaining reminder of the ultimate warrior race. The name just felt…

“Woah woah woah what?!” a few students cried out in confusion.

“Saiyan? Is he an alien?” Mina asked.

“He’s got a quirk, so…” Sero trailed off.

“He’s half saiyan. Whatever that is…” Vlad King corrected them, looking back at the screen.
“That doesn’t tell us anything! Tell us more!” Mina whined, slumping in her seat. Aizawa
sighed, gesturing for Izuku to explain himself quick. Midoriya hummed.

“Alright. Since we have to be at the USJ, let’s hop on the bus! If we’re strapped in and ready
to go in 5 minutes, then I’ll spill my secrets!” Izuku exclaimed, clapping his hands together.
At that, the students jerked up and out of their seats, making their way towards the door.

“Orderly, of course.”

The teachers blinked at that. He got them under control so smoothly!

“Damn, way to play us like a fiddle.” Toru pouted, wanting to know more about this Izuku’s quirk.

The students proceeded to leave the room in a quick but orderly fashion. “Heh. Y’know, if
you ever quit being a hero, you’d make a decent teacher.” Aizawa said gruffly, relieved he
didn’t have to reel in his class.

“Aw, was that a compliment Mr. Aizawa?” Izuku teased, tossing a bright smile at the pro.
Aizawa tossed one of his infamous grins right back. “Repeating myself would be illogical,

Shinso snorted at that.

“It’s so weird seeing Midoriya banter so casually with Mr. Aizawa.” Jirou trailed off, surprised.

The bus ride was pretty eventful, in Izuku’s humble opinion. Everyone’s attention was on
him as soon as he’d sat down. He chuckled nervously at the attention, although it certainly
wasn’t something he wasn’t already used to.

“Right, well as I said before, my quirk is just a really strong enhancer. The more I train, the
faster and stronger I get. In a sense, my quirk is designed so that it can make me into the best
warrior I can be.” Izuku explained in a bit more detail.

“So it’s basically what most people believe All Might’s quirk to be. You’re really not helping your
case here, Izuku.” Todoroki turned to look back at his friend.

Midoriya pouted at him.

“Midoriya. I generally say what’s on my mind. Your quirk reminds me a lot of All Might’s.”
Tsuyu said, a finger on her chin. Izuku laughed at that and even Tamaki gave a small ‘heh’
at the comparison. “So I’ve been told Asui.”

“Just call me Tsu.”

“Sorry Asu-“

Tsuyu turned to look at him, daring him to finish his apology.

“Uh, I meant Tsu!”


“Right! Anyways, it would be similar to All Might’s… if that was all it did.” Izuku said with
a wink. He gave no further explanation. “Well? What else does it do?” Kirishima asked

Izuku fake pouted. “Now that would be spoilers!”

“Ugh! No fair!” Kendo grumbled out, puffing her cheeks out in annoyance.

“UGH! Just tell us already!” Bakugo yelled out. Kaminari rolled his eyes as he pointed a
finger at Bakugo, gushing out a quite detailed insult at the explosive teen. Izuku snorted at
the insult and proceeded to ignore Bakugo’s yells as they were directed his way.

“So is your class always like this?” Izuku leaned against Aizawa’s seat, flicking at his scarf.

“Worse sometimes.” Aizawa simply said, pulling his scarf away from Izuku’s hands.

“Sheesh, and it’s only been the first week. Guess you’ve got your work cut out for you.”
Izuku lamented his teacher’s slowly crumbling patience.

“Yeah, I’m thinking of expelling atleast one of them by the end of next week.” Aizawa
shrugged, and Izuku couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. Jirou gulped a bit as she withdrew
her jack, having eavesdropped on the short conversation.

Sero snorted. “I could literally see the blood draining from your face.”

“I mean yeah, he could possibly expel us, even now.” Jirou scratched the back of her neck with a
bit of worry.

Izuku threw a grin and a fist bump at 13 as they entered the USJ. Tamaki hid behind Izuku
again as Uraraka’s infectious excitement at seeing their favorite hero reached them. 13 began
to explain a few details and Midoriya decided to play a quick game of ‘you blink, you lose’
with Bakugo, who seemed to be trying to drill a hole into Midoriya’s head with his glare
alone. Todoroki seemed to be doing it too, albeit much more politely.

“Oh my god he’s literally just having a staring contest with Kacchan.” Kaminari snorted.

Izuku blinked in surprise that Kacchan didn’t react to the nickname.

Huh… well will you look at that…

Izuku blinked as he suddenly felt multiple energy signatures appearing from the main plaza.
He jolted up and turned to look at the plaza, grabbing Aizawa and Tamaki’s attention.
“Villains.” was all Izuku needed to say.

In an instant, Tamaki was by his side with shells forming around his arms in preparation.
Aizawa bolted orders to his students as they began to panic. “What’s the plan?” he asked his

“Mm. Good cohesion.” Vlad nodded in appreciation.

“Suneater and I will hold off the villains at the plaza while 13 guards the students up here.
You’ll use your instant transition or whatever to get to UA and alert the teachers.” Aizawa
Izuku nodded, deadpanning at his teacher. “Good plan. Two things though: My instant
transmission only works if I can sense a strong enough energy source… and unfortunately no
one’s using a lot of power over at UA. Nejire isn’t training apparently… and All Might seems
to be… out of time.” Izuku told his teacher, whispering that last bit so no one else would

“Wait… can he teleport?” Sero gawked.

“It would appear that way.” Yanagi replied.

“Dude, that’s already overpowered. Teleportation quirks are pretty rare.” Awase said in awe.

“Don’t forget that’s not all he can do.” Kinoko mumbled, also staring at the screen with awe.

Aizawa whispered out a curse, glancing down at the villains as they began to approach. The
three hanging back were the one’s bothering him the most.

“What’s the second thing.”

“The big one hanging back. I’m sensing a lot of energy from it, but it’s also… warped. As if
it’d been messed with or something.” Izuku explained, frowning as he looked into the beast’s
seemingly lifeless eyes.

“How much energy.”

“I’d say… almost as much as All Might’s… maybe even more.” Izuku said, his muscles
tensing in anticipation.

“Oh yeah, the All Might killer or something…” Kaibara recalled.

Ibara whispered a prayer that they would come out ok.

“Can you take it?”

“Definitely. It’d be a close one, but I think I can take it down. I don’t… I don’t think it’s
alive.” Izuku said. Aizawa hummed, nodding as he finalized the plan in his head. They were
out of time.

“Right. Us three will intercept the villains. 13, try to get them out of here and send Iida to UA
seeing as he’s the second fastest here.” Aizawa said, and 13 quickly nodded.

Tamaki quickly held out his arm, the bullets the villains had fired at them being blocked by
the large, hard shell currently attached to Tamaki’s arm.

“Nice!” Mirio beamed at his friend. Tamaki shrunk under the praise.

“Right, let’s go.” Aizawa said, and then he leapt down. Izuku placed a hand on Tamaki’s
shoulder, trying to convey that it would be all right. Suneater gulped, nodding and steeling
his gaze as they both leapt downwards.

Tamaki smiled at the reassurance. Midoriya was positive like Mirio, yet more toned down. He
could definitely see himself getting along with him.
In less than 5 seconds, the 3 had already made it to the bottom of the stairs, and 5 villains
already lay unconscious behind them. Shigaraki’s eyes narrowed with contempt as
Eraserhead and 2 wannabe heroes made quick work of his party.

Izuku smirked as a villain with large, bulky arms threw a punch at him. Izuku caught it with
ease, backhanding the villain away. He seemed to blur in and out of view with quirk red
bursts of energy, knocking out villains one after the other.

“He’s so strong!”

“And fast! I can barely see him!”

“Nomu. Kill the green one.”

Izuku tensed up as he turned around, feeling the creature’s energy surge with movement. He
only had time to lift his arm to block as the Nomu’s large fist smashed into him harder than a
freight train. He went flying backwards, slamming into the stairs hard enough to leave a
gaping crater.


Izuku winced, subconsciously rubbing his arms.

Midoriya spit out some blood. Damn, I got too cocky. I should’ve been more than fast enough
to react to that atleast.

“Midoriya! Are you ok?” Eraserhead asked as he ducked under another villain’s swing,
wrapping them up in his scarf and knocking them out. Izuku shouted out affirmatively,
wincing as he noticed the warp villain warp away as soon as Aizawa tossed Izuku a glance.

“Yeah… he was waiting for that.” Monoma grumbled.

Tetsutetsu and Shinso felt a bit bad for what they said back when they scouted out 1A. It was a bit
insensitive of them.

Oh well, he sensed their signature reappear where the students were, so hopefully 13 could
take care of them. Speaking of energy signatures…

“Suneater! Go help out in the shipwreck zone! It looks like they need some help!” Izuku
yelled out. Tamaki cast him a worried glance, and then raced off towards the shipwreck zone.

“Guessing that’s us since we were there.” Tsuyu nodded at Mineta, who nodded subconsciously,
focused on the screen.

“Right, guess it’s full power right off the bat.” Midoriya grumbled as the Nomu looked up at

The Nomu blurred as it surged forward, rubble flying in it’s wake.

“Kaioken times 4!” Izuku shouted as red energy surged out around him.

He nimbly ducked under the Nomu’s powerful swing, throwing a strong right hook into the
Nomu’s head. His eyes widened slightly in shock as the Nomu barely jolted from the force of
the powerful blow.

“Kaioken?” Tokoyami tilted his head in confusion.

“It looks like a booster. He got faster just now, and stronger too.” Todoroki noted.

“It still didn’t do anything…” Pony hesitantly replied.

“That… wasn’t supposed to-“

Izuku’s note of disbelief was cut off as the Nomu backhanded him away with it’s other hand.
“Eraserhead! This thing has shock absorption!” Izuku called out.

“Will that be a problem?”

“Only if I’m not allowed to kill whatever this is!” Izuku yelled back.

“Yeah… they’re mindless anyways.” Bakugo shrugged.

“My old man didn’t get reprimanded for frying them at Kamino or Hosu, so I’m sure it’s fine.”
Shoto assured his friend.

He said it wasn’t alive, and I believe him. It doesn’t seem to possess a hint of rational thought.
Some sort of mindless puppet…

“Fine. You’ve got my permission.” Eraserhead said.

“Alrighty then.” Izuku huffed out as he leapt towards the Nomu, soaring above it’s fist and
kicking off of it’s head. Shigaraki could only watch in rage as Izuku shouted out ‘Destructo
Disk!’ and severed his Nomu with a disk of yellow energy.

The Nomu fell down the shattered steps pitifully, it’s legs flopping into the crater as it’s
upper half fell face first into the ground. Well that was anticlimactic…

“Holy shit he just cut it in half!” Awase yelled out in shock.

Ibara nearly whipped him with one of her vines for his language, but settled on a sharp glare.

“That was pretty fast…” Toshinori mumbled, relieved he wouldn’t have to spend anymore energy
against the Nomu.

“No no no no… you’re not supposed to be able to counter the All-Might killer!” Shigaraki
groaned out in irritation, scratching at his neck. Izuku shrugged, putting his hands on his
hips. “Call off the rest of your little party. This is over.” Izuku said menacingly, his green
eyes piercing into Shigaraki’s own red ones.

“No… this isn’t over! Nomu! Get up and kill this stupid brat!” Shigaraki shrieked out. Izuku
rolled his eyes. “Hey handjob! Your pet’s literally dea-“ Izuku cut himself off as he swerved
to look behind him, sensing the energy spike. He only had a split second to register a giant fist
in his face before he was punched backwards, flying off into the distance and punching
through a building in the downpour zone.

“Is he ok?!”

“He took that head on… so manly!”

Aizawa only had a second to gasp out in shock. He said that thing had shock absorption! How-

“Nomu! Get Eraserhead too. I don’t even want to play with him anymore.” Shigaraki sighed
in disappointment. Aizawa tried to leap away, but the creature was simply too fast. It blurred
behind him, a large outstretched hand grabbing him by the back of the head and slamming
him into the pavement. He cried out in pain as his skull nearly split from the impact. His
goggles broke and flew off his face, and he’s pretty sure his jaw is broken at the very least.

Toshinori looked down in shame, disappointed in himself that he hadn’t been there.

1A frowned, upset at seeing their teacher get injured like that.

“Ugh…” Aizawa groaned as he tried to ignore the pain.

“Mm. It’s no fun if I can’t even tell if that hurt. Nomu, break his arms.”

Aizawa only had a second to prepare himself for the pain before a large foot slammed into his
left arm, probably pulverizing his bones there in an instant. His shout of pain was cut off as
the Nomu grabbed his other arm, crushing it in his fist. The shout died in his throat as the
pain briefly overwhelmed him.

A few students winced as they heard the bones crack and saw the arms break. Izuku glanced down
at his own scarred arms. I guess I know a bit of how that feels… he sympathized.

“That’s better. Now… be a good little hero… and die for me.” Shigaraki grinned under the
hand obstructing his face, reaching out to grab the pro’s face. He startled as tentacles
wrapped around his midriff, flinging him away.

Aizawa gasped as Tamaki appeared, stabbing right through the Nomu with a swordfish he
manifested from his hand. It did nothing. He could see Suneater’s eyes widen slightly in fear
and shock through the mask. “It’s… ghot… shhock absorbshion… and regenration…”
Aizawa choked out, his words coming out slurred due to the copious amount of blood in his

“Good job!” Nejire sighed out with relief as her friend managed to save their homeroom teacher.

Tamaki swore in his head, looking around for his friend. “Stupid hero brats getting in my
goddamn way! Nomu, kill that upstart brat!” Shigaraki yelled out in rage as he pointed at

Tamaki quickly reinforced his shells, manifesting as much shielding as he could as he leapt
backwards and twisted towards his side. The Nomu’s fist only managed to scrape past him,
but the force behind it was more than enough to fracture his makeshift shielding. The Nomu
quickly jerked back up, backhanding him away with enough force to break his arms.
Tamaki cried out in pain as he tumbled across the plaza, unfortunately landing right in front
of the main villain.

“Tamaki!” Mirio and Nejire yelled out in worry.

“It’s ok. I’m alive so far.” Tamaki tried to comfort them.

Suneater groaned, trying to assess the situation even as the warp villain reappeared. He
atleast took some comfort that atleast one of the students was now safe. Shigaraki seemed to
be in the middle of a temper tantrum, scratching furiously at his neck as he threatened to kill
his partner.

Then he looked down at Tamaki. “If we can’t get the symbol of peace… we can atleast leave
him a little gift. A dead student and colleague should be more than enough. Let’s make this
hurt!” Shigaraki said gleefully as his hand descended onto Tamaki’s face, and did nothing.

The students sucked in a deep breath, shocked that he hadn’t died.

They both blinked, confused. Then Shigaraki gave a little chuckle, glancing at Eraserhead,
who was barely keeping his head up and his glowing eyes focused on the villains. “You really
are… so cool… Eraserhead.”

“Mr. Aizawa…” Izuku trailed off in admiration. He had to admire the pro’s determination.

Before Shigaraki could give the order to kill Eraserhead, a red burst of energy appeared
behind him. Shigaraki’s eyes widened, and then he was slammed into the ground.

“Holy shit!” Kirishima exclaimed.

“Serves you right!” Bakugo cackled as he watched the villain get fucking slammed against the

Before the now bloodied and enraged Midoriya could throw a killing blow at Shigaraki, the
warp villain reacted quickly and warped him back near the stairs. Izuku quickly turned
around, but not quick enough. He managed to lift his arms as the Nomu smashed him into
the stairs. His arms strained from the impact and the rubble dug into his back, ripping his
uniform slightly.

“C’mon… where’s All Might?” Ojiro said, worried.

“He’ll probably come in at the last second.” Tsuyu shrugged, recalling how the pro had made it
just before she had almost died along with Mineta and Izuku.

“KILL HIM!” Shigaraki yelled out in rage as he grabbed at the hand covering his face,
having come off from the blow. Tamaki could only watch in horror as the Nomu threw punch
after punch at his friend. Again. Again. And Again.

He idly noted Mineta and Tsuyu watching in horror from where he’d left them.

“Yea… that expression seems about right.” Mineta whimpered as he observed his shocked face.

Get up… Help him! He’s going to die! Tamaki yelled at himself in his head, struggling to
move his broken arms.

Izuku felt a pang of admiration for the other Tamaki’s determination.

The Nomu kept punching at Midoriya’s arms, his friend’s body digging deeper and deeper
into the ground with every blow, his uniform shredding from the impacts. The rubble flew
away from them due to the shockwaves produced from the blows, and finally Midoriya’s
guard broke. Izuku grunted in pain as his arms gave out, and then the Nomu landed a punch
in his chest. He gasped out in shock and pain as he felt his ribs strain at the first punch, and
then crack at the second, before ultimately breaking at the third.

Jirou shivered as she literally heard his ribs snap.

“Deku!” Uraraka cried out in worry.

A scream died in Izuku’s throat as he gargled out blood. Everything hurt. It all hurt. He
could barely feel his arms and chest. He let out a low whine of pain as the Nomu lifted him by
his hair. His nerves were on fire and it was all he could do to even remain conscious.

“Ugh… I’m already bored with him. Get him out of my sight.” Shigaraki huffed out, and
then the Nomu simply flung him away. Izuku’s consciousness began to drift as he felt his
broken body slam against water, and then he felt himself sinking. Rest sounded really
comforting right now.

“NO!” the students yelled out.

Toshinori was clutching his seat with white knuckles. Where am I?!

“He’ll go plus ultra right? Come out again with a bit more energy?” Kinoko asked hesitantly,

Shigaraki turned to look back down at Tamaki. “Now… where were w-“

The villain was cut off as the doors of the USJ were blown away in a burst of power. Smoke
billowed out from the impact, and from it… stepped out All Might. He wasn’t smiling.

“All Might!”

“It’s not too late… right?” Sero asked himself as he watched 1 or 2 bubbles rise from the shipwreck
zone as the other Midoriya’s oxygen ran out.

“It’s all right now. I am here.” All Might comforted the students around him, glaring down at
the villains. He blurred out of view as he burst forward, knocking out the few villains that
had started to rise as he rescued Tamaki, Aizawa, Tsuyu and Mineta.

“Midoriya… bottom of the lake.” Tamaki weakly said as he lifted one of his broken arms in
the direction of the shipwreck zone. All Might’s eyes widened as he realized what Tamaki was
saying. He was already to late to even save Midoriya. “I’m so sorry. Young Midoriya… I’m
sorry I wasn’t here in time.”

“Deku…” Uraraka looked at the screen, her eyes watering.

Izuku hesitantly clutched her wrist, reassuring her that he would be fine.

C’mon… don’t die. Izuku pleaded in his head.

All Might stood up, ordering Tsuyu and Mineta to take the other two out of there. He rushed
towards the Nomu, tensing up as it barely moved from his Carolina smash. He threw a few
other punches that barely did anything, and then the villain bragged at him and it was all
made clear. Shock absorption, of course.

The symbol of peace quickly maneuvered behind the Nomu, wrapping his arms around it’s
midriff and driving it face first into the ground. Or atleast, that’s what he had expected to
happen. The warp villain had been waiting for this opportunity and the pro now found
himself with the Nomu’s claws digging into his sides. He tried really hard not to yell in pain
as the creature’s fingers dug into his old wound.

“Crap… this is gonna turn out the same as it did before…” Kirishima grit his teeth.

“Atleast we know he won’t die there… hopefully.” Todoroki said.


After all this time… I’m still not strong enough…

Why? WHY?!


“He’s alive atleast…”

Bubbles slipped past Izuku’s lips as he drifted below the water, sinking deeper and deeper.
His head hurt. His arms hurt. His chest hurt. He could really use a senzu right now.

“Senzu?” Tokoyami tilted his head in confusion.

“He’s going to drown…” Tamaki whispered out, sweatdropping a bit with worry.

I can’t die…

I have to save them…





All Might…


His loved ones faces flashed in his mind as he thought of them. He couldn’t let them down.
He had to live. He had to save them!

Nejire blinked a bit as a blush formed on her cheeks. Are we…

His body shivered as he felt… warmth blooming inside his chest, slowly spreading to
encompass his limbs.

“C’monnn Deku. You can do it.” Uraraka urged.

The others gave their own affirmation as the Izuku on the screen gave himself a pep talk.

I need to be stronger…

Strong enough to protect them…

An image of Aizawa’s lifeless body flashed in his mind, his head beaten to a pulp by the
Nomu’s fists. Tamaki’s lifeless eyes gazed at him from the ground. He couldn’t let that

C’mon you damn nerd. Stop being such a weakling and do something. Bakugo thought gruffly.

More bubbles began to slip from his lips as he began to feel warmer and warmer, a golden
glow beginning to emanate from around him, softly at first. The water swirled around him,
slowly warming up as well.

I have to protect them all…

I want to be stronger…

His heart began beat faster, his eyebrows beginning to furrow in anger and determination
even as his hair began to flow, as if the water wasn’t even affecting it.

“Woah what?” Rin asked out, confused.


I NEED to be stronger…


Tetsutetsu gasped out. “Oh is he gonna like, turn into a stronger form or something?”

Pony also gasped out as she realized what he meant. “Yeah yeah! Like in anime!”

“Huh?” Bakugo stared at them in confusion.

“Y’know… like the main character is near death but then they think of their long ones and achieve
some new form or something… just watch.” Pony huffed, reverting back to English halfway

The water began to swirl around his body as more bubbles rapidly escaped his mouth. His
body shuddered and tensed as golden energy flaked off his skin. His hair began to shift
between it’s natural dark green to a much brighter, golden color. The water churned around
him faster and faster as the energy expanded around him even more rapidly.

The students were transfixed onto the screen, sensing something great about to happen.


I refuse to die.


Izuku’s eyes suddenly jolted wide open in determination, his bright green eyes shifting into a
more bluish color that pierced through the dark waters. The golden aura expanded even
more until it enveloped his entire body, and his hair seemingly stood upwards as it all
changed into a golden color.

Pony squealed in excitement. Tetsutetsu and Kirishima gazed at the screen as if they were
witnessing the most manliest thing in existence.

“Oh shit.” Tokage said as her eyebrows raised in shock.

A scream of rage tore itself from his mouth, and Midoriya ignored the water that surged into
his mouth as he yelled out to the heavens, rage rolling off his body by unimaginable amounts.
His eyes nearly went pure white with rage as the golden aura spiked, and suddenly the water
was pushed outwards around him. The waves parted around him in a near spherical area
and his scream became audible, no longer impeded by the water.


“Holy SHIT!” Kaminari yelled out, nearly tumbling back from his seat in shock and fear.

The other students also leaned back a bit, shocked and a little frightened by the transformation
currently being displayed.

“His eyes literally just…” Monoma trailed off.

The seemingly beastial roar cut through anything else in the USJ, and everyone’s heads
quickly swerved to look at the shipwreck zone in shock, where a bloodied, glowing golden boy
emerged from the parted waters.

Shigaraki’s eyes widened in disbelief as the brat that just wouldn’t stay dead rose from the
lake looking like a goddamn demon. All Might subconsciously took a step backwards in
shock and fear as he could feel the energy and rage rolling off of his previously thought to be
dead student.

Toshinori couldn’t blame himself. If the other Midoriya could previously keep up with him, what
kind of monster was this new golden version?!

Steam and debris seemed to be pushed away from Izuku through sheer force. The boy
himself was visibly panting and shaking. The golden hair flowed on it’s own, strong and
upright. His eyes were blue now and his lips were contorted into a deep frown.

Blood dripped from multiple wounds across Midoriya’s body. They could all see as trails of
blood dripped from Midoriya’s forehead and the corners of his mouth. His muscles were
visible and intimidating for all the world to see as his shirt seemingly tore itself into pieces
from the sheer amount of power he was exuding.

Nejire’s eyebrows raised in shock.

Tokage smirked. Oh yeah… I like…

“That’s so badass…” Kendo trailed off in awe.

“He looks so manly!” The hardheads exclaimed as they nearly shed a tear.
“He’s pretty scary.” Yanagi nodded in agreement.

“The villains are dead.” Bakugo snorted.

Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirishima, who had come to save All Might, could only stare in
disbelief as the previously seemingly kindhearted Midoriya was glaring at the villain as if he
would tear Shigaraki into mincemeat in an instant.

Midoriya floated towards them, the golden aura keeping the waves off of him. His arms
trembled, hell… his whole body trembled as he tried to keep it from moving on it’s own and
killing every damn villain in his sight.

It was all he could do to restrain himself.

“Oh.” Izuku merely said.

“He’s going to kill them…” Vlad grit his teeth.

“I’m sure All Might will stop that from happening.” Yaoyorozu confidently said.

“I don’t think All Might can stop that.” Iida frowned.

His shoes softly landed on the ground, cracking it without even trying. Shigaraki began to
scratch at his neck once more.

“Did it crack due to his weight? Or just like… from the power he’s emitting?” Sero asked

“Y-young Midoriya! Are you alright?!” All Might choked out. Despite how threatening his
student may seem right now, he had to be running on empty right now.

“All Might, get them out of here.” Izuku choked out, his voice level, barely.

“Wh- what? But you’re injured!” The pro protested.

Izuku grit his teeth in rage as he clenched his fists. He threw a sharp glare at the pro strong
enough for him to take another step back.

Toshinori resisted the urge to bulk up. Not like it would do anything.

“I told you to get them out of here! GO! BEFORE I LOSE WHAT LITTLE REASON I

All Might would deny that he shivered in fear. He did not. If anyone said he did then he
would simply say it was cold at the time.

“It’s ok All Might, we don’t blame you…” Sato shivered a bit as the other Izuku yelled.

The pro bit back the retort he wanted to say and against his better judgement, nodded in
acceptance, grabbing his three students and bolting for the stairs even as steam began to
stream off of him.

“Heh. That’s noble… or maybe cowardly.” Shigaraki shrugged. Midoriya looked back at the
villain, saying nothing.

“So you don’t want your allies to see you throw your life away. Don’t worry though, after
Nomu is done with you, he’ll make sure to kill your friends too so you can have some
company in hell.” Shigaraki growled. Midoriya’s face twitched briefly with rage before he
composed himself into an expression of indifference.

“Hey… maybe don’t antagonize the guy who’s literal fucking aura pushes waves away.” Bakugo
grumbled, excited to see Deku kick their asses into the next century, though he would never admit

“Nomu, kill him… again.”

The Nomu surged forward in an instant, slamming it’s large fist into Midoriya’s abdomen
with enough force to shatter the ground around them. But Midoriya… he didn’t budge one
bit. It was like he didn’t even feel it.

Everyone’s eyes widened at that.

“Oh my… oh my… GOODNESS!” Toshinori exclaimed, briefly bulking up in shock at that.

Hell, he’d definitely felt that thing’s blows, but for this Midoriya to have tanked that like it was

Toshinori trembled a bit in fear.

Shigaraki began to feel something in his chest. He knew what it was, it was fear. He took a
step back as the Nomu’s punch did nothing.

“I’m only going to say this once.” Izuku suddenly said in a very angry but controlled tone. He
placed his palm against the Nomu’s side.

A ball of light bloomed from Izuku’s palm. In an instant, a beam of pure power punched
right through the Nomu’s side, completely obliterating it’s left arm and upper body. The
beam continued onward, punching through the roof of the USJ and continuing upwards with
no sign of stopping. The Nomu slumped to the ground, steam billowing from it’s gaping

“Give up.” Izuku finished as his hand fell down, smoke steaming from the palm.

“Holy crap…”

“If Iida hasn’t warned the teachers already, they definitely saw that.”

“Look at that. That Deku actually has his shit together.” Bakugo said, in his own weird way of a

“No no no no no… it wasn’t supposed to be this way. NOMU! FINISH THIS ALREADY!”
Shigaraki yelled out in rage, his voice scalding his already sore throat. He was on the verge of
another tantrum. This brat was proving to be more and more of a thorn in his side.

The Nomu regenerated. It lunged forward, this time lifting both of it’s arms above it’s head.
It’s arms fell down and it’s fists slammed onto the top of Midoriya’s head. Izuku didn’t
budge one bit, even as the floor beneath his feet shattered from the force. He simply sighed.

“Just how strong is he?!” Kendo blurted out in disbelief.

He grabbed one of the Nomu’s wrist with one hand, and then easily broke it with an almost
painfully bored squeeze. Shigaraki could hear the bones in his Nomu’s arm break as if they
were nothing but twigs.

A few students winced as they saw it’s arm break.


Izuku’s feet lifted from the ground as he turned to look back at the Nomu. His free hand
clenched into a tight fist as his eyes twitched with slowly increasing anger.

Most of the students trembled at Midoriya’s anger.


Izuku’s fist cocked back. Shigaraki took another step back as Izuku oozed rage like he’d
never felt before.


A couple of students yelped in fear and shock as Izuku yelled.

As Izuku yelled out that last bit, he threw his fist right into the Nomu’s head. Oh how he
wanted to go all out, but doing that would probably level the entire USJ, so he subconsciously
held back with what little control he had left. The next few instances stretched into seemingly
a few minutes for Izuku, when in reality it took less than a second.

His knuckles dug into the Nomu’s brain, pushing the entire head into it’s own body even as
the brain turned to mist from the sheer force of his blow. He watched in fascination and
disgust as the Nomu’s head was caved inwards, pulverizing slowly but surely as shockwaves
rang out from the impact, the flesh trembling and ripples spreading throughout it’s body
from the point of contact.

The ground in their immediate area shattered into large chunks, and then smaller chunks.
Smaller and smaller until it was nothing but pebbles, and then it exploded outwards, carried
away from the shockwave. He took some great satisfaction as he watched Shigaraki and the
warp villain get blown away as well.

The students couldn’t help but let their jaws drop in shock.

It was… oddly beautiful to see this all happen slowly.

Izuku had to admit it was quite fascinating to watch as it all unveiled.

He took a deep breath, attempting to gain some composure before proceeding to breathe out.
Time seemed to resume normally and everything caught up to him in an instant. The ground
instantly turned into a deep crater. The whole plaza seemed to become a crater as the Nomu
was forced into the ground from the blow, it’s upper half all but getting torn apart. A loud
‘BOOM’ could be heard as the resulting impact subsided. The immediate vicinity was
reduced to rubble as strong winds spread throughout the rest of the USJ, shattering the
lightbulbs way up above.

The Nomu’s body twitched and bulged, spasming as it’s shock absorption and regeneration
tried to keep up. Izuku observed as it’s rough skin twisted and surged, trying to heal from the
overwhelming injury. Then, it suddenly bulged, inflating like a balloon before popping. It’s
pulverized insides were blown outwards as an explosion seemed to take place inside the
Nomu. It fell to it’s knees, down for good this time. No way would it ever be able to heal from

“Holy crap… that was like the finishing move in a video game! He literally cancelled out it’s
shock absorption and regeneration with a punch!” Tetsutetsu gaped at the screen.

Izuku turned towards Shigaraki, who was gawking at his now dead Nomu as if he couldn’t
believe it. The warp villain was trying to talk to him, but Shigaraki wasn’t listening.

“I warned you… but you didn’t listen.” Izuku whispered out. He took a step towards

He was going to run his fist through Shigaraki’s chest and watch with amusement as the
villain turned into red mist before his very eyes.

Everyone’s bodies froze for a second as the imagery of that appeared on screen. That Izuku as a
villain would be an absolute nightmare.

Before he could do just that, his muscles seemed to lock up. He only had a second to look
confused before he felt fire surge across his body. His nerves spasmed as if he were being
shocked and he cried out in pain as his aura dissipated. His hair and eyes returned to their
normal color as his reserves finally ran out.


“Crap! He was running on empty as it was…” Kirishima exclaimed.

“All Might’s on the scene, it should be fine.” Vlad King assured them.

He fell down to his knees, panting and sweating as energy crackled around him, his muscles
twitching from overexertion. He gave out one last, piercing yell as he felt another level of
pain. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t think, all he could feel was pain. Then as soon as it
arrived, it disappeared, and he slumped onto the ground, grateful for the release.

Shigaraki could only watch dumbfounded as Midoriya fell face first into the ground, barely

He had to kill him.

Now, while he was out of power.

Tamaki tensed. Like hell I’d let him.

Before he could become an even bigger threat.

Shigaraki bolted forward like a madman before he was even aware of it, his fingers
outstretched to end Midoriya’s life with a single touch.

Then a bullet punched right through his hand.

Bakugo grinned wickedly at that.

Shigaraki only had a second to register the pain before another bullet pierced his other hand,
and then his legs.

Kurogiri quickly enveloped him and warped them both away before more bullets could hurt
him, and just like that, the USJ attack was over.

Vlad King sighed in relief, mentally thanking Snipe. Toshinori did the same thing.

Snipe sighed out in relief and frustration, and the other teachers began to spread out. Mirio
began to comfort the students up top as All Might bolted away, and Nejire…


“Oho?” Mina questioned. Toru giggled as they both smirked at Midoriya, and then at Nejire.

Midoriya groaned, half in relief at hearing his girlfriend’s voice, and half in pain because the
loud noises were pounding into his skull like a hammer. Every part of his body hurt like it
had never hurt before.

“Called it!” Tokage smirked. Nejire blushed a little more at that, wincing a bit that her other self
was being a bit too loud.

“Oh my god! Are you ok? What happened? What is that thing? Wh-“

Nejire’s string of worried questions were cut off as Midoriya let out a light but hoarse
chuckle. “Love you too Nejire.”

Nejire blushed furiously at that. They’re getting along so naturally…

Mirio tossed her a knowing smirk, and Tamaki simply gave a small ‘heh’ before looking back at
the screen.

She was tempted to bonk him on the head, but that might actually hurt this time, so she
refrained. “You look like you’re about to die. Here, I always carry one just in case.” She
sighed as she knelt in front of him. She gently cupped his cheeks and lifted his head onto her
lap, and he sighed gratefully as she lowered a green bean into his open mouth, slightly
wincing as he closed his jaw.

“A… bean?” Izuku asked incredulously.

“Hey don’t ask me. Ooo I wonder if it has like… healing properties or something...” Nejire trailed
off, curious.

“Thanks, how’d you know anyways?” Izuku weakly asked as he slowly chewed on the bean.
Nejire ran her fingers through his curly, and slightly bloody hair. She frowned with worry as
she saw just how bruised and broken his body was right now.
“I Senzu’d need some help?” Nejire quipped with a cheeky grin. Her eyes sparkled with
amusement, but also relief and worry. She was acting strong for him.

Nejire giggled at her own joke as Mirio guffawed. Vlad shook his head at the joke.

“So the beans are the Senzu things. Good to know.” Awase summarized.

“I’m relieved to see they’re alright atleast.” Shiozaki sighed, Kendo nodding in agreement.

Izuku groaned at the lame joke. “That hurt more than the Nomu…”

“Aw c’mon, you have to admit that was clever.” Nejire pouted as Izuku weakly lifted himself
off of her lap. He flexed his arms, getting some feeling into them. He still felt like shit, but
atleast it felt more like after an intense workout, rather than an intense beating within an
inch of his life.

Nejire pounced on him, kissing him and conveying all her worry and affection. He wrapped
his arms around her waist as he returned the gesture. “Never worry me like that again” she
pouted, her eyes watering slightly. Izuku chuckled. “I’ll try not to Nej.”

Nejire had to resist the urge to squeal at that. I even have a cute nickname!

He leaned back against the crater as he felt fatigue claw at the edges of his mind. “Mm…
sorry I’m gonna just… take a quick nap.”

He laughed inside his head as Nejire tilted her head in confusion, reminding him of a puppy.

Izuku had to admit, that was pretty cute.

Izuku groaned as he shifted in his bed, then his eyes opened as he realized he wasn’t in his
bed. Oh right… is everyone safe?

“That’s the first thought you had? You really are selfless.” Shinso asked incredulously.

“An admirable quality for a hero to have, I suppose.” Vlad shrugged, a bit proud. Toshinori nodded
in agreement.

Izuku hesitantly lifted himself up from the hospital bed, coming face to face with Aizawa and
Tamaki. Nejire and Mirio were dozing off in the seats beside his bed.

“Problem child.” Aizawa greeted, slumping back down onto his seat.

“Good to see you’re both ok.” Izuku grinned, his voice coming out low.

“Mm. Those Senzu beans helped a lot. Recovery Girl said our injuries would’ve been much
worse without them. Probably would’ve had to stay wrapped up for a few weeks, but we
should be good to go after a day or two.” Aizawa shrugged.

“Yeah… we all know how that was.” Sero recalled.

Kaminari snorted. “He looked like a mummy.”

“Show some respect!” Iida berated, his arms chopping towards Kaminari.
Izuku cast a warm smile at his friend, and Tamaki gave a small, but relieved smile back.
“The others?”

“Students are fine. 13 was compromised but it’s nothing serious. No one received any serious
injuries, save for you.” Aizawa explained. Izuku leaned back in his bed, poking Nejire’s
cheek as Tamaki shook Mirio.

“IZUKU!” they both yelled out in relief as they noticed he was awake, and Aizawa winced as
Tamaki shrunk back.

“Oops, sorry about that.” Mirio smiled at Tamaki as he apologized.

“Heyyy.” Izuku weakly greeted back, patting Nejire’s head as he fist bumped Mirio.

“You really gave us a scare y’know. Seems you did quite the heavy lifting from what I hear.”
Mirio complimented with a thumbs up.

“Hey hey! Did you hear? Apparently that Nomu thing was supposed to counter All Might!
From what I heard… it had you on the ropes, but then you turned blond or something and
then beat it easily! What’s up with that? Did you use your Kaioken? No that can’t be it, it’s
red not gold-“ Nejire’s questioning was cut off as the door opened.

“So it was a different form!” Pony exclaimed.

“Hello…” A skeleton said as he walked in. Toshinori yelled in his head as he’d almost said ‘I
am here’ but that would’ve been a dead giveaway.

“Oh yeah, they don’t know.” Uraraka recalled.

“That was pretty close.” Shoto said.

“I’m honestly surprised no one found out sooner.” Bakugo huffed at Toshinori.

The former pro merely coughed into his hand in embarrassment.

“Ah, Toshinori.” Aizawa deadpanned. All Might gulped, having been berated for nearly 3
hours about how he hadn’t been there and the students had nearly died because of his

Toshinori winced at that, and some of the students snorted. “I assume you know better now?” Vlad
deadpanned at him.


“Ahaha… I can come back later for questioning if that’s alright?” Toshinori asked, looking
at Midoriya. Tsukauchi was currently busy interviewing the 1A students.

“Yeah! That’s probably for the best, just give him a few minutes.” Mirio told him, placing a
palm on Midoriya’s shoulder.

The living skeleton nodded, closing the door.

“It’s nice of All Might to check on his son.” Shoto said with a soft smile.
Toshinori sputtered and Vlad gave a surprised ‘WHAT?’ as he stared at Toshinori and Izuku.

Izuku facepalmed as the students laughed at that.

“Young Todoroki, what are you talking about?” Toshinori asked once he’d caught his breath.

“Don’t listen to Icyhot, he just thinks you’re his dad or something.” Bakugo huffed.

“Aw, Todoroki has a headcanon!” Pony squealed.

Monoma snorted. “Guess you’re not content with how things are right now. As expected of you 1A

A large fist smacked against Monoma’s neck, knocking him out cold.

Kendo huffed. “And you were doing so well.”

Nejire turned to look at Aizawa, then at Tamaki and Mirio.

Then she turned to Izuku, her expression unreadable.

“So that was definitely All Might, right?”

“She figured it out? How?” the students cried out, turning to look back at Nejire.

“I dunno… it just… makes sense to me.” Nejire shrugged.

“In what sense?” Toshinori asked, surprised.

“It’s just one of those things that clicks immediately and you know about.” Nejire blinked. "It helps
that I saw both of them within the same day.

“Like how Mineta somehow always knows about who’s screwing who.” Kaminari snorted.

“Or how I know when shitty Deku’s messed with something.” Bakugo crossed his arms.

“Or when there’s new drama to talk about.” Mina, Toru and Tokage smirked.

Kendo and Yaoyorozu sighed. “You three are impossible.”

“Right… I supposed that makes sense.” Toshinori scratched his chin, pensive.

“Anyways, roll the next one.” Vlad King said once he’d gotten over the small shock.

Chapter End Notes

I spent so unbelievably long adding bolds and italics its not even funny. Ok it is kinda
Universe 20
Chapter Summary




ok now you cant tell me i didn't warn you. Also about high time i did a female one i
meant to do one sooner oops

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“No… this isn’t…over.”

“Huh? What’s not over?” Kaminari asked.

Jirou slapped the back of his head. “Shut up and watch!”

A fist clenched as flames flowed around it. The cloudy skies rumbled and shook.

“Uh… what the hell? The fuck happened there?” Awase gawked at the carnage.

“I can’t stop now.” The voice groaned in pain as purple lines spread across their battered

More lines spread across their arms as the cells pulsed. The screen zoomed out to show the
man’s crazed eyes.

“Villain.” a few students recognized immediately, their eyes narrowing. This man already seemed

“I WILL HAVE MY NEW SOCIETY!” the man yelled out as the containers on his back
exploded. Bakugo and Izumi were blown away as the villain began to spin, wreathing himself
in flames and wind.

Mei cackled. “I told you it was gonna happen soon.” she smirked back at Izuku. Deku looks pretty
cute as a girl… Uraraka admitted, before squeaking and covering her mouth.

Midoriya glanced at her, confused.

Unbeknownst to him, quite a few other people were also thinking that.

Lightning crackled all around them and destroyed the area as the winds coalesced around
the man.

“That looks really bad.” Kinoko whimpered.

“Where the heck are the others?” Sero asked curiously, wondering why only Bakugo and Izu-
Izumi were the only two there.

“A tornado!” the battered Izumi yelled out. She was bruised and bleeding, and emerald
flames flaked off of her arms. Bakugo was missing his gauntlets and he was also bruised and
bleeding, bandages wrapped around one arm.

Izuku gazed in awe. She has a fire quirk!

“He can control all types of weather!” Bakugo grit out.

All Might and Vlad King’s eyes narrowed. “A weather quirk… that’s powerful. Dangerous in his

What now? Katsuma and Mahoro are still here! On top of that… everyone who’s evacuated
could be in danger too. Izumu grit her teeth as she glanced back at the two kids they were
supposed to be protecting.

“Of course we got stuck babysitting some runts.” Bakugo scoffed out, hiding his worry.

Is that… me? Shoji thought curiously as he looked at the figure the two kids seemed to be

The scene changed to show the island being attacked by lightning bolts, the swirling tornado
in the middle of it all.

He’s gonna end up destroying the entire island… Bakugo thought. He wouldn’t let that

“So a villain with weather manipulation on an island. It’s not I-Island though…” Yaoyorozu

The students looked at All Might and Vlad King. “Are we going to any islands later on?” they

Vlad King blinked at them, and All Might merely shrugged as he didn’t know.

“We have to give it everything we’ve got. We can’t hold back!” Izumi yelled out. 9 different
colored orbs were shown, connecting to each other until they all settled on the last, green orb.
Izumu took a stance as flames curled around her, and the power of One for All pulsed
through her veins.

“Oh shit, final stand off!” Rin yelled out, leaning in his seat.

“C’mon, I know you two can do it!” Uraraka said with determination.

One for All… Full Phoenix! she yelled out in her head as flaming wings encompassed her

Bakugo’s palms sparkled. “Let’s do this. I’ll blast this villain with everything I’ve got!”

They both raced off to intercept the tornado, prepared to give it their all to stop this
The students held their breath as the two on screen converged onto the villain.

Izumi took to the sky as her body morphed into a phoenix comprised of emerald flames,
diving back down as she aimed beak first at the tornado. “Detroit Smash!”

Bakugo followed right after, swirling and blasting around in a circle, turning into a human
missile as his palms connected. “Howitzer Impact!”

The two kids screamed as their heroes were at a standstill with the tornado. They couldn’t
penetrate inside of it to attack the villain. Izumi grit her teeth as her flames were blown away
from her, but she held on.

“Crap, they’re not strong enough!” Kirishima grit his teeth, worried.

Bakugo’s gloves and bandages ripped from the force, and he winced as his arm broke from
the strain. He grunted in pain as he was pushed away, swept up by the winds. Izumi followed
soon after as her flames sputtered out, exhausted from earlier use. They were both thrown
around inside the tornado, getting hit by debris until they were finally spat out, landing
crumpled on the ground.

Everyone yelled out in shock and worry for their two teammates.

“Are they alive?”

“They weren’t strong enough!”


Meanwhile in the cave, Sato grunted as the rubble from the attack threatened to fall inside
the cave.

“Even at 100%... I still wasn’t strong enough.” Izumi coughed out, blood dripping from a
wound in her forehead. Her left arm was bruised and a bit charred.

“Dammit… I bit the bullet and fought alongside Deku, and I still failed…” Bakugo said with
rage. I should’ve been strong enough!

“Well, they’re alive atleast.” Kendo sighed out.

“It’s kinda weird hearing your thoughts. You really don’t change much do you?” Jirou blinked as
she glanced at Bakugo.

“Shut it string ears!”

The tornado dissipated as the villain landed, the purple liquid from the containers fizzing on
his back like makeshift wings.

“It’s no use. You simply don’t have enough strength to defeat me. You would not survive the
new world I will create.” The villain said smugly, even as more jagged lines formed around
his face. His gray eyes bored into them, unimpressed.

The students eyes narrowed, taking in every detail of the villain.

“What new world?”

“One ruled by power. The strong will lord over the weak in my utopia.” The villain said as he
shot lasers from his fingertips at the two, toying with them as he walked forward.

“Wait… lasers? I thought his quirk was weather control?” Nejire asked.

“Same old crap.” Bakugo said, tired. A blue dragon suddenly surged, smashing Izumu
against the wall. Bakugo quickly looked back, another dragon crashing into him.

“He has multiple quirks!” Izuku and All Might yelled out in shock. All for One… what are you up

“Crap… that’s really bad.” Tetsutetsu growled.

“He’s got pretty strong quirks too…” Tsuyu remarked.

“Labels like ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ won’t be necessary. Power will be the only factor that
matters. That’s how true superhuman society should be structured.” The villain said, his
voice growing more determined as his eyes narrowed. Cities were shown, destroyed with
rubble and bodies floating upwards as Nine envisioned his perfect society.

“That’s… that isn’t perfect at all!” the hero students protested.

No way would they ever let something like that come to pass. They’d capture this villain, no
matter what.

“Sounds like something a power-hungry madman would dream up of!” Izumi yelled out as
she tried melting the dragon that held her in it’s mouth.

“That’s never gonna work, moron!” Bakugo yelled out as well, sparks popping from his free
hand as he tried to kill the damn dragon holding him. They were both thrown back even
further as Nine pushed them away.

Of course… I don’t expect 2 hero brats to understand…

“If you intend to get in way… then you’ll have to eliminated.” Nine simply said. Music began,
starting off softly and seeming to reflect the heroes dire situation.

“Not helping music!” Kaminari yelled out.

Good music though… even if it is being used in a bad situation… Jirou admitted with a bit of

Think… gotta think… what would All Might do? Izumi thought. The scene showed Uraraka
and Sero, bruised and unconscious on the ground.

Izuku tensed up, looking at Uraraka. Sero frowned at himself on screen.

I’m not letting some lunatic beat me! Bakugo thought. Yaoyorozu struggling to get up,
Aoyama and Mineta knocked out cold besides her. Kaminari was slumped over, barely
conscious but out of power.
The respective students pouted and frowned, disappointed that they couldn’t help.

Think… come on… Ojiro struggled to get up, Jirou face down on the ground, unconscious as
well. Tsuyu, Iida, Kirishima and Todoroki were also on the ground, out cold from their
injuries and exertion.

“We’re all out cold…” Shoto grit his teeth, annoyed that he couldn’t be there to help.

I won’t lose! The scene changed to show a hand sticking out of the rubble, bruised with
scratches on it. It appeared to be in a cave.

The students tensed up, wondering who that could be.

THINK! The music reached the climax, cutting off as…

“Deku! Bakugo! We believe in you! PLEASE DON’T GIVE UP!” the two kids yelled out,
grabbing Bakugo and Izumi’s attention as they cried out. They held the unconscious Shoji
protectively, and Izumi’s eyes widened in realization. “There you are” Nine said as he moved
towards the kids.

“Why don’t they run away?” Tokoyami asked.

“Frozen with fear?” Kaibara answered.

“They can’t exactly drag Shoji with them.” Koda said softly.

“Bakugo… I’ve got a pretty crazy idea.” Izumi softly said.

All Might’s eyes widened in realization. Is she…

Bakugo tilted his head in confusion.

“You remember… when you asked me how I got so strong? When I said it was an aspect of
my Phoenix quirk?” Izumi coughed out, glaring at Bakugo. She’d have to bite the bullet and
tell him the truth.

The students gasped out. Is she…

“I lied. The strength is it’s own quirk. It was given to me by All Might.” Izumu whispered so
the villain wouldn’t hear, and Bakugo’s eyes widened with betrayal and rage.


Todoroki blinked at Bakugo. “Why are you even mad? It’s not like you deserved to be told, in all

Izuku winced. Way to be blunt, Shoto…

“Yeah well… I hate not knowing things!” Bakugo barked out.

Vlad King huffed. I guess Aizawa and Nezu really weren’t lying when they explained that to me.

Izumi struggled to raise her bruised arm, opening her hand. “There’s only one way to beat
Bakugo’s teeth clenched. “You lied to me all this time, and you think I’d help you?!” he cried
out. Izumi scoffed. “Get off your fucking high horse. You don’t deserve the truth. I’m only
trusting you now because I’ve got no other choice.” Izumi said coldly.

Mina whistled. “Damn, Ice cold.”

“See? Even Izumi agrees with me.” Shoto gestured at the screen, deadpanning at Bakugo.

Katsuki’s eyes narrowed dangerously. He wanted to reject shitty Deku’s power, tell her to go
fuck off. But even so… he was a hero, and he couldn’t just give up because of his pride. His
face twitched as he wrestled with his thoughts, and he finally sighed, admitting defeat.

“Bakugo… please.” Izumi growled, extending her arm out.

“Deku!” Bakugo coughed out, extending his arm out to her.

“Come on…”

Bakugo had to admit, he was curious to see how this would go. He knew One for All would boost
his quirk, but not by how much.

A way to protect them… Izumi thought as he looked at the two kids.

A way to victory… Bakugo thought as he glared at the villain.

There’s no other choice… They both admitted as their fingers swiped past each other.

The students sucked in a deep breath, eyes filled with worry and expectation.

Their hands managed to grasp, and they held on tightly as One for All was transferred. The
background flashed in a cascade of colors until it all blanked out.

The students cheered, pumping their fists in victory.

Soft music began to play as a burst of wind seemed to originate from where the two were,
blowing away the dragons and the rubble around them. Nine looked up at the two, surprised
and annoyed as he erected a shield to protect himself.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu wiped a manly tear from their eyes, leaning forward.

“This is where the fun begins.” Monoma smirked, causing Kendo to groan and Shoda to chuckle.

The dragons roared as their bodies cracked and they disappeared.

Nine looked at the two, who were now standing in his way, blocking the kids, nearly side by
side. They both seemed to have gained a second wind. Nine’s eyes narrowed, confused and
slowly getting angrier and angrier.

“What?” he growled out.

“Yeah yeah yeah!” Uraraka cheered.

“After this… will you still be able to use your power?” Katsuki asked.
“All Might was able to protect us with it’s embers, so I should have enough juice for this
atleast. I don’t care what happens after.” Izumi replied, flexing her unbroken arm

“What did you do?!” Nine cried out, a scowl on his face as lightning crackled between his

“Such a powerful quirk… and he’s a villain…” Izuku shook his head, disappointed.

“We doubled… One for All.” Izumi smirked as flames curled off of her face, her curly hair
flowing and shifting into flames.

“We’ll save everyone!”

“We’ll beat you and win!”

They both took a stance, prepared to finally beat Nine.

“Yeah!” everyone cheered, the determination of the two on screen infecting them.

The villain scoffed, raising his arms up. “Why won’t you weaklings DIE ALREADY?!” He
began to swirl again, the sky shifted and swirling around the spire Nine had made. The dark
skies rumbled again as rain and lightning appeared. Miniature tornadoes popped up around
the landscape, cars and rubble flying up into the sky from the force.

“Weather control… it’s so strong.” Iida remarked, his eyes wide at the display of power on screen.

All Might resolved to tell Nezu to look into this villain. The sooner he was captured, the better.

“This is the end of your dream Deku, you’re gonna be quirkless again.” Bakugo said, a bit

“Pheh, I don’t mind. I would’ve preferred giving One for All to Shoto… but I guess you’ll do.
All Might will probably be fine with you… since we both used to strive to be the same hero,
so if it’s you…” Izumi thought out loud.

Jirou snorted. “Damn, she really said ‘you aren’t worthy’ to your face.”

Bakugo scoffed. “Not like I need One for All to be number 1.”

Todoroki glanced at Bakugo. Hm… whatever you say.

I’ve detested you for so long… ‘Kacchan’ but even so… you’re not a bad replacement I guess.
Izumi thought back to their childhood, back when they used to be friends.

Bakugo and Izumi’s fists clenched as they looked up at the sky. The clouds swirled and
crackled with lightning as it all seemed to be forming into a tip right above them as some sort
of super storm. Rain battered against them, but they ignored it.

The students were hooked to the screen, captivated by the atmosphere and music.

No matter what bad guys are in front of him, in the end… “HE ALWAYS WINS!” Bakugo
yelled out as he dug his feet into the ground, cocking his arm back.
No matter what trouble is in his way, he always… ”SAVES EVERYONE WITH A SMILE!”
Izumi yelled out at the same time, following suit and swinging her fist up along with Bakugo
as the clouds were descending onto them.

Mahoro and Katsuma watched in awe as a strong burst of wind and power rushed out from
their fists, a sphere seemingly glowing around them as their attack pushed forth, punching
through the clouds. The burst of power seemed to expand with every second.

“YEAH!” a few of the students cheered even more, quickly being silenced by the others.

A shockwave rang out as lightning crackled from the sky. Their attack swirled and
expanded… until finally the sky exploded in a flash of power. The clouds pulsed and
trembled, giving way to the attack and parting. Sparkles seemed to fall down as a hole
opened up in the clouds, revealing the true sky up above, bright and hopeful. Sunlight peeked
in through that hole, illuminating the two heroes.

“Wow…” Ibara trailed off in awe.

“Yeah, that’s pretty impressive.” Tokage nodded.

Nine took a step back in shock, then grit his teeth as he looked down at the two heroes, on
guard. “No… what is this power?!”

Izumi and Katsuki’s eyes opened, glowing and radiating power even as green and orange
energy crackled around them respectively.

“ I won’t let you block my path… ever .” Nine declared, more and more purple lines
obscuring his face as he opened his eyes, devoid of pupils. Bakugo winced in pain as he
lowered his broken arm. Izumi snorted, looking down at both of her broken arms. “First

“Shut the hell up Deku.” Bakugo scoffed, blasting towards the villain. Izumi smirked, going
full phoenix and chasing after him.

“PFFT!” Uraraka snorted.

“Yeah uh, speaking about that, how are you so… at ease with broken limbs?” Shinso asked,
curious. Midoriya was kind of scary to basically shrug off two broken arms.

“I just… do? They don’t really seem important when someone’s in danger I guess.” Izuku

Yui ran a finger through Izuku’s scars on his hand, frowning a bit.

“DON’T GET IN MY WAY!!” Nine yelled out, his voice echoing and conveying his rage and
determination. Lines of frantic energy and multiple dragons surged from Nine as he pushed
his quirks to their limits. He’d get the kid’s quirk no matter what, he was going to give it his
all. The music rang out higher, sounding heroic and hopeful as the noise of battle was
drowned out.

“Aw yeah, that’s a better jam.” Kaminari nodded.

“You got this!” Mineta declared.

Bakugo ducked and weaved around the dragons, blasting them to oblivion with his One for
All boosted explosions. He flew through the air, kicking and blasting off of the dragons and
smirking as they faded, charred and shattered. Smoke filled the air as multiple explosions
bloomed out.

The students watched in awe, shaken by the display of power Bakugo was showing with One for

Izumi took advantage of the smoke, surging towards Nine but getting intercepted at the last
second. She was blown back, shifting between flames and skin as Nine released volley after
volley of lasers. She easily dodged or incinerated the shots, swiping at a barrage of them with
One for All and blowing them away. Bakugo took advantage of the distraction and quickly
blew away Nine with a powerful explosion, lightning crackling off from the force of the
attack. Nine winced and clutched at his arm as he was blown off the cliff, blood spewing from
his mouth.

“They’re so strong…” Kirishima trailed off in awe.

Bakugo tumbled onto the crater down below, rolling hard. Izumi breathed out smoke as her
feet seemed to be floating. Her flames encompassed her entire body and her eyes blurred
until they were pure white. The flames spiked, hotter and hotter as countless arcs of energy
circled around her.

Bakugo’s palm glowed, seemingly sinking into the ground as if it were clay. He lifted his
bruised arm, his vision suddenly filled with orange as he willed Explosion to it’s limits,
blasting away at the debris with as much power as he could handle. The area in his vicinity
was completely incinerated from the heat and force, carving a long trench as a white hot
boulder crashed into Nine’s quick shield, shattering and nearly being turned to ash from the
force of it all.

“Holy shit ” Kaminari cursed in awe.

Bakugo’s eyes were fixed onto the screen. I can reach that level of power… eventually.

He grinned. He had a set image to work towards now.

The ground shattered from the impact and Nine grunted as he withstood the attack, barely.
Bakugo sighed out, letting go as he was carried away by the winds, looking down at the
villain with a smirk. Izumi took his place, the background becoming pitch black as she was
wreathed in flames and energy, glowing bright green and white. She looked like pure power.

“Yeah I’d immediately surrender if I saw that, oh my god.” Kinoko said, leaning back in her seat.

“You look so cool, Deku!” Uraraka cheered.

She zoomed forward in a burst of energy, her face briefly showing to be filled with rage and
determination before they were covered with flames again, only able to be seen as an arc of
energy. She flew along the trench Bakugo had carved, spinning and increasing her flame
output. Her wings flowed around her, turning her into a spinning, miniature tornado of
flames. She slammed into Nine’s shield. Nine winced as he erected shield after shield, but
they all shattered. The landscape all around them was leveled from the attack, even the cliff
in the distance.

“That’s so much destructive potential there…”

“So that’s the power of One for All.”

All Might grinned, happy to see his successor’s current limit. It was pretty high.

Nine cried out in pain, spasming and twitching as rubble smashed into him. He yelled out as
he was blown away, and Bakugo and Izumi leapt after him, aiming to finish him.

Izumi extended her leg as the screen zoomed into her eyes, revealing the flickering flame of
One for All.

The students quieted down as they sensed the finale coming.

This is it, the last one. It’s over now. This is my final… SMASH!

Izumi yelled out in her head as she twisted, smashing her foot into Nine’s shocked face and
blowing him away. Bakugo followed up as he raised his arms, his palms glowing brightly as
he released two more explosions, engulfing Nine and sending him far below.

“Yes!” the students smiled, content that the villain was down.

They both fell after him, One for All fizzing out as they let go, spent. Goodbye… One for All…
Izumi gave a soft smile, grateful for the power that helped her save the day. She closed her
eyes, drifting off into peaceful unconsciousness.

“Aw man, Bakugo has One for All now I guess.” Kaminari pouted.

“Makes you wonder though, imagine any of our quirks being boosted by Izuku’s quirk. We’d be
on a completely different playing field.” Yaoyorozu put a finger to her chin, deep in thought.

“Oh I’ve seen a few of you with One for All in other universes. It’s usually between Kirishima and
Kendo honestly, but it could also have been Tsuyu, or Uraraka, Shinso, Mirio or Bakugo. Those
seemed to be the most common ones I saw.” Mei recalled.

Izuku hummed in agreement. “The first three you mentioned have that mentality that would go
well with One for All, and the others have aspects, I can see why they’d all be good choices.”
Izuku nodded.

“Oho, gonna choose one of us?” Kendo teased.

“Oi nerd! Don’t go handing out your fucking quirk like a bathroom pass!” Bakugo cut in.

Hawk’s boots trudged along the grass, the leaves cracking from his steps. He followed the
trail of blood, taking his time as he followed the villain. He expected him to be there.

“Hawks?” Tokoyami startled.

Right, Nezu mentioned he’d be getting involved with the league… All Might recalled.
He had to admit, he was honestly surprised these hero course students managed to win. Then
again… considering who was in class 1A, maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised.

He finally found Nine, barely managing to crawl away, his body dragging itself along the
field of flowers. Hawks sighed as sludge expanded a few yards in front of Nine, and Shigaraki
stepped out of it. He only appeared to be wearing one hand now, the one on his face. He was
wearing a red coat and his left hand was using a glove that covered only three of his fingers.

“Shigaraki…” Izuku’s eyes narrowed.

“The antagonist.” Yui added helpfully.

“Who knows, he might be the protagonist.” Awase snorted.

“We are all the protagonist within our life’s story.” Yanagi said.

“Good point.”

I was hoping to take Nine in… Hawks thought, regarding Nine’s broken body. Almost all of it
was purple from bruising and burns, as well as his own injuries for pushing himself too far.
He hadn’t seemed to notice Hawks.

“Yeah he looks like shit.” Tokage said bluntly.

Shigaraki regarded Hawks, who simply ducked his head in greeting. He wouldn’t interfere.
Shigaraki hummed, looking back at Nine. “I knew you’d survive.”

Nine looked up, noticing Shigaraki once he spoke. He resumed crawling, dragging himself
towards the villain. “Shigaraki…” Nine groaned out. His whole body hurt, and it wouldn’t be
long until he succumbed to his injuries.

“You have a good life.” Shigaraki hummed in amusement, looking around at the scenery
around him. He took a step towards Nine.

The students were tense, not knowing what to expect.

“I’ve just begun… I’ll keep fighting.” Nine said hoarsely as he stopped crawling, too tired.
The ground felt really comfortable right now.

Shigaraki nodded at him as he walked forward as if he had all the time in the world. “Don’t
worry, I’ll take over your dream from here.”

All Might’s eyes widened. Don’t tell me…

Nine grit his teeth slowly. That sounded like a challenge to him. He lifted himself with effort,
raising his arm defiantly. “There can only be… one true ruler!”

Shigaraki’s gloved hand pressed onto Nine’s face, cutting off any further words the man
might’ve had. With his other hand, he took off the dead hand obscuring his own face.
Shigaraki’s red eyes regarded Nine, impassive. His expression seemed to convey that he was
simply bored with this whole thing.

Izuku’s eyes narrowed. He knew what was coming.

“Yes… only one.”

Nine’s eyes only had a second to widen in fear and betrayal. He gasped as he felt his skull
give way to Shigaraki’s fingers, and he lost his life as the rest of him turned to dust, scattering
onto the flowers as the soft wind pushed his remains away.

The glove didn’t stop his decay from taking effect. Not to mention… he didn’t get decayed on
contact, which means he can control it now. Izuku thought, jotting down these new notes on his
entry for Shigaraki.

“Night night.” Shigaraki said, standing up. He looked back at Hawks, who was simply
leaning against the tree as he’d watched the whole exchange.

“Hawks…” Tokoyami growled. He didn’t know what to make of the pro now.

“Why didn’t he do anything?” Mina asked, pouting.

“He’s with the league.” Toru said.

“He’s spying on the league. It was a necessary sacrifice so his cover wasn’t blown.” Shoto

“Excellent work.” Shigaraki smirked, placing the dead hand back onto his face as he turned
to leave.

“Why kill him? Wouldn’t he have been more useful to our cause if we healed him?” Hawks
asked curiously, hoping Shigaraki would let slip some details.

Shigaraki hummed in amusement. “He was already going to die, I just… made it easier for
him. Besides… he’s already fulfilled his use.” Shigaraki said with finality, walking away to
where he’d started and then warping out in a flash of gray sludge.

Hawk’s eyes narrowed, looking at the place where Nine had been.

What are you planning… Tomura Shigaraki…

“That’s what we’d all like to know.” Bakugo huffed out.

glared at his broken arms. Recovery Girl ignored his outburst, kissing his cheek and using
her quirk to restore his arms. Izumi chuckled as Mahoro panicked, grinning at Katsuma for
healing her injuries.

Kirishima snorted. “C’mon Bakugo, take it like a man.” he grinned, nodding towards Izuku.

Bakugo glared at Kirishima, grumbling under his breath as he turned away.

I’m surprised he didn’t curse him out… Izuku blinked in surprise.

Thankfully, Bakugo didn’t remember anything about me explaining One for All, or even
transferring it to him. And somehow… the power still resided inside of me. Later, Katsuma and
Mahoro were reunited with their father, who had been in a hospital on the mainland. Izumi
narrated as she watched the two kids hug their father, a smile on Izumi’s face.
“He doesn’t remember?” Jirou asked incredulously.

“One for All really said ‘ew we don’t want him’ and left.” Kaibara cackled.

“Spinny bastard! I’ll blast you to hell!” Bakugo retaliated.

“It is kinda funny that your quirk took such drastic measures just to be back with you.” Uraraka
smiled at Deku, a small blush on her cheek.

We were able to protect everyone on the island, but there was still tons of damage, and it would
take time to repair. The hero’s public safety commission immediately suspended our practical
program, but we stayed the rest of our scheduled time. All of us wanted to help the island get
back to normal… we couldn’t just leave, not when people still needed us. Izumi continued to

The scenes shifted to show all of 1A helping with the damage, lifting rubble, supplies and
such. Iida waved as he carried a granny on his back. Kaminari smirked as he got a tractor to
stop working.

And then, finally… it was time for us to go home.

“Home…. Hehe.” Sero sighed, imagining his warm and comfy bed.

“Shouldn’t we like, say something before we leave?” Kaminari asked curiously as they rested
on the ship they were leaving on.

“I know, right?” Mina followed up.

“Well… we wouldn’t want to interrupt their recovery efforts.” Iida explained.

Kaminari shrugged, looking back at Kirishima. “I guess this is cooler.”

Kirishima grinned. “Yeah it’s pretty hero like.”

They all grinned at that.

They all grinned at that.

“It is kinda cool.” Rin admitted.

Izumi and Shoto joined Bakugo at the back of the ship, resting against the railing. “I can’t
believe it’s time for us to go already.” Izumi sighed.

“Oh? Are you two holding hands?” Mina perked up as she noticed Izumi dragging Todoroki along
by the hand.

“Tododeku!” Toru and Tokage exclaimed.

Todoroki blinked at them while Midoriya briefly turned into a stuttering mess.

“Eh good riddance.” Bakugo scoffed.

“It was… fun, before the villains I mean.” Shoto smiled as he regarded the island. It was a
pretty peaceful place while it lasted.
“So you’re really gonna leave without saying goodbye to those kids? What’s up with that?”
Bakugo asked curiously, doing his best to ignore as Izumi leaned her head on Shoto’s

“Is someone jealous?” Mina teased, smirking at Bakugo.

“Like hell I am! I don’t need anyone to hold me back.” Bakugo scoffed.

Wow… Jirou deadpanned.

She hummed in thought. “There were things I wanted to say, yeah… but I’m sure they
already know how I feel.”

Just on cue, they all heard a ‘Heyyy, down here!’

They looked down to see Mahoro and Katsuma running towards them.

“Ms. Dekuuu! Bakugooo! Everyone! Thank you so much!” the two kids yelled out in
appreciation. “You saved us! You saved our whole island!” Mahoro exclaimed.

The students grinned at the little kids, their happiness being really infectious.

Katsuma looked up and his eyes met Izumi’s, determination blooming in each of their eyes.
“I’ll get stronger! I promise you I will! I’ll get strong enough to protect daddy and Mahoro!
Wait and see!” he yelled at her, determined to get stronger.

Izuku smiled warmly. Bakugo smirked with a bit of pride. Shoto simply hummed in amusement.

The three of them grinned at the two kids.

“And then, I’ll be a cool hero like you and Bakugo! One who always wins in a battle no
matter the odds!” Katsuma cried out, his voice wobbly but determined.

“You better work hard, you damn brat.” Bakugo smirked at them, a bit of pride in his tone.

“Oh? Aww Dadkugo!” Kaminari exclaimed, chuckling.

Bakugo made a face like he’d eaten an incredibly sour lemon. “Never say that again.”

All Might chuckled softly into his hand.

Izumi grinned softly at Katsuma’s declaration. “Hey Katsuma! Listen…”

The scene shifted, slowing down and showing Katsuma mid run, his eyes widening as he
heard his new favorite heroine’s next words.

“You can become a hero!”

Izuku smiled brightly at that as a few students squealed. All Might’s smile was really wide as he
recalled that day, his eyes getting slightly watery.

“You’re really kind, y’know that?” Yui smiled, throwing him a glance.

Izuku chuckled, scratching at his cheek. “Thanks, you too!”

Shoto smiled at his girlfriend, knowing the story behind those words. He looked back at the
two kids, giving a soft wave at them.

“We’ll see you at UA, one day.”

“Called it! Tododeku!” Toru fist bumped Mina.

“That was pretty informative.” Shinso stretched in his seat.

“Yep. Villain on an island, has multiple quirks. Bakugo with One for All is a beast. Uhhh what
else?” Kaminari trailed off, already having forgotten one or two details.

“Shigaraki kills the villain. Hawks is apparently with the league, but he’s just spying on them. One
for All erased Bakugo’s memory of it.” Yaoyorozu finished.

“Your quirk’s sentient like mine, Midoriya. In it’s own peculiar way.” Tokoyami ducked his head
in acknowledgement.

“Yeah… the vestiges are a part of the original holders… I wish I could talk to them or something
though… it’d really help.” Izuku pouted.

“Give it some time Izuku, I’m sure you’ll get there eventually.” Tokage smiled, throwing him a
thumbs up.

Tsuyu glanced at her. We agreed I’d go first…

Mei clapped her hands.

“Welp, onto the last one.”

Chapter End Notes

Yknow i never did give more details on the other universes so i guess i might as well
start with this one.

So izumi was born with a really strong fire quirk. She stood up to bakugo and all
because she actually had a quirk, and she really dislikes him. They're like rivals except
without the friendliness.

She cussed out endeavor during her match with todoroki, and she did win because her
flames are closer to endeavor's level, so yeah she outflamed shoto. Yeah they're
together in this one and Rei approves.

Fun random tidbit: she incinerated stain's left arm during the hosu fight.
Universe 21
Chapter Summary

Izuku vs AM. If you want a visualization of it just look up "dark knight returns batman
vs superman" and "batman vs superman hush" because i derived aspects from both.
Pretty sure AM would be thrashed easier because he sure aint no superman.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yaoyorozu’s breath hitched.

Yaoyorozu tilted her head, confused.

The speakers had just announced it’s their turn for the practical exam.

“Oh! Our practicals!” Uraraka exclaimed. Mina, Kirishima and Kaminari looked down in
disappointment. Sato and Sero merely shook their heads as they recalled their matches.

She wasn’t ready. She had no plan. What plan would survive against All Might? She doubted
they’d win.

“Wait, All Might?” the students asked. Bakugo and Izuku locked eyes, confused as well. They’d
been the ones to fight All Might.

How could anyone hope to win against the symbol of peace.

No. No… It’s hopeless. We can’t win. What’re we supposed to d-

“Yaoyorozu. Calm your nerves.”

“A little tense there, Yaomomo” Jirou side eyed her friend. Momo sighed, recalling how she’d
been before.

Izuku’s bored voice cut through her haze, making her take a deep, shuddering breath as she
turned to look at the enigma that was Izuku Midoriya. She didn’t know why she’d been
paired up with him, and frankly he was simply too… everywhere to make sense of. Too
unpredictable, and she didn’t like unknown variables. But he was a classmate, and a friend
who she could acknowledge had saved her life.

“Oho? He saved your life? Interesting.” Mina perked up.

“Why is it that he doesn’t seem worried about fighting All Might.” Monoma asked himself

“Forgive me, Midoriya… but this is All Might. The #1 hero. Do you have a plan to win…
against the symbol of peace? Because I don’t.” Yaoyorozu admitted, her nerves already on
edge. She was already anxious and the match had barely started.
“I do.”

“Is he being cocky, or…?” Rin tilted his head.

“I don’t think so…” Vlad King said, curious at this particular Izuku’s behavior.

Yaoyorozu’s head jerked to meet Izuku’s eyes, or atleast the lens that were covering his eyes,
emitting a comforting, light blue glow. He began walking forward, and Yaoyorozu took a
moment to be grateful they were in the industrial area, the pipes and whatnot would provide
ample cover.

“Oh hey that’s where you two fought, right?” Uraraka asked Kaminari and Mina, who shivered as
they recalled their match.

“Why the gear though? Can’t he just use his quirk?” Sero asked.

Izuku’s eyes widened. Don’t tell me…

“I have 1,622 different plans for going up against the symbol of peace in different scenarios,
including this one. Of course, nearly 3/4ths of those are aimed to kill, but that still leaves
roughly 405 ways to neutralize him, and I have about 10 in this particular scenario. With
you, our chances of success are even higher, but considering your nerves… you would be a bit
more of a hindrance…” Izuku said bluntly, double checking the heavy armor he had on was
fastened properly. He’d spent all week making this gear up to par for this particular exam.
He expected it to go down, but not without a fight.

The students stared at the screen with wide eyes.

“M-my boy, you don’t actually have that many plans, do you?” Toshinori coughed out nervously.

Izuku shook his head. I only have about 90, but none of them involve killing…

“Maybe he’s got an intelligence quirk! It’d explain the armor and why he’s with Yaoyorozu.”
Kendo helpfully guessed, and the students hummed in agreement.

Yaoyorozu gawked at him. “You… you can’t be serious. Even with that armor…”

Izuku sighed, the noise coming out distorted through his helmet, his lens shifting to look
bored, most likely mimicking his expression under the helmet.

“He looks kind of scary.” Yanagi admitted with a bit of pride.

Mei was studying the suit, noticing that the material used for them wasn’t one she recognized.
She’d have to check up on that.

“He may be the #1 hero, but at the end of the day he’s also a human being. Just like any other
human… he can be tricked, hurt, defeated, or killed.” Izuku calmly explained, and his
reasoning was so obvious it allowed Yaoyorozu to calm down a little.

The students mouths opened slightly at that. “I mean, when he puts it that way…” Awase trailed

“Considering the number of quirks, and the improved technology we have now, it would certainly
be possible to neutralize All Might given enough time and planning.” Izuku admitted, cupping his

His classmates side eyed him nervously as he took down notes.

He’s right. All Might is being held down by those weights, so he won’t be nearly as strong. We
don’t have to beat him either, only one of us have to pass through the gates. Even so…

“Anyways, the plan I’ve decided to take involves defeating All Might, I don’t plan on
running.” Izuku cut through her thoughts.

Ah, there’s the fear again.

Yaoyorozu deadpanned at Izuku, who apologized.

“Deku’s gonna get his ass kicked. Ponytail won’t be much help.” Bakugo grit out. His classmates
frowned at his blunt statement.

“He isn’t wrong. Unless Midoriya can calm her, she won’t be much help.” Shoto agreed, just as

“I-I’m sure you’ll do fine…” Izuku comforted a pouting Momo.

“M-Midoriya… you can’t be serious.” Yaoyorozu nervously laughed as if she hoped he’d say
It was a joke.

“I always am. Why? Don’t think we can take him?” Midoriya asked, beginning to walk to his

“No… I don’t think we can win.”

Izuku hummed, holstering the rifle he had in his hands onto his back. “That’s quitters talk.
Yaoyorozu, you are no quitter.” Izuku said, pointing at her. In the distance, a loud roar was
heard as wind cut through the area from the force of All Might’s blow.

“So it begins. Villains dwell both inside and out.” Tokoyami said, his feathers ruffling in

“Yeah! C’mon Momo, you’re no quitter!” Mina cheered her friend on.

“Momo. I need you focused. Are you staying to help me fight, or will you make for the exit?”
Izuku asked, his armored gloves holding onto her shoulders as he looked into her eyes.

“I… I’ll help.” she sighed. She’d put faith into Midoriya’s plan, whatever it might be.

Izuku smiled, happy his friend trusted him.

Izuku grinned. “Right… here’s the plan.”

The scene shifted to show All Might leaping from rooftop to rooftop, trying to catch sight of
his two opponents. He caught movement at the corner of his vision, and turned just in time to
see Yaoyorozu’s ponytail disappear behind a corner.

“Damn, busted.” Tokage winced.

“First, we draw him in to an area of our choosing.” Izuku narrated as All Might raced after
Yaoyorozu, and as he turned the corner he came face to face with two gauntlets, very similar
to that of Bakugo’s.

All Might perked up, a bit shaken. He knew how much those gauntlets stung.

“So it was a trap!” Vlad King exclaimed.

“You’ll set off the first trap. Here’s the design for Bakugo’s gauntlets, and some nitroglycerin
for the ammo.” Izuku’s voice could be heard as Momo pulled the pin, and All Might barely
had a second to step back before he was engulfed in the twin explosions, getting blown back
by the force of it.

Bakugo grinned. It wasn’t him behind the attack but it might as well have been.

Sato winced. “That had to have stung a little.”

“Don’t expect the blast to keep him down. This will be our testing bed, so depending on how
he reacts, we’ll adjust the plan accordingly.” Izuku’s voice continued on. Yaoyorozu quickly
barricaded herself inside the nearest room, reinforcing the door with her quirk. The glow of
creation was the only light in that room as she prepared to intercept All Might.

“He’s planning for all of this…” Iida noted.

“He’ll corner you eventually, but don’t worry about that. Leave that to me.” Izuku’s voice
faded as All Might’s fingers burst through the door, prying it open. He startled and barely
managed to raise his hands as Yaoyorozu opened fire on him with a freaking cannon. The
pro stumbled back a step, managing to catch the ball with his bare hands. Yaoyorozu’s jaw
dropped in shock and she took a step back.

“He caught it!” Kaibara yelped out in shock.

“That’s All Might for you, ribbit.” Tsuyu said, a bit awed by the display.

“So she likes cannons, huh?” Kirishima deadpanned.

Yaoyorozu flustered. “They’re strong! Plus, they’re already intimidating enough even without me
firing them.”

“Not bad Ms. Yaoyorozu, but it seems your partner has abandoned you. You lose.” All Might
said sadly as he went to knock out Momo.

“All Might.”

The pro jerked his head to the left, smiling as he realized his opponent hadn’t abandoned his
teammate. The distorted voice cut through everything else, basically dragging All Might’s
attention towards him.

“Ooo.” Mina teased, excited to see them fight.

Shinso’s eyes narrowed in anticipation.

“Get into position when you hear the signal.” Izuku said as he handed her what looked to be a

“How will I know what the signal is?” Yaoyorozu asked curiously, a grenade launcher slowly
forming from her stomach.

Izuku grinned. “You’ll hear it.”

“That’s not fucking ominous.” Bakugo huffed out.

“I imagine it’ll be loud.” Kinoko added her two cents.

All Might stepped away from Yaoyorozu, turning to face Midoriya. The boy who refused
time after time to be his successor.

“Oh?” All Might and a few students perked up. Izuku tilted his head, confused.

“Young Midoriya.”

All Might threw the cannonball aside, blurring from view until he appeared a couple of yards
behind Midoriya. Izuku was thankful that Nezu had selected the industrial area for their
exams, it made All Might have to keep them both in his view. Which means he wouldn’t have
to worry about getting Momo caught up in the attack.

“That sly dog, he’s been planning for all of this.” Monoma smirked.

All Might looked the boy over, noticing that the armor was sturdy enough to take a few
punches, but even so he couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Come now, you know you can’t
beat me like that. If you had accepted my offer, you’d stand a better chance…” All Might
tried once more, hoping the boy would see reason. Izuku had absolutely everything Toshinori
could’ve hoped for, and then some. The only side note is that he apparently didn’t have a
quirk. It made Toshinori’s choice easier, since he had been quirkless once before. However,
when he’d tried offering the boy his quirk…

“I can beat you. Quirks are tools, and I’m just using other tools at my disposal.” Izuku shot
down his offer, the power suit he’d made for this occasion beginning to hum over his skin.

A few students shifted, pondering that point of view. Izuku frowned in thought. He isn’t wrong…

“So he’s quirkless? I mean, I know he isn’t useless but… this is All Might… ” Jirou emphasized.

All Might’s smile dipped a little in disappointment, and he sighed as he put his hands on his
hips. “We don’t have to do this, Young Midoriya.”

Izuku grinned. “Sure we don’t.”

All Might immediately dashed forward but was a fraction of a second too slow as Izuku lifted
up a rifle, and pulled the trigger. The rifle immediately began emitting a high powered sound
wave very similar to Present Mic’s vocal attacks. He should know, he based it off of the
man’s quirk.

All Might grunted as he was pushed back from the force of it, crouching to lessen the
knockback. That thing’s about as powerful as Mic’s quirk… Toshinori grunted as he shakily
took a step forward. The few mirrors and lightbulbs in the area shattered from the noise and
All Might’s eyes widened as blood began to drip down his nose. His eyes narrowed and he
cranked up One for All as he dashed forward, pushing through the attack. He jerked the rifle
from Midoriya’s hands, crushing it as he backhanded the boy away.

“Holy shit!” Shoda yelped out.

Mirio whistled in surprise. “Not bad, Greenhorn.”

Vlad snorted. Mic would be jealous.

Izuku shook it off and rolled with the movement, twisting his gauntlet and causing his boots
to magnetize to the floor. He began to draw electricity from the mock exam area, taking care
not to short circuit the cameras. He didn’t want Nezu berating him for that.

All Might blurred once more in front of Izuku, wiping his nose. “Be reasonable now. The
point of this exam was to get you to work with others, and to show you the futility of your
rebellious attitude. You can’t beat me, Young Midoriya.” All Might said bluntly, taking a
step towards the boy in an attempt at intimidation. His head was still slightly shaking from
the attack, and his ears were ringing a little from both attacks earlier.

Shoto’s eyes narrowed as he recalled what Midoriya had said. He didn’t expect those attacks to
take him down. He’s simply weakening him.

Izuku’s lenses narrowed, the eyes emoting to show they were glaring at him. All Might looked
down at the blood he’d wiped from his nose, humming in thought. “I’ll admit you’re pretty
smart. That fancy weapon of yours did sting a little.” All Might admitted.

Izuku smirked at that. “I know it did. I spent a good chunk of my life analyzing heroes and
villains. I’ve observed you quite a bit, analyzing every fight you’ve ever been in… that have
been caught on tape anyways. Which is exactly how I know just how much this will hurt

Before All Might could reply to that, Izuku slammed the palms of his hands into All Might’s
face, and the pro’s eyes widened in pain as electricity began surging through his body, his
muscles spasming and freezing up as arcs of lightning crackled through him.

“Oh damn!” Kaminari yelled out in surprise.

Izuku was scribbling notes down like crazy, very interested by what he was watching.

“He’s pretty smart.” Uraraka admitted with awe in her voice.

“Yeah…” I don’t think I would’ve been able to come up with that… clearly our paths diverged
with All Might… or maybe even before that…

Toshinori yelled out in pain, the few remaining lights flickering on and off in the area as
Izuku drew as much power as he dared. Fine, no more playing around! All Might pushed
himself to his max, as much as he could, considering the restraints. He bulged up, the
resulting wind force pushing Midoriya off of him. Izuku managed to raise his arms up as All
Might threw a punch at him, blowing him back into a car, cleaving right through it until he
collided with the building behind him.
Yaoyorozu winced. “C’mon Deku…” Uraraka whimpered.

Uraraka and Iida gaped at the display they’d just seen. Todoroki and Bakugo said nothing,
merely watching on. Nezu and Recovery Girl were taking mental notes, interested by the
battle on screen.

“Oh hey, there we are!” Iida exclaimed.

All Might began walking towards the hole in the building, and tensed up as Midoriya came
flying at him with rocket propelled boots. The pro easily flipped the boy over his head, and
turned around only to receive a strong punch to his jaw.

What? How is he so stro-

“That armor isn’t just for protection then. It’s powerful.” Shinso noted.

The pro was cut off from his thoughts as Izuku landed another punch in his gut, very close to
the side where his injury was. The second punch jerked his head to the side.

All Might grit his teeth, throwing another punch at the boy. The rubble and dust around
them were pushed back from the force of the blow, but Izuku had begun dodging even before
the pro had thrown it.

“Wait what, how the heck did he dodge before he even threw a punch?” Mina tilted her head in

“He’s acting like Sir would. Predicting the enemy’s movements. All Might’s telegraphing.” Mirio
noted, a smile on his face.

“Oh oh! Do you think Sir trained him in this one?” Nejire asked, tugging on Mirio’s sleeve.

He was kicked through another building, this time elbowing Izuku’s back and receiving a
kick to the face for it. He slammed against the wall, tilting his head to dodge Midoriya’s fight
and moving right into the boy’s other fist. He grunted as he fell to his knees, and then
immediately reached out to grab Izuku’s leg. Midoriya swore internally as All Might roughly
threw him away, causing him to crash through several walls.

Before Izuku could get up, All Might appeared before him and threw him upwards. “New
Hampshire Smash!” All Might yelled as he punched the air underneath him, propelling
himself upwards through sheer force. The pro brought both of his fists above his head, and
Midoriya quickly raised his arms in a guard as the pro brought them down. Izuku grunted as
the heavy metal around his arms dented slightly, and he punched through several rails of an
abandoned construction site as he fell.

“Damn, he really isn’t pulling any punches is he? So manly!” Kirishima cried out.

“Technically he is. The restraints.” Yanagi recalled.

“He’s keeping up with All Might!” Uraraka said incredulously, in awe at what she was

“On the contrary, All Might’s got him on the ropes. Midoriya is barely keeping up.” Iida
argued, frowning in worry for his friend.

“Ms. Uraraka is correct actually. All Might’s dancing to Mr. Midoriya’s tune at the
moment.” Nezu interjected, a small grin on his face.

“So Nezu caught on…” Toshinori trailed off. Of course he would.

“I have to admit, he’s impressive.” Vlad admitted, leaning back in his seat.

“How the hell does he have All Might on the ropes? He’s a quirkless nobody!” Bakugo yelled
out, palms crackling. Nezu calmly sipped his tea, ignoring him.

“I don’t follow, Sir. How is All Might his lesser here?” Shoto asked, curious as to what the
principal was seeing that he wasn’t.

“Guess the principal won’t put up with your crap.” Sero snorted.

“Shut it, tape arms!”

Nezu hummed in amusement. “Well, you all are already aware what a brilliant tactician
Midoriya is. We’ve been seeing it all throughout this fight as well.” The students tilted their
head in confusion, not following.

“The tools he made were perfectly designed to stand up to, and hurt All Might. He didn’t
expect any of them to defeat him, but that wasn’t the point. He’s been gauging his limit
through those attacks, seeing just how strong All Might is while weighed down. Clearly, his
results were satisfactory seeing that he decided to engage our beloved symbol of peace in
hand to hand combat. He seems to be doing well enough as well.” Nezu admitted, a small bit
of pride in his tone.

Yaoyorozu’s eyes widened, surprised she hadn’t noted that. “Of course, everything going on so far
has fallen within his expectations, so clearly even this brawl of theirs has a purpose.”

“So what you’re saying is… everything we’ve seen so far, he’s expected it?” Todoroki said
hesitantly, catching on.

“Quite. See how he’s fighting. He’s moving to dodge long before All Might throws his
punches. That’s because while All Might may be powerful, he’s become too reliant on his
strength alone. There’s rarely any need for technique when you’re that strong. He’s
telegraphing, and Midoriya is taking full advantage of that.” Nezu grinned, his beady eyes
fully focused on the screen.

All Might had to admit, he was a bit proud of this Izuku, but also a bit scared. It was odd to see him
being played with, and without him catching on.

Izuku shook the dust and grime from his lens, ducking and twisting out of the way as a few
broken rails fell above him, slamming down where he would’ve been standing a second ago.
Izuku jumped out of the way of another rail, and cursed as All Might’s fist hit him head on
while he was in midair.

“Texas Smash!”
The suit displayed a warning sign for Izuku as he slammed against a pile of rails neatly
stacked way behind him. The rails clattered around him from the impact, and the pro
hummed as he shook his fists.

“That’s quite a sturdy suit. You’ve put up quite the impressive struggle, Young Midoriya…
but it’s over. Even if Yaoyorozu manages to get through the gate and win you the match,
you’ll eventually come across a real villain that you won’t be able to win against.” All Might
grimly told him as he walked forward.

“Really? Who’d be better than All Might?” Kinoko tilted her head.

Izuku chuckled at that, and he knew his lenses were displaying humor right now. “Really?
Who’s gonna be stronger than you?”

Kaminari threw a thumbs up at Midoriya. “Nice comeback bro.”

All Might huffed in annoyance, quickly dashing forward once more.

Izuku shook his head, stomping his boot down on the rail in front of him and causing it to
rise up. All Might flinched as he tried to stop, but his momentum carried him face first into
the tip of the rail.

Izuku followed up the movement by kicking the rail upwards. All Might flew up, bouncing
off of the wrecking ball hanging over them and slamming back onto the ground.

“He’s using his surroundings.” Ibara noted.

“Use your surroundings. ”

“Yes that’s what I said…”

Iida’s eyes narrowed at the voice. Don’t tell me…

Izuku’s gauntlet shot out a blade, cutting the chain holding the ball in place. With one fluid
movement, he wrapped the chain around his wrist and spun his body in a flip as he jumped
up, twisting in midair and bringing the wrecking ball down on All Might.

All Might only had a second to widen his eyes in shock as the ball slammed him back into the
ground, leaving a crater where he’d been laying. Izuku landed, twisting his body around and
jerking his wrist so the ball could swing around. It hit the pro head on just as he was getting
up, and Izuku watched in satisfaction as the hero’s body smashed through multiple pipes and
a building as he went soaring back.

“Holy shit!” Mina and Kaminari exclaimed. It was odd for them to see the same wrecking ball
they’d lost to also be the same ball that smacked All Might away like a fly.

“He’s holding his own well enough.” Yui admitted.

Yaoyorozu panted as she maneuvered through pipes and alleyways, making her way to the
roof Midoriya had pointed out. If all went according to plan, Midoriya would lure All Might
to an area where she could take a shot at him. She just had to hope Midoriya could keep this
She grit her teeth in determination, holding the grenade launcher tightly in her hands as
shockwaves rang out in the distance.

“Yep, all part of the plan.” Yaoyorozu said, a bit smug.

All right, this is getting out of hand.

All Might huffed, a bit more annoyed now as his fake smile dipped down more. He ripped out
a sewer grate underneath him as he ran forward, throwing it hard like a frisbee and cutting
the chain before Midoriya could swing the ball at him again.

The ball flew towards the pro. All Might easily sidestepped it and grabbed the chain as it flew
past him, throwing it back at Midoriya with a yell. Izuku quickly dived out of the way, using
his hand to push himself away even further as the ball carved a trench where he’d been
standing, and it kept going.

“Are you trying to kill him?” Vlad gawked at the former pro.

“No! I- he just…” Toshinori trailed off with a sigh.

“That’s pretty badass though.” Kaibara grinned.

“Yes, that is pretty impressive.” Shishida agreed.

“Real heroic Toshinori.” Izuku berated as the pro dashed forward. Izuku quickly clamped
his hand onto the steamroller behind him, swinging it forward and catching All Might by the
head. The pro stumbled back, slapping the vehicle out of his hands and holding Midoriya up
by the neck.

Before All Might could throw another punch, Izuku’s voice called out. “Tell me, do you think
Nana would be proud? Personally, I think she’d be disgusted.” Izuku said condescendingly.
All Might’s grip faltered in shock at the sudden jab, and Midoriya took full advantage of it by
ramming his boot right between the pro’s legs.

Pretty much all the boys there winced and closed their legs at that. Toshinori coughed out some
blood as he couldn’t even imagine the pain from that.

“Low blow!” Mineta cried out.

“Can’t afford to play fair against All Might.” Monoma shrugged, but even he had to admit that was
a bit much.

All Might cried out in pain and shock as he stumbled to his knees. Izuku quickly followed up
with another punch, and then All Might grabbed onto his face, a smile no longer on his face.
“That’s enough now!” the pro nearly yelled out, slamming his palm into Midoriya’s chest as
hard as he could. Izuku gasped a bit as the metal gave way a little, and he went flying
backwards from the force of it.

Izuku stumbled to his feet, only to crash back down as All Might landed on him, feet first.
The pro quickly lifted him up, shoulder checking him into another car. “I’m pretty sure a rib
cracked with that. Give up.” All Might said, a small line of blood making it’s way down from
his mouth.
Izuku chuckled. “I made ‘god’ bleed, so clearly you aren’t one.” Toshinori rubbed his
forehead, frustrated. “Why won’t you accept my power?”

“He’s kinda running out of options there…” Tokage pouted. “All Might’s injured too though.”
Kendo defended.

“Remember kid, just because you have infinite lives doesn’t mean you can just abuse your quirk
to get out of a pinch.”


“Is that…”

Izuku grit his teeth, glaring up at his mentor. “Why not?” he growled out, spitting some blood
out of his mouth.

“People act like their quirks are what define them. You’ve said it yourself, brat. You told me that
way of thinking is wrong, and you’re right about that. Quirks are tools, not the answer to

“Holy shit it is.” Sero said.

“Another Stain teacher…” Iida frowned.

“I mean, he has a point here, doesn’t he? We can all agree that quirks being what define us is a
flawed way of thinking.” Shishida said.

The students stayed quiet, because they didn’t want to admit that they agreed.

Izuku looked up at his mentor, the man’s face obscured by shadows. His blood red scarf
fluttered in the soft wind, harsh light reflecting off of the many blades on his person. “Quirks are
tools, which means you don’t need one to act. You can just make your own tools.” Stain
summarized, handing the boy a damp towel.

“So what, you want me to make my own quirks?” Izuku asked in disbelief. “No! I mean get your
own tools. Look at my blades.” Stain said, drawing out his katana from it’s sheath and showing
it to the boy. “I don’t just depend on my quirk. I use these to help me finish the job. I’m
physically capable of taking on these fakes, and you know I don’t just rely on my quirk to finish
a fight, even if it does win me the fight. I treat it as another weapon in my arsenal.” Stain
continued to explain, holding out the katana for Izuku and tapping the tip against his forehead.

The students were hanging onto his every word, taking mental notes.

"He's right, as much as I hate to admit it. No pro is just their quirk." Vlad King interjected.

“Everything can be a tool to use. Your surroundings, the people around you… and your brain.
Your brain’s the most dangerous tool in your arsenal, Midoriya. Use it.” Stain finished, handing
the boy his katana.

“Damn, he’s kind of a cool teacher.” Kaminari admitted.

Jirou whacked him in the head for being insensitive.

Izuku shook his head, dispelling his memory as he stared up at the pro. “I don’t need it. I’ve
been doing just fine without it!” Izuku yelled out, uppercutting the pro and kicking out his
leg from under him. Midoriya drove his knee into the pro’s head, and All Might quickly
smacked the boy away, cracking Izuku’s helmet.

All Might stumbled up, doing his best to wipe the blood from his nose. This is a bit closer than
I’d like. He’s been taking advantage of my nature, knowing I’d go a bit softer on him. He used
his quirklessness to his advantage…

Toshinori hummed, a bit of pride in his eyes.

Izuku’s helmet came off with a hiss, and the boy himself merely huffed as he threw it away.
His green eyes bored into Toshinori’s own perceptive blue eyes. “What are you waiting for?
Need another hole in your stomach?” Izuku quipped, and the pro’s eyes narrowed.

“Your taunts won’t work. It’ll take more than that to unnerve me.” All Might said.

Toshinori winced internally at the jab. “This match is drawing to a close.”

Izuku smiled, and this time All Might could see just how confident the boy looked. “Of
course, Toshinori. I imagine you’ve built up quite the thick skin back when you were
quirkless. It couldn’t have been nice. Must be so frustrating… to be the symbol of peace and
yet failing to save people. I mean, it doesn’t surprise me… you are pretty useless after all.”
Izuku admitted with a shrug.

Kirishima winced. “Not very manly bro…”

“Ouch.” Shinso simply said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“What is he doing? Why’d you cut out the audio?” Uraraka asked.

“Midoriya is currently saying a few things that are best kept secret. All you need to know is
he’s taunting All Might.” Recovery Girl said with a frown.

“Oh yeah, kinda weird that we all know about One for All and all that, and almost none of our
other selves do.” Kendo noted, hand to her chin as she thought about it.

Todoroki and Bakugo were watching the screen with their utmost focus, and only Iida, Nezu
and Recovery Girl had noticed the other cameras. Nezu’s eyes narrowed curiously. Just who
are you really, Midoriya.

“Why don’t you just admit it.” Izuku continued to taunt, carefully opening a compartment
on the back of his armor as he talked. “You don’t want me because I’m quirkless and I
‘need’ it. You just want me because I’m the best option you have, and you don’t want anyone
else.” All Might frowned, not able to lie at that.

“I guess that explains why he didn’t choose anyone else…” Izuku trailed off. I wonder what I did to
grab his attention though…

“He’s being very blunt isn’t he? Not pulling any punches.” Tetsutetsu grumbled.

How many minutes are left? 5? We couldn’t have been fighting for more than 15 minutes, so
why is he stalling? He clearly wants me to get closer.

All Might took a step back. “What’s your game?”

“Why would I tell you?” Izuku drawled. All Might took a stance, preparing to move. If I rush
him fast enough, he won’t have time to pull any other tricks.

Making up his mind, the pro pushed his quirk to it’s restrained limits, tackling Midoriya.
Izuku gave a surprised yelp as he was driven into the pavement, quickly setting off the
grenade in his hand. Immediately, a clay-like substance exploded over All Might’s head,
hardening rapidly. He blinded me! It doesn’t matter though, because I still have you pinned

“Think he got that from your quirk?” Kaibara asked Bondo, noticing the similarities.

All Might huffed as he pierced through Midoriya’s armor, pulling it apart and ripping the
chunks away. He crushed the gauntlets under his feet and held the boy’s chest down with his
foot. He took the time to shatter the hardened cemendine around his eyes. “Not a bad effort,
but you still lose.”

“Yep, definitely got inspiration from Bondo.” Kendo agreed.

“He’s defenseless now…” Uraraka said, worried.

Izuku whipped out a knife, plunging it into the pro’s shoe. Or atleast tried to, the point just
rebounded. All Might blinked in shock. “What are you doing? Do you want me to kill you?”
the pro asked incredulously. Izuku chuckled. “Oh you aren’t going to kill me… NOW!”

The students sucked in a deep breath, surprised.

All Might jerked up in shock, quickly looking around him. He looked behind him and
quickly managed to grab onto the grenade hurtling at him. He only had a second to sigh in
relief before it exploded anyways. Colorless gas immediately exploded out of it, and All Might
stumbled back in shock as he inhaled it. His legs trembled and gave out under him, and he
fell to his hands and knees as One for All’s flames dimmed within him. It was all he could do
to maintain his muscle form.

The students yelled out in shock, startled and worried.

What did he do?! Toshinori questioned, surprised.

“Wha…what did you do?!” All Might said weakly, steam curling off of his form.

“Quirk suppressants. Spent all of yesterday perfecting it. Had to make and dilute it properly,
wouldn’t want everyone seeing your true self now, would we?” Izuku said as he stood up,
discarding the pieces of armor that remained. He nodded at Yaoyorozu on the roof, grateful
for her help. She seemed a bit starstruck at the fact she’d basically just heavily debilitated All

“He can’t fight back… not without exposing himself.” Shoto said, a bit impressed.

If I could’ve used my gear… used my quirk. I wouldn’t have needed all this. It would’ve been oh
so easy to kill you. You left your side exposed so often it was almost painful not to stab it.
Although I suppose the hero way is a harder way… Izuku thought coldly as he kicked the pro
over so he’d have his back to the ground.

Toshinori shifted awkwardly, covering his side.

“So he does have a quirk… he seems pretty eager to kill though…” Jirou shuddered.

“I guess when you’re trained by Stain, you aim to kill…” Shoji trailed off.

He knelt over All Might, who finally seemed to have a tinge of fear in those blue eyes. Izuku
smiled. “I didn’t have to go easy on you. A different binding agent… a stronger mix. I want
you to remember that. That I didn’t need a quirk to beat the symbol of peace.”

The students stared at the screen silently, letting that revelation sink in. He didn’t use a quirk at all,
and yet he beat the symbol of peace.

Izuku knelt down on All Might’s chest, his knee brushing against All Might’s wound and
reminding him of his vulnerability. Izuku’s eyes turned cold and calculating as he looked
down at the pro. “I don’t need your quirk. This match just proved that. Remember this fight,
because I don’t want you to forget about the one quirkless Deku who beat you.”

Bakugo grit his teeth, looking down.

The cuffs were on All Might’s wrists before he even noticed. “Game over.” Izuku said.

The speakers rang out, signaling their victory.

A few students began to cheer, while others were left to wonder about this particular Midoriya.

Mei stood up, clapping her hands and snapping the students out of their funk.

“That was pretty fun. Good job Izuku! I’m gonna go try and make that baby.” Hatsume said,
running off before anyone could even get a word out to her.

“Welp, that’s my cue.” Shinso said as he got up, nodding towards Izuku in farewell as he left.

“It’s pretty impressive you beat All Might though.” Yui smiled at Izuku, who chuckled as he
scratched his chin, blushing a little.

“Yeah Deku! You were all like ‘pow’ and ‘wham’ and then Momo came in with the save!”
Uraraka exclaimed, pumping her fists in a mock imitation of the fight.

“Midoriya, ribbit, mind if I talk to you outside?” Tsuyu said, jerking her head towards the door.
Izuku blinked in surprise, throwing a quick glance at Yui.

“I already said I don’t mind.” she simply said, getting up to leave as well.

What? What does that even mean…

“Uh, sure A- Tsu…” Izuku said as he got up. He decided to ignore the fact that Kaminari was
trying to get the projector to work. Katsuki seemed about a second away from blowing him away.

“Oh hey I’m tagging along too. Basically gonna say the same thing she is, but she did get
permission to say it first so…” Setsuna trailed off as she floated next to him.
Tsuyu frowned a bit. She’d been hoping to tell him by herself, but she didn’t really mind.

Izuku tilted his head, confused.

“Right, well let’s go.”

Chapter End Notes

This one's actually a continuation of a previous universe. I'll leave it up to you to

discern which one ;)
Universe 22 (Part 1 of 3)
Chapter Summary

FINALLY! This one's 'Hero Class Civil Warfare' by RogueDruid (Icarius51) and you
should go read it if you haven't already.

Been meaning to do this one for a while now, hope it lives up to expectations.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

If anyone noticed Setsuna and Tsuyu sitting closer to Midoriya the next day, they didn’t voice it.

As it stood, the only one who seemed to have a problem with this new development was Uraraka,
who was staring into Tsuyu’s eyes like they held the answer to the multiverse.

“Sorry, ribbit.” Tsuyu shrugged. Midoriya was currently passed out in his seat, and Setsuna kept
poking his head in a half assed attempt to wake him.

“Right, if everyone’s done fooling around, take your seats and get ready.” Aizawa’s voice cut
through the students chatter, snapping everyone to attention. Nighteye and All Might walked in
after him, talking amongst themselves. Izuku took a shred of pride knowing he brought this about,
in a roundabout way. Maybe he could convince Nighteye to look into All Might’s future once

A problem for later me. Izuku shrugged.

Shinso handed a juice pack to Aizawa, who took it gratefully. Mei finished checking on her baby,
after smacking Kaminari with a wrench. “All good!”

“Ok-“ Aizawa noticed the people now sitting around Midoriya, and blinked slowly. I don’t care.
Aizawa shrugged, ignoring them. “Go ahead.”

Mei nodded, and clicked play.

Day 0: 5 hours, 5 minutes (5:05 am, local time)

“That’s new.” Sero mumbled. “Don’t think I’ve seen any of the others state time.”

Shouta looked over the rest of the teachers from where his sleeping bag was resting against
the wall. Most of them were freshly awake, and carried small bags of snacks and notebooks to
take notes in. Every year this was as much of a test of the teacher's attention spans and will to
stay awake as it was of the student's skills and capabilities.

Aizawa and All Might tilted their heads, wondering what this was.

Shouta himself had woken up nearly three hours earlier to help oversee the villain team as
they initiated the first of their plans. He was unusually prepared for this year as well. Inside
his sleeping bag, he had stashed plenty of caffeine-heavy drinks, a pair of thick, unused
notebooks and a smaller notebook given to him by the villain team called ‘Stage Directions.’
That had been a trip to read.

“Oh. I think I know what this is.” Aizawa guessed, a rare smile forming on his lips.

“Do tell.” Nighteye said curiously.

Aizawa motioned to the screen. “Just watch.”

Honestly, when he originally proposed that Bakugou and Midoriya be chosen for the hero
and villain roles, he had done so with the hope that putting them in positions of leadership
would dull their bad habits. Midoriya was far too meek and willing to take a backseat in
planning when it wasn’t life or death and Bakugou was far too reckless and brash.

“What? Wait are they heroes and villains?” Kaminari asked curiously.

Midoriya and Bakugo locked eyes. They remembered playing heroes and villains as kids. Izuku
was always the damsel in distress, and Bakugo the hero.

Bakugo snorted. “You couldn’t be a villain to save your life, Deku.”

“I’ll admit, he’s kind of right.” Tsuyu agreed, and she blinked in surprise at Izuku’s grin, which
seemed to radiate a bit of confidence.

Then Midoriya Izuku turned around with steel in his eyes.

“Oh?” Shoto said.

The problem child had talked to him several times after classes, each time to confirm
whether something would be stopped or counted against him by the teachers. Like the two
students from Support and General Studies he recruited. Or the requisitions for permission
to use firearms loaded with the RG13 rounds. And the requisitions for a practical
ammunition demonstration.

“How much do you want to bet he recruited us?” Shinso asked Mei, who grinned cheekily. “It’d be
a waste of money to bet otherwise.”

Each time Midoriya looked more and more confident, more focused and determined.

“Problem child…” Aizawa shook his head, already preparing for this clusterfuck of chaos he was
about to witness.

Then this morning, just after 2 am, the fucking problem child calls him and says that his
team is ready to start.

“Pfft! Problem child. Does every Aizawa call you that?” Tokage asked, chuckling. Mei nodded,
answering for him. “Pretty much every single one actually.”

Aizawa sighed, ignoring All Might’s hearty laughter.

He showed up to see the entirety of the villain team perched on the walls and front steps of
For a split second, as they looked up at him, dressed to kill in suits and dresses, with armor
and weapons stashed and ready...

As Midoriya looked up and his eyes glinted green in the half-light...

He pushed the memory of feeling in danger away.

“Yeah no kidding… we look dressed to kill.” Mina nodded, impressed as she eyed herself.

Shoji hummed in agreement, liking what he saw.

“You even scared teach, nice.” Mineta shivered a bit.

“I acknowledged they were a threat, that was it.” Aizawa shot back.

“Revelry in the dark…” Tokoyami whispered.

Why does he keep saying that? Uraraka and Izuku thought.

With nothing better to do, he let the villains in and watched them set up. The villains
outfitted and stashed supplies in the three trucks, before half of them practically slept where
they stood. Midoriya, and three of his allies took a much more low-key sedan into the city
proper to set up the villain lair, armed with suitcases and briefcases of supplies.

“You can drive?” Bakugo asked Izuku incredulously.

“N-no? I’m guessing one of them taught me?” Izuku answered back, curious.

Shouta, in turn, looked over the cameras. The entire city, every room, every street and back
alley and sewer tunnel was hooked up to cameras. Those that were classified as ‘public’
would be available to the heroes, but the villains would need to hack their own camera feeds
to use them.

Power Loader and Shouta had been very clear that while blocking out the hero team feed
was fine, the teacher's connection was to be left untouched.

As such, while the rest of the teachers filed in, finding places on couches and at the counter
for the dry bar, Shouta panned through the cameras. He set half the screen on the resting
villains, the other on the newly-assembling Heros.

“Aw man, I’m getting so pumped up just watching this!” Kirishima exclaimed, pumping his fists.
Tetsutetsu grinned in agreement. “Hell yeah, a manly duel to the death!”

Low mumbling started, before the heroes turned towards Principal Nedzu, dressed in a green
money counters cap. “All right! Place your bets folks, place your bets!”

Wouldn’t have figured the principal to be the type to bet… a few students thought.

The teachers called out bets and wagers. Some of them were cash, but others were offers of
dealing with detentions or grading homework for one another.

Shouta himself called out only one bet.

“One month of detention watching and homework covering, and 20,000 Yen, on the villains
breaking Endeavor’s record win.”

Present Mic turned, mouth dropping. “WHHATTT?? SHOOUTTAA??? YOU NEVER–”

Shouta’s red-eyed gaze cut off the rest of Yamada’s tirade.

“I placed my bet. Deal. With. It. Now shut up, the villain team is getting ready to move.”

“My father was a villain?” Shoto tilted his head. Fitting… but wait.

Shoto turned around to Izuku, locking eyes. “You have to beat his record.” Shoto said, his tone
leaving no room for argument.

Izuku merely nodded his head, confused and intimidated.

“Man, even Mr. Aizawa believes in you.” Sero said.

Dadzawa… the majority of 1A thought.

With that, the teachers settled back into their seats.

The first live-stream started.

Day 1: 6 hours, 12 minutes (6:12 am, local time)

The teachers were chatting about the hunter team, mainly how they needed to be

“The issue I’m seeing,” Vlad King spoke up, “Is that for all the heroes’ combined forces,
each team is far too specialized for its role. It would have been better to plan for more varied

“Perhaps. But he also had only a short period to integrate each team with each other. This
may be his opening gambit, it’s possible that he will change team formations down the line,”
Ectoplasm responded.

“It’s nice to see what we need to work on, instead of having to figure it out.” Kaibara grinned,
leaning back in his seat.

“Look, they found the manhole,” Cementoss commented, pointing to the screen with the
hunter team.

“I have to admit, I was impressed with the villain team’s vanishing act. Carrying smaller
travel platforms into the tunnels for the teams to reassemble was interesting and unexpected.
Though without the combined abilities of Honenuki and Kendou to push the van into the
office next door, they would have left quite the evidence as to where they went,” Ectoplasm
commented, leaning on the couch back.

Honenuki grinned while Itsuka rubbed her nose with pride. “Aw yeah, 1B represent!” Tetsutetsu

“Of course our classmates would be impressive.” Monoma said smugly.

Yui glanced at Izuku, who was jotting notes down on both sides. You’d make a very dangerous

“Though simply pulling a section of bricks out by softening the mortar holding them was
inspiring. Shame the heroes never noticed that,” Cementoss noted, looking over a few stills
from the concealment.

“They only noticed the manhole due to the antics of Tsunotori. They were lucky on that
front,” Shouta muttered, sipping at another juice pouch.

Pony gave a small grin, happy she atleast helped a little.

“Oh holy shit, look at the street.” Ectoplasm leaned in, pulling up a new screen off his tablet.

The heroes took in the barricade of cars, the limp bodies all too easy to imagine as injured
and dead civilians.

The students shivered, frowning at the scenario. It reminded a few of Kamino, albeit in a much
smaller area.

“Look, is that Tokoyami and Kuroiro?” Power Loader looked at the two figures, now
climbing up an upside-down car to the top of the wall and taking positions.

“Twins of shadow, their backs towards the abyss.” Kuroiro said softly, Tokoyami grunting in

What? Izuku glanced at them.

“And there's the hero team led by Bakugou,” he remarked.

Day 1: 8 hours, 45 minutes (8:45 am, local time)

The screens were divided between the battle in the street, the hold up at the government
building, and the interiors of both places.

“Aw man I wanted to see them fight.” Kaminari pouted.

“I’d win against them. My quirk beats theirs anyday.” Bakugo huffed smugly.

“Here, looks like the teams are closing in on three of the objectives.”

“What three?”

Nedzu tapped a controller, and three screens changed to show the items.

“In the bank vault, there is a safety deposit box with a fake skull, marked with the tag for the
event and the number ‘12.’ In the government building, the left arm of a modded civil-bot is
marked as number ‘4.’ In the government building is a laptop marked with a ‘5.’ The civil-
bot also has to be taken intact.”

“Hostage, espionage, and vault robbery. That's three.”

Izuku scribbled all that down, looking back on previous notes he’d taken on those three types of
scenarios and comparing them.
The teachers continued to comment as they watched the side-teams get to work. In the bank,
Jirou Kyouka, dressed in a black shirt, skirt, boots, and a red tie, slowly cracked the code to
the vault. She was guarded and assisted by Monoma Neito for a short time before he hefted a
bag and began to travel through the building, placing black objects on various walls and
consistently referencing his phone for directions.

Momo hummed. “Nice outfit.”

Jirou nodded. “I’ll admit it looks pretty good.”

In the government building, a swarm of rats and flies hunted for the laptop, lead and assisted
by Kouda Kouji and Awase Yosetsu. Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu Momo and Aoyama Yuga
tracked down and detained the civil-bot. Yaoyorozu strapped it to a quickly-created gurney
as Aoyama began to take the bag he held and head for the basement.

“Atleast we know who the villains are now.” Kinoko hummed, looking for a bright spot in the

“Considering he has Momo, I don’t fancy the heroes chances considering yesterday’s watch.” Sero

Videos of the subterranean crew, consisting of Honenuki Juzou and Kendou Itsuka, showed
them working together to craft escape tunnels, traveling from point to point in the city using
the motorized platforms. At the same time, Yanagi Reiko and Ashido Mina traveled along
their own, more circuitous route. Ashido melted the way into locked power boxes and
security feed lines, while Yanagi hooked up countless connectors from her bag to each,
allowing another team, the villain leaders, to begin hacking every building security feed they
could find.

Yanagi also used her poltergeist powers to slowly lift smaller devices into small corners and
into the streets through storm drains across the city.

“They’re securing the area. Making the whole city their playing field. What a mad banquet of
darkness.” Tokoyami said, glancing at Izuku.

He was busy observing his teammates on screen. I can definitely make use of them.

Day 1: 11 hours, 15 minutes (11:15 am, local time)

The duo guarding the bank retreated, with the villains carrying their objective through a
new underground entrance and out into the tunnels, Monoma leaving one last attachment at
the roof of the tunnel.

The objectives at the government building were also almost completely collected, the location
of the laptop already narrowed down to a single set of rooms the villains were rummaging
through, though Awase had jogged to the box truck, joined with Yaoyorozu as they hopped in
the back.

The teachers were interested but somewhat unenthused. Even the Dark Shadow and Black
Quirk combo had only kept their interest for a short time. And while Power Loader seemed
to realize what Monoma was doing, he had declined to share the information with the others.
“Damn, I wonder what it was.” Awase grunted.

“Atleast they managed to escape Bakugo.” Tokage snorted.

“Hey what side are you on?!” Bakugo yelled out.

However, when Izuku’s bomb call began, Shouta could only smirk as the bank they had
prepared to assault blew sky high.

A round of curses and exclamations from all but Shouta, Nedzu, and Power Loader erupted.
The fact that they were smirking was not unnoticed.

“Holy shit!” a few students exclaimed.

“You actually blew it up? What the hell man?!” Kaminari choked out.

“I’m just playing my part.” Izuku grinned softly, humming contentedly.

Right, that’s scary, was the collective thought in the room.

“WHAT THE HELL HA–” Yamada cut off under a red stare, and Power Loader cut in.

“I spent a long afternoon talking construction and demolition charges in a quick certification
class with both young Yaoyorozu and Monoma, and signed off on their use during this.
Along with a few other forms for extra equipment usage and materials.”

Yaoyorozu and Monoma smiled, making a note to talk to Power Loader about that when they had
the chance.

“Momo and bombs? Oh give me a break.” Sero slumped in his seat.

“That’s against the rules, isn’t it? We weren't supposed to help the villains or hero–” Snipe
drawled from where he sat at the counter.

“They didn't mention the exam, they simply had me sign off for their certifications. I got an
email from Nedzu a few hours later to sign off on use in the practical... They brought it up in
the context of learning for the future.”

“Oh yes I’m definitely going to make a stop by the support studio.” Monoma grinned cheekily.
Kendo made a note to check he wouldn’t do anything too extravagant.

Aizawa couldn’t help but grin. A logical deception…

“Okay, what the fuck?!” Came the yell from Midnight, drawing everybody’s attention to the
massive truck-mounted artillery piece.

“I signed off on that too!” Nedzu commented in the sudden silence, only punctuated by the
rat-a-tat of the gun firing, and the violently cut-off scream from the purple-outfitted Mineta.

Mei zoomed in with her quirk, grinning cheekily as she read what was on the artillery piece.

Mineta winced, even as some of the girls grinned or hummed in amusement. Bakugo cackled at
“Ouch.” Ectoplasm frowned, already sending one of his clones on standby at the edge of the
city down to retrieve the kid from his red goo coffin and take him to Recovery Girl. “That's
gotta hurt.”

“Little pervert fucking deserves it,” came the mutter from Midnight, leaning back as the
truck went careening down the road.

“Damn, ouch!” Kaminari cackled, and Mineta grumbling something about how he was ‘too good
for the ladies’.

“Though, it feels like the end of the foreplay is coming up,” she noted with a smirk.

Izuku shivered. “She has a… peculiar way of wording.” Toshinori said hesitantly.

Day 1: 13 hours, 45 minutes (1:45 pm, local time)

The teachers watched Bakugou's meeting with his team and his sorting of information. Then
they watched the meeting with Izuku and the villains. In the end, they noted there were
plenty of differences between the two.

“Midoriya is acting very social with them, like a concerned friend and leader for his troops.
He made them food and Bakugou... despite how his temper is more reigned in, it’s still
making him curt and dismissive. That's a mistake,” Hound Dog noted, watching as the
villains dispersed.

The students eyes widened in surprise, glancing at the two.

“It’s a smart and subtle approach… I’d be more willing to work with someone who leads with
respect and kindness as opposed to…” Yaoyorozu trailed off, glancing at Bakugo. Both classes
collectively nodded at that.

Nighteye’s eyes narrowed as he studied Midoriya. You’re smarter than your plain appearance
leads to believe…

Izuku smiled, happy others appreciated the common courtesy he was giving them.

Then the surprise guest stepped out and the teachers were dumbfounded.

“Is… is this even allowed?” All Might muttered, flipping through his book.

“The rules never said no, at least considering the circumstances,” admitted Nedzu, “Though I
do admit, after this year we may have to refine those rules a bit more...”

Nezu’s voice crackled through the loudspeaker. “Don’t expect the same scenario to play out when
it’s time, Midoriya.” Nezu said with amusement.

Izuku smiled. “Of course not, Sir.”

“Was he watching the entire time?!”


On the screen, Izuku smiled before he paused and looked up. It took a few seconds for him to
find it, but he gave a small nod to the camera, a knowing smirk dancing across his lips.
“That’s not fucking creepy.” Awase said sarcastically.

“He’s certainly playing the part well.” Yanagi said with a bit of pride.

Chapter End Notes

I debated with myself for nearly half an hour because i wanted to start from the
beginning but i also wanted to showcase Izuku's intelligence but also show what the
teachers were seeing. Ultimately i just decided on the following 3 chapters, although ill
definitely do a few others if RogueDruid is cool with it!
Universe 22 (Part 2 of 3)
Chapter Summary

The fic used is 'Hero Class Civil Warfare' by RogueDruid (Icarius51) and you should
read it if you haven't already. Enjoy!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Day 1: 17 hours and 42 minutes (5:42 pm, local time. One hour until sunset)


Momo, Neito, Yuga, and Kyouka all looked at the case with a combination of focus and

Their target was sitting there. In the middle of the museum's grand showcase.

“Shit.” Monoma said, frowning at the screen.

“A fucking coffin. Really?” Kyouka called out. She was listening to the area, checking if they
were in the clear. Yuga was with her in a silver and black outfit with a short red shoulder
cape wrapped around him, his torso was covered with armor connected to the silver focusing
array. The loose fabric and puffy sleeves looked somewhat French, with silver patterns that
caught the light.

Aoyama sparkled, satisfied with his getup. “I suppose your taste isn’t bad.” Monoma shrugged,
also satisfied with the getup.

Across from them, their companion team was wearing more... risqué outfits. Neito wore
black sleek pants and boots, an open black vest, and a pair of black gloves, his head topped
by a felt flat-topped cap. It made him look one part page boy, one part male stripper. Momo
wore a sleek red backless dress and black thigh-highs, with an array of pouches across her
hips. For shoes, she wore stylish black boots that reached her knees, leaving several inches of
black satin stockings above them, before leaving a gap between her dress and the edge of the
satin. The two were currently trying to spoof the case security for the exhibit. The coffin,
emblazoned with the distinctive number 13 over the UA seal, rested in the center of a massive
exhibit on zombies. Clearly a joke exhibit too, like the rest of them (the exhibits on UFOs, the
Mad Science of the 22nd Millennia and Mothman were notable). The Support Class clearly
built them for fun.

Kendo stifled her laugh with her enlarged fist, glancing at the Monoma next to her and the one on

“Damn, no dinosaur skeletons?” Tokage asked sadly, shaking her head in disappointment.
“We have less than two hours until the system swaps to a high-security lockdown for the
night. But if we disturb the exhibit, then we’re already fucked.”

Momo and Neito both made their way back.

“Well, good news? The coffin is unanchored. If we get it, we can just carry it out. The issue is
the motion sensors. If anything else gets disturbed, it triggers an alarm. If the glass shatters,
it triggers an alarm. If the laser grid over the coffin is set off, it triggers an alarm,” Momo
explained, already texting the data they had gathered to Hacker and the Tower.

“This is pretty intense…” Kinoko whispered out.

“We’re working well so far, half expected Monoma to berate one of us by now.” Jirou admitted.


“Seriously? What about having Hacker turn off the alarms?”

A beep preceded Mei’s voice over the comms.

“I wish I could, but this is definitely older students at work. It's awesome, but several of these
tricks I don't have counters for. First off, the alarm uses what's referred to as an interrupt
system. If you break the circuit or interrupt the signal, three separate receivers go set the
alarm off. If one of the receivers goes offline, the other two set the alarm off. I can't disable it
from here. If I was there, I might be able to delay it, but no dice.”

Mei sighed. Then she beamed back up. “I’ll just have to learn some counters then!” she cackled,
scribbling on a piece of paper.

Kyouka, Momo, and Neito stared at the display. It was five meters on the side and a little
under a meter tall. The area was covered in a massive pile of gravestones and fake zombie
pieces behind glass. In the center was the coffin.

Yuga tapped the base of the display and then tilted his head. Kyouka looked down and
listened as he tapped again. ‘That's hollow,’ she thought. “Umm.. if we can't go over, because
of the lasers, or through, due to the motion sensors… can we go under?” Yuga asked, looking
at the case with a critical eye.

Izuku grinned. “Nice plan!”

“Yeah not bad.” Jirou admitted.

The other three paused and Yuga grinned, opening the panel carefully to reveal a smooth
wooden surface under the exhibit.

“Momo, Neito. Do you have laser pointers in your repertoire?”

A few minutes later they were set. Momo and Neito marked off the exact lines of where the
box was, using the lasers to show it across the underside of the box. With careful hands, Yuga
marked off the square with a marker, then had them re-check his measurements as he stared
at the underside of the case.
“Damn, it’s still so weird seeing you all play the part of villains.” Kaminari shook his head.

“The fuck? We did heroes vs villains in the first week of class!” Bakugo growled out.

“Yeah but this is on a bigger scale! It actually feels as if it’s heroes vs villains, instead of us just
fighting each other in a glorified scenario.” Kaminari shrugged.

“Smartest thing you’ve said all week, jamming whey.” Jirou snorted, but she had to admit he was
kind of right.

He was handed a knife, and Kyouka popped the corners with careful taps of her ear jacks.

“Alright. Start nice and slow, Sparkle, we have time.”

He nodded and took the chisel-shaped knife up, digging it through the wood slowly. He had
the better part of an hour to get through this and didn’t want to mess it up.

Izuku took the time to jot down some notes, wondering what Nezu would change and how he could
prepare for it.

Izuku looked at the screen as the feed from the four-man team came through. The team was
working well, though this was a far more intensive theft then he had originally planned. He
glanced at the diagram of the building.

Behind him, Mezou napped on the couch, hat over his face to keep the light from the holo-
screens from waking him.

Izuku began to pace, hand over his mouth to muffle his mumbling.

“Guess that habit’s not going away.” Uraraka chuckled as she observed the Deku on screen.

Seventeen floors, with the top three being a massive amphitheater and museum, where the
team was currently pulling their heist. The only reason they were getting away with this was
the fact they had already ordered the museum closed earlier that day. Mei had hacked the
system and sent a ‘museum closing’ message over the civil-bot network. However, the system
itself ran off a radio-updated internal clock and as such couldn't be hacked to keep the
museum closed. The result? A three-hour window where the teams could get in, get the
goods, and get out.

Bakugo grit his teeth. “Dammit! They’re getting a one up on us!”

“Your fault for not preparing properly.” Rin shrugged.


“Too be fair, I’d probably have underestimated Midoriya too, in that situation.” Ibara admitted.

That would be your downfall. Aizawa thought, his eyes fixed on the screen as he sucked another
juice pack dry.

Izuku zoomed out and looked at the picture of the building once again. The triangular
window scheme was nice, but the sphere of triangular panels made the massive glass dome of
the top seem almost like a disco ball. He tabbed through some of his different cameras feeds,
finally settling on a mixed display of the crew at the museum, and the exterior of the Hero

For the better part of half an hour, he watched the crew work on getting into the case without
setting the alarms off.

And then things went wrong.

Izuku frowned.

Bakugo smirked.

“Aw, shit.” Kendo simply said.

Yuga scored the line once more and then there was a cracking sound, an entire side suddenly
shifting and pulling away from the boards.

Jirou winced, already preparing for the damage.

“SHIT, HOLD IT STRAIGHT!” Kyouka called out, Yuga already pushing up to try and
keep the board steady.

But it was too late.

With a creak, part of the board beneath the coffin dipped and the coffin went crashing
through the rest of the exhibit.

A beat, panic already setting in.

Then the alarms went off.

“Damn it!” Monoma slapped his leg in disappointment.

“I’m sure we can work a way out of there…” Momo said, a bit hesitantly.

“Atleast the coffin is free.” Aoyama said.

Metal shutters dropped over the doorways throughout the museum, and the elevators rose up
and locked into place on the top floor.


“Shit indeed.” Sero agreed.

Neito and Momo rushed the display. With the alarm already off, they just needed to grab the
coffin and bail, and Yuga rolled out from under the display with a grimace of self-reproach.

They reached it and lifted the dark metal case, dragging it forwards, while Kyouka was
already tapping her comm. “Tower, we have a fucking problem.”

Kirishima snorted. “You got that right, Kyo.” Mina giggled.

The sun's last light of the day was making the sky burn like fire and Izuku cursed, adjusting
the holograms as he tried to keep track of what was happening.
“This doesn’t bode well for you, Izuku.” Tsuyu glanced at Midoriya, wondering what was going
on in that head of his. She could practically see the gears shifting inside.

Izuku swore, kicking back to jar the couch and jolt Mezou awake as his eyes tracked data
and images of the heroes rushing through the doors, already oriented and heading for the


Iida, Kirishima, Tetsutestsu, Kaminari, Ojiro, Bondo and Tsunotori.

Led by Bakugou.

“Oh shit.” Awase said.

“Yeah uh, they’re kinda fucked.” Kaibara admitted.

Bakugo grinned. “This shitty plan of your ends now Deku!”

‘That's a heavy assault team. Could I send a team to– no. No time.’

“Mezou, get prepped for a fight and get Hacker and Con Man up and ready. The museum
job just went south.”

Mezou took a second to process the words before he rolled off the couch, standing and
stretching as he headed for the door.

“Con Man?” Izuku asked, before proceeding to slowly glance at Shinso, who was giving him the
biggest shit eating grin he’d ever seen.


“Have Hacker get the rifle. Grab your gear and get going. I’ll meet you at the tunnel.” Izuku
was already connecting the system to the HUD in his jester mask, tapping the connection and
considering times.

“Seventeen floors at average, thirty seconds a floor, so say eight minutes. The museum is
locked, they need to get out…” Tapping the comms on, Izuku started relaying orders, moving
to the elevator while a monochrome green screen on the mask lenses showed the camera
feeds. “Yuga, laser the gates between you and the exits. Keep them in short bursts, as much
as you can handle without going over. Momo, Neito, casters and webbings on the coffin, make
it easier to carry. Drop down four floors, floor 13 has the first set of offices through the
stairwell. Move now. You have less than five minutes before the hero teams hit the building,
hide out there as long as you can. The heroes are probably rushing the top floor first. Kyouka,
you're on watch and keep the line open. My team and I are coming to provide a distraction to
get you out. Keep your focus and use your heads.”

Kendo gawked at Midoriya. “You came up with a plan that fast?!”

Izuku was too distracted, already thinking up of possible ways he could’ve refined the plan.

The students sweatdropped at that. “Y’know, maybe Bakugo’s the one who’s in trouble.” Uraraka
“I’ll crush whatever plan he has! You’ll see.” Bakugo grumbled, glaring at the screen.

“Roger,” came four voices. Tapping the mic, Izuku stepped into the elevator, tapping the
basement button as he scowled under his mask.

“Great. This is going to be a mess,” he muttered.

4 days before the exam

Midoriya stood and sighed as he looked down at the form of Neito, who cradled a broken
arm. “Yeah. That's what happens. Figures. Head out to Recovery Girl, you’re done for today
and we know you can’t handle my Quirk at all, even now.”

Monoma frowned. Guess that answers that question.

Izuku and All Might hummed, pensive. That answers that…

“Fucking ow, Midoriya. You put up with this during the tournament?” Neito panted, looking
up with a wild look in his eyes. Midoriya rubbed his wrist and looked thoughtful,
unknowingly displaying the white scarred flesh and twisted fingers of his final clash with
Todoroki in the ring.

“Yeah, like what kind of willpower do you have? To attack even with broken limbs and such.”
Mina looked back at Midoriya, a bit in awe at just how determined he was when the situation
called for it.

“Erm… a lot?”

Shoto subconsciously shuddered a little. He had no doubt Midoriya would’ve kept breaking
himself just to make him see the truth.

“Yeah. I did. A lot worse than what you’ve got now. The damage you have is diffused, spread
out. Doing it in a smaller space hurts more and deals loads more damage.” For a moment,
Monoma Neito could only look on in awe at the absent-minded way Izuku explained how he
hurt himself.

“You and me both.” Monoma sighed.

“Alright… grab Miracle Matter on your way out and recheck the distance you can hold it,
please.” Izuku was already turning away, sketching out notes in his book as he glanced at the
other villain teams testing their powers.

“... Miracle Matter?” Monoma inquired, raising an eyebrow as Izuku blushed.

“O-Oh. Sorry, I meant Creati. Go grab Creati.” Izuku shook his head and moved over to look
at the others.

Yaoyorozu hummed, reminded of a similar nickname from another universe, something that didn’t
go unnoticed by Midoriya.

Neito looked back down, seeing the dark purple bruising that wrapped his arm from wrist to
elbow. As he tagged Yaoyorozu and borrowed her Quirk, he felt at his arm.
Honestly… it hurt. He’s had broken bones, but even now, ten minutes after it broke, he felt a
deep throbbing ache through his arm. But that was nothing compared to the rush of power.
It felt like he had stood in a tunnel as the ocean crashed through him.

With one last look at the scarred figure of his Kingpin, Neito headed to Recovery Girl.

Monoma looked at Midoriya in awe.

“Can I-“

“Later.” Midoriya cut him off quickly.

Monoma hummed. I want to experience that rush of power, it sounds like fun.

“You are not willingly breaking your limbs just to feel powerful.” Aizawa seethed, glaring at
Monoma and Midoriya.

All Might chuckled, raising his hand up. “It’s best to save that for a controlled environment.

Monoma sighed.


Chapter End Notes

Random sidenote: I'm actually thinking about starting a multiverse Izuku fic. I don't
mean like this one by the way, i mean like an Izuku who's quirk let's them travel the
universe. Might write a chapter later down the line introducing that particular Izuku,
Universe 22 (Part 3 of 3)
Chapter Summary

Fic used is 'Hero Class Civil Warfare' by RogueDruid (Icarius51) and go check it out if
you want! Hope you enjoyed!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Day 1: 18 hours, 55 minutes (6:55 pm, local time)

“Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, take the ground floors up. Bondo, you run support with them. Seal
off areas as you pass. Iida, Ojiro, Tsunotori, take the west stairwell to the museum floors,
lock it down and figure out what they were after. Then start searching from the top down.
Me and Sparky here will head to the center floors and then clear up to meet you, then we’ll
all double back down to meet the ground team. GO!” Katsuki barked orders as his team
closed in on the building.

Ojiro and Tsunotori frowned, already feeling annoyed by Bakugo’s leadership.

Kuroiro hummed. “I see what you meant.”

After nods and muttered agreement, the teams hit the building lobby at a run. Bondo fired a
quick stream of Cemedine across the elevator bank, before he followed the rest of his team
through the grand doors into the ground floor. The other teams headed for their stairwells.

Iida took the stairs three at a time, engines pumping and steps sure as he raced. Ojiro simply
leaped from railing to railing, zig-zagging up the stairwell center towards the top, joined by
Tsunotori. She would leap several floors, land and then leap several more.

“You guys move fast.” Rin whistled. “Of course we do!” Bakugo said cockily.

On the other stairwell, Bakugou and Kaminari were forced to take a more mundane route.
They ran the stairs two at a time as they raced for the seventh floor to begin their chase.

Far above, a pale blond-haired boy sighed and tossed a can attached to a small blasting cap, a
long line of string and a wireless trigger over the railing. The string quickly pulled tight, the
line tied off on the lower railing of the staircase.

“Bombs away.” Neito grinned, then turned back and helped maneuver the coffin through the
doors onto floor 13. Across from him, Momo was turning and placing a second prepped can-
and-cord set up on the ceiling, attached by a strip of duct tape from her pocket.

Monoma grinned. “Traps.”

Kaminari sighed. “Traps…”

“Move it, assholes. We’ve got to get set up!” Kyouka whispered at the two creators as Yuga
pulled the leading edge of the coffin through doors and into a high rise office.

“Rude.” Aoyama huffed.

“King to acquisitions squad. Defend your floor and keep the elevators intact. We’re arriving
through the tunnels in four minutes. Hold off until then. Hacker suggests compound six on the
doors and support structures to reinforce. Hold out on the far side from the elevator banks and
clear an arena in the center. Feel free to trap the halls from the stairs.”

“Understood, King," Kyouka replied, already moving to begin.

Izuku frowned. “It’s so weird to get called king.”

“Harem king! Harem king!” Mineta chanted.

“Please no…”

Tenya broke into the museum entrance first and started a search of the floor, looking for
messed up exhibits, broken glass or signs of a struggle. He found it easy, as there was a
straight path of molten metal grates leading through the hallways. Following them, he found
and marked seven variant civil-bots, their outfits and painted decorations marking them as
fake security guards. Each of them had holes punched through heads or necks. He quickly
compared them to memory and tapped his comms. “Alert. Two intruder identities suggested
from damage in the museum location. Jirou Kyouka and Aoyama Yuga.” He looked around
before adding, “Whatever they took was from the zombie exhibit. Looks like it was a

A few students couldn’t help but envision the bots as dead people.

“Got it, Glasses For Brains. Take a look around for a minute then start down. Sparky and I are
almost at floor nine. Shitty Hair, Steel Hair, you two find anything?”

Kirishima snorted. “I thought it was four eyes?”

“Honestly I’ll take glasses for brains.” Tenya sighed, shaking his head.

“Uhh, not yet Bakubro! Most of the lower floors are just conference rooms and cubicle cells so
far. We’ve got Bondo sealing up the main exits as we go and he’s got the elevator banks done.
We’re finishing the second floor now.”

Sero snorted. “Bakubro.”

“I swear-“ Bakugo began, getting cut off as Kirishima laughed. “Bakubro!”

Aizawa’s eyes flashed before a murder could take place.

“Hurry it up. Iida, get a move on.”

“Understood.” He disconnected and then turned to his team, who had been following along.
“Ojiro, start from the central room, check the upper balcony. Tsunotori, clear where you can
on this floor and then guard the door. I’ll start on the computers, set up an uplink to HQ so
we can access the feeds.”
Denki jogged through the floor, eyes roaming as he searched. Bakugou had gone the far way
around the floor. Each step sent small sparks across his skin and lights flickering brighter as
he passed.

“Next fucking floor,” came the order as he and Bakugou regrouped at the stairs, heading up
once more.

Uraraka frowned.

“Your leadership skills need some work.” Tsuyu said.

“That’s putting it lightly.” Yaoyorozu agreed.

They rushed up the steps and Denki saw Bakugou flinch and start to turn. He turned with
him, eyes barely making out something swaying in the center of the stairwell–

Then he heard a beep and a bang. He felt himself get smacked with something wet and
rubbery, reflexively covering his face and closing his eyes. Long, thin lines of something
unknown wrapped around and clung to his skin and clothes.

Kaminari yelped.

“In a real scenario, you would’ve died.” Nighteye said bluntly, Aizawa nodding in agreement.

“That’s why they’re in school, to prevent that from happening.” Toshinori defended, frowning at
the two.

“SHITFUCKER!” Well, Bakugou sounded pissed. No surprise. Denki opened his eyes and
looked around. The section of the stairwell and the next floor, both above and below, was
lined with sticky green threads that reminded Denki of a spider web from hell. The feeling
was reaffirmed as he tried to pull at it and it simply stuck and started to set across his limbs.

A few steps up, he heard a small explosive bang, and a set of lines fell free to tangle in the
web in the center of the stairwell.

“MOTHER FUCKING BULLSHIT.” A click and then: “Glasses be on the lookout for
fucking traps. Canister about four centimeters across and ten tall. Had a blasting cap on it.
Filled the stairwell down here with gunk for a good ten fucking meters across cube. We’re
stuck for a bit until I can blow a hole through without breaking the goddamn staircase.”

“Shitty long ears buying time…” Bakugo grumbled. Jirou raised her eyebrows at him, before
deciding he wasn’t worth the effort.

As he spoke, Denki focused and began to channel a charge through the strands closest to him,
slowly making them crack and sizzle, before some of them popped, falling off his body.

Kaminari grinned, sparks flying off his hand.

The conversation with Iida cut out, and the two of them started forwards, Bakugou blowing
the strands away, and Denki frying them.

“I can still hear Bakugou and Kaminari at the lower edge of my range. The trap worked and
they’re stuck for a bit. Iida and his team are getting ready to come down the west stair door
in less than a minute,” Kyouka called out, looking at the rest of the team.

Neito and Momo were just about finished setting up traps. Both of them were making a
second cylinder trap in the other stairwell above the door.

Midoriya scribbled an idea in his notebook. Considering Bakugo’s current team, pretty much all of
them could be taken out by gas attacks… I’d have to ask Yaoyorozu about that later though…

The substance they sprayed across the door itself was a compound Mei had come up with
after seeing Bondo’s Cemedine in action. As a quick-drying bonding agent, it would form a
thin layer of resin across the doors, practically freezing against the material and keeping
them supported against impact. A quick layer of extension bars were screwed into the frame
that kept the doors secured and then got resin glued to the back of the doors.

“Ohhh could you come by the studio later? I wanna make those babies!” Mei said, glancing at
Bondo and then quickly looking back, as if she’d already taken yes for an answer.

Classic Hatsume… Izuku chuckled.

Meanwhile, both Yuga and Kyouka had cleared the cubicles back, a quick laser burst on a
low setting cutting some pieces in half as they, also with a bottle of compound six, sprayed
and crafted a quick set of fortifications out of the cubicle remains. They had three points of
security: one simple foxhole at the end of each hall from the stairwells and a larger one
backed against the private offices at the far side of what was once sea of cubicles.

As the creative duo fell back, Kyouka pulled a simple handgun from her pack and three clips
of RG13 rounds. Yuga did the same and the others pulled their own skeletonized versions out
of their gear, clipping parts together as their guns took shape.

Jirou grinned. “Gonna go out guns blazing atleast.”

Kyouka could call them all smaller handguns, based on what video games have taught her.
She also knew that they were fired using a compressed air cartridge with a red goo payload
on the end, spent CO2 cartridges getting kicked out the chamber.

“Boss, contact incoming.”

“We’re almost there. Hold out for two minutes more and be ready to move."

Izuku frowned. He disliked not being there to help, but it couldn’t be helped.

“We’ll try,” she said, pointing for Momo to trigger the doorway charges.

“Fuck!” came echoing up from one stairway, while a squeal of disgust came from the other.

Monoma snorted at Bakugo’s displeasure.

“Hurry, Boss. They’re at the doors.”


And with that, the doors began to cave in.

“Aw damn, Iida’s there.” Jirou frowned.

“May the best hero or villain win.” Iida nodded.

Izuku adjusted the long, loose jacket he wore over his suit, emphasizing his thin figure and
making him seem taller. The short lifts on his boots also assisted with that illusion.

To his right, in an identical jacket, Con Man matched his pace. Assault took his left, his form
all but concealed beneath the broad brim of his hat and the massive, loose high-collar navy-
blue coat he wore like a cape. As he got to the maintenance room, he looked at the controls,
knowing Hacker could see them through his mask cameras. He plugged her thumb drive into
the security computer, the civil-bot that had been sitting there quickly bearing Assault’s
handprint four inches deep in its face, sparks flying before it could react and alert the hero

“Assault huh? Not bad.” Shoji shrugged.

Nighteye hummed in amusement. Bringing Mei and Shinso into the mix was a stroke of genius, he
had to admit.

In the meantime, Izuku stepped away and popped the cover of the breakers for the building
off with a flick of Full Cowl through his fingers. He looked at the array of switches.

“Which breakers?”

“Top left, flip up. Bottom center, flip down, same to the bottom left. Center is lighting and main
power. I need it turned off and the far left flipped to full to keep the elevators on.”

Izuku followed the instructions, Con Man and Assault were standing next to the main
elevator with arms crossed, until with a click, the elevator button beeped.

“How did you catch all that?” Kaminari gawked at him.

“Yeah, she kind of lost me at ‘Top left, flip up.’” Mina admitted.

Yui blinked at her. “That was the first one.”


“Elevators coming down. Cameras say that Kiri, Tetsu, and Bondo are about to hit the fifth
floor. Baku and Kami are pushing up the stairwell to the east, and are close to the mess at the
door. Iida and his team are almost through the web bomb outside their door, however, and are
nearly in.”

A beat passed, Izuku lowering his head, and mouth moving near silently as he thought.

He took a slow breath and he looked up, eyes gleaming under the brim of his hat.

“Alright. Here’s how we’re going to play it...”

“Ooo I can’t wait!” Uraraka pumped her fists.

“Can’t wait to see what your plan is, moptop.” Tokage chuckled, ruffling his messy hair with a
disembodied hand.

4 days before the exam

Izuku was a teenager and his room reflected that.

“Pretty sure even with all of us combined, we wouldn’t have even a fourth of the All Might gear in
your room.” Sero deadpanned at Izuku.

“Is that including or excluding Sir?” Izuku asked.

Besides the overwhelming hero-worship, he had an array of clutter across his room most of
the time. But with the last few days of surprise exercise reveals and choosing teams, his desk
had become cluttered to a new level. A notebook with his team's Quirks was sitting on it,
each page cross-referenced with possible combinations and tricks. His laptop was set up
beside it, the screen filled with basic blueprints and a few hundred tabs with various research
papers and theories.

“Remind me to check those notebooks more in depth.” Aizawa told Midoriya. They could
probably help a lot in terms of improving his class’s quirks and abilities.

Aside from that, there was also a large map of the fake city pinned to the wall, graciously
procured by Mei from the school's servers. He had spent time mapping out the tallest
buildings and points of interest. Bank, museum, government offices, hero offices. The tallest
building was marked on the blueprints as a landmark, which means there was something
going on there.

“As expected of Midoriya.” Iida said, impressed even as he adjusted his glasses.

Izuku himself was sketching his latest revamped villain outfit design into his notebook. His
laptop tabbed to a new window as he played highlights of old movies.

Movies where villains were one of the main characters.

“Oh?” Yaoyorozu tilted her head.

“You’re method acting.” Yanagi and Jirou noted, impressed.

Old superhero movies were a good start, even 200 years later, the 32 part MCU was still a
good watch. Besides that, he watched some true classics. The Godfather series (both the
Marlon Brando original and the 2082 remake) the entire gamut of Ocean's 11 movies (cut
down to mostly heist plans and executions). He looked through fan breakdown videos about
Magneto, Loki, the Joker, and many more.

Midoriya scribbled those names down, intent on doing more research in his free time. It would
help to know how villains thought when he went up against them.

“We should have movie night and watch a few of those!” Mina squealed.

“A class bonding exercise… this would be a good way to both study in a more relaxed setting and
further strengthen the relationships between our classes! Aha! What a delightful proposition.” Iida
said, his arms cutting through the air.
Never change Iida… Izuku chuckled.

On his desk was a smaller black book, marked with black ink and red cross-outs, notes on
how villains acted, on what they did right and writing on how they inflicted fear and made
their enemies flinch away.

He would have to make an impression. He had to hit the morale and minds of the heroes
hard and fast, plant the idea that he is in command…

‘Explosives… fire… and collateral damage. I have to make the entire city a war zone. I have to
take control.’

For the first time, the villain smile came effortlessly to his face.

The screen shut off.

“Y’know moptop, I’m really grateful you aren’t a villain.” Setsuna broke the silence with a

Izuku nodded, dumbfounded. “Yeah…”

“Man that went by quick, can’t wait to see what’s on tomorrow.” Kaminari said, standing up and

“It’s quite interesting to see how your mind works, Izuku. Plus it’s oddly satisfying to see your
plans succeed.” Yaoyorozu said, a soft smile on her lips.

Both classes lingered for a bit, discussing today’s watch. Nighteye rested a hand on Izuku’s
shoulder before he could leave.

“Accompany us to the teacher’s lounge.” Nighteye simply said, All Might and Aizawa nodding
behind him.

“Huh? Uh… ok. Did I do something wrong?” Izuku said as he followed them, tilting his head.

“No. This is about the raid.” Aizawa said, grabbing Izuku’s attention.

“Indeed. We’re making our move next week. We’re getting the girl and arresting Overhaul.”
Nighteye said, adjusting his glasses.

“I see…” Izuku said, his eyes steeling with determination as he clenched his fists. Eri…

“We’re going to go over the final plan, double checking details and making sure they coincide with
what we’ve seen so far. Also, I was hoping you could provide your own insight, it could possibly
help improve our chances.” Nighteye said, a bit bitterly.

All Might gave Izuku a thumbs up, who seemed a bit shaken.

Chapter End Notes

Raid is after this, not sure if I'll do a chapter but yeah this was a good universe to show
because now Nighteye has decided to ask Izuku for help. Time to put his green brain
to good use.

Hope y'all enjoyed

A step forward
Chapter Summary

No other universe this time. However, the plot advances nonetheless.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Good job."

Izuku beamed happily at Kodai's praise, taking a moment to look himself over in the mirror.

It took a few times, and by that he means about 3 hours, but finally he learned.

He learned how to finally tie his tie properly.

Yui gave a small 'mm' as she pulled him towards her by the tie, sharing a soft kiss with him.

He had to admit, life was pretty good so far. It'd suck if some random villain were to crash it right

He looked out the window, seeing nothing.


"Again, thank you so much for your help!" Izuku said, bowing to Yui who chuckled softly at his

"If you want to make it up to me…" Kodai trailed off, her eyes boring into his and causing his
breath to hitch.
"Some food would be nice." Kodai admitted, and a metaphorical light bulb popped above Izuku's
head. "I could make us some Katsudon! If… if you want?"


"Right!" Izuku pounded a fist into his open palm, quickly racing down to the kitchen. He originally
wasn't good at cooking, like at all, but then Tokage urged him and gave him puppy eyes and he
decided 'why not'.

He's still confused as to why she was so insistent. He had to admit though, it did pay off. He's
positive he's atleast perfected his Katsudon recipe, much to his own glee.

Now here's hoping she likes it…

Once the Katsudon was ready, he and Kodai sat on the table and began eating. Her eyes widened
after she swallowed the first bite, and then she slowly savored the second one. Izuku noticed, his
mind already berating him.

"Uh… is it that bad?"

"No. I expected it to be good, just not… this good." Yui said, giving a small happy hum as she took
another bite. "It tastes wonderful."

Izuku beamed at her, his smile radiating all across the room and nearly blinding Tokoyami sitting
on the couch. "I'm glad!"

"Woahhh! What's cooking, good lookin?" a floating head whispered in Izuku's ear. He stumbled
back with a yelp, nearly tumbling out of his seat.

"Se-Setsuna! What're you doing here?" Izuku coughed out after he was sure he wasn't suffering a
heart attack.

"Was looking for her actually." Tokage gestured towards Yui, who was eating and watching them
like one would watch T.V.
"But… I suppose you'll have to do." Tokage turned to look at him, smirking. "W-What do you
mean?" Izuku asked, tilting his head.

"Was gonna use Yui to move some stuff, but you're definitely strong enough to do it yourself. So
what do you say moptop? Can't exactly have Yui over here hogging you all for herself." Tokage
shrugged, pouting at Yui.


Two floating hands began tugging at his arms, dragging him away. "I- uh… help?"

Yui regarded them as she ate, doing nothing as he was dragged away.

For an instant, their eyes locked. One pleading and confused, the other amused and indifferent.


"So Mirio fights him for 5 minutes while he's quirkless?"


"Wow Mirio, you really are amazing." Izuku said in awe, regarding the third year.

"If all goes well, he won't have to fight quirkless." Nighteye said, looking over all the facts Mei and
Nezu had compiled for him.

We can't have two Eraserheads, but we could use another Erasure type …
"What are the chances of Fatgum and Kirishima losing against these two." Nighteye asked Mei.
"Uh… 35%?" Mei jogged her memory.

Mirio frowned. "I don't remember these 2 from the report."

"That's because they weren't. These two are more recent." Nighteye explained.

"Yep! The big one is called Rappa. His quirk basically let's him throw really fast and really strong
punches. Sir was able to take his clone down easily though. The other one has a strong shield
quirk." Mei recalled, pointing at the two.

"Right… well these are the only ones that pose any real threat… Overhaul's 8 bullets. Not to
mention the league, although the only one that actually attacks us is Toga." Nighteye said, rubbing
his chin.

"What are your thoughts?" Aizawa suddenly spoke, his attention on Midoriya.

"I… well uh the biggest problem I see is that they're going to use Irinaka to buy time for them, and
even though Mirio does buy us time, it isn't without consequence. Finding a way to stop or slow
down Irinaka's meddling would be first and foremost. In that case, Cementoss or even Honenuki
would be an excellent counter." Izuku explained, looking up to be met with silence.

"Did I… say something wrong?"

Everyone regarded him. "No actually… you thought up a brilliant solution that puts a stop to
Irinaka. This already saves us quite a few minutes." Nighteye said after a moment.

I should've asked for Midoriya's advice sooner. For him to come up with a plan that quickly…
Nighteye adjusted his glasses.

"Right, what else do you propose?" Aizawa sighed.

"Uh… " Izuku took in a deep breath, preparing himself. "If it's possible, I'd like to recommend
Hitoshi Shinso and Ibara Shiozaki for this mission."

Aizawa stiffened. "Absolutely not."

"Shinso isn't even a part of the hero course. While I understand his quirk would be more than
enough help to shut down many of our opponents, he doesn't possess the experience needed to-"

"Then Monoma." Izuku interrupted, startling them. Aizawa blinked. "His copy quirk can only work
for a few minutes."

Mei coughed into her hand. "I uh… I can help with that."

Nighteye hummed. "Very well. What would you have Monoma and Shiozaki do?"

"I need Monoma to shut down these two. The shield and spear. Shiozaki to help Suneater against
these three. We waste less time and they come out less tired and injured. Shiozaki's ability to
quickly restrain opponents is no joke. Furthermore, considering they're actually a part of her and
not a manifestation like Tamaki's, the one with the larceny quirk won't be able to steal them. She
should prioritize him. Suneater should prioritize the one that eats, if Mr. Aizawa doesn't knock him
out properly." Midoriya explained, nearly mumbling.

"Ok. I think I got all that." Aizawa blinked, rubbing his eyes.

"Holy shit." All Might coughed out, some blood dripping from his mouth.

Nighteye blinked at him in shock. "What? I didn't expect him to come up with all of this!"
Toshinori defended himself.

"Well uh… I liked studying quirks and pros in my spare time so… I guess I have some experience
in that regard…" Izuku chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Right… that basically handles the 8 bullets for us. Mirio, make sure to properly knock out the two
that are with Overhaul." Nighteye said, looking at his intern.
Mirio nodded. "I won't let Eri down!"

"That just leaves Overhaul." Aizawa said.


"His hands are the biggest threat, not to mention he can alter the terrain as he see's fit."

Mei coughed, remembering something. "Um… there's a slight possibility he has the quirk boosters
with him. A few of the universes I watched had him use it. It's game over if he uses it."

"Right." Mirio and Izuku nodded.

"So how do we handle him? Mirio could, but Eri would be in the way, and he reassembled his
knocked out teammates."

Izuku grit his teeth, deep in thought. He opened his mouth to say something, but-

"No you are not going to continuously tear yourself apart and get rewinded. Think of something
else, problem child." Aizawa scolded him.

Izuku's eyes widened. "I've got it!"

"Well, let's hear it."

"Can we get Monoma and Shiozaki right now?" Izuku asked.

The 3 adults in the room blinked at him.

"Why?" Nighteye asked hesitantly.

Izuku grinned.

"We're gonna teach Monoma how to use Permeation."

"H-Hatsume…?" Izuku asked groggily.

Why was she in his room?

What time was it?

Why was she leaning over him on his bed?


"Oh good, you're awake! I finished up your gear! Just wanted you to try them real quick." Mei
giggled, ruffling his hair.

"Hatsume… it's barely 3 in the morning… why are you awake? Couldn't this wait till later?" Izuku
groaned, rubbing at his eyes. He was trying to ignore the fact a cute girl was on his bed.

"No rest for brilliant inventors like me! Anyways these should help you with the raid." Mei
shrugged, plopping down a pair of… gloves?

Izuku sat up properly, studying the intricate craftsmanship on the gloves. "Hatsume these are
amazing!" Izuku cheered, lifting up one of the gloves.
"Yep! Considering you can use 20%, that means you should be able to shoot off air attacks. Which
is where these babies come in. I'm pretty sure beakface can't disassemble air." Mei beamed, her
goggles plopping onto her eyes with the movement.

Izuku stared at her like a goddess. "Thank you so much!"

Mei blushed, the dark room thankfully obscuring her now red face. "No problem! I also took the
liberty of reinforcing your footwear, and Powerloader spent the whole evening making Lemillion's
outfit thicker. Something about stopping needles, I forgot." Mei shrugged.

Izuku beamed at her, putting on one of the gloves.

"I love them!"

"Honenuki won't be able to make it?" Shiozaki asked, looking around for her classmate.

Aizawa shook his head. "The hero he's interning with is busy with their own operation. We were
able to get you two, thankfully. You'll be a big help to this raid."

Monoma nodded smugly, admiring the purple and yellow rings that now adorned his ring fingers
as part of his costume. "I'll graciously help 1A out this time, after all it is what a hero would do.

Nighteye walked up to them. "Gran Torino also won't be joining us, but we already know what he's
going up against. Miruko is headed there as backup."

Izuku nodded, tugging at his gloves as he made eye contact with Lemillion. They both nodded.

We'll definitely save her.

"Good job."

"To you as well, Suneater."

Ibara huffed, gulping down some water and regarding the four unconscious villains wrapped up
against the wall. The plan had gone smoothly so far, better than the two had expected.

They'd rushed in instantly, allowing themselves to be thrown down a floor before Cementoss
ultimately wrestled control from Irinaka, spitting him out directly into Midoriya's foot.

Suneater would go after the rest and Ibara would drag these 4 up to Bubble Girl and the others.

Suddenly Monoma phased through the wall, his fingers quickly brushing through Setsuno's hair.
"Need this real quick, bye." Monoma quickly said, phasing out of the room as quickly as he came.

Suneater blinked.

"Right, well let's get going."

"Kirishima, you good?"

"Yep… no worries. Thanks for the help teach!" Kirishima grinned, wincing slightly as Fatgum
bandaged up his broken arms.

Cementoss nodded, glancing at the two villains that were almost fully encased in cement.
Midoriya had noted that the shield couldn't travel underground, so all Cementoss had to do was
manipulate the cement inside the shield and knock out the villains while Fatgum protected him.

"Let's go catch up with the others."

"What? Your quirk should be gone by now!"

To say Overhaul was livid was an understatement.

Evidently Irinaka was taken out quickly, and then some hero brat comes and knocks out the 3 men
Overhaul was with.

As if that weren't bad enough, the kid could phase through attacks, and Overhaul had diverted his
attention towards Eri, hoping to make the hero slip up.

To top it all off, the infected hero before him had slipped up and then been shot by the quirk
erasing bullet, but evidently it hadn't pierced through his suit.

Overhaul's eye twitched as a fist phased through his outstretched palm, socking him across the jaw.

He quickly placed his hand down on the ground as he fell, and Mirio had to quickly phase through
the ground, snagging Eri up before she could be skewered by spikes.

"You filthy heroes screwed everything up…" Overhaul growled, rubbing at his bruised jaw. "No
one's been of help today… and I won't let you take Eri. Screw this, no going back… I refuse to lose
today. I have to remove this sickness, NO MATTER WHAT!" Overhaul bellowed, pulling out a
small box.

Before Mirio could make a move, one of the walls gave way as Midoriya and Kirishima barreled
through it.

Monoma tensed up as he followed behind them. "What're you doing?!"

Overhaul chuckled, his eyes deranged as he seemingly hunched up. He opened up the box,
revealing a syringe. "I'm ending this-"

The villain's eyes went dull. Monoma raised his hand up, the box and syringe appearing in his
outstretched palm.

"Yes. This is over." Monoma drawled, handing the box over to Nighteye as Midoriya ran over to

"Do you still have your quirk?" Suneater asked Mirio. His friend beamed at him, pointing towards
the discarded bullet on the ground. "Yep!"

Overhaul grunted briefly as he was smacked out of the brainwashing. His head hit the concrete and
he was out cold before he could try anything, his quirk already erased by Aizawa.

Nighteye hummed. "That went… far smoother than I expected." Aizawa nodded. "Atleast problem
child won't have to break himse-"

Kirishima shoved the pro out of the way as a long strand of hair shaped like an arrow jabbed
against his now hardened chest, rebounding without any effect. "Not gonna happen!" the redhead
yelled out as Suneater slammed a fist against Kurono's head, knocking him out.

"Thanks." Aizawa sighed, berating himself for forgetting about him.

Fatgum laughed, patting both of his interns backs. "Well, let's get going!"

"Food is on me!"

Gran Torino threw a glance behind him, chuckling slightly at Tsukauchi's startled gasp as the
rabbit hero touched down a few feet away.

"I wasn't aware you'd be coming."

Miruko shrugged, stretching her arms. "Got a call from former #1. Said his sidekick saw something
would happen here, and asked me to come. Said I'd be more reasonable than Endeavor."

She frowned, remembering something. "He was really insistent on making sure I didn't
try…'throwing down with the big one' or something. So, I'm guessing he's not talking about

Gran Torino nodded. "We received intel that we'd encounter whoever Kurogiri is meeting up with
here. The priority here is capturing Kurogiri. Whatever happens, his capture comes first, even if we
have to let the big one go."

Miruko huffed. "Fine!"

Tsukuachi gave the order, and they fanned out. Barely 10 minutes passed when Miruko halted, her
ears twitching.

"Got something?" Gran Torino asked, landing on a tree branch.

"I'm hearing something big shuffling around that way, and… a radio crackling?" Miruko frowned,
tilting her rabbit ears towards the noise.

Gran Torino nodded, gesturing towards Tsukauchi to follow.

The two pros raced off, bouncing from tree to tree until they finally came to a clearing. Kurogiri's
eyes narrowed as he saw the pros, and quickly turned to open a warp gate.

He grunted in pain as he felt a foot slam into his brace, knocking him onto the grass. "Easy there
smokey, don't want anything bad to happen now would we?" Miruko smirked, pressing her foot
threateningly against the villain's neck brace.

"At last. Once we've got you, the most troublesome member of the league, behind bars… the rest
will be sure to follow." Gran Torino sighed in relief, slapping a pair of quirk restraining cuffs onto
the villain's misty hands.

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed as he regarded Gran Torino. "Tell me. Have you heard of a giant, wild
man roaming through these woods? You see, I too came for these rumors."

Gran Torino huffed. "You can tell us all about it once you're in Tartarus." Miruko's ears twitched,
and she frowned as she looked at a cluster of trees in front of them.

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed. "If you thought I was troublesome…"

Miruko swore as she quickly lifted up Kurogiri. The trees barely a dozen yards away shifted and
branches snapped as an enormous hand pushed them away. "Contact!"

The giant that the hand belonged to regarded the heroes, his eyes narrowing.

Kurogiri's tone turned a bit smug. "You'll find Gigantomachia to be…"

A giant outstretched palm lifted up over the giant brute's head, the radio dangling on it's chest
crackling with unintelligible words.

"Much more troublesome."

The hand came down.

"What're you watching?"

Izuku jerked up as Nighteye walked in. Izuku and Mei had been watching a universe. They'd been
laying on the couch for a few hours now.

Izuku kind of liked this one. It had a more anime feel to it, with effects and music and all that.

"Just another universe. It even has it's own opening and everything. It's called 'My Hero Academia'
and uh… apparently I'm the protagonist…" Izuku chuckled, sweatdropping a bit.

Nighteye sighed. "I meant what are you watching now."

"Oh! Well I wanted to improve my new shoot style, so I was watching how All Might taught me in
another universe, and- look there's Mei with the gloves now!" Izuku startled, pointing to the Mei on

"Oh wow, I really am kind of dirty ehehe…" Mei chuckled, scratching the back of her head as she
noticed her other self.

"Remember not to rely on support gear too much. I've seen too many pros fall down that
trap." Toshinori advised.

Izuku nodded as All Might studied the gloves. "I didn't know they could make gear this
compact! Back in my day, the support gear I wore could only handle 20-30% of my power,
which is why I stuck to my body alone!"

All Might buffed up, grinning proudly as an image of his past self using gear was shown.

"Oh wow, I didn't even know All Might had support gear. Did you know Zuku?" Mei asked, tilting
her head to look at her friend.
Her friend who was staring off into space, catatonic.

"Uh… Zuku?"

She took a glance at Nighteye, blinking in surprise as he stood ramrod straight, pale.

Izuku and Nighteye swerved to look at each other. "Did you know?" they both asked at the same

They both blinked. "I didn't!" they both nearly yelled out, perfectly in sync.

Mei startled, wondering what was up. "Uh…"

Nighteye knelt down as Izuku shifted in his seat. They were both clutching their heads.

"All Might with support gear. All Might with support gear… look at that. For me to not know this
Rare Might. I'm a failure of an All Might fan…" they both whispered, sweating profusely.

Mei sighed, shaking her head.

"So, what'd you need me for? Is this about Tokoyami?"

"Not quite. This is about the league."

Hawks blinked, his easy going smile dipping slightly. Nezu calmly poured him some tea.

"What about them? If you want me to join the investigation… I'd love to but I simply don't have
the time." Hawks chuckled. Nezu hummed, running his paw through the rim of the cup.
"We both know that's not the case. You recently made contact with the villain known as Dabi."
Nezu decided to lay the cards out.

Hawks stiffened up, his smile fully dropping now. "How-"

"You have your sources. I have mine. However, that's not the point of me calling you. I'd like to
request for your assistance, and I don't wish for the committee to know." Nezu continued on.

Hawks sat down, dropping his casual attitude as he took a sip of tea. "I answer to the committee.
Whatever I know, they know."

Nezu hummed. "It doesn't have to be that way. Besides… it wouldn't be beneficial for it to be that
way. Soon enough, you'll be very involved with the league, and if you value the lives of pretty
much every person in Japan, including your own, it would be in your best interest to work with us."

"What are you getting at?" Hawks frowned. Is he threatening me? Or just being blunt?

"Simple. I hold knowledge of the future. However, due to that, I know that the people you answer
to can't be trusted. They'll bend it to their favor." Nezu admitted.

"And you won't?"

"Certainly I would. That's the whole point of changing the future, Keigo. However, you'll come to
agree with me that how I plan to change it will be much more beneficial to the public. My duty is
to the people, not to my… 'superiors'" Nezu said the last word distastefully.

Hawks feathers ruffled at the subtle jab. "You'd have me work against the people who raised me."

Nezu chuckled at that, finishing his tea. "No. Quite the contrary. You'll still answer to them as you
normally would, but you'd also work with me. The committee has it's own plans for the league,
one's that I know will fail. Which is where our partnership comes into play. We'll close up the
holes in the plan, and capture the league, the meta liberation army, and whoever else might be at
Hawks tilted his head. "The meta liberation army?"

"I believe Shigaraki will come into contact with them soon enough. Say… a little over a month.
Try not to give yourself away." Nezu simply said.

Hawks frowned, deep in thought. This meeting had gone far differently than he expected, and Nezu
had already seen through him.

"You know…" Nezu jolted him from his thoughts. "You and I… we aren't so different. We were
both taken in and… molded because we posed qualities that were desired. Me with my intelligence,
and you for the level of skill you showed at quite the young age."

Hawks hummed. "You were experimented on. Tortured. I wasn't."

"Oh but you were. Granted, your experiments were far more friendly, and were merely stepping
stones to mold you into a proper hero. Or should I say, the committee's hero." Nezu explained.

"They took me in. They helped me. There's a difference." Hawks quickly argued.

"Is there? I read your file. I know about you. You weren't allowed to see your family for over a
decade. You spent… all that time, practically confined. Training and testing. Being improved and
raised to be a great hero. You're in the top 5 no less, so results speak for themselves. However, the
ends don't justify the needs." Nezu said cheerfully, his tone almost bordering on condescending.

Hawks stood up, his feathers rustling despite there being no breeze. "Unlike you, I was given a
choice. Thanks to that choice, my family was able to live comfortably, and I was able to become a
hero who's saved many lives."

Nezu shook his head. "Come now Hawks. We both know you're smarter than this. That's not a
choice. That's an ultimatum. Of course you would go with them, why wouldn't you?"

Hawks stiffened up slightly, but Nezu wouldn't stop.

"It may have seemed like a choice, but it simply wasn't. I've seen the evidence." Nezu continued,
swinging his monitor so that Hawks could see the screen. He hit play.

The scene shows a young Keigo, clutching an Endeavor plushie as he glanced back and forth
between the adults talking. Trash was littered all over the floor.

"This boy is blessed with incredible talent. He simply must become a hero. From now on, I
will provide support for him and his entire family. " one of the voices said.

Nezu hit pause, turning to face the now stonefaced pro. "He said it himself… 'he simply must
become a hero'... so tell me, Hawks."

Keigo's perceptive, narrowed eyes stared into Nezu's beady, calculating ones.

"Was it ever really a choice?"

Chapter End Notes

Yeo thank yall for saying u didnt want the whole raid it makes my life so much easier.
Next chapter will be a nomu izuku so look out for that in a few, enjoy
Universe 23
Chapter Summary

Woah what? Nomu Izuku? Sure why not.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Good to see all you problem children are still intact."

Izuku groaned, and Aizawa chuckled into his scarf as he took a seat. Mirio walked in with his
friends, followed by Sir. Both looked incredibly smug.

"We could've done this on Monday after classes, not the day after the raid." Tamaki mumbled.

The rest of the students were still fawning over the others that had gone on the raid. "To be
perfectly honest, it went much smoother than I expected it to." Izuku chuckled.

"I'm just glad you're ok moptop" Tokage sighed.



Izuku chuckled. "Well I'm glad we got Monoma and Shiozaki to help. Thank you both for the
assistance, I really appreciate it." Izuku beamed at them.

Monoma coughed, averting his eyes. "Whatever."

Ibara smiled, her cheeks pink. "Of course. Anytime Midoriya."

"Right, where's All Might?" Aizawa sighed. Nighteye frowned. "He's talking to Gran Torino at the
moment. Their… retrieval was successful, but not without complications."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "What was the mission?"

Nighteye took a second to think if it was ok to tell him, then decided he trusted him. "Gran Torino
and Miruko captured Kurogiri."

Aizawa tensed up, his nails scratching against the table slightly. "They have him?"

Nighteye nodded. "The league's main form of transportation is now ours."

Aizawa nodded, his chest coiling and burning. Shirakumo…

His eyes hardened, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. "Right, Hatsume if you would."

Hatsume rubbed her eyes, clicking play.

Everything hurt.

"Oof, bad start." Kaminari frowned.

He remembered standing on a rooftop, his dreams broken.

The students tensed up.

He'd turned around when he felt a presence behind him, and only saw a hand.

He'd woken up, only to be dragged back under into unconsciousness. Over and over. In his
brief moments of consciousness, he'd sometimes see a swirling mass of shadows, staring at

"Wait… what's going on?" Nejire asked.

"Mmm, not a good one." Uraraka pouted.

"Did you fucking get kidnapped?" Bakugo asked incredulously.

Sometimes it'd be the skinny one with pale hair, who stared at him with cruel, red eyes that
seemed to enjoy what was happening one.

"Tomura Shigaraki…" Izuku breathed out.

Rarely it was the man in the suit. Izuku knew that the man brought nothing but pain
whenever he arrived. He could barely make out any features, but the man appeared to be
bald and scarred. His teary eyes made it difficult to see.

"All for One." Nighteye growled out.

Almost always, the doctor was the one there. His lenses reflecting the light into Izuku's eyes.
He couldn't even cry out in pain whenever the doctor tore into him.

Izuku's pencil and notebook toppled onto the ground. "Izuku?" Yui asked hesitantly.

No… it couldn't be.

No no no…

"Yo moptop, are you ok?" Tokage's voice cut through his haze, a disembodied hand waving in
front of him.
"Bakubro?" Kirishima asked, glancing at his friend.

His friend who was sweating more than usual and who's face was contorting into an expression of
calm that one would reach after having surpassed the limits of their rage.

"Do you two recognize him?" Aizawa asked.

"Shitty wings grandpa." Bakugo managed to choke out.

"Eh?" Nighteye eloquently said.

"Dr. Tsubasa." Izuku managed to rasp out, sweat trailing down his face. "The one that diagnosed
me as quirkless."

Nighteye's blood froze, as did everyone's.

"W-wh…" Uraraka whimpered out.

"Are you certain that's him?" Nighteye quickly composed himself.

The two of them nodded. "Positive."

"We'll deal with this after." Aizawa promised, quickly scribbling in his notebook.



"more.... storage capacity..."

Izuku tilted his head in confusion, too disoriented to make sense of the hazy words.

Izuku barely caught snippets, wondering what they meant. Then he was dragged back under.

A week later, he discovered the quirk of the skinny, red eyed one. He awoke, his mouth open
in a silent scream no one would hear as his arms were slowly decayed, unable to shake them
free from the chains strapping him to the table.

"Deku!" Uraraka cried out. The other students yelled out in alarm or anger.

Aizawa winced, knowing full well how painful decay was.

He couldn't even lift his head up to see, but he could definitely feel as his bones cracked,
softened, then simply disappeared. Nothing but dust. The man, Shigaraki, he'd come to
know, was gleeful at his pain.

Izuku winced. He rubbed his arms subconsciously.

He hovered a hand over Izuku's face, one finger dangling above his forehead, not making
contact. Izuku briefly thought about how the quirk seemed to work with 5 fingers touching

Still doing quirk analysis even when you're dying… Bakugo's eye twitched.



All Might...?

Mirio's fists clenched.

Midoriya could tell that they were augmenting him in some sense. He felt bigger, sturdier.
His body felt stronger and heavier, more dense, but even still he couldn't muster the force to
break free. The doctor just kept slicing him open over and over again.

"Are they…" Kinoko couldn't bring herself to voice the question, her words dying in her throat.

Yaoyorozu nodded, dazed.

"They're making him into a nomu." Iida said, shocked.

"Not exactly…" Izuku frowned. They would've started adding other people onto me. I'm still
retaining my normal body."

Maybe like Wolfram? Izuku thought back to the villain from I-Island.

"Like that villain Nine, the one with multiple quirks." Shoji recalled.

Izuku gulped, nodding in agreement.

Sometimes he'd stick tubes in, and sometimes he'd inject him with long syringes. He'd bring a
couple of canisters, and the doctor would cheer whenever one of them was successfully
drained, forever stored in Izuku's body.

Are those… quirks? Izuku thought incredulously.

A month or two into the torture, Izuku couldn't tell how much time had passed, but he felt as
memories began to slip away. He noticed it when he'd thought back on what Kacchan would
be thinking at their school, and then had frowned when he couldn't remember the school's

Bakugo tensed, smoke curling out of his fists.





That train of thought was cut off as he felt a searing pain began to trace down his chest, the
doctor pumping him with whatever sick liquid was in one of the tubes.

The students frowned, a few of them teary eyed at their classmate in pain.

What was the name…

"They're wiping him mind…" Pony whimpered.

Kamakiri softly corrected her, too disturbed to even talk roughly.

Izuku drifted off into unconsciousness.

He briefly recalled what he'd read up on mind related quirks, he knew he'd written it down.
Something about... focusing.


Focus on something that matters.

"Guess those notebooks are good for something." Bakugo huffed out, a sliver of relief in his tone.

Shinso hummed, recalling that information.


No, he'd told him to jump off a roof. But no, Kacchan would never do that, right?

Bakugo grit his teeth, even as a few people tossed him a sharp glare, the rest just looked sad.

All Might!

No, he'd crushed his dreams. He's the reason he's even here right now. This was his fault.

Nighteye shuffled awkwardly in his seat. The students frowned, realizing it was both of their
actions that had ultimately resulted in Deku even being there.


Practically nonexistent.

A few students huffed.



Mom... she must be so worried.

Izuku gulped, his throat hurting even as he swallowed back tears.

Izuku could only lay there, silently weeping as his body was torn apart and stitched back
together again. He could feel his thoughts emptying, like a pipe silently draining away his
memories, but he could feel it.

"No…" Kendo trailed off sadly.

A month or two passed, he couldn't tell. He knew something had changed though. The doctor
had cheered when he'd severed Izuku's arm, much to the boy's immediate pain and panic to
the point he'd nearly passed out.

The students immediately yelled out in alarm as they watched the arm fall off the table.

His thoughts had screeched to a stop when he felt his arm begin to regrow. He could feel it as
if it was pushing itself outward. Bone pushing forth, nerves and blood piling after it with
rough skin keeping it from falling out. All of it pushing outwards together, faster than any
regeneration quirk he'd seen thus far.

Izuku couldn't tear his eyes off the screen. It was like watching something horrifying yet

"Regeneration…" Tokage whispered out.

What did they do to me...

Where are the heroes…

"Yeah, where the hell are the pros?" Mirio asked, teeth clenched.

Bakugo wanted to be a hero, right?

Where was Baku...



What was he thinking about again?

No… a bunch of students thought, aghast. Bakugo glared at his lap. Does the other me even give a
shit? Would I have noticed if Deku went missing? I would've, right?

"... Better than the Nomu..."

"... should've started... quirkless people long ago if this was the result..."

"Quirkless…" Monoma repeated, wondering about the implications of that.

"Has retained consciousness, mostly..."

"Body has remained near identical to the way it was when first acquired, albeit with more
muscle now..."

"...Quirks integrated well?"


Izuku scribbled on his notebook. Quirkless people handle more quirks?

Izuku frowned. Is that why I can use the other holder's quirks? But then, why couldn't All Might.
He was quirkless too…

Izuku struggled to think what he could remember of her. She had green hair, he thinks.
Izuku had green hair too. She also cried alot, and she had a nice smile.

Mom was nice, he knew that much.

Izuku smiled softly, his lips wobbling. The others cooed and smiled widely at that.

The bald one was back, and Izuku could clearly see the man was scarred, practically half his
face was missing. Tubes were jutting out from all over the man and it was honestly a miracle
he was alive.

"More like a curse." Nighteye grumbled under his breath.

The man hummed, placing a hand over Izuku's face.

"... will be ready by then"

"That's fine... I'll give him a little gift."

Nighteye tensed up.

Izuku winced internally as tendrils seemed to snake beneath his skin, pulsing. Then Izuku felt
the biggest pain in his life as suddenly all his senses were increased.

So that's what it feels like … a few students thought.

He could see, but the colors were too bright and there was too much detail.
He could smell, but there was the smell of blood and dead flesh, of clean equipment and
something more foul.

He could hear but everything sounded so much louder and painful. Little noises kept
scratching into Izuku's brain.

He could touch, but everything felt so much more detailed and chiseled. He could clearly feel
the scratches and grooves on the surface of the table he was strapped to. It was all too much.

His tongue felt dry, tasting the air much more strongly now and Izuku recoiled, attempting to
yell. He twisted and silently shrieked, the noises and movements only hurting him more.

"A quirk that enhances all senses. Of course, since I suddenly recieved it then I wouldn't have
developed the control and resistance to the sudden information overload…" Izuku muttered.

Jirou nodded, aware of how annoying it could be too suddenly hear too much. Mei hummed with

"Sometimes when I wake up, my zoom will be all out of wack and I'll open my eyes and stare deep
into a tiny tiny hole on my ceiling." Mei admitted. Izuku chuckled at her admittance.

"Went much more smoothly than expected..."

"He'll get used to the enhanced senses..."

"Let me know once he's accustomed."

The words rang painfully in his head. He needed to focus on something.

The students winced at the loud voices and reverb, their hearts hurting for the other Izuku.

Who could he focus on. He couldn't remember their names anymore.

Did he… really have no one to inspire him in his life? Nejire and Uraraka thought simultaneously,
lips slightly parted in shock.

Asui glanced at Midoriya, a small frown on her face. No one to cheer you on… how are you so

He could only envision what they represented. A muscular man obscured in fog, off in the
distance. An explosion. Then a... pulling sensation.

Who were they...

Why couldn't he remember? He needed to remember.

He could atleast remember… his name.

Shinso frowned. If you could break free from my quirk, you can remember. Come on.

A couple of months passed. He silently cried, trying to remember whatever it is he'd lost. He
cried as he felt the doctor crack his head open like an egg, prodding around in his head.
Regeneration was barely enough, and unfortunately it kept him conscious.

The students shivered, and Izuku quickly covered his head. Bakugo growled, veins pulsing around
his forehead.

"I'm going to incinerate that bald fuck."

"I'll help." Todoroki coldly stated.

He finally had a lucky break.

The doctor had been called away, something about an 'All Might' and 'U.A.'

Aizawa growled. Are they going to use him?

The names sounded familiar.

He struggled, yanking at his chains. He hadn't even been drugged yet. He could break out, he
had to. He pulled and pulled, and the chains snapped. He pulled himself off his feet,
staggering slightly as muscles long since unused were used once more.

The students gasped out, shocked.

He stood there for a couple of seconds, shocked and silent as he stared at the broken chains.
Then he ran.

"Go go go!" Awase immediately yelled out, startling the others before they proceeded to cheer on
after him.

He tried looking for an exit, then just began pounding on the wall. The wall cracked with the
first blow, startling him.

Strong… Izuku noted.

"Go go go!" Uraraka cheered out louder than the others, startling Tokage who was seated next to

He hit it again, widening it. Then again and again and it caved in. Izuku ran for the door he
saw at the far end, and then a large fist grabbed him.

"FUCK!" Kamakiri and Kaibara yelled out.

His mouth opened in a silent scream as he turned around to look at some... deformed, hulking
thing that seemed to have it's brain exposed.

"Nomu." Mineta choked out.

He threw a fist at the thing, hoping to get it off of him. He beamed internally as the fist tore
the head right off of it's shoulders. Then he continued running.

"Holy shit." Monoma whistled out in astonishment.

"Run little man!" Pony cheered on.

Izuku sputtered. "I'm not short- or atleast he isn't…"

He barged through the doors, blowing them off their hinges. His senses were immediately
assaulted by sunlight and various noises all around him.

"Freedom!" A few students yelled out.

"Not yet, he needs to get away." Tamaki said, worry in his tone.

A few people screamed and cars screeched to a halt as they stared at him.

Aizawa stumbled out of his seat, snapping photos of the location. Nighteye immediately followed
"Holy fuck!"

"...ok Kid?"

"Someone... ambulance!"

Izuku ran and placed his hands on the shoulders of the closest person, opening his mouth to
speak. Nothing was coming out.

" Shit , he can't talk." Jirou swore.

Koda gulped. "This is bad…"

His eyes turned watery as the person in front of him shook slightly with fear. Izuku clutched
at his throat, his mind slipping even as he pointed inside, where he'd come from.

He shook his head, staggering slightly as he tried to control his breath. He could see his arms
clearly in the light now. They were like his usual arms, only more muscular and scarred now.

Izuku took a step back. What did they do to me...

If I ever see that doctor… was the collective thought in the room.

Izuku looked around him, at the people taking pictures and watching him like one would an
animal in a zoo.

He needed heroes. He needed someone to take action. No... he needed to get as far away from
this place as possible.

"What? No, find the pros!" Sero cried out.

Aizawa huffed. "Unfortunately, he's correct. Pros can come later, because frankly no one save for
All Might stand a chance against All for One."

Nighteye nodded in agreement. "He needs to make distance."

So Izuku turned around, and ran.

He ran much faster than he'd ever run before, clearing the street in less than a second. In less
than a minute, the hospital he'd just escaped from was no longer visible.

"He's really running…" Kaminari said in awe.

"He really is…" Kirisihima agreed.

He continued to run. He needed to get away, and then find help.

"A... kid?"

"Oh wow, scene shift." Jirou pouted.

"Yes, we have reason to believe that... an old villain is back." Tsukauchi said, hesitantly
throwing a glance at All Might.

"Atleast they're aware now." Nighteye huffed.

"Are you positive it's him?"

Tsukauchi nodded. "We found a a decapitated corpse further in the morgue, where the kid
had just come out from. When we analyzed it, it came up with more than one quirk factor
and DNA."
"So it was modified or something?" Miruko asked, her ears twitching.

"Seems they got a good chunk of the top 10" Rin noted, looking at the screen.

Tsukauchi nodded. "The villain capable of this was supposedly left for dead 5 years ago. His
quirk allowed him to take and give quirks as he saw fit. His name is All for One."

"All for One and One for All." Monoma sighed out, shaking his head.

A few of the pros shifted awkwardly at that information. All Might's fist clenched as he
thought about that monster.

"There was apparently a lab there, but it's long since been cleared. Evidently they didn't
expect the boy to escape, considering the lab was cleared rather hastily. Our priority is to find
this kid. We tried to find out who he is, but All for One was very thorough in deleting
anything and everything about the boy. To put it bluntly, he doesn't exist. Except for this."
Tsukauchi further explained, a picture of Izuku laying on the table before the pros.

"You look pretty feral there." Shishida remarked.

Is that his version of a compliment or…

"T-thank you?" Izuku hesitantly said.

"We need to find and bring this kid in, no matter what. All for One can't get to him first."

"Leave it to us!"

Aizawa suddenly tensed up again. He might panic if one of them confronts them. It's possible he'll
"So, he escaped."

"Yes... unfortunately we didn't reach the stage where he'd be loyal to our commands. I had
only just finished adjusting his body to his quirks. In my... haste to meet with you, I forgot to
check the subject was properly sedated."

"Now he's going to die, because that's what happens to extras in movies." Bakugo said smugly.

Monoma nodded.

All for One hummed, his fingers drumming against his seat with a bit more force than
necessary. "If you were not so valuable, old friend, I'd strike you down where you stand right
now." All for One simply said, his smooth tone carrying an undercurrent of venom.

Yaoyorozu swore under her breath, disappointed.

So he's vital to All for One's operation… Izuku noted, cupping his chin deep in thought.

"Y-yes All for One..."

"Hmm... locate the boy, but don't capture him. His escape was unfortunate, but we can make
it work. We'll allow him to get accustomed to his quirks, and then once he's gathered some
mastery over them, we'll simply snag him back." All for One ordered.

"Shit, sleeper agent." Jirou frowned.

The doctor winced. "Considering his quirks..."

"Yes, I imagine it'll be difficult to track him down. Worry not, he'll turn up sooner or later."
"Poor Deku…" Uraraka frowned. Why is he such a trouble magnet??

All for One frowned slightly as the doctor left. Perhaps it would've been better to make sure
the boy was loyal before giving him so many powerful quirks. He glanced at the Nomu, the
one he'd made to weaken All Might.

"I suppose you'll have to do."

"Oh, so you were intended for All Might." Todoroki noted.

"Well if it's just the other one then it should be fine." Kendo sighed in relief.

A week of running had passed.

Izuku awoke to a shriek.

The students startled at the sudden noise.

He stumbled up, pushing himself off of the home he'd barged into. The house that seemed
pretty barren and that he was sure no one was living in.

Uraraka gawked. Wait-

"Uh... I don't have any money!"

"Is that…"

Izuku stumbled before he was fully out the window. Did the person think he was going to rob
them? He turned around, facing the girl who seemed to live in this house.
"Oh my god." Tokage snorted, covering her mouth.

"I'm so sorry Uraraka, I swear-" Izuku started, before Uraraka pressed a finger to his lips.

"It's… it's ok Deku." she giggled.

"Your luck is… something else." Monoma said in awe.

"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a quirk." Nighteye hummed in thought.

Aizawa froze. "No… please no…"

I wasn't robbing you, I swear! I just needed a place to sleep and I thought this house was empty!
Is what Izuku wanted to say, but all the girl saw was him waving his hand furiously and
bowing repeatedly.

"Oh no…" Tsuyu sighed. Uraraka felt for her other self, she really did.

The girl softly placed her bags on the ground, eyeing him hesitantly. She groaned internally
at the broken window. The boy didn't seem hostile atleast, because it definitely was a boy that
was currently staring at her fearfully.

"Jeez, you act like Uraraka would break you in two. She wouldn't." Kirishima chuckled.

Uraraka emitted a scary aura as she stared at Kirishima. "You sure?"

"Sorry about the window…" Izuku mumbled.

"It's ok... I don't bite." the girl said as she inched towards him slowly, her hands raised in
surrender. Izuku idly noted paw pads on her fingertips. Quirk...?
"Yep, that is indeed my quirk." Uraraka giggled.

"Bean fingers." Yui simply said, causing Uraraka to sputter and Izuku's eyebrows to shoot up into
his hair.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka, and you are...?" Uraraka asked hesitantly, outstretching a hand in
greeting with one finger retracted. The boy seemed nice atleast, albeit very frightened.

The boy hesitantly reached out his hand, and Uraraka noticed just how strong the boy
seemed, but he also had a bunch of scars running across his body. Izuku frowned as he tried
to speak.

"Poor Izuku…" Yaoyorozu pouted, her cheek resting on her hand.



"Give me a second!" Uraraka squealed, feeling a bit dumb for not noticing the boy couldn't
even speak. She fetched some paper and a pen, handing it over to him with a soft smile.

"I wonder what's running through your brain right now, Ochako." Tsuyu asked.

"Honestly, I'm taking it pretty well. Cute boy breaks into my house and can't talk, and I'm handling
it well." Uraraka shrugged.

Tokage cackled. "Cute boy huh?"

Uraraka's eyes blanked out. "Wait-"

The boy looked at her smiling, feeling awestruck. Then he looked down at the paper. He
wrote 'Izuku Midoriya'.
"Izuku Midoriya huh? Hehe the name fits you." Uraraka giggled as she tossed a glance at his
messy green curls.

"Huh, it really does." Kendo snorted.

"Green team!" Tokage cheered.

Tsuyu nodded as she lifted up a fistful of her hair. "Green team ribbit."

Izuku chuckled as he ran a hand through his messy curls. "Green team!"

Ibara frowned as she lifted a few vines in front of her. It counts, right?

Izuku smiled, a small spark in his eyes as he continued to write.

'Sorry about your window.'

Uraraka chuckled awkwardly as she glanced at the shards. "It's ok. Uh, not that this isn't
interesting but, why are you here?"

"Oh y'know, just escaping captivity, the usual." Awase shrugged.

At that, Izuku frowned, his eyes getting teary. Uraraka winced, opening her mouth to
apologize. 'Villains kidnapped me. I escaped.'

Uraraka's mouth dropped in shock. She quickly sat next to him, wanting to hug him. "That's
terrible! Are... are you ok now?" she asked hesitantly

Izuku smiled at Uraraka. She's so caring.

Izuku nodded. 'They modified me. My body looks almost the same, but they made me faster
and stronger. I think one of them gave me quirks.'

Uraraka blinked at that. "Q-quirks... as in more than one?"

"Yeah, shame he's a villain. A quirk like that would've been… amazing." Izuku sighed, rubbing his

Izuku nodded.

"How... how do you know that?"

'I'm quirkless. One of the quirks they gave me was regeneration. A strong one at that.'

That would do it, Monoma thought angrily.

Uraraka pouted, her eyes teary. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. "I'm so sorry.
Do... do you have any family? We need to get the pros, they can-"

Izuku shook his head, remembering who he'd been running from the past week. 'Heroes
hunting me.' Izuku frowned, his eyes watery as he continued to write. 'I don't remember
anyone. Just my name.'

"I figured you wouldn't react well to the pros." Aizawa sighed, rubbing his forehead.

Uraraka frowned even more as tears began to run down her cheeks. Izuku felt a pang in his
chest at that. He didn't want to make the nice girl cry. Ochako Uraraka. He could remember

Uraraka beamed, a small smile on her face despite her teary eyes.
He wiped her tears from her eyes, motioning for her to look at him. He smiled, showing that
everything would be ok. The action seemed familiar, so he did it.

'I'll be fine. Thank you for caring.'

"So much fluff…" Nejire sighed out as she sagged in her seat.

"Y-yeah..." Uraraka hiccuped. "Sorry I'm not normally this teary, I just had a bit of a
stressful morning. Entrance exams and all that." Uraraka chuckled softly.

Izuku's eyes widened. It sounded familiar.

'Entrance exams?'

"Hero Nomu…" Shinso whispered out, slightly baffled by the sheer randomness of those 2 words

"Yeah! Oh right, you've probably been out of the loop. Uh, I'm applying for U.A.'s hero
course!" Uraraka cheered happily.

Izuku looked at her like she was a goddess, his eyes twinkling and causing her to blush. 'I'm
sure you'll do great!'

Uraraka shivered with delight as she observed his adoration filled eyes, something that Izuku

Uraraka giggled. "Thanks."

'Sorry about your window. I'll go now, I don't want to take any more of your time.' Izuku
wrote. "What? No no, you're welcome to stay if you want." Uraraka said. What kind of
aspiring hero would she be if she didn't help someone in need?
Izuku smiled warmly at that.

"Awfully chummy there, Ochako." Mina teased with a wide grin.

'But' Izuku began to write but Uraraka shook her head. "No but's. It's clear you're hiding
and I'm more than willing to help. I've got enough space for you to camp out here. As for
food and stuff..." Uraraka trailed off, realizing she hadn't thought this through. Jeez, what
would mom and dad think if they saw I had a cute boy living with me? Wait cute-

Jirou and Tokage snorted, then full on cackled as Mina and Toru squealed.

Uraraka refused to look at anything but her own shoes as Izuku roughly cleared his throat. Tsuyu
let out a few 'ribbits' as she chuckled.

Izuku was oblivious to Uraraka's suddenly red face as he continued to write. It felt so nice to
talk to someone again, even if he wasn't really talking anyone.

He poked her arm, and she let out a small 'eep' before looking at the paper. "Oh I don't have
to worry about food and stuff? That's nice of you! Thank you!" Uraraka beamed. Then she

"Oh he's reliable too…" Kinoko sighed out, almost dreamily.

"Uh... how are you going to pay for all that though?"

Izuku blinked, and pulled out a wad of yen. Uraraka looked at the money, surprised. She
pouted at him. "Did you steal this?"

'Only from villains.'

"I mean…" Aizawa sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"That's valid." Mirio shrugged, completely missing Nighteye's raised eyebrows.

Uraraka sighed. She couldn't really argue against that. "Ok then, that works. Welcome
aboard. My house is your house Midoriya!"

Izuku smiled, rubbing his throat. 'I'm heading out for a walk.'

"That's a one way ticket to getting caught." Kendo pouted, her cheeks puffed out as she stared at
the Midoriya on screen.

Midoriya walked around the neighborhood, thinking back on the past... he should really find
out what date it is. He passed by a newspaper stand, and his eyes nearly bulged.

He'd been gone for roughly 10 months. He wondered if anyone was looking for him.

Just like my training… Izuku thought, startled.

Deku... bounced around in his head for a brief instant, angry and venomous.

A few students pouted, Bakugo huffing in annoyance.

He shook his head, deciding to enjoy his temporary freedom and fresh air. He wasn't stupid,
he knew there were too many people after him now, and he basically had no allies except for

The sound of a muted yell and then a whispered threat immediately after drew his attention
to a dark alleyway. He could still see perfectly clear due to his quirk.

"Vigilantism…" Nighteye sighed out.

"Would you have become a vigilante if you never got All Might's quirk or failed the entrance
exam?" Yui asked him curiously.

"I mean… maybe? I've always wanted to help people so…" Izuku answered weakly, scratching at
his cheek.

He walked forward, being drawn towards the scuffle. "Now I'm not gonna ask again punk,
where's the merchandise." one of them growled. There were 4 people, excluding Midoriya.
One of them was slumped on the ground, bleeding and whimpering. Presumably the victim.

Damn problem child is going to fight...

Izuku walked forward, unable to tell them to stop. His footsteps made no noise as he walked
right up to the first criminal. He headbutted them, knocking them unconscious instantly.

"Manly…" Kirishima whispered, Tetsutetsu nodding in agreement.

The other two swerved to look at him as their buddy's body hit the floor. "What the fuck!?"
one of them yelled out as their arms erupted with flames.

Izuku easily dodged the punch, but it was simply a distraction as the other criminal withdrew
a blade from thin air and sliced his stomach open with it.

The students gasped or yelled out in shock at that.

A grin spread across his face, but then a moment later the gaping wound stitched itself back
together, and all three criminals were on the ground, unconscious.

"Oh right… regeneration…" Tokoyami remembered, calming his frantic heartbeat.

The victim whimpered, staring up at him. In the dark, Izuku's eyes seemed to glow yellow,
with no pupils visible. "I... please don't kill me."
Izuku tried to say he wouldn't, but merely sighed, giving the man a thumbs up as he dragged
the three crooks away. He took away any money they had, and slumped them against the
police station. Someone would find them in a minute or two.

"Doesn't stealing from criminals make you a criminal though?" Kaminari tilted his head in

Iida opened his mouth, prepared to dish out an incredibly complex answer.

"The answer is more complicated than that. We can discuss it all in detail during class tomorrow."
Aizawa sighed.

He hummed, realizing it was nearly nighttime. He might as well buy something for Uraraka.
What would she like?

Maybe mochi? She seemed like a mochi type of girl. Yeah he'd buy mochi.

Uraraka cheered in delight.

"Damn, you figured her out fast." Tokage whistled.

"Yeah, how'd you even know?" Shoji tilted his head.

"Well, usually for people with quirks, their favorite foods or hobbies would usually have some
correlation with their quirks. That usually also extends to personalities. For example, Ryukyu's love
for anything that glitters could be attributed to her quirk, or another example would be-" Izuku was
cut off as a vine tapped his forehead.

"As lovely as it would be to listen to you explain how our quirks affect us on a deeper level, we do
still have a video to finish." Ibara kindly reminded him.

"R-right, sorry." Izuku winced.

Scary… he can figure us out pretty well on quirks alone… A few people thought.

Wait, so could my love for dinosaurs have to do with my quirk? I mean I loved dinosaurs before I
even got my quirk, right? Or did I get my quirk after? … shit. Tokage thought, before electing to
ignore that train of thought and mini existential crisis.

He arrived at the house an hour later, having gotten lost and a bit sidetracked looking at an
All Might poster, finally recognizing the man atleast. Apparently he was the number 1 hero,
so then why did he feel a sense of resentment just looking at his face?

"Who is it?" Uraraka called out as he knocked the door. How do I answer that…

"Oh no…" Uraraka sighed out.

"Wait... Midoriya?" she asked, closer to the door. He gave a knock of confirmation. The door
swung open and he proudly presented her some fine mochi. So he'd spent more than he
should have? So what?

Uraraka beamed, wondering if she could get away with buying some mochi today before curfew.

Uraraka's eyes sparkled, and she beamed as she brought the bag to the kitchen.

"Mochi! Thank you so much! Wait... how'd you know I like mochi?"

Izuku grinned. 'Guessed' is what he wrote on the paper. Uraraka laughed, the noise sounding
like music to his ears, even with his sensitive hearing.

"'Guessed.'" Monoma deadpanned.

"'Guessed.'" a few more students repeated.

"P-please…" Izuku groaned.

Izuku kept grinning, her positivity passing on to him. "Well, thank you for the gift. It means
alot." she mumbled out softer now, her tone warm.

He merely gave a thumbs up, a bit frustrated he couldn't say anything. Normally he'd be
freaking out about a cute girl talking to him, much less him being in her house.

"Cute girl huh?" Toru asked smugly.

"I- uh… mm." Izuku trailed off, too embarrassed to admit it.

Uraraka had a small smile on her face.

Guess captivity makes that seem insignificant.

They filled up on mochi, each content with the silence as they were too lost in their own
thoughts. Finally, bedtime.

Izuku gazed at the single mattress in the middle of the bedroom, with a single blanket. Not
even a pillow.

Uraraka sighed at her living conditions even as Momo and Izuku made a silent note to take her out

"I think I know where this is going." Yanagi almost smirked as she said that.

He didn't mind at all, but there was no way he was sleeping there if it meant Uraraka had to
sleep somewhere else. Definitely not in her own house.

Izuku nodded. Mom didn't raise a child with no manners.

"Well... it's not much but you can-"

Izuku shook his head. He pointed at her and then the bed, then he pointed at himself and
then at the hardwood floor that was the living room.

"Nuh-uh Deku, get your butt in bed." Uraraka huffed fiercely.

Immediately Uraraka's eyes crackled fiercely. "No way. I insist you have the bed Midoriya.
What kind of person would I be if I let a guest sleep on the floor? I'm fine with you sleeping
on the bed."

"Oh this is adorable." Yaoyorozu and Nejire said.

"Why not just share the bed?" Todoroki asked, confused.

Izuku's eyes narrowed. He pointed at her and then the bed once more. Uraraka's eyes
narrowed as well, and she crossed her arms.

"Get a room you two." Kaibara rolled his eyes.

"T-they are?" Pony replied hesitantly, confused.

He points at her, then the bed.

She shakes her head, pointing at him and then the bed.

They repeat this cycle three times before they resort to a staring contest.

"Pfft… you two are unbelievable." Mina snorted.

Deku and Uraraka were currently also staring fiercely into each other's eyes. Determined green met
unshakable brown as niether refused to back down.

Yui blinked, recalling something from her date even as she leaned against Izuku. "So are you just
going to sit there, staring into her eyes?"

Izuku broke eye contact at the sudden question. "Huh? Sorry I was too busy staring into Ura- oh
goddamnit." Izuku huffed as he also recalled this near identical exchange.

Yui had to stifle an actual laugh at that, and Izuku couldn't help but smile at the way her eyes
shined with happiness.

When it was clear neither of them was going to win this, Midoriya sighed and thought about
it. He didn't want Uraraka sleeping out especially without a blanket, but she wouldn't be
content with him sleeping out without a blanket.

"Just admit defeat Deku." Uraraka said, almost smug.

He wrote something on the paper, showing it to her.


"Oh good, you do have a brain." Todoroki said, relieved.

Uraraka turned red, looking at him and the bed and trying to stammer out an answer with
no success. Izuku tilted his head, confused.

"Nice." Mina snorted.

"Real nice." Toru and Tokage followed up.

"S-shut up…" Uraraka groaned, cupping her cheeks.

Right right, it only makes sense if we share since neither of us is going to back down anytime
soon. It's big enough for both of us if we squeeze.


"Yep." Izuku squeaked out.

"Oh you two would go well together." Nejire cooed.

"If Izuku wasn't so dense, maybe he'd notice her crushing on him." Tokage snorted.

"I know right? I've been trying to get her to admit it, but she just floats away everytime." Mina
swerved in her seat to look at them.

"Wait what?" Izuku tilted. Are they serious?

"Huh?! Deku don't listen to them…" Uraraka squeaked out, her hands waving erratically in front of

She shot a quick glare at Aoyama as he smirked almost cockily at the two of them.

That was how Midoriya found himself sleeping next to a girl, but he couldn't sleep.

His senses were too active, he didn't really feel tired, so he got up.

"More nighttime crusades, great." Aizawa sighed.

He thought about the people after him, and then looked down at his hands. He grabbed a
piece of paper, and began to write.

Quirks: Hyper Regeneration, Enhanced Senses, Strength, Speed, Disassembly, Shapeshift.

Izuku stared in awe. He must be so strong!

"Those are all powerful quirks." Iida noted.

"Good thing they're in Izuku's quirk and not a villain's." Kinoko beamed.

Izuku sighed, looking at the paper. To think he had six quirks, that he knew of so far. The
doctor and his friends were a bunch of sick wackos that was for sure.

He quietly slipped out through the broken window, beginning to jump from rooftop to
rooftop. It was nice, it felt liberating.

Izuku smiled. He sure looked like he was enjoying himself, and he did feel pretty cool when he'd
been running across rooftops back during Hosu.

His hair stood on end as he tilted his head slightly, catching a figure in the dark.

They smelled filthy, but also like cats.

He turned around fully, the figure standing up as he realized he was noticed.

"Mr. Aizawa!" the students yelped out.

Eraserhead merely took a whiff inside his scarf, humming.

"Stinky scarf man." Kaminari whispered out.

Mina nodded. "Stinky scarf man."

"Congrats, both of you are on cleaning duty for the rest of the week." Aizawa gave them both a
wide, terrifying grin.

The two students groaned, even as the rest chuckled at their antics.

"You're the kid." he said, stepping out of the shadows.

Izuku's eyes narrowed. The man seemed familiar. His scarves were dangerous, he thinks.

"Nothing he can't handle, I think." Uraraka said, unsure.

"Who do I root for…" Shinso wondered, honestly split.

"Look, come with us. We'll help locate your family and keep you safe from the villains."
Eraserhead said, leaping onto a rooftop closer to Midoriya.

Midoriya tensed up, his body pulsing and warmth flooding his eyes. He shook his head.

"Fight time." Jirou said glumly.

"You got this Midori!" Mina cheered.

"My own class…" Aizawa sighed, betrayed.

Eraserhead frowned. "Well, I tried."

Strands of his scarf shot out in an instant, and Izuku quickly disassembled the parts that
wrapped around him. He leapt from the rooftop, quickly traversing across the other
buildings with Eraserhead in pursuit.

It doesn't seem like Erasure cancelled out all of his quirks… Izuku noted, scribbling all this down.

Uraraka. Have to steer him away from her.

No connection to anyone. Gotta get away.

"Ugh, you're so caring Deku…" Uraraka said warmly, her eyes bright.

He could hear Eraserhead communicating with someone now, and it was only Izuku's new
speed and reflexes that allowed him to evade capture so far.

He leapt across a street, Eraserhead cursing loudly as he realized he couldn't make the jump.
Izuku smiled internally, turning around to run when he heard a sonic boom somewhere high
above him, and suddenly his instincts were screaming at him.

The students began to cheer as Izuku escaped.

Someone landed right behind him, the impact making dust rise and instantly setting Izuku's
hairs on edge.

"Oh fuck." Nearly everyone said, on edge by the person behind Midoriya.

"Please come with us."

Izuku shivered, turning slowly to look at the symbol of peace.

All Might was barely 10 feet away from him, what the hell was he supposed to do now?!
"Surrender?" Nighteye helpfully supplied.

"Eh, I'm sure he can handle him." Kaminari shrugged.

"Yeah he's pretty strong now!" Kirishima defended.

Izuku shot the pro a glare, hiding his own fear even as he tried to carefully disassemble the
floor to make a quick escape.

"Ooo, smart!" Nejire chirped.

Aizawa huffed, agreeing.

Not a bad strategy… Momo thought.

All Might pressed his hand against his ear. "I have the boy."

Izuku smirked. No you don't.

His palm slammed against the ground, collapsing the roof and startling the pro. In an instant,
Midoriya quickly barreled through the walls, reassembling them behind him to hopefully
buy time.

"Go go go!" the students cheered on.

Izuku was jotting down notes on the way his other self used his quirks.

He barged out a window, and then all he saw was fire.

The screen shut off, and all the students yelled out in protest.

"Aw c'mon!"

"You can't just leave off like that?"

"Fire, so Endeavor?"

Shoto scowled. "Old man…"

"I hope he's ok…" Uraraka frowned.

"He'll be fine. If he really did die then the corners of the screen would've faded to red and the
screen would've gone to static at the end." Mei recalled.

Has she seen me die? Izuku thought with a gulp.

Aizawa cleared his throat.

"Let's proceed to the next one." he said, masking his own worry.

Mei nodded, hitting play once more.

Chapter End Notes

So info on this particular universe. Inko is dead and this particular Izuku makes good
friends with Chimera later down the line.

I said I'd upload on Monday so fuck this cold it wont stop me

Universe 24
Chapter Summary

Zombie AU.

Uhh TW for zombies i guess? I mean there's a lot of people panicking and people
dying so i guess I'm warning you for that

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The Safe Usage Experiment.


The experiment began 5 years ago at I-Island. The purpose of it was to develop a way for
certain people to use their quirks. Those that couldn't use them in the first place, either
because they'd get hurt by it, or others would.

"Woah… that sounds really useful." Midoriya trailed off in awe.

Tokoyami nodded. "As the name implies, safe usage."

The idea had originally been proposed by one of the higher ups at the island, who had a
daughter with a powerful telekinetic quirk, but as a result suffered from severe migraines.
The experiment would've made things safer and easier for many, and as a result would've
been beneficial to society as a whole.

"'Would've'" Monoma noted, tensing up slightly.

However, the cure they'd made was replaced without anyone knowing merely hours before
any testing could take place. It took effect nearly 6 hours after initial introduction to the test
"Tampering with medicine. Just great." Nighteye huffed.

In less than a day, I-Island became nothing more than an island sized blood stain, floating
along the sea.

"Wait. W-what?" Sero choked out, and the students were immediately on guard.

Whoever tampered with the experiment knew what they were doing. The cure originally
worked by targeting the quirk factor in an individual, diluting it in a sense similar to
suppressant. Essentially weakening the quirk to a point where it could still be used, but
without causing harm to the wielder.

That sounds really useful for One for All… Izuku idly thought.

That changed the moment it was replaced. It isolated the quirk factor, adapting the body to
handle prolonged and constant use of the wielder's quirk with zero repercussions.

It had to have been the work of a quirk. There's no other feasible explanation unless the one
who caused all this had worked on this virus for decades. It was too complex. Too specialized
and with a specific purpose for it to have been simple meddling.

"I mean, it's just unlimited quirk usage right?" Kaminari tilted his head in confusion, wondering
why it was such a big deal.

It targeted individuals with quirks. If anyone had a quirk, the infected could sense them.
They'd go after the ones without isolated quirk factors, doing their best to attack and convert

"The… infected?"

Like zombies? Yanagi thought, her visible eye shining with anticipation and worry.

They acted like old school zombies, like the ones you'd see in movies a couple hundred years
ago. They could be fast when they wanted to be. Not very intelligent. However...

They had quirks. Quirks that had no limits now in terms of how often they could be used or
at what output.

The students froze.

Aizawa stiffened in his seat. "Don't tell me…"

All they needed to do was touch an exposed wound. If they graze or bite a quirked individual,
they'd be infected. Regeneration types didn't matter since the virus wasn't recognized as a

After all, it didn't initially attack. It simply isolated the quirk factor before proceeding to do
the rest.

"Oh… oh my god." Kirisuima said, his tone filled with horror.

The ones that had seen zombie movies were shaking. The ones from 1A were reminded of a certain
student that had a similar quirk.

This one however, seemed much deadlier.

2 months later... and as far as I know, the whole world's gone...

"Izuku?" Tokage tilted her head at the voice.

The scene shifted to show Izuku, his feet dangling off the edge of a rooftop as he shifted. A
shotgun was strapped to his back, as well as a multitude of blades and a small bag.

"What the fuck…" Shinso mumbled without meaning to.

His arms were bandaged, as well as his cheek. His eyes lacked that bright spark that his
classmates used to notice in him. His classmates...

"What the fuck happened." Bakugo growled out, his voice oddly tense.

The world couldn't have gone to shit in two months, right?! Monoma asked himself internally.

Izuku's eyes dimmed even more, gazing off past U.A.'s barrier. Atleast what was left of it.
They'd reinforced it as best they could, but it would only be a matter of time before an
infected with the right quirk came and tore right through the walls.

"No…" Nighteye trailed off.

Mei took a shuddering breath, steeling her nerves. C'mon, you've seen worse. Just move past it.

"Hey uh... Izuku. Iida's asking for you."

Izuku turned to glance at Mei, her hair up in a ponytail, with armored gloves covering her
hands and a pistol holstered against her thigh.

"Right. I'll be right there."

"Where did you even get guns?" Shoto asked.

"Mei probably made them." Izuku said.

Izuku lifted himself up with some effort as he made his way down towards the makeshift
command center. They hadn't bothered to try to fix up the building after the initial outbreak.

"UA… it looks like shit! The fuck happened?" Kamakiri yelled out.
"Shut up and watch." Kendo nearly growled out, already on edge from the vibes this particular
universe was projecting.

He hummed as he glanced out of one of the broken windows. Atleast Nezu had the foresight to
install lethal weaponry, just in case .

Nezu, listening in, decided that he would do just that.

He finally entered the command center, or in other words, the repurposed cafeteria. He
glanced at the faces of his friends and classmates.

Iida, Monoma, Mei, Tamaki, Todoroki, Kodai, Kamakiri, Rin, Kirishima, Testutetsu,
Kinoko and Yaoyorozu.

"Holy shit, we look dead inside." Kirishima said quietly.

Todoroki hummed in agreement, looking at himself on screen. I look… sad.

His eyes dimmed. Out of everyone, these were atleast half of the last students left.

"Wa-wait what? That little?" Kinoko whimpered out.

Pony shivered, her bright eyes even brighter with tears. She wasn't fond of horror movies.

"How is Ground Zero's team doing?" Izuku asked.

Ground Zero? Izuku thought.

"Me." Bakugo said without question, seemingly reading Izuku's mind.

"They've made contact with the league. Apparently only Shigaraki, Dabi and Twice are still
alive." Yaoyorozu informed him.

"The league's… gone?" Uraraka asked hesitantly.

This experiment. It's beyond serious. We need to find out about this and stop it if it exists. Aizawa
grit his teeth.

"They… lost Sero." Iida shifted, his face set in stone. Izuku's frown deepened. They closed
their eyes, remembering just how much they'd lost.

Sero shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. "Sorry bro." Kirishima lamely said.

"Any luck?" Izuku said hoarsely, glancing at Mei. She shook her head.

"We're trying so hard to make a cure, but it's like this thing is isolating itself and making it
difficult for any tests to show results. We're still working on it though." she admitted,

"It's ok. Keep at it. We need to go for a supply run." Izuku said, turning towards his

Bakugo tensed up. Supply runs are never good.

"Kodai, Tamaki, Todoroki and Kamakiri, you're with me." he informed them. They needed
to get more food. With Creati and Phantom Thief making pretty much all of their weaponry
and defenses, they didn't have enough.

Momo and Monoma winced. "I-it's ok you two. You're helping so it's fine…" Izuku smiled at
They would've had more than enough, if an infected Mina and Tokoyami hadn't completely
destroyed most of the food during the initial outbreak. Izuku took a second to toss a glance at
Iida's mechanical hand.

Iida frowned as he rubbed his hand.

"Shit." Mina swore, whimpering.

"Apologies." Tokoyami frowned, disappointed.

"Be back soon."


"You heard? Apparently some big tragedy happened in I-Island, they're keeping it under
wraps." Uraraka said with some worry as she walked to the station with Deku and Iida.

"Oh shit, flashback?" Toru asked.

"Seems like it." Shoji said.

Izuku frowned, I hope Melissa is ok…

This must be the initial outbreak… Aizawa thought.

They talked amongst themselves even as Izuku checked his phone for news. It was incredibly
odd that almost no information had been leaked.

Tamaki gulped, shaking slightly.

A blood piercing cry cut through the calm silence, and they all looked up in alarm as people
began to run from something. The three students immediately ran towards the commotion,
turning the corner and watching as… as someone covered in blood was hunched over another
person, chewing on their arm.

The students immediately froze up, some staring with their jaws open on their eyes wide.

"Wh… wh-" Uraraka whimpered out, suddenly in shock and unable to form words. Iida was
faring no better and Izuku was having a hard time breathing. What the hell… we need to get
help …

Mineta whimpered in his seat, bile rising in his throat as he looked away from the screen.

"U-Uraraka, call a hero. Let's j-just step away, quietly but calmly." Izuku breathed out
slowly, his heart pounding as he could feel it in the air. The sense of wrongness, of something
terrible happening.

The students could feel it too. The feeling that something was incredibly wrong.

"D-D-Deku… no signal." Uraraka whimpered out, close to tears.

Iida tensed up next to him and Izuku quickly looked back up at the villain. The villain who
was now standing up as the victim twitched, their veins bulging on their skin before
smoothing out.

"What the fuck…" Tsuburaba managed to whisper out, disgusted and afraid.

Izuku's breath died in his throat as the victim stood up, slow and steady and completely
oblivious to it's missing arm.

I think I'm gonna hurl. Awase thought as his eye twitched.

"W-what the…" Izuku whimpered out, his legs trembling. What is happening?
Uraraka's grip tightened immensely as the two bleeding strangers turned to look at the three
of them simultaneously.

Pony shuddered, refusing to react. She was training to be a hero dammit. No fear!

Izuku had a second to look at their eyes. Their lifeless, pale eyes. He instantly knew that
whatever these things were, they were definitely not people anymore.

"Run." he simply said.

"G-good idea." Kendo said.

"That's real fucking creepy." Bakugo leaned back in his seat.


Izuku was snapped from his thoughts as an ice cold hand brushed against his shoulder.
"Sorry, Todoroki, got lost in thought."

"Oh back to the… present. Hard to believe it's only been two months." Jirou shuddered.

"We're here. Kanagawa this time." Tamaki said.

Ibara blinked, Honenuki frowning as he thought.

"Right, let's get what we need. Hand the bags to Rule when done and then repeat. We all
know the drill." Izuku said as he walked towards a supermarket with Todoroki.

Izuku blinked at Yui. "I didn't know your hero name was Rule."
"Mm. Now you know."

Kamakiri and Tamaki went off in another direction as Kodai settled herself on top of the
truck, keeping watch on their surroundings.

"This is all kinds of bad." Kaminari groaned.

Quite a few students were wondering just what the hell had happened to them.

Izuku sighed as he cut down another infected. A shark mutation. He had taken to writing
down on their quirks, just like he would have normally done. As a way to remember them.

Izuku's breath hitched, glancing down at his notebook.

Todoroki quickly made another ice barricade as another infected barreled into it, their head
plated with what seemed to be steel.

Izuku shot him point blank without pausing, packaging some cans into his bag. "You full?"

"You killed so casually, ribbit…" Tsuyu shuddered, and Midoriya pulled her close to comfort her.

"In this… situation. There's no other choice." Aizawa said, his words sounding bitter to him.

Todoroki checked inside his bag. "Almost."

Yui stared off, surveying her surroundings and trying not to think about her friends. Or any
of her loved ones. Pretty much all of them were…

Izuku squeezed Yui's hand, who nodded in acknowledgement.

Yui frowned, peeling her eyes away from the vine riddled park in the distance and deciding
to look at a building that was barely standin-

Ibara tensed.

Her blood chilled and her eyes widened slightly as she looked back at the park, more focused
this time.

"Oh fuck." Monoma said.

Jirou tried to ignore the rapidly increasing heartbeats of her fellow classmates, and the 1B students
shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

She could just barely make out the vines, slowly but surely moving in their direction. She
gave it maybe 20 minutes before they got to her position and they were screwed.

She clicked on her radio. "Vines heading our way from the park. Estimate 20 minutes."

"I'm sorry." Ibara said weakly.

Izuku smiled sadly. "It's ok. Not your fault."

"You sure?" Kamakiri's voice crackled through the radio.


Izuku cursed. "Let's go. I'd rather not have to fight an entire park."

Todoroki frowned. "I could just burn it down."

Todoroki nodded. It was an easy solution.

"As much as I'd love to, we'd risk attracting more. I'd rather not have to fight another top
10, especially if your father is still… active."

"He means infected." Bakugo huffed out before Kaminari could even ask.

"An infected Endeavor with no limits… I wouldn't want to fight him…" Izuku shuddered.

Todoroki hummed, agreeing to that.

As they made their way outside, Kamakiri and Tamaki were already waiting. "Let's get

Kamakiri was just giving his bag to Yui when he noticed it. A lone straggler simply watching
them from a block or two away. What…

Nejire shivered in her seat, staring at the figure in the distance.

The infected noticed him watching, and looked up to the sky.

Then it began screeching.

The students winced or yelled out in shock at the sudden screeching.

"FUCK!" Izuku yelled out as he opened the driver's door, shooting at the screecher and
watching in satisfaction as it fell, but the damage was done.

The others tensed up as they heard collective groans or yells from all around them, many
distant but some near. "Fuck."
"That's r-really scary." Pony whimpered out, and Yanagi squeezed her hand. She normally didn't
mind horror, but normally horror movies were fictional.

This though… this was an actual universe.

The revelation made her skin crawl.

Izuku swerved to look back at the vines, approaching more quickly now.

"We need to go now , before a horde forms." Izuku told them as he closed the door, the
others hopping in quickly and slamming their doors shut as he began driving off.

"I fucking told you this was a bad idea." Bakugo growled, sparks popping off.

They got about 4 blocks away before the tires sunk into the ground, along with the front of
the truck. "Shit! What the fuck?" Midoriya yelled out.

Honenuki shivered.

"Crap. You too huh?" Rin cursed.

"I feel terrible." Ibara sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"None of this is your fault. We can blame whoever tampered with the experiment for that."
Nighteye assured them.

"Through the back!" Tamaki yelled out as he punched his way out the back. Kodai withdrew
a rifle the size of her thumb, enlargening it with her quirk and beginning to take out the ones
in the distance.
Smooth… Izuku couldn't help but think.

Izuku, Todoroki and Kamakiri tumbled out. Yui shrunk the truck and pocketed it. "I
think… I think this is Honenuki's quirk." Kamakiri voiced his concern, and Yui nodded in

"That's… an interesting application." Yui noted with a small frown. I wouldn't have thought to use
my quirk like that…

Izuku nodded as he jotted that down.

"Shit, ok. Hit the rooftops." Izuku growled as Todoroki conjured an ice barrier around

Todoroki sent a blast of fire down the street, taking out a few of them. Tamaki sliced another
infected with bat wings and Kamakiri diced through a few others.

Tamaki glanced at Mirio and Nejire. I hope they didn't suffer…

Need to find him … Izuku thought as he looked around, wondering where Juzo was. His
softening was directional if I remember correctly, so if I follow where it thins out…

Izuku's eyes trailed the lines made by softening, and looked down into the eyes of Honenuki.
"Found you."

Honenuki made note of that. He could easily be exposed from cover if a villain simply followed
the trail.

"Where?" Kamakiri growled, and Izuku pointed.

"Fuck. Sorry Juzo." Kamakiri cursed out, lifting his pistol and taking down his former
classmate. "Let's go." Yui said, her tone slightly sad.
Kendo patted Honenuki's shoulder. "Atleast you're all safe." he tried to find the silver lining,
looking towards the ones on screen.

Izuku looked back at the vines, now writhing about where they'd originally parked. He had
yet to see the user though, and that worried him.

"Unlimited vines, yeah I'd be worried too." Jirou admitted.

"A-are you okay Uraraka?"

Izuku fretted as he dabbed his friend's scratched cheek with wipes. She winced at the sting,
shaking and sweating.

"Oh another flashback." Tokage whispered out.

"Continuation from earlier." Shishida stated.

"I'll be fine… but I… I killed him." Uraraka whimpered out, tears streaming down her face.

Uraraka tensed up, even as the other students straightened up at the declaration.

"Uraraka. It's going to be fine. He was going to kill us and our attacks weren't putting him
down." Iida tried to console her. She was looking at her hands in horror.

Izuku could still recall how that… thing had brushed off his 8% kick like nothing. It had
been kicked hard, crashing into the far wall, but it had stood right back up two seconds later.

They're strong… Izuku noted, writing it down.

Uraraka had been the one to leap at it, slapping a hand onto it's chest with a cry. The thing
had begun floating upwards, clawing at them and managing to nick Uraraka's cheek. It had
floated away, up high, and Uraraka had released her quirk after nearly a minute.

Izuku paled as he recalled something. All they needed to do was touch an exposed wound. If they
graze or bite a quirked individual, they'd be infected.

The students who recalled that bit of information went rigid, Uraraka included.

Tsuyu hugged her friend, eyes watery.

"We need to get back to UA. It's closer and… we have no signal. It's safer there with the
pros." Izuku reasoned, Iida nodding in agreement.

"Uraraka?" Izuku asked her. She was sweating a bit now. She looked slightly feverish,
although he reasoned that was her dealing with the shock.

She's going to turn. Yaoyorozu's breath quickened slightly.

Aizawa's knuckles were turning white. His damn students were… no he couldn't think like that.

She placed a hand on his arm. His eyes widened.

"I- I can't use my quirk…" she whimpered out.

Uraraka whimpered, Tsuyu hugging her tighter.

"I-it's going to be ok. It's most likely the shock, but we need to get to UA." Izuku smiled at
her, even though it was forced and it hurt to do. She took a deep breath, nodding with that
determination Izuku admired in her.

Uraraka gave a wobbly smile at that. She appreciated him for that.
UA was… not as safe as Izuku had expected. A fight was going on in there. The barrier was
almost completely destroyed and there were more of those… things lurking around. One or
two of them had already noticed them.

"A-are they even human?" Uraraka whimpered out, her voice lower than it was before.

Mirio placed a comforting hand on Tamaki's rigid shoulder, his smile gone and his eyes fixed to
the screen.

"Iida, do you think you can rush past them?" Izuku asked. Iida nodded. "Ok, I'll carry
Uraraka and follow after you. We need to help however we can." Izuku said with

He dashed after Iida, jumping over outstretched hands and a fireball or two. He ran towards
UA, his heart clenching as pink mist and dark, shadowy tendrils punched out through the
hole in the roof.

"Dark Shadow…" Tokoyami said, his quirk writhing inside of him.

"You three!" a voice yelled out.

The three students swerved to look at Aizawa, who was panting and bleeding from his arm.

"Mr. Aizawa…" the students sighed in relief, then worry.

Atleast I'm alive. I can protect the problem children. Aizawa slumped in his seat.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku yelled out, relieved to see his teacher and grateful for a familiar face.

"Mr. Aizawa, do you have any idea what's going on?" Iida quickly asked. Aizawa shook his
"We believe it's related to I-Island. Unfortunately, communications are now offline. The last
order us pros received was to authorize the use of lethal force. Whatever these things are,
they're not human."

"Lethal force…" Izuku trailed off.

"This feels… really surreal." Shoji said quietly.

Koda nodded in agreement.

The students paled at the information.

"You three, get to the gym, that's where the others were instructed to hold out." Aizawa
yelled out as he rushed towards the school's cafeteria.

"Wait! We're coming to help!" Midoriya yelled out.

Aizawa shook his head furiously.

Aizawa paused in his steps. What he and his colleagues were doing, these kids didn't need to
see that.

"No." Aizawa stated, his voice cold. "Report to TDL, that's an order.

Izuku frowned. He wanted to help his teacher but… he was right. They weren't ready to kill.

Izuku frowned, running towards the gym with his classmates. Aizawa thanked his lucky stars
they didn't see the bodies.

The students shivered at that.

Izuku watched the other students. There were only about 60 of them here so far. Some had
injuries already, and others were frozen with fear. Only about 18 of them were even hero
course students. They were all doing their best to ignore the sounds of combat outside.

A few students had to resist the urge to not shake, and a few had watery eyes.

"They're infected aren't they?" Todoroki asked, his tone seemed tired.

Izuku nodded slowly.

Midoriya slumped down next to Todoroki. "Hey…"

"Midoriya, do you know what's going on out there?" Todoroki greeted.

He shook his head, tears threatening to leak from his eyes. He distantly noticed one of the
other students shaking his friend's shoulders, who was sleeping, but also seemed to be
sweating alot.

"Fuck…" Sero grit his teeth, pulling on his hair slightly.

"It's related to I-Island. No communications and… it's pretty bad out there." Izuku

"Lucky we stayed to study." Tsuyu remarked wearily, stroking Uraraka's hair. She was
taking a nap on her friend's shoulder, a soaked rag on her forehead.

Tsuyu glanced at Uraraka. They were practically doing the same thing. She glanced back at herself
on screen.

Uraraka almost wanted to pull away from her friend. She couldn't stand to see herself like that. She
felt slightly nauseous.
Kirishima nodded. "Hope my family is doing ok."

A few students tensed up at that, having completely forgotten about their families until now.
Izuku looked at his shoes. Mom…

The students frowned at that. What happened to our families? Was the collective thought they had.

"I uh… saw a bit of what happened." Kaminari admitted. "I was just a few blocks away
when… whatever this is happened."

The one's who hadn't even stepped outside yet looked towards him. "How was it?"

"Really bad." Kaminari murmured, shaking slightly.

Kaminari shivered a little, recalling something. "It was going normally so far. I was just
listening to music and then I heard a few screams. I saw Death Arms in the distance running
towards the commotion, and so I followed slowly, curious as to what was going on."

He saw the same thing we did, didn't he… Izuku thought.

"The people who rushed past me seemed terrified. This wasn't a normal villain attack,
because y'know usually people stick around to watch from a distance, but they were just…
running. I'm pretty sure a few of them had blood on their clothes." Kaminari shuddered.

"More infected." Kuroiro mumbled.

Kendo frowned. "Are you serious? This is all a bit too much…"

Izuku shook his head. "His story matches up with what we saw. We were outside too."
"Kendo's in denial." Tokage frowned.

"I mean… yeah. I would be too." Kendo admitted. A few other studente nodded in agreement.

Kaminari gulped. "Right. Well I followed and, I saw a few heroes fighting… people, but they
were soaked in blood. A few of them were shooting off their quirks, and the attacks from the
heroes weren't doing much."

Kaminari paled, his breath hitching as he recalled something. Mirio placed a steadying hand
on his shoulder. "What else happened?"

I'm alive there, but not in the present. I don't get it… Mirio frowned, deep in thought.

"W-well… there were all these other people. Some just… laying on the ground and not
moving, and others were also laying down but they were shivering and unconscious. I tho-
thought it was just the work of one of the villains quirks, but then…" Kaminari trailed off, a
few sparks coming off of him.

Kirishima placed a hand on his bro's back, steadying him. Kaminari nearly yelped, but nodded in

"They began twitching?" Iida asked hesitantly, and Kaminari grit his teeth as he nodded

"Th-they shivered and all. Some of them were outright spasming on the ground, and others
simply shook. I think I saw bite marks, b-but then they just… got up. They started attacking
too." Kaminari whimpered, close to tears.

Nejire shivered again, curling in on herself.

"I-it's ok. We're all here now and that's what matters." Izuku placed a hand on his friend's
back, trying to comfort him.
Izuku nodded in agreement. They needed to stay positive.

"I'm glad you, Iida, Kaminari and Ochako atleast came back well, no one else has gone out."
Tsuyu sighed with relief, holding her friend close to her.

Uraraka's hair fell over her face, and she was shivering a bit, although Tsuyu assumed it was
her friend crying, as she'd felt tears fall onto her legs earlier.

Uraraka whimpered, leaning into her friend. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, ribbit."

Those aren't tears… Iida frowned.

Izuku nodded. "I'm glad you're all ok too."

Then why do I feel like I'm missing something?

"Because it is." Bakugo said.

"Make the connections." Todoroki agreed.

Izuku drifted his eyes across the others, watching the students. A few of them were laying
down. Coincidentally, pretty much all of the ones resting were the ones with injuries, whether
big or small.

"They're all infected…" Kinoko said with fear.

They were sweating quite a bit too, and some were shaking. Izuku frowned.
"C'mon Izuku. Please notice." Yaoyorozu pleaded.

Then he noticed the veins beginning to twitch on the faces of two of them. Izuku's heart
skipped a beat. No… no no no…

"Make the connection or we die." Yui said.

Izuku winced. "Little blunt there…" Tokage pouted at her friend.


He began to stand up, shifting his legs so he was kneeling, ready to move at a moment's

"Is it j-just me or is there a feeling that something really bad is gonna happen." Kendo coughed out.

A few students nodded.

"Not just you."

"Midoriya?" Kirishima and Mirio asked, unnerved by his stance. Izuku was finding it more
difficult to breathe now as his mind began to make unpleasant connections and the ambience
in the gym began to feel claustrophobic.

Izuku shivered slightly, feeling how his other self was feeling. He couldn't even imagine...

If they were gonna turn…

No, they're just in shock right?

But if they aren't…

Izuku stiffened, all thoughts fleeing his head as he came to an answer. He slowly tilted his
head so he was facing Tsuyu.

Uraraka whimpered, a tear falling from her cheek. Tsuyu was holding her tightly, refusing to be

Izuku placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it in comfort.

"A-Asui, show us Uraraka's face." Midoriya said fearfully.

Tsuyu blinked at him in surprise, and his classmates looked at him warily.

"Fuck why are we so dense when it actually matters." Mineta lamented.

"Who would expect… that though?" Kaminari protested.

"What's going on here Midoriya?" Todoroki asked him.

"J-just do it please." Izuku choked out, and Asui warily brushed a few strands away from
her friend's face. Izuku's heart stopped for an instant as he noticed the dark veins creeping in
from the sides of his friend's face, almost unnoticeable and hidden by her hair.

"Fuck." Mina whimpered out, tears threatening to fall.

Kaminari's breath hitched and Iida tilted his head in confusion.

"He recognized it too." Iida noticed, frowning at his own ignorance.

"I- I think she's infected. Asui please step away." Izuku managed to say, every word burning
his throat.

Uraraka made to pull away, but Tsuyu held her close. "That's not you, Ochako. I trust you."

Uraraka nodded, feeling nauseous. She didn't want to see herself infect her friend.

Tsuyu frowned. "Midoriya, this isn't like you. If what she told me is true, then she's simply
shocked because… she dropped someone."

"Ribbit…" Tsuyu sighed out. She kind of figured she was screwed.

Midoriya took a step forward, mind blank. His classmates watched him in confusion, and the
other students were also watching him now.

"They're not paying attention to the others…" Nighteye noticed, voice incredibly tense.

"T-this isn't shock. Look at the veins. W-we saw it with the other ones." Midoriya tried to
explain, his throat aching in pain.

Tsuyu pursed her lips, laying Uraraka down on her bookbag and getting up to walk over to

"Don't turn your back…" Bakugo groaned.

"You're just panicking. Kaminari said it's related to bite marks, and Ochako doesn't have
that." Tsuyu said, her voice tense.

Izuku winced at her tense tone. Tsuyu leaned her head closer to him, and he pet her head so he
could distract himself from his pounding heart.
"Then- then maybe it's, it's…" Izuku fumbled, his mouth not saying what his brain was
yelling. Maybe it's not bite marks, but wounds!

Kendo placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "It's fine, just take a deep breath."

Kendo nodded, following her own advice as she took a shuddering breath.

Izuku shook his head furiously. "I-it's not bites." Izuku managed to choke out. Yui and
Kamakiri stepped forward, barely managing to hear what Izuku was saying.

The other students were focused on the hero course students, listening to them argue and
ignoring their unconscious comrades.

"Bad, very bad." Pony whimpered as she watched them.

"Midoriya, please take a deep breath. Uraraka doesn't have any bite marks, or injuries for
that matter." Yaoyorozu assured, rubbing his back.

"The scratch." Yanagi said softly.

Midoriya froze, recalling something. "I- no. Sh-she had a scratch, because one of them c-
came for us. I cleaned… I cleaned it…"

Izuku trailed off as he looked over Asui's shoulder, towards where Uraraka was laying down.

The students froze, the aura emitting from the screen keeping them from moving.

Where the straps on Asui's backpack were beginning to float upwards.

No one dared to move.

Brown hair shifted as a head was lifted, and pale, dead eyes met his own.

The screen turned off, Uraraka shaking in Tsuyu's grasp.

A few students gulped, throats aching and eyes burning.

Aizawa said nothing for a minute, before clearing his throat.

"I think that's enough for today, we'll resume on Monday." he said, tossing a glance towards
Uraraka and nodding in an attempt at comfort.

Izuku's palms felt sweaty.

This had actually happened. Somewhere out there, on another earth.

Izuku's eyes felt teary.

How many other worlds were like that? Where he earned nothing but suffering and so many of his
friends were gone.

The students were quiet, and all Izuku could think about was All Might's words.

"Sometimes you can't save everybody."

Izuku's lips were pressed tightly against each other as he moved to hug Uraraka.

He couldn't save everybody, but he could atleast try to save the people right in front of him.

Chapter End Notes

Been meaning to do a zombie au, but was scared I'd fuck it up, owell.

Anyways info on this particular universe. Kirishima was given OFA by Izuku. AFO
took himself out to avoid infection (wow surprise) and no one actually knows who
caused the infection. Who knows... maybe whoever tampered with it isn't even from
that universe...
Universe 25
Chapter Summary

THIS TIMEEEE it's the first 3 chapters of 'Highlander' by Herakles. It's a really fun
read and I recommend it. Some comedy to distract from last chapter's morbid tone.


Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"The hell happened?"

Nezu tilted his head in confusion as Hawks walked in.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I flew in to hand you the info you wanted on Hisashi Midoriya and this Dr. Ujiko guy, which
you still haven't told me what they're for, and I saw Tokoyami."

Hawks sat down as he plopped the two folders onto the principal's desk.

"I went to say hi and he seemed way more subdued than usual, what's up with that?" Hawks asked
casually, despite being worried.

"Mm. That'd have to do with what the hero classes watched yesterday. I wouldn't worry." Nezu
shrugged as he put the folders in his drawer.

Hawks raised an eyebrow at that. They got scared watching a movie?

"Have you thought about my proposition, Takami?" Nezu suddenly asked, clicking away at his
"I did… but I disagree." Hawks admitted.

"Oh how so?" Nezu asked, sounding like he wasn't even the least bit surprised.

"Simple. I wanted to be a hero, so they didn't really use me. They just helped me achieve my
dream." Hawks shrugged.

"Ah, so you believe the ends justify the means? That wanting to become a hero justifies you being
taken from your family?" Nezu questioned, still clicking away.

Hawks stiffened. "That's not what I said."

"Well that's certainly what you're implying."

Hawks frowned, taking off his jacket. It was a bit too stuffy in here for his tastes.

"I went with them willingly. I wanted to be a hero and provide for my family, and they gave
answers to both my desires. The choice was clear." Hawks stated.

Nezu hummed. "Yes. Ultimatums are usually clear."

Hawks eye twitched. "You're awfully against the hero committee."

Nezu chuckled at that. "Why wouldn't I be? They took you from an incredibly young age, were
aware of what was going on with Endeavor's family, and I'm positive there are infiltrators within
the committee. However, I unfortunately don't know who exactly is working against us."

Hawk's eyebrows raised high at that. "Wait, what's going on with Endeavor's family? Also what's
your proof?"

Nezu chuckled. "It's not for me to tell you what's happening with Endeavor. As for proof, I have
quite alot. However… showing said proof would involve showing how I obtained it, and I'm not
open to revealing my source."
Hawks leaned in. "So it's illegal."

"Of course not. Perfectly legal actually, but the problem is, others would take advantage of it,
including your hero committee associates." Nezu said distastefully.

"This future sightseer source of yours sounds like a swell person." Hawks idly said, and Nezu

"Why do you answer to the committee?"

"I'm a hero, and I owe them."

Nezu hummed. "What is it that you want?"

Hawks pouted, deep in thought. "I want heroes to live in a world where they can just relax. Less
crime and all."

"Do you think that's what the committee wants?"

Hawks frowned. "The villains are villains, the committee isn't. They're heroes."

"The world isn't as black and white as you want it to be. They have an agenda, one you don't know
about. I know yours, so I'll tell you mine." Nezu said.

Hawks leaned in, intrigued.

"As you know, I was experimented on. Tortured. I became a principal here because I wanted to
help nurture the next generation of heroes. To be real, efficient heroes. In a sense, you could say
it's what the committee did with you, but I would never train a child that young. I have morals that I
stand by." Nezu said coldly.
Hawks twirled a feather on his fingers, pondering his words.


"Welcome back!"

"Too loud Mirio."

Vlad King sighed, shaking his head as he took a seat with All Might. The big three took their seats
next to them.

"Where's Mr. Aizawa?" Izuku asked, squeezing Uraraka's hand in comfort.

"He and Present Mic are taking the day off. Going to visit a prisoner. Nighteye is also out,
interviewing Gran Torino and Miruko on something related." All Might explained.

Izuku nodded, pretending not to notice as Mei enabled the mature filter. I guess she doesn't want us
to see anything bad…

"Well, glad to see my class hasn't gone chaotic in my absence." Vlad King huffed.

1-B immediately began to protest, betrayed by their teacher's words.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Vlad waved them off. "Carry on Hatsume."

Mei nodded, hitting play.

All Might stood there, the feeling of One for All dying inside him as steam rose off his body.
Floating above him, right arm growing as he listed the quirks All for one stared down at the
8th wielder.

The students tensed up.

"Kamino." Bakugo growled.

“Show the world Toshinori, show the world your true form”

“All for one, with my last breath you will be finished”

The news chopper flew over head revealing the pair, the world watched with tight breath as
the villain reared back and swung his arm forward to deliver a whirlwind of force towards
All Might. The world watched as the dust cleared and standing in his spot was a pole of a
man wearing All mights costume loosely sagging on his body. They couldn’t believe what
they were seeing, their eyes betraying their brain.

"I kind of forgot how much of a shock that would be to others at the time… I was a bit busy trying
not to die." Toshinori chuckled awkwardly.

That villain is creepier up close now that I can see him better… a few students thought.

This was All Might, a secret that only a few knew was suddenly thrusted into the spotlight.
All across Japan peoples reactions were varied. Most were worried, some were scared.

"It'll be fine. All Might won, so it'll be ok." Mirio reassured the students with a smile.


For Nezu he watched with a mask slipped over his face, not showing the internal breakdown.
Not even High-specs could prevent him from freaking out internally
"A near perfect mask that betrays no emotion…" Izuku muttered in awe.


For Nighteye, he watched with his head hung low fearing that the future he saw six years ago
was coming to pass.

Toshinori frowned. We have information on our side Mirai… I refuse to die.


For Class 1-A they were in shock, the giant of the man that was their teacher. Was suddenly
not so large like anymore.

Sero chuckled nervously. "It's a bit surreal to know that the symbol of peace is… well, not always
so bulky."

His classmates nodded in agreement.


For Izuku Midoriya he saw his friend finally in his true form, bare to the world. He hoped he
wouldn’t have to step in to help this Symbol of Peace.

"Wait what?"

"You were with us though?" Todoroki blinked in confusion.

"Different world Icyhot." Bakugo grumbled, just as curious.


For Gran Torino his lips were in a tight line, he had a job to do. No matter what he was going
to help Toshinori by getting civilians to safety.

Toshinori smiled at that.


“Hahaha, show the world how weak you are oh great symbol of peace. I will enjoy showing
your broken body to the world. I never got the pleasure to do that to your Master”

The students growled.

"Like hell you will." Bakugo and Izuku said quietly.

All Might roared with anger, how dare this bastard speak her name, how dare he. All Might
reached back and felt his body grow once more. Reaching out he grasped onto the roaring
flames of One for All to swell and grow.

“You will pay for that All for One, I will defeat you for good this time”

"Yeah! Get him All Might!" the students cheered out.

With a flash All Might launched himself at All for One, bringing his Arm back to slam it into
the mask the ugly bastard wore with all his power.

The students leaned in, prepared to cheer even louder.


Before All Might could finish his yell, he was suddenly blown back by All for One. Unable to
stop he slammed into the rubble, staring into the night sky. Unable to get his breath to his one
lung, he laid there waiting for All for One to deliver the final blow and end his life. Instead he
heard something so off putting.

"No…" Toshinori grit his teeth, fists clenched.

"Dammit!" a few students yelled out. All of them were disappointed that this was how it was going
to end.

The sound of a dying whale echoed through the ruins, every single hero still there turned to
look for the source of the sound. Standing at the edge of the rubble wearing a bright green
kilt, a giant sword strapped to his back. Stood a 6’ 3” Mass of Muscle shirtless playing a
disorienting note on the bagpipes in his hands. He continued to play notes offkey achieving in
nothing but disarming and stopping everyone even All for One.

"What…" Izuku choked out.

"The…" Uraraka followed.

"Fuck!" Bakugo yelled.

Yaoyorozu coughed into her hand. "I suppose that is one way to capture the audience's attention."

You certainly caught my attention… Kendo thought as she checked out this Midoriya.

“Look here you poster child for overuse of trigger, I watched you kill the last two weilders. I
am not about to let your freddy krueger looking ass sink your cancer tumor off an arm into
another one.”

If Toshinori had been drinking something, he would've almost certainly spit it out. Instead, he spat
out blood.
"Poster child for overuse of trigger." Jirou repeated, stifling her snorts.

"Major balls." Awase admitted.

"This took a 360 turn." Kaminari admitted.

Kirishima blinked. "Dude I think you mean 180."

Everyone stopped and stared at this green haired man, his hair pulled back into a braid. He
dropped the bagpipes onto the ground a wheezing cough sounded out when they did.
Drawing his blade he wielded it with both hands and set his feet in a stance.

"Young Midoriya! You're going to fight him with a sword?!" Toshinori coughed out.

Izuku panicked. "I'm not! He is!"

“Right here's the rules knockoff Doomsday, me and you are going to tangle. Instead of me
dipping you and kissing that fugly mug, I am going to take your head off your body. Once
that's done, I’m going to piss down your neck hole and use your cranium as my next goblet.”

"Huh?" Monoma recoiled in confusion.

"He sounds scottish." Vlad King commented, perplexed."

"Y'know, even though All for One has multiple quirks, I'm inclined to believe Muscles here wins."
Mei admitted.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence…"

Everyone was stunned, here stood the weirdest individual. He was talking smack to a Villian
that rivaled All Might. All Might watched Izuku as he stomped across the rubble till he was
standing nare but 20 ft from the symbol of Evil.
"You and me both." Rin muttered.

“HAHAHAHA..who are you to challenge me? I will break you and then break that bean pole
of a man that you stand in front of”

"Rude." Todoroki scoffed.

“Who am I?”

“Who am I””

"Oh here we go." Jirou sighed, sagging in her seat.

“MY NAME IS IZUKU MIDORIYA, I am the last of my kind. I am the last immortal
warrior born from fire and tasked to defend this world from the likes of you.

"Immortal?!" a bunch of students yelled out.

With a howl, Izuku rushed forward rearing back his sword he let out a defiant scream.


The students immediately began cheering, excited to see their resident green bean throw down
against a human chicken nugget.

As he walked down the streets, he realized that most of the women were staring at him. You
would think with quirks a shirtless man wouldn’t be what caught the most attention. Well
maybe it was because the shirtless man was 6’ 3” man was wearing a kilt and carrying a
sword the size of himself. It could also be because less than a month ago he had decapitated a
villain that had caused All Might to retire. Not that he gave any flying fucks, he was just out
for a stroll looking for a place to empty their supply of food and alcohol. Being immortal
sucked at times, but when you could eat more than fat gum and drink more than the island, it
had its perks. He was lucky that the japanese government hadn’t punished him for killing at
Kamino, mostly because they couldn’t touch him. Having a signed seal from the Japanese
Emperors 200 year old ancestor was handy for such situations.

"Wait what?!"

"So he won! But we didn't get to see!" Kendo pouted, crossing her arms.

"Guess it pays to be immortal." Monoma let out an impressed whistle."

"Yeah how're you taking that Midoriya-" Kinoko trailed off.

"Immortality huh? So was I born around the time of the glowing baby? Is it regenerative
immortality or just plain old immortality where I can't even get hurt? That would explain how I
won, but then do I not age at all? So many quest-" Izuku was cut off from his ramblings as a
disembodied hand pulled on his ear.

"Don't get lost in thought now." Tokage pouted.

"Right, sorry!"

As he continued with his asinine quest for katsudon and sake, he wasn’t paying attention
when something small and wearing a mu-mu slammed into his thigh.


"Is that-" Mirio choked out, surprised.

"Seriously Greenhorn, what is your luck?" Nejire asked incredulously.

“You alright wee little one, you took the spill there? What's got you all jumper than a sheep

The small one horned girl, stared at the giant of a man as he spoke with a weird accent. He
reached down and picked her up into his huge arms and seemed to study her.

"Eri…" Midoriya trailed off.

"That's her? She's adorable!" Kinoko and Pony squealed out. Students nodded in agreement.

“Right lass, we need to get you somewhere warm, it's chilly around this time of year. Here
don’t want you catching the sniffles.”

If Eri is there , then that means… Mirio trailed off.

The man took the girls hand and started down the street before the sounds of boots on
concrete stopped him in his tracks. Looking over his shoulder a man wearing a mask
resembling a beak eyed the man and the girl. Izuku felt the girls grip tightened when the man
laid his eyes on her. He knew that whatever was said next would have to be taken with a
grain of salt.

"Wow he's… more perceptive than I thought." Vlad King admitted.

"Well… he is pretty old. Guess he's got a buttload of experience." Tsuburaba guessed.

"Fucking birdface." Bakugo growled.

Tokoyami deadpanned at him.

"Not you! Him!" Bakugo pointed at the screen.

“Ah there you are, you can’t run away from me like that Eri”
Izuku filed that information away before speaking up.

“Who might you be laddie, this wee babe said she was lost and I offered me skills to help find
an officer”

"You better not hand the kid over, Midoriya." Shinso said.

"Of course not."

“No need, I am this girl's father, I just got scared when she wandered off. Come along Eri,
I’m sure this man has other things to do and should be on his way”

"Like kicking your ass?" Kirishima snorted.

"Father my ass!" Tetsutetsu yelled out.

Izuku felt the girls hand tighten more, he was lucky he was immortal. He was sure she would
have broken it with the death grip she had on his left hand if he wasn’t. He heard her
whisper something that a normal man would have missed.

“He’s not my dad…”

So he doesn't get injured? Midoriya thought curiously.

Izuku’s brain connected the dots and made the logical connection. Well hell seems the
evening of making a restaurant owner cry would have to wait. He shifted himself slowly in
front of the girl, shielding her from the man and slowly reached up. He mimicked scratching
the back of his neck.

"Making a restaurant owner cry?" Shoji asked curiously.

"Gonna drain their supply dry." Sero chuckled.

“Right look here you knock off medicine crow, I’d sooner fuck a sheep girl than believe your
this wee little ones’ father. So take your fulgy ass back to wench you came before I skull fuck
your brain with me sword.”

A few students choked on their breath.

"Sheep girl?!"

"Skull fuck your br- eh?!"

Iida's brain twitched with the sheer absurd comments he was hearing.

"In other words, leave or he kills you." Pony guessed.


The man stumbled back as Izuku drew his sword as he spoke. The midday sun gleamed off
the long and sharp blade. As Izuku’s face set into a hardened warrior, ready to remove
another soul from this world.

How many people has he killed already? Tamaki wondered.

“Lass when I say run, you run. Me and knockoff scarecrow are going to tango.”


A few yelped at the loud voice.

As quick as a flash, Izuku launched forward faster than the man could react. The man's
hands came up to protect his face instinctually. Izuku twisted the blade and sliced across the
plain. A swish and a thunk the man was left screaming as both hands were mere stumps. The
hands fell spurting the last of the blood as the sunk onto the floor.

"Holy shit!" a few of the students yelled out.

So fast! Toshinori and Vlad King thought.

"Wow, guess you disarmed him pretty well." Monoma mumbled without thinking.

Kendo choked on her breath, thumping her chest with a big fist while Tetsutetsu cackled.

“Laddie you best not move, if you move then the next thing to go is your head. I already got
one skull goblet, do you want me to make it two?”

The man sunk to the floor screaming in anguish as Izuku whipped out a phone from the
pouch on his kilt.

"He took him down even quicker than we did…" Kirishima said in awe.

"Well… if we had cut off his hands it would've been easier. That's just… not our way though."
Mirio scratched the back of his head.

“Inspector, look what would you say if I turned a villain into a handless man. Think you
could work some magic and get your arse over my way?”

Toshinori snorted, already guessing who he had called.

“I ain’t moving, there's a little lass here that I got to protect anyway.”
Izuku pocketed the phone back into the bag over his dick and looked around for the wee little
one. Spotting a singular horn and eye peering from around the object she hid behind he
hollered over her way.

"TMI…" Mina said quietly.

“Its alright lassy, the bad man is not going to hurt you anymore little one”

The young girl slowly made her way over to the man. Taking his hand, he lifted her up into
his arms and checked over her.

She's adorable!

Tsuyu made a note to invite Izuku to her house one of these days. She reckoned he'd be great with
her siblings.

“Well seems you weren’t hurt, that's good. Now the mask boy called you Eri is that your

Eri nodded and then hugged the mountain of a man. He held her tightly while keeping an eye
on the unconscious dick weevil in front of him. Eri pulled back and seemed to want to say

"Awww…" Nejire cooed, eyes sparkling.

“What's the problem kit?”

“Mister you talk funny”

A few students giggled at that.


Izuku roared and chuckled at the little girls bluntness.

"You laugh like how my dad sneezes." Tokage cackled.

"H-huh?" Izuku stuttered out.


“Well little one, me ma is from this country, but me father was from a wonderful place called
Scotland. I was born there, but I traveled so much that I just ended up here.”

"Oh wow he is part scottish." Toshinori said.

"He must be filthy rich!" Uraraka pointed at the screen.

"I'll say. Easily as much wealth as Yaomomo I imagine." Toru guessed.

Yaoyorozu sputtered in shock.

“Hey you want to know something kit?”

Eri slowly nodded her head gaining trust in the man slowly.

Izuku beamed. I'm glad she trusts me...

“Well you got one horn. Which reminds me of my home country's national animal. Want to
guess what it is?”
"A unicorn?" Mina asked cautiously.

Eri studied the man before her not really knowing what to say. Sirens sounded as she spoke.

“I don’t know”

Izuku grinned wide as the doors slammed and the police and ems began checking the
unconscious man missing both hands. He slowly poked Eri in the stomach eliciting a small
giggle that made his heart warm at the sound.

Yep, definitely inviting him. Tsuyu grinned.

“The national animal is a unicorn, wee little one. Are you a unicorn?”

The students aww'ed at that, eliciting a small blush from Izuku.

Mirio chuckled at the display. Nejire clapped her hands rapidly. "Oh she does she does!"

Tickling her slightly to make her giggle some more. Izuku didn’t care that the police had
questions. He had one mission now, make sure the child in his arms never had fear in her
eyes again. He would protect the Unicorn.

The students nodded in agreement, fire in their eyes.

"All in favor of the Eri protection squad say I." Uraraka mumbled softly.

"I." Midoriya said without thinking.

"I." Nearly everyone repeated. Uraraka cackled at the flustered faces.

Izuku was many things, immortal, a drinker, lover of memes, hater of perverts, and a very,
very rich man. You would be too if you had a bank account that was 800 years old and
growing everyday. Despite all that, he had no fucking idea how to handle a 6 year girl who
was spooked by their own shadow. Does he fight the shadow, or does he wrap the little
unicorn in his arms and sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow till she calmed down? He turned
to his rolodex of people, that had expanded massively following Kamino, for answers.

"800 years…"

"Ha! Told you he was rich!"

Kaminari placed a hand on Mineta's shoulder. "It was nice knowing you."

"Fight the shadow!" Kamakiri and Bakugo roared.

"Sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow?" Pony, Izuku and Kinoko said.

"Make her fight her own shadows!" Kaminari thumped a fist to his palm.

Kendo raised an eyebrow at Bakugo, Kamakiri and Kaminari, unimpressed. "Right, well now I
know who not to leave with Eri."

"Eh?! What do you mean!?"

There wasn’t a day that went by that a hero attempted to call him. Hell, even the burning
trash pile called him. Most of his calls from Endeavor were questions about what his quirk
was, and “because I’m immortal bitch” apparently didn’t answer it. So he trolled through
the list till he got the N’s. He was seriously regretting this as he picked up his cell phone and
dialed the scariest person he knew, and he knew God. Before the phone even rang, he could
hear the smirking voice from the other side.

Todoroki inhaled deeply. He sent a quiet thank you to every Midoriya in existence that trashed on
Endeavor's existence.
"N names… Nezu?" Mina asked curiously.

"He knows god?!" Ibara choked out, baffled.

“Well, Midoriya I was wondering when you were going to call, I would like to offer you a job.
In return I will help with the child.”

"Nezu." Vlad King sighed.

"Me." the speakers cackled, before crackling off.

The students blinked. Yeah, cuz that's not creepy at all...

Yeah fuck this world, time to see if 4.5 trillion dollars would get him a habitat on the moon
built. He gripped the phone tighter, let out a sigh and rubbed his nose bridge.

Yaoyorozu's eyes bulged. "4.5 trillion…"

"A moon habitat would be amazing." Uraraka said in awe.

“Right, look here you scary animal, I don’t need a job, I don’t want a job, I just want to
provide my new little lass with a loving home and make sure she can use her bloody quirk
without fear.”

"He's not gonna take no for an answer is he…" Tamaki mumbled.

“Well, we here at UA can provide all that and in exchange. You can be a glorified security
guard, while also occasionally helping some of the students out when they train.”

"This Izuku teaching us? I'm concerned…" Kaibara said.

"So manly… bring it on!" Kirishima roared.

Izuku knew he had fucked up, the rat had won. He sighed and began to mentally figure out
what he could request for before the rejected Disney princess helper said no. He looked out of
his office at Eri sitting in front of the tv watching some movie. He heard “return the heart to
the sea” before he ducked back to continue the negotiations.

“Here's the list of things I need, you listening Nezu?”

"Always, even when most are asleep." the intercoms crackled.

“Always, even when most are asleep”

A few students shivered.

I think I need a drink… Vlad King thought.

“Well I’m drinking after that statement, anyway here's what I need. 5 bedroom house with a
gym and workshop attached. I want all the first year heroes quirk files, and I want Lunch
Rush to make candy apples anytime the Unicorn requires it, also a pony”

"We got the pony covered atleast." Kinoko giggled as she slumped an arm over Pony.

Izuku giggled at that.

I guess she likes apples. Mirio noted.

“Already sent Cementoss to build it, I have the files in paper and pdf form, easy enough; he
loves making sweets, and no pony”
"Bah! We can just have Koda get one for us then!" Mina declared.

Koda sweatdropped, shuffling in his seat.


“Your ID is in your mailbox, Eraser dropped it off 3 minutes ago”

"Did he… predict this?" Izuku choked out.

"More than likely." Shinso groaned, rubbing his eyes.

Hanging up the phone, he began questioning everything and tried not to break down. He
walked over to the child currently munching on apple slices while enraptured by a dumbass

“Well wee lass, I got some news for me and you.”

"Wait… can we bring Eri to UA? Since the culture festival is coming up?" Izuku asked, swerving
to look back at All Might.


The intercoms crackled again. "I'll see what I can do. We should bring her in beforehand so she can
get acquainted with the school."

Izuku nodded.

“We are going to be moving someplace safe for you, so no one can hurt you Unicorn”

Eri looked up into his eyes, and seemed to think about something.

“Okay, papa”

Izuku sucked in a deep breath, choking on it even as the other students roared in surprise.

Tsu tapped him in the back as he tried to calm down from the near heart attack.

"A father, and you're not even out of school." Mirio sighed dramatically.

"I envy you." Tokage cackled.

She turned back to the TV, not even knowing she had sent Izuku down into a mental spiral
that touched the earth’s core. Izuku seemed to stare into the void wondering if maybe he had
died and this was heaven. This little white haired girl was his personal angel guardian and he
hadn’t accepted reality. He suddenly decided to fuck alcohol time and see if he could get the
little one to laugh for once instead of giggle.

"Yeah! Fuck alcohol!" Kaminari declared.

“Hey little one, how would you like to play a game that's also a meme.”

“What's a meme?”

"Noooo, Izuku what are you doing!" Shinso groaned.

"Well atleast she isn't picking up curse words from him." Mina shrugged, glancing at Bakugo.
Right held in a scary dungeon, with no fucking clue what the world was like. Smart move
immortal moron.

"Real smart." Monoma snorted.

“Well memes, little unicorn, are such things such as naruto running, the floor is lava and my
personal favorite yeeting things.”


"Please. I wanna see her yeet something." Mina and Kaminari pleaded.

"Yeet?" Toshinori and Vlad blinked in confusion.

"Just watch."

“Yeah, so you grab a ball or a similar object and chuck it screaming yeet. Want to try it?”

“How do I do that without breaking something”

"Right, were not teaching her that." Izuku immediately told them.

"Papadoriya's first strike." Toru groaned.

"Wait till Auntie Inko finds out." Bakugo snorted.

"Kacchan please "

Izuku held up a finger before going back to the office for his stress ball, walking back he saw
the girl seemed very curious as to what was going on. He held up the ball to her and showed
her squishy it was.

“Right lass, hold out your hand”

He placed the ball in her hand and mimed a throwing motion for her. She seemed to get what
he wanted but kept an eye on him as she chucked the ball down the hall. With the softest yell
Izuku had ever hear


"Oh my god that's precious." A few students said in low voices.

"If bad comes to worse she can always yeet a grenade or something at one of those birdfaced
fucks." Bakugo shrugged.

Mirio winced. "We are not giving her a grenade."

“Hahahaha, oh my lord little one that was a sight for my sore eyes”

She smiled at him and he walked down the hall to get the ball for her. He turned around and
saw that she was motioning for him to throw it back.

“Duck little lass”

"Wait does he have One for All here?" Kinoko suddenly realized.

"I don't think so?" Izuku scratched his head, curious.

Winding up, he saw her eyes matched her smile as she hunkered down.



The ball smacked into the front door with enough force to rattle the hinges. Izuku cringed
and made a mental note to apologize to the neighbors before he left. He noticed Eri was
giggling at what just happened. He decided for the sake of his neighbors he would move on to
a different meme.

Mina gasped. "Izuku you scoundrel!"

"Midoriya, please don't disturb the neighbors…" Iida groaned, chopping his hands at his friend.

"Imagine if he yeeted that at 100%" Sero whispered to Kaminari.

"Like the ball throw at the beginning of the year." he snorted.

“Right since you now know what yeeting is, I’m going to show you the next one. You ready to
learn it”

Eri nodded and had a genuine look of happiness on her face. Izuku got right next to her

Izuku and Mirio beamed. "Ah, it does my heart good to see a happy child." Toshinori sighed,

“Well you yell out this phrase and then jump onto something. So your feet aren’t touching
the ground, like this”


Immediately a bunch of students lifted their feet, not touching the ground.

Yaoyorozu blinked, looking down at Todoroki. "You're supposed to move away from it.

Todoroki, feet firmly stuck on the ground, looked at her without a trace of worry. "I know."

As he yelled that he grabbed Eri and jumped onto the couch. It had its desired effect of
causing her to start laughing at the giant of a man wearing a tank top and shorts jumping on
the couch. All Izuku could think about was how glad he was that he rescued her now that she
was finally laughing. Still, in the back of his mind was the fear of that goddamn rat-bear
thing that was in charge of U.A and what the future entailed.

The screen shut off.

Mirio pounded his fist against his palm.

"Right, first order of business is making her smile!"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah!"

"I can make some candy apples when she comes over." Sato contributed.

"I wonder which performance she'll like more. Ours or yours? Although I assume even she will
recognize the superiority of-" Monoma was cut off as Ibara wrapped her vines around his mouth,

"Don't ruin the mood." she said with a smile.

Toshinori coughed.

"Right well, next one please."

Chapter End Notes

Tbh this particular fic is pretty amusing to me.

On a side note, wow I didn't expect the zombie au to be so popular. I'll do another
chapter on it in the future. Anyways enjoy this one and until next time
Universe 26
Chapter Summary

Apologies for the delay i kinda ran outta food.

ANYWAYS this chapter is based on the fic 'Izuku and his Rocker and Creator' by
Stephano1294. Hope this chapter lives up to expectations.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Everyone had disassembled their ‘horses’, and then gathered in front of Midnight who stood
with a smile as she had seen the results.

"Oh sports fest!" Uraraka cheered.

"Who won!?" Bakugo immediately yelled out.


but was cut off by a loud explosion and shout.

"What?!?" Bakugo growled out, even as Todoroki made a small noise of surprise.

“What do you mean they kept first place?! I took shitty Deku’s headband from Half and
Half!” Bakugou shouted in complete rage.

"Yeah! What I said!"

Everyone who was a part of Team Todoroki and Bakugou had similar confused expressions.
Then Mina facepalmed hard, and started laughing as she believed she figured it out.
"Mina? Figuring it out? I'm impressed." Kaminari admitted.

"Like you could do better!" Jirou immediately retorted.

“Bakugou, did you check the headband?” Mina asked with a grin.

A fake? Todoroki thought.

“HAH? The fuck you on about shitty racoon eyes?” Bakugou asked as he looked at the
headband he held.

“Is it a fake one?” She asked with a smile.

"It is, isn't it." Vlad King sighed.

Bakugou then looked at his own headband, then looked back at the one he took from half and

“GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Bakugou shouted loud enough that those outside the arena
heard his shout loud and clear.

"That's… impressive." Mirio admitted, eyebrows raised.

"That cannot be good for your throat." Manga said.

“That’s right, Izuku decided we should have a fake headband, and I am stunned that it
actually paid off.” Momo said with a smile.

"It appears we were on the same team, Izuku." Yaoyorozu said warmly.
"Thank you for following my- err, his plan." Izuku smiled.

SEVENTY FIVE POINTS!” Midnight announced, smiling as all the qualified teams
celebrated, while those who failed, became disappointed.

"Looks like we fight here as well. I'm eager to see how you broke free." Shinso said with a smile
near identical to Mr. Aizawa.

enjoy seeing the fun~” Midnight said to everyone as they dispersed.

Vlad King sighed at his colleague's theatrics.

Momo and Kyoka went to go grab Izuku to take him to join them for lunch, however when
they saw him, he was following Todoroki with a look of confusion. So being curious and
slightly worried about their cru-friend, they decided to follow…

"Ohoho? What was that slip of the tongue?" Mina perked up, tossing a cheshire grin at the two

"Is this where we overhear the tragic backstory?" Jirou managed to say, pretending to ignore
Mina's words and making sure Yaoyorozu hadn't passed out.

Izuku stood with Todoroki in an empty hall. He stood there wondering what he wanted with
him, and why it couldn’t wait. Seeing Todoroki not speaking, he decided to try and break the

“So, you mind hurrying up? I want to refuel after those taxing events….” Izuku spoke
randomly hoping he would get on with it, the silence became awkward.

"Sorry." Todoroki apologized.

Izuku chuckled. "It's ok."

“So, lovely weather we are having huh?” Izuku tried to make it less awkward.

“I nearly broke my oath. I know Momo, Iida, Kaminari, and Jirou didn’t feel it, but you did.
When I got close to you, I felt a power similar to one I felt before. Tell me, are you All Might’s
secret love child?”

All Might wheezed, thumping his chest as his mouth gushed out blood even as the students
immediately went in an uproar.

"H-he's not my dad Shoto!" Izuku said, exasperated.

Todoroki looked at the two of them, unamused.

"Y'know… considering it's a multiverse… there are probably worlds where he is your dad." Mirio
beamed, rapidly tapping his forehead.

"Not helping…" Toshinori said weakly as he clutched his chest.

"Yeah, or worlds where he is your son or something extravagant like that." Kinoko giggled.

"Thanks, now I'm never getting that out of my head." Midoriya groaned.
“Huh?” Izuku asked confused.

“You have similar powers, and they felt too similar to be a coincidence, so answer my
question.” Todoroki said firmly with a straight face.

"I mean, in personalities and quirks they're pretty similar, but way too different in looks." Kendo

“I am not related to All Might! I would be over the moon if I was though, imagine that, the
Symbol of Peace, as my father. Now, are you going to tell me about using your fire?” Izuku
questioned, feeling unhappy with what this conversation has involved.

Toshinori tried not to feel smug about the other Izuku's statement.

Screw it, he could afford to be smug.

“I refuse to use that man’s power! To get you to understand, I need to ask you this, have you
ever heard of quirk marriages?” Todoroki asked.

The students tensed up, frowning.

Toshinori's lips were pressed tight even as Vlad growled next to him.

"Why haven't we pressed charges again?" Mina spat out.

Todoroki frowned, looking down at his hand.

"These viewings don't count as a legitimate source unless we want to expose it. Doing so would
lead to a multitude of complications that come with finding out there's more of us out there… and
my father…"
Todoroki's mouth twitched slightly, eyes less hard now. "He told me he'd work to be a hero I could
be proud of. I'm willing to give him this one chance."

Izuku smiled warmly, even as the students blinked in surprise, touched by the normally cold
Todoroki's warm words.

Mei glanced at the boy, humming. For your sake Endeavor, I hope you shape up like a few of your
other selves...

“Yeah, they used to be a big problem during the second generation of quirk users, however it
slowly became a poor practice and was deemed violating our basic rights. Wait don’t tell
me-” Izuku said as his eyes widened in realization.

“Yeah, I’m a product of a quirk marriage. My damn father bought my mother from her
parents and used her for the sole purpose of creating a tool to surpass All Might. ‘Your face
reminds me too much of his!’ Was all my mother said before she poured boiling water on my

The students frowned. Todoroki hummed in appreciation as Sato patted his back.

“That’s horrible.” Izuku said completely blown away by that reveal.

“Right after that incident, my dear old man sent her to the hospital for hurting his
masterpiece. She hasn’t been allowed out since. Now I know you have some connection to All
Might, whatever that connection is, I will beat you with only my ice.” Todoroki coldly spat as
he turned and walked away.

We all know how that went… the students thought.

Izuku decided to not be silent.

“Todoroki!” Izuku called out.

Todoroki stopped in place but didn’t even turn around, he just glanced back at Izuku.

“You can’t truly be a hero if you don’t go all out, so if we meet, I will show you that. You
remember that declaration of war from this morning? Yeah, well I’m sending it right back at
you. You better fight me with all you got, because I will be doing the same!” Izuku shouted

Todoroki smiled. No matter what world, it seemed like Midoriya was always helping him.

He didn't know what he did to deserve such a caring friend, but he was grateful.

Izuku sighed as he slid down into a sitting position against the wall. He cupped his face in his
hands and started questioning his decisions in life.


Meanwhile with Kyoka and Momo…

"Oh yeah ehehe… forgot we followed them." Jirou said sheepishly.

“Holy shit. You wanna spray a fire extinguisher on him now? See if that cools his ego?”
Kyoka asked Momo after she finished relaying their conversation.

"Yaoyorozu. I would pay you to spray him." Todoroki pleaded. A few students nodded in

I don't even need the money… "I thought you were giving him a chance?" Yaoyorozu retorted.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't want to annoy him." Todoroki admitted, as if that explained
“Despite how bad of an idea that is, yes, I do have a desire to put out his flames. Although I
am more worried about Izuku. He doesn’t have that great of a control on his quirk yet, so if
he goes all out, how far will be too far for him?” Momo questioned thoughtfully

"Not far enough." Izuku said, determined.

Yui deadpanned at him.

"Deku no " Uraraka pouted.

Tsu and Tokage glared at him, and he earned a forehead flick for his troubles.

"You shouldn't break yourself this much, ribbit."

"B-but… I got through to him in the end…" Izuku weakly defended himself.

"So that's a good excuse to break a leg? Or arm? Or arms? " Tokage asked, unimpressed.

"I… yes?" Izuku answered, confused.

"We're talking about this later." Yui cut in, leaving no room for argument.

Toshinori sighed. It seems I don't have to lecture him after all.

“We should go and talk with him, let’s go.” Kyoka said as she grabbed Momo’s hand and
began walking towards where Izuku and Shoto vanished to.

As they were walking, they noticed Bakugou staring into space completely dumbfounded,
and obviously in shock. Seeing that expression told the two girls that Bakugou heard the two
boy’s conversation. They were about to speak up, but then realized that wouldn’t be that
good of an idea as Bakugou may yell and tell Izuku about their conversation being
eavesdropped on. So with that thought in mind, they continued straight to where Izuku
would be and they looked around and finally found him.

"Woah I didn't know you were there." Kaminari said.

Bakugo growled, not wanting to admit he'd eavesdropped.

“There you are Izuku. We were wondering where you had gone. Come on, let’s get lunch and
we can talk strategy while we eat.” Kyoka said as she helped Izuku to his feet.

“Sounds great! I assume you two listened to the conversation I just partook in?” Izuku asked
as he walked with them forgetting to let go of Kyoka’s hand.

Jirou winced even as Yaoyorozu sputtered.

“W-what conversation?” Kyoka tried to act unaware, while blushing at how nice it feels to be
holding both Momo’s and Izuku’s hands.

"You flatter me Jirou…" Yaoyorozu mumbled as she held a hand to her mouth.

"Uh… glad my hand feels nice?" Izuku said, not knowing how to react.

Jirou waved her jacks erratically, looking away from the two of them.

“I saw you two following behind us for a few minutes, so I knew you two would have likely
listened in.” Izuku said calmly.

“Oh, sorry for being rude and eavesdropping. But yes, we did listen in on the conversation.
We plan to pretend we didn’t unless we meet his father. Then I will give him a nice present
of a fire extinguisher.” Momo said calmly as she brushed some of her own hair behind her
Yaoyorozu nodded.

"Toss in a few All Might merch to really annoy him." Kaminari giggled.

That's not a bad idea… Todoroki thought, a hand on his chin.


After lunch was over, every first year gathered in the arena field to find out the matches for
the tournament.

as she cracked her whip and a display of a wheel popped up.

The wheel began to spin for a minute before it landed on an event titled Tug of War. The
display gained cracks, and then visually shattered to reveal their real event.

"I was about to say…" Monoma sighed.

"Did you really assume it would be tug of war?" Kendo questioned.



“Uhh, excuse me?” Ojiro spoke up timidly, drawing Midnight’s attention.

"Mm." Shinso hummed, remembering that.

“What is it Ojiro?”

“I’d like to withdraw.” Ojiro’s statement drew many gasps from everyone present.

"I never did apologize to the two of you… so I apologize, I guess…" Shinso said awkwardly.

Ojiro and Shoda grinned. "It's all good!"

“Ojiro, this is an excellent opportunity to prove yourself to the pros watching us! Don’t throw
it away just like that!” Iida reprimanded.

“In the second event, I don’t know what even happened during it, I heard someone asking me
a question, and then the next thing I knew, it was the final thirty seconds. My pride won’t
allow me to participate if I don’t feel I deserve to be here!” Ojiro spoke with bitterness in his

"As admirable as that is… pride has no place on the battlefield." Todoroki recalled.

A few students nodded somberly.

"Still, it is just a tournament."

“But you can prove you belong in this event by winning during this!” Izuku encouraged.

“I can’t, it feels like I cheated to get this far.” Ojiro said as he clenched his fists in anger.

“I’d like to step down too for the same reason if that’s alright.” A new voice spoke up, one
belonging to a shorter and slightly chubbier boy.
"You two with your pride… " Tokage groaned.

"I applaud the sportsmanship from you two." Ibara smiled, and Ojiro and Shoda beamed.



"Oh that's new!" Pony cheered.

"It'll be interesting how Tsunotori will participate in the 1v1's…" Izuku remarked, notebook open
to a blank page.

Pony giggled. "Pony is fine." she said in english.

"O-oh… then Izuku's fine. Actually uh, I feel comfortable with all of you so if you want, you can
call me Izuku too." Midoriya beamed at them all.

So bright! the students thought, averting their gaze.

A blonde haired girl with two massive horns cheered and wrapped an arm around her
teammate who had a mohawk of light green hair, and what was likely a bug based quirk with
those mandibles on the side of his jaw, and overall bug like appearance. Both looked happy
with the fact on how they get to partake in the tournament.

"Kamakiri." Tsuburaba said.

"Heh, now I get to show off my stuff in the 1 on 1's." Kamakiri smirked, exuding cockiness.

announced as Izuku, Momo, Kyoka, and Tokoyami all walked up to grab their ball.

"Aw, I wasn't with 1 million…" Mei pouted.

Uraraka pouted as well, just internally.

Once they grabbed their ball, they all showed Midnight, who wrote down their names and
spot. As everyone else was grabbing their ball, Izuku met up with Momo and Kyoka.

“So Green, what number did ya get?” Kyoka asked with a smirk on her face.

“I got number one, I would have preferred a later number, but oh well. What about you
guys?” Izuku asked with a shrug.

"Of course he gets one." Mirio chuckled.

“I got fifteenth, so I am last for the fights.” Momo said with a hopeful expression, as she felt
glad that she wouldn’t fight Midoriya unless they both made it to the end.

"Lucky, you get more time to think of a plan." Izuku said.

Yaoyorozu flushed. "I should still focus on quick thinking though."

“I got ninth, so Yaomomo, let’s meet up before the finals so we can see which of us can kick
Green’s ass!” Kyoka said with a evil grin, that both Momo and Izuku found adorable.

Jirou flushed. Do they really think that?

AND OUR CLOSING MATCH OF THE FIRST ROUND..” Midnight shouted out, and
Momo realized who her opponent was.

Immediately Izuku began muttering, wondering how Pony and Kamakiri's matches would go. He
already knew Todoroki would win his, but Pony had a better chance of success, just not by much.

“Oh no!” Momo muttered out, both Izuku and Kyoka glanced at her, then both paled.

Bakugo grinned. Oh yes.

“Oh no!” All three said together.

"Oh yeah!" Kaminari quoted, grinning as Sero got the reference.


HAVE SOME FUN IF THEY SO DESIRE!” Midnight said as everyone ran around to do

"Don't write yourself off like that Yaomomo." Izuku chided.

The girls deadpanned at him. That's rich coming from you of all people.


After an hour of people doing certain tasks for some fun, it was finally time for the matches
to begin. Izuku stood at the end of his tunnel doing breathing exercises to calm his anxiety.
He then heard Mic speaking up.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s time for our one versus ones to begin! We have our umpire
Midnight, along with Cementoss to help officiate the matches and to intervene if anything
goes too far! Now, for the match that will hopefully set the pace for the rest of the events.
Coming out of the North tunnel, the boy with messy green hair, and an appearance that
screams plain, Izuku Midoriya! And his opponent, From the South tunnel, the boy that looks
like he fights sleep on a daily basis, Hitoshi Shinso!” Mic announced.

"Should've gone with Aizawa's son." Vlad King huffed.

Todoroki looked back at him. "You see it too?"

Izuku's eye twitched even as Shinso buried himself in his scarf.

Izuku stood on one side of the ring, breathing in and out, calming himself, while his opponent
looked calm and bored.


"Yeah yeah, get to it already." Bakugo huffed.

Izuku and Shinso nodded.

“ALRIGHT THEN! BEGIN!” Midnight shouted.

Within seconds Izuku had started running at Shinso not using One for All to save himself in
case if Shinso had a sneaky trick up his sleeve. Meanwhile Shinso showed no signs of worry.
"Huh. Good to know you weren't just going easy on me." Shinso admitted.

Izuku sputtered. "I would never!"

“May the best man win?” Shinso offered with minimal effort, clearly not meaning it, which
made Izuku narrow his eyes.

Not authentic enough… Shinso frowned.

Mina stifled a snort. "That was so weak, sorry…"

Realizing Izuku wasn’t responding to that, he decided to switch tactics, and go for a low blow.

Oh no. Izuku frowned.

“You know, I don’t think your two girlfriends belong here, honestly, they look so pathetically
weak it makes me wonder how shitty the hero course students truly are.” Shinso said
casually, and he noticed Izuku starting to become even angrier.

"Sorry." Shinso said preemptively before Momo or Jirou could say anything.

"It's fine. You're just trying to win." Jirou shrugged him off.

Yaoyorozu stifled her slight feelings of insecurity at that statement, nodding at him. "It was a
tactical decision."

“What did you just say abou-” Izuku yelled, only to suddenly stop mid sentence and stand
straight up, with no movements.

"It's so odd to think this isn't even you like… truly mad." Monoma admitted.
"To be fair, everyone only has rare instances of true anger. The rest of the time it's just normal
anger." Izuku said, glancing at Bakugo.

Seeing this, Shinso smiled.

“I win. Now do me a favour, and would you kindly walk out of bounds.” Shinso said as he
began to stretch to show how little effort this match was.

"Wow." Nejire deadpanned.

I really was kind of a dick back then wasn't I… Shinso winced. He hadn't intended on making
friends when he'd first walked in, but seeing all these worlds just made him feel closer to his clas-
future classmates.

Izuku meanwhile suddenly turned around and obeyed his orders. Slowly staggering towards
the edge. Once Izuku got close to the edge, he spotted a vague shadow that looked bald,
wanting to desperately win, he mentally reached out towards the figure, who stuck his hand
out. And suddenly, his world went black…

"One for All." All Might smiled.

"Welp, guess I lost." Shinso sighed, stretching slightly.


Meanwhile with Momo and Kyoka…

“Green should win this, he’s a quirk nerd, I have no doubt that within a minute, he’ll have
Shinso’s quirk figured out, and he will dominate him.” Kyoka said as both Momo and herself
sat together to watch this match.

Izuku's cheeks flushed. "Glad to know you think so highly of me."

Jirou flushed. "I- you… forget about it!"

“As much as I’d like to think he could put up a fight, I just can’t see him winning unless he
can catch Izuku off guard.” Momo said quietly.

"Which he did." Todoroki acknowledged.

Both of the sat body to body, Kyoka had plugged her jack into the board to try and hear
what was going on better. Both started cheering when Izuku had his determined look that he
wears when he is analysing his opponent. Then after hearing Izuku snap back after Shinso
had insulted them, he stopped moving much to their confusion.

"I wonder what got you three so close." Mina smirked, cheeks slightly more pink than usual.

"We're just friends…" Yaoyorozu weakly retorted.

Toru giggled. "Sure…"

“Why isn’t Izuku fighting him?” Momo questioned.

Before Kyoka could reply, she heard Shinso call his victory, then order Izuku to do
something. That’s when Shinso’s quirk clicked for her.

Izuku smiled. "See? You figured it out too."

Jirou flushed. Her jacks tapped against each other as she smirked internally at the compliment.

“He can’t. Izuku has lost this fight.” Kyoka muttered in shock.

“What?” Momo asked.

“That Shinso guy’s quirk, it’s some form of brainwashing. Izuku is doing exactly what he
wants.” Kyoka sad as she covered her face with her hands as she could bear to witness what
was about to be a swift defeat.

"I'll admit I was pretty bummed out when you lost against Todoroki. It looked cool though so it
was fine." Uraraka shrugged.

"Plus it was pretty hot watching you tear apart those ice attacks with nothing but your fingers."
Tokage said next to his ear, giggling at his red face.

"Actually I believe it was pretty cold up until I used my fire." Todoroki interjected.

A thunk was heard and Kirishima turned to look at Bakugo, head planted in the seat in front of him
as his shoulders shook.

Then, Momo did something uncharacteristic of her.


“Kick his butt Izuku! Don’t let his brainwashing get the best of you! We believe in you!”
Momo shouted out loud, ignoring the looks their classmates were sending them.

Yaoyorozu flushed, cupping her cheeks even as her heart beat faster.

"That's so romantic…" Mina teased, cooing at the display.

"I can't even argue against that." Jirou sighed, glancing at her friend.

Then to both theirs and Shinso’s shock, suddenly Izuku stopped moving and turned to Shinso
with a smile on his face.
Oh? a few students thought in surprise.

“What! How are you resisting my commands? I can tell my quirk is still affecting you, so
would you kindly walk out and disqualify yourself!” Shinso shouted.

So he does know if someone's snapped out of his brainwashing! Izuku beamed, writing it down.

Izuku started chuckling, and responded in a voice that sounded a bit too mature for a fifteen
year old.

“How about no? Now, if you really want to prove you are a hero, lets fight, quirkless. Your
quirk has no affect on me, and if I used my quirk, well, you wouldn’t be able to prove you can
fight without it.” Izuku(?) said.

The students sputtered.

"Uh what?" Izuku said, surprised.

"One for All?" Bakugo guessed.

"One for All." Toshinori sighed.

"I'd still lose quirkless… atleast back then." Shinso trailed off, wondering who would win if they
fought quirkless now.

Then Izuku leaned forward and sprinted close to the ground, and rapidly closed the gap with
precise movements, then when push came to shove, Shinso got pinned beneath Izuku, and
was unable to properly move, so he let out a sigh.

"His moves…" Izuku noted.

"They're different." Bakugo growled.

“If you really desire to be a hero so badly, you should stop being a hypocrite, and actually
train yourself. Tell me, why did you put no training into your body?” Izuku asked simply.

"Damn." Toru said in a small voice.

Shinso huffed. "Why didn't you ?"

Izuku shuffled uncomfortably, glancing at Bakugo. "I guess I was never motivated enough…" he

Shinso's gaze softened slightly.

“Everyone viewed my quirk as villainous, so I came here to prove them wrong.” Shinso said

“Ha! So you don’t want to be a hero?”

Of course I do , Shinso frowned.

“I do want to be a hero! Why do you think I wouldn’t, or are you still mad about how I got
you under my quirk temporarily?”

“Real heroes don’t give two fucks about what others think. You are simply aiming to prove
your quirk isn’t villainous, which tells me you want to be a hero for your quirk’s sake not
your own. Let me be the first to tell ya, your quirk ain’t villainous, no quirks are really
villainous, I know of some villains that will literally laugh at you calling your own quirk
villainous, then proceed to kill you for being in their way. Let this be a learning experience,
train your body, and I will eagerly look forward to our meeting next year.” Izuku said.

"Heh, I like this version." Bakugo admitted.

"He's pretty hero-like isn't he…" Kendo remarked.

"Yeah so manly!" Tetsutetsu cheered.

That shocked Kyoka, as that didn’t sound like anything Izuku would actually say, so both
Momo and herself got up from their seats and hurried down to meet him to have a ‘chat’
with him. Ignoring the looks Mina was sending their way

"Leave it to Mina to completely misread the situation." Jirou sighed.



Midoriya suddenly came back and he was standing on top of Shinso, holding him in place.
Izuku was briefly confused, until he heard Midnight announce him winning the match,
shrugging for now, he let go of Shinso and stood up.

“Good match Shinso, you nearly got me. I am sure if you worked hard you could actually
stand a chance against me!” Izuku said and let out his signature bright smile.

"I like how you're just so accepting of what happened." Uraraka giggled.

"I mean, I won so…" Izuku defended.

Izuku then turned around and made his way out the way he came from, he got so deep in
thought, he didn’t notice Momo and Kyoka waiting for him, and following him as a result.
He only stopped when he felt someone grab onto his shirt.

"You noticed us the first time but not the second?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"H-hey! I was distracted with One for All."

“Oh, hey Kyoka, and Momo! What do you two want?” Izuku asked innocently, unaware of
their reasoning for finding him.

“We need to have a chat. I will ensure no one will eavesdrop on us as I’m monitoring the
nearby halls.” Kyoka said as she jabbed her jack into the wall.

"Thanks." Izuku sighed, rubbing his forehead.

Izuku grew nervous, but hoped they weren’t going to ask him about having All Might’s

“Izuku, what exactly is your quirk? What Kyoka and I heard during the match is not how
you sound, nor speak. It reminded us of the USJ. So do you mind telling us what your quirk
is? We promise, if it’s a secret, our lips are sealed.” Momo promised.

"Oh so same thing happened at the USJ…" Toshinori noted.

Izuku decided to try and tell as much truth as possible without actually saying much about
his quirk.

"Heh, and here I thought you sucked at keeping secrets." Tokage said.

"I've gotten lucky." Izuku chuckled.

“Well, your guess is as good as mine. I was under Shinso’s brainwashing and I couldn’t stop
my body from moving, then suddenly, next thing I know, Shinso is pinned beneath me.

Kyoka narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh you're gonna get it now." Jirou said.

"You're avoiding talking about your quirk." Yaoyorozu shook her head.

“You aren’t telling us what your quirk is, which means your quirk is meant to be a secret.
Now there are very few reasons why someone wouldn’t tell their best friends about their own
quirk. Reason one, and the most likely reason, someone somehow granted you a quirk.
Option two, you don’t trust us with your quirk, which hurts. Which of the two is it? Trying to
lie again will result in getting stabbed by my jack, don’t worry, no one is nearby.” Kyoka

"Confess." Jirou teased, waving her jacks menacingly.

"It's a wonder that you kept it as secret as you did." Vlad King remarked at Toshinori.

"Heh, guess it's just a stroke of luck."

Izuku felt helpless, so he closed his eyes and prayed to whatever ultimate being actually
exists, that All Might won’t be too mad about this reveal.

"It's fine, my boy." Toshinori waved him off.

“Well, I hope I don’t get in too much trouble, it’s reason one…” Izuku very faintly said
hoping Kyoka would by some miracle not hear him.

"Fat chance of that." Jirou snorted.

“I see no reason a villain would give you a quirk, and not keep you as a villain, especially one
so-” Momo facepalmed as she realized who gave Izuku his quirk.

“What Momo?” Izuku questioned in worry after seeing Momo facepalm/

"She figured it out." Izuku said.

"It's so weird that other versions of us don't know but we do." Kaminari said.

"Yeah! That's because we're the cool ones!" Mina cheered.

“Why did All Might think he was cut out to be a mentor?” Momo questioned simply.

Toshinori winced.

“I don’t kno- You heard nothing.” Izuku said as he realized his slip up.

“Alright, talk us through this mess of a quirk, after the next match as this fight is going to be
your opponent.” Kyoka said as she checked the time and realized they were cutting it close on
the in between times for fights.

So Izuku, Momo, and Kyoka all rushed upstairs so they could witness what was going on.
Right as soon as they got to their seating section they heard Mic doing the announcements.

KAMAKIRI!” Present Mic announced, ignoring the groans from his pun.

Kamakiri groaned even as Tsuburaba chuckled.

"Porcupine is fucked." Bakugo simply said.

"EH? If anyone's a porcupine it's you with that spiky ass hair!" Kamakiri immediately retorted.

"As much as I'd love to see the two of you beat each other up, wait till we're finished." Monoma
rolled his eyes.
Izuku, Momo, and Kyoka all walked up to their seats together and studied the approaching
fight intensely as the winner will face Izuku after the first round finishes. When the fight
begun, immediately everyone had to blink to ensure their eyes weren’t playing tricks on
them. Todoroki was glaring hard at Izuku, essentially telling Izuku that what he just saw is
what awaits him next round.

"Apologies…" Shoto looked down.

"It's fine." Izuku shook his head, impressed with his friend's speed.

Izuku gulped in slight fear, but then everyone began to hear loud scraping coming from the
glacier Todoroki had formed. Everyone had stopped speaking to stare at the glacier, unable
to believe that the student encased in ice, was breaking out of it. Then lowe and behold,
Todoroki’s opponent broke free panting and shivering up a storm, but still smiling.

"Yeah!" a bunch of 1-B students cheered.

“If you want to take down us in 1-B, you’ll have to try harder than that! If that’s all it takes
to take down your classmates, than you guys are all pathetically weak. I also thought you
were the son of End-” He was cut off by a large pillar of ice erupting out of the ground, and
slamming into him, sending him out of bounds.

"Oof, you pushed the Endeavor button." Bakugo winced.

"I agree. It wasn't wise to do that." Todoroki scowled.

“Don’t compare me to that man!” Todoroki spat in anger, unintentionally bringing out his
flames from the sheer hatred he felt.

"Rage is something that must be honed if you wish to utilize it. Otherwise it will be nothing more
than a hindrance." Tokoyami advised.
“He really could have stood a chance.” Momo muttered, earning nods from Izuku and

“But he had to push the father button. That button is the bright red button you should never
press.” Kyoka shuddered at the sheer power Todoroki displayed.

"See? They get it." Todoroki said.

"Alright alright I got it! No daddy issues while fighting." Kamakiri waved him off.

Both Momo and Kyoka noticed Izuku suddenly jolt his head up like a cartoon character
getting an idea. Momo realized immediately what his thought process was.

“Izuku NO!” Momo sternly said, not liking the growing smile on Izuku’s face.

"Whatever you're planning on doing, don't." Yaoyorozu agreed.

"My plans usually work though!" Izuku retorted.

"At the cost of a few bones." Yanagi interjected.

Izuku pouted.

“I’m going to smash that button.” Izuku said to Momo and Kyoka, who both stared in shock.

"Detroit smash?" Kinoko whispered.

Pony mumbled something in english, coughing into her fist.

"I can't wait for you to tell me it's my power. It was a very moving moment." Todoroki admitted.
"Yeah, sorry for pushing the button in advance." Izuku said.

The students looked between the two in horror.

“Well, now that that fight is over, I think it’s time we continue our earlier conversation.”
Momo said, still curious about Izuku’s quirk.

With that thought in mind, they go and walk to find a secluded spot in the hallways again.

"My Mina senses are tingling." Toru said.

"Forreal? Mine too!" Mina said.


They found a nice and secluded spot, and before Momo could begin questioning, Kyoka
halted their conversation as she heard someone taking heavy footsteps in their direction.
Knowing to pretend to have some discussions appropriate for the events coming up, they
decide to discuss strategies for their upcoming fights.

“So, a strategy you can employ against Ashido is using your jacks as a tripwire. I know you
don’t like it when your earjacks get hit, but as soon as Ashido loses her balance, she becomes
vulnerable.” Izuku said as he recalled Ashido’s fighting style.

"Midori! Turning my own friend against me." Mina pouted in mock betrayal.

"It is a pretty solid strategy though." Mirio smiled.

“Did it got warmer in here, or is it just me?” Kyoka asked.

And right on cue, a giant flaming man turned the corner right into them. The man smiled
when he saw Izuku standing there.

"Well well well, if it isn't dipshit mcgee." Bakugo grin turned feral.

"Fire extinguisher time." Jirou encouraged.

“Ah there you are Midoriya! I have been looking around for you to have a chat.” Endeavor
said calmly, completely ignoring Kyoka and Momo.

"Rude." Yaoyorozu frowned.

“What do I owe the honour of speaking to the number two pro hero to?” Izuku replied with a

"You're being awfully polite…" Shoto said.

"All part of my master plan." Izuku mumbled.

“You have some talent, beating my replacement in two events is no small feat. I expect you to
put my son to a test before you fall before his might. He will eventually use his flames, and I
hope you can push him out of this silly childish tantrum he is in.” Endeavor continued with a

“Is Todoroki just a tool to you?” Momo questioned in annoyance.

“He is my son, he has the duty of replacing me. Why do you care woman?” Endeavor asked
as the flames on him burned brighter in response to his agitation.

"Oh?" Yaoyorozu said coldly.

Holy shit she's scary… Jirou gulped as she leaned away.

“Todoroki isn’t you, he seems far more caring than you have been so far this conversation.”
Momo began, unable to stop herself.

"Yeah!" Jirou cheered as Izuku beamed.

“Excuse you?” Endeavor asked in shock, as no one has ever verbally attacked the number
two pro hero.

"Can't handle a little heat?" Todoroki lifted an eyebrow.

“Why did you hunt down Midoriya out of every opponent?” Momo questioned, trying to set
things up so she could get at his abuse.

“His power reminds me a lot of All Might’s. So I figured someone with a similar quirk to All
Might’s would be a great test for him to see if he is truly ready to go after surpassing All
Might. I created him for that purpose alone.”

Izuku had enough of Endeavor’s stupidity.

"Yes. Tell him it's my power." Todoroki encouraged with a nod.

“Endeavor, riddle me this. Why is it that you have more villain captures than All Might, and
yet, you are stuck as the number two and he is the number one?” Izuku asked.

Toshinori perked up, intrigued.

“Because he is more powerful than me, while my son will be more powerful than me,
eventually more powerful than All Might!” Endeavor answered simply.
"Wrong." Izuku growled.

“That’s mostly false. All Might being more powerful than you is true, but all of his power is
blunt damage, you can overwhelm opponents his blunt force can’t. Your son won’t ever be
number one with his attitude. You believe in power over caring attitude, you would rather
capture villains, than protect others. Sure you do protect many lives, but your priority is
never on ensuring their safety. You may believe that eliminating the threat is the smart way
to deal with a villain threat, which has its merits, but All Might believes in protecting others
over dealing with a villain. If a villain shoots a wall, that when it breaks, will injure a trapped
civilian, to escape, you will pursue the villain to detain him, rather than protect the civilian.
That’s the difference between you two. If you had bothered to have a positive attitude, then
you would be very tough competition for All Might’s number one rank.” Izuku ranted at
Endeavor who stood there speechless.

Shinso whistled in admiration.

"Yeah! Get it Midoriya!" a few students egged him on.

"It's beautiful because it's all true." Monoma sighed, content.

“He’s right Endeavor, if you worked on improving your popularity, then you could be a solid
competition for the title of number one hero.” Kyoka replied with a grin.

Toshinori nodded in agreement.

"If Endeavor had had a more amicable and caring personality, the gap between us wouldn't have
been so wide."

“Also, why do you say your son’s legacy is to surpass All Might? Who’s to say All Might will
even still be a hero when he goes pro. No offence to the two of you, but you’re both getting up
there in age, so for all we know, All Might could end up retiring this year, or he could end up
retiring in ten years. All I know is that with the many active years of service All Might has, he
most definitely is considering retirement.” Izuku finished with a bow, causing Endeavor to
spin on his heel and stomping away.

Todoroki snorted. He's right though. Endeavor never would've gotten what he wanted even if I did
use my fire…

It was odd to think his father's goal was doomed from the start.

“Alright, so now that the flaming jackass is gone, let’s talk about your quirk and All Might
mentoring you, because those thoughts are still crazy to me.” Kyoka said as she twirled her
left jack around her finger.

“Right, well. I was technically quirkless until the day of the entrance exam, when All Might
gave me his quirk.” Izuku said simply.

"Deku that just makes you even more heroic." Uraraka sighed.

"Yeah the first time I used my quirk was to save you." Izuku admitted.

"Truly the embodiment of plus ultra. I aspire to be more like you." Iida said warmly, causing his
friend to flush.

“Wait, how did All Might know that his quirk was transferable?” Momo asked as that seems
too random to be something he randomly decided to try.

“He is the eighth wielder of this power, I am the ninth. I really don’t know much about my
quirk as All Might hasn’t told me much aside from the quirk being a transferable quirk that
stockpiles power.” Izuku sheepishly said.

"No offense, but you suck at explaining One for All." Bakugo told Toshinori.

"I… suppose that's fair."

Momo and Kyoka both facepalmed in sync with each other.

“So let me get this straight. All Might, the number one hero, and our teacher, chose you to be
his successor.”

Izuku nodded.

“Yep. I am planned to replace him when I go pro.”

“And he hasn’t told you really anything about this quirk he has given you?”

"Dumb move really." Jirou admitted.

"Well, he only did recently go into teaching." Yaoyorozu reminded them.

“Basically. I don’t even really know who knows about this power aside from after I meet
them and they tell me.” Izuku said sheepishly.

“Momo, you want to join me when we meet All Might and have a nice chat with him about
this whole being terrible at teaching?” Kyoka asked as she rubbed her face in annoyance.

Toshinori winced for his alternate self.

“Hold on, is it possible that your quirk is sentient? Because that would explain so much. It
would explain why during the fight against Shinso, you moved as if you have been in several
fights already, and against the Noumu, you spoke so weirdly.” Momo theorized while
rubbing her chin in thought.

Part of One for All is to pass on. It passed on more than just One for All, considering the other
quirks and the vestiges… it truly is complex… Izuku remembered, awe in his eyes.

“Oh my god. What if instead of storing power, it actually stores a piece of the holder’s soul.
That would explain why you sounded like multiple voices in the USJ, and why you sounded
and acted like a pro against Shinso.” Kyoka added.
"So they're all still alive in some way." Kirishima trailed off.

"Wait can you speak to them?" Sero asked.

"N-no? They kinda just… watch?" Izuku scratched his head, recalling the instances he's met the

Izuku meanwhile was struggling to accept this reality of his two best friends being more than
enough help for him to gain a better understanding of the reasoning behind his quirk. He
literally slid to the floor, trying to accept the fact on how useless All Might has been. Momo
and Kyoka both notice him struggling with this info, and they decide to comfort him. Momo
pulls his head to rest in her chest, unintentionally giving him a faceful of boobs, while Kyoka
wrapped herself around his other side.

Yaoyorozu sputtered even as Jirou cackled.

"It's like he gets all the babes without even trying." Mineta pouted.

"Maybe because he's just a naturally great person?" Uraraka supplied.

Both of their presences provided Izuku comfort while he dealt with this information. All
three not realizing their positions, and the potential thing that could be assumed by their

"That's not ominous." Izuku deadpanned.

"You have a habit of getting placed in compromising situations." Yaoyorozu frowned.

"I- I don't do it on purpose!" Izuku choked out.

Uraraka frowned as she recalled that day where they'd gone for support gear, and it had ended with
Mei on top of Izuku and then feeling him up. She frowned.

Mina was growing curious, the trio of lovers she has been suspicious of, haven’t returned for
like fifteen minutes, and in like five minutes Iida’s match will start. So being the gossip bug
she is, she stalked out in search of them.

"Hehe, my time to shine." Mina rubbed her nose with pride.

"You're something else, y'know that?" Jirou said, exasperated.

After spending a minute and a half looking around for them, she stumbled upon a scene she
knew she needed to save for teasing material.

She saw Kyoka and Momo snuggling with Midoriya.

"Goddamnit." Jirou pouted, jacks twitching.

After snapping a pic to show everyone when they vanish again, she lets out a squeal.

“I can’t believe it. Midoriya has wooed you two hard!” Mina exclaimed.

"W-wooed? They're just cheering me up… " Izuku tried to defend them.

"Oh sureeee, there's no way you're that dense moptop." Tokage scolded.

Both Kyoka and Momo suddenly jump in search of the culprit, and they saw Mina grinning
like a scheming villain. Kyoka instantly paled.

“I-It’s not what it looks like!” Kyoka shouted in complete embarrassment at being caught
hugging Midoriya.

"Oh sure, and I'm not pink." Mina cackled as Yaoyorozu turned beet red.

“Oh sure, and I’m not pink!” Mina shot back with a massive teasing grin.


COURSE TEACHER! IT’S MEI HATSUME!” Present Mic’s voice rang out over the
intercoms, causing all four heads to freeze.

"Oh hey I remember this." Mei recalled.

Iida sputtered, saying something about being used.

Izuku chuckled at his friends antics.

“We better hurry up so we don’t miss Iida’s match!” Momo shouted.

All four began jogging back towards the stands, worrying about the match…

"If it's the same, I win anyways." Iida sighed. Brother…

"Something I wondered, Mei…" Izuku started.

"Why didn't you try to win? I mean you definitely could've gone farther in the tournament if you
tried to win, and wouldn't that have made your babies more recognizable?" Izuku asked hesitantly.

Mei blinked. "Oh wow you're right ehehe… I guess I was more focused on showing off my babies
as quickly as possible. That's my bad."

Iida's eye twitched.

I wonder how she would've done if she really tried… a few students thought.


As the four of them were nearing the top, suddenly the intercoms came to life with a woman’s
voice. Izuku, Momo, and Kyoka instantly recognized that voice, and all worried even more
about Iida’s safety. As they were hurrying up towards their seating area, Hatsume’s voice
keep talking as if she was advertising things. By the time all four of them got up to the stands,
they all ran to the front to get a front row seat to catch themselves up on the events, and what
they saw was not a pretty sight.

Mei gasped in mock betrayal.

Iida was running around the small arena with contraptions on his ankle and arms. He was
looking like a complete fool while Hatsume kept spouting advertisement nonsense. Iida got
close several times, but Hatsume whipped out a new gadget and proceeded to evade him with

"Hm, I did run better with those items. If there was a way to incorporate it into my hero outfit, I'd
very much enjoy it." Iida rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

All four of them were unaware of the two jealous glares being sent at Izuku’s back of his

Kaminari was shocked to see Izuku come back smiling after vanishing with his two other
girls. Mineta was stuck in his seat from how much jealousy he felt seeing Izuku ‘forming’ a
harem in front of his very own eyes. First he had to snag the hottest chick and a chick he
could care less about, but now he had to snag the most athletic girl too? Needless to say,
Mineta was furious.

A few students eyes twitched.

Vlad King shook his head. "Why Eraser hasn't expelled you, I'll never know."

Mineta shivered in fear at all their glares, and Kaminari shrunk into himself from disappointment.

Both of the boys couldn’t care less about Iida getting his ass toyed with by Hatsume on stage.

Iida was yelling at Hatsume to take this seriously and to fight him properly as he feels is
necessary. Iida didn’t care if she eliminated him, just entire fight was just incredibly
humiliating for him, as he couldn’t even touch her despite his speed quirk, and he was just
being used as free advertisement by this woman.

"She's scary…" Tamaki said softly.

"I must admit, your skills are quite impressive." Yaoyorozu admitted.

Mei rubbed her nose, a smug smirk on her face.

Just when Iida thought he was going to finally land a hit on her, she fires a net that wraps
perfectly around his two feet, tripping him instantly and forcing him to focus on removing
them. Which as Hatsume pointed out, was not easy at all. Iida had to spend solid minute
fiddling with the net, to finally take it off of his feet.

However as soon as he took the net off, he heard Hatsume wrapping up her advertising. So he
glanced up in horror, as he watched his opponent calmly take the headset off, and walk out of
bounds with a bright smile on her face. There was nothing more humiliating than what he
just suffered through, and he vowed to avenge his shattered pride and dignity.
"Oho? You up for a rematch metal legs?" Mei teased, eyes gleaming.

Iida, despite his fear, nodded. "Don't hold back on me!"

Izuku gulped as Mei's grin widened. "Alright!"

You've made a terrible mistake Iida...

Everyone in the stadium was at a loss for words at what they just witnessed, then Midnight
decided to officially announce the result of that match.


Midnight shouted, snapping everyone out of their stupor.

Much to Iida’s relief, no one clapped or cheered after his ‘victory’. However, instead of the
clapping, he heard someone start speaking, then the words slowly spread and everyone was
repeating it.

“Nice try!” Was the phrase repeated as more and more people said it.

Sero cackled as he watched Iida get the same treatment he did.

Iida groaned.

Iida decided the smart thing to do was to get up and perform a walk of shame out of the main
arena area. So he did just that. He walked out of sight hearing people chant ‘Nice try!’.

Meanwhile Izuku Momo and Kyoka all felt really bad for Iida, as they knew Hatsume would
only do things with her priorities first, rather than being actually nice. However, before either
of the four could sit down, Mineta couldn’t hold his own jealousy back anymore and grabbed
Izuku’s shirt.
"Hey! I can be nice!" Mei pouted.

"Todoroki can you freeze him?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"He's the one doing it! Not me…" Mineta wailed.

“How could you do this to us?!” Mineta shouted in despair and anger.

“Do what to you? I’m lost.” Izuku answered, completely lost.

“You are building your own harem! Not only did you manage to snag Yaoyorozu, the hottest
girl in our year, but now you also snagged the most athletic girl too?! Save some for the rest
of us!” Mineta wailed.

"Now that I agree with." Mineta pointed.

"I'm not building…" Izuku trailed off, face beet red.

"Of course you aren't." Uraraka reassured him.

I wouldn ' t mind, a few of the girls thought.

Izuku just suffered a mental shutdown at what Mineta just implied. Meanwhile all four of the
girls were all in various states of shock. Mina was the first to snap out of her shock.

“Umm, Mineta? I’m not sure where you are getting this idea of Midoriya having a harem
from, but I know for a fact, that Kyoka is not the most athletic girl in our class.” Mina spoke

"Pretty sure you're the most athletic. Your speed stats are higher than the other girls." Izuku noted
as he flipped to her page.

Mina blushed. "Heh, thanks!"

“Well duh, I don’t really care about her. You are the most athletic girl not her.” Mineta
shameless responded, ignoring the glare sent his way from Momo, and the hurt expression
Kyoka gained.

"I'm sorry." Mineta mumbled before murder could take place in the theatre room.

"Have you learned?" Izuku scolded.


“Wait, you think I’m in love with Midoriya? Sorry Midoriya, but I am not interested.” Mina
said with a grin.

Wait no! No I am… Mina yelled internally.

Izuku chuckled. "That's fine."

Mina stared, eyes wide.

"Did you just get rejected before even asking? Because like… ouch." Toru whispered quietly.

“Oh sure you aren’t. You just happened to come back after vanishing with the three of them,
and you are smiling like you just had the best day of your life. Add on how slightly messy
their clothes were when they came back from, and I can safely say I know what you four
were up to.” Mineta confidently answered, not realizing how wrong he was.

"Young Ashido… if you were as attentive to your studies as you are to gossip, I dare say you
would've easily been one of the most academic students here." Toshinori admitted.
Bakugo cackled as Mina deflated.

I mean, he's not wrong… Momo and Jirou thought.

“Oh no, I only found some juicy teasing material. I can show you guys, I snapped a pic of it.”
Mina responded back with her smile, while Momo and Kyoka paled in shock.

All of the interested parties suddenly all got closer to Mina to see what she was talking about.
Mina then pulled out her phone and pulled up the last photo she took, which showed Kyoka
and Momo sandwiching Izuku between their bodies, while Izuku had his face directly in
Momo’s breasts. Tooru gasped in shock at seeing such an intimate picture.

Jirou swerved as she heard a camera click go off, and felt fear as she saw Mina's phone pointed at
the screen.

Mina quickly pocketed her phone and tossed an evil grin at her. Oh no…

‘Deku? Why is Deku being so friendly with them?’ Ochako thought to herself, feeling her
mood falling at how happy they looked.

"Ouch." Tokage winced.

Deku patted his friend on the back, and Uraraka cupped her face with her hands.

If you're going to make a move, I suggest you do it soon. Before you're left in the dust. Momo
thought as she watched the screen.

“You know, I wouldn’t be opposed to hugging Midoriya too. Kero. He’s really nice and likely
wouldn’t do it for an ulterior motive.” Tsuyu said, ignoring the looks of shock sent her way.

"I mean… yeah." Kendo admitted.

"That's true. You're very nice like that, ribbit." Tsuyu grinned as she hugged his arm.

"You probably feel really nice to hug in all honesty." Kinoko mumbled.

"With your caring attitude, you'd most likely do your best to make it comfortable." Yanagi noted.

"Thanks." Izuku quickly squeaked out.

Meanwhile Kaminari and Mineta grew even more jealous as he got to put his face on
Momo’s chest, which was a dream of theirs. Iida got to the booth right after Tooru had
gasped, and when he noticed everyone crowding around Mina except for Momo, Kyoka, and
Izuku, he got curious to see what the commotion was. What Iida saw on Mina’s phone caused
him to short circuit in complete and utter shock at what he was seeing.

Yaoyorozu exhaled deeply, irritated at the two. A cannon would be overkill…

“I cannot believe you three would do something so despicable!” Iida shouted in annoyance
and disappointment, alerting everyone to his presence.

"Wh-" Jirou choked out.

“Oh welcome back Iida!” Izuku said when he rebooted after hearing his voice.

Thanks Iida… Izuku sighed internally.

“I thought you two would be the responsible ones in our class! And now I see that you two
decided to have some highly crude PDA during such an important event! Midoriya as a close
friend of yours, I cannot stop my disappointment from showing! Yaoyorozu! As a vice
representative of our class, you should know better than to do such an intimate thing with a
classmate no less! And Jirou, why are you joining what those two are doing? Isn’t it obvious
that they are in a relationship? Or is Yaoyorozu the extra person? This confuses me greatly!”
Iida berated.
Kendo began cackling.

"Rude." Tokage frowned.

"Apologies Midoriya. You must understand how the situation would've looked to me in that
situation." Iida quickly said.

"I-It's ok Iida, I'd probably think something bad too…" Izuku waved him off.

“Iida, I’m not dating anyone. So please relax.” Izuku spoke up, feeling immensely

"Isn't that even worse?" Kaibara snorted.

“You’re not dating them?! That’s even worse! How dare you do intimate things with those
you are not romantically involved with! You better not have initiated that intimacy for some
ulterior motive! If I find out you had, I will refuse to be your friend!” Iida sternly spoke to
Izuku, who looked confused at this whole mess.

"You and me both." Izuku sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"It's just a hug class rep, chill out." Jirou deadpanned.

MIDNIGHT! FUMIKAGE TOKOYAMI!” Present Mic called out, snapping 1-A’s attention
back to the matches.
Both students perked up, eager to see the fight.

“I think Tokoyami will win this pretty easily. Pony has no visible way to counter an entity of
darkness. Her quirk must have something to do with her horns and body structure, and I
doubt it will be a fire based quirk.” Izuku began muttering about the match up, both Momo
and Kyoka sighed fondly at his muttering.

"Although, now that I actually know what your quirk is, you could probably beat him if you had a
horn flank him from the outside and backstab him, while keeping him distracted with your other
horns…" Izuku theorized.

Pony beamed, pumping her fists in excitement and causing Izuku to smile warmly.

As soon as the match started, Pony immediately launched two horns directly at Dark
Shadow, forcing it back. However the entity wasn’t demotivated from attacking head on, in
fact, it only got encouragement from the reveal of the lack of light based attacks. So Dark
Shadow began to launch immensely aggressive swipes at Pony, who to her credit, evaded a
ton of the swipes.

"Yeahh! C'mon Pony! 1-B represent!" Tetsutetsu yelled out.

It was clear that Dark Shadow wasn’t caring too much about Tokoyami’s distance from
Pony, and was instead focused purely on trying to knock her out of bounds. Pony noticed
that Dark Shadow behind her, meaning she was in between it, and Tokoyami. So she charges
horn first directly towards Tokoyami, who notices her charging at him. Before he could
properly dodge, Pony knocked Tokoyami to the ground, and was about to throw him out of
bounds, when Dark Shadow threw her off of Tokoyami and onto the grass.

"Aww." Pony pouted.

"You overextended. The same thing happened during our practical, ribbit." Tsuyu recalled.

"I'll strive to not make the same mistake twice then." Tokoyami nodded.
"You did pretty good!" Kinoko cheered up her friend, patting her head. Pony smiled at the

Tokoyami acknowledged her strength and walked down to help her off of the ground.

“That was an amazing fight. I wouldn’t mind sparing with you from time to time as you
brought a weakness to my mind, I should focus on making myself useful instead of just
relying on my quirk. Few of my classmates can fight the darkness without light, but you
managed to achieve a feat and nearly beat me. So congratulations are in order.” Tokoyami
said as he reached down to help her off the ground.

“Thanks! You bad yourself!” Pony said with a bright smile that confused Tokoyami.

Monoma guffawed and Pony apologized.

"Not so bad yourself." Izuku and a few others corrected.

“Pardon? Did you mean to insult me?” Tokoyami questioned.

“Sorry, bad with Japanese.” Pony quietly responded, looking down.

Oh no she's adorable. Izuku frowned.

“What’s your good language?” Tokoyami asked wanting to try to be on good ground with

“I speak English.” Pony replied.

“Oh? So you are of the english tongue. I can deal with that.” Tokoyami replied with a smile.
Pony cheered.

"I'm sure all of us can speak atleast a few words… although I'm not sure how many of us are
fluent." Izuku mumbled.

“You speak english?! Yay! Let’s be friends! Here’s my number!” Pony shouted in happiness
as she wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Tokoyami who stood in
shock at what had just happened.

Bakugo snorted at Tokoyami's dumbfounded expression.

Pony galloped away with a bright smile on her face, immediately forgetting about her loss
against Tokoyami.

"So carefree." Mina cooed.


Izuku was surprised by Pony’s capabilities. He was thinking that after her quirk proved to
not be effective against Tokoyami’s quirk, she would have been beaten easily. But to his
surprise, Pony nearly won against Tokoyami. He made mental notes to eventually add them
to some future training spars, as their multi threat quirks would be great to train against.

"Would you…" Izuku trailed off.

"I'd love to!" Pony chirped up, nodding rapidly.

Once Tokoyami got back to their group, he was very obviously not fully there. Mina became
really curious, then she noticed a small piece of paper in his hands. She then recalled the
ending of the match and smiled brightly.

“Hey Tokoyami, that paper wouldn’t happen to contain a phone number would it?” Mina
asked as she crept towards Tokoyami.

“No- Yes!” Tokoyami began to speak, until Dark Shadow revealed the truth.

Tokoyami groaned as he heard his quirk cackle inside of him.

“Silence Dark Shadow!”

“Fumi got her number! Be proud everyone, he’s got a person’s number, now I won’t be his
only friend!” Dark Shadow announced, not caring about what Tokoyami wanted.

"We're proud." Toru nodded.

Dark Shadow only cackled even louder, his voice heard only by one.

Revelry in the dark? Izuku idly thought.

“Oh my god! So many relationships are blooming! Oh yeah! I gotta get ready for my match!
Don’t go too easy on me Jirou!” Mina shouted as she jogged away.

“Remember what we discussed Kyoka. If you follow that plan, victory should be yours. We’ll
wait up here and cheer you on!” Izuku said as he lightly shoved Kyoka forward.

“Good luck Kyoka!” Momo called out from beside Izuku.

Jirou smirked, flattered at the two's encouragements.

“Thanks! I’ll be sure to win this to get back at that picture being snapped.” Kyoka said as she
walked away.
"Aww, you're not still salty about it are you?" Mina pouted.

Jirou shrugged. "Depends on the match I guess."


Bakugou was growing impatient, he was thinking of all the ways to absolutely destroy Momo
in his match coming up. He was going to get them back for making a fool of him in the
previous two events. First he’ll start by blowing his first bitch up, then his second bitch won’t
even be in his path because of how weak she looks. Which leaves him with the finale against
the worthless bastard.

"Honestly, Creation is such an amazing and overpowered quirk. I can't even imagine how much
work you put into making it as strong as it is now." Izuku said in awe.

Yaoyorozu covered her mouth, flustered. She felt like she had butterflies in her stomach.

"If you were more aggressive, you'd fucking dominate the competition you printer." Bakugo

"Printer? Was… was that a compliment?" Yaoyorozu frowned in confusion.

"I agree… honestly the only other one here who would worry me alot if they went more on the
offensive would be Shiozaki." Izuku admitted.

"M-me?" Ibara startled, confused.

Izuku nodded. "You've got an incredible quirk that's useful for offense, defense, containment and
so much more. You were able to easily shut down Kaminari and you ranked pretty high during the
first event, and I think you did well for the entrance exam too. I'd be terrified if you focused on
offense before defense." Izuku admitted.
Ibara frowned. "Oh.."

"No no- that's not a bad thing! It just proves how impressive and skilled you are at using your
quirk. It really is something amazing." Izuku said in awe as he watched her vines twitch slightly.

"Thank you for the compliment." Ibara smiled.

He recalled High class preferring a defensive fight, so he’ll give her a defencive fight alright.
Too bad she’ll be overwhelmed pretty swiftly, so he’ll need to draw it out for his own sake
before blasting her out of the ring. Jacks is stupidly weak, all he would need to do is pop some
explosions next to her ear and she’ll fall, assuming her weak body can even beat one of the
extras here.

"Rude!" Jirou scowled.

"What?! I'm being honest! Just 1 pop and you're out!" Bakugo growled.

"Simply a bad matchup." Tokoyami said, recalling his own one-sided match against Bakugo.

Deku was the real challenge, he knows the bastard has been holding back this whole time,
just how much he is unsure of. He is confident he can overpower him easily though as the
nerd has had shit combat senses. He would just need to not get grabbed or punched by the
nerd and he’ll be fine.

With those thoughts in mind, he grinned wickedly and glared daggers at the ring so he can
witness jacks lose to pink bitch.

"Y'know now I kinda want you to beat me just to prove blasty wrong." Mina pouted.

Jirou snorted. "Gee thanks."


EVENT TO HER PLACEMENT IN THE TOP THREE!” Present Mic announced, much to
Izuku’s annoyance as Kyoka did a lot in the other events.

"Literally carried?" Yaoyorozu tilted her head, confused.

finished with a grin at that pun.

"Yes I can hear you." Jirou suddenly called out, causing Nejire to squeak.

Kyoka stood opposed to Mina. She took a deep breath and then she heard Izuku and Momo
whispering good luck to her, which did a good job soothing her nerves. Mina stood there
smiling at her.

“No hard feelings right?” Mina questioned.

“Oh this is going to be payback for what you did earlier. So prepare to lose.” Kyoka replied

"Payback time." Jirou grinned.

"I regret… nothing." Mina admitted.

After Midnight cracked her whip, Kyoka ran towards Mina, who started skating towards
her. Mina suddenly saw a jack stab into the ground at her feet, which she nearly got tripped
up by, so she did a smooth hop over the jack, and unintentionally jumped right into Kyoka’s
arm, close-lining her and sending her to the concrete.

"Damn." Mina winced as Jirou allowed herself to feel prideful.

"That was a brutal attack." Izuku admitted, scribbling in his notebook as he observed the match.

Midnight grimaced at that smart and deadly play Kyoka used on Mina. Unfortunately for
Kyoka, the fight wasn’t over as Mina hopped to her feet before she could be restrained.

“That was a smart move, did Midori teach you that?” Mina asked simply.

“Nope, Momo taught me this.” Kyoka said.

Momo beamed, eyes sparkling as Jirou gave her a high five.

Suddenly, Mina saw a foot coming her way, which she narrowly avoided by bending
backwards. This was a simple bait again, as Kyoka followed smoothly through with her other
leg, knocking Mina back down to her feet. Mina was getting annoyed at all these set ups she
kept getting put into.

“This is getting really annoying.” Mina said as she got to her feet a third time.

"You're playing with me!" Mina pouted.

"I'm just fighting smart." Jirou shrugged.

“You can thank Izuku for that. He studied all of our fighting styles and he gave us ways to
counter everyone but ourselves. He told us that if you can keep the fight going smoothly, then
you become a difficult fight. But as long as I keep you from being too mobile, there’s not
much you can do. So you only really have two choices, surrender or lose next knock down.”
Kyoka said as she stepped forward, fully intending on intimidating Mina.
"Damn, I really need to get a peek at those notebooks." Nejire said in awe.

"O-oh uh… I didn't actually write all your weaknesses and such on my normal ones." Izuku
mentally berated himself as he let that slip.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked.

"Nothing!" Izuku squeaked out.

Tokage's eyes narrowed. Weird but ok.

“You’re assuming I won’t you my acid on you.” Mina tried causing Kyoka to panic, only to
see Kyoka smiling.

“Nah, that’s including your acid use, this next knock down will be a knockout.” Kyoka
snarkily shot back.

"Someone's confident." Sato said.

"Why wouldn't I be? I've got Green's plan backing me up." Jirou said as she stretched.

Mina threw acid at Kyoka who narrowly avoided it, and then Kyoka swept Mina’s legs off of
the ground, and delivered a chop to the back of her neck. Causing Mina to fall limp,
unconscious. Kyoka smiled and gave the thumbs up as she grabbed Mina and placed her on
the grass to ensure she was out. After placing Mina on the grass, she picked Mina up, and
carried her to Recovery Girl’s office…

"Oh my god she pulled a Kendo." Awase said.

Kendo sputtered as Rin and Tsuburaba began laughing.

"Atleast she was gentle." Mina sighed.


Izuku and Momo were very happy about Kyoka’s victory. They grabbed each other and gave
each other a celebratory hug, then went out to find Kyoka to bring her into the hug.

After a hug filled congratulations, they made their way back to the stands where the next
match up awaited to determine Kyoka’s opponent.

Those look like very nice hugs. Yaoyorozu pouted.



"Ah, alas the cameras will be focused on my sparkles." Aoyama winked, glancing towards a corner
of the room for absolutely no reason.

They watched as Kirishima stood on his side of the ring smiling. Everyone knew that
Kirishima is the heavy favourite to win this match up as Aoyama can’t sustain his laser for
longer than a second.

Kirishima bashed his hardened fists together. "Give it your best shot Aoyama!"

As soon as Midnight cracked her whip, Kirishima hardened and got hit head on with a blast
from Aoyama’s laser. The blast nearly pushed Kirishima out of bounds, but after the laser
finished firing, Kirishima charged forward. Then Aoyama pushed him back again with the
next laser.
"Damn, you could've beat him if you'd held it for a second or two." Kaminari said in awe.

"Sadly, even I cannot shine for too long." Aoyama frowned.

This kept repeating for a solid minute, and by the time Kirishima got close enough to land a
hit, his hardening had taken a severe beating. Unfortunately for Aoyama, Kirishima had
more stamina, and he still had his hardening on and his fist connected with Aoyama’s
stomach, causing the french boy to grasp his stomach in pain, and then Kirishima delivered
the finisher by punching Aoyama in the head.

Aoyama winced.

"I think Mina's finisher was nicer." Toru shivered.

Once Aoyama had hit the ground, Kirishima let go of his hardened body, and started panting
from the exertion. Kirishima had clearly taken a beating in that fight as his body was marred
with bruises, so he knew he had to visit Recovery Girl. So after picking Aoyama up, he made
his way to Recovery Girl’s office.

"You did your best bro!" Kirishima grinned at Aoyama, who winked back.

Meanwhile Izuku looked at Momo, and knew what was coming soon.

“Momo, you should start heading down to your waiting room, the next fight isn’t going to
last, my bet is on Sero binding him up, Kaminari blasting full power, heavily hurting Sero,
but it leaves Sero the easy restriction.” Izuku said as he waved bye to her

"That's…" Kaminari trailed off.

"Exactly what's gonna happen." Sero cheekily said.

"Aw c'mon man, lay off!" Kaminari complained.

“Any advice?” Momo questioned quietly.

“Yep. Kacchan will be pissed off at us for beating him twice in a row. That’s all the advice
I’m giving”

"Blind him with his own rage then." Yaoyorozu thought aloud, cupping her chin with one hand.

“Thank you, I shall go now then! Wish me luck!” Momo said as she started walking away.




"I'm shocked alright." Jirou deadpanned.

Sero started stretching his limbs to get ready for a quick capture. Kaminari meanwhile
stared calmly and with a smirk at Sero.

""You're relying too heavily on your quirk." Vlad King huffed.

“You wanna join me after this to go to an arcade?” Kaminari asked.

“Why are you saying this before we fight bro?” Sero replied back.

“Because, it will be my apology for beating you so quickly!”

"I spoke too soon." Kaminari winced, already knowing what was happening.

As soon as Kaminari said that, Midnight cracked her whip, and Sero immediately wrapped
him up in tape, and he saw Kaminari start sparking, so he severed the tap immediately, and
launched himself into the air, staying away from the massive amount of voltage being sent
out. By the time Sero landed, Kaminari had sent himself into derp mode, where he just
dumbly walked around.

"Damn, nice dodge." Mineta admitted.

"No hard feelings bro." Sero snickered.

So Sero grabbed the tape off of the ground, and threw Kaminari out of bounds. With a smile
he walked over and tore off the tape from his friend.

“Beating me so quickly? You had to jinx yourself, you also need to learn to last longer as
women don’t like guys who finish that quickly.” Sero mocked as he picked his friend up and
carried him to the infirmary.

Kaminari groaned.

Bakugo and a few others laughed at the sick burn.


Izuku and Kyoka sat in the stands worryingly waiting for Momo and Katsuki to come out
and fight. Mina sat there watching the two of them with a smile, as she knew that they were
unintentionally inching closer towards each other. As much as Mina wanted to cheer for her
fellow girl, she knew the odds were stacked against her severely.

"Severely." Toru emphasized.


Bakugo growled at the introduction, but kept his gaze focused.

Both Kyoka and Izuku started holding hands without being completely aware of it, Mina saw
them tightly hold hands and smiled, knowing the ship was sailing hard.

Jirou blushed, refusing to look behind her.

Mina smirked, eyes gleaming with pride.

“Hey, high class you ready to just bend over and die?!” Bakugou growled as he bent forward.

“Oh yeah? How many times have you ranked higher than me in anything?” Momo
questioned, knowing she was pushing buttons.

"Damnnn, ok!" Mina cheered as Bakugo growled.

Yaoyorozu had to admit she enjoyed hearing herself say that.

“I’ll prove right here and now, that without shitty Deku, you are nothing but a bitch!”
Bakugou snarled in hatred.

"Funny, last I checked, I didn't need Midoriya to make a cannon." Yaoyorozu smoothly replied.

“Let’s see you try.” Momo replied.

As soon as the whip cracked, Momo instantly created a blast resistant shield to take the hit
for her. Bakugou unleashed several explosions on the shield expecting it to show weakness or
to get blasted off of her completely. As soon as the smoke cleared, the shield still stood there
with a small dent.

"Amazing…" Izuku said, pencil scratching against paper as his eyes flicked between the screen and
his notebook.

Growing even more angry, he grabs the edge of the shield and yanks it out of her grasp. The
second it leaves her grasp, she whips out a shotgun and fires it point blank at Bakugou, who
had a look of fear in his eyes when he saw the gun. Momo knew he wasn’t finished, so she
recreated the shield. Sure enough he unleashes a barrage of explosions, which were getting
more and more powerful the longer this went on.

"Yeah, it's bad to drag it out since he just sweats more." Shinso huffed.

"A shotgun?" Awase choked out.

Mei merely cooed as she watched Creation in all it's glory. So many babies...

Momo was busy creating objects during his onslaught. Once she felt satisfied with the items
she created, she threw a smoke bomb on the ground, covering the entire ring in smoke.
Pissing Bakugou off even more, knowing to not stay in the smoke, he launches himself into
the air and out of the smoke. Suddenly Bakugou spots something out of the corner of his eye,
and blasts to the right, narrowly dodging a set of rope meant to capture him right then and

It's easy to forget with his attitude, but he does have amazing combat sense… Yaoyorozu reminded

Momo had reconstructed the jump boots she had made during the cavalry battle, so when
Bakugou launched at her, she lunged at him forming a staff to smack him off course.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t knocked too far out of range, and he spun around and blasted
Momo with an explosion point blank, causing bad damage to her. She quickly stood up and
threw another smoke bomb to allow her to remain hidden.
Yaoyorozu winced at the blast.

Bakugo merely huffed, refusing to admit that he was slightly impressed she was doing well enough
against him.

Bakugou saw the smoke start thickening, and he grumbled in irritation. Momo was being
incredibly annoying.

So he decided to talk shit to try and get her to lose focus so he can capitalize off of it.

"Kacchan's not doing so hot…" Izuku mumbled, eyes fixated on the screen.

“Why the fuck do you spend so much time with the damn nerd. He’s useless!” Bakugou spoke
out to the smoke, knowing she can hear him.

“Well, unlike you, he’s kind, and caring, and he actually doesn’t insult anyone randomly like
you do. Really there’s dozens of reasons I can give you. Besides, if you think that’ll get under
my skin, you need to improve your skills there.” Momo said, knowing the smoke is adding to
her secrecy.

Bakugo scowled.

Shinso hummed. He could give blasty some pointers, but he was far too lazy at the moment.

Bakugou decided to fire a blast straight down, to hit her. Unfortunately, right as he exploded
the ground, Momo shot up with a staff, and swung up, threading the needle. Every guy who
saw that swing, cringed and whimpered feeling sorry for the boy.

Momo landed safely on the ground, while Bakugou barely stopped himself from crashing into
the ground by exploding right below himself. He stayed on the ground clutching his nades,
trying to dispel the pain. Momo panted above him, and created cuffs to lock him up and give
herself the victory.
Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Awase, Monoma and Tsuburaba immediately cackled at 'nades' while
the rest of the boys winced at the phantom pain.

"Yaoyorozu's scary…" Tamaki whimpered, coiling into himself.

"Yeah, she is pretty scary… scarily impressive!" Mirio beamed.

Bakugou felt the cuffs secure his wrists together and snarled. He launched up and started
kicking Momo and using his explosions to help propel himself towards her. Momo was
getting beat up badly by Katsuki’s relentless barrage of kicks. Suddenly a massive explosion
goes off, and then she feels Bakugou’s feet slam into her stomach, launching her away from
him. She felt herself bounce off of the concrete a few times.

Bakugo hummed, intrigued by the move. He hadn't thought to propel himself like that for a killer
kick. He'd have to try it out later.

When she groggily opened her eyes, she saw Bakugou breaking free of the cuffs and stomping
over to her. She felt something underneath her, it took a moment to realize what it was. She
sat there slowly getting up, and she noticed most of the smoke had dissipated, she saw Izuku
and Kyoka staring in shock at her beat up body. She smiled as she knew Bakugou was hurt
badly like herself.

"We're in the endgame now." Yanagi said.

Kuroiro buried his face in the seat in front of him as Shishida and Shoda groaned.

She quickly created something and tossed it to Bakugou’s left, making him jump to his right
to dodge it. However, as soon as his attention was diverted, she grabbed the object
underneath her and revealed it to be the shotgun from earlier. Bakugou saw the barrel
pointed straight at him and had no time to react before the trigger was pulled, and he was
launched into the wall, and then he fell onto the grass.

"Oh shit!" Jirou yelled out.

"You won!" Uraraka squealed.

"I won!" Yaoyorozu cheered, eyes sparkling as she gave them all a wobbly smile.

Bakugo grit his teeth, clenching his fists as he breathed out. Ponytail and the others aren't extras. If
I keep looking down, then I won't notice what's above me.

“Good fight Bakugou. But, I am the winner.” Momo said as she stood up and smiled towards
her friends.


Midnight shouted in happiness.

The screen shut off.

Izuku beamed, congratulating Momo who flushed at his compliments.

"I should probably look into weapons more…" she noted, admitting how efficient they were.

"Feh, guess Ponytail isn't so bad." Bakugo snarled.

"Aww, he's opening up." Tokage said.

"Bite me!" Bakugo yelled out.

Tokage smiled, exposing her sharp teeth. "If you insist."

"S-Setsuna please…" Izuku sighed.

"Alright alright, we still got one more right?" Tokage asked, her decapitated head resting on
Izuku's lap.
"Yep, hitting play now." Mei yelled out.

Chapter End Notes

Up next are two LiD chapters but ye was kinda distracted like, writing other stuff and
tryna live so sorry for the delay. Until next timeeee
Universe 27
Chapter Summary

'Locked in Digital' by RogueDruid (Icarius51)

Sorry for the wait, been writing and doing other stuff in my spare time.

Ochako was excited, glancing around the class as the second day of the term rolled on.
Already, several people had started to wander and gather in groups as the class relaxed in
between periods. She glanced around and saw Izuku had taken what she now recognized as a
comforting perch on the back window sill of the room. His arms crossed and gaze locked out
the window with earbuds in. Recognizing that he didn’t want to be social she wandered closer
to the group of girls nearby, just in time to catch an argument between Jiro and Ashido.

"He's like his own Todoroki." Sero whispered.

"Midoroki." Kaminari nodded in agreement.

Mei perked up as her monitor flashed blue. Oh a continuation...

“-and I’m telling you, Deep Dope out-sold and out-performed the KKN last year, they are,
imperically, the better band.”

"Oh?" Jirou's eyes flashed at the mention of music.

“No, the just have the bigger marketing team! Besides, they’ve been around longer, that
doesn’t mean they are better!”

Sidling up to the other girls watching, Ochako nudged the shorter girl with green hair. “They
been talking about this long?”

“Just a few minutes.” The raspy voice came out soft, before she blinked and held out her
hand. “Oh, I'm Asui, you can call me Tsuyu.”

“Oh, then call me Ochako!”

"The start of our friendship." Uraraka grinned. Tsuyu closed her eyes, soft smile on her face.

"Guess you know your stuff Mina." Jirou admitted.

The two glanced back as Jiro and Ashido got more and more excited and loud in their
argument, both grinning at the emotional pink girl and the sarcastic punk rocker hashing it

Tsuyu glanced past Ochako and blinked. Behind her at the windowsill, she caught the eyes of
the strange boy who had been catching her instincts all day. The green haired teen with the
sharp eyes met her gaze evenly, hands crossed where he rested half bathed in the early
morning sunshine of the window. She felt herself tense up, feeling like she was facing a
predator, much like she felt when her middle school friend, Habuko, would use her quirk
when stalking her. For a moment, she flashbacked to the first time the mongoose mutation
girl had stalked her, and that almost instinctive surge of terror and fear.

"He really does look like a predator." Shishida admitted.

So Tsu does have innate instincts… Izuku thought, scribbling that down.

"I think this version of you is even scarier then her, ribbit." Tsuyu admitted, slightly tense at the
other Izuku's gaze on screen.

For a second, Midoriya looked scarier than Habuko ever had. Then, with a blink he shifted
and looked away out the window, dismissing her from his focus. His eyes stared out at the
sunlit grounds of UA, focus lost to the distance. The shift was disconcerting but she quickly
realized that the mood of the teen had changed with his focus.

"Someone's not easily impressed." Monoma smirked.

"He's just efficient like that." Tamaki said softly.

Like this, looking at it from the side, without the piercing gaze and lit by warm sunlight, he
looked… softer. The edge of intent she had felt against her skin was still there, but seemed
sheathed like the blade at his side. Something wistful about his expression as he let the sun
cast his features in contrast.

"Hot damn Moptop, the sunlight really brings out the green in your eyes." Tokage smirked,
causing Midoriya to sputter incoherently.

This stupid Deku reeks of experience. Bakugo scowled, slightly jealous.

"Wait hold on, didn't we see this one before?" Kaminari suddenly noted.

Kamakiri nodded. "The blade at his side strikes a bell. The one trapped in a computer, right?"

Mei nodded. "Yup!"

"Oh nice, a continuation!" Uraraka cheered.

She was broken from her quiet inspection as the door opened, bright blonde hair and leather
outfit making its way through as Present Mic came in to start their English class.


Inko sat in the office of the local police department, hands tensed in her sweater hem as she
fought back the tears that kept leaking from her eyes.

Izuku tensed, feeling uneased at the sad look on his mother's face.
10 days…

The Detective and a hero, she didn't recognize him, but the suit was accented with a
somewhat digital design, walked in. The detective, a plain looking man in a tan suit and deep
bags under his eyes, she thought his name was Naosara? Naomata? Something like that, she
hadn't quite caught it.

"Tsukauchi." Toshinori said softly, watching on with interest.

“Miss Midoriya, this is my associate, the Digital Hero Codex. We… We think we found your

Codex? I think I have notes on a hero with that name. I'd have to check back though… Izuku
frowned, trying to jog his memory.

Tsuyu noticed his internal struggle. "Can't get a hit?"

Midoriya nodded. "Maybe."

Inko froze, eyes welling up with tears as she focused intently on the hero.

“Please… Where is my son… Where is my baby boy?!”

Izuku frowned. He didn't like seeing his mother sad.

Evidently neither did Bakugo, if the ever increasing scowl on his face was anything to go by.



"All Might!" nearly all the students yelled out.

Toshinori chuckled, amused at their reactions.

Izuku’s eyes tracked the motion of All Might, tracing his path and stature as he came to a
halt in front of the whiteboard, dozens of subtle observations surfacing and glimmering in
Izuku’s thoughts as he took in the man's posture, speed, stance, and focus. He idly noted the
more retro Silver Age outfit, just as a blonde teen, (‘Kaminari, electric quirk, knows my
story’) shouted about it. Pushing the thoughts away for now, Izuku shifted so he was slightly
more ready to move. After Aizawa’s surprises and mindgames the day before, he was
currently considering any class as a possible reaction test until further notice.

"Heh, Aizawa would be proud." Vlad King admitted with a smile.

"He's strong." Shoto simply said, dipping his head in acknowledgement towards the boy on screen.

“Welcome to the most important class at UA High!” All Might stode across the floor, arms
wide in obviously well-practiced showmanship. “This is, at its core, Hero-ing 101!” Students
nodded and tensed in excitement as he spoke. “Here you will learn the basics of being a pro,
and what it means to fight in the name of good!” An echoing clap of his hands and a slightly
crouched posture that spoke of power was literally dragging Izuku’s attention his way.

"Oh, right. He'd see him as a threat wouldn't he?" Uraraka pouted.

"Since when has All Might not been a threat?" Monoma deadpanned.

The students winced as they tried not to look towards where Toshinori currently sat.

Monoma realized his slip up and apologized.

‘Powerful. Dangerous. Committed… We-’

He slowed his heart beat and gave a slow, languid blink as he repressed the instincts bubbling
up from the darker half of his soul and mind. All Might seemed not to notice as he turned
back, arms swinging down before with a thrust of his hand- “LET’S GET INTO IT, SHALL
WE! WE’LL KICK THINGS OFF…” he opened his large fist to reveal a gleaming white
note card reading ‘Battle’ “-WITH SOME COMBAT TESTING!”

"I kinda wanna see him throw down with All Might now." Kaminari admitted.

Bakugo opened his mouth to tell him he was stupid but paused. Shit, how would that actually go?
All Might is… well he's All Might. This Deku is actually strong though… and we've already seen
atleast two of them beat All Might…

"That doesn't look like it's gonna end well if you keep making him feel threatened." Shinso

Toshinori frowned. "It's not like I meant to…"

Shouts of enthusiasm and surprise echoed the words, but Izuku was easily able to drown
them out.

For a moment, the class was gone, the students nothing but illusionary framework.

Where All Might stood tall, was a gleam of sun-off steel instead, with red feathers and a white

"Woah what?" Kirishima said in awe."

“Shall we engage in Jolly Cooperation?”

"Why absolutely good sir! Quite spiffing I dare say!" Kaibara said in an obnoxious tone.

Yaoyorozu, Iida and Shishida shot him unimpressed glares.

A blink, and the world snapped into place, Izuku carefully not even giving away that he had
hallucinated such a vivid moment, a memory that he could place in a dozen times of his final

"From the games, naturally." Rin said.

"So… I'm not an expert of PTSD, but-" Kaminari started before Jirou stared at him.

"Obviously whatever he went through in the last year or so left lasting effects. Have you even
looked at him?"

Kaminari winced. "Right… my bad."

Instead he listened as All Might continued on.

“-keys of being a hero is…” All Might pointed to the walls, where the compartments Izuku
saw early this morning flipped open, revealing suitcases with numbers according to the class
seats. “Looking good!” The costume boxes slid out of the wall, tilting to provide easy access.
“These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you
sent in before school started! Go forth, and arm and dress yourselves to be the heroes you
wish to be!”

"Hehe… we look so starstruck." Uraraka said.

Tsuyu nodded. "Getting to wear our costumes and being taught by the symbol of peace? It was
such a great day."

Toshinori smiled, eyes twinkling with pride.

Izuku waited a split second, letting the class begin to rush and fumble for their cases before
with several quick and smooth motions he stepped up, and slid his out and past the short and
scurrying form of the purple balled teen whose name he hadn’t caught yet.
“Get yourself suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!”

"You're going to fight Bakugo again aren't you?" Uraraka asked shyly.

Izuku sighed. "Knowing my luck, more than likely. Hopefully won't break an arm and burn the
other one to a crisp though…" Izuku chuckled.

Tokage and Yui stared at him in surprise.

"You broke an arm?"

"You burned your other arm?"

Izuku stiffened. "Oh right… 1-B wasn't there for our trials. Just… watch?"

Tokage sighed, flicking her hair and nailing Izuku's face with it as Yui simply sighed in

Uraraka giggled at the display.

Hearing the instruction and breathing deep to steady himself, Izuku slid back through the
crowd, already following the loud and attention grabbing form of the teacher as he directed
them to the changing rooms from the day before.

Focusing to steady himself, to blink away the faint sight of bloodstains that lined the hall,
which stood out against the plain white of UA. Izuku moved ahead of the pack. He needed to
check his gear personally, before he used it.

"That's… disturbing." Vlad King said.

Coming from someone who deals with blood… Monoma frowned.

"He's got a point there." Mirio admitted.

He needed to center himself.


Inko choked back sobs as she stared at the sealed off area around the facility. She wasn’t
allowed in, but there were pictures, and a screen connected to the live stream. Part of her was
still processing the absurdity of her new reality. Trying so hard to understand just how much
her son was facing.

Izuku clenched his teeth. Mom…

The other students pouted at seeing such a kindhearted woman look so heartbroken.

‘14 hours ago, we tracked down your son’s kidnapper… But theres a complication’

She stared at the screen, watching in fearful awe at the feral looking visage of her son as he
ran through a forest, blood dripping from gashes across his cheek and a stream of curses that
made her reflexively want to tell him to stop. But she couldn’t.

"Let it never be said you didn't learn anything from me, Deku." Bakugo huffed.

Izuku raised an eyebrow. "I learned practically all my swears from Aunt Mitsuki, so I don't know
what you mean…"

"You-" Bakugo started, before sighing and shaking his head.

Progress? The majority thought.

"Ugh I hate seeing you looking like that." Uraraka frowned, eyebrows furrowed together.

"You looked worse at the camp though, ribbit." Tsuyu admitted.

Izuku winced, rubbing at his arms. "Yeah… that wasn't a pretty night."

"How much worse?" Yui asked.

Izuku thought about it. "Uh… a head wound and some bruised ribs. Two broken arms, and then
uh… more joustling to those broken arms I guess. I didn't really feel the pain for most of it
though…" Izuku weakly argued.

Yui stared at him. Really stared at him.

Izuku was consciously aware at all the people staring at him now.

"You never did tell us how you got injured." Shoji supplied.

"Yeah moptop what happened? I'm pretty sure none of us ran into you besides your classmates, and
we never actually did exchange statements on what we did that night." Tokage asked curiously,
hiding her worry.

"Maybe cuz most of us were knocked out without doing anything." Kaibara grumbled.

Honenuki nodded, teeth clacking in agitation.

"We can save that for after. Right now, we must give our undivided attention to the screen." Iida
said, tossing a glance at his friend. He'd been one of the last to see Midoriya more or less intact, so
he was curious as to what had happened after that.

‘We tracked down Akihiko Sugoh, who use to work as a contractor for the I-Island Digital
Immersion lab. He had been a valuable researcher, but it seems after being fired for
unethical practices, he decided to prove his worth on his own. He’s currently in detainment…
but we can’t undo what he’s started.”

"Digital Immersion lab…" Mei said with stars in her eyes.

Toshinori frowned. I'll make a note to ask Dave about that…

Her son was in a computer. Trapped.

And it was being live streamed to the world. Every day more and more people signed in to
the forsaken website, curiosity and morbid fascination letting hundred, thousands, tens of
thousands, of sick people stare in curiosity at her son as he fought tooth and nail for freedom.

Izuku shuffled in slight embarrassment. He felt… weird knowing so many people were watching
him try to survive.

They couldn’t stop it. Any attempts set off warnings and risked threatening her sons very
existence. And due to the quirk of the ‘researcher’ being a vital process, they couldn’t eject
him from the computer.

"Shit." Bakugo growled.

"So you had to go through all the games." Shishida said.

Izuku frowned. I can't believe I actually did it though. Without a quirk… I guess I really could've
become a hero, even quirkless. I guess I can be thankful that the computer did what it was intended

Izuku shook his head, dispelling the thought. No way was he going to praise a villain's work.

Her son was trapped, and all she could do is wait, and hope.
‘Please… Izuku… My Baby… Please come back to me.’

Izuku nodded, eyes filled with determination. I will.


Todoroki shifted and twisted in his modified outfit, mainly checking that the artificial ice-like
coating across his left side was firmly in place, and that his regulator was active and
working. While it would take longer than using… his quirk, it would be far more palatable
than his sperm donor’s powers.

"The new costume's much better." Toru said.

Mina nodded in agreement. "Sorry sweetie, but that thing you had on was atrocious."

Shoto nodded, looking down at his hand in mock anguish.

Shoving the thought away, he checked to make sure the durable white and tand materials of
his outfit fit and moved easily.

As he glanced back, however, he saw it.

The students eyebrows all raised collectively as they saw it too.

One of the last members of the class to exit the tunnel, despite being one of the first into the
changing room. Dark greens and steel greys and blacks blended against the tunnels faint
lightings, only coming into details once he crossed the threshold.

A predator… was Tokoyami's only thought.

A loose cloak that hung from his shoulders to just under his knees, black on the outside and
deep green lining it, with a strip of silvery fur that lined the collar. Under it his neck was
covered by a strange mechanical neck brace that looked almost like a steel collar of layered
parts that formed and slid up under his jaw. Under the collar, a tight black shirt lined with
ribbing of metal braces around his sides ran down his torso, a series of segmented black
plates covering his stomach like a girdle up from his belt to cover almost to his sternum. A
half skirt of long silken material that gleamed metallic in the sunlight hung from under the
ever present sword belt to cover his left leg, falling over a simple pair of black combat pants
and tucked into vibrant blood-red boots that rose halfway to his knees. Across his left arm, a
thick curved bracer extended from his wrist to elbow, and rounded discs covered the rest of
his arm to the shoulder from its aegis. The right arm was left loose and free, the sleeve cut
short around his bicep. That was likely for offensive mobility, and the teen was currently
adjusting the fit of the black fingerless gloves he wore to finish out the outfit.

Tokage let out a long, drawn out whistle.

"You look… badass ." Kendo admitted.

"Efficient." Shinso said.

"An asymmetrical design with defense and mobility in mind. It's certainly efficient." Yaoyorozu

Izuku blushed at the praise, quickly sketching out the other Izuku's hero costume. Already he was
on his second notebook for this viewings.

He was already considering a few things he'd seen his other counterparts use.

I should probably wear a different pair of shoes when in costume instead of just using my normal
ones with the armor on… Izuku admitted, scratching at his cheeks.

Remarkably, those same shoes were still perfectly intact. Something that he really should have
noticed sooner but never had because… they were shoes.

Something to ask mom about...

‘ asymmetrical design with defense and mobility in mind. I bet if something hit him
from his left, it would be deflected or caught with ease… does he use a defense posture with
his weapon-arm behind him?’’ Todoroki took a second to clock the sword hilt barely visible
under the left arm’s shadow, and then blinked at the sight of a gunstock for some sort of rifle
over his back, the rest of the weapon hidden under the loose collar of his cloak as it hung
behind him.

"He's got a gun." Kaminari said.

"I have a gun." Izuku nodded.

So manly… Kirishima nearly cried as he watched this manlier version of Midoriya walk out like he
owned the place.

‘Hmm… quirk improves efficacy of weapons perhaps? Reflex and coordination, maybe.’

"Or quirkless." Shoto helpfully supplied.

Todoroki glanced away as the teen strode into the crowd.

‘You remind me of someone… but why?’

"Oh so you've seen it too." Mina said.



Inko sat across from Mitsuki, her friends comments and assistance, sounding like so much
noise as she sat and stared at the lukewarm coffee in her hands, the third day since she had
found her sons fate.
Even old hag looks lost… Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Her phone ringed.

Blinking, she swallowed her dry throat and dragged her phone up from the table, Misuki
cutting herself off in a mid story rant even as inko answered.

Typical aunt Mitsuki… Izuku chuckled. He did cherish the times when he and Kacchan played as
kids. He usually got in trouble along with Kacchan but she'd always let him off easily. Must be the
puppy eyes.

“Um, hello?”

“Miss Midoriya? We have a new development. Izuku cleared the first game.”

"Yeah!" The students instantly cheered.

"He still has more to go through though…" Tamaki reminded.

"Way to be a buzzkill." Nejire deflated.


Inko froze, and her phone slipped as a convoluted rush of emotion tore through her. Her son
did it. He’s advancing, fighting. He was coming home as fast as he could…

Of course I am … Izuku thought, fists clenched.

And she felt a rush of shame. Of fury and self centered anger and focus. Her son, her
precious hero focused son, was crawling his way out of hell for her. And here she was? She
had frozen, panicked, lost herself in nightmares and worry. And her son was coming. Her son
was fighting monsters. Like that ‘Slender’ beast. She had watched, seen the injuries that had
barely slowed her sons motions, that had sent him cursing and pushing every harder.

"Wait… Slender?" Yanagi perked up.

"Name ring a bell?" Awase asked curiously.

"I didn't place it before… but it's possible they were referring to Slenderman." she informed them. I
thought the woods looked familiar…

Yanagi had read a few creepypastas while web surfing, always eager for a good scare. You're
telling me he actually passed against… that? Yanagi thought curiously, looking at Izuku with a bit
of growing respect.

"Slenderman… doesn't ring a bell." Sero admitted.

"It was an old creepypasta. Used to be a few games too. If I'm correct, Midoriya had to collect a
few pages while avoiding him."

The students gave 'ahs' of understanding.

It's that hard just to grab a few sheets of paper? Kendo thought in outrage.

Tetsutetsu voiced her concerns.

"He becomes more aggressive the more pages you collect. Plus if I remember correctly… the area
was pretty vast." Yanagi said.

Izuku frowned. That was only the first game too...

Shame gave way to steely determination. Like rusty steel rising from the water, bracing
against the flooding emotions.
"Wow Deku… I can see where you get your determination from." Uraraka said in awe.

Bakugo huffed. Of course Auntie Inko's kickass determination would make it through. Guess the
nerd isn't completely useless...

Blinking she picked her phone up.

“Tell me everything.”


Koda Kouji was… a nervous young man. Conflict was not his goal - rescue and support of the
people was. He had limited fighting experience despite his stature and secondary mutations
increasing his strength and hardening his skin to a thick, leather-like appearance. His quirk
was also far more suited to recon and rescue operations… heck, his entrance to this school
was only possibly because his nature led him to help assist and distract robots for other
students in the vague hope it would count somehow. The only robots he personally destroyed
were all rogue one-pointers who had already been injured in previous clashes.

Koda blushed a little at the deluge of information.

"It's okay Koda, we think you're amazing." Jirou assured him.

The other students nodded in agreement.

"I like how you care more about saving people than beating up villains." Izuku said.

Koda blushed more at all the praise, beaming at them and saying a small 'thanks' in appreciation.

And now he was going into a far more direct and brutal fight. He shook with fear as he
watched the ball with his name roll out of the spinner… and then the name Izuku Midoriya
came soon after.
"Oh you're good. You basically won." Mina waved off his concerns.

"Don't just write off the rest of us!" Sero whined.

He was terrified. Every animal he had spoken to about the teen described the strange fact
that he seemed to flicker and vanish from their senses with astounding ease. Something about
him seemed to naturally refute the observations of the animals. Some innate sense or instinct
triggered by them had sent several birds flying the moment he turned his gaze on them.

"Ribbit…" Tsuyu added, agreeing.

"So he's practically undetectable even to animals who are known to have good senses.
Interesting… he has amazing stealth capabilities." Izuku muttered as he continued to add more and
more to this particular Izuku's entry.

And yet, as the two of them were naturally shuffled side by side, Koda felt far less

“...Hello. Seems we’re teammates.”

“I-i guess?”

A moment of silence, an assessing gaze and a nervous shuffle, before the other teens hands
came up and slowly and carefully signed. The motions were hesitant but very clearly defined
and signed, the mark of an inexperienced but knowledgeable signer.

Koda gasped in surprise.

-Would you prefer sign?- the Interrogative tilt to Izuku’s head looked awkward, as if he was
trying to express emotion, but to didn’t feel natural.
Yaoyorozu gave some inexplicable gasp of awe and astonishment.

Izuku frowned. I should practice learning sign. No doubt I'll come across someone who only
speaks that way… not to mention it would be useful for communicating without words.

For a split second, the world seemed to click and make sense.

‘He can’t emote easily…’

Koda smiled, relieved and touched at this Izuku's consideration.

Koda gave a smile, big and happy, and focused to let himself relax, his signing was slow and
purposeful as he responded.

-Please and thank you. I am Koda Kouji, a pleasure to meet you-

He wanted to help people, why not start here and now.

The students smiled warmly at that.

Toshinori chuckled. "It does my heart good to see such promising hero hopefuls flourish."

The small, awkward smile on the other teens lips was more than enough to convince him it
was the right thing to do.

Simulation: Day 12 Hour 17:04:20 Death count: 59

"59 deaths…"

Izuku scowled. 12 days of that madness...

Izuku pushed himself out of the shower, shaking off heat and moisture as he strode out and
grabbed the new clothes he had set on the disheveled bed in his ‘room’. The feeling of water
and heat had been one of the best ways he had found to cope with the aches of missing
wounds. Even now his finger tips of the arm he had sacrificed felt slightly numb, but the
feeling was fading with each second.

Vlad King hummed. "Ectoplasm has expressed similar aches before."

Iida grit his teeth. So does Tensei at times...

Stretching he pulled on another running outfit, feeling nervous and focusing on calming
himself. A new trial awaited him.

Stepping out, he walked to the podium, noting the far wall, above the desk where he had
talked with his tormentor the very first time, was now a large screen. Most of it was taken up
by a large timer, slowly clicking up second by second, but at the very top of the screen, in a
simple box, read ‘SIMULATION ONE CLEARED: 12:16:05:00’ in bright green text.

"12 days for just one game… and that was just the first one." Kinoko mumbled.

Ibara muttered a quick prayer, ducking her head.

For a moment, he stared at it, and breathed deep. A sense of fire, of emotion and satisfaction
and drive, bloomed in his chest.

That's the Deku I know! Uraraka grinned.

Breaking his focus, he shifted and pulled himself up on the podium, laying down in a single
far too practiced motion.

As the visor slid up and over his head once more, he stared up. A flicker, almost like old film
reel, and the next title appeared, a stylized carnival or party looking font surrounding a pizza

On the box, was the name ‘Freddies’.

The students looked to Yanagi, who merely shrugged.

"I would say Freddy Krueger, but this one is spelled differently. Not to mention the party font." she

"Guess we'll just have to see then." Izuku sighed.

Breathing deep he triggered the simulation, preparing for anything…

The rush of falling, the flicker of reality. And he was sitting up in a office chair, he was so
surprised by this he almost knocked his chair over, but as he focused he took in the brick and
mortar room he was sitting in, a desk sitting before him. The only light besides the computer
monitor came from a recessed light that flickered faintly above him. He took in happy
looking, yet decrepit, posters and art hanging form the walls, all promoting a pizza place
known as ‘Freddy Fazbears.’

Yanagi frowned. An old game maybe. Too old for me to remember.

"So are those robot animal things the enemy this time?" Kaminari asked.

Tokoyami hummed as he observed a yellow, bird looking individual in one of the posters. "More
than likely."

He would have kept checking out the room, but his thoughts were quickly interrupted by the
ringing of a phone.

A few students yelped at the sudden call.

Glancing around the desk, he was confused at the lack of a phone, before turning to see one
hanging on the wall, facing away from the security desk.

A blinking red light flashed as it rung again, and slowly Izuku stood and stepped towards it.

"This has horror game written all over it." Mina pouted.

"Indeed. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in the call though…" Shishida said.

Izuku breathed deep and focused.

It rang a third time, and breathing deeply, izuku lifted the receiver up and set it aside,
tapping the speaker button and turning back to start checking over the desk and room,
eyeing the two dark hallways to either side with trepidation and concern, before sorting
through the desk..

I feel like something will come running in from either hallway… Kinoko shivered.

A voice rang out across the room from the phone, calm and somewhat reedy.

"Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first

"First night? That's definitely bad." Kaminari pouted.

Tetsutetsu nodded. "I've seen movies like this. First day on the job and shit hits the fan

Izuku groaned. Why is it always me...

Izuku glanced up, eyes locked on the monitor as cameras and a simple map of the building
came up.

“Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a
matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's
nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus on getting you through your
first week.”

"He sounds nervous." Shoji said.

"Right, because that doesn't sound fucking ominous." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Guessing you'll have to survive a week of whatever hell this is." Monoma growled.

Izuku glanced back at the phone, blinking.

“Well... that's not fucking ominous.”

"That's what I fucking said!"

Universe 27 (part 2)
Chapter Summary

'Locked in Digital' by RogueDruid (Icarius51)

Enjoy! I enjoyed doing these

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Simulation: Day 12 Hour 18:02:00 Death count: 59

Izuku glanced back to the phone, eyes narrowed as he focused back on the voice.

“-inishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming,
but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus
on getting you through your first week. Okay?”

"Oh a small recap?" Mina said.

"We really are watching shows…" Shinso said.

Mei shrugged. "I'm honestly trying to figure that out myself. Every one of these start at different
points in time, even flashing back between past or future in some cases. The multiverse is weird."

"No kidding…"

“Ominous tone there, guy.” Izuku muttered as he flipped through piles of coupons and ads
for ‘Freddy Fazbear’s’, eyes roving for anything that stood out, while keeping his focus
trained on the phone behind him.

"A restaurant of some sorts. Clearly not your average one though…" Kamakiri said.
Pony watched on, taking in the details. "It looks dirty."

“Uh, let's see, first there's an introductory greeting from the company that I'm supposed to
read. Uh, it's kind of a legal thing, you know. Um, "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A
magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear
Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that
damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon
property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have
been replaced."

The students blanched.

"W-what?" Kaminari and Awase choked out.

Toshinori and Vlad King tossed startled glances at each other.

"Awfully sketchy pizzeria…" was all Manga trusted himself to say.

Izuku dropped the papers in his hand as he slowly stood and turned to the phone, hands
suddenly feeling clammy as the unsettling sense that this was going to be as bad as, if not
worse than, Slender rushed through him, blood feeling like ice in his veins.

“Blah blah blah, now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry
about. Uh, the animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them?
No. If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath?
I'd probably be a bit irritable at night too. So, remember, these characters hold a special
place in the hearts of children and we need to show them a little respect, right? Okay.”

"That can't be good." Mei mumbled, observing the animatronics on the posters and trying to break
down their components from a cursory glance.

"You're telling me those fucking dolls come alive?" Kamakiri yelled out.
"Shame I'm not there to just zap them." Kaminari sighed.

"That would not be wise. This is barely his first day on the job. I don't think he's allowed to destroy
them… right?" Yaoyorozu asked.

“...Animatronics?” Izuku glanced up to see the poster, the four robotic mascots presented
with names in bright colors. “Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chika, and Foxy.” He blinked and
tapped the keyboard, seeing a simplified map appear and options for video cameras open up.

Tsuyu shivered slightly as she observed the fox. More specifically, that hook attached to it's arm.

"Yeah… no. Fuck that. Quit." Awase advised.

Izuku sighed. "I don't think I have a choice."

"Y'know… suddenly I'm incredibly grateful for my class." Vlad King sighed. He couldn't even
imagine the pains of handling the problem child.

He tapped the controls and began to cycle through options. Trying to figure out how the
system worked when he scrolled past a camera. A second of testing and he changed back to
the view.

A stage, viewed from the side, with three of the four animatronics, staring out at a bunch of
tables and booths.

"We're missing the fox." Ojiro frowned.

“-the characters do tend to wander a bit. Uh, they're left in some kind of free roaming mode
at night. Uh… Something about their servos locking up if they get turned off for too long. Uh,
they used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was the Bite of '87.
Yeah. I-It's amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?”

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Bakugo paled slightly.

" Bite of '87? How has this place not been shut down? Why are they allowed to walk around? This
is a pizzeria!" Yaoyorozu nearly yelled out in outrage.

"It's a video game, don't overthink it." Awase advised.

"Hope you weren't too attached to your frontal lobe." Mineta whispered to Midoriya.

He sweatdropped. "I prefer my frontal lobe where it is, thank you very much!"

“Oh, buddy, you have got to be fucking me.” Izuku muttered and glanced accusingly at the
phone before looking back at the controls, tapping through feeds to try and find the fox as he
listened carefully.

The fucking fox. Bakugo growled.

“-concerning your safety, the only real risk to you as a night watchman here, if any, is the
fact that these characters, uh, if they happen to see you after hours probably won't recognize
you as a person. They'll p-most likely see you as a metal endoskeleton without its costume

Izuku paled. What's that mean?

"What, and I think I speak for everyone here, the actual fuck ?!" Pony suddenly spoke up,
translating back to English halfway through.

A few students nodded in agreement.

"So basically don't let them see you, or grab you." Kendo summarized.

"Easier said than done…" Kinoko grumbled.

“That's starting to sound bad, phone buddy, really fucking bad.”

"No kidding…" Mirio sweatdropped.

“-that's against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they'll probably try to… forcefully
stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear suit.”

Izuku choked on his spit as quite a few students stiffened. The mental image they'd drawn up in
their heads weren't helping.

"Yeah no… definitely don't let them see you." Kendo reaffirmed.

Izuku froze, hands still as he breathed deep and slowly turned to look at the phone, even as
the recording continued.

“Um, now, that wouldn't be so bad if the suits themselves weren't filled with crossbeams,
wires, and animatronic devices, especially around the facial area. So, you could imagine how
having your head forcefully pressed inside one of those could cause a bit of discomfort... and
death. Uh, the only parts of you that would likely see the light of day again would be your
eyeballs and teeth when they pop out the front of the mask, heh.”

Mei shivered. She was probably the closest one here who could atleast imagine well enough how
painful that would be.

A few students looked queasy as they imagined the details.

"Wait… how would they know that?" Yaoyorozu suddenly asked.

Izuku's breath hitched, glancing at the eyes of the animatronics.

No… they don't look like real eyes. They'd probably smell too if that were the case…
"Trial and error." Tamaki mumbled.

“That… that is not a laughing matter, buddy.” Izuku blinked, standing and looking out the
right door, seeing a dimly lit back hallway, and then turning and heading to the left as the
recording played on and on.

"Close the doors." Yanagi said, noting the buttons near the door.

"Yeah that's probably the smartest thing to do. Why aren't you doing it." Tokage asked.

“Y-Yeah, they don't tell you these things when you sign up. But hey, first day should be a
breeze. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Uh, check those cameras, and remember to close the
doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, good night."

" Ah , that's why." Tokage said, voice softer.

"What a mad banquet of darkness." Tokoyami huffed, feathers ruffling as he tried to relieve the
tension on his shoulders.

Izuku froze, glancing out the left door, knuckles going white as they clenched on the frame of
the door he was using to peek around. He turned, and stared at the phone with wide eyes as a
dial tone played, the recording over.

“What the fuck do you mean, conserve power?”

"Conserve power." Kirishima repeated.

Izuku lunged for the computer, tapping a key to wake up the screen as he looked and then
saw it, at the bottom corner of the screen.

12:07 AM. Power at 96%.

"How long does he have to stay there?" Kinoko timidly asked, glancing at the time.

She cradled the small mushroom she'd sprouted to take her mind off of the situation.

He stared at that, before the sound of static made his eye twitch and him spin around, ready
to dodge an attack, already looking out for the white flesh of Slender.

"Guess I was right." Yanagi noted.

A split second of panic, adrenaline pumping, wore off, and with a flare of realization. The
sound hadn’t come from behind, him.

Izuku turned back to the screen.

The camera feed now showed three animatronics staring straight at the security camera.

"Yeah, no . Leave, now." Rin shivered.

"That's one game I'm staying the hell away from." Kaminari mumbled.

“Ah... Fuck.”

"Well spoken." Ojiro sweatdropped.


Iida looked around, stretching slightly as he eyed his partner, one Fumikage Tokoyami. The
shorter teen with bird-like features was covered by a black cloak, and seemed to be
meditating and centering himself as the drawing for teams continued. Iida was already
staring at the board as the names were filled in.
"It appears we're both teamed up this time, Tokoyami!" Iida greeted with forced enthusiasm. Best
to take his classmates minds off of the previous scene.

"Indeed. We shall see how we fare against our opponents." Tokoyami said.

The first match was Group C as Villains, and B as Heroes. Iida glanced around only to blink
in surprise as two teens seemed to stare each other down. If he was correct, the blonde with
an explosive quirk, Bakugou, was teamed with the girl with acid, Ashido. Meanwhile the
young man with the dual colored hair and… fairly prominent scar, Todoroki, was standing
face to face with him, arms crossed, while a seemingly disembodied pair of gloves and boots
stood behind him, nervously fretting. That would be the invisible student, a Miss…

Mina and Toru grinned at each other, atleast Mina assumed she grinned.

"Sorry for kicking your butt in advance."

"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you."

Bakugo huffed as he turned to face Todoroki.

"Guess I kick your ass sooner than I thought."

Shoto hummed. "You can try."

From his position, he couldn’t make out more than the faintest growling and tone of voice
from them. Putting it out of his mind, he focused back on the list and blinked as teams F and
D were called to perform in the second round.

"Team F was…"

Koda turned to look at Midoriya.

"Seems luck didn't favor us this time." Tokoyami said sadly.

Team D was him, and his cloaked companion, who would be playing the role of heroes. For a
moment, Iida scanned through the group, trying to remember who was- ah, them.

The two quietest teens of the class were standing to the side, hands moving and flickering in
calm and careful gestures. The larger teen, Koda Kouji, if Iida had heard right, had a gentle
smile and a small bird perched on his shoulder. His companion, the stoic Midoriya Izuku,
was next to him. Interestingly enough, he seemed to be the second most armored student,
with almost full coverage by his armor and his sword at his side, along with the stock of some
sort of rifle or weapon across his back, hidden by the cloak. The sight made Iida tense, the
flicker of memory of the teen hanging from the face of the massive 0-Pointer in mind. If that
was the same weapon, he would very much like to never face it head on.

A few students shivered. They'd seen what he had done to said 0-Pointer.

Iida wasn't eager to take a hit like that anytime soon, or ever for that matter.

Sadly, it didn’t seem like he would get a choice.

He glanced up and blinked, realizing he had missed the last four match drawings.

"Class Rep! Ignoring your fellow students… how shameful." Kaminari gasped in mock outrage.

"Forgive me Kaminari! It was not my intention to- you're… mocking me, aren't you?" Iida
realized, frowning at the electric boy.

"Don't tease." Jirou slapped the back of Kaminari's head.

The rest of the class was pairing off, and with a shout, All Might directed them towards the
nearby viewing room.
Bakugou met the dead-eyed gaze of his opponent as they stood. The Two Tone Bastard didn’t
even respond to his opening trash talk, and the lack of insight was pissing him off. His armor
looked like ice, so there was a thematic base to judge his power off of. That, and he had seen
the ice structures that the teen had summoned the day before, but why only half of his body?
The question was nagging at the back of his skull, even as he turned away from the silent

"Looking back… it should've been obvious it was fire." Uraraka frowned.

"Honestly, my last name should've given it away…" Todoroki deadpanned, or atleast it looked like
he was.

"Stupid Icyhot holding back." Bakugo grumbled.

“You better prepare bastard, we’ll be waiting for you to come with all you have, and we’ll
crush you when you get there.”

“YEAH!” The pink chick who was his teammate grinned and flashed a victory sign back at
the other team as they marched off, heading towards the building they were supposed to hold.

Mina grinned at her own enthusiasm.

As he passed through the first door, he frowned and swept over the surrounding hallways,
before he slowly started grinning.

“Hey, Pinky, you make acid, right?”

"Glad you remember Baka-go." Mina stuck her tongue out.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

“It’s Mina, and yeah I do Blasty. What are you thinking?”

Mina snorted at the nickname.

“I think we start with some renovations to our base.” He grinned, teeth bared in ferocious
intent. “Here's what we’re gonna do…”

Izuku hummed, realizing what Bakugo was doing. It makes sense from a strategic standpoint… but
I am curious to see how this plays out.

The other 16 students had gathered in the observation booth, a wall of monitors lighting up as
the cameras came online and began to flicker and search through the building and its
surrounding sides.

Izuku blinked and bit back the urge to rush and get up close. This wasn’t the same room he
was killed in so many times, despite the spectral bloodstains and that faint, just beyond
earshot, sound of gears and clanking. He blinked and breathed deep, and let it out slowly.
His eyes opened to clean walls and bright corners. A bump on his shoulder and the soft and
caring gaze of his teammate locked onto his eyes.

-You okay?-

Izuku grinned at Kota, proud of his caring nature.

Toshinori hummed. "I imagine this scenario reminds him of… 'Freddies'..."

Izuku brought his hands up, a reflex to brush off Koda’s hand on his fingertips… but

-Will be. Bad memory.-

Koda smiled softly.

Koda nodded slowly, hand clapping Izuku on the shoulder in comfort for a moment. He let it
drop just before the sound of All Might over the speakers echoed out.


"Time to see just how mighty class 1-A really is." Monoma mocked.

"Didn't you get knocked flat on your ass during our match?" Kendo grinned.


Izuku idly bit the inside of his lip, even as he got bumped, Koda wincing as he signed out a
single word that make Izuku’s lips twitch up.


"Sorry." the more kindhearted students apologized.

Turning back, he looked over the monitor, eyes roving across them with the ingrained
memory of dozens of nights of long hours planning and countering. As he took in the villains’
actions, he blinked slowly, before the smirk grew more pronounced.

‘That's a smart play, Kacchan. Can you back it up?’

Bakugo grinned. "Just fucking watch me Deku."

Izuku grinned. Seems like he noticed it too.

“So... what's our plan, Mister Quiet Guy?”

Todoroki glanced to the side at the hands and feet floating nearby, the only clear indicators of
his teammate.

“You step back, and I finish this in the first blow.”

Todoroki winced. He reminded himself of… his father.

I would've turned out just like him if Midoriya hadn't...

A shift of gloves and boots, probably trying to project some sort of emotion to her movement
that he could barely understand. Something about… impatience? Ignoring her antics, he
breathed in, counting down the seconds until he could act.

"Sorry." Todoroki said.

"It's fine! You're much better now." Toru said excitedly.

“Really, that's your plan? You really think tha-”


Todoroki didn’t hesitate, he didn’t think. He took only a few seconds to center himself, before
gathering his quirk’s icy power in his hand, pulling it in and condensing into as strong and as
potent of an attack as he dared. This was the time to make an impression, to prove he stood
above everyone without his father’s quirk. When it reached the tipping point, when his
fingers felt numb as the cold began to overwhelm his natural resistance, he simply stepped
forwards and slammed his right foot down as he swept his arm forwards.

Toshinori frowned. He'd had half a mind to smack the shit out of Endeavor when he'd found out,

Let's hope you can atleast somewhat clean up your act, Endeavor...
He focused, and instead of forming a glacier, he sent his quirk out in a far more subtle form.
He ran it through the entire building, across every wall and floor and ceiling.

Ojiro and Toru winced as they recalled their match against Todoroki.

Where his quirk passed, the world became an icy hellscape.

"You really are so amazing, Shoto." Izuku said in awe, admiring his friend's power.

With a thunderous crack, the building was encased and laced with ice, frost dancing over any
and every surface.

For a moment, stunned silence rang out. Besides him, the invisible girl was shocked into
silence, while Todoroki listened, planning to hear cries of frustration and anger from the

He didn’t expect to hear a deranged cackle of anger and pride.

"Kacchan's calling card." Izuku sighed.

"Not as easy as you thought, Icyhot bastard!"

A blast of smoke, flame, and force rocked from the front door of the frozen-over building,
and as the iced stone and metal shattered and spread across the no man's land between the
heroes and the building, the intimidating, explosion-themed hero-in-training glared out, head
lowered as a disconcerting chuckle echoed through the ice cold air.

“Oh, you need to do better than that, you Half and Half Bastard. If you think that your little
‘Winter Wonderland BULLSHIT‘ is gonna stop us, then you’re more conceited than I
thought!” He cackled, and with a blast from his hand, smoke filled the doorway, concealing
his retreat back into the depths of the wintery building.
Bakugo cackled along with his alternate selves, ignoring as a few of his classmates threw worried
glances at him.

Tokage snorted. "'Winter wonderland bullshit'" she repeated.

Todoroki was dumbfounded. How the hell did he avoid the-

That blast, the one that opened the door. He was waiting! He must have been ready to meet
them, probably wanting to take an early shot at the hero team.

A few students gave grunts of understanding.

"Your personality sure makes it easy to forget how tactical you can get when the situation calls for
it." Yaoyorozu begrudgingly admitted.

"It's part of my charm, Ponytail." Bakugo grinned.

“Well, what now, Ice Boy? We gonna come up with a plan or sit here ‘til the timer runs out?”

Todoroki glanced at where the girl would be, and scowled.

“You go for the bomb, I’ll distract them.”

"Aw yeah, fight time!" Mina cheered.

She shifted, but Todoroki was already was charging the door, steam rolling off his form as he
used his father's curse to warm up enough to use his ice freely once more.

Todoroki frowned.

Koda raised his eyebrows at the annoyed tick to the word, the aggressive tap of fingers clear
as the screen showed Todoroki advancing into the building.

Todoroki and Bakugo paid attention. Anyone with this much experience was atleast worth
listening to.

-Cameras inside are down.-

-Most, yes. Not all.-

Izuku gestured up at a series of cameras that had been unfrozen, two of which seemed to be
staticy and lopsided. It took a second for Koda to realize they overlooked the ground floor of
the building, which meant that Bakugou’s explosion must have cleared their icy covers away.

"Guess all those games really did pay off." Nejire mumbled.

"Midoriya put in the work. This is just the fruit of his labor." Mirio beamed.

The cameras were trained on what once was the entrance hall of the building, before the
villain team had decided to change a few things. What once was a fairly careful recreation of
an office building’s layout was now replaced by a wide, open ground floor, with missing
walls, which had been melted or shoved away.

A few students gasped as they realized why this was done.

The center of the floor had been turned into a grand open room, with only the main
supporting pillars for the building left untouched. The outer rooms and walls were the same,
in order to keep the heroes from noticing the surprise renovations.

In the back of the room, an opening in the ceiling showed the twisted and melted remains of
the stairwell up to the above floors, removed from play before the heroes even got there.
"He's set this in his favor." Izuku smiled.

"How so Deku?" Uraraka asked curiously.

Izuku's smile widened. "Just watch."

And in the center, face pulled into a grin of excitement, stood Bakugou.

Todoroki barely had a moment to take it in, before the fight began in earnest.

Even in the observation room, the roar of combat was loud and clear; massive chains of
explosions, and the sound of cracking ice, echoes through the screens a half-second behind
the sounds from outside.

Bakugo cackled. "You ain't gonna last with half your power."

"Against you? Maybe." Todoroki retorted.

The students of 1-B paid more attention. They'd inevitably go up against them during joint
trainings, so it was best to gather all the information they could get.

“So they turned the first floor into an arena… that seems particularly foolish. Bakugou seems
exposed and has nowhere to take cover.”

The speaker, a tall girl with a black ponytail and grey eyes, frowned at the scene she saw.

Yaoyorozu atleast had the benefit of watching stuff beforehand, so she atleast knew it wasn't as
foolish as her counterpart thought it was.

“...Bakugou’s a distraction.”
She turned to meet Izuku’s gaze, only to see the shorter teen with his eyes closed and head
tilted, as if listening to the rapid sounds of the fight.

"You're really just going to leave me hanging?" Yaoyorozu raised an eyebrow at Izuku.

"S-sorry. It's not me, it's him!"

The girl waited, but when the teen didn’t continue, she sighed and spoke up. “Would you
care to explain?”

A single green eye cracked open, appraising Momo Yaoyorozu with intent, before the soft
voice spoke out, gathering the attention of most of the class. “Bakugou is a fighter to the core.
His skillset is built and refined around destructive close quarters combat with a focus on
rapid and high intensity engagement. It's his bread and butter, his perfect storm. I guarantee
he could leap up that hole with minimal effort, something neither of his enemies nor his
teammate could achieve quickly. He turned a maze of options for stealth and evasion into a
single choke point, and has set himself up for exactly the kind of fight he prefers. If anything,
Todoroki-san’s efforts only assisted him. The ice outside the building means the only way up,
is through.”

Kaminari whistled in appreciation.

"You're such a manly hypeman!" Kirishima declared.

"Not bad Deku, you actually managed to summarize shit effectively." Bakugo grinned.

"You did hype him up pretty well." Uraraka grinned.

Toshinori chuckled. Mic would probably enjoy his company on the show, atleast when it comes to

Momo blinked, and glanced back at the monitors. “And if they only have 15 minutes to get
past Bakugou-”
This time Izuku looked up, eyes focused on one of the screens as an explosion blasted the
dichromatic teen back. “They only have 11 now. And Todoroki is losing ground fast.”

‘The question is… what do the wildcards plan to do while the titans fight it out?’

"I wonder…" Toru giggled.

"We'll be wild." Mina shrugged.

His eyes narrowed as he caught another glimpse of Todoroki, darting back from the fight
with steam drifting off his form.

The feed was distorted, smoke and flashes of explosions disrupting the video, but he could see
it, just for a split second.

Flames under his fake ice armor.

"He noticed." Rin stated the obvious.

‘Now… why would you refuse your power…?’ A flash of Todoroki’s expression at the end of
the quirk assessment. Of his demeanor and a half-noticed glance. And with that, things
began to click, giving him the shape of the problem. ‘Ah. You are a fool, Todoroki. Pride has
no place on the field.’

Shoto huffed, grumbling something unintelligible under his breath.

Iida frowned. That line applied to him as well, considering how he'd let emotion get in the way.

Toru crouched behind one of the support pillars, gloves long since left behind as she crouched
and maneuvered up and closer to the second floor entrance.
Finally, a wave of ice covered her position from the fight. With grace and quiet motions, she
leapt up and latched onto the lowest stair, pulling herself up with a soft grunt of effort, only
to blink at the twisted and half melted stairwell leading up. Sighing she rolled up and began
to ascend the stairwell to the second floor.

Toru sighed along with herself. "I feel your pain."

“Oh, ‘I’ll finish it with one move,’” she mocked, leaping over a half twisted chunk of
concrete, still faintly hissing from acid despite the icy covering. “Not like the other team has a
plan or course of action.”

Toru winced, embarrassed. "Sorry."

"It's fine. You have a point." Todoroki said.

She slipped and bit back a curse as she felt her hand grow warm with liquid, the translucent
blood was one of the biggest issues with her powerset. She could rarely judge just how much
damage she’s taken. And even her awareness of her body had its limits.

Izuku gasped, noting that down about Hagakure's quirk. Guess that assumption was right...

And the goddamn numbing cold wasn’t helping, asshole.

"Damn girl… feisty." Mina teased.

"Oh shut up."

Finally reaching the second floor, she glanced in, only to blink as an explosion tore a section
of the floor apart down the hall from her.

“Well, that's the wrong floor.”

"Try the next one." Shoji helpfully supplied.

Toru gasped in faux surprise. "Maybe I will!"

The others chuckled at their antics.

Closing the door of the stairwell, she turned and continued parkouring up.

Todoroki was panicking, he admits. His body was already starting to ache and seize up,
muscles spasming from repeated applications of extreme cold then rapid warming. He gritted
his teeth and lept back, another explosion blowing his latest fortification away into the barest
glimmers of diamond dust.

Bakugo snorted. "Not so cocky now, huh Icyhot?"


"Eh close enough."

The smoke and ash covered form of Bakugou strode out of the mist, his mouth pulled tight
into a massive grin that only promised pain to his opponent.

Shouto glared back, already trying to raise his body temperature once more, steam wafting
off his form.

And like that, Bakugou's smile faded away, eyes narrowing in focus.

“You’re holding back.”

"Big mistake." a few students said.

"Bastard's looking down on me." Bakugo huffed.

I wasn't- ok maybe? Toroki frowned as he thought.

Shouto’s eyes widened, and that was all the confirmation Bakugou needed. A blast of light
and force, and he was suddenly up close and personal. Shouto raised his left arm, and the
rounded metal gauntlet slammed into his hasty guard like a freight train. Clear resin and
insulation styled like ice was outright shattered, and the force of it sent Todoroki flying like a
ragdoll. His body was still bleeding steam even as he slammed into one of the few remaining
upright walls. He slammed through a layer of ice, through drywall and insulation which
cratered around his body, before he smashed through the far side and into the dust and frost
covered outer room…

A few students winced.

"That looks like it hurt." Shinso said.

Monoma snorted. "No kidding."


He's inspiring me just like Midoriya…

Izuku sweatdropped, suddenly wary of Todoroki for no reason.

Bakugou smashed his braced fists together in a flash of sparks and energy, and marched

From the hole, a spear of ice, deadly sharp, thrust out at Bakugou, only to be contemptuously
shattered with a bash of his gauntlets.
"That was aimed to kill." Vlad King frowned.

"He could handle it." Todoroki said at the same time that Bakugo grumbled "That was nothing."

Shouto pushed up, his silhouette visible through the hole in the wall, and his voice, ice cold
with emotion and hate, echoed out.


A few students jolted at the boy's sudden outburst.

And in the second after he declared it as such, the world around Bakugou was nothing but a
rushing wall of ice.

Bakugo huffed. Stupid Icyhot and his powerful attacks...

Groans echoed through the observation room as all the cameras watching the fight down
below on the first floor suddenly flickered and died.

But at the back of the room, Izuku was already watching the screen that showed the new
fight, a camera placed above the Heroes’ entrance to the area.

"You're so wise…" Kirishima said.

"It's called being aware of your surroundings dumbass. Try it sometime." Bakugo huffed.

"Yeah okay. This coming from Blasty?" Jirou snorted.

Bakugo yelled out a few choice swear words at her before slamming back onto his seat.

"It's on now." Rin said.

Bakugou breathed out, a burst of explosion clearing the space around him as he stared up at
the building before him.

And at the uncontrolled glacier that had sprouted from the lowest two floors.

Todoroki frowned. I expected that to take him out. I really shouldn't underestimate his reflexes...

He had been shoved back by the rush of ice, only quick thinking blasting him clear of the
spikes and freezing energy.

It had only required blowing himself out the window to get away.

Bakugo grinned. "Not like that shitty little popsicle can slow me down."

Grinning, he relaxed. Maybe Todoroki was still holding back… But now he had a perfect
excuse to try out a new trick.

He leaned forwards, bracing his stance around his right arm, holding up his gauntlet as he
flipped the safety switch under its edge and aimed out.

Izuku frowned as he recalled his match. He was lucky to have dodged in time, otherwise he
would've definitely been injured or even killed.

Almost an hour’s worth of sweating and build up since he first donned his armor at the start
of class, now let’s see just how much firepower he can put out.

He grinned maniacally, and pulled the trigger.

The glacier shattered before him, ice that had coated the outside of the building sublimating
and every window facing him shattering under the pressure wave. Bakugou himself was
blinking, having staggered back from the blast as he eyed his work.

"Must be nice to have such a flashy quirk." Shinso grumbled.

"It's got it's own drawbacks too, Bedhair!" Bakugo yelled back.

For the first three floors of the building, the outer wall had simply vanished, leaving ice and
rubble strewn across the floor and around the building. He looked for any trace of Half and
Half, and then scoffed as he realized the bottom floor was nothing but massive chunks of ice
that blocked his entrance.

"Damn Bakugo. Those really do pack a punch." Kaminari said.

Bakugo snorted. "They feel amazing to let loose."


He looked up.

Less than a minute, huh?

He grinned, and prepared to move.

"This is gonna be intense, ribbit." Tsuyu said, shifting into a more comfortable position. Izuku
squeezed her hand, his other hand ready to take notes.

Ashido swung her legs back and forth aimlessly, sitting on a metal crate with the bomb
resting atop it behind her.
Her shoes had also been taken off and set next to her, and her feet were currently dripping
acid at a slow pace, pooling in a low potency puddle that was gradually expanding across the
cool concrete floor. Large chunks of it were still frozen and floating around her box, but as
she relaxed she could hear the combination of explosions and insults from her partner, while
she was tasked with guarding the box.

Toru cursed. The puddles would give her away.

Mina grinned.

“ONE MINUTE REMAINS!” she winced at the volume of the announcement, but grinned.

And then she saw it. A shifting ripple in the acid, not much, but just enough to draw her

The students tensed up.

And then, before she could act, there was a massive flash of bright light, and a shockwave of
sound smashed her off her perch, her flailing limbs splashing up acid around her, even as the
shocked form of Toru came into visibility, form outlined by the pale pink acid, literally two
feet from her.

"Hello there." Kaibara whispered into the silence.

For a moment, both stared at each other as the sounds of fighting resumed downstairs.

And then Toru lunged.

"Aw nooo! Don't cut off!" Toru lamented.

"That was pretty amusing though." Tokage snorted.

Todoroki gave a shuddering breath, drawing desperately on the fire of his father to stave off
the bone deep chill as he gazed at the shattered floor around him, his glacier reduced to
massive chunks of ice that filled the space around him, any cohesion broken under the

He stood from his prone position on shaky legs, steam slowly billowing from the ice covered
flesh of his body.

"You're on your last legs there." Bakugo said, eyes feral.

Ashido yelped, and twisted, barely dodging an elbow as it swung for her head. “What-”

And then Toru swept her legs and she landed in her own acid puddle. As Toru shifted to try
and get to the bomb, Mina was already spinning, kicking her legs out to catch Toru’s, the
invisible girl shrieking in surprise as she stumbled to her knees.

Both girls were staring at the screen with rapt attention.

Over the intercom, All Might’s voice rang out once more.


Students tensed up as the match began to draw to a close.

10 seconds of action packed fighting remained.

Shouto shoved ice away and his eyes went wide as a massive chunk of ice across from him
shattered, revealing Bakugou.

Toru growled and twisted, rolling free of Mina as she tried to grapple the invisible teen.


"Eight." Uraraka and Bondo said.

Bakugou grinned and darted forwards. Ice Boy looked exhausted, skin pale and balance shot.
Quirk exhaustion, clearly. His hand dropped down to grab what he needed, even as Half and
Half tried to stagger into a combat stance.


"Seven!" a few more students said.

Mina pushed off and slammed into the crate, cursing as the invisible teen danced by her


"Six!" Izuku nervously repeated.

Shouto threw his arm forwards, a wave of irregular ice trying to catch Bakugou only for a
blast to tear it apart.


"Five." Toshinori said softly, amusement painted all over his face.

Toru smashed her fist into Mina’s side, making the pink skinned girl gasp at the hit before
grabbing her shirt collar and twisting, throwing the acid-spewing teen across the floor.


"Four!" Nejire cheered along with Mirio, Tamaki only saying the number softly.

Bakugou slid low and twisted, the red and white teen trying to turn and track him but
stumbling. Darting in, Bakugou's hand smacked into Todoroki’s chest, and a white line of the
capture tape was stuck to the teen’s shirt.

Todoroki gasped in surprise.


"Three!" all the students repeated, eyes focused purely on both fights going on.

Mina rolled up, eyes wide as she saw Toru charging the crate with the bomb.


"Two!" Toru yelped, nearly leaping from her seat.

Shouto blinked as his arm was yanked back, eyes losing focus from shock and pain as he felt
a line of tension across his chest.

Game over Icyhot.


"One." Bakugo grinned.

Toru slapped her hands on the bomb and prayed, even as far below her, her partner
collapsed, arms bound tightly by the capture tape and body shaking from the strain of
overusing his quirk.

Toru and Mina gasped even as the other students froze, wondering who won.


"God fucking dammit." Toru deflated as Mina and a few others cheered.

"Guess you won." Todoroki said sportingly.

"Fuck yeah I did! Don't you forget it!" was Bakugo's immediate retort.

Toru slammed her head against the crate.


Izuku smirked, eyeing the cameras as the teams slowly were attended too and gathered by
small robots and the two pairs of partners gathered together.

"Ohh now it's Izuku's match." Uraraka said eagerly.

"Man this one was already intense enough…" Mineta sagged in his seat.

‘Good game… but I suppose now I should show off to follow up that display.’

His hands came up, and he tapped Kouda’s side before he began to sign.
-I have a plan.-

The screen shut off.

Students groaned and yelled in protest.

"Guess we don't see the match." Izuku deflated. He was actually eager to see himself in action but
oh well, you win some you lose some.

"These are always so fun to watch." Uraraka beamed as she stretched.

"Get's a bit weird when you remember these worlds exist." Yui softly admitted.

Tokage nodded. "You said it. So far only moptop's been the one with drastic changes. I wanna see
how strong the other me's are.

Uraraka nodded furiously, a dangerous aura emitting from her. "I wonder how the other Urarakas
are faring…"

"Ochako, you're scaring me." Tsuyu said bluntly.

Toshinori chuckled as he shook his head, packing up for the day.

Vlad King huffed as he recalled something.

"You'll be having a guest tomorrow. Aizawa told me to inform you all since he won't be here for a
few days. That's all, you're dismissed." Vlad King said, waving them off.

"Midoribro, how do you do it?" Kirishima suddenly asked.

"Doing… what?"
Kirishima simply waved his hands around erratically. "Y'know… being you?"

Izuku scratched at his head. "I go beyond?"

"Plus Ultra." the students reflexively said before blinking and chuckling.

Mei chuckled with them, turning around to unplug the device.

She frowned as she noticed the display was different.

A small, green icon of a bunny was in the center.

'Be careful of who you watch.'

She frowned, turning to peer back at Midoriya, who was giving Tokage a piggyback ride.

She unplugged the machine, lifting it over her shoulder.

I will.

Chapter End Notes

Woah ominous ending there

Sidenote and shameless self promo: I'm uploading two separate fics right now if you
wanna check those out.

Why? Because screw my free time that's why.

Universe 28
Chapter Summary

The fic used is "My Green Sun Prince Academia" by Darklogic010

EDIT: warning for some minor nsfw stuff. Forgot to mention that earlier.

Enjoy! Sorry for the delay btw

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"My master Hawks sayeth speed is the greatest weapon."

Midoriya nodded, taking the advice as Tokoyami continued explaining.

Recently he and his classmates had been bouncing tips off of each other, as a way to bond and
learn off of each other.

"He's right y'know."

Izuku and Tokoyami turned to the voice as they walked in, and yelped.

"Hawks?!" Midoriya yelped out while his classmates laughed at his reaction.

Tokoyami merely looked surprised. "Hawks! What are you doing here?"

"Why I invited him of course." Nezu said from behind them, causing Midoriya to yelp again.

"Hello students. I managed to get some free time today." Nezu chipperly greeted as he walked over
to Hawks and sat down next to him.

Hawks merely smirked at the two students as they took their seats, picking his teeth with a

Yui handed Izuku a slip of paper, and Izuku gasped in awe as he saw Hawk's signature scribbled
onto it.

"Figured you'd like that, ribbit." Tsuyu giggled as she kissed his cheek.

"Don't feel too embarrassed moptop. You should've seen Kinoko when she saw him." Tokage

"So… they're gonna video call us?" Hawks wondered, glancing towards Nezu.

"Ah… I forgot you were still under that impression. I suppose now's a good a time as any to
explain this to you." Nezu said.

"A little while ago, the student you see there invented a device that allows us to peer into the
multiverse. We've been watching other universes and gleaning our information from them-"

Hawks raised a hand to interrupt him. "Hold on. You're telling me you've all been sitting here
everyday watching other worlds, proving multiverse theory exists, and you haven't used it at all?"

Nezu frowned. "Not everyday, and we have been using it. Why do you think I called you in the
first place? Why do you think the Shie Hassaikai raid went so smoothly? Surely you understand
the gravity of the situation, and thus understand why we weren't so vocal in it's discovery."

Hawks sighed. "This is kinda unbelievable, even by quirk standards."

Nezu nodded. "I thought so too. Ms. Hatsume has since been unable to replicate the device, and
any other attempts by me or Powerloader result in failure."

Hawks blinked in surprise, glancing at Hatsume. "How?"

"We don't know. Even she doesn't know how she built it, as she was heavily sleep deprived and
was barely conscious off of 5 hour energy at the time of it's creation." Nezu said, pouring himself
and Hawks some tea.

Hawks deadpanned at him. "Are you serious?"

Nezu nodded, handing Hawks a cup. "Quite."

Nezu turned to look as Hagakure's hand shot up into the air. "Uh principal, why is Hawks here

"Ah well you see, Hawks here is currently investigating the league of villains, so I decided to invite
him so as to better his chances of understanding. He has been sworn to secrecy so worry not."

Hawks raised a hand in greeting at all of them, sitting up in his seat properly.

"Ms. Hatsume, if you would."

Mei nodded, hitting play.

To Ochako, Izuku's lips were anything but human. They appeared perfect to the eye, though
artificially projected. His lips felt like something between static electricity and hot air. The
act of breathing into his holographic lungs made her lightheaded. The sensation helped
distract her from the approaching danger.

Uraraka yelped, her face rapidly turning red as the other students also made noises of surprise.

Izuku covered his face, blushing up a storm as Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around a catatonic

"That's one way to start." Mei mumbled.

Hawks was currently coughing, looking surprised as he glanced at the screen.

Do his lips really feel that good? Kendo and Kinoko thought to themselves, blushing.

She didn't have a plan to account for a dog, or perhaps a wolf, of such immense size. Her
muscles were tense as she prepared to slap the thing if it got too close. If it were a slap from
almost any other woman on the planet then she'd simply concede her defeat as a foregone
conclusion. Uraraka Ochako however could slap this beast into orbit if she put her mind to
it. Slowly, but surely, it would be sent far away.

"What is that." Shishida said as he looked at the wolf creature.

"A beast." Kuroiro helpfully chipped in.

"Wait so why're you kissing him when there's danger right there." Sero asked Uraraka in disbelief.

"How should I know?! I'm not the one kissing Deku!" Uraraka squeaked out, hands resting over her
frantic heart.

It might take her entire arm off with it, but that was a risk Ochako had taken multiple times
already when fighting those giant apes… Blood Apes, Izuku had called them.

"Blood apes?" Bakugo grunted in confusion.

"You both look tired as hell." Kirishima noted.

What's with my outfit? Uraraka thought as she looked at herself.

The canine monstrosity approached. Each step was slow and premeditated, showing tension
and cautiousness. Ochako sat back, ready for it. She knew it would lunge forward at any
moment, ready to tear her apart. All she needed was a solid strike with her Quirk and the
fight would effectively be over.
Shishida shivered slightly, reminded of his own beastly instincts as he looked at the creature.

C'mon, get up… Izuku thought as he stared at his counterpart on-screen.

Alarm flooded through her as Izuku struggled to sit up; the effort was painful to watch. Her
heart leapt when she saw just how weak he was. It seemed so wrong after watching him fight
so many monsters, so many demons, just an hour ago. His confidence, his laughter, all
seemed distant and forgotten now. In a moment of carelessness, she placed her hand behind
his back to stop him from falling backward, only to render him weightless.

"Demons?" Ibara immediately perked up, vines bristling.

"Wait… monsters and demons? What's going on here? Where are the rest of us, or any of the
pros?" Kaminari asked, confused.

"I'll admit I'm already incredibly lost." Hawks sighed, not sure what to make of the situation,
though he knew it was dire.

"All these universes focus on one particular Izuku Midoriya, and each world is different. This one
for example, has demons, which we do not." Nezu supplied. At least I don't think we do… Nezu
frowned internally.

What a wonderful mistake, she would think later. At that moment though she was horrified
by her own error. That moment vanished as Izuku's muscles tensed and pulled his weightless
body upright. With no weight pulling him down his own weakness was no longer a handicap.
He shouted a single sharp word at the dire wolf, mustering all his strength into his voice.

To Ochako's shock, the wolf froze. If she had not known better, she would have sworn it was
a petrified specimen, not a living breathing creature. Then, as Izuku continued to stare the
thing down, it backed away and sat like a dog, patiently waiting for the next command.

"That was… easy." Shinso hummed.

Izuku nodded slowly. "It was only luck that Uraraka negated my weight and helped out."
Uraraka nodded along with him.

"You and your damn luck. I swear you could probably win the lottery and then immediately get
attacked by a villain with your luck." Kamakiri grumbled.

Izuku sputtered, blushing as his classmates giggled.

Sitting up next to her, Izuku used every muscle in his body to balance himself upright as he
started to float off the ground. Ochako managed to grab onto his hand and the waistline of
his pants before he could appear foolish in front of the shadow-wolf. She was worried about
how much energy he was using, how much this act of dominance was depleting him.

"T-pose to it. Assert yourself." Kaminari urged.

Sero groaned. "Stop that Kaminari. That's already centuries old."

Izuku barked out another command. This time the monstrous hound turned away
immediately and sauntered toward the coronal edge of the anima-light that surrounded
them. Only when the thing's head was clearly out and facing the darkness, only then did
Izuku relax his posture and let himself rest in Ochako's arms.

"What's with the green shell?" Hawks whispered to Nezu as he looked at the thing.

It looked a bit like a conch shell, except it was tinted green and seemed… hard to look at.

"Curious…" he heard Nezu mutter.

Even weightless, he felt like the mass of the world to her. She looked about and saw that the
wolf was sitting out in the darkness… and that the darkness was advancing toward them.
The corona was retreating inward. Centimeter by centimeter it withdrew from the world like
an outgoing tide. The emerald light that surrounded them was dimming.
"Aw that's not good." Ojiro frowned, tail flicking in agitation.

"Why is it that you're always fighting in any one of these. When was the last time we got
something… soft?" Uraraka pouted at Izuku.

"I… uh-"

Izuku's face and body dimmed even as he rested in her embrace.

He labored to breathe in deeply before speaking. "Ochako… once the anima retreats… I
won't last more than a few minutes. There's nothing you can do to stop that. Please. Take the
memories I handed you. Run from here. You need to watch out for yourself. Please…" Izuku
almost begged. Perhaps, she mused, this was his way of begging.

"Memories?!" a few students yelped out.

Ochaco huh? They're pretty intimate in this one… Mina thought to herself.

"Like hell I'm leaving you behind Deku." Uraraka glared.

"No." she interrupted him. Ochako resolved deep inside her soul to stay with him and hold
his hand up until the moment that he… she didn't want to complete that thought. Still, she
needed a better reason to stay, one that Izuku would accept.

It wasn't hard to scrape that reason together. "Where would I even go? Where would I even
be safe? What is the backup plan if we can't get this Chrysalis to Mt. Takao? Is there even a
backup plan?"

"Mt. Takao? What's in the chrysalis?" Iida frowned, gazing at the twisted shell. It looked gigantic,
yet cramped.

"Whatever it is, it's important." Tsuburaba summarized.

Ibara nodded. "Especially if that… thing is there. Not to mention whatever other monstrosities
they've fought already." she said, tone slightly venomous as she muttered a quick prayer.

He shook his head. "There… I don't know Ochako…"

Ochako fought back tears. He was growing more and more translucent. She could clearly see
through his face to the street below now.

Uraraka frowned, eyes watering. She didn't want to see him die.

Izuku reached up to brush his fingers against her cheek. She could barely feel them there.
"You're right. There is no backup plan… I just want you to be safe… I'm… I'm afraid."

Izuku pouted, looking down on his lap as his fists clenched. Damn it… I can't even comfort my
best friend...

She pushed lightly, making sure that he rested on the ground and that he wouldn't float
away. "What are you afraid of Izuku? After everything I've seen you do, you don't strike me
as being afraid of anything."

Uraraka and a few others nodded in agreement. Izuku just seemed so fearless running into danger.

His eyes were always filled with anything but fear when the situation called for it. To hear him say
he felt afraid really drove home the gravity of the situation.

He smiled at the compliment. It was a beautiful smile, she thought, even if it was also sad.

"Heh…" Uraraka said softly.

"I'm afraid of who Izuku will become… I'm afraid that I'm the last part of him that's still
Izuku… if that happens, we're all doomed." He admitted, baring himself and his
vulnerability to her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Iida frowned.

"That's not fucking Deku. Only a part of him." Bakugo growled.

"What? How?" Sero asked, tone disbelieving.

"Midoriya basically has copies of 7 long since dead heroes and you find this hard to believe?"
Kirishima asked him, looking baffled.

Shoto glanced at the chrysalis, eyes narrowing. If that's only a part of him, then I'm willing to bet
the rest is in there...

Ochako did not need to be reminded that she was comforting a construct, an artificial being
that had done so much for her… saved her… saved her father… She had to repay him.
Somehow. She gripped onto his hand and held it to her face. "I believe in you, Izuku. You
need to believe in yourself too, ok?"

He saved Pa? Uraraka thought, grateful for this Midoriya's actions.

"A construct. Guessing the real one's in the pod?" Kaminari asked curiously.

Awase nodded. "Yeah but.. why? Where are the heroes? This couldn't possibly have gone

Hawks nodded in agreement. They're probably busy with the other.. demons.


Izuku awoke in his room. Except that it was not his room.
Sitting up from the bed he observed that everything around him was cast in stark colorless
contrast. Blacks, white, greys. There was not one shred of color in the room. Torn posters
littered the walls, yet even those were black and white, nearly featureless. A quick glance out
the window revealed a bleak colorless world with a black sphere in the sky where there
should be a sun. There was no indication where the light came from that lit up the muted
grey sky.

"Wait what?" a few students muttered out, confused.

"A flashback?" Kendo asked.

I don't recognize the place… Izuku thought.

Below on the street there were no people. Merely shadows. They walked about as if in a
purposeless daze, tugged forward by strings as they made no effort to resist. He dreaded the
prospect of opening the door to the rest of the apartment, of seeing what kind of shadow may
have replaced his mother.

"This world…" Shoji trailed off, not sure what to even make of this colorless world.

"Is it like a mirror world?" Yanagi asked herself curiously.

Izuku consoled himself that this all had to be an illusion. He was in the grasping custody of
the Whispering Flame. Perhaps he had finally passed out from the pain? This all seemed too
real, too tangible to be a dream though.

"Whispering Flame?" Shishida asked.

"Oh… this might be happening in real time?" Monoma said, frowning in confusion.

Rin nodded. "Might be the rest of Midoriya."

Opening the closet door, there were casual clothes there made of tangible shadow-substance.
Colorless and drab as they were, they were better options than his near-constant state of
undress. Surprisingly everything was sized to fit his large frame, even though he was taller
and bulkier than he was before his transformation into an Exalt. Izuku dressed quickly,
caring more for expediency than style.

Ibara looked at his frame, wondering what he meant by Exalt.

"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder." Kinoko said.

Walking into the living room was familiar yet wrong. There was the couch and television.
There was the small table where he and his mother would eat together. Seated there however,
was Izuku.

"So it's a mirror world of sorts isn't it?" Yanagi repeated, more sure of it now.

This dark reflection of himself did not in any way resemble the doppelgangers made by
Adorjan. It did not have his enhanced height, tan, or muscular frame. It was his older
weaker self, twisted into something… perverse. The copy had pale skin, muted grey-green
hair, and a slender build that was accentuated with fine clothes. It was better dressed than
Izuku had ever been in his whole life. A green tie. White linen shirt. A vest so dark green it
was nearly black. The jacket and slacks were so dark that they seemed to be made of
shadows. If not for the pale skin at his wrists, the gloved hands would bleed into that

Adorjan? Izuku wondered as he observed this other version of himself.

"Prince Izuku. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." The copy rose and bowed per Japanese
custom, yet it never wavered in maintaining solid eye contact. Izuku stared into glowing
green fires that reflected his own. This was no mere reflection, no shadow like the things

"Prince?" Hawks raised an eyebrow.

"Evidently Midoriya has been chosen as one, or maybe he was already one since the moment of
birth… you can never tell with these things…" Nezu said, eyes flashing with interest.

"I don't get it… what kind of quirk works to this extent? Or is it another group of villains working
in tandem?" Hawks frowned, confused.

Nezu tutted in disappointment. "This isn't the work of a quirk. Doesn't seem like it. You forget this
is a multiverse . Any world can exist out there, including ones where quirks don't exist. Ones where
magic and monsters exist. Or ones where we're all simply quirkless. Expand your views a little."

Hawks sighed. "Right."

"How shall I address you? Shadow of All Things? Ebon Dragon? Father of Lies? What title
would you prefer?" Izuku asked, already surmising the source and architect of the false
world he was standing in.

Ibara's vines bristled. "Father of lies…"

"Great. A fucker who hides behind words." Bakugo grumbled.

The fake Izuku smiled, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the Dragon smiled,
and the puppet copied the gesture. "I have many names. Darkness. Enemy. Nemesis. I have
been called all of that and worse. Call me as you like, Prince Izuku."

Definitely foe… Tokoyami thought as he regarded the fake Midoriya.

"Very well." Izuku sat across from his shadowy inversion. "What riddle or test do you have
for me, Dragon-sama? What would you have me do?" The Malfean language accommodated
the inclusion of a Japanese honorific about as well as a prison houses an inmate. Still, Izuku
chose to cut straight to the point, knowing that he was in for pain or worse. He might as well
get on to it and stop wasting time on social pleasantries.

Malfean language , Izuku scribbled in his notebook. Any sliver of information he could get would
"I just want to get to know you better, Prince Izuku… or may I call you Izuku-kun?" the
Dragon's puppet asked. The way the shadow emphasized the suffix was not endearing.

"Call me as you like, Dragon-sama." Izuku replied.

I already dislike this guy… Tokage thought in distaste at the puppet.

"Well then, Izuku-kun… why don't you tell me about your parents for starters. Why did they


There was no time to provide a solid answer.

Izuku was thrust deep into a memory, reliving it as though it were here in the present.

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise even as the other students shifted to attention.

Light and color invaded his eyes. Reality shifted.

He was small. Powerless. A child. Crying.

A few students tensed up, not liking the sight of such a kind child crying.

His mother was driving him home from the doctor. They had just found out that Izuku was
Quirkless. She seemed withdrawn. Cold.

No… that isn't her… Izuku thought.

He wanted love. Attention. Comfort. He reached out for her.

"Izuku. I'm trying to focus on the road." She snapped at him.

Izuku flinched internally even as Bakugo physically recoiled.

He bit back his tears as best as he could. He failed. He hadn't developed a Quirk. He had
failed his mother, and now she was angry at him.

Eventually they arrived home. He clung to her skirt, desperate for contact. She eventually got
down to his level to console him… after a prolonged moment of painful hesitation. It felt less
like she wanted to comfort him and more like she was supposed to, like it was an obligation.

Izuku's fists clenched tightly, knuckles turning white. That isn't her.


The world shifted, relaxing into a bleak colorless inversion of itself. He was once again sitting
in his replica living room. The Dragon's version of Izuku sat across from him, a look of pity
on his face.

"That's an invasion of privacy." Tetsutetsu frowned, and Kendo glanced at him, unimpressed.

"That's so sad. How did your father take the news?"

Izuku grit his teeth as he was thrust back into his own mind.


Color. Light. Blinding. A small powerless body, a Quirkless child.

His father and mother were yelling at each other. He didn't understand all the words. He
was, after all, only four years old. Unfortunately, he understood just enough to piece it
together. They were fighting over him. No, not over him. They were arguing over which one
of them would be stuck with him.


"I didn't realize it was this bad to be quirkless…" Uraraka said softly, looking at Izuku with sad

"This didn't happen. That's not how my mom acted and… well I don't remember much of dad."
More like nothing at all...

"I can't have him unattended while I'm at work." His father stated coldly, loudly.

"And how will I pay the bills while I'm watching him?" his mother retorted.

A few students looked on in distaste. From what they've seen, Inko was a kind, caring woman in
this world.

They couldn't even imagine their parents acting like this. Most of them anyways.

He cried while listening. Izuku was a burden, one that neither of them wanted but that one of
them must take on. Worthless. Quirkless. Already a failure at age four.

Days later his father left. For work, he had said. He didn't hug Izuku. It was the last time he
saw his father, and there was no paternal embrace.

Right… he found a better job and never called again. If it's really All for One… Izuku shook the
thought out of his head, One for All shifting restlessly beneath his skin.

"That must have been very hard." The Dragon's puppet said, offering what consolation he

"I got past it. I kept myself busy… interested in other things. I tried not to think about it."
Izuku offered up, as though to deflect the Primordial from offering pity.

"A hobby?" Dragon-Izuku asked.

Primordial huh… Bakugo noted, wondering just how the hell he could fight against that

Izuku shook his head sadly. "Not really. A fascination… with heroes."

"Did your mother encourage you? Did she help foster this interest?" the copy asked. They
both already knew the answer.

Izuku flinched.

"I'm sorry Izuku!"


"You still watch those videos?" Inko asked her son, exasperated that she was interrupted
again by his annoyingly insatiable hero-fascination.

"Please mom?" he asked, almost begging. "Again? Please?" he was shocked at how weak and
frail his voice sounded, yet the memory rang genuine to his ears.

I sound… desperate… Izuku thought to himself.

He remembered asking his mom to replay the videos for him. She never looked exasperated.

"This is the twentieth time in less than a week." Inko sighed as she stood up from her seat,
setting aside the book she was reading. She quickly pulled the video up on their home
computer, finding it in their recently viewed history. "One more time and then you need to
go to bed." Her voice was stern.

"Okay. Thank you, mom." Little Izuku hoped she would stick around but she didn't, not
even to reply to him. Soon he was alone in his room watching his favorite hero, All Might,
rescue a crowd of civilians from a disaster. His joy at the sight felt hollow as the video
repeated itself… his mother didn't come in to turn it off. Instead he simply heard her
through the door, ordering him to bed.

Izuku looked down, the words sounding bitter to him.

Hawks shifted uncomfortably. He felt like he was intruding on something personal.

Yui glanced at Izuku, eyes bright with a cluster of emotions. I can't imagine how hard life must
have been to you...

Looking around through the lens of memory, Izuku saw this hyper decorated room for what
it was, a sanctuary. A hiding place. Here in his loneliness he could pretend that having an
idol to look up to would fill the hole inside of him left by his parents.

He cried himself to sleep after turning the computer off.

The students looked down, mentally hurt at the sight.

Some days later Izuku would play at rescuing his mother for the last time. There is always a
last time for such childhood joys. Usually such finality is not marked at the time. They simply
pass. However, in Izuku's case the last rescue would obviously never be repeated.
Bakugo sighed. He remembered playing with the nerd. Sometimes he'd be the civilian needing
rescue, but most of the time Deku would be the villain they'd beat up.

His mother asked him "Aren't you getting a little big for this?" as though getting up to play
hero with her son was a chore.

Disheartened, he still went through the motions of the game with her, loudly declaring that
All Might catchphrase of "I am here!" yet the experience was hollow. Izuku didn't have the
heart to ask her ever again.

That's not her. Izuku repeated, breathing out softly.

"This is painful to watch." Kaminari admitted.

Jirou immediately jabbed him in the side, glancing at Izuku with an apologetic expression. "Have
some common sense idiot!"

His mother clearly had no desire to humor or encourage her son's dream of being a hero.


"I see." The well-dressed version of Izuku spoke somberly. It was difficult to remember that
this fully human body was nothing more than an extension of a gigantic dragon made of

Izuku growled at the dragon wearing him.

"It wasn't ideal, but that was my home life." Izuku shrugged.

"What about school, or friends? Did you have anyone else to play with, to commiserate with?
Anyone that would play hero with you?"
Bakugo winced, looking down.

Undisguised bitterness crept like a snake from Izuku's throat. "No" he spat out. "Not unless
you count Bakugou."


Oh yes, Bakugou Katsuki and his lackeys often played hero and villain with Izuku. They
always forced Izuku to play the villain. And the heroes would always beat up the villain.
Izuku would often be scarred or bruised, sometimes burned.

Izuku flinched slightly, remembering some of the more unpleasant instances.

A few students glared at Bakugo, but after Midoriya had gone to each of them individually to say
that he's changed.

It helped that his anger had mellowed out somewhat.

Izuku flinched at the memory, recalling the helplessness and the pain of it all. Regardless
though he could not bring himself to really care about what the Dragon was showing him.
After all, he had let go of these feelings. There was no more weight here than there was color
in the Dragon's illusions.

Hawks looked at Bakugo with a frown. I knew he was arrogant from the sports festival, but this is
a bit much...

"Tell me about how all of this… bullying started." The Dragon's voice, disguised as Izuku's
own, prompted in the middle of the memory.

"It started after Bakugou got his Quirk." Izuku said, even as the younger version of himself
was getting pummeled. It was strange that he could hear the Dragon and speak to him even
while receiving fists to his own face.
The students frowned, eyes narrowing as they watched the memory unfolded.

Bakugo stared at his younger self, idly wishing he could remake the past so he wasn't that big of a

Or I could just beat some manners into myself… he thought.

"Is that really when it started?" the Dragon asked, his voice floating ephemerally within the
memory. Immediately everything shifted to the day that Bakugou fell in the river… the day
that Izuku, small and helpless, offered to help get Bakugou up and out of the river.

Bakugo and Izuku's eyes widened at that.

Wait… he got mad because I helped him that day? That's why? Izuku thought as he looked at the
back of Bakugo's head.

All this time… all this effort… he wasn't mad just because I didn't have a quirk. He was made
because I tried to help him… because I was worried for my friend… Izuku thought bitterly.

He looked back at the screen, forcing down the small trickling of anger he was beginning to feel.

That was the trigger? All along, it was his offer to help that started it. Before that day, their
relationship had shifted from a friendship to one of leader and follower… but this was the
day that Izuku's role as follower had died. In its place, Izuku would be rejected and relegated
to become the victim of Bakugou's abuse.

So that's what started it… a few people thought. They were having a bit of trouble comprehending
how the boy took that offer for help as an insult.

It was all Izuku's fault. Bakugou didn't want his help. His mother didn't want to be rescued.
No one wanted his help… "No one human, at least…" came the reminder from the voice that
sounded so much like his own. Kindness was the problem, Izuku realized. Whenever Izuku
offered himself out of kindness to help someone they grew distant and rejected him.
"That's not true…" Uraraka and Tsuyu said.

"Mm." Yui nodded, staring at him.

"On the contrary Midoriya! Your kindness and worry for us have helped us improve both as people
and heroes. Thank you! I am glad to call you my friend, sincerely." Iida said.

Todoroki nodded. "Kindness isn't a weakness. It's… good to be good."

Bakugo merely grunted in agreement.

The other students voiced their answers as well, comforting him.

"They sure seem close." Hawks whispered.

Nezu nodded. "Indeed. Midoriya has a… peculiar talent of bringing people together, and bringing
out the best in them."

Hawks hummed, looking back at the screen.


"You sustained a large number of injuries over the years, Izuku-kun." The shadow-self
lamented pitiably. "Didn't that boy get in trouble for tormenting you… didn't the teachers do
anything… didn't your mother try to make things better?" There was an edge to that pity, a
sadism that enjoyed knowing the answer before the question was finished.

Izuku growled. He really wanted to smack this guy with a full powered smash.

The broken arm would be worth it, he mentally admitted.

Izuku would continue to feign at the shadow's game. "No. He never got in trouble."

The shadow silently waited for Izuku to continue. When the young Exalt refused to mouth
the words they both knew came next, Izuku once again fell deep into his own memories…
with a gentle push from the Ebon Dragon, of course.


Izuku was laying down on his bed, facing the ceiling. There were burn marks across his neck
and upper torso where Bakugou had unleashed an explosion that was stronger than usual.
He had bandaged the wounds himself rather than ask his mother to do it. She had taught him
how, knowing that he would need this skill.

Shoji growled. "To think that no one's thought to defend you…"

Mina nodded, eyes angry as she threw a distasteful look at Bakugo. "It sucks you had no one to call
them out. I can't believe no one's doing anything…"

Shinso looked down. "That's just the way the world is nowadays. The strong are revered and
praised no matter what. The weak and and freaks… we're shunned and discarded." he said bitterly,
locking eyes with Midoriya.

"We can change that." Kinoko said softly.

Kendo nodded. "We're the next line of heroes! We gotta set a better example."

Monoma nodded. "Some basic human decency would go miles."

Hawks raised an eyebrow. These kids really are something… though I can see how these viewings

He looked at the projector. The machine that was running the show.
Like it or not, they are learning the truth about the world with this… and they can help change it
for the better… Hawks thought, smiling a genuine smile as he glanced at Tokoyami.

I know I said I'm not a big fan of teaching the next generation but… I suppose there's nothing
wrong with giving them a few tips here and there...

This way she wouldn't need to be there to bandage him every time. This way she could avoid
being called away from her work. Her phone calls to complain to the school had become less
and less frequent over time. This time though the burns were bad enough that a call was

Izuku clenched his teeth at how weak his mother sounded. There was no fire in her, no fervor
of rage over her son's abuse. It was like she was going through the motions, the expected
societal norms, and the woman from the school administrator's office was equally acting
along. Each of them humored the social norms while each knew nothing would truly be done.

The students made noises of agitation as they watched on.

The Dragon whispered to him that people often forgive abuse, just as Izuku had time and
again. They ignore it outright if they aren't the recipient of it, especially if the abuser has
beauty and power. Humans are weak minded creatures, after all, and flock to demagogues
like sheep lining up for their own slaughter.

Nezu, although begrudgingly, admitted that he was right.

You humans would kill your own just to win battles… I can only hope these students will usher in a
better age. ..

"No," Izuku whispered from his small battered body. "She doesn't care."

Izuku could feel his heart harden. His mother didn't care about him. She rejected him, letting
him lie there without tending to him or fighting for him. At least she taught him to tend to his
own wounds… a lesson then… that he must look out for himself and not rely on anyone else.
Izuku did not need Inko, the woman who birthed him. He did not need a mother. Or a father.

Izuku's eyes watered. His mother would never act like that. She would never.


"That all changed for you, didn't it? You finally met someone you could look up to and rely
on… All Might, wasn't it?" the Dragon asked as Izuku's vision shifted to just a few days ago.

"You will never be a hero." All Might had said. He was weak. Emaciated. Yet he still
spurned Izuku away from his hopes and dreams.

Hawk's feathers ruffled in agitation and surprise.

"Did he really say that?" he asked, tone disbelieving.

Nezu nodded sadly.

Hawks slumped back in his seat. I was never much of an All Might fan but… I didn't expect him to
do that.

The vision froze and then rewound itself to the point in time when All Might lifted his shirt
and displayed his near-fatal injury to Izuku's eyes. "He has secrets." The Dragon whispered.

"Of course he has secrets. He's hiding how injured he is." Izuku scoffed.

"Yeah dumbass." Bakugo affirmed.

That's new… Hawks noted. He hadn't known about All Might's injury.
"No. Notice the details. There is more he isn't telling you." The shadow prompted him

Rather than wait for further instructions Izuku cheated. He opened the third eye, gifted to
him by Cecelyne. He focused hard using a lens over that eye, a construct of the Whispering
Flame. Everything was revealed to him then.

Cecelyne? Izuku wondered as he jotted down the name. So many names but so little information.

The entire vision was a shadow-construct, an amalgamation of his actual memories and the
Ebon Dragon's power. He saw how he was connected to the Dragon, the Shadow of All
Things… but as he focused in on All Might, what he saw horrified him.

All Might had an Exigence. It was a lesser form of Exaltation. It was not genetic. It was a
shining torch of pure Essence. It was old, far older than All Might's own soul. That soul was
growing weaker, too fragile to keep holding onto so much power. He needed to find someone
to pass that torch to…

"One for All…" Izuku muttered.

"It looks…"




Jirou snorted at Tokoyami's statement.

"Wait… what's One for All?" Hawks asked aloud.

Nezu winced slightly. Can't believe I forgot about that…

"Right. Well just reminding you you're not allowed to voice any information you learn here." Nezu
said, and Hawks nodded.

"One for All is a quirk that's been passed on from generation to generation. It's a stockpiler that All
Might possessed, but as he got weaker he passed it onto…" Nezu trailed off, gesturing towards

Midoriya raised a hand in awkward greetings. "Hello."

Hawks blinked, and only years of mental conditioning allowed him to compartmentalize and adjust
to the sudden mind shattering revelation Nezu had just casually dropped on him.

"I… so… I guess that explains your performance at the Sports Festival." Hawks merely said,
causing Izuku to flush in embarrassment.

Right. Right. All Might's quirk can be passed on. I shouldn't be surprised. The villain at Kamino
could take and steal quirks. Just adjust and move along...

Rage flooded vitriol into Izuku's heart when he finally understood how thoroughly All Might
had rejected him. He wanted to rush forward and slice the man's throat. That gesture would
be useless though. This was a shadow, just a memory of All Might.

The students winced at that. They couldn't even imagine Deku killing All Might.

Then again… one of the first ones we saw showed us that, Todoroki thought.

"In a way, Izuku-kun, you should thank All Might for rejecting you." The shadow of Izuku
rose up within the frozen vision, pale and frail compared to the mighty Prince.

"Without a fundamental failure, the Exaltation would not take hold." It was the first outright
lie the Dragon had uttered to Izuku. A power deep within Izuku rang out like a bell, marking
the statement as false. The rest of what the Dragon said, though, was true. "This was the
crack in reality that drew our attention, that marked you in the eyes of Ligier. We are drawn
to heroic spirits marred by failure, dear Prince. But you are a special case. Rather than a
hero that failed, you are a hero that was failed by the world. This elevates you in the eyes of
the Green Sun. He has placed a great many hopes in you."

"So they chose you because… we failed you?" Uraraka asked, confused.

"It seems Midoriya was blessed by this Ligier. I use the term 'blessed' loosely here." Ibara said,
playing with her vines to distract herself.

These… primordials are basically gods. No… I shouldn't be surprised. This is a multiverse after
all. Creation is much more vast than I could have percieved… and I must adjust accordingly… she
thought to herself, biting her lip.

Izuku saw the sense in all of this, yet still he was filled with bitterness towards his former
idol. He could no longer say that he wanted to be a hero like All Might. A hero, yes. However,
Izuku resolved to cast himself in his own image and utilize the power of his Exaltation to
forge his own path.

The heroes of his birth world were powerful, yet that power was hollow. Inside they were
greedy, flawed, narcissistic parasites playing a game in front of cameras for accolades and
fame. Villains likewise were just pawns in a game of heroes, tools for the heroes to overcome
before announcing their own victory. Izuku knew he had to rise above them both.

"That's…" Kendo trailed off, not sure how to react.

"Not untrue." Monoma admitted.

"I can think of a few heroes driven by greed." Todoroki said coldly.

As can I… Nezu admitted.

All Might faded out of existence as the memory shifted. The rooftop remained, yet Izuku's
perspective moved outward towards the horizon. His hands gripped solidly onto the safety
fence of the roof's perimeter. A soft glow entered his peripheral vision. He knew this moment.
It was etched forever into his mind.

He turned and saw Ahalmahlhat. She was even more beautiful in his mind's eye than he was
able to appreciate in his self-conscious panic from before, his self-loathing at having been
caught. This was the first time in his life that he felt so thoroughly accepted.

"Woah… she's smoking hot." Mineta said, lust oozing out of his tone. Kaminari nodded dumbly.

Izuku scribbled down the name, deep in thought.

The moment that she kissed him stretched longer than eternity. Izuku was warm, welcome,
and whole. He could barely recall the reason that he came to the rooftop in the first place.
The coiling darkness whispering in his heart faded away. The urging he felt towards death
dissipated as though it never was an option he had considered.

"That's hot." Mineta bluntly said.

"She's certainly a good kisser, ribbit." Tsuyu said with a bit of jealousy in her tone.

He forgot momentarily that the Dragon was watching him, observing him like a filthy
voyeur. Izuku savored the moments he spent with the Neomah as he relished details that had
passed by too quickly before. Ahalmahlhat was warm and her soft skin gave in to the press of
his fingers, pliantly submitting to his embrace. Her mouth and her vulva each competed for
his attention with how wet and wanton they were.

"Woah!" Kaibara yelped out, looking away in embarrassment. Most of the students followed suit.

Act professional Izuku… it's not the first time you've seen someone naked, he reminded himself,
watching on like he didn't care.
A few students blushed, faces red. Nezu, the professional, merely took it all in stride as Hawks also
tried to act professional.

Her mouth on his tasted sweeter than any confection he had ever tasted. Izuku was rigid
inside of her. Her vaginal muscles tightened and relaxed around him, teasingly massaging at
his ache and need. He remembered that this moment ended before either could find their
release and luxuriated in how much longer the sensations lasted, unhurried by her mission to
usher him into Exaltation.

"Wait so… is that how the Exaltation goes? Through sex?" he asked curiously, completely
uncaring about the display on screen even though he was internally screaming.

"How are you so calm about this?" Yui asked him, a small blush on her cheeks that Izuku thought
was absolutely adorable considering she still had that uncaring expression on her face.

"Oh trust me, I'm barely keeping it together." He squeaked out, looking down at his notebook.

"Such carnal sin…" Ibara muttered, vines wrapped around her face and obscuring her vision. She
did the same to a frozen Kinoko.

A tiny whisper in the back of his mind was the only reminder Izuku needed that he was not
reliving this moment by himself. "There are many such Neomah as her… and all would
lovingly serve you in the Eternal City of Malfeas… there are other pleasures as well."

Thanks but I'm gonna have to pass… Izuku thought.

All too quickly Izuku was no longer below the Neomah, Ahalmahlhat. He was on top of
Cecelyne, tasting her. His tongue trailed up her inner thighs teasingly before diving in and
tasting the waters of her forbidden oasis. He found the pearl at her epicenter and pulled back
the hood in order to devour her whole. He was glad of how much pleasure he brought to her.
He knew that she had had more experience than just him, more time spent in a lover's
embrace than he had years of life. That did not belittle the fact that Izuku had brought her
pleasure but enhanced it, swelling him equally with arousal and pride.

Hawks coughed into his hand, keeping his professional game face on. It's not like you haven't seen
naked women before. Fans can get pretty wild sometimes...
That pride swelled to outpace his arousal. He had survived the love of Adorjan! He had
endured the examinations of the Whispering Flame! Look at how much Prince Izuku can
endure! What trials he has overcome! All hail the Shining Prince, who passes any and all tests
set before him by the Primordial masters of Creation! The moments of sex and adrenaline
melded together into a milieu, jumbling together how much he had felt and how much he had
surpassed. It was wonderful and addictive. There was more though waiting for him. Izuku
knew that once he ascended to his rightful place in the Palace of the All Thing, anything he
desired could be his. Sex. Drugs. Praise. Love. Anything and everything was within his reach.
It was his to claim and to conquer. It was his rightful due.

"They're manipulating you." Shinso said.

Izuku nodded.

"Huh? How can you tell?" Mineta asked, still captivated by the screen.

"My quirk is literally brainwashing… you can see how they're showing him the best of their…
eternal city, completely ignoring the rest of what they've done. I don't trust a guy who forcefully
pulls up my memories and then tells me I can live like a king." Shinso said.

"Good point." Kaminari said quietly.

It was too perfect. With a shock Izuku realized that he had been confusing the whisperings of
the Dragon for his own internal voice. How long had he been doing that? Pulling at their
connection as he had done with the Whispering Flame, he could see just how much the
Dragon was changing him… had been changing him.

Atleast he was smart enough to figure it out… Shinso sighed with relief.

Unprompted he thought back. When did the whisperings of the Shadow start? Izuku was
horrified that he did not truly know the answer. He flung his mind backward even as the
Dragon filled his head with endless praise and pleasure, reliving the desperation and solitude
he felt when he wrote suicide notes for his mother and for his tormenter. Why would he care
what either of them thought? Why would he reach out to them from beyond the grave?
Why did he want to die?

Izuku looked down, lips quivering as he ignored his classmates worried glances.

Note: book some appointments with Hound Dog, Nezu thought, whiskers twitching.

And there it was all along. The dark serpent coiled around his heart, weighing him down like
a stone tied to his feet, dragging him down into an abyss of despair and death. The Shadow of
All Things was there prodding him towards his own destruction for far longer than Izuku
would have ever suspected. Had that shadow been there all his life? It was certainly there
well before Izuku encountered the demon, Ahalmahlhat.

Izuku smiled inwardly as he continued to indulge in the visions the Dragon used to inundate
him. He could not trust his own memories anymore. Not even one. But he could smile and
love his new masters… and he could hate them too.

He could also plot unseen against them. So, he smiled as he reached forward with his soul as
though to embrace the shadows... but Izuku's purpose was far from benign. For now, he
would lower his defenses and play along.

If only Izuku knew just how low his defenses had truly fallen.

"You think you're gonna play them but you aren't." Mina said.

Yaoyorozu nodded. "Layers upon layers."


This vision was different from the rest. Unlike the others this was not in sharp glaring color.
It was as muted as anything conjured by the Dragon from whole cloth.

His mother was there, but she could not see him. She was talking. Begging. Praying to

"What is it that she is praying for?" the Dragon prompted, again using a mockery of Izuku's
own voice.

For once Izuku did not know the answer in advance to the Dragon's question, at least not
fully. He remembered that his mother had asked for the ceasefire. However, as the scene
played out in front of him, it was the absence of what she said and asked for that stung far
worse than any prior wound inflicted on him.

Izuku smiled softly. Of course she'd ask for a ceasefire. She's a caring person...

Inko did not ask Cecelyne for her son back. Izuku's mother did not even ask the dread deity
if her son would be alright. There was no inquiry into his health or wellbeing. Nothing.
Instead she begged for the lives of others…

Izuku pouted. This isn't my mother. Just a different version. Don't forget that.

Izuku could practically feel his heart turn into cold brittle flint.

"Now…" the Dragon spoke eagerly; his voice barely disguised any longer. "Tell us about
this new Charm you've come up with."

As he turned away from the image of his mother, Izuku walked into another memory. This
was the moment that the Dragon had promised to examine for the Whispering Flame. This
was the moment Izuku cut into himself to activate Divided Chakra Shintai. The memory was
still a patchwork of bright colored clarity and shadows that filled the gaps with colorless

"Divided Chakra Shintai?" Kinoko asked.

"I assume it's the Charm he spoke of." Tokoyami reasoned.

An accident. Izuku had cut too deeply when he made his own projected self. Somehow, he
had cut away at vital memories with the Heart Cutting Edge. Izuku watched in horrified
fascination as he watched memories spill out of his head onto the sand about him… memories
that the phantasmal anima-projection quickly grabbed up.

"Well then… that's interesting to look at." Kaminari said in awe as he watched the memories fall.

"Looks pretty cool." Jirou shrugged.

The sheer disloyalty! The betrayal! The ephemeral copy of Izuku ran with the memory-
weights and without word or explanation disappeared into the other world! Impotent rage
consumed Izuku. Those memories were his. His!

"Aren't they… part of the same Izuku?" Uraraka asked in confusion.

Izuku? Midoriya thought in surprise as he glanced at her.


Izuku force his eyes open, unable to properly vent his wrath with them shut. His heart of flint
demanded action and penance from those who had wronged him. Punishment would require
power, power that thankfully the Primordial Host had provided to Izuku when they offered
him Exaltation.

"This is hurting my brand." Pony admitted.

"Brain." Kendo automatically corrected.

"These beings seem to be on another level entirely." Izuku muttered, his pencil tapping against the
pages of his notebook.

He was not surprised to find that he was standing on a floating dais of crystal and fire. Held
aloft by the power of the Whispering Flame, Izuku stood alongside a shadow of himself, the
Ebon Dragon. The Dragon's true body languidly flew alongside the platform while the
Whispering Flame and her array of orbital spheres danced on his other flank.

Azure lines had been etched into his arms, a strange glowing tattoo. Arcane symbols in the
dialect of Malfeas branched off from ley lines scar-carved into the skin from the top of his
hand to twist behind his triceps before ascending beyond his view around the rear of his
shoulders. The lines traveled onto his back to merge into a pattern he could not see, neither
to read nor to see how far they extended up or down his body. The Whispering Flame offered
no explanation as to the nature of her gift. He would need to decipher its utility and function
on his own. That seemed right to him, given her desire to continuously test others. After all,
beings such as him must appear like small rats in a maze to her.

Nezu shifted uncomfortably. An unpleasant comparison for him.

"That's a… depressing way to look at it." Rin frowned.

Izuku was mildly surprised though to find that he was wearing a set of dark linens. The
clothes loosely embraced his body, offering shelter from the Green Sun's harsh radiation.
Thick soled shoes of an equally abyssal color protected his feet from the blistering heat below
him. A small weight under the shirt accompanied by the feeling of cold metal provided all the
clues Izuku needed to understand the nature of his attire. Everything he wore was a shadow
projection from the medallion resting hidden against his chest. Somehow the loose chain it
was fastened to moved, slithering its way to always hide under the edge of the shirt it had
woven for him. Izuku spared a thought and the tunic like shirt shifted into a plain black t-
shirt, then the color blossomed into the same deep emerald color as the vest the Dragon's
shadow wore next to him, confirming for him his own absolute control over the appearance
of his new wardrobe.

His new family offered up such wonderful gifts to him. Prince Izuku was truly blessed.

"I mean… absolute control over your clothing seems pretty useful. Ooo I bet I could make some
babies like that…" Mei muttered to herself, giggling as she thought about it.

A small sphere extended from the array of the Great Sphere to float next to him. The
whispers of a thousand voices coalesced into his mind. "Your errors have been sorted and
accounted for. Our conclusion is that you are worthy to proceed into the Eternal City of
Malfeas, Prince Izuku of House Ligier."
"That's so odd to listen to." Sato said as he shifted in his seat, unnerved by the many voices.

The shadow version of Izuku smiled with undisguised predatory joy when Izuku bent at the
waist to bow to the Whispering Flame. "You honor me, oh Whispering Flame. Thank you for
isolating my flaws and making them known to me. May my efforts to strive for perfection one
day bring me closer to your greater symmetry." Honeyed platitudes coated around sincere
love of the Primordial spilled from Izuku's mouth.

After all, how could he stay angry at his new family when they were so beautiful, so
wonderful, and so generous? The earlier vivisection was so trifling, so inconsequential. It was
all just a misunderstanding.

"Oh no…" Uraraka lamented.

"C'mon Izuku, remember yourself." Yaoyorozu said sadly.

"Mmm… how the hell do we deal with villains on this level who aren't even human?" Hawks
asked Nezu, curious for his answer.

"To that, I cannot say. We simply focus on the fights we can fight, and hope something of this
level doesn't come to visit us." Nezu said sadly. Some things they simply didn't have the power to

The sphere reformed itself into a nearly humanoid shape, a liquid manifestation of crystal
and flame. It shone with the light of a million distant stars as it strode across the platform,
where it then extended a hand… if that fingerless extension could be called a hand. Floating
above the extended limb was a key made of fire and crystalized starlight. "Tell me, Prince
Izuku, is this the Charm-object you were grasping for earlier when you were trying to steal
from us, from she Who Lives in Her Name?"

His heightened essence senses confirmed that it was the very last key that he needed… for
what again? He was no longer certain. He bowed deeper, sincerely sorry for what he had
done. "Yes, Great Sphere. It was wrong of me to take your power without asking. My
ambition outpaced my ethics and I allowed myself to breech the bond between us to take such
power from you. I was swept up in the beauty of your symmetrical perfection and wanted
some of that power for myself. I lusted for your mathematical understanding of truth and
your potent will."

"Spoken like a rich person." Kaminari said.

"You sound like Iida or Yaoyorozu right now." Jirou snorted.

"Or like Beasty and Ghosty over there." Tokage giggled.

"Do we really talk like that?" they all asked.

It did not occur to Prince Izuku that before today he had never been this eloquent or formal
before in his life. He could not see the bits and pieces of himself that he was, even now,
breaking off and leaving scattered like trash in a desert.

"That explains that atleast…" Bakugo huffed.

Izuku rose and gratefully accepted the key into his hands when the Whispering Flame
allowed it to rest in his grasp. The Key burned his flesh as it dissipated into pure essence, its
pattern absorbed into the constellations within the Prince's soul. "All is forgiven. Now. What
will you do when you reconnect with your anima-construct? What is your plan to correct
your internal dissonance?"

Without hesitation, Prince Izuku spoke with barely disguised and heartfelt bitterness. "I
cannot trust him," Izuku says. "Unfortunately, I cannot reclaim my stolen memories without
reestablishing that connection. I'll need to kill him and replace him with one loyal to me…
loyal to the Reclamation. If I wait just a bit longer, he'll be completely helpless, and I'll
simply tug his chain back to me… and then I will devour him."

"Damn, so now even this Deku is against the one in the real world." Uraraka pouted.

"Can this get any wo-"

Bakugo slapped a hand over Kirishima's mouth.

"Don't fucking finish that sentence."

The Dragon, watching all of this, smiled proudly. Prince Izuku noticed all of this and turned
towards the shadow-Izuku that the Dragon had made expressly for talking to Izuku. He
bowed low to the Dragon. "Thank you so much, oh Shadow of All Things. You have shown
me how to love myself and to appreciate the faith that the Primordial Host of the Reclamation
has shown in me."

Rising to meet him eye to eye, the two versions of Izuku smiled at each other, one a warped
Prince of Malfeas, the other a shadow representation of his earlier self. Each knew secrets
about the other better left unsaid, tiny sins that were best hidden away in the darkness. Still,
the Dragon had great cause to be proud of this moment. After all, the Prince reasoned, it was
none other than the Ebon Dragon who had shown Izuku how wrong he was up until this
point in his life, how much his faith in those around him had been so stupidly misplaced. "Of
course, dear Prince. Now, allow me the honor of being the first to welcome you to Malfeas…
the Eternal City… and your new home."

Guess this is another one where he turns into a villain… Kendo frowned sadly, upset that yet
another Izuku wasn't on their side anymore.

The platform descended to the desert floor directly in front of one of the many gates into
Malfeas. This close, the walls seemed perfectly straight, stretching forever to Izuku's right
and left where the two Primordials took positions to flank the gate. The entryway seemed
impossibly wide and tall, easily capable of fitting vehicles larger than an aircraft carrier if
such a thing could move across the desert. The gates were formed of a strange green-hued
brass. They groaned and creaked as they opened outward as if to embrace Izuku and usher
him deeper into the great city.

"Wow… say what you want but it does look pretty great." Kaibara admitted.

Monoma and Aoyama nodded in agreement.

Light and noise flooded outward from within the city itself. Scents of spices and flowers
wafted across Izuku's nose. Brass bells rang from towers far in the distance, yet many smaller
chimes and bells rang out on the street. Izuku walked headlong into a celebration held
specifically for his arrival. Demons of over a hundred different species that fit numerous
descriptions of shape, size, and color thronged about him. They shouted with unrestrained
joy to welcome him as they rang various instruments, threw flowers and powdered spices
into the air, filling the clamorous horde with discordant joyous noises, scents, and colors.

Ibara growled uncharacteristically, startling Kendo who was right next to her.

"There's so many." Iida said in shock.

Several luscious Neomah approached him to place wreathes of silver flowers about his neck
before he was pulled in to dance next to several tentacle limbed creatures. Great blood apes
roared at his approach, honoring him and shouting oaths to follow him into glorious battle.
Small lizards and locust folk bowed low as his celebratory entry party passed close to their
shops, offering him gifts and samples of any silk, spice, or other oddity he could desire. A tall
scorpion like creature, a Tinsiana if Izuku recalled, offered him a great jug of alcohol so
potent that the young Exalt internally swore that he would get drunk just from the fumes.
His other hand soon held a great leg of spiced meat offered up to him by a man that seemed
more flower than flesh. Everyone. Everything. All of them wanted to meet him and to
welcome him. In their eyes he saw hope and fascination.

"So many fascinating creatures…" Nezu said in wonder.

"That city looks like paradise." Mineta muttered as he stared at the Neomah.

"The alcohol and meat must be out of this world." Tetsutetsu said, stomach grumbling.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we couldn't handle alcohol that potent, and who knows about the food."
Kendo deadpanned at him.

Izuku, the Shining Prince, had come home. Finally, Izuku belonged and was welcome,
appreciated, and praised as the great hero he always wanted to be.

The sights were nothing less than strangely spectacular. Far off the distance Izuku saw the
endless spire of Qaf, stretching infinitely into the sky. He could barely make out the edges of
Szoreny, the Silver Forest, wedged next to the district he was in like a great park in the
middle of the bustling city. The city itself though was fascinating. It curved in long concentric
rings, moving and expanding as a great living construct. Stone and metal melded together in
a tenuous embrace to form polished cobblestone streets. Towers made of great shells, ivory,
or even brass were common. Many were capped with loud bells that rang at irregular
intervals. Yet despite the daunting height of it all everything was fully illuminated by the
constant warmth and energy of the Green Sun.

"A grand illusion. Nothing but false praise." Shinso scowled. He hatef how this version of
Midoriya was getting strung along and he wasn't even aware of it.

The Prince was inundated with such sights and smells, caught up in brief conversations that
he would struggle to remember while the demons he spoke to would likely treasure these
moments for years to come. His status as a celebrity was instantaneous and overwhelming. It
took several hours just to cross the great promenade before he could really explore the city,
as the press of thousands of eager demons made passage difficult. The Prince though was
generous and did not mind. These were his people, and he loved them almost as much as they
loved him.

There is a saying in Malfeas. "There is no love without pain."


He saw her out of the corner of his eye. She was a living shock to his system, a mar against
the perfection of this moment. He turned his head to look at her, and the demons thronged
closer to him, offering up even more distraction as though panicking over the egregious error
that had caused their Prince to feel anything but joy. Their effort was wasted. The damage
was already done.

There, dragged by a chain around her neck, was a little girl. Human. Her eyes were large
and dark; fearful. Her head had been shaved bald. Her bare feet were probably callused
from walking on the hot cobblestones for so long. Before being pulled roughly by her
gargantuan serpent-like master, she reached out a hand towards Prince Izuku. Her eyes
begged for help.

The students and two adults present bristled in surprise and urgency, looking at the screen with a
strong desire to help, but being unable to.
The demons wanted him, but this small child needed him. The knowledge was a shock of ice
to his face against the backdrop of a sweet summer day. How much had he let the demons
change him and in how short a time… that he would willingly feel like he belonged with these
rampant devourers of humanity… these despoilers of entire worlds?

Break free, Shinso urged.

Internally, he shook himself into action. He strode through the crowd purposefully, no longer
letting the flow slow him or direct him. He knew he would never be able to save every human
in the Demon City, and he also understood that there were likely more people here than there
were humans on the home he called Earth. None of that meant that he couldn't somehow
save this one little girl from whatever fate was in store for her.

"That's the Deku I know." Uraraka grinned shakily.

"More people than there are humans here… that's insane." Tokage muttered in surprise.

No, he could do far better than that. He could save one world out of thousands… and one
little girl. Quietly, discreetly, Izuku reached within his own essence and sent out the Morse
signal to his other self. It was time to reconnect the chain. It was time for Izuku to trust his
gut and not his memories. It was time for Izuku to remember that no matter what other
people around him had done, it did not consign mankind to the cruel fate that the Yozis had
in store.

"Yeah!" the students cheered on as the Izuku on screen sent the signal.

Izuku could no longer recognize himself. That however did not change one basic fact, one
small hand reaching out to him that called into his soul for help. Even if he was more demon
than man, he could do this. Even if there would be no reward and no thanks, Izuku could still
be a hero.

The screen shut off.

"Aw man you really bring out what it means to be a hero Midoriya! I'm honored to call you my
bro!" Kirishima exclaimed, manly tears threatening to spill from his face.
"It sucks that you can't save everyone." Jirou frowned.

Izuku nodded sadly. "All Might told me even he can't, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try."

The others nodded in agreement, and Hawks hummed.

Kid's something special… he's charismatic I'll give him that, to have such an effect on his peers.
He's plain on the surface but there's definitely more than meets the eye…

Hawk's eyes drifted to the black screen, reflecting on what he'd seen. Guess the league isn't my
only concern, but I'll focus on what I'm fighting right now.

"Hatsume, if you would." Nezu said, unaware of Hawks internal thoughts.


Chapter End Notes

Had writers block, atleast I think thats what it was. Kinda just lost the spark to write
and i was busy drawing and tryna make up work, apologies
Universe 29
Chapter Summary

This one's "Way of Hisashi the House Husband" by Yama951. We've actually done a
chapter on this one, I enjoy this fic.


Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Hisashi Midoriya

Aw great, another dad one. Izuku’s eye twitched.

He was really starting to get annoyed that he’d seen other Midoriyas fathers more than he had his

And if All for One turned out to be his father… well.

One for All burned beneath his skin, and he forced himself to relax. Problems for future me...

Hisashi waited at the Nightshade bar one night as Masaru arrived and took a seat next to
him. Already Kurogiri poured a drink to the two fathers before going to pour another drink
for another patron.

“Eh?” Bakugo said in surprise and confusion as he saw his dad. The fuck?

“So,” Masaru started, “You needed help in something?”

Hisashi sighed.
“I heard you were trying to push Katsuki to your line of work.”

“It was less push and more show off. I’m pretty sure Katsuki would just grab what he likes
and use it for his future in heroics.”

Hisashi rubbed his forehead.

Bakugo snorted. “Got that right.”

“Of course. And I’m sure my son would do the same thing.” Hisashi muttered as he took a
sip of his whiskey.

“We both know Izuku doesn’t exactly have the heart to inherit your evil empire.”

“He’d probably find a way to use the empire for good in all honesty.” Yaoyorozu admitted.

“Yeah.” most of the students said in agreement.

“Evil empire? Jesus kid…” Hawks shook his head in disbelief.

Hisashi choked on his whiskey.

“Excuse me?” he asked after coughing the sharp alcohol out of his lungs, with Kurogiri
cleaning the spill while keeping a close watch at Masaru.

“He knows?” Todoroki asked in surprise.

“Apparently!” Bakugo yelled back.

“You know, your whole international media empire? The one that got its fingers in many pies
around the world? Sure, on public record you simply have direct or indirect control of like
eighty percent of the country’s media industry while ignoring the fact that you also have ties
with many other media companies outside of the country.” Masaru said with a grin and a sip
of his whiskey.

“Damn he’s… knowledgeable.” Toru said softly.

“Embarrassing that he has a greater understanding of his reach than we do.” Hawks said, realizing
that that man was All for One.

Atleast it seemed that way.

Wait does that mean Midoriya’s his kid in this one-

Hisashi made himself calm and worked out a way to redirect the suspicions.

“Now I have to wonder how on earth did you learn that? Aren’t you a fashion designer or

“It’s the reason why I noticed all the media ties. I had to look at media companies to figure
out who owns what, who had majority shares on where, and which media company gives my
fashion its maximum visibility.”

“Huh… not bad Pops.” Bakugo grunted, surprised his quiet dad was actually pretty smart when the
situation called for it.

“This is coming from the guy who mostly designs military uniforms and armor.” Hisashi said
as he took a sip of his whiskey.

“I also do other fashion. I mean, I did design a whole suit of armor for the upcoming
historical cosplay event.”

“Historical cosplay event?” Yaoyorozu and Iida repeated with interest.

Hisashi chuckled.

“I was around in the later years of people seeing cosplayers as being childish nonsense instead
of being an ancient and honorable Japanese tradition. I don’t know when the switch was but I
still find that to be hilarious. I’m sure there would be more people dressed up as their
favorite hero or their idea of what they think a historical person would be like with a quirk.”
Hisashi pointed out. Masaru shrugged it off.

“Ah right, 200 something year old overlord. Keep forgetting that.” Kaminari muttered.

“It is a pretty interesting transition to think about though.” Iida admitted.

Izuku nodded. “I wonder if that came about with the rise and legalization of pro heroes. It seems
likely but I’d have to check.”

“It’s Specficon. I’m pretty sure the superhero genre got transferred to the non-fiction section
centuries ago.”

One for All stirred inside Izuku, surprising him. What-

“If that’s the case, then a good chunk of sci-fi also got transferred to non-fiction centuries

“Still, I’m bringing Katsuki along with me. He needs to experience something outside of

“That I agree with wholeheartedly. Might dress up as an evil overlord or something.”

“Fitting.” Bakugo snorted.

“He doesn’t even have to change out of clothes. He’s already dressed up for it.” Sero cackled.
“You could go out as a demon lord. Be all menacing perhaps, or maybe going for a simple
suave look instead.”

It was Hisashi’s turn to chuckle at the thought.

“I’ll keep the suit. It’s my brand.”


Kodai glanced back at Izuku, recalling how formal and sure of himself he’d seemed wearing his

Mm. Probably nothing.

“And a fine suit it is. This time you kept it all color coordinated.”

Hisashi groaned as Kurogiri refilled the glasses before returning to work.

“Don’t I know it. Sometimes I wonder if I was the only one with a proper fashion sense in the
family. Inko doesn’t seem to see the difference between my ebony, onyx, jet, Charleston
green, licorice, and black sets of suits.”

“In your wife’s defense, it’s all black to her. She is a lawyer by trade.”

Izuku giggled.

“Is she actually a lawyer?” Uraraka asked curiously.

“She was… but then I came along and well, with Dad’s job she didn’t need to work anymore.
Atleast here anyways. Obviously it’s different there.” Izuku said.
“Tenko, on the other hand, likes to wear casual, while Izuku seems to have an ironic fashion
sense, which he got that from me.”

Izuku looked down at his shirt that said ‘shirt’ with a newfound sense of horror and slight disgust.

Like father, like son? Todoroki mused.

“Wait, you mean his shirts with the word shirt on them? He has your fashion sense?”

“Well, not on style and elegance that’s for sure. I remember wearing those kinds of clothes
back when I was young and poor centuries ago. Anyway, got an idea for my costume then?
Something simple and goes with my suit…”

“Oh god.” Izuku cupped his face even while Tsuyu patted his back.

“Hey hey… different world and all.” Tokage reassured.

“I honestly can’t imagine All for One wearing a shirt that say’s ‘shirt’ on it.” Uraraka admitted.

Tokoyami hummed. “I can’t imagine such a villain being a father, yet here we are.”


“We could go with something simple. The whole devil in a suit look. Some horns, maybe

“Might get my son in on the costume then. The demon king and his half demon heir.”

No. All Might costume all the way. Izuku pouted.

Masaru couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

“Reminds me of my old boss I worked for in high school. I worked for him for some years,
going up the ranks and all that. He wanted his son to work with him but he went abroad and
end up travelling with his friends. No one knows his relation to his dad though, didn’t want
the trouble at people knowing his connections, enemies and all that.”

“You make it sound like you worked for the yakuza or a megacorp.”

“What’s the difference between the two these days? Anyway, yeah, the whole suave devil in a
suit look, the kind where you look like you’ll give a deal for anything the person wants.”
Masaru said as he took a sip of his drink.

“Isn’t that what I already do for centuries now?”

Tetsutetsu groaned.

A devil disguised as a human, Ibara shook her head in disappointment.

She was hoping he wouldn’t turn out to be Izuku’s father. If he was… well, she wouldn’t judge
him for his father’s actions.

“Then you got enough practice in playing the part. Might go around giving people fake
business cards from Lucifer Morningstar or Faust or maybe Ama-tsu-mika-boshi.”

“I’m not going that far with the cosplaying. I’m guessing you would though.”

“Yeah, gonna go dress up as a whole samurai outfit. Armor, katana, the works.”

“Ooo, that sounds cool!” Pony cheered, interested in the discussion.

“Well, we all have our hobbies.”

“Other than Izuku, would Inko and Tenko be interesting in going on a con?”

“Still weird to think about Tomura Shigaraki as part of the family…” Izuku shivered.

“Inko got work to do, unfortunately. Tenko might but he’ll probably pass on the cosplay.”

“That’s understandable. It’s not for everyone. Still, he might enjoy the stalls and games at

“That he will. I’m surprised Katsuki agreed to go with you to that. Didn’t expect him to be a
speculative fiction fan.”

“The hell’s that mean?!” Bakugo yelled out at the screen. Mei shook her head in exhasperation.

“Father-son bonding and all that. Hmm, didn’t you have a whole costume design phase some
time ago?”

“Yeah but Inko sold the leftover fabric and the costumes I made in a sale.”

Wait what?! Izuku yelled in his head.

“Too bad. And there might not be enough time for you to make a costume for Izuku at least.”

That made Hisashi curious as he started to plan out a way to cram in the time using his

“Is that a challenge?” Hisashi asked as he took a sip of his drink.

“C’mon old man, beat him.” Bakugo urged.

“I’ll admit, I’m interested to see who’ll come out on top.” Mina admitted.

“I mean, we already agreed on the whole simple devil debonair look for you.” Masaru said as
he refilled Hisashi’s glass before refilling his own.

“And you got a costume made for Katsuki then?”

“No, not yet but I can definitely find a way to make something good for him to wear in time.”

“How about a contest?” Hisashi said with a grin as he drank his glass in one swoop.

Bakugo grinned. Pops will stomp Deku’s shitty dad into the mud.

Masaru grinned at the sight.

“We’ll go make our sons the best costumes in the con.” Hisashi continued.

“And what does the winner get?”

“Oho.” Mina’s eyes flashed deviously. A challenge.

“Oh, I don’t know, a betting pool perhaps or something like that?”

“Hmm, how about a free favour from the other person?” Masaru suggested.

"A deal with the devil is severely unwise." Ibara frowned.

"Yeah this can't end well." Kendo sighed in exasperation.

"Not if uncle Masaru wins." Izuku pitched in.

“Speaking my language I see.”

The two soon laughed and drank the night away. Neither of them realized that when the
other went home, they used their power to sober themselves up and smiled to themselves at
an easy win.

"Oh no…" a few students sighed.

"All for One involved in a costume making contest. This feels surreal." Hawks sighed.

"You get used to it after the first couple viewings. In fact, this appears to be a continuation of a
previous one." Nezu remarked.

Katsuki Bakugou

Deku looked like he was gonna pass out from all the extras that were surrounding him that
lunch break.

“For fuck’s sake! Can you people notice you’re all crowding him!?” Kacchan shouted which
caused the extras to back off and giving apologies. Most of them left while promising to talk
to Deku later.

"The heck? Why're they crowding around him?" Uraraka asked.

"Right? I thought you didn't have friends because you were quirkless." Mina remarked.
"I think we know the answer to that, ribbit." Tsuyu said.

Deku did some deep breathes before returning to his lunch box.

“Thanks for that Kacchan.”

“Whatever. Seriously, you got viral online and all of a sudden they all want to suck up to
you.” given what was on the viral videos, there wasn’t any surprise why Deku got viral.

"Wait… what?!" Izuku squeaked out.

Bakugo began laughing loudly, shaking his head.

“Y-yeah, it’s a bit overwhelming to be honest.”

“You should have expected that when you ended up doing a whole opera and circus
performance on stage.”

"I did what?" Izuku choked our in disbelief.

“Anyone could have done what I did.”

"So modest…" Tokage swooned dramatically.

How Deku managed to sound so casual about that Katsuki had no idea. Partly pissed him off
in all honesty though he won’t admit that Deku got more talent in things other than heroics
then himself.

“... you’re fucking kidding me right? You sang a duet switching between two different voices,
the whole Queen of the Night’s Aria, someone commented on the video what it was, you did
in fluent German, then some weird throat singing thing. I had to look at the comments to get
what you were singing in that one. Traditional Mongolian throat singing, where’d you learn
that I have no idea. You also played La Campanella on the piano, some Paganini on the
violin, random polka music on the accordion like you’re trying to be humble about that one.
And that’s just on the music bit and not everything from it.”

"Woah…" Jirou said with interest.

"Woah indeed." Yaoyorozu nodded.

Izuku blushed from that.

“People did all that before quirks were around Kacchan.” Katsuki placed a mental note on
that as Deku seemed to use that to explain why he could do the stuff he did. He would even
gave examples of historical people who did it. “Marcelito Pomoy from the Philippines in the
twenty first century managed switching between two voices in song just fine. People sang for
their jobs in the opera. People did throat singing for centuries. People played classical music.
People played the accordion. Nothing I did was that special.”

"Huh, that's quite interesting. I didn't know that." Iida remarked in astonishment.

That excuse would had work before but too many things Deku was just talented at once?
That strained on possibility at least. Unless…

“Yeah, except people do those skills one at a time. Some master it in their lifetime. Deku, look
at me and tell me truthfully that you, a kid fucking months before entering middle school,
has the talent and the practice time to sing two voices in different octaves, learn fluent
German, Spanish, and who knows what else, learn to sing a whole aria, train the lung
capacity to sing a couple opera numbers, learn to balance on a unicycle, juggle knives, juggle
on a unicycle, play the piano, violin, and accordion, the time to practice to play all those
complicated music pieces, and have time to eat, sleep, and do schoolwork?”

"He… learned that much?!" Hawks choked out in shock. The students made similar sounds of

"Fascinating… a quirk that is focused on improvement?" Nezu wondered, his paws dancing on the

Deku opened his mouth to respond, only for this eyes widening and moving around randomly
as he fell in deep thought.

"For someone so smart, you're painfully dense Deku." Bakugo scoffed.

"Gee, thanks Kacchan." Izuku sighed.

Katsuki watched Deku looking like he got hit with an error or lag as some drool began to drip
from his open mouth. He closed his mouth and wiped the drool a moment later.

"Pfft!" Uraraka stifled a laugh.

“Y-you’re right Kacchan. T-there’s no way I could manage all that. Y-yet I did. I was just so
focused on stalling for time for you that I didn’t really noticed what I was doing.”

"You didn't notice you learned all that in such a short amount of time?" Kendo deadpanned at him.


“... Deku, you did all that with your eyes closed. How the fuck can you be too focused on what
you were doing when you didn’t even look at what you were doing in the first place?”

"Yeah that's our question as well." Monoma nodded.

How come every version of me is so interesting… Izuku pouted. He wasn't complaining but… more
interesting usually means more trouble...

“I don’t know how or why…” Deku looked at his lunch box, trying to make sense of it. “I just
closed my eyes and things fell into place? I don’t know. Now that I think of it, it felt like I just
let go? If that make sense.”
“Let go?” the fuck does that mean?

"Quirk?" Iida asked.

Shoji nodded. "Quirk."

“Like, when I close my eyes sometimes, it felt like I let go of my control somehow? Like I let
things go automatically, to go with the flow so to speak…”

"I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen to normal people." Mina said.

Kaminari nodded. "I'd so love a quirk like that. I'd dominate every exam!"

“Deku, you do realize people don’t just do things perfectly when they close their eyes and let
the fucking universe do things for them right?”

"They don't?" Izuku asked in faux surprise.

Yaoyorozu nodded. "They don't."

“I know! That doesn’t make sense!” Deku shouted in sudden frustration. Something’s not
right with this scene. Were his eyes pulsing with a soft electronic green light?

"Ah yes… always the answer. A quirk." Shoda said.

"So he learns stuff really quick huh? That seems really useful." Kuroiro said.

Rin nodded. "He'd literally be a jack of all trades, except he'd literally have mastery over any
"When you put it like that… yeah that sounds strong." Tetsutetsu admitted.

Deku closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

“Ugh, this is giving me a headache.” Deku said as he calmed himself down.

“Deku. Could it be part of your quirk?” Deku stayed silent and his eyes stayed closed.

I envy the Nezu of his world when he finds out about Midoriya… Nezu thought.

“Maybe…” he said calmly. “Perhaps there might be more to my quirk than meets the eye… I
mean, dad showed me that my DNA is unusual so we thought it was some sort of immortality
quirk and how would you test for that? But… what if the immortality’s a side effect?” Deku
turned to face Katsuki, eyes still closed. “I mean, I don’t want to end up getting kidnapped
and experimented for a way to become immortal. You know what they say…” there was a
moment of silence as Deku waved his hand in a circle for a bit.

"So he's got rapid learning skills and immortality?" Kaminari asked in shock.

"You go from bottom of the food chain to almost overpowered. How? " Jirou asked in shock.

"The classic anime protagonist!" Pony grinned. Does that make Shigaraki his antagonist?

“Ignorance is Bliss.”

“Yeah, we’re still kids and who knows what quirks could do.” Katsuki admitted though he
felt that he was forgetting something. Deku opened his eyes and returned to his lunch.

“I know right! I read an article about how quirks could develop in one’s lifetime! Imagine,
getting stronger with your quirk Kacchan. Hopefully you could manage to deal with the
stronger recoil.”
"I can deal with anything Deku!" Bakugo yelled out.

"Our quirks can get stronger over time, and One for All would be an incredible boost. Not to
mention the extremely rare case of a quirk awakening." Izuku muttered, recalling articles he'd read
about to learn more of quirks.

“Heh, you know I can deal with anything Deku.”

"Damn right!"

The two returned to their lunch, chatting about how their dads seem to be trying to make
costumes for an upcoming convention.

Mitsuki Bakugou

Mitsuki moaned as her back was massaged. Inko was with her since the two decided on a
weekend spa day. That and it gave ample of time to chat.

"Oh great, hag time." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Kacchan don't be rude." Izuku pouted.

"Ha? You're a comedian Deku." Bakugo scoffed.

“So… how’s operation ‘competitive husbands’ going?” Mitsuki asked as Koko giggled while
the masseur did his work.

"Ohh girl talk!" Mina squealed out. Toru made a similar squeal of interest.

“Hisashi’s been at it on that old school sewing machine, and I mean old school foot cranked

"Jesus…" Tokage said in shock."

"Where did he even acquire something so old?" Iida said in wonder.

"Again… 200 year old super villain…" Shoto reminded him.

Mitsuki whistled at that.

“I can imagine Masaru taking his out if he hears Hisashi was going with that direction.”

"Your dad has one too?" Mina asked Bakugo.

"Of course he does! No dad of mine will settle for second place!" Bakugo huffed.

Koko laughed, mixed with some pain from some muscles being pushed.

“Can you imagine what the other wives would talk if the homeowner’s association learned of
that? Our husbands having a ‘who’s a better manual sewing pro?’ costume making contest?
Honestly, shouldn’t that be our position?”

"Pretty traditionalist there…" Jirou snorted.

I wonder if mom and aunt Mitsuki still hang out like this… Izuku thought.

Mitsuki made a fake gasp at that.

“I didn’t expect you to be so traditionalist there Koko.”

Mina squealed. "That's such a cute nickname!"

“My adoptive parents were born from the 1990’s. My husband’s from the 21st century.
Before Izuku and Tenko, I was the newest person in the whole family.”

Bakugo and a few others laughed.

"That's pretty amusing to think about." Awase snorted.

Mitsuki laughed madly before shouting at her masseur for being too tight on the knot.

"Geez… like mother like son I guess…" Shinso winced at the loud voice.

“Back in my day computers didn’t come with fucking sass.” Mitsuki said in a poor attempt at
an old person voice. The two laughed it out for a few minutes.

Izuku stifled a snort.

"Cranky old supervillain acting as an everyday dad? Sounds absolutely valid." Kaminari joked.

"Back in my day, heroes weren't such a nuisance!" Uraraka joked in a villainous tone.

Izuku chuckled.

“Honestly, who came up with that contest thing?” Koko asked as they calmed down.

“Masaru told me Hisashi came up with it. Guess he’s bored out of his fucking mind or
"Yes being alive for a few centuries tends to do that." Yanagi nodded in understanding.

Tsuburaba glanced at her with fear.

“Are you suggesting that I can’t entertain my husband’s fucking mind?”

Izuku immediately choked, closing his eyes even as his classmates yelled out in shock.

Okay yeah, instantly suppressing that.

The resulting gasp was more genuine from that.

“If it wasn’t for the fact that we’re in the middle of a massage, I would be throwing my pillow
at you for that Koko!” Mitsuki laughed.

"Pillow fight…" Toru whispered.

“Still, you should have seen it. Hisashi was getting measurements, ordering fancy fabrics and
materials, sewing together what’s basically a hero suit for Izuku. He asked Tenko but he
found the whole costume thing to be excessive. Though he did gave his own design. I doubt
Hisashi noticed much what was in it.”

"Plus Ultra I guess…" Kirishima said.

" Please don't associate that with a supervillain. Though he's going above and beyond for a simple
costume… I wouldn't use 'Plus Ultra' to describe that." Yaoyorozu frowned.

"Ah right, sorry…"

“Oh? What was Tenko’s preference?”

“That’s the weird part. It looked more like a full body mercenary uniform or something.
Like a high tech helmet with a tactical visor, color shifting fabrics, high quality body

"Advanced then." Shoji said.

Ojiro nodded. "Seems pretty military like, although no weapons."

“Sounds like Tenko’s gonna commit a crime or something.”

"Considering who we're talking about here… it's likely." Tsuyu said softly.

“Given the Midoriya tendency for the dramatic, I bet he thinks it’s all for authenticity than
actually anything useful.”

"and I'm willing to bet that's what he wants you to believe." Izuku frowned.

“... bet some sort of villain attack is gonna happen in the convention center due to Izuku’s

"Why-" Izuku cut himself off, burying his face in his hands as he groaned loudly.

"We really should make sure that isn't a quirk in and of itself " Nezu muttered.

"If it's not a quirk… does that mean every Midoriya has multiversally absurd luck for no reason
whatsoever?" Shoda asked.

"It's… likely. Much more likely than I'd prefer." Monoma winced.

Izuku continued to groan.

Koko glanced at Mitsuki while subtly gesturing at the masseurs, not wanting them to hear
that direction of their conversation.

“Given his luck, I’m hoping for minor shenanigans than anything dangerous.”

"Given his luck, you should expect worse." Shoto said.

"That's it! No more luck talk for the rest of the week!" Izuku said.

Multiple groans were heard.

"With any luck… he'll forget about that." Kaminari whispered loudly.

Izuku groaned as a few students chuckled.

“Eh, they got their fathers with them for four days. What’s the worse that can happen?”

“You’re just asking for something bad to happen now.”

Yeah mom… ouch, Izuku winced.

Mitsuki rolled her eyes. Like anything would happen in a speculative fiction convention.

Aghhhh now something is definitely happening!

Hisashi Midoriya

It was the day of the convention and Hisashi internally simmered at the sight of Masaru in
his and Katsuki’s costumes, showing off and winning the challenge. It was a slim margin at
least. Good to see that people still remembered the classics. He managed to make his Darth
Vader costume in time. Izuku’s Luke Skywalker outfit was good but compared to Katsuki’s
Skyrim inspired Nordic barbarian costume, it may as well be a bathrobe.

"Heh, least the old man made something I don't mind wearing." Bakugo grinned.

"That outfit looks good on you." Tokage whispered in Izuku's ear, causing him to flush.

"Tragic. The villain lost. I sure hope he doesn't take out his anger on the poor citizens here." Sero

Masaru stood there in a rather authentic looking set of samurai armor, all in what appeared
to be dark steel with strange decorative choices like a shield, a demonic mask in the same
dark material, and a sashimono war banner on his back with an unknown flag, black with a
grey crescent moon looking down like a partly open eye surrounded by a ring of chain made
out of thirteen links.

Pony nodded furiously in appreciation. "Good job! Costumes great!"

Bakugo grinned at the praise.

Compared to Hisashi’s costume, no one knew what he’s cosplaying as beyond a generic
looking evil samurai warrior.

"Uh… I'm lost but who's Darth Vader?" Rin asked.

He paled as multiple people swerved to look at him, peering into his very soul.

"I'll put on the movies later." Mei waved him off, though she figured she'd forget.

Ooo I should totally make a lightsaber-

“I see you went with an echo reverb in your costume.” Hisashi said between his audible

“I’m surprised you manage to make that within the time limit.” Masaru said with that hollow
echo. The glowing LED lights behind the mask moved to make him look like he was glancing
at him. How he managed to make it look like a pair of glowing eyes within a dark helmet,
Hisashi couldn’t tell. Likely some help from his fashion contacts. Parisian fashion was always
out there.

Izuku snorted. Then he shook his head. I refuse to laugh at anything he says or thinks.

“What can I say, I can be competitive when I want to.” Hisashi replied.

“Dad, could you tone down the breathing noises? It’ll get annoying pretty quickly.” Tenko
said in his costume, which honestly reminded of Hisashi in his time as proper agent for the
Foundation, completely practical and mercenary than anything flashy like heroic outfits
would be.

"Not a… bad costume. Functionality over looks." Hawks nodded in appreciation.

"Certainly useful." Nezu agreed.

“I’ll tone it down, don’t worry about that.” Hisashi lowered the volume of the breathing

“That’s good to hear. Should we split up or…” Tenko asked while glancing at the video game
section of the convention.

"If bad goes to worse, you can always bribe him with video games." Mineta told him.

Izuku opened his mouth to say something but paused. No that's insane, but maybe… no nevermind.

“You’ll go ahead. We’ll be watching Izuku and Katsuki.” Hisashi said as Tenko then headed
to the video game section. Hisashi would be aware of where his kids would be either way.

“Come on Kacchan, I hear there’s a hero section in the convention!” Izuku said, which only
made Hisashi mentally groan at that fact.

Bakugo groaned at Izuku's predictability but also cackled at All for One's anguish.

“And lo, the demon king had seen the festering light upon his kingdom in needs of
extinguishing. Doth thy lord call upon his retinue of warriors upon the foolish and naive
heroes?” Masaru said in archaic sounding Japanese.

Most of the students rolled their eyes, snickering.

“Oh shut up.” Hisashi said with rolling eyes.

“As much as we dislike it, people are writing superhero stories even in this day and age.”

Izuku's eyes flashed . "Who dislikes them?"

"Of course the hero fanboy would like anything related to heroes." Jirou giggled.

“Don’t remind me. I’m reminded of having to delegate the whole translation of the recent
comic book movie adaption months ago, the Avengers VS the Justice League. Shame that the
old superhero comics went public domain ever since the companies went under. Nowadays
people are putting their fanfics on the publishing industry.”

“I believe the proper term is derivative works for those now.”

Pony groaned.

Hisashi simply groaned.

"Crazy to think how different the world was back then." Honenuki said.

“Sometimes I feel too old for any of this.”

"You are too old." Izuku glared at the screen.

“That’s the whole ennui for living for so long and going mad for any new or interesting
experiences.” Masaru casually said, “It’s really more of a momentary bump unless you really
fell deep into the issue.”

“Didn’t realize you were that good in psychology there.”

"Ah yes hello therapist. Today I took a bunch of quirks and didn't feel bad about it. Is something
wrong with me?" Sero mocked.

Bakugo cackled. "My dad is not his shrink. I refuse to think about that."

Masaru laughed.

“Less on psychology and more having to deal with an old boss who loved to rant and dealt
with the same problems.”

“Makes me want to meet this old boss of yours now.”

“Oh, that’s unfortunate though. He’s long retired and probably dead by now.” Masaru said
as the two followed their sons in the hero section.

“Too bad.” Hisashi said with a tone of finality to it.

"Too bad." Izuku repeated, deadpanning.

As they wandered around the convention center, limiting the times Izuku wanting to buy
some rare hero merch or fan comics, the speakers turned on.

Izuku nearly drooled at the merch, some of which he actually didn't have.

“To all Specficon conventioneers, we are proud to announce a special Q&A session with a
special guest speaker in a couple of days.” the announcer woman said.

“A special guest speaker?” Hisashi muttered. “Not to mention the vague timing? I’m sure
they want it to be a surprise but it sounds more like they were forced to include a last minute
entry into the schedule and given the vagueness probably the person intruding doesn’t know
when to properly enter as well…”

"It is pretty random." Yaoyorozu admitted.

"Your luck is kicking in." Kodai told Izukh, who groaned.

"Villains?" Kamakiri asked.

"Sounds like something All Might would do." Kaminari said.

“Do you think it’s All Might?” Izuku asked as he was also mumbling about something.
Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“Deku, we’re in a speculative fiction convention, unless All Might decided to surprise
everyone about a novel he wrote or some shit, I doubt he’s gonna be here, other than some
big villain attack happening.”

A few people laughed.

"Don't jinx it." Ibara pouted.

Masaru laughed.

“Careful not to jinx it. Last thing anyone wanted is a Nihon Furcon situation.”

"A what?" Uraraka asked in confusion.

“Yeah, no wants a poison gas bomb going off in a crowded convention center by an anti-
mutant terrorist group.” Izuku pointed out. Hisashi wondered what sort of articles he’s
reading online.

"Yea I wonder too." Monoma said.

“Ugh, those types of idiots. They even attacked some LGBT rallies way back when. I helped
in doing something about that since the LGBT community is one of my supporters back when
I was starting out.”

“... that explains why you know how to act like a drag queen, dad. Also why Tenko had to
delete a really old picture of you in a dress and makeup from the internet.”

Izuku sucked in a deep breath. "I'm sorry what?"

"I'm more surprised he needed Shigaraki to delete it instead of doing it himself."

"I really want to see that" Mina cackled.

Katsuki shuddered with a look like he was trying not to hurl.

"You and me both." Bakugo said.

“Try not to scar everyone with that.” Hisashi said. “It was the only way for me to get the
support of some of the groups. At the time, the LGBT community was one of the many groups
scapegoated in being the so-called cause of quirks.”

"Huh… first I've heard of that." Hawks said.

“That’s horrible to hear.” Masaru commented. “First time I heard of this.”

Nezu nodded. "I imagine the committee taught you what they wanted you to know."

“It was during the martial law period, so the info was either destroyed or covered up.”

"Sudden history lesson is indeed very sudden." Kaminari said.

Masaru shook his head.

“Of course it was.” as he looked around, something must have caught his eye. “Ah, could you
look after the boys? Seems that an old colleague of mine is around.” Masaru then ran ahead.
Despite Hisashi watching him and Masaru wearing a dark samurai costume, he managed to
hide into the crowd so well that Hisashi lost track of him by the passing of someone in a large
gundam costume.

"Heh, just like in the movies." Shinso smiled.

"He disappeared pretty quickly considering who he was with." Toru said in awe.

“Well, that’s something.” Hisashi said. “Wonder what made him ran like that. I do commend
in how he did the sound effects.” Hisashi said to Katsuki. “He somehow managed to make his
costume sound like a hollow suit of armor.”

“Eh, my dad’s apparently an armor freak so he probably practiced on that.” Katsuki said as
he looked away to the stalls.
Monoma made a note of that.

“So, where should we check next?” Hisashi asked them.

“Let’s look at the fantasy section.” Izuku suggested and the three wandered the convention

Tenko Midoriya

Tenko did some exploration and browsing around the convention center. He did heard a
commotion happening between a guy in a dark full plate knight armor and a guy in a
headless horseman costume. But he was focused on the task at hand.

"Aw no! That sounded interesting!" Mina pouted.

"I'm seeing a disturbing lack of dinosaur themed costumes here." Tokage muttered.

His programs told him where the meeting place was. A small cafe near the convention center.

He entered the place with the ringing of the bell by the door and on the counter in front of the
barista was Red and Gold in their casual non-thieving wear, plus a woman with green hair.

"Oh my god he's actually going to commit a crime isn't he." Uraraka said softly.

"I blame Midoriya's luck." Tokoyami immediately said.

" Please " Izuku pleaded.

He sat on the empty seat next to Gold.

“Ah, welcome to our cafe.” the barista said with a smile. Tenko took the helmet off.

"Wonder what he's gonna do." Hawks said, attentive. Any information on Tomura Shigaraki would
help, considering he'd found almost nothing, right along with Dabi.

“Hi, uh, is there a menu?” Tenko asked as the barista gave him one. The menu was simple, a
selection of hot drinks plus a way to have a more custom drink. “No cold drinks?”

“No, Chrono here only serves hot drinks.” the green hair woman casually said, probably a

“Hmm, I’ll have a tea with lemon and honey then.” Tenko said as the barista make his order.
He glanced at Red and Gold’s drinks, tea with milk and mint for Red, coffee with whipped
cream topped with ginger bits and a cinnamon stick for Gold, judging from the floating bits
in their cups.

"Mmm…" Kendo said, eyeing the coffee.

"I want some now." Kaminari pouted.

“One Midsummer Night’s Dream.” the barista said as he returned with his drink, a simple
black tea with a floating lemon slice. He paid for the drink and took a sip with a pinky up.
The sweetness and sourness blended with the black tea rather well.

"That looks quite appealing." Nezu remarked.

“Wow, that’s some good tea.” Tenko muttered as he placed his cup down. He then glanced at
Red and Gold. “Uh, not to be rude but are you two RedPyre and HadesGold by any chance?”

"Oh yeah, definitely gonna commit a crime." Monoma said.

"Hades? Like god of the underworld?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Ibara looked at her in confusion. "God of the underworld?"

"I'll explain later."

“Oh!” Red said with a playful grin as she turned to face him. “You must be TealDustBastion
right? Nice to see you face to face.”

"TealDustBastion huh…" Izuku muttered.

Kirishima elbowed Kaminari. "Psst why don't you try that IGN. Doesn't he play video games?"

Kaminari stiffened. "Dude you want me to add a known villain to my friends list?"

Sero snorted. "Most likely doesn't even work."

Tenko held back the shot of annoyance from that attempted code name from Red.

“Oh? This is the friend you were talking about Victoria?” the green haired woman asked.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” Tenko asked.

“Oh, I’m Freya. I’m a novelist.”

"Oh a writer." Awase said.

“Huh, a writer? Cool. You’re rather nosy, you know that?” Tenko said, which made Freya
“I guess it’s part of the job. Besides, your friends were here earlier and we ended up

“Well, I’m Victoria and the grump next to me is Oscar.” Red said with a grin as she took a
sip of her tea.

Izuku scribbled down the names. Any information was good information.

“I’m Tenko. Curious as to why you guys picked this place for the meeting.”

“It’s close to the convention center where Victoria’s having a show, this place is on the route
to the hotel we’re staying, and it has good reviews online.” Oscar replied before he took a sip
of his coffee. “And those reviews were honest and not written by bots.”

"Reviews are written by bots?" Iida asked in betrayal.

"Most." Yanagi told him.

“Chrono doesn’t use bots to make his place popular. His drinks make it popular enough.”
Freya said with a grin. Victoria stood up with her cup in hand.

"Hell yeah! Mina cheered.

"I want some…." Uraraka said.

“We should move to a more secluded spot. I mean, this is the first time we met face to face
instead through voice chat.”

“This is also your first time in Japan, if memory serves.” Tenko added as he stood up with
his cup, the same with Oscar as the three moved to a distant table. Freya seemed to stay in
her place, chatting with the barista.
"Oh they're new!" Pony said, happy at some familiarity.

The three then took their seat.

“This is gonna be interesting.” Tenko said. “So, what’s the scenario?”

"Ah yes, the master plan." Awase said.

"If this is a villain scheme… shouldn't they have like, two buff bodyguards?" Kaibara frowned.

"You watch too many movies bro." Tetsutetsu said.

“We’re here for business. The convention is part of the reason why we’re here.” Victoria
started. “I am a professional singer and Oscar’s my manager after all.”

"Wait so… not a crime?" Kinoko asked in confusion.

“And the flip side to that?” Tenko asked.

“We got a few hours before we’ll need to come back but the reason we’re here is in Fuyuki
City.” Oscar said as Tenko kept himself calm. “The data from Usoyev Inc revealed a history
of backdoor dealings, particularly with the defunct Sokow Transnational oil refinery in the
city.” Tenko steeled himself despite the flashes of heat his mind was giving him. A sip of his
tea helped in calming him down. “We’re certain that there’s more to it that meets the eye.
Usoyev Inc still has ownership of the site where the oil refinery was, after the massive fire it
was built over all hushed up on the details. From the VILE data, there’s a secret basement
level in the refinery that remained relatively untouched since the fire. It seemed to be a black
site research lab dealing with genetically engineered bacteria that creates crude oil. We’re
pretty sure the research has went beyond oil making bacteria now.” Tenko took a big gulp of
his tea before leaning forward in deep thought.

"Ah now that… that's interesting." Nezu grinned ferally.

Hawks hummed. "I'll investigate later. Heh, guess these viewings really are helpful"

“... do you think the fire was a cover up?” Tenko asked with some trembling on his hands.

"Fire." Shoto said, instantly thinking of a certain someone.

“We’re not sure but the cause of the fire was covered up by Usoyev Inc for unknown reasons.
Which is suspicious.” Oscar said as Tenko began to breath rapidly while some hot flashes hit

“Dust?” Victoria asked as she noticed the panic attack. “Dust.” Victoria stood up and went to
Tenko’s side. “Dust!” Victoria shouted as she held Tenko’s partly gloved hands and shoulder.

"It's so odd to see Shigaraki… like that." Kirishima said.

He acted similarly at the USJ… Izuku noted.

“S-sorry about that. I… I was a survivor of the fire.”

"Hmm. That narrows the search a bit more." Nezu remarked.

“We’re sorry for bringing that up, Dust.” Victoria said.

“Don’t be. I’ve been trying to figure out the cause of the fire for years now. Hacking
databases to understand why…”

"Wait till he finds out it was his precious sensei …" Bakugo snorted.

"Hm…" does he blame us for his family's deaths? Hawks thought to himself, trying to understand
the villain.
“Dust. I know that look. Are you sure about this? You want to go on the field with us? It
might bring back bad memories.” Victoria asked as she tried to keep Tenko calm.

“I’m certain. Besides, I always want to be on the field for once, that and they’ll likely have an
old and isolated network so I’ll need to be there personally to hack into. It’ll help in giving me
some closure as well.”

"Sounds like Mr. Aizawa." Kaminari remarked. Mina nodded in agreement.

“Kid, you’re rationalizing this.” Oscar commented.

“Yep.” Mina said.

“Gold, just, let me have this. Just once, let me be there. I have to know. I need to know.”
Tenko said with a strained voice. Oscar sighed.

“Well, you got your gear ready then?” Red asked with some pats on his back.

“This whole costume’s my gear. Managed to trick my dad into making it. Covers and
protects me entirely, got some invisibility options, hidden drones and trackers, and the
helmet got a tactical visor and internal screens. I already installed my programs into it.”

“Imagine tricking the world’s greatest villain…” Kendo muttered in bewilderment.

Oscar whistled.

“How’d you managed to get all that from your dad? Some of the materials look like they’ll
cost a pretty penny.”

“My dad’s wealthy and is now a some two hundred years old house husband. He got the time
and money for it. I was just lucky he decided to have a costume making contest with uncle
Masaru and he didn’t mind the costume design I gave him.” Tenko said as he drank the last
of his tea, calming him down. He then got up and placed the helmet back on. “Well, we better
hurry and catch the bullet train to Fuyuki city before we end up late for your show.”

“Yeah I don’t imagine that could’ve been cheap.” Uraraka shook her head.

Izuku nodded. “Makes you think about our own costumes doesn’t it? We can’t just add whatever
we want. We have to take into account our strengths and weaknesses, as well as work within a
budget. You’re better at taking note of the practical stuff Uraraka.” Izuku smiled.


Victoria and Oscar glanced at each other before nodding. They finished their drinks and
headed out.

Hisashi Midoriya

Hours passed and the sun began to set in the distance. Katsuki decided to get his father from
where ever he went off to. Fortunately he has his phone with him and Hisashi picked a
nearby cafe to meet up before they headed to the hotel. He sent a message to Tenko and the
reply was he that he would be staying a bit longer to see a show, to which Hisashi replied
with a ‘stay safe and out of trouble’ message.

“I’m surprised he doesn’t have a quirk to keep tabs on him.” Hawks muttered.

“If you’ll recall, All for One doesn’t possess a quirk that let’s him do that as far as we are aware.
It’s the reason we assume he took Ragdoll’s quirk, besides it’s useful applications.” Nezu

He doubted that Tenko got the Midoriya tendency for the dramatic like Izuku did but still.
What’s the worse that could happen? Tenko being banned from all future cons after causing
a ruckus about video game lore?

As Hisashi and Izuku were about to cross the street to the cafe, a strange thing happened. A
man in an undead knight costume was laughing, holding a dark knight helmet, and galloping
pass on what looked like an armored mechanical horse made to look like a skeleton. Chased
after him was the owner of the dark knight helmet sans helmet, nor a head from what he saw,
on a motorcycle wielding an aesthetically fitting jousting lance.

“Woah.” Kirishima said in awe.

“That horse looks great.” Mei complimented, grinning.

“Damn it Dullahan! Give that back!” the strangely familiar sounding dark knight shouted.

The crowd watched the chase unfolded in confusion.

“That happened right? That wasn’t my imagination?” Hisashi asked in confusion.

“A guy on a skeleton horse being chased by a headless jousting knight on a motorcycle?”

Izuku answered.

Kendo shrugged. “Atleast the motorcycle was cool!”

“I’m honestly more surprised that shocked him.” Monoma sighed.

“Guess even someone who can’t die can be surprised once in a while.” Shoji said.

“Honestly, the weirdest things happen in these cons. I heard last year there was a whole
spontaneous musical number.” a woman muttered next to him before the pedestrian light
turned green and Hisashi held on Izuku’s hand as they crossed the street.

They entered the cafe without incident and took their seats between a green haired woman
and a person in what looked like an astronaut suit. Said person in the astronaut suit got a
finger in her cup of hot coffee.
Uraraka gasped. “Thirteen!”

“Oh yeah… so it is.” Mina remarked.

“Ah, you make the best coffee around.” the astronaut said.

Kendo watched on with interest. Maybe this place existed in their world.

“Hello, welcome to our cafe.” the barista said, who looked rather familiar to Hisashi. Hisashi
glanced at the astronaut’s finger in the cup with its slowly lowering amount of coffee.

“Her quirk makes it difficult to drink properly so she sucks up the coffee through her
finger.” the green haired woman explained. Izuku’s eyes lit up as he connected the dots.

Izuku looked on in awe, scribbling that down. Guess Thirteen really is a black hole under that

“Oh my gosh! It’s the rescue hero Thirteen!” Izuku shouted with glee as he pulled out his
quirk notebook and flipped to a specific pair of pages. “Can I get your autograph!? On this
page specifically?”

Uraraka giggled, comforted that he was almost as much of a fan over Thirteen as she was.

Hisashi chuckled as Thirteen happily signed on notebook. He then turned to the barista and
tried to recall why he looked familiar while placing the costume’s helmet on the counter.

“Quite a hero fan boy there.” the green haired woman said with a grin.

“So, where was I? Oh yeah, they finally started building the planned USJ in UA soon after I
dealt with the paperwork.” Thirteen said after she signed on the notebook and returned to
her drink. “It’s gonna be off the campus since I’m planning of having the Unforeseen

Simulation Joint be used by police academies, emergency services training, and all that.
Principal Nedzu helped in the planning on that side. Of course, it’ll be a nice addition on
funding so it makes sense for the rat and the board to support it.”

Nezu raised an eyebrow, baffled. “Rat?”

Hawks snickered, covering his mouth with a wing.

“Thirteen really is amazing…” Izuku and Uraraka said at the same time, stars in their eyes.

“Izuku, we should order something.” Hisashi said, waking up his son from his usual fugues
when it came to heroes and quirks.

“Oh, right dad.” Izuku said as the barista gave the two some menus. That’s when it hit him.

“Wait, Chrono?” Hisashi said as the man chuckled and grinned.

“Oh so he does know him.” Izuku deadpanned.

We don’t know this individual. Nezu noted.

“Took you a while to notice.” Chrono said.

“Wait, you know Chrono?” the green haired woman said in shock.

“We were associates a long time ago. He used to work in Seattle actually. Surprised you
moved here to open up a cafe.” Hisashi said.

“You know me. I travel a lot.”

“He seems nice.” Kirishima grinned.

“Anyone who brews good coffee can’t be that bad.” Kendo reasoned.

“Heh, I do remember you making and learning all those fantastic drinks, except for alcohol.
You never touch those. Hmm, I’ll have what I had when I was dating Inko. I’m sure you
know the recipe for that one.”

“Wait, you met mom here?” Izuku asked.

“Wait, you met mom h- what he said.” Izuku deadpanned, glaring at the screen.

“Well, we chatted in Chrono’s Seattle cafe for a couple of days and we both loved the
ambiance of the place, so very rustic 21st century feel.” Hisashi looked around. The decor
and the bricked wall choice was practically the same. “If I didn’t know any better, you
brought your Seattle cafe here.” Hisashi said as Chrono returned with a cup of hot coffee
with a floating sprig of mint and a honey stick.

Something else to ask mom later… Izuku sighed internally.

“A cup of Black Magic for the media mogul.” Chrono said as Hisashi chuckled. He grabbed
the cup after paying for it and took a sniff. It smelled like last time he had a cup from
Chrono. With a sip, it even tasted the same.

“Hmm, even after all these years your quality is still out of this world.” Hisashi commented.

Kendo grinned, hoping this place existed.

“All this talk is making me crave some coffee as well.” Yaoyorozu sighed.

“Wait, media mogul?” the green haired woman asked.

“Well, since the cat’s out of the bag, I’m Hisashi Midoriya, founder and CEO of the Midori
Media Conglomerate.” the woman looked at him in shock.

“W-wait, wait, wait, MMC, you’re the mysterious immortal founder of MMC!?”

“Heh, not many people know about that.”

“Oh wow your dad really is rich.” Mineta said,

“He’s not my father.” Izuku quickly responded, cutting off Mineta who shivered slightly.

“Right. Meant his father.”

“Evidently he’s well known in that world.” Nezu said, changing the topic.

“Except for those in the industry, sir, uh, I worked for one of your subsidies and ended up as
a novelist for another of your businesses. I’m Freya, by the way.” an awkward hand shake
was made.

“If this happens a second time, I’ll drink my coffee with my helmet on.”

“Oh? A media CEO? Think you could pull some strings for the opening of the USJ?”
Thirteen said with a tone of interest.

“Careful or I might throw some extra hoops for you to go through.” Hisashi muttered in

“Rude.” Uraraka pouted.

Iida sighed. “Again, he’s a supervillain.”

“Even so.” Uraraka defended, turning her nose up.

“Alright, alright, I can get a hint.” Thirteen said with her free hand up.

“How about you kid? Want to order something from the barista?” Freya asked Izuku.

“No coffee, obviously.” Hisashi added as Izuku thought about it. Hisashi glanced at Chrono
and noticed a strange apprehensive look on his face.

“Hmm, I’ll have milk with honey and mint.” Izuku said with a smile. Chrono nodded and
went to making the drink. Hisashi might need to talk with him later on that.

“One Milky Way for the young lad.” Chrono said as he returned with a hot cup of milk with
a honey swirl and a sprig of mint on top. Hisashi paid for the drink while Izuku closed his
eyes, blew on the cup, and took a sip.

“Hmm, it’s delicious.” he said with a smile. “Tastes absolutely amazing.”

Hrrm… now I want some… Izuku pouted.

“Sure looks delicious.” Toru admitted with a sigh.

“We’re glad to be of service.” Chrono said with a relieved smile. By long trained instinct,
Hisashi could imagine a pin drop between the two.

“You got a very interesting name there mister.” Izuku said in a higher childlike pitch, to
Hisashi’s internal annoyance. He sometimes wondered where Izuku picked up his
grandfather’s tendency to act as someone else. In hindsight, he might had a hand on that.
“Chrono, meaning it’s connected to time somehow. Is that your actual name mister? Not to
mention you sometimes speak in plural but you’re the only person here.”

“Yeah I noted that too.” Izuku muttered, interested in the answer.

“Oh yeah, he does do that from time to time. I figured he was using the royal we or
something.” Freya added. Hisashi noticed sweat falling from Chrono’s brow.

“Now Izuku,” Hisashi interrupted. “No need to interrogate the barista.”

Izuku pouted. Dammit...

Izuku pouted as he looked at him with closed eyes.

“Fine…” he said before taking a sip of his milk.

Only Hisashi noticed the held breath Chrono released.

“A time related quirk I assume, based on the reactions…” Izuku muttered, scribbling down notes.

“We should move to one of the side tables, can’t hog the counter forever. I’ll see you later
Chrono.” Hisashi put his helmet back on before grabbing his cup of coffee and, with Izuku
and his cup of milk, headed to a free table of four.

“Well, I better head back to work. I’ll see you guys next time.” Thirteen said as she gotten up
and left the cafe.

Hisashi chuckled as Izuku looked at the hero signature on Thirteen’s pages, still written in
his code.

“Hero nerd.” Jirou snorted.

“You should really tell me what your code means one day, son.”

“Don’t worry dad, I’ll write a code book for you.”

Hisashi chuckled as he then took a sip of his coffee before checking his antique style digital

“What’s taking them so long?” he muttered.

“Oh don’t be so impatient. What’s a few more minutes to a guy who’s immortal.” Bakugo scoffed.

Nezu hummed. “Probably boredom.”

The entrance bell rang and Katsuki and Masaru in their costumes covered in dirt and leaves
entered the cafe. Hisashi looked at the two in shock as the Bakugous took a seat. At least
Katsuki’s Skyrim inspired Nordic barbarian costume still looked good and with little need of

“What happened to you?” Kirishima and Sero asked in surprise.

“... what happened to you two?” Hisashi asked.

“Met up with an old colleague of mine and he’s still a prankster. Ended up chasing him
around the convention center when he took a part of my costume for a laugh.” Masaru said
in his echoing tone from his samurai costume.

Katsuki snorted.

“I ended up chasing after those two.” Katsuki added.

“Well, we better order something while we wait for Tenko and-”

The entrance bell rang as Tenko entered the cafe and took a seat.

“Hey…” he said in some thought.

“Oh he’s back. I kind of expected him to get in trouble and have Dad for One save him.” Tokage

“Dad for what ?!” Izuku choked out.

“You watch too many movies.” Yanagi deadpanned.

“Had a great time?” Hisashi asked.

“Yeah, Might need to browse around the place again tomorrow. A friend of mine’s
performing for the convention later.”

“We should get out of our costumes and eat dinner first.”

“After we finish our drinks, dad.” Izuku said as he took a big gulp of his milk and emptied it.

“So he’s coming tomorrow then.” Hawks saidm humming in thought.

“Of course.” Hisashi said as he took his helmet off, finished his coffee, and put his helmet
back on. “So, hotel first for a change of clothes then dinner?”

“Sounds good to me. The leather on this costume was fucking chaffing after running after
my armor nut of a dad all afternoon.” Katsuki said. Masaru only chuckled in

As the group stood up and headed to the hotel, Hisashi stopped by the door.
“You all go ahead. I have an old colleague of mine I want to talk for a bit.”

Chrono? Izuku thought curiously, hoping to get more info on the man’s quirk.

They agreed and headed to the hotel. Hisashi turned to Chrono who nodded and gestured to
the back room where Hisashi entered and took the helmet off.

Izuku grinned.

Chrono entered the back room.

“Is something wrong? I saw that look on your face when my son was making his order.”
Hisashi said while making sure there’s no one snooping nearby by closing the door and
activating a noise canceling quirk.

“... have I told you of what we call ‘Days of Uncertainty’?” Chrono started.

The students perked up, but none more than Nezu, Hawks and Izuku.

“It’s something to do with your whole Schrodinger’s cat themed quirk, if memory serves.”

Definitely time related in a sense.

Chrono chuckled.

“I don’t believe I’ve heard that before.” Iida frowned, the term unfamiliar to him.

“You could say that, yes. A Day of Uncertainty is an area of space and time where things
become less predictable. Some might say anything could happen. The epicenter of that
uncertainty is your son. He’s like a black hole upon probability. This is a warning from me
and every version of me upon every moment of time and every point of space, your son’s
actions will have great consequences for us all. He is the butterfly flapping its wings,
changing the weather and climate with every flap. We fear that out of most of us, other than
the quirkless, he might have true free will.”

“Oh… there goes my unpredictability again.” Izuku said.

Hawk’s feathers ruffled in agitation. “You mean you’re literally impossible to predict or

“I… that isn’t my quirk but stuff I do tends to have reprecussions.” Izuku admitted sheepishly.

“Alot of shit also tends to happen when you’re involved, don’t forget that.” Bakugo huffed.

“Pretty sure all versions of you can change the natural order of things, only that this specific Izuku
seems to have that particular ability focused. It’s sorta just… passive for the rest of you.” Mei

“So… no matter what I do in any world, I’ll always affect stuff?” Izuku asked hesitantly.

“Pretty much.”

Izuku groaned.

“Hey it’s alright man. You were practically born to be important then!” Kirishima tried cheering
his pal up.

“Yeah but… I don’t want my very existence to be the reason so much trouble happens around my
friends.” Izuku frowned sadly.

Hawks eyed Midoriya curiously. Someone who had that potential was… unnerving to say the least.
Atleast he’s on our side.
Hisashi could only raise an eyebrow from that.

“You’re not the first to put my son on their cross hairs. The Foundation’s been twiddling
their thumbs on what to do with my son. Only reason they didn’t kill him early is because
he’s my son.” Hisashi said as he let his murderous aura blanket the room. Chrono looked at
him impassively.

“We’re just an observer and facilitator. Our power set doesn’t exactly do much on the front
lines. Besides, we can’t do anything about it.” the murderous intent faded. “Time and space
has been warped to make your son’s birth and existence a point of certainty. There is no
‘reality where Izuku Midoriya wasn’t born’ because something warped reality so he will be
born. Married someone else? He’ll be born with the same curls and freckles. Decide to stay
single? You will end up having a clone or a one night stand that will result in a son. The
details will change but certain things will stay the same. Like we said, your son’s a black hole
upon probability. We’re sure you noticed it by now. Improbabilities happening around him

Izuku turned pale, his breathing quickening. “W- what? ” he choked out.

Nezu and Hawk’s eyes widened at that. That was new.

“Holy shit you really are born to be important.” Kirishima said in awe.

“Yeah… improbabilities always happen around you!” Bakugo yelled out.

“Th-that’s not true…” Izuku weakly defended, still coming to terms with that massive info bomb.

“Really? Us getting attacked by the same sludge bastard. You being there and getting the one
heroic quirk that can actually be passed down? Passing the entrance exam through sheer fucking
bullshit luck? So much shit could’ve gone wrong at the USJ too! We’ve seen it go wrong!”
Bakugo continued.

“Okay but… Shigaraki was after All Might, not us.” Izuku frowned.
“All Might was conveniently out of time that day.” Yaoyorozu followed up.

“Not to mention all your bullshit high risk plans that somehow panned out. You getting fucking
first place by blowing yourself up sky high? Somehow managing to pass at the last second due to
shitty Dark Shadow getting a band in time? Making Icyhot use his fire?” Bakugo followed up,

“You made him use his fire too!” Izuku responded.

“You fucking encouraged him from the stands dumbass!” Bakugo yelled back.

Uraraka gasped. “The mall!”


“You literally ran into Shigaraki and nearly died! You looked like you were about to die when I
got there!” Uraraka said tearfully.

“That’s not-”

“Stain?” Iida followed up.

“Iida pleas-”

“The camp attack. Your fight with Muscular?” Iida said.

“You running into us and allowing us to take down Moonfish?” Tokoyami followed up.

“That whole plan you cooked up on the spot to allow us to catch up to Bakugo and Tokoyami.”
Todoroki finished off.
“Holy shit you had a busy night.” Tokage said in awe.

“You also arrived on time to get Toga away from us, ribbit. I’m not even counting when you
almost died at the USJ but All Might literally appeared a second before you would’ve died.” Tsuyu
reminded him.

Hawks was just watching all of this with quickly growing shock and fear.

Even Nezu was surprised at two of these tidbits of information.

“Us at Kamino…” Yaoyorozu trailed off in shock.”

“You getting attacked by the one villain who was at the provisional exam!” Sero remarked.

“Okay guys! Enough please! You’re all just bringing up stuff that would’ve happened regardless if
I was present or not.” Izuku frowned.

“Not all of it.” Todoroki deadpanned.

“Can… can we just finish this up?” Izuku weakly protested.

“Fine…” the students sighed.

“What does it all mean though? That my son’s some sort of threat in the future? He’s a big
hero fan through and through. His room’s practically an All Might stalker shrine for crying
out loud.”

“We can’t answer you that, unfortunately. Your son makes things about himself uncertain
after all, with no fault of his own.”

Well that’s comforting to know I guess… Izuku thought.

Hisashi took a deep breath and looked at Chrono.

“Got any suggestions then?”

Izuku nodded. Suggestions would be helpful.

“You’re his father. All we can suggest is to guide him on a good path and hope things work
out. But be strong enough to stop him if things end up going worse.”

“Right. That’s real helpful.” Izuku sighed.

“I can’t.” Hisashi stated. “He’s my son, my family. I messed up with my brother, I can’t mess
up with my son.”

Chrono patted his hand on Hisashi’s shoulder.

“We’re in uncharted territory here agent Athos. We can only watch and hope that things will
turn out well. You have your job cut out for you. After all, you’re a father and a parent, but
not the only one supporting your son. The real question is if the others should know about all

Uraraka nodded. “You’ve got us Deku!”

Iida quickly agreed with a smile. “You’re our friend Midoriya. We’ve got your back.”

The other students gave their vocal agreement at that.

Hisashi sighed.

“They can’t. I put my past behind me to focus on the future. I can’t bring them to the
cutthroat secrecy behind the scenes. They’re not meant for that kind of necessary work.”
Chrono simply nodded.

“It would be for the best.” Chrono calmly said as he then opened the door. “So, do you want
to have a takeout drink? It’s on the house.” Chrono said with a friendly grin.

“I’ll have another Black Magic then.” Hisashi said before he left the cafe with his coffee

“That was the most stressing conversation I think I’ve ever heard.” Tetsutetsu slumped in his seat.

“An interesting one though.” Yanagi remarked.

Tenko Midoriya

Tenko packed up his costume in his room and waited by the hallway by the Bakugou’s room.
His mind in thought at puzzle pieces.

“You sure that fucking Dullahan guy wasn’t some scout for an invading army or
something?” Katsuki’s voice was heard through the door.

“Nah, the guy loves a party and anyway to show off. Also, he’s a general and duke now, if he
was a scout he would have sent a mindless minion.” Masaru replied, knocking out Tenko’s
train of thought.

Bakugo snorted. Better safe than sorry.

“You sure you don’t want to tell mom the truth on how it fucking long it was? What he told

“I prefer not to make your mother worry too much. It was suppose to be sixteen years, in
their time frame. Didn’t help that the place was way into sixteen. Sixteen gods, sixteen days
of a week, sixteen weeks in a month, sixteen months in a year, four moons around the world...
had I stayed there fully, it would had been some hundred and eighty Earth years for me to
experience. Sure, the mastermind god, the one who took me, said I could return after that if I
wanted but it would have been so long for me to want to return. It was lucky that your
mother and Inko managed to pull me back after a year there. I only experienced some eleven
years instead. Still, when Dullahan was in the convention center, it terrified me. Thought I’ll
be brought back to finish the job I was given. Who would had thought he was here for a

“That sounds horrifying ” Mineta and Kaminari choked out.

“Fucking hell…” Bakugo whispered out.

“Suddenly I have a newfound appreciation for normal time.” Mina said quietly.

Toru nodded in agreement.

Tenko started to wonder what they were talking about. It sounded either a video game or a
fantasy novel or maybe a backstory from a table top role playing game session.

“So you’re telling me you’re fucking older than you look?”

“Hey, I keep myself oiled and polished to a shine, sometimes with your mother’s help.”

Bakugo choked on his spit, thumping his chest furiously as his classmates guffawed.

That was not a mental image he wanted to imagine.

“And I’m out!” Katsuki said with Tenko’s internal agreement as Katsuki left his hotel room,
ready to go out and eat dinner.
Hawks chuckled at that.

The dinner itself was simple fast food fare, pizza, soda, burgers, and fries. Tenko couldn’t
help but notice his dad’s worried look every time he glanced at Izuku.

But his mind returned to his original train of thought, the earlier overheard conversation
practically ignored and forgotten, dismissed as a triviality.

After all, he had something much more serious to consider.

“Oh yeah, wonder what he learned.” Kaibara asked curiously.

“A shocking revelation.” Pony offered excitedly.

The group returned to the convention center to watch Victoria’s performance on the stage
that night.

Tenko sat between Izuku and Katsuki, with dad by Izuku and Masaru by Katsuki. They had
a great view of the stage.

Victoria went on stage when she was called in her performance gown and stood in front of the
old school microphone.

The music began to play with Oscar on the guitar.

Jirou perked up, interested. Yaoyorozu also paid attention with much curiosity.

Step out beyond the edge and start the motion

Look out below, I know there's no decision

Just collision

It's all arranged

“Eh, not my type of music.” Bakugo waved it off.

“Not surprising.” Rin deadpanned.

Tenko couldn’t focus on the song as all he could think of was the discovery his team made in
the sealed basement below the Usoyev Inc building above the remnants of the Sokow
Transnational oil refinery.

“Getting ominous vibes here.” Mina said.

“Me too.” Toru said softly.

Too late for me, no reason to recover

If I should choose to rise I'm still descending

Never ending

I fall

I fall

It was a research lab alright, focused on creating artificial human life.

“Nomu.” Nearly everyone said at once.

And we all are sending smoke signals

Keep pretending we're one

The oil making bacteria research was there but it was ultimately part of a cover for their real
research. To understand the true nature of quirks and its connection to humanity.
Completely illegal under the Mombasa Treaty and people were getting suspicious at the time.

“Ah, so that’s what happened.” Nezu said coldly, causing Hawks to shiver next to him.

Take a look on and follow everybody

I won't become a number in the system

Zeroes and ones

Not me

Not me

So Gasoline was baited to the city and his suicide bombing was carefully planned to cover up
the lab’s research beyond the oil making bacteria.

The students scowled and frowned at that.

And we all are sending smoke signals

Keep pretending we're one

We're all descending

No strings

We keep pretending we're one

“The song…” Kaminari started but was shushed by Jirou.

“Trying to listen.”

Someone else was also there, placed by an operative, either the Shogun’s or VILE’s, to
instigate the fire.

Who? Izuku asked curiously.

Step out beyond the edge and start the motion

Endeavor was there when the Fuyuki City fire erupted.

The screen shut off.

Shoto let out a deep shuddering breath as he let this information sink in.

If it was true for his dad… well, he’ll ask later.

So… Endeavor caused that? I thought it’d be All for One… Izuku thought.

Hawk frowned, unsettled by his idol having done this.

“Other universes, and often alternate versions of us that wouldn’t act as we do.” Nezu said,
seemingly reading Hawk’s mind.

“Right… onto the next one then.” Hawks huffed.

Nezu nodded.

Mei shook off the worried expression from her face and pressed play.

Chapter End Notes

Pog. Was hoping to masspost like 9 chapters but that just won't be possible
Universe 30
Chapter Summary

This one issss "Level Playing Field" by Logar3.

I like this one. Hope you enjoy!

Was gonna post more but hopefully y'all settle for these 3 I posted. Gonna post more
tomorrow but I'm sleepy rn.



Everyone immediately turned towards Bakugo.


All Might paled, he knew who was causing this, and he knew that he didn't have any time left
in his hero form. All Might had made many mistakes before. There was the 2nd attack he
participated in as a sidekick, where he knocked down a building with a stray punch, causing
nearly $200000 in property damage. There was that fight, the one that gave him his injury.

Bakugo snorted. “He did what?”

“Oh it’s the sludge villain incident again.” Izuku noted.

The Injury that had led to his rapid decline in the time that he was able to be All Might. The
Injury that now stabbed into his side as he sprinted towards the street, explosions sounding
every few seconds.

Hawks frowned. Was it that injury? I guess that explains why he ran out of power...
He reached the large group of people that had gathered at the end of the street. He paled at
the sight of the street. It was a hellscape. Fire burning everywhere, explosions going off from
the large blob of goo in the centre, surrounding a young boy, holding him hostage.

“Bakugo…” Kirishima said, frustrated he couldn’t rush in to save his friend.

He cursed the injury to his side. He cursed his god-forsaken time limit. He cursed it for
stopping him from saving the young man being held hostage by the villain that HE
DROPPED. The Symbol of Peace. Unable to stop someone taking a life because HE

Another thing that might’ve been caused by Deku… Bakugo thought, tossing a quick glance at the
boy in question.

‘I’m pathetic… How can I call myself a hero…’ Toshinori Yagi gripped the pole he was
leaning against. ‘How can I call myself the #1 hero’. He started to mentally kick himself. If he
had just been better if he had just bee-

“KACHAAN!!!” Toshinori cursed, he knew that voice, he knew what was about to happen.
He looked over to the left of the crows and shouted when he saw the boy from earlier push
past Kamui woods, sprinting towards the monster.

“Deku!” Uraraka cheered out as the other students grinned, knowing what came next.

He watched as a fight broke out between the Pro heroes if they should go and get him, but
they seemed to shaken by the villain morphing into a naked man to decide quick enough.

“Wait… what?!” a bunch of students yelled out.

Eraserhead? Izuku thought, glancing around the screen to see if he spotted his teacher.

‘Pathetic, can’t help one boy’

‘Relying on children to do what I should have the second I got here’

He pushed the pain to the back of his mind, buffing up out of sight of the crowd. ‘Do not
worry young Midoriya, for I AM HERE’

“Yeah!” the students cheered on, and Izuku allowed himself to smile.

Atleast we’re safe.


Izuku had just met All Might, and he had given him ERASERHEAD’S PHONE NUMBER.
He wasn't freaking out, totally not freaking out. Him basically vibrating with excitement
didn't mean he was freaking out. Totally didn't mean anything.

“Oh? That’s interesting.” Nezu remarked curiously.

“But why?! Does that have to do with the sludge villain turning to normal?” Kendo asked.

Hawks hummed in realization. “An erasure quirk?”

He was jogging back towards his house when he heard the explosions. ‘Another villain
attack! I wonder if All Might will show up again!’ Ever the Hero fan, he sprinted towards the
explosions. He could feel the heroes before he saw them.

He could ‘see’ the Quirks of Kamui woods, he had seen his a few times before, a literal forest
filled control and growth. And he could ‘see’ death arms, the concrete wall ready to harden
as his fists collide. Mt lady was, to Izuku, gave off the concept of one of those grow&shrink
rays they had on TV sci-fi shows. ‘I wonder if mei and I could build one’. Backdraft was like
a boat in the sea, in control of its direction.

“He can see quirks?” Mei asked incredulously.

“Guess we’re friends in this world too.” Izuku grinned, jotting down what he knew of this
Midoriya’s quirk so far.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as he got closer, and his heart felt like it could stop. He
knew the 2 Quirks in the middle of the street. One he had been acquainted with since he was
able to ‘see’ them, and one he had seen again only minutes before. He pushed his way to the
front of the crowd, praying it wasn't him, praying that his Quirk Sight had messed up, but he
knew. He reached the front of the crowd and saw him. The sludge villain from earlier,
holding his friend [were they friends? Kachaan had left him alone after he got his Quirk, he
wasn't sure anymore] hostage.

“Wow, something else that’s consistent. Your relationship with Bakugo sucking.” Shinso said.

“H-hey! It’s gotten better!” Izuku protested.

“KACHAAN!” He was moving before he could think, sliding past the confused pro’s whos
Quirks had just been shut off. “YOU! GODDAMNIT KID WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE
YOU” The sludge villain had started to solidify again, but this time he was prepared. He
threw Kachaan to the side, flying over some debris and smacking into his head onto some
rubble, knocking him unconscious. The villain straightened himself, already getting into a
classical martial arts stance. “I JUST HAVE TO KILL YOU INSTEAD KID!”

“Goddamnit!” Bakugo yelled out, embarrassed he’d gotten knocked out so easily.

“Guess he has formal training.” Kendo said, noting the villain’s stance.

This is the scene that the news would be playing for the next week, minimum. The [Previosly]
sludge villain threw a punch at Izuku, and he realised that he had no actual training. He
dodged out of the way of the punch, attempting to throw one of his own, before stepping in a
bit of the fire, hesitating at it burned his calf.

“Ooo, that looks like it hurt.” Izuku winced.

Todoroki hummed in acknowledgement.

The villain took this opportunity, punching him in the face, knocking Izuku off his feet. As he
hit the ground he did a backwards roll, standing up straight. “Villain! Stand down, your
Quirkless while I am here! You can"t escape!” He didn't yell it, as he knew he had camera’s
on him, and he probably shouldn't ruin his chances at being an underground hero like
Eraserhead before he even got into UA, right?

“Oh, you wish to be an underground hero in this world. An admirable goal.” Kuroiro smiled.

“With a quirk like that, I’m sure you’ll be amazing.” Shiozaki smiled.

Oh I don’t doubt Aizawa will pass up talent such as yours. Nezu smiled.


A very sleep-deprived man sneezed on his way to his couch, and flicking the TV on, was very
intrigued by what he saw.

“Mr. Aizawa!” the 1A students exclaimed as Nezu snickered.


again and Izuku prepared himself. The man had surprisingly good control of what was
essentially a new body. Izuku wondered if he had been born goop, or had he melted at the
age of 4. As a fist slammed into his gut, he realised that there were more important things
right now.

My bet’s on melted at the age of 4. He certainly has more control than I would’ve expected. Deku
noted, scribbling it.

“Pay attention nerd.” Bakugo scowled at the screen.

He grabbed his wrist as the villain tried to pull it back, twisting it, hearing something snap.
The man yelled and ran a few feet back. “YOU SHITTY FUCKING KID! I'LL TEAR YOU

He ran at Izuku, who sidestepped him, elbowing him in the back, but before he could take
him to the ground, the villain rolled to the side, avoiding a punch to his forehead. Slamming
his fist into the ground where his face had been, Izuku heard one of his fingers snap. ‘Shit I
broke my finger, I need to finish this quickly’.

“‘Shit I broke my finger, I need to finish this quickly.’” Monoma repeated incredulously.

“You really do brush off broken limbs…” Kendo said in awe.

“It was just a finger…” Izuku frowned.

“Just a finger he says.” Yaoyorozu groaned.

He dodged out of the way of another punch, sweeping the villain legs from under him, but
yelped as he was pulled down with him. On the ground, the villain pounced, landing on top of
him and punching his gut, winding Izuku.

Izuku tried to pry the man off, but he punched him in the face again, and Izuku was starting
to get dizzy. He was starting to lose focus, and he knew his Quirk was about to slip. Izuku, on
the outside, was calm, but on the inside, well, on the inside Izuku was furious.

“Why aren’t the pros helping?” Shiozaki frowned with worry.

“He certainly hides his emotions well.” Hawks noted, speaking from experience.

He knew that it was a bit jarring to see people morph like that, but for Christ's sake, ‘WHY
HAS NO HERO COME IN TO HELP ME ye-’ Almost as soon as he had the thought, his
Quirk sense picked up on one of the most amazing ‘sights’ in his life.
He pushed the villain off him as he was distracted by the new arrival, and stepped back from
him as All Might slammed into the ground in front of him. “WHY IF IT ISNT YOUNG
listening. He was enamoured at the ‘sight’ of All Mights Quirk.

“All Might!” the students yelled out in relief. No matter if the pro was no more, just seeing him
was a boost to morale.

Raw, Uncontrolled power, 8 swirling storms of pure energy flowing through All Mights body.
Izuku had never seen anything like it before. He had never heard anything like it befo-
“Wait, heard his Quirk?!”

“It looks so beautiful- wait heard?” Izuku cut himself off.

-OH, shit guys, did you hear the kid-

-Yeah man, did he just say he could hear us?!-

-Holy crap dude!, not even All Might can hear us, we’ve been trying for years!-

-OK, kid, I know you wanna be a hero, what else would you wanna be, jumping in all stupid
like that, and we will explain later, But for now, please just go back to the crowd ok?-

“You can hear them?!” the students yelled out.

“I can’t ! He can!” Izuku pointed at the screen. Wow, Deja vu…

“Easily the best entertainment most of them have had in over a century.” Kirishima said.

Izuku hummed, feeling One for All warm beneath his skin.
Izuku definitely had this day checked under ‘weirdest ever’ all he wanted to do was get back
to his house, and he had been attacked, met All Might, tried to save Kachaan, Saw All Mights

He was knocked out of his panic by a stream of water grabbing his shoulder, pulling him
back towards the crowd. He could feel backdraft’s quirk activating due to his loss of focus,
and let it happen, allowing himself to be pulled back. “Kid what the hell do you think you’re
doing!” was the first thing said to Izuku.

“Saving Bakugo’s butt.” Awase supplied.

“I DIDN’T- ugh.” Bakugo trailed off, refusing to admit it.

His classmates snickered, still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that this particular
Midoriya can see and apparently hear quirks.


All Might had finished dealing with the villain, who was again, knocked out cold. He looked
over to where backdraft had grabbed Young Midoriya. He had no doubt in his mind, he
liked the kid. He was Passionate, he had an excellent Quirk, and apparently quite handy with
martial arts. ‘Maybe Aizawa won't kill him…’

“He isn’t too bad once you ignore the empty threats.” Shinso supplied.

Izuku chuckled at that.

He pointed to Young Midoriya and gave a thumbs up. He saw the boy nod, and the villain
lying in front of him melted. “DO NOT WORRY DEAR CITIZENS, THE DELINQUENT
HAS BEEN CAPTURED!” As the crowd around the area started to cheer, Toshinori already
mentally prepared himself to hold his form for an interview.

Oh yeah that couldn’t have been easy… Izuku winced.

As he walked back to the crowd, hands held high, he saw Kamui woods attempting to scold
young Midoriya, but Midoriya had eyes for no-one but All Might. He was muttering and
flipping back from staring at the ground to staring at All Might, and it was starting to freak
him out.

The students snickered. “Classic Midoriya.”


VILLAIN FRIEND OVER HERE” The police officers in the area started scrambling around,
getting the container that All Might asked for, and All Might went through the motions in his
various interviews.

About halfway through the 4th interview, he noticed young Midoriya skulking off, trying his
best to be unseen. He failed though and was jumped by a team of reporters, who asked him
questions about why he jumped in there, what his Quirk was, etc.

Izuku flushed, feeling secondhand embarrassment from his counterpart while wincing internally.

All Might knew how bad interviews could be and so decided to save the boy. ‘I AM SORRY
HIS PARENTS WILL BE WORRIED ABOUT HIM!” and so he grabbed Izuku, and
jumped. He jumped towards the beach, attempting to shake the reporters.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief. Thanks All Might…

“Wait isn’t he low on time?” Hawks recalled.


Izuku was still a little dazed after his fight and being 300m in the air really wasn’t helping
right now. He wasn’t even sure he was in the air. ‘I probably have a concussion’ he thought
before he was interrupted. He looked at All Might, who was starting to release steam. The
weird voices were going crazy about this.
“Oh he’s gonna deflate isn’t he.” Uraraka said with worry.

“Classic Midoriya luck.” Kaminari whispered.


-No, no! Goddamnit Toshi! You always push yourself way too far!-

-Hey Kid! You seem pretty handy, got any way to help? All Might’s about to drop, and he
can"t land safely, as he is out of power-

“They sound like fun.” Mina giggled, inwardly worried for Midoriya.

All Might out of power? Izuku couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and not just because the
Quirk was talking to him. “All Might, you Ok?’ All Might looked at him with a pained smile.

“All Might!” the students yelped out in surprise.

Izuku nearly fainted then and there. All Might, his #2 hero, had just… deflated. He looked at
All Might and remembered what the voices had said. “All Might! Can you land?” The man
with sunken eyes looked at him, fear gripping his face. “No, I can"t, holy shit young man
brace for impact!” he yelled, wrapping his arms around Izuku, and pointing himself at the

“Pfft. I know this is serious but ‘holy shit young man brace for impact’... really?” Sero snickered.

“Not the time!” Jirou scolded, smacking Sero’s head.

Izuku was tired. He didn't know if he could stay awake much longer, and he knew he was
gonna be out of it after this. “All Might! Get ready to land feet first, I know you can!” as the
boy activated his Quirk, All Might gave a surprised yell. He felt POWER. He always felt
power of course, albeit less nowadays, but this... this was more.

“He boosted him!” Nezu and a few others exclaimed.

He can erase, see AND boost quirks! That’s amazing! Izuku internally squealed as he thought up
applications for that quirk.

He hadn't felt this good since his injury, he felt like he was back in his heyday. He buffed up,
easier than it had been for the last 5 years, and looked at the boy. His was startled. Izuku’s
eyes had gone fully golden, including the sclera, and it was glowing. He was releasing golden
light like a flashlight from his eyes.

“Woah…” Mina said in awe.

All Might hit the ground with ease, softening the landing so Izuku didn't get whiplash.
“Young man, what in gods name w-” He stopped halfway through his question as Izuku
faceplanted, unconscious. As he hit the ground the power Toshinori had felt dissipated, and
he forcefully deflated.

Yaoyorozu winced. “Are you ok?”

“I… can’t answer that but I’m sure he’s fine…” Izuku hesitantly reassured.

He stared at the boy in front of him, lying on the ground, before grabbing his phone and
quickly calling an Ambulance, sitting down next to the boy. He thought about the boost of
power he had just gotten, what Izuku had done, and what it had done to him.

Self-sacrificing, Powerful, Good moral code, he’s definitely a front runner for it, but I need to
get to know him better before I even think about passing it on to him. He got up and greeted
the paramedic who arrived and answered questions about who he was, who Izuku was, what
happened, etc.
"Oh he's considering you for it!" Yaoyorozu gasped with glee.

Izuku chuckled nervously.

"Damn nerd gets all the attention." Bakugo grumbled.

The boy was put into the ambulance and taken to the hospital. His mother was called and
Toshinori was psyching himself up for her to find them, he didn't want to be in the way of a
mothers war-path.

"A wise choice." Bakugo said.

Hawks hummed. That's someone I'll take note not to mess with.


“WHERE IS MY SON!” Toshinori jumped as a voice silenced all the conversations around
the room. The doctors must have guessed who she was as they approached her. “You must be
Ms Midoriya, please, this is a hospital so I need you to not yell, OK?” Inko nodded. “Alright,
Izuku is in room 3C, but he is unconscious, has been since he got in the ambulance”.

The students yelped at Inko's yell but quickly relaxed.

"Your mom's scary when she wants to be Deku…" Uraraka admitted.

Izuku smiled sheepishly. "She wouldn't hurt a fly."

“He has a broken ring finger on his right hand, a fractured rib, and a concussion. All of these
are minor injuries, so we can"t figure out why he hasn't woken up. He pulled out a small
clipboard and a pen. Do you know if it has anything to do with his Quirk?”

"Quirk fatigue most likely." Nezu reasoned.

Inko nodded, she had an idea of why. “Part of his Quirk can boost the Quirks of others, like
his father, but it takes a lot out of him. If he boosted someone when he was already tired, it
might put his body into rest mode”. She looked over to Toshinori, who was approaching.

"Guess dad has a similar quirk for this one. Also yeah I figured it'd be quirk fatigue." Izuku

“Who are you?” she felt like she had seen the man before. He was tall, and that hair, god that
hair and his blue eyes felt familiar. Could it be… no, it couldn't, this man was a twig, not a
living diagram of an olympian athlete. The man introduced himself.

"Wow uh… she's perceptive." Uraraka noted.

"To think she literally almost discovered a closely guarded secret just like that." Nezu remarked,

Hawks merely nodded, taking a sip of some tea that Nezu had graciously shared with him.

“Good evening Ms Midoriya, my name is Toshinori Yagi, I am the one who found your son,
unconscious near the beach. I called the ambulance as soon as I found him”. She gave him a
look of thanks, before grabbing the visitors pass the doctor was holding, and sprinting
towards 3C.

She burst into the room to see Izuku hooked up to a few machines, but she was just glad to
see him safe. She sat down next to him, grabbing his hand, and stayed there for a while,
crying softly. Toshinori had arrived a little after Inko, wanting to see how Izuku was doing,
but couldn't bring himself to interrupt the moment.

"Your mom's the best man!" Kirishima exclaimed.

Izuku chuckled sheepishly. "I'm lucky to have her."

"Ribbit…" Tsuyu smiled, happy with the ambience.

“I know your there Mr Yagi, you may come in.” She hadn't looked up since he got there,
maybe she could hear him? “Ah, Ms Midoriya, I'm sorry for intruding, I didn't want to
interrupt you with your son.” He gave her a small smile.

Wait how did she know-

She gave him one back. “That's quite alright Mr Yagi-” He cut her off. “Toshinori. Please,
call me Toshinori”. Inko smiled a bit wider. “Alright then Toshinori, I must thank you for
finding my son, I saw him on the news and I was so worried. The after All Might grabbed
him I thought he would be fine, but when I find that hero that left Izuku alone, I'm gonna
wring his neck!”

"That could've gone worse."

Tsukauchi nodded as he opened the door for his friend.

Toshinori stiffened as he walked out of Tartarus, glancing around left and right as he gulped.

What on earth was that sense of dread I just felt?

Toshinori gulped. He couldn't explain what ‘All Might’ did without revealing his biggest
secret to a woman he just met. So he didn't, he couldn't give her an explanation, not yet.
“Yes, I myself was quite upset when I discovered All Might left an exhausted child alone, and
as an old friend of his, I will be sure to knock some sense into him the next time we meet.”

"Oh yes, please do." Shinso said sarcastically.

"Yeah, gonna give him a real thrashing." Tetsutetsu snickered.

He hadn’t expected his sentence to surprise Inko, but when she sputtered, he realised that
most people have never even met All Might, let alone be close friends. “Would you mind if I
tagged along? I would like to give him a piece of my mind personally…” Toshinori gulped
again. The murderous tone in Inko’s voice was so dissimilar to her usual soft tones. “I do not
know Ms Midoriya, I'll see if I can set up a meeting”. Toshinori had faced villains before,
hell, he had faced a Quirk-stealing centenarian hell-bent on killing all of the OFA users, but
never had he been so scared. Inko stared at him with murder in her eyes. “Thank you

Seriously what's going on? I'm definitely feeling some negativity from somewhere… Toshinori
frowned as he looked out of the car.

Eh it's hopefully nothing...

She stopped suddenly as Izuku sat upright quickly, rambling. “ALL MIGHT, ARE WE
SAFE, DID WE LAND?” Toshinori cursed inwardly, this kid was gonna blow his whole
story. “Izuku Midoriya stop yelling right now”. Izuku stopped halfway through his ramble to
look at his mum. “Mum! I helped stop a villain! I got rescued by All Might by reporters, then
we…” Inko didn't like how he stared at Toshinori as his sentence drifted off. Toshinori was
sweating slightly, he had hoped the kid would have forgotten his deflated form. “All Might?

"Way to go nerd!" Bakugo yelled out.

"Mom's trustworthy though." Izuku pouted.

"What if someone else had been there though?" Todoroki asked.

"Then you'd be screwed." Tokage helpfully supplied.

Toshinori knew his mother was already angry at him, but he needed to keep his secret safe.
Slapping his hand over Izuku’s mouth seemed his only option at doing so. “Mr Yagi? What is
my son talking about, you are certainly not All Might”. Oh how he wanted to laugh, she had
no idea how wrong she was. And so he told them about what had happened after his jump
away from the reporters, he told them about his injury, about his now weakened form that
he could only hold for about 3.5 hours a day. And then he talked about why he came with
Izuku to the hospital. “Young Midoriya, I must ask, what did do while we were in the air, I
was able to go into my muscle form again, and I haven’t felt power like what I had up there
since before my injury!”
"Quirk boost." Izuku smiled.

Mom's taking it well… hopefully.

Izuku was still a little out of it, and so he spoke very slowly. “Well, Mr All Might sir, it’s part
of my Quirk. I can manipulate the Quirks of anyone within a sphere with a 100m radius
around me. I got the manipulation part from my dad, the support hero: Booster, and the
ranged aspect from my mum, who has telekinesis.

Izuku quickly jotted down all the notes, already working on possible applications for all the
information given. That's such a great quirk!

“Using it I can turn off Quirks like Eraserhead, although mine can stop mutation types for
some reason, and I can also increase the strength of the Quirks in my field, although it tires
me out really fast”. He grabbed his notebook out of his bag and flipped through the pages.
“Although I was already tired, boosting your Quirk put a much heavier strain on me than I
calculated, I don't know why. I estimated I could do it for about 15 seconds with the energy I
had left, but I was out of it after 6 seconds.

"He can stop mutation types huh?" Shoji remarked.

"I daresay it's a much better version of Erasure." Nezu said.

Certainly seems strong. Don't see any obvious drawbacks besides him needing training. Some
villains don't stay down even if their quirks are gone. Hawks hummed in thought.

“Fascinating Young Midoriya. I feel I made the right choice giving you Eraserheads number.
With his help, you will grow to be an even better hero than you already are”. Toshinori rose
to his feet and flashed the Midoriya’s a smile. “I must take my leave now, I thank you for
allowing me to stay this long”.

He stopped just outside the doorway and looked back inside. “Oh and Young Midoriya, keep
up the good work, I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of each other these next few
"Heh, right. He'll be teaching." Uraraka giggled.

"I could teach better than him." Monoma scoffed.

"I'd rather not have you indoctrinating the entire class thank you very much." Kendo gave him an
unimpressed glare.


When Izuku got home that night, he checked his messages on his computer, as his phone had
been broken in the fight. There was one from Kachaan, a short paragraph detailing how
‘Izuku shouldn’t let this go to his head, he was still gonna be the #1 hero, etc’.There was a
short one from Kendo, asking if he was OK, apparently, Momo had called her 10 times
seeing if Kendo knew. Speaking of which, there were about 70 from Momo, ranging from
berating him for doing such a stupid thing, to praising him for his heroic acts, to begging for
him to be ok.

Kirishima snickered at Bakugo's text while Momo and Kendo flushed slightly.

"Wow Yaomomo, if I didn't know any better I'd say you have a crush on him." Jirou snickered.

"Kyoka!" Yaoyorozu choked out, causing Jirou to laugh.

He smiled to himself as he marked Kachaan’s as ‘read’ and sent a message to the group chat
between him, Momo, and Kendo.

"Friends with Yaoyorozu, Kendo and Mei. I'm sensing a little… more later down the line." Mineta
said deviously.

Izuku glared but sighed. "I'd argue against that but… knowing my luck it seems possible."
Kendo coughed into her fist, shaking her light blush.

Mini-raserhead: Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I'm OK, saw your messages.

"Mini-raserhead. Wouldn't surprise me if you're mini-might here." Kinoko giggled.

"Actually mine is Small Might." Izuku said, causing Pony and Kinoko to giggle louder.

GLAD you're OK

Kendo flushed, but sighed in relief he was fine.

3D-Printer: Izuku! Oh god, I'm so glad to hear that! I saw what you did on the news, what

"3D-Printer?" Yaoyorozu raised an eyebrow, slightly offended.

"You're more than that Momo." Izuku said reassuringly.

Mini-raser Head: Well, I saw that Kachaan needed my help, and my body just, moved. I
didn’t ask it to, I just jumped into action. (He’s fine by the way)

Five Finger Super Punch: How was the dude so ready for you? I know you're damn good at
martial arts, I'm surprised you didn't end it at the start.

"Wait, you're good at martial arts? What am I saying of course you are. I doubt I wouldn't help you
out." Kendo said, pounding a fist into her open palm.

Mini-raser Head: well, he had attacked me just a few minutes beforehand, so he was
expecting his Quirk to be turned off. And I burnt my calf on some of that fire, flinched and
then he punched me.

Five Finger Super Punch: Well, when it gets back to school I'm going to beat your head in
you idiot, you gave us quite a scare, and I’m sure auntie Inko was worried sick!

Izuku chuckled, grabbing at his head. "Good thing I can't feel that"

"That can be arranged." Kendo teased.

3D-Printer: I gotta say, I had to create tissues for my entire family throughout the entire
thing. Your gonna have to make this up to us Izuku!

Yaoyorozu flushed. She'd had to make tissues for her parents during sad movie nights. Felt

And so they talked until Inko called Izuku down for dinner. She had made katsudon and was
simultaneously scolding and praising him for the day's events. He thought that he was gonna
be in big trouble for this, and so was surprised when his mum didn't punish him.

"Wow uh… thanks." Izuku muttered into thin air.

"Her Katsudon looks amazing." Uraraka said, mouth watery.

"Oh moptop here makes it amazing. You have to try some later." Tokage vouched, rubbing Izuku's

"You made katsudon?" Uraraka asked incredulously.

Izuku flushed, nodding slowly.

"Mm. It's good." Yui added her two cents.

"I can make some for the class later if you all want…" Izuku weakly offered.

A resounding "Yeah!" was his answer.

He spent the next few days as the ‘sludge villain stopper’ a title that he both didn't want and
was false. All Might had stopped the bad guy, he just held him off. He was able to avoid the
reporters that hounded his house and followed him to school, but he was not able to avoid
Kendo’s wrath.

"Oh no." Izuku whimpered.

"Take it like a hero." Kendo rolled her eyes, failing to wipe the smile from her face.

It was Monday morning, and he had just arrived at the school he and Kendo went to. Momo
was ‘Rich AF’ as Kendo put it, and went to a fancy private school, much to the 3’s dismay.
Izuku was walking through the front door as he felt a familiar Quirk activate, and quickly
turned it off.

"Oh you go to Aldera in this one?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Aw no! Turn my quirk back on!" Kendo pouted.

"Guess man hands is there too." Bakugo scoffed.

"Yeah and I doubt she'd take shit from you. I sure wouldn't." Kendo tossed him a quick glare.

Kendo’s now small fist smacked lightly onto his head. “Izuku I swear to god you gave me a
bloody heart attack!” He grinned at her, he knew she was teasing him, he had been on the
receiving end of it for years. “Oh, woe is me, my dear friend! However, shall I fix this
damning transgression” He accentuated his overly-dramatic speech with a hand over his eyes
in a flashy pose.
"Pfft." Yaoyorozu quickly covered her mouth to avoid something unladylike as Kendo cackled.

"You three seem close." Uraraka quietly said.

“Move out of my way or I'll kill you, you damn nerd”. He had felt Kachaan approaching but
hadn’t turned his Quirk off, knowing that it would only make the boy angrier. He stepped
out of his way, allowing Kachaan to pass. Kendo gave him a death stare, wondering how the
cinnamon roll that was Izuku Midoriya could stand the boy.

"Truly a mystery.. " Kendo agreed with her alternate self, slumping into her seat.

As Kachaan passed, he stopped in front of Izuku and whispered something Izuku, that he
couldn’t believe. “Thank you, you fucking shitty nerd. Now don't make this a big deal or I’ll
kill you, Quirk or no Quirk. If I don’t see your name on the application form to the Hero
course at UA, I’m gonna wring your neck”. Izuku just smiled as he walked past nodding
instead of responding. Kachaan just grunted and headed off to homeroom.

"Did he just…"

"Compliment you?"

Bakugo gnashed his teeth, not refusing the claim.

Izuku flushed, honestly surprised.

"That's what I call character progression." Pony said in english. This is just like in anime with their
little rivalry. I wonder if they've had an eventful fight yet...

The rest of the day went fairly normally, Kendo ‘angry’ at him, which consisted of silent
glares that broke down the second he looked at her or talking his ear off constantly. His
classmates were the same. Some of them were jealous that he got to meet All Might,
somewhere angry that it was ‘goddamn Deku’ that got to be on the news for taking down a
"Pfft what the hell Kendo?" Monoma cackled at her attitude.

"I will swat you out of that seat like a fly." she warned.


The next few weeks were filled with normal school and training stuff, as well as paying for
lunches to ‘make up for what he did’ Which he had no regrets for doing. After about 2 weeks
he stopped getting recognised from the attack, and the media seemed to have given up. His
house was no longer a warzone to leave, and no-one followed him to school.

"Really Kendo?" Tetsutetsu cackled.

"What? Can't blame me for being mad at him." Kendo pouted.

"Hopefully the katsudon fixes that." Izuku muttered.

He was glad to be left alone, as that meant they also left his mum alone, and she really didn’t
need to be dealing with reporters 24/7.

That's true… Izuku thought, relieved they left her alone now


It was almost 2 months later when he grabbed hero notebook #11, and a small card dropped
out of the book onto his desk. His eyes widened as he saw the writing. HOW COULD HE
HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT. He quickly grabbed his new phone and dialled the
number, praying that it still worked. He was giddy with excitement, he was about to talk to
THE Eraserhead! His #1 hero! The coolest hero in the wor-

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Mr. Aiza- oh he isn't here " Izuku sighed with relief.
"For shame." Yanagi joked, shaking her head.

“Who are you and what do you want”. The voice on the other end of the phone sounded
exhausted. And grumpy, very grumpy. “Ah good afternoon sir! My name in Midoriya Izuku
and I was given your number by All Might, sir”. There was a grunt.

“That's one out of two kid, what do you want?”. Izuku calmed himself. If he didn't impress
Eraserhead here, he might not get the chance ever again. “Eraserhead sir, I am calling to ask
you to help train me. I can pay you if you want, and All Might said that you would be able to
help me get even better with my Quirk”.

"Ah he hasn't had his coffee yet it seems." Shinso noted, well used to that tone.

"Guess you're Shinso in this story?" Iida asked curiously.

"I'm right here y'know?" Shinso deadpanned.

"Ah! My apologies! It was not my intention to demean you!" Iida quickly said.

Shinso sighed. "It's amazing to see how uncool you are."

He heard a small “Goddamn Blonde Idiot” before Eraserhead cleared his throat. “Kid, If
you're the one All Might told me about, meet me near the beach tomorrow at 5:30 am. If
you're late, I go home, deal?” Izuku nearly fainted there and then, but responded in his
calmest possible voice. “Yes, sir Eraserhead sir! I'll be there!” Eraserhead grunted. “Good”
and then he hung up.

"Pfft. Can't help but think what would've happened if he fainted." Uraraka giggled.

Kaminari grunted, putting on his best Eraserhead impression. "Hello? Hello? Are you there kid?
This is irrational' and then he'd hang up."

Both classes laughed, and Nezu honestly pitied them when Eraserhead reviewed the footage later
tonight. Though it was funny.

Izuku quickly sent a message to the group chat detailing the phone call. They were both
super excited for him. He woke up the next morning to his alarm going off at 4:45, and
started to get ready. He got into his workout clothes, and left the house, heading towards the

The screen shut off.

Mei stood up to stretch.

"That was fun."

The students all got up slowly, groaning as they stretched. Some of them just left.

Hawks hummed as he stretched his wings, gesturing for Tokoyami to follow him as he left.

Todoroki bid Midoriya goodbye, and went to his room. He had a question for his father.

"So moptop… Katsudon?" Tokage said, giving him her best puppy eyes.

"Okay okay, I already promised." Izuku chuckled weakly.

"Ooo mind if I join?" Mei asked, smacking her lips as she yawned.



Izuku smiled, walking away with his girlfriends.

He frowned as he felt a hand ruffle the back of his head, but when he turned around, no one was

Universe 31
Chapter Summary


This chapter's a reaction to the fic 'Hero Class Civil Warfare' by RogueDruid
(Icarius51) so go check em out they write really great stuff.

Apologies again for the wait and enjoy

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Good morning…"

Izuku yelped as Hatsume draped herself over him.


He stiffened as he felt her press against his back.

"You're warm…" she mumbled sleepily.

"You sound tired…" Izuku frowned.

"Mm… a bit tired. Stayed up making some babies for the festival." she mumbled softly.

Izuku sighed. Of course you did…

Mei yelped as she started floating upwards.

Izuku startled as he felt Uraraka's manic energy flowing over him.

"U-U-Uraraka… your face!"

Uraraka stared at him, grabbing onto Hatsume before she floated away. "What's wrong with my


She hummed, and they made their way to the theater.

Hawks nudged him as he walked in.

"Psst. Nezu told me to tell you you're supposed to meet with him after this. He'll tell you the rest."
Hawks said, and Izuku nodded, slightly confused.

Vlad King ducked his head in greetings while Toshinori beamed at him.

Hatsume stumbled onto the projector, selecting a universe.

"Oh this one's a continuation." she mumbled.

"Oh of which one-"

Hatsume hit play, and immediately slumped in her seat.

Day 2: 10 hours, 33 minutes (10:33 am, local time)

Neito strode through the hallways of the holding cells with a skip in his step. While the… arm
renewal process had made him flinch, thanks to Setsuna’s Quirk he was right as rain. Having
taken her Quirk once more, his arms were reverting back to how they looked before he broke
them, skin color fading back in and faint scars appearing once more. Izuku would have
nerded out over it. Neito was close to that point himself.

"Oh! The one where you're a villain and Bakugo's a hero!" Uraraka recalled.

"Wait but… doesn't your quirk take stamina? He doesn't seem that tired from fixing two broken
arms…" Izuku frowned. That is pretty interesting though...

Part of it was the formula; ‘Energy Serum’ Izuku and Mei had called it. It was like a caffeine
high on steroids. The world was vivid, his pulse quick and he felt almost jittery. He was
thinking faster or maybe processing faster. His eyes darted from point to point, cataloging his
surroundings effortlessly.

"Ah… that explains it." Izuku muttered.

"You gave him drugs?" Kaminari yelped.

"Oh calm down, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have approved it if it was anything dangerous. I
doubt the teacher's would've let it slide." Tokage pouted, deep in thought. Something like that
would be really useful in a pinch. I'll have to see if Mei knows anything about it since Izuku
definitely doesn't...

Honestly, Izuku had offered to let him sit out the rest of the exam. He could wait and get
rescued and be left to enjoy himself in a safe house at the edge of the city. Plenty of
entertainment and time to heal up after breaking his arms. Neito had preferred to try out
Setsuna’s Quirk.

Monoma snorted. "You want me to miss out on the chaos? I refuse."

Speaking of! At his side, Setsuna was showing the slightest signs of hesitation, second-
guessing her betrayal, but not to the point she would turn back to the hero side. She was too
far gone to consider that, which was a shame really.

"Wait… betrayal?" Bakugo bristled.

"Damn, Midoriya really did think of everything…" Kendo muttered.

Idly he followed that train of thought to Hitoshi. Izuku, Neito, and the brainwasher himself
had debated if his brainwashing Quirk was limited to commands... or if he could implant

Shinso perked up. Oh?

Midoriya shifted in his seat, notebook magically in his hand. Oho?

So far it seemed Izuku was, once again, right on the money.

"Yes!" Izuku cheered out, scribbling that down even as Shinso hummed in thought. Something to
try then… he grinned.

"That's pretty cool." Monona admitted, nodding in appreciation.

Neito stopped at the evidence lockup, pulling out his vest and reaching for the buttons on it.
He pulled a knife from the utility belt next to it and cut each button free with sharp
movements. A few seconds of twisting and disassembly later, his left hand held eight thin
rings of plastic (the outer edge of his buttons) wrapped around his fingers. In each, with the
ring built around it, was a braided lock of hair from one of his teammates. As he focused, he
could feel the faint bridging connection each one offered. All but Mei and Kouji’s rings were
responding. Turning back, he reached out to Momo’s Quirk and grinned as the tools he
needed began to form.

"Dude… that's so cool!" Tetsutetsu beamed at his friend.

Monoma nodded. "I recently added two to my costume. Shinso's and Togata's. If anyone wishes to
donate a strand of hair… I would appreciate it." Monoma said out loud.

The students nodded, smiling at him.

Monoma grinned back. He'll admit, it felt nice to have people that liked him.

It meant that most of his team must be assaulting the office! Wonderful!

Now that he was armed once more, it was time to see about capturing an objective as his

Monoma grinned at his on screen counterpart, eager to see what he'd do.

Manga sometimes wished he could talk.

"Wait but… you can talk here can't you?" Izuku tilted his head in confusion.

Manga shifted, aware of the attention. "Yeah? Different universe and all… besides it's easier to just
go 'BAM! POW! THWACK!'" He explained, the words appearing on the thinking bubble behind
the page that represented his face.

Izuku nodded, jotting that down.

Here and now as he kept throwing up “dings” and “clicks” - he was having a hard time.
Three gunmen, Awase, Kaibara, and Shouji, were unloading. He kept throwing up his
“effect” shields as fast as they were being taken down.

"Aw man, you're not doing so hot there." Kaibara grinned cheekily.

His Quirk was versatile, the ability to cause various effects based on the words he chose and
projected where his head would be. But even now, he was rushing just to raise the continuous
string of deflections and blocks against the gun-toting trio before him.

Manga hummed. Note: practice speaking faster...

He had headed down to the first floor to get information from Kodai after the
communications died and was now stuck in this clusterfuck.

"So Kodai and Manga are on Kacchan's team… and Tokage defected." Izuku muttered, recalling
what he remembered from the last time he viewed this universe.

The front half of the reception area was torn to shreds, the large open windows shattered by
the cars which drove right in, and the end of the hallway itself had been turned into an all-out
firefight. Sections of the walls had melted, the reception bot was driven into the wall, its limbs

"Holy crap!" a few students yelled out.

A few students winced at the bot that was embedded into the wall.

Bracing as he saw his chance, Manga swapped from deflecting to attacking.

Oh? Izuku thought.

Big bold letters burst across his face.


The small pieces of furniture left in the hall blew back, the kinetic shockwave of his Quirk
shoving the three gunmen back into the atrium proper, as the word turned into a wave of
light and sound.

"Wow…" a few students said in awe.

Izuku nodded. So the effects appear on his face before he shoots them out. That's good to know...

Manga took a step forward when he heard a sucking sound and turned just in time to see a
metallic-looking staff swing down, a crook on the end catching the back of his ankle and
pulling as the wielder, Honenuki Juzou, appeared through a melting wall.

"Honenuki!" his classmates yelled out.

"No hard feelings Manga." He said sheepishly.

‘ZZZAAAPP.’ Lightning discharged, making the skeleton grin of Honenuki click closed as
he dropped the staff, the bright bolts of electricity arcing along the metal and up his arm,
making the villain stagger as his legs seized up and spazzed out.

"Yeah… no hard feelings right?" Manga repeated as Honenuki winced.

Manga saw a gun barrel pop up from the atrium and felt a series of impacts across his chest.

From his waist, his walkie-talkie beeped.

“Manga. Deceased.”

"Aw damn." Rin said, patting his back.

"Good work Honenuki." Shoji said as he watched himself on screen.

Shouji nodded, gun spinning around as he and the rest of the villains headed to rejoin the
larger battle in the atrium, the shouted orders of Kodai echoing back to Manga as he slumped

Izuku tapped the swearing ‘dead hero’ on the forehead and got off his bike, heading towards
the stairwell. Behind him, the motorcycle reversed and turned to face back out the window.
Skipping slightly, Izuku cleared the steps three at a time, all but bouncing up to the seventh
floor and his objective.
"Someone's excited, ribbit."

Izuku chuckled. "Why wouldn't I be? Plan seems to be working so far."

He had a memorial to steal from.

Hanging from the ladder leading up to a welded-shut manhole, slow and steady breathing
could be heard but not seen. Rats had swarmed Tooru less than an hour ago. Rats and small
gophers and raccoons. To escape, she had climbed up the steel bars of the tunnel’s manhole to
a height out of their way and triggered a trap aimed at the entrance. The paint had coated
the base of the steep ladder, covering her escape.

"Aw no… yuck!" Toru lamented as she watched the screen.

She heard footsteps slowing to a pause. She tensed, ready to attack anyone who passed by.
She heard a deep breath and a slight grunt before–

“Invisible Girl, are you here?” Shishida's soft voice echoed through the tunnel and she
perked up.

“Yes, Shishida, are you and the rest of the team here?”

“Just me and Tetsutetsu. Kirishima got separated during an ambush,” Shishida explained
before she heard the click and splat of another trap going off. “We plan to push towards the
cistern and hopefully regroup with the rest of our allies there.”

"Let's see if anyone's even left ." Sero grumbled.


With smooth grace, she let herself unfold from where she was hooked on the bars and slid
down the wall into the tunnel, the soft sound of her bare feet gently padding across the
concrete as she joined her teammates.

“Let's go.”

Neito flexed his hand, mouth clamped loosely around several picks as his hands slowly but
deftly moved across the lock mechanism, the disentangled wires and electronic keypad pulled
away to expose the bare mechanical lock and its actuators.

“Wow, you’re good at that.” Kendo remarked.

Monoma snorted. “Of course I am.”

With a twist, he pulled the pin back more, another pick coming into play to help him keep it
jammed open as he fiddled with it.

“So, what’s the plan? Do we disappear into the night? Kill everyone here and vanish?

Neito rolled his eyes, his mouth and hands busy as he gave a non-committed grunt and hum.

“Damn girl, you’re brutal.” Toru giggled.

Tokage scratched the back of her head. “Just makes more sense to take them out as quickly as
possible… right?”

Izuku nodded slowly. Honestly I probably should’ve… but maybe Kacchan being on the other
team stopped me. Guess I won’t know...

‘You’ll find out soon.’ he mused.

Another pick was placed as the lock crept further open.

Across from the door, the deadpan metal caricature of the Class 1-A teacher, Aizawa, sat

Vlad King and Toshinori chuckled. “Looks just like him.”

“Maybe I can bitch at Blasty, yeah! Talk about how shit his plans are, how outplayed he is...”

Bakugo growled and clenched his fists at that while Tokage cackled into Deku’s hair.

Neito used the last pin and could finally speak, as he jimmied the lock one last time. “Maybe.
We’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

Setsuna grinned at that.

Neito returned the grin at her innocence… he really hoped she didn’t hold what would be
coming soon against him.

“I want to but… I really can’t.” Tokage sighed, burrowing her face into her boyfriend’s hair. “Your
plans are crazy, but they work out and that’s pretty impressive.”

Izuku flushed, thanking her for the praise.

He’s just playing by his leader's rules and gambits after all.

Kodai Yui was in deep shit. Ojiro was at her side, a long staff and a makeshift riot shield
from the van door serving him well, but the two heroes were far outnumbered. The villains
were careful not to let the heroes get a solid hit in, attacking in staggered waves of offense,
each one coming in before a response could be mounted or retaliation implemented. The only
reason why they hadn’t been overrun was the fact that the walls of this room were covered in
live electronics Juzou couldn’t melt through, and the only real opening was narrow and
Juzo huffed. Smart.

Izuku was scribbling into his notebook, making note of their actions and reactions. This would pay
off in the long run he supposed.

Yui blocked yet another wave of paint with the shields she expanded from around her arms,
wincing at the stinging impact.

“Fuck. We can’t hold this,” Rin Hiryu called out, sending another series of scales rushing out
the doorway from where he was crouched. Already, flecks of paint had splattered across his
face and outfit. He had responded by shifting into a more and more lizard-like appearance,
sprouting claws and through the rips and tears in his outfit, shifting green scales could be

“Huh, I didn’t know you could go all beasty like that.” Kendo noted.

Hiryu hummed with interest. “Don’t think I can sprout claws like that but I could probably sprout
scales like that. Haven’t really tried yet…”

The security office they were all holed up in opened out into the atrium on one side, and the
inner walls of the building on the other. Even with the two inner hallways sealed off, they
were still pinned down. The villains had been quick to destroy any security measure they
could find, including several turrets.

Toshinori stared at the screen, fixated. You don’t often see villains with this level of… coordination
and skill. An effective team. All for One… this recent Overhaul fella… and young Midoriya. He
seems to have taken a page out of All for One’s book by appealing to his teammates…

The door to the atrium, half-closed and guarded by her two companions, was already on its
way to being torn apart.

Yui cursed as she started typing in the lockout codes for the console. With luck, it would keep
the villains from getting anything they wanted off the system.
As the progress bar began to creep along the screen, Yui smashed the monitor and destroyed
the keyboard. The system was automatic from this point onwards, best not to let the villains
access it.

“Kinda weird seeing you look annoyed.” Kendo remarked.

Yui’s eyes narrowed very slightly. “I have feelings too.”

“R-right sorry…” Kendo apologized, sweating slightly. Scary...

With that, she looked up at the sizzling of acid on metal and a curse from Rin, another door
along the inner wall beginning to melt under the acid Quirk.

“Hehe… helloooo” Mina grinned.

“We’re done, we have to go.” Yui turned and charged the wall leading out to the alley behind
the office.

Ojiro and Rin rushed after her and the three burst through the wall into the rain. The shouts
of villains chased after them as they ran away. They darted down side-alley after side-alley,
trying to head for the location of the cistern where the rest of the heroes would be gathering.

Izuku stepped out onto the seventh floor, walking down the hallway towards the display in
the center.

There, a statue of a nondescript hero with a ragged cape and a UA sports uniform stood on a

There, emblazoned across the back of the cape.

The UA seal.
Izuku grinned.

Uraraka shivered. “That’s scary Deku.”

Sero nodded. “Way different from your usual grins.”

Izuku frowned. “It’s not that bad… right?”

“Well atleast he’s playing the part.” Kuroiro said quietly.

Neito released his hold on Kaibara's Gyrate Quirk, letting the twisted and crumpled skull of
the Aizawa-bot drop to the floor, with a half-chuckle of ‘Yorick.’ He kicked it back towards
the eviscerated body of the bot.

Toshinori shivered at that.

He had taken care to rip the internal workings apart, disabling the recordings of the villain
plans, removing the memory core and processor, and ripping the casing open. He had used
several quirks to do so, from the acidic touch of Ashido to decay the torso plating, to the
touch of Juzou to dig deeper.

“You really went all out for a little bot huh?” Pony deadpanned.

Monoma shrugged. “Better safe than sorry. Last thing we need is failing to complete an objective
just because I half assed it.”

With that done, he turned and walked back towards Setsuna, beckoning for her to follow as
he headed downstairs. It would be simple to rejoin the villain team and prepare for her…

Setsuna, unaware of the future, followed along without complaint.

“Sucks to be me right now.” Setsuna snickered. She made mental notes to take her boyfriend more
seriously. Despite his pure heart… he’s surprisingly deceptive if he wants to be...

Katsuki slammed his fist against a steel door and it blew open across the room, revealing the

And the pile of still-smoking ash and embers resting against the far wall, evidence the villains
were long gone.

“They’re gone. Fuck,” Katsuki sneered, looking across the cistern at the ash and smoke in the
air. Kirishima stood beside him.

“BOSS!” There was Tetsutetsu, Shishida and what looked like the gloves of Hagakure
coming down the tunnel behind them.

“Good. You made it. That's Hammer. Where's the rest?”

Over the next ten minutes of waiting, the other two rescue teams trickled in, with a notable
lack of either of the other scouts.

“Any sign of the other scouts?”

“Tsuyu got caught in a trap and left a note before she got picked up,” Todoroki reported,
posture tense as he stared at the cleared-out villain base.

“Shouda also got taken away. We found evidence he fell into a trap, but no idea how,” Iida

“Great,” Katsuki restrained his urge to swear and explode, in this tight space he couldn’t do
so without hurting his allies. “Does anyone have comm links still working wit–”

“You really need to work on that temper man.” Kirishima shook his head.
Bakugo gnashed his teeth. “I am dammit!”

With a crackle of static, his comms came to life. “Hello, heroes! This is your breaking news

“DEKU! YOU SON OF A BITCH!” came Katsuki’s growled response. It was so aggressive
that the rest of the heroes stepped back and tensed up, hearing the conversation.

“Pfft-” Uraraka covered her mouth before she could laugh at the exchange.

“Hiya, Paragon! Figured I should thank you for heading out into the sewers and letting us
borrow your place for our party!” That made Katsuki pause in his tracks. His eyes widened
as he spun and looked back the way they had come from, in the direction of the Hero Agency.

Bakugo stifled the urge to blow up Deku. He had to admit that he’d lost this round, fair and square.
Then again, villains don’t play fair.

“What the fuck did you do?” came the tense reply.

“Don’t worry, some of your pals made it out alive. I figure we should have a chat. Face to
face, you know? Head back to your base and let’s talk. I mean…”

The chuckle that followed echoed through his mind and set his senses on overdrive.

“You already know about the objectives!”

“So he knew it was only a matter of time since they found out.” Yanagi noted.

“Yeah I mean… our classmates are very smart so… it was only a matter of time till someone
noticed.” Izuku said sheepishly.
Mina and Kaminari pouted. “ We wouldn’t have…”

“DE–,” Katsuki choked on the words as crackling explosions burst around his hands, making
his team take another step back out of caution. Though some of them fared barely any better
at reigning in their tempers.

“You have twenty minutes. Talk to you then… Katsuki.”

“You’re letting yourself get caught up in this personal rivalry with Midoriya. He’s been playing
you.” Todoroki noticed, slightly impressed.

“I know that Icy Hot!”

The line went dead.

“...Let’s move. Todoroki, make us an exit,” He tapped over to the general hero comm, now
that the lines were clear. “Base squad, check-in.”

Kodai's voice instantly started coming over the line. “Great, you’re still alive! It went bad.
They crashed through the front door in a van and they swarmed us. All of them. Fukidashi
got cornered quickly and then I think he got taken out. No clue about the rest, though I think
Tsuburaba got taken out early. I never heard from the prison guards.”

Katsuki sighed as Todoroki used his Quirk to form a tunnel out of the cistern and into the
streets above them. “Enough, Kodai. Get whoever you have with you to us. We’re heading
back from the cistern now, taking 6th Street. I doubt the villains will still be around, the
bastards are far too fond of hit and run. Be fucking alert. Don't want you getting ambushed
before we meet up.”

Day 2: 12 hours, 1 minute (12:01 pm, local time)

“Huh, kinda scary to think this is barely the second day.” Kaminari shivered.
“You move fast Midoriya.” Mineta nodded in agreement.

Izuku loosened his stance, consciously making himself cheerful and relaxed, which wasn't
particularly hard. Part of him was... giddy, about this next part. Not out of any sadism or
vindictive emotion, but out of pride. After they had rigged up their next performance, leaving
behind for the heroes… a few gifts, they had taken their leave. The van being left as the
villains booked it through the city in the opposite direction of the cistern, circling around
until they could enter their Tower once more.

“‘Gifts’ huh?” Shishida deadpanned.

“Your blinding light hides that dark void inside you…” Tokoyami said, ducking his head.

Now, the beeping of his helmet let him know the heroes were once more in their offices.

Stepping up and in front of a red wall adorned with black curtains, he rested himself and
stared ahead at the camera that would transmit his message. To the side, just out of frame,
Mei was monitoring the feed, and Setsuna stood, now dressed in a simple black-and-white
checkered dress, with loose gothic black lace around her shoulders.

“Looks good on you.” Tsuyu noted.

Tokage flashed her a grin. “Thanks!”

The light on the camera clicked on, and he was live. Behind the camera, a Holoscreen came
to life. Bakugou and almost his entire remaining team were arranged opposite to his camera,
though Komori was missing and Yui and her crew were still looking... unsteady, after being
knocked about by the raid.

Midoriya winced. “Sor-”

“Don’t be.” Kodai cut him off. “Just part of the job.”
“Hiya, Paragon–”

“–it’s such a pleasure to see you again!”

Katsuki narrowed his eyes. The simple camera-and-projector setup was in the ruined atrium,
planted in front of a spray-painted matte white wall.

The image of Midoriya was clear and crisp. His form was wearing a green and black helmet,
leather jacket, and armored cargo pants. On his helmeted face was an animated form of his
jester mask, its expression responding as he talked.

“Might have that for a villain outfit.” Izuku muttered, sketching out what he was seeing.

“Midoriya… why on earth would you want such a villainous outfit?” Iida asked, baffled.

Izuku blinked in surprise at that. “Wouldn’t it be useful for undercover missions? Trying to fit in
with villains to obtain information and such. I mean… even A-All Might has one. We’ve seen it.”

Vlad King hummed in amusement while Toshinori nodded. “Young Midoriya does bring up a
good point. Quite a few times, pros will have to disguise themselves to obtain information on
villains and their activities. Midnight and Present Mic have quite a bit of experience with that.”

Iida nodded in understanding at that. “When you put it like that… it makes alot of sense.
Midoriya… you continue to prove you are superior…”

“Iida it’s fine really…” Izuku flushed, raising his hands in defense before his friend could go off on
a tirade.

“Cut the shit, Deku. What do you want? Bragging rights? Or are you done with your shit
and willing to surrender?” Bakugou sneered at the camera, hoping his contempt got across
the line.
“Surrender? Me? Ha, that's funny. I thought you of all people would know by now! I. Do.
Not. Give. Up.” The expression on the mask flickered into angry eyes and a flat line for a
mouth before the grin returned, “Besides… I’m not here to talk about us! I’m here to talk
about someone who is… just dying to talk to you, Kacchan!”

Tokage flicked his ear. “Really?”

“W-what?! It was good foreshadowing…” Izuku defended himself.

“You’re just rubbing salt in the wound.” Tokage stuck her tongue out at him.

Midoriya stepped backward slowly, and from off-screen, a figure that Bakugou recognized as
one of the Class B kids stepped forwards. One of his Class B kids. The one with the
regeneration and dismemberment Quirk.

“She was so kind as to betray you and your entire team, just for the opportunity to brag to
you about it,” Midoriya called from his stance against the wall behind Setsuna, who looked at
the camera with a vengeful glee.

“Let this be a lesson to you all. How you treat your fellow teammates matters so much in the long
run. You never know when a pro might turn to the other side. Harassing your team would only
cause it to collapse into chaos eventually.” Vlad King told them all, sighing as his years of
experience showed in his expression.

The students nodded slowly, taking his words to heart.

Katsuki blanked out as the green-haired girl started to talk, all but laughing as she began to
speak about what a poor leader he was. It took a moment for him to register what was going
on, but when he did–

Tokage pouted. “He isn’t even listening!”

“Got better things to do extra.” Bakugo immediately said.

“Like what, losing?” Tokage grinned sharply.

“How about we take this onto the field so I can show you who’s really losing?!” Bakugo yelled

“Eh I’ll pass. Wanna take this for me?” Tokage asked Izuku, who merely shook his head furiously.

“Wait,” he called out, breaking her from her rant.

“What, oh fearless ex-leader. You wanna apologize?” she joked, eyes cruel.

“Fuck. No. I just wanna know, how the fuck are you a villain? Switching sides is against the
goddamn rules!” he growled.

“Wait. What do you mean against the–” Tokage blinked and her expression twisted in
confusion and surprise. Katsuki suddenly realized that Tokage was half-hiding Izuku from
view, and the green laughing expression on his helmet flickered into one of vengeful sadism,
traced in deep red.


No one said nothing for a few seconds.

“Damn.” Toru broke the silence.

“Stone cold, moptop, stone cold.” Tokage sighed dramatically, shaking her head as she draped
herself on his back.

“S-Setsuna please.”

“I agree. You looked very intimidating there, ribbit.” Tsuyu shivered.

Toshinori nodded at that. Holy crap young Midoriya...

3 days before the exam

“–let Shinsou ask you a few questions. You'll blackout for a moment, but don't worry. I'll
explain later."

“Okay?” And that was that.

Tokage stared off into the distance, Hitoshi already rubbing his eyes as his Quirk activated.

“Holy shit.”

“Yeah. Holy shit,” Hitoshi echoed, looking at Tokage with a mix of pity and dumbfounded
surprise. Izuku, however, was already pacing and muttering. He looked up, eyeing the clock.
Second period, and the free time for him to plan with his team would end in another 40
minutes. He had planned to head over to the Support Classes and check in with Mei, but this
was far more important. Lunch was in two hours after that. Setsuna would wake in 10. He
had no time.

“How did you not read the rulebook?” Izuku asked in disbelief, even as he scribbled more notes on

Tokage sputtered some nonsense, embarrassed as she looked away.

“How does someone, particularly someone recommended to get in the top hero school in the
country, not read the fucking RULEBOOK?!” Hitoshi slammed his hands on the table,
before looking at Setsuna. “Drink your water. Slowly. Forget what we've said since the start
of the trance, and ignore anything we say for the next nine and a half minutes.”

“This’ll be fun to try out.” Shinso grinned, inwardly thanking Midoriya for this.
The rest of the students laughed at Shinso’s outburst on screen.

Tokage merely sighed, pouting and reprimanding herself for being so ignorant.

Izuku stopped and cupped his hands to his face, breathing long and deep into them. “This...
this is a goddamn goldmine. Information on enemy team composition, internal updates on
their tactics, the ability to gain insider access to computer systems! She is the ultimate ace. An
enemy who is on our side.”

“So essentially… if she had read the goddamn rulebook then we would’ve won for sure. Congrats
extra you doomed us all.” Bakugo grumbled.

“To be fair it’s also lucky that we had someone with a brainwashing quirk on our side, though
thanks for making it easier for us Kacchan.” Izuku said.

Bakugo merely glared at him, slightly lost for words.

“Damn, look at you Midori. Since when did you get so sassy.” Mina cooed.

“And the moment we reveal her, it's over. All it takes is someone letting her know about the
fucking rules and we lose that asset. More importantly, she becomes an asset against us,”
Hitoshi countered, eyes hard and flinty.

For a moment all was silent, before Izuku widened his eyes.

“Hey, Hitoshi… remember the discussion we had about commands versus suggestions?”

“...You mean the direct control versus subliminal command thing? I thought it was too hard
to test–” Hitoshi looked at Tokage, who was quietly sipping her water.

“Well,” Izuku gestured, “Guess we found your test subject. All we need is for her to keep
quiet about her betrayal, not read the rules, and keep us informed.”
“Easy enough.” Shinso grinned. “Just keep the ideas coming.”

“Hey!” Tokage complained.

Hitoshi just sat and looked at her, face neutral but eyes expressive as he considered the

“...I guess we should see what we can do.”

“Not now, we don't have time. We also need to work out the wordings for your commands.
We have less than two minutes left. We’ll have her come to us during lunch to see if we can
implant suggestions. For now… clean up, fix your hair and get back in your seats. We don’t
want her getting suspicious early… and Neito, do you know if you can copy her Quirk?”
Izuku rattled off and glanced at the power mimic.

The blond paused and considered, “I want to say yes, but I've never had a reason to test it.”

“Wait really?” Kaminari asked in surprise.

“Contrary to what you may think, brute, I do ask to test out someone’s quirk when it comes to my
classmates. As for you 1-A chumps… well you’re fair game.” Monoma cackled.

“Well, that's changed.” Izuku eyed the clock, shifting to stand behind Hitoshi slightly. “Wake
her up.”

Hitoshi gave the command and Setsuna blinked, coming out of the trance with a slight jolt.

“Well then.” Izuku grinned over the purple-haired boy's shoulder, smile wide and genuine
and filled with joy. “Welcome to the team, Extortion.”

Her smile made him feel guilty about his budding plans for her.
“You should be guilty.” Tokage pouted.

“I’ll make it up to you.” Izuku clapped his hands together, apologizing.

“Really… how?” Tokage grinned, getting closer.

“I uh… I’ll think of something.” Izuku sweatdropped.

Chapter End Notes

Random sidenote: lowkey been too nervous to ask authors to use their works if thats ok
because like... how do i even ask that? Think ive asked like one or two people but the
rest have commented first so yeah thx for letting me use your fics and im gonna go
like, drink soda right now or something
Universe 32
Chapter Summary

Man it's been months. Also this is Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid(Icarius51)
so go check it out if you havent already. Also just now realizing how confusing the
chapter titles must be considering theres like 6 chapters already on HCCW and half of
them have different numbers. I'll rectify this error... eventually. For now, simply
accept my apologies for the delayed chapter and hopefully enjoy it

Day 1: 17 hours, 42 minutes (5:42 pm, local time)

“What do you mean ‘technically,’ Aizawa? It's literally right there in the rulebook! ‘Team
composition is final, and intentional violation thereof is an automatic failure!’ I know for a
fact that you and Nedzu know those rules. You wrote most of them!” growled out Vlad King.
He furrowed his brow and leaned in slightly, pointing at the still bundled-up form of Aizawa.
“How did he get Setsuna on his side?”

Vlad King sighed. This kid's gonna be a pain in the ass no matter what…

Toshinori chuckled along with Hawks at the chaos Midoriya was causing.

Shinso took a moment to stretch before relaxing. Man, feels like I've been sitting here for months...

Aizawa merely smirked as Nedzu stepped in to mediate.

“Kan-san, please relax. The villain team ran their plan by us regarding this, and we have
given a tentative go-ahead. If at any time they break that plan, we will remove Tokage from
play. For now, we will simply watch.”

Vlad King growled softly before he collapsed into his recliner, grabbing and drinking deeply
from a bottle of water.
Monoma sighed. "Our beloved Vlad King. Whatever would we do without you."

"Devolve into anarchy." Pony muttered, causing Kinoko to snicker.

Power Loader nodded along and then spoke up as he tapped his tablet. “We may wish to
return to the feed. It seems as though the villain team is already doing something.”

They turned to see the screen showing four of the villains - Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Monoma, and
Aoyama - entering an elevator.

The four in question merely grinned, eager to see what the teachers reactions were.

The doors closed and Midnight pulled up several other screens of cameras placed throughout
the location, looking out at the nearly empty building. “Where are the civil-bots? Isn’t there
supposed to be a civilian presence in the museum?” she asked, tapping through feeds.

Power Loader frowned at his tablet, checking the recent commands before groaning. “That
little hacker. Hatsume sent the closing message early. Attached a fake cover letter too, talking
about scheduled renovations and maintenance. The Security-bots won’t leave, but she got all
the civilian bots out.”

"Hehehehe…" Mei giggled in her sleep. Izuku merely blinked at her. Is she even asleep or was that
just perfect timing?

"Smart play. All they have to deal with are the guards." Shoji noted.

As the elevator reached the top floor, the screens showed the villains going to work.

Aizawa watched with sharp eyes as Jirou and Aoyama took the lead. Jirou moved in fast and
close, ear jacks slamming into computer processors; and through chest plates, the blonde
next to her fired lasers in short bursts, mimicking the ear jack damage on the more distant
A few of the 1B students winced as they saw just how strong Jirou's jacks were.

Definitely don't want to get jabbed by those… was the common thought.

He had to admit, their coordination was impressive.

Jirou, Momo and Aoyama beamed at their teacher's praise.

All Might had been sitting quietly for a few hours now, mind drifting from the events on the
screen to his conversations and observations over the last few days. He had to admit, seeing
his successor… seeing Izuku, the young, bright hero-in-training, as a villain?

When it had been announced, he had almost laughed it off.

"Hey!" Midoriya pouted, turning around to look at his mentor with a frown.

Toshinori put up his hands defensively as he stifled a chuckle. "My boy, it's just ironic to me that's
all. I'm sure with your 'plus ultra' attitude you'd get it done."

Oh, he didn't doubt it would be a grand fight, that Izuku would put up a fine resistance and
maybe pull out a win…

But he hadn’t thought that Izuku could act like a villain–

–Instill fear like a villain.

Todoroki hummed in acknowledgement. These viewings have certainly given him a newfound
appreciation for his friend.

Guess I'm not the only one with problems, though it's comforting in a way.
He had seen bits of it, but before his successor had blown up a building just to make a
statement, it hadn’t felt quite real.

Now he could see it, and it was strange. The side of a coin that could have been… Had it
simply been luck that Izuku always landed on the good side, that he never had the right shove
to tip to the bad side of the coin?

"Honestly… yeah." Kendo admitted.

Izuku jerked his head as if saying 'yeah you're not wrong.'

Bakugo was once again reminded of just how much of an integral part he was to Deku's past.

All Might would never know. He wasn't quite sure what to say or comment, so for now he
stayed quiet, watching his successor’s plans click and grind away like a great machine of

...Maybe his master really would have liked this kid.

They all smiled at the sentiment.

Izuku's smile turned more warm as he felt One for All stir deep inside of him.

He pushed that thought to the side and directed his attention to the screens. The coffin was
on its side and the alarms were now blaring. A mistake. How would things be handled now?

If Nedzu had cackled at every twist and turn of sheer ingenuity and chaotic brilliance, he
likely would have lost his voice an hour ago.

Hawks snickered at that.

As it was, he stared with glee at the monitors. The hero team was skilled and individually
powerful, no doubt. There were plenty of things he saw done well, and he appreciated the
solid teamwork and skills even more. Oh, Bakugou was performing adequately for a strike
team leader, but not as a tactician. His gaze was clearly stuck on the next fight, the next
conflict. Not the gaps between. Not on the shadow war that Izuku was fighting behind his

'Heroes and Villains are both cut from the same cloth…'

Bakugo tsked in annoyance, but shelved away the advice.

"While Bakugo is deceptively smarter than he seems, when it concerns Izuku he's even more
irrational than usual." Yaoyorozu noted, putting a finger under her chin as she observed the screen.

Uraraka's eyes narrowed as she looked at Momo. First name basis already?

While most of the screens were muted to keep the noise down, Nedzu had acquired an
earpiece that was tuned to both the hero and the villain frequencies. It was… glorious to
listen to them as they responded to the conflict in the museum.

Izuku himself was in constant contact with the four man team, as well as with Hatsume Mei.
On his tablet, Nedzu paged through the console commands to select a drone camera. A few
taps later and it hovered far above the city. Its mechanical eye zoomed into the concealed
black-and-pink form of Miss Hatsume. She leveled a rifle from her perch at the heroes, just
as they rushed the building. Over the comms, Nedzu could hear her as she relayed what she
could see through the windows of the office building under the museum, and what she could
tell of the people already in it.

"Damn. With her quirk she could relay our positions easily and we'd never find her." Kirishima
smacked his knee in annoyance.

Shiozaki nodded in agreement. "Zoom is quite a useful quirk for safe reconnaissance. Certainly
beneficial in this scenario."

If she wanted to, she could take shots at the hero team. Could easily take a few down before they
get their things together… Izuku noted, jotting down that idea… just in case.
Midoriya and his team were already in the building while the ‘acquisitions team,’ as it was
called, had already begun to fortify and secure their location. Nedzu munched on a small
pawful of cashews as he shifted his perspective. He pulled a slightly more cinematic view of
where he expected the conflicts to occur over to the wall of monitors. At the top of the tower,
on the 13th floor, the villains had barricaded themselves in and readied for war, leaving some
interesting traps behind.

From the ground floor up, a number of heroes had breached the building, spreading through
the complex in a quick and efficient search pattern.

In the sewers, the Kingpin and his hands stepped into the basement and began to take control
of the building in their own way.

"Man, all this stuff happening at once makes my head hurt." Kaminari admitted as he tried to keep
tabs on everything that was happening.

"You just need better memory sparkplug" Bakugo grinned.

Nedzu had been offered a chance to read through the ‘Stage Directions,’ as Midoriya had
called it, but had refused. Aizawa had read it, and would have reported anything too… risky,
so to speak. Though, judging from what Midoriya had let loose upon the hero teams, he
strongly suspected that there was a bit of resentment left from Aizawa losing as the villain
leader in his second year.

Vlad King guffawed, intent on teasing Shota about this after today's viewing.

Monoma muttered something about favoritism before turning back to the screen.

Regardless, Nedzu watched with interest when the elevator dropped off the leader of the
villains and his companions, only a floor above the lower group of heroes, the three rapidly
setting up a scene.

(Later on, Nedzu would happily admit he almost choked when the two durability Quirk
students went running out the windows.)
"Oh?" Izuku and Shinso perked their heads.

Day 1: 19 hours, 12 minutes (7:12 pm, local time)

“-Go dive out the windows.”

Aizawa almost facepalmed and made a mental note to work on tactical thinking and
engaging the enemy with Kirishima. He should see about dragging Tetsutetsu into it.

Shinso chuckled at the display as the hardheads of 1A and B were subdued, while the two in
question were torn between being ashamed and praising Shinso's manliness.

"I quite agree. I trust you won't let yourself fall for such a trick again Tetsutetsu?" Vlad King
scorned his student.

"I swear I won't! Don't expect me to go down so easy Shinso!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

"Yeah! Don't count me out either!" Kirishima said.

Shinso merely gave them a grin not unlike Aizawa's. "We'll see."

Yes, Shinsou was an unexpected variable.

Yes, Shinsou’s Quirk was devious and cunning and hard to counter…

But for the love of all that is holy, why did they let him monologue?

Shinso's grin widened, bathing in Aizawa's anguish. Oh he was so mentioning this to him once
they were done.
The fight between Bondo and Shouji was over quickly, the bucket on his head an inspired
and simple solution to the Cemedine Quirk, with the added bonus of making the giant
combatant blind.

Bondo looked down in defeat, a bit disappointed he'd been taken down just like that. It was a
glaring issue he'd have to find some way around.

Shouji’s swift and efficient takedown was also executed fairly well, though he did make a
note to help the six-armed teen learn some better grapple techniques. With the sheer range of
grip he possessed, it was being criminally underutilized. Izuku then proceeded to finish off
the large student.

"Noted." Shoji ducked his head in gratitude towards Midoriya. It certainly seems like something
that would work to his advantage.

"A simple yet effective solution." Iida said in appraisal.

“Confirm kill?”

“Confirm. Grab him and maybe one more. You know the drill, Ecto,” Nedzu confirmed over
the teacher radio. Ectoplasm looked up and nodded before going back to his book in the far
corner, his clones moving in to quickly grab and pull out the downed student.

However, as they got in the elevator, Aizawa was grinning.

"That's never good" Mina sighed, already expecting even more chaos.

Midnight was a fairly simple woman, in her own not-so-modest opinion. She knew what she
liked, was good at what she did, and knew how to have fun. She had long since learned plenty
of techniques and ways to change her appearance for the better, to separate the appearance
of ‘18+ Only Hero: Midnight’ and ‘Kayama Nemuri.’
Toshinori grunted at that, deciding to bring it up with the students. "Though it may seem
meaningless, learning how to separate your hero work from your personal life can go a long way.
The number of times I've almost deflated with a dozen reporters tailing behind me…"

A few students shivered at that, and made a note of the teacher's advice. I value my privacy thank
you very much... a few of them thought.

As such, she was intimately familiar with the skill that Midoriya and Shinsou had just pulled

Costume changes.

It was sloppy from her perspective, slightly rushed and over-compensated by body language.
Their little face swap would fail the moment– wait.

Shit. That's actually really smart.

"Oh?" the two students in question wondered what was up.

Pony cupped her cheeks, contemplating something. Costume changes… hmm would he- no he
doesn't seem the type, but maybe…

She watched and listened as Shinsou, the brainwasher, got Bakugou to respond and
immediately got him out of the fight. Her evaluation of the conflict (firmly in the heroes’
favor) suddenly shifted. In one move, the leader of the heroes had been removed from play.
The numbers had swapped from all but even, into almost two to one odds.

Shinso nearly cackled as Bakugo fell for the same trick as the two manly students, while Bakugo in
question gnashed his teeth angrily as he berated himself for falling for such a stupid trick.

Midoriya was looking at Shinso with awe, and Shinso was once again reminded of Midoriya's
words, strengthening his own self confidence.
If I could change the shift of the battle just like that, what else could I do…

Shishida looked away as Shinso's face became more thoughtful. Though you may not be a student
of the hero course yet, Shinso, I can already tell you'll be one of the more dangerous ones.

“Solid plan,” Kan grumbled, eyes stuck to the screen, “But that only works once.”

“That acquisition team’s marksmanship is shoddy. However, the shotgun blast from Shouji
was well executed. Far enough for spread, close enough for impact,” Snipe commented,
leaning back in his couch. “Ecto, you need to grab Kaminari as well, it seems. The young fool
would be dead from a shot like that.”

Kaminari groaned, slumping in his seat. "Good game Shoji."

Shoji simply hummed in amusement. It felt nice to be appreciated.

Ectoplasm nodded and two more clones outside the city headed in to recover the ‘bodies.’

The rest of the room quieted, leaning forward in anticipation as a race to the basement

The elevator pinged, the villains filling out. The last one out was Midoriya, who glanced up at
the camera in the elevator and smiled, winking.

"Careful Midori. With confidence like that I might just fall for you." Mina teased.

Izuku coughed into his hand, forcing the blood from rushing to his cheeks with a bit more ease
than he'd thought.

"Then the feeling would be mutual." he teased back just as smoothly.

Mina and a few others stiffened as Midoriya's words registered. Then she began sputtering as Toru
and Setsuna guffawed.

"Look at you, ya little charmer." Setsuna grinned as she ruffled Izuku's hair, who had his hands
clamped around his mouth as he hadn't meant to say that.

"Hope prince charming knows what he's doing." Hawks muttered.

"I could probably give him a few pointers…" Toshinori mused. Maybe just give him a couple
hundred thousand yen? Treat them with a nice meal perhaps? Not like I need the money…

Vlad King raised an eyebrow at that. "If your pointers are as good as your lessons, I fear for the

Hawks simply sighed with amusement as Toshinori sputtered. Seemed like the kids were back to

Day 1: 19 hours, 22 minutes (7:22 pm, local time)

All Might spoke up as the fight in the basement between the Kingpin and the Paragon began.

“Young Midoriya is holding back. I believe that is only half of his current potential limit.
Perhaps he’s saving strength?”

"Holding back is what he's doing" Bakugo growled, annoyed by the urge to blow shit up.

“Yeah, but look at this setup. In less than ten seconds, he slanted that fight,” Power Loader
commented before drinking from his water bottle, eyes on the ongoing battle. “If he wanted
to take out Bakugou, he could. Right here and now.”

"Damn nerd and his stupid plans." Bakugo said, reluctantly acknowledging that he wasn't winning
this one so far.
"Remind me to take Midoriya more seriously if we ever go up against him." Kendo muttered to

"You mean you weren't already?" Honenuki asked in slight surprise.

"I mean, I know he's a force to be reckoned with, it's just that I… sometimes forget considering…"
Kendo lamely explained.

Shiozaki raised an eyebrow as Kendo murmured something quickly.

"Come again Kendo? Forgive me, I don't think either of us caught that last bit."

Kendo squeaked, looking back at the screen with fixed determination. "Considering his… normal
adorably innocent attitude."

Shiozaki's cheeks reddened slightly as she too swerved to look at the screen. "Quite. His near
angelic shine can be quite deceptive."

Honenuki merely looked at both of them, unimpressed. "Right… well, I won't be making the same
mistake, niceness notwithstanding."

“Up the volume, Mic. We should hear this,” Aizawa murmured.

“Sure thing, Shouta!”

“–I’ve always believed. I know that you are obsessed with being ‘Number One.’ I know you
think that heroism is a competition, that being the best means something. Being Number
One? It never mattered in the same way to me. I appreciate the title, the meaning behind the
words. There are heroes and there are villains. That's the fight you should worry about.
Number One? It's a joke. A public opinion piece ran by gossip magazines that worry more
about sales than merit. I’d rather be a ‘Symbol of Peace.’”

The students and teachers stilled at that.

"He's… not wrong." Toshinori admitted in surprise. Being the symbol of peace had always been
more important than being number one to him. It's just that since he had already been both, he'd
sort of lumped the two together.

"Is that true?" Todoroki asked, and Izuku nodded.

"Kacchan and I have always strived to be like All Might, but… we've both always chased after
aspects of him."

Bakugo looked towards Deku, his expression confused and angry, but calm enough to show he was
willing to listen.

"I don't get it. What's the difference you two are aiming for?" Tsuburaba asked.

Izuku sighed, realizing he wasn't worming out of this one. "Kacchan's always been obsessed with
being the strongest. Fighting the strongest villains and coming out on top. The title of number one
would basically have been the equivalent of a gold medal to him."

Bakugo's eyes widened in realization.

"To me… being a symbol of peace for the people is what's more important to me." Izuku said, his
voice taking on that heroic tone as his eyes had that determined shine to them, something that a
few of them noticed.

"Being an icon for people to look up to is what I value more. A rallying point to show everyone,
whether they have weak quirks or no quirks, that everything's going to be ok… because I'll be
there." Izuku finished, looking at them all one by one as they all looked at him in awe.

Uraraka was the first to break the silence with a giggle. "That's just so like you Deku." she said
almost lovingly.

"Such shining light must be kept away from the corruption of evil." Tokoyami and Shiozaki said in
unison, blinking at each other in surprise.
Todoroki hummed, deep in thought as he mulled over Izuku's words. Iida was nearly moved to
tears by the whole thing while the other students muttered in awe or took his words to heart.

Toshinori merely rubbed his nose with pride. Master, I couldn't have chosen a better successor
even if I tried...

For a moment the room was silent, the Pro Heroes struck by the sheer presence that
Midoriya seemed to invoke through his words. The level of violence on-screen contrasted
even more with how he normally acted.

“Problem child has a point,” Aizawa stood from his position, sleeping bag falling to the
ground behind him as he walked up to the wall of screens. “We’ve all seen how this works.
And I think this means we have a responsibility here.”

Hawks raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Aizawa turned and All Might nodded, his arms crossed in front of his thin form as he bowed
his head. “Young Bakugou needs to realize that the world is not a conflict that can be won
through violence. Fighting is a skill to have, yes, but his mindset is flawed.”

"There's more to being a hero than just being the best." Bakugo muttered to himself as he looked
down towards his hands. Kirishima, having heard him, turned to look at his friend with a toothy,
proud grin.

Aizawa grimaced, but agreed, looking back just in time to see Bakugou get tossed into the
second wave of heroes.

“Hold up, look at this,” Vlad King said, pointing.

Monoma and Shinsou moved across another screen. Monoma brought a hand to his mouth
and swallowed as Shinsou slapped his back, and the blond rushed out of the doorway.
Monoma sprinted down the hallway and slid to a stop, his hand grabbing the side of Izuku’s
collar as he turned.
Huh? Midoriya thought in surprise.

“Excuse me, Boss! Sorry about this, but your taxi is waiting and you are far too important to
lose here,” And as Izuku tried to protest, he went flying. Shinsou only barely braced himself
to catch his leader before he kicked the door shut behind them.

"Nice save." Shinso muttered.

"Nice catch" Monoma replied.

“Well. I still have an arm, so let's see if I can copy my boss, yeah? Two for two?”

Monoma then proceeded to throw a punch. The feeds across a dozen screens went dark,
vanishing in the aftermath. Power Loader started scrambling and the rest of the teachers
exclaimed questions about what happened. Aizawa grinned wide, face hidden by his position,
right in front of the screens.

Monoma simply sighed, a bit disappointed he couldn't just copy Midoriya's quirk and throw a
punch. He really wanted to feel that power for himself, and maybe, just maybe… beat 1A's
powerhouse with it.

“Ha. It's a logical ruse,” he whispered softly, eyes lighting up as the pieces clicked. He barely
held back a laugh. He had heard about the ‘Larceny’ gambit, but knowing exactly how well
the heroes had been set up…

Finally, a new camera feed, clearly taken from a window across the street and zoomed in,
showed Monoma, arms broken and bruised, laughing up at the heroes that surrounded him.

Shinso shook his head, wanting to know what his teacher saw but accepting he'd have to wait and

“My god. He sacrificed himself for a member of Class A. What the hell?” Aizawa started
chuckling, unable to stop himself at Vlad King’s incredulous comment.
A few of the 1B students couldn't help but chuckle at absurdity of the situation.

‘If only Kan knew exactly what was going on…’

Day 1: 23 hours, 44 minutes (11:44 pm, local time)

Honestly, after that climactic showdown in the basement and its ‘explosive’ finale, the
waiting was hell.

Almost four hours of nothing. The heroes had gone out on patrol and the cameras in the
villain base showed them simply performing maintenance, eating dinner and setting up some
minor traps.

Yamada Hizashi yawned loudly before glancing around. Shouta was dozing in his corner,
once more wrapped up tight in his sleeping bag. Kan sat with his eyes closed, seemingly
dozing in his recliner. All Might was leaning against the wall, and Hizashi would have
thought he was napping if not for the occasional cough and shift.

Midnight had resorted to fiddling with her phone, the faint repetitive music of some button
tapping game drifting from where she lay half-sprawled across a couch. Snipe had moved
from his seat next to her to sitting at a table and cleaning his revolvers since almost an hour
ago. Nedzu sat the same as ever, grinning, waiting, watching, teacup in hand.

It's like Mt Lady all over again… Mineta shivered in fear as he looked at Midnight.

Power Loader was actually being productive for the past few hours, tablet filled with the
designs and modifications Hatsume had made. He looked over and reviewed the blueprints
and work notes of what she had done. With Hatsume Mei actually being included in the
exercise, he had marked it all as extra credit and was planning to let her use it as part of her
required lab hours. Not that she needed them.

Power Loader sneezed, nearly severing his own fingers as the blowtorch he was holding jerked
with the sudden movement.
"Who the hell's talking about me?"

Aside from that, Power Loader also had another dozen-or-so Support students to review and
watch over. He rarely had as much free time as the Hero class teachers, but also didn't take
as many patrols or combat missions during the evenings and weekends.

Hizashi was so bored.

A beep drew his and Power Loader’s attention to the screen. There, holding up an index card
and tapping on the camera, was Midoriya.

The card read, ‘Night Phase Starts Now.’

"Oh no…" Rin slumped in his seat.

“SHIT! PEOPLE, THINGS ARE HAPPENI–” Mic started, waking up the rest of the room
as his voice rose, before the familiar cut-off of Eraserhead’s Quirk took hold.

“We got it, Hizashi. Calm down.”

Vlad King grumbled, all too used to being suddenly awoken by Hizashi's outbursts.

Mic raised his hands in surrender and felt his voice come back. Now calm, he pointed at the
screen where Izuku had flipped the card around.

‘Heading to bed. Enjoy the show!’

With that, the green-haired teen waved and meandered through a door off-screen.
“Power Loader, give me a headcount,” Nedzu directed, his small seat and counter rising up
to a normal person's head level, as he glanced across the bank of screens.

“Three teams of three heroes each on patrol, another two on guard duty. The rest are either
running comms or in the infirmary. Villains… are far more scattered. I count four teams of
two in the sewers, another two on comms. The rest are sleeping and healing.” Power Loader
counted off.

“...You said that two are on comms, but where is Shinsou going?” Nedzu’s sharp ears caught
the discrepancy.

“Hold on… tracking the signal–” A screen near the center of the array flickered through
several cameras until it showed Shinsou, looking up a sewer grate in the half-illuminated
footage, with a duffle bag in hand.

"Ooo got your own special little mission huh?" Toru asked, and Izuku couldn't help but feel a bit
off at the question.

“What the hell. Where is he?” Vlad King muttered, his own tablet coming up.

“He’s near the bank ruins, less than half a block from the collapse.”

"What? why?" Sero asked.

“What is he–”

On the screen, Shinsou found a ladder and began to climb. Power Loader tracked him as the
other screens followed the signals of the earpieces and watched the other four teams of two
move into position.

Shinsou came on screen again at a small garage door in a back alley, with an open manhole
right behind him. Leaning in, he fiddled with the lock and then lifted the door, revealing a
garage filled with workbenches. On them was a pair of very large suitcases, each marked
with the villains’ ‘V’ insignia.
"What? Where'd those come from?" Kaminari asked in surprise.

“Shit. What are those? Where did those come from?” Hizashi wondered aloud, looking at the
room for answers.

"That's what I- nevermind."

Power Loader was already on it, running the footage back on his tablet.

“They dropped them off before the bank thing. It’s one of the cameras we didn’t let the
heroes use. The truck moved through the alley and stopped for a minute. All of them were
taking back alleys around that time so I don’t think we noticed.”

"Yet again we are outplayed." Iida sighed in disappointment.

Shinsou grabbed the suitcases and carried them out, lowering them into the sewers before
closing the garage door. He dropped in after them, leaving the manhole cover half-open.

“Wait, the rest of the teams are moving.”

Across the screens, a map appeared in the upper left with the positions of the remaining 10
objectives and the currently active students marked.

“Four objectives at once. Ambitious much?”

"Yikes moptop, you're being pretty greedy." Tokage said, a bit uneasy.

Izuku shook his head. "It's partly that, but I also trust my classmates to get it done."

Shinso and a few others smiled at that.

“In all actuality Kayama, it’s quite ingenious. Divide and conquer, you could say. By
attacking so many locations simultaneously they can disrupt the heroes’ patterns and allow
themselves time to sow confusion in their ranks–”

“No… only two of the teams are getting attention! Look, the jewelry store and the radio

Hizashi paused in his sentence as he felt his jaw drop, the screen finally showing the objective
of young Awase and Kaibara.

A fake Present Mic.

A very shitty fake Present Mic.

“What the SHIT?!”

Awase and Kaibara stifled their snorts at the teacher's reaction, eager to see what happened.

Day 2: 0 hours, 2 minutes (12:02 am, local time)

Kan Sekijirou, also known as Vlad King, facepalmed as he looked up at a camera feed
overlooking the park.

Ashido Mina and Yanagi Reiko had been stealthy. The feeds from inside the building showed
the twisted, nearly Salvador Dali-esque effect of Honenuki Juzou’s Quirk on an environment.
The gravity girl, Uraraka Ochako, from 1-A, had demonstrated some solid combat skills. But
it was what he had mentally begun referring to the Devil Duo that was giving him ulcers.

Kaibara and Awase perked up at that as the other 1B students bristled.

"What did you two do this time." Kendo said, exasperated.

"Let's find out." Awase said with a smile.

Firebombs. Guns. Ruthless opportunistic murder of every hero they seemed to run across,
reckless and insane driving stunts… God, they were gonna be the death of him. Oh, part of
him was proud. The two boys had demonstrated tremendous skill and capability in urban
warfare. They had possibly the highest combined kill count amongst the villains, something
he’d never would have guessed from their joking behavior in class. But by god, the sheer
variety of nerve-wracking crazed stunts was going to drive him to drink.

Vlad King's jaw hung open at the chaos he was witnessing. Quite a few students were surprised.

"I'm glad we made you proud, teach." Kaibara grinned.

"We'll work harder next time!" Awase joked as he fist bumped his friend.

Bakugo gave a small 'heh', admiring their destructive chaos. He wouldn't mind getting in on that

"Such vile atrocities you two are committing." Shiozaki shivered as she watched the park burn.

Beyond that, Shiozaki really needed to stop overextending herself.

Shiozaki winced at that. "Noted sir." she sighed.

Izuku was quick to note down that weakness.

Sekijirou had winced when Kaibara once more took the fight up close and held Satou
hostage, distracting the heroes from his partner. Now, Shiozaki’s attention was diverted by
the burning of her vines (which Kan knew she could feel. She had described it as “resembling
a particularly bad itch.”) and turned away from the villain.
So she CAN feel it then … Izuku thought with awe as he wrote down all he could. Already he was
adjusting his mental bio on her, along with the other students.

Sato merely sighed at being too slow.

Fuck it, that's it. They are going to be running situational awareness courses for weeks.

"Before you ask, yes you're going to be having those courses after the festival." Vlad King said to
his class, fixing them with a glare.

Day 2: 0 hours, 21 minutes (12:21 am, local time)

Kayama Nemuri, aka Midnight, leaned back and stared as the glacier formed across the
street below Todoroki, prompting a standoff between the fire/ice user and the four villains
who eyed him from the truck they had stolen.

“Pride’s about to bite him in the ass,” Mic called out from where he now lay upside down
against the cushion, his hair loose and undone as he watched the screens.

“Agreed,” Nemuri responded, sipping a cup of coffee, her second one so far.

Shoto looked down in defeat, his face comically shadowed.

Two seconds later the entire glacier broke and shattered, Tokoyami blasting a way through
and allowing the villains to drive through the chaos and make their escape.

On another set of screens, the camera feeds died out. The few cameras left showed half a
building slowly sagging and collapsing into its neighbor. Vlad King looked on with mild
horror, and Ectoplasm chuckled, “Looks like your kids are finding some new tricks.”

“Christ. When did they come up with this shit?” Vlad King groaned even more as other feeds
popped up, showing the two reunited villains teams heading for the sewers.
Toshinori snickered as Vlad King was feeling the mental pains of his counterpart. Hawks shifted
his wings to hide his smiling face.

Good to see Tokoyami working with his strengths. That quirk of his sure is powerful at night.

Nemuri looked back at the other confrontation as several screens flicker and distort from a
flash of bright light, before showing a dazed and nearly blind Todoroki crouched behind a
half-dome of ice.

If there was anything positive she can say about Endeavor’s teachings, it was that Todoroki
Shouto knows how to react under pressure.

"That's about all I'm willing to admit." Toshinori huffed.

On the screens, the truck took a sharp turn and began to circle the outside of the map, before
driving down into one of several underground parking lots throughout the city, just like they
did with the gun-truck.

Looking over the results of the first day of the exercise, Nemuri couldn’t help but be
disappointed with the hero team's performance. Six casualties, nine stolen objectives, all in
less than twenty-four hours. It wasn’t just that they were being outmaneuvered, it was that
there was no team cohesion, no camaraderie. When they weren't fighting or doing stuff, the
team fragmented, each member talking to maybe one other, or with their friends.

Bakugo scoffed. "Alright alright I get it. Shit's annoying to be reminded of."

"You do realize they can't hear you right…" Kaminari asked.

Bakugo sighed. "Shut it."

She mentally compared it to the scenes from the villains. Them eating and chatting together,
talking together, working in smooth tandem in teams of two. It was simple and rather
ingenious. Instead of trying to make every villain trust every other villain, Midoriya had
sidestepped that issue by limiting the size of the teams and who had to be relied upon and

"It really is quite a stark contrast."

"You can lead me any day." Kinoko sighed.

Izuku sputtered at the unexpected comment, making the mushroom girl giggle.

According to the reports from Nedzu, the heroes had spent most of the last week focusing on
sparring and some basic tactics, but nothing about trust or teamwork.

The villains had spent hours together, and from Nedzu’s spyware in the UA servers, had
been using a chat room to stay in near-constant contact for almost five days.

A few students made notes of the way the leaders acted. It would be useful if and when they got
their own hero agencies.

Her musings on teamwork were broken as she looked up to see Ectoplasm and Snipe

On one of the screens, the General Education student, Shinsou Hitoshi, held up a piece of
paper to a camera.

‘Intermission. Back at 7 AM for next event. Sleep well!’

Well. That was polite, she supposed. Several seconds later he vanished, presumably to take
his own advice.

Shinso hummed as he regarded Mei. "Sleep would be nice."

"Shouldn't she be watching this too?" Iida frowned as he regarded Hatsume.

"I'm sure she'll watch this and more in her free time." Izuku sighed, knowing her well.

“So we’ll sleep in shifts for the night?” Mic asked, looking at the room.

At the nods of agreement, they began to hash out a rough sleep schedule.

Kaminari blinked awake and groaned. His entire left side felt like it was burning, and he
could feel the painful ache that he knew belonged to a deep tissue bruise.

Kaminari winced, sending condolences to his alternate self.

He remembered what happened. Getting shot and hearing Ectoplasm tell him he was out of
the game had been disheartening. Even more so when he arrived at the teachers’ watching
facility to find the mopey-looking Big Glue Guy (Bonda? Blondie? Something like that) along
with Mineta, who was sitting against the wall, passed out and encased in concrete up to his
knees. He could only guess that Mineta had tried to say or do something to the Glue Guy and
gotten knocked out for his troubles.

"Bondo." Bondo grumbled, eliciting an apology from Kaminari.

"What'd you even say. Bondo's not someone who gets angry easily." Rin asked with a mixture of
pity and disgust.

"Heck if I know, but I definitely regret it." Mineta winced.

"Damn straight."

He had taken a nap just over an hour after. While they could follow the camera feeds, they
were on a 30-minute delay, presumably so they could review what had happened to
themselves. He had waited so he could rewatch the museum fights, and had been alternately
amused, horrified, and in awe of what went down.
Did they ever really stand a chance?

"No. No we did not." He answered his own question, taking amusement in his reactions.

Even now, hours later, he felt... discouraged.

He wandered out from the room of bunk beds, seeing Mineta passed out on the far side of the
barracks, and that Big Glue Guy sitting on a couch with a phone in hand.

He wandered to a television nearby and turned it on. It was like, midnight now, so he wasn’t

Holy shit.

For almost an hour, Kaminari froze, unable to take his eyes off the screen. He pulled up the
tablet controlling the playback and filtered through video feeds and fights.

"Enjoying the show?" Shinso quipped.

"Stay tuned, there's more where that came from." Mina giggled.

The park was set on fire, three members of the heroes were dead, another building got half-
destroyed, and Todoroki got outplayed.

That was only what he could see.

"Jesus we really were fucked." Sero slumped in defeat. Watching Kaminari watch this from the
safety of the barracks really put it into perspective how heavily outplayed they'd been.

"No kidding." Sato said, equally as exhausted.

As a hero, he still couldn't see what the villains were doing before the hero team interacted
with them. He also couldn’t see out of range of the ‘public’ camera feeds. And from what
interactions he could see? The villain team was outright terrifying. Gunshots that left red
splatters covered several streets and heroes, a park had gone down in flames to weaken a
Quirk, Todoroki and his expression of pure dumbfounded surprise when his glacier was
outright obliterated by Dark Shadow…

It was… surreal.

"It really is." Pony smiled.

"It really is." Kaminari agreed.

"It really is."

As the final set of feeds played out, he realized that he was no longer alone. The 1-B kid with
the Mantis Quirk, Kamakiri, was leaning against the wall next to the door, but before
Kaminari could say anything, he turned and left.

"Is someone antsy about being played?" Kaibara snickered, prodding Kamakiri despite knowing
the answer.

"Shut the hell up! There won't ever be a repeat of this." Kamakiri barked back, then he turned to
stare at Midoriya.

"Just so you know, if we ever fight some time in the future, I'm gunning straight for you."
Kamakiri said with a feral grin.

Izuku gulped, but met Kamakiri's eyes with his own determined stare.

Sitting there, Kaminari wondered exactly when everything went to shit.

(He had a feeling it was the split second when Midoriya had been chosen as the Kingpin.)

"Oh definitely." Pony said.

"Definitely." Kaminari repeated.


"Cut it out!"
Universe 33
Chapter Summary

Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51) also wow i really need to learn
how to like link fics properly. On a sidenote this will sadly be the last reaction i do of
HCCW on THIS work. I did discuss the possibility of me doing another work thats a
side branch of ME where they react to the whole fic but I'd have to ask Rogue again to
see if theyre still cool with it. Anyways enough of my ramblings, enjoy!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Day 2: 6 hours, 7 minutes (6:07 am, local time)

Aizawa stifled a groan as he stretched, sleeping bag half wrapped around him even as he
stood and fiddled with the coffee machine. Around the room, the other teachers were dozing
and resting, and on the screens only a few students were awake. There were the night guards
for the hero base, and Bakugou walking around, preparing for the day.

"Oh even more watching our teachers watch us." Jirou said.

"When you put it that way…" Kouji muttered quietly.

On the villain side of things, most of them were resting, the cameras linked to their rooms
shut off for privacy, while in the more open areas of their base only a few were present.
Shinsou sat in the general kitchen area, going through his morning ritual and fiddling with
his own coffee, while Midoriya was wandering around his ‘trophy room,’ adjusting plans and
scrawling information on the walls to sort and organize thoughts.

His fairly self-absorbed rambling and muttering habit was… weird, but harmless. But it was,
in all honesty, frightening to see it change into this sprawling madman-style expansion and
scrawl of ideas. It took what Aizawa and many others had thought to be a mild habit and
mutated it to some form of ‘Prophet of the Damned’ mad aesthetic.

That… reminds me a bit more of Shigaraki than I'd like… Izuku winced.
"Leave it to Deku to turn a cute muttering habit into something scary." Uraraka chuckled.

"You find it cute?" Izuku asked in disbelief.

Uraraka sputtered. "Shi- did I say that out loud?"

Nedzu had already mentioned shifting and refining it to a far more self-contained format to
make it more organized. Which implied that Nedzu wanted to tutor Midoriya. Which was…
a frightening and yet all too interesting concept. Seeing Midoriya’s massive potential being
refined at the paws of the Principal would be interesting, especially when contrasted with All
Might’s seemingly reckless and naïve influence. Already Midoriya had heart, charisma,
strength and intelligence, but it needed tempering.

This exercise was the first big step in that direction.

"Well that isn't fuc- ominous." Izuku quickly corrected himself. Then he paused. Why'd I get a
weird sense of deja vu?

Wait… is that why Hawks said Nezu wanted to see me??

Momo hummed as she regarded Izuku. Brain AND brawns… how terrifying. However since it's
Midoriya, I couldn't feel safer…

Toshinori reluctantly admitted Nezu was right. As terrifying as it would be to see Nezu teach his
successor, it would help miles in the long run.

All Might kept close attention to the two teams going forth from the hero bases, cameras
following their progress through the sewers. He was surprised that young Midoriya was
staying back at this point. His own Civil War experiences had all been either finished in a
single day or in the mists of heavy, prolonged conflict. Either sieges or open warfare in the
streets. Seeing such a… slow war, was surprising. Oh, there was action, but it wasn’t the
hectic battle of panic and rage that usually appeared during such events.
"The heroes have more resources, more powerful members, and there's more of them." Shishida

"With odds like that, the villain's strategy is best executed in shadow." Kuroiro said. Considering
he was pretty good at scheming, he could appreciate Midoriya's slow paced war.

No... this reminded him of some of the more dangerous villains in the world, particularly the
ones he went up against when he was first starting out, before he had decided to permanently
focus his efforts in Japan. Courtesan and their underground network in San Diego, or
Heretic’s ‘counter church culture’ in Utah, Katana and his cult of madmen in Inaba… All
For One and his organizations.

"Overhaul…" Midoriya recalled.

"Shigaraki." Toru said.

"Good thing we won't have to worry about Overhaul anymore." Monoma said smugly.

Toshinori frowned. We already know how dangerous you would be if you turned evil my boy...

Bakugo folded his arms, staring at the screen with focus. If you'd told him before UA that Deku
would be a villain, he'd have called you insane.

Now though, now that he wasn't as blinded by hate and arrogance, he could see it.

The nerd would never be a villain, not in this world, but he noticed the cracks in Deku's shining
armor. In the way he acted and smiled in the universe they were watching.

They reminded him of All for One.

Granted, it was nowhere close to that villain's level, but he could see the smallest embers already in
Midoriya, and in another life… that would've been enough to set him on a different path.
Bakugo scowled. I fucking helped with that didn't I? In every damn world…

All of them had been nightmares to face. From Katana’s extremely skilled ‘7 Ronin,’ each
matching multiple heroes simultaneously in open combat, to the hell that was Heretic’s ‘11th
Plague’ that turned several cities into apocalyptic wastelands of brainwashed maniacs.

Shinso tensed at the brainwashing mention. "How come… how come we haven't heard mention of
some of these?"

Toshinori sighed. "The ones not executed on a large scale were easier to cover up. Even my fight
with All for One was able to be hidden from the public.

It wasn’t scale, but potency that made a villain. It was the issue that smaller and newer
organizations, like the League of Villains, had. Plenty of villains joined in, ready to fight and
prove themselves, but they were fairly weak individually and unable to fuse their strengths

The students filed this information away. They were certainly learning more about villains here,
and it helped to understand the league at least a little bit.

Midoriya seemed to excel in negating such a weakness. Oh, there were still rough edges,
timing being off between groups, skills not quite mastered being used hesitantly. But they
made up for it with versatility. A team goes wrong? Send another to fix it. And where it
mattered, where the teamwork clicked for the villains, it was inspiring. Young Kaibara and
Awase were perfectly in-step with each other, and trusted each other with surprising depth.
Monoma and Yaoyorozu were skilled and the copycat had picked up on the use of Creation
with astonishing speed, even if perhaps without the same… delicate touch that Yaoyorozu

Monoma snickered while Yaoyorozu sighed.

Kaibara and Awase merely fist bumped each other with shit eating grins on their face.

Vlad King glanced at his two troublemakers. Yes he'd make sure to put his class through intensive
training after this.
And the skill and power of young Midoriya’s core team. Him, Shinsou, Shouji, and Hatsume,
together they were astonishing. Shouji Mezou was a powerhouse in his own right, but the
force multipliers together with his ability to adjust physically to the gear made for him by
Hatsume Mei, created a monster on the field. And that was discounting the surprisingly deep
bond of… perhaps brotherhood, that Shinsou and Midoriya shared. Some of the
conversations that All Might could hear over the speakers from the villain base spoke of deep
consideration between the four villains. From Hatsume’s enthusiastic and wild ideas to
Shouji’s calm and methodical opinions, Shinsou chiming in with hesitancy and caution, and
the Kingpin’s own systematic reactions and counters.

Shinso and Izuku locked eyes, both nodding at each other with respect. Words wouldn't describe
how easily Izuku trusted Shinso, and Shinso could never say how much he appreciated his friend
for giving him hope.

"Y'know you four really do be making a well rounded team." Kaminari muttered.

"They really do." Mina agreed.

It was fascinating, and mildly disturbing.

"Agreed" Yanagi admitted.

But now he would see how well the ‘lieutenants’ did without Midoriya on the scene.

‘Show us how... Plus Ultra you can all be.’

Day 2: 8 hours, 32 minutes (8:32 am, local time)

‘About time they put it together.’

Kan nodded, looking at the screen focused on the hero team’s actions, waiting for them to
respond to the villains.
While the teams of villains advanced past security checkpoints with only the most superficial
of hindrances, the heroes finally used their skulls for something more than brute force.
Todoroki had apparently not been a fool and paid attention, finally putting together the
pieces on what exactly the villains were after.

"Took us long enough." Kinoko sighed in disappointment.

"Did we just get called idiots?" Kirishima questioned.

"To be fair if it took us this long to get our act together, I don't blame the teachers…" Uraraka

"Mm." Yui agreed.

“They are missing several files,” Nedzu commented, looking at the documents they could see
Todoroki pulling up and sorting through.

“The server bank file is missing… same with the shipment manifest for the warehouse, and
the lab report. All of which should have shown up in this search.”

“Look at the editing logs; they were edited less than a day ago. I guess the villains breached
the system before now… though when they did is still up in the air, dammit,” Power Loader
trailed off as he began to try and match up logs of when the system was changed, just as his
console started beeping.

“What the h– oh that little genius,” he groaned.

"Dear god what did Hatsume do now." Iida said with fear.

“What did Hatsume do now?” Midnight leaned over Power Loader’s shoulder, trying to see
what was going on.
Vlad King snickered.

“She put in a virus. And I can’t even get mad at her because it’s a reaction command. To
Shinsou. Essentially it’s a digital version of his Quirk tuned to his voice,” Power Loader
grumbled. “And it’s not against my regulations because it’s to enhance the realism of the
event. It should get wiped out with the next system reset, but that's… five hours away.”

"Huh…" Shinso said with newfound appreciation for the support course student.

"That's so amazing…" Izuku said with stars in his eyes.

"Certainly adds to the realism of the situation." Jirou said.

“And that's not all that's going on. Shouji’s and Hatsume’s group has blitzed through the
research facility, and is already in the storage room. They had a fairly smart reaction to a
secured door too. They went through the far weaker and unalarmed wall next to it,” Aizawa
called, eyes flickering between three screens tracking the progress of the villains and
Todoroki’s research efforts.

“Huh. Mei did listen to my lecture about building integrity,” Power Loader muttered to

Power Loader, who was taking a nap in the teacher's lounge, was awoken by a sudden sneeze.

Aizawa looked at the screen following the two teams of six heroes each. One team was going
into the sewers, the other…

“Who authorized the bot designs?” he turned slowly to look at the rest of the teachers. “I just
want to talk.”

Toshinori and Hawks chuckled at the teacher's reaction.

Nedzu smiled. “Why, I did. I thought that giving the students a personal stake in the designs
of their objectives would provide some additional motivation!”

Aizawa stared helplessly at his madman of a boss, before sighing and turning back to the
screens. “At least I’m not as bad as that… monstrosity based off All Might.”

Toshinori sputtered as Hawks chuckle turned into a suppressed laugh.

In the back of the room, All Might was face down at a table and was strongly tempted to find
some alcohol, despite the state his stomach was in. He wasn’t that god-awful cheesy… right?

Maybe a little… some students thought while they assured Toshinori he was ok.

“The sewers are a goddamn deathtrap, and Paragon there isn’t paying attention,” Snipe
commented, having long since finished any maintenance on his gear and sitting down on the
largest of the couches. He had with him a six-pack of sarsaparilla and a box of licorice. The
whiskey and tequila were back in his office. And, depending on how exactly this ended, he
was betting he would share with some of the other teachers. They needed it. “He’s too
focused on trying to find the villains. I spot a case of hyperfocus, and not in a good way.”

Bakugo growled. I fucking know that already you damn cowboy!

Mic nodded, pacing as he watched over the feeds. “The team for that vial is already done
with the puzzle and heading back. But–”

“The office security includes a reset for the bots on the top level. And that's going to be a test
of skill to escape the trap set up there,” Power Loader interrupted, a simple layout of the
hallway appearing. “We have two cameras, an RG turret, and three securi-bots set up
beyond the checkpoint as security.”

"Shouldn't be too hard." Yaoyorozu shrugged.

Nedzu smiled as he listened into the young man directing his squad. “I think we may be
pleasantly surprised.”
On the screen there was a hectic clash of movement, and within seconds the bots were
disabled and the security destroyed. A kick sent the Might-bot’s head to the side as its body
was leaned against the now sealed door. With a flicker of light that washed out the camera,
the bot and the door were both ripped apart by Aoyama’s laser. Yaoyorozu and Jirou darted
through the gap, Shinsou sliding off his jacket and following, leaving the cloth on the
wrecked remains of another even as he drew a pair of handguns from his back.

"That was kind of cool." Rin admitted.

Shinso grinned, albeit a bit jealous of his alternate self. So far all he's done is train. He wants to
really go up against the hero students.

“...They just blew up the All Might Bot.”

All Might sighed in a weird mix of relief at the destruction of such a monstrosity, and...
discomfort that they so easily destroyed a robot of himself. He then coughed up blood, and
got annoyed that he had sighed.

"We won, but at what cost…" Aoyama mourned as he observed the destroyed All Might robot.

Toshinori ultimately decided this was for the best.

In the meantime, the villain team tore through the upper office, Jirou cracking the safe and
the team preparing for a quick departure, readying a zipline to exit through the window.

“Quiet entry, decisive action, clean exit… That Shinsou kid isn't half bad at tactical thinking.
But his skills for combat need lots of work,” Kan murmured.

Shinso hummed, taking the compliment and the criticism.

Aizawa gave a distracted nod, fingers already moving across his tablet as he looked into
The heroes paid attention to the monitor banks, a map of the sewers pulled up with the
locations of the heroes and villains marked on it. Those two groups were playing a massive
game of cat and mouse, currently being displayed on a center screen. From what they could
tell, most cameras in the center of the city, at least at and below street level, were nothing but
static. The only ones Power Loader could isolate were the ones for the villains, who were
regrouping, and the frequencies of the teachers’ network for cameras and safety.

“Young Bakugou is too textbook for this kind of battle. While his tactics are adequate, he
does not seem to have a grasp of longer term strategy,” All Might observed, the gaunt hero
watching the scouts slowly move through the dark, confined sewers. The major problem in
the strategy was three-fold. One issue was that Bakugou was not prepared for a grinding war
of attrition; this fault was not entirely his own, as UA did not concentrate on drawn-out
encounters due to the limited hours of class time. The students were expected to acquire such
skills on internships.

A few students hummed in thought at that. The ones that had experienced real hero work
remembered every situation being dealt with quickly.

Such deceptive tactics… Shiozaki shook her head.

A second issue was with how the team treated each other. From what All Might saw in the
camera feeds, Katsuki showed a disturbing lack of critical thinking when approaching
comrades and leading. As a follower, he could act insolent and brash; and as a leader,
Katsuki needed to show himself as an example, and didn’t.

"Treat others the way you want to be treated." Toru grinned, her voice smug.

"Shut it invisibitch! I'm working on it!" Bakugo yelled in annoyance.

“Perhaps,” All Might suggested, “A leadership course on different roles within a strategic
framework is needed. Young Bakugou performed quite well as a boot camp instructor for
combat, but could not change tactics for the event itself... Snipe, I know you occasionally act
as a strike team leader for assault actions. Would you be able to teach a few extra classes with
Bakugou and some of the others?”
“I doubt there will be an issue with something like that,” Snipe agreed. The gunslinger
nodded thoughtfully before continuing, “From what I have seen, Paragon is not suited at the
moment for the long strategic thinking that Kingpin is showing. Speaking of, if anyone
should be teaching that kid, it should be Aizawa or Nedzu. Ain’t many others more suited to
direct that mind of his.”

Izuku was once again reminded of his meeting with the principal after this, while Bakugo made a
mental note to himself to ask Snipe for advice.

Nedzu nodded, “I can think of a few, but I agree, perhaps we should offer it as an optional
class on Tactical Thinking and Urban Warfare.” The principal looked momentarily pensive,
before brightening with a toothy smile. “And besides, looking at our cunning villains, we
might be seeing the early stages of a hero agency, here.”

Shoji smiled under his mask, flattered.

Izuku merely grinned, his face flushed.

Shinso hummed, deep in thought.

"Aww moptop's already got a future hero agency and he didn't even think to invite any of his
girlfriends." Tokage lamented.

Izuku sputtered as Tokage's head fell onto his lap with fake tears in her eyes.

"Agreed Izuku. How could you, ribbit." Tsuyu joked, a small smile on her face.

Kodai nodded. "Heartbroken."

Izuku groaned. "Yui, Tsu, not you two too…"

Uraraka merely watched their antics, her heart clenching. A hero agency with Deku…
Unbeknownst to them, a few of their other female classmates were watching as well.

"Oh yeah he's definitely gonna need help managing that." Hawks muttered.

Toshinori sighed. Jesus christ young Midoriya, you don't have to go plus ultra in everything…

Vlad King groaned at the thought of the Devil Duo from his class going out and running
missions with a license. Both had proven themselves shameless combat opportunists,
pranksters, and far too willing to use violence and lies to get into position. Really, he was
going to drink so much alcohol at home to try and blank out Nedzu’s delighted comments on
the villains in his class.

Vlad King rested his head on his hands, considering getting drunk after this. The 1B students
deadpanned at the two troublemakers while the two in question apologized to their teacher.

All Might, on the other hand, considered his third point, which was an oversight on the
teachers’ part. The true difference between the two teams was of management. Izuku had
picked up management techniques and methods that seemed to work for him with ease. He
had avoided micromanaging the villain team, and it was a possibility that his exposure and
command of his team was not limited to just heroics, but philosophy as well. Katsuki’s team
was all too streamlined for combat and fighting, the hero team also seemed to be reticent to
give advice or information. If they had, they could likely have taken some measure of
initiative far earlier, sharing the few fragments of the villain team’s data they had before
Todoroki figured it himself. While All Might recognized the faults of Katsuki’s leadership,
another issue was the lack of individual leadership and communication among the rest of the
heroes’ side.

On the screens that showed the sewers, more traps were obvious, clear indications that the
correct move would be to regroup and reorganize. But the heroes refused to heed the signs.
And on some of the screens, the menacing figures of Tokoyami, Kuroiro, and (much to his
surprise) young Kouda were all preparing to meet the heroes in their domain - traps and
blockades slowly leading all the teams towards specific choke points.

Kouda flushed in embarrassment, a bit flattered that Midoriya trusted him to handle the heroes in
his own area.

All Might had high expectations for all his students, from both classes and on both teams.
So far the heroes had not measured up.

The villains had exceeded his expectations.

"Ouch." Setsuna muttered.

"Big ouch" Kaminari agreed.

"Gonna need one of those senzus for that burn." Kaibara muttered.

"Speaking of those beans, why was that one so… crunchy?" Tsuburaba decided to ask.

"Focus." Vlad King reminded them.

Day 2: 10 hours, 13 minutes (10:13 am, local time)

The audio crackled, the words of the villains coming over the comms even as the heroes
began to panic, reacting to the newly realized threat that was the sewers team’s actions. With
them cut off, it was easy for the villains to goad them into trying to emulate the villain’s
‘rescue performance’ from the day before.

And with the heavy hitters out and on the move, the cameras showed Setsuna getting a text
from the Kingpin.

“Looks like Setsuna was finally activated,” said Vlad. “I still don’t get how they got her onto
the team.”

"'Activated'... I'm not some robot teach!" Setsuna pouted, while Vlad King simply sighed.

“Only Nedzu and Aizawa know,” said Snipe, a scowl under his mask.
“I actually only have a guess. I refused to read into the plans for the exam. I do so enjoy
seeing things unfold that I don't know about!” Nedzu commented, leaning in. “I let Aizawa
do most of the final checks and clearances. I only know about some of the failed plans, and
only due to Izuku offering them to me for consideration after they were vetoed.”

“Well, the only firm issue for the villains’ grades for now is Monoma’s injury,” All Might
said with slight remembrance at young Midoriya’s many broken limbs. “With his arms both
broken together with his detainment, that makes it the main negative in the villain team’s

Monoma grumbled, then grinned as he remembered what would be happening.

"They won't be broken for long." Jirou muttered.

“He was on a drug earlier from what the Kingpin said. Is that ok?” asked Midnight.

“It’s a generic formula that Recovery Girl and I have developed. It’s for immense pain, but
causes minor confusion. It has few side effects and is near impossible to overdose on as well,
making it quite useful for more… aggressive patients. Aizawa checked it with me a few days
ago, and the formula can be found quite easily in the support computers. It’s only a stimulant
with an exhaustion repercussion afterward.” Nedzu replied. “Beyond that... there was
another formula requested, a mild stimulant and energy booster, akin to an adrenal shot.
And it seems it’s being used right now!”

On the screen, Setsuna stepped past an unconscious Komori, and pulled out the vial. Monoma
grinned and nodded at her, and opened wide, the gleaming blue liquid rushing down his
throat. Setsuna also placed her hand on his shoulder. With a quick smile, Monoma closed his
eyes and began to tense.

Setsuna uttered an apology to her friend, who simply complimented her on her 'shroomtastic'

“Hey, what’s he–” Mic was cut off by the faint sound of flesh being ripped.
Sadly, as a long-range fighter with a Quirk that usually only had a mild external injury in
application, and with his own natural squeamishness… he lost his lunch. The rest of the
heroes ignored the retching from the corner into the garbage as they watched in awe and
horrified fascination as first one, then the other of Monoma’s arms were regrown using
Setsuna’s Quirk.

The students winced and felt a bit pale at the visual, while Tokage merely face palmed. "You
could've just detached them you idiot!"

Even Toshinori had to wince, his injury aching.

"What the fuck." Vlad King whispered with a bit of growing worry at how nonchalantly his student
had just forcefully dismembered himself.

“What. The. Fuck!” Vlad King exclaimed, “This is that problem child’s fault!”

Vlad King immediately glared at Midoriya, who sputtered and tried to defend himself.

Aizawa waved it away, it was probably Kingpin’s influence, “We’ll just have Izuku give
Recovery Girl some chocolates after this. She likes those high-quality dark chocolates with
cream filling, right?”

All Might looked at the screen with trepidation, he’d make sure to slip his protégé some
money; those chocolates were expensive.

Toshinori blinked. Huh… deja vu.

Monoma stood, a wild smile on his face, covered in his own blood but triumphant in the end.
He walked away from the cell, leaving two torn chunks of bloody flesh behind for the heroes
to find.

"Yuck." Pony frowned, sticking her tongue out.

"Good thing that doesn't happen to me." Setsuna slumped in her seat with newfound appreciation
for her quirk.

“Well… THAT happened!” Snipe shouted, throwing his hand out before shifting his mask to
rub at his eyes in stress and confusion. It did explain why Monoma did not let Recovery Girl
treat him; the villains sure were on top of their game. It reminded him of an Escher painting
with cogs within cogs turning. This is why he was a strike team leader, he just wanted to
shoot things not figure out these kind of layered plans.

Vlad King and Toshinori laughed at that, while Bakugo couldn't help but agree.

I'd rather blow the shitty villains up than having to guess their shitty plans...

Of all the heroes present, Snipe could sympathize with Paragon the most. Nedzu, on the other
hand, was eyeing Aizawa’s growing smirk with budding amusement. The bear-mouse caught
glimpses of Aizawa’s grin that indicated even more would be happening soon. Excellent!

The principal could appreciate a script, written in advance, that continued to be followed.
The old adage ‘no plan survives contact with the enemy’ did not apply here.

"A plan that's flawlessly executed. I can't help but love to see it." Yaoyorozu agreed with an
appreciative smirk.

"Ohhh you love to see it!" Mina agreed.

“Should we… should we get these kids some therapy after this?” Midnight looked at the rest
of the heroes, seeing fairly uniform green and pale faces.

Kendo glanced to Ibara, who had looked a bit pale since Monoma's scene. Maybe...

All Might was contemplating how Recovery Girl would react; he knew she’d blame him.
Present Mic looked pale at the thought of these crazy kids taking classes with him - who
knows what they would do? The voice hero made a promise to not include any body parts in
future lessons. Vlad King was the worst off, because he had these kids back after this and
they’d all changed; what he didn’t know was that worse was to come.

"How can it get worse? " Vlad King said loudly in disbelief.

"Whenever young Midoriya is concerned, expect the unexpected."

Hagakure giggled, eager to see what Midoriya would do next.

“I already got Hound Dog to cover it,” Aizawa replied. A smirk of satisfaction poking
through his squeamishness at the thought of the counselor lapsing into barks and growls
threaded through his consciousness. Either Hound Dog would help them or traumatize them
further; Aizawa was fine with both, really.

Iida sputtered in betrayal.

"Classic Eraserhead…" Vlad King shook his head.

“Make sure to set a visit for Mic too.” All Might leaned in and muttered to Aizawa. “Even if
it's not official.”

Aizawa nodded and looked back at the screens as the sounds of heaving stopped.

“I’m back,” Mic said with less enthusiasm than usual. “Did I miss anything?”

“Monoma fixed his arms, took a lock of Komori’s hair, and now he and Setsuna are heading
for the lockup. Looks like Monoma wants his gear back. Speaking of…”

“Y’know,” Snipe cut in with a drawl, “I’m concerned about you, Kan.”

Vlad King looked over at his friend with a long, suffering look; he thought the problem child
was in Class 1-A, but now his class had gotten infected.
"Sadly, I am inclined to agree." Monoma reluctantly admitted. Class 1A may still be a class full of
arrogant snobs, but even he couldn't deny that the unassuming Midoriya had managed to worm his
way into his beloved class 1B, and even weasel his way into some of his classmates hearts.

Monoma sighed. As much as he wanted to lump in All Might's successor with the others, after all
he'd seen on screen, he just couldn't. Fine. I'll tolerate you then.

“Your class shows a propensity for villainy. Awase and Sen and especially arm boy Monoma

“The first two, yeah; but Monoma?” Kan looked surprised. Yes, Recovery Girl would not be
happy about Monoma catching Aizawa’s problem child’s arm-breaking disease, and then
even one-upping him so spectacularly. However, Monoma had not been as bad as the Devil
Duo. Though, he would be changing his mind after gutting Present Mic with a cheerful smile,

“Did you teach him stripping? ‘Cause he looks like a stripper,” Snipe hammered, going for
the throat.

Vlad King and Monoma sputtered and choked on their spit while Kendo burst into laughter,
covering her face with her big hands. The other students laughed or flushed while Bakugo merely

Vlad King sputtered as the last comment caught everyone else’s attention in the faculty room.
Nedzu looked far too amused by this turn of events. Even Aizawa was pleased, probably
because he wasn’t the only one with a problem child, Vlad King thought sourly. And the
comment wasn’t wrong. The teachers had seen how Monoma was discreetly checked out by
the heroes.

Midnight teased, “It was so nice of you Kan, to rear another 18+ hero. Are you teaching him
to engage with high-class clubs?”

Vlad King reddened. Oh, he knew who to blame: Aizawa. This was revenge for Vlad King’s
comments back in UA, in their Civil War. No one could hold a grudge like Aizawa. The
surprise on the man's face was – Ah shit, it was Monoma’s idea, wasn’t it.
“It makes sense. Maximum exposure–” Vlad King started, knowing he’d never convince
them it was not his fault. Not when his other teachers wanted it to be his problem. It could be
worse, he thought.

“Yes… maximum exposure…” Midnight suggested with a sly wink.

Monoma shivered.

“–For his and Yaoyorozu’s Quirk.” Vlad King added, willfully ignoring Midnight’s widening
grin. Forget the students, he needed counseling.

Monoma praised his teacher for the save.

“Midnight,” Nedzu commented, “After the exercise concludes, would you take Monoma
under your wing? While the exposure angle is somewhat correct, Monoma has a talent for the
image and the role. It would be a shame to waste it.”

Vlad King's jaw dropped in horror as Toshinori coughed up blood. Monoma silently cursed the
principal as he ignored the blush on his face.

He glared at Kendo, who was doing her best not to burst out laughing again. "Shut it."

Vlad King looked at the smiling rodent with horror.

“Mmmhmm. Kan did most of the work,” Midnight let her voice drop to a sultry level. ‘Can’t
let just the girls have fun,’ she thought.

‘…this day cannot get worse,’ Vlad King thought.

Vlad King gaped at his on screen counterpart. Why did you have to curse us???
And then the screen showed the villain team starting an all-out assault on the hero base.

Goddamnit Murphy, I didn’t say shit!

Vlad King's head smacked against the table. Toshinori patted his back in comfort.

Midnight stared at the monitor, mind only half focused on the scenes playing out, or on Kan
still trying to sputter a defense for his student. The other half was looking at the bigger
picture. Just as she had felt like she was beginning to see the pattern of the hidden war,
Kingpin went and did something insane and audacious. A full-frontal attack on the hero
headquarters? And after the Paragon had left their moral low and manpower understaffed?
It was a mistake to leave the hero base so weak, yes, but for Midoriya to jump on it, to rush in
like this is–

Midnight froze, putting the pieces she hadn’t paid attention to together. Midoriya always
meant to attack the hero base. He had been waiting for an opening. The Paragon, with his
disheartening ‘defend or die’ order, was not only tanking the morale of his team, but leaving
them all wide open for a raid. Still, Kingpin had not acted so boldly as to trash the hero base.
It would not be something so easily seen as a potential opening.

"So that was always the plan." Todoroki noted, a bit of respect for his friend showing.

"Wow Deku, sometimes I forget just how scary smart you are." Uraraka said in awe.

Izuku flushed, giving her a smile.

She recalled a conversation earlier in the week, in the time leading up to the exercise. The
various teachers had been discussing memorable villains, and All Might had talked about
criminals measured by potency. While not wrong, her experiences with the criminals Velvet
Rose and Poison Edge stressed that the most dangerous villains had audacity. Velvet Rose
had taught her that no place was safe when she’d left love letters in her apartment, while
Poison Edge had made his name attacking fortified police stations. It was a little
disconcerting seeing the mild-mannered Midoriya turn into this ruthless Kingpin, whose act
would not stand out among her own gallery of past enemies. If this continued, she might need
therapy, likely of the alcoholic kind.
Probably with Kan.

Vlad King huffed. "After that betrayal, she's buying her own drinks."

So dramatic , Hawks smiled.

“When this is over, we need to handle this correctly,” she said to the group of astonished
watchers. Aizawa was grinning at the sight of Kingpin driving in the fourth-floor window on
the screen. “If we crucify Katsuki for his many wrong choices, he might take the criticism
even worse. We do not want him to not take orders again, but he does need to change.”

All Might sighed in agreement, though with more than just Bakugou's consequences on his
mind. He was growing quite glad Izuku had not decided to become a villain. None of the
things the Kingpin had really done were with his Quirk – even most of the museum’s battle
damage had been Monoma using the strength, and wasn’t that a sight to behold? What he
kept to himself was that there was no realistic way for Katsuki to become the number one
hero with Izuku in the running; at 5% Full Cowl, Izuku could match Katsuki’s full strength,
if not the level of destruction the explosive user caused. Izuku would eventually add twenty
times to that. Katsuki simply could not. And then in the fight in the basement of the museum,
Izuku had demonstrated the sheer difference of how the two fought. He had stacked the deck
in his favor as quickly and efficiently as possible, and Bakugou had charged forwards into it
with eyes closed.

Bakugo's eyes turned angry at that. Again and again he was reminded of just how outclassed he
was by shitty Deku, and now even his idol was saying he'd never catch up.

A few of the students muttered, once more being reminded that Midoriya wasn't even using his full

"I meant no harm with that, young Bakugo." Toshinori apologized sheepishly.

"Whatever. I don't need your approval All Might! I'll leave Deku in the dust." Bakugo barked back.

“I think,” he said with a wry grin as Present Mic still looked sick at the arms being torn off
thing, “–that we should impress upon the heroes that they need to be satisfied with what they
can accomplish. One problem the heroes have is that they are not supporting each other in
morale.” All Might had seen worse than the mental tricks the villains were playing at, but the
classics are known for a reason. “This has allowed cracks to appear. I suspect Young
Midoriya has developed psychological profiles?”

Aizawa nodded, “He has. The villains developed a profile on each hero, standard operating
procedures for the encounters.” The dark-haired man considered All Might curiously, while
he disliked showboating, he was well aware that All Might was no slouch intellectually. “You

"Psychological profiles." Yanagi shook her head in disbelief.

At the other teachers’ curious looks, Aizawa continued, “Even if not ordered to do so, the
heroes should be showing more initiative. Look at their situation, Ingenium should not be so
hidebound, Shouto so sure of himself to confront only through force, Uravity to not question
orders and tactics.”

On the screen, Kodai and her team of survivors escaped, locking down the computers as they
left. In the wreckage lay the downed forms of Tsubruaba and Manga, both of who had been
‘killed’ in the assault. Interestingly, Komori was still considered alive, though the Aizawa-bot
was now being thoroughly dismembered piece by piece by a focused Monoma using
Kaibara’s quirk.

And on the top floor, Izuku grabbed the cape, pulling it from a statue in the form of Gran

"Wow we really were screwed." Tetsutetsu growled.

Sato nodded. "The villains are so effective here…"

In the meantime, the heroes had finally reached the end of the abandoned sewers, with
nothing to see for it but two more fatalities from the traps and the villains who had kept
“And we can all see how that ended up,” Aizawa finished.

The heroes fell into a contemplative silence, even as the villains finished their raid and
disappeared, the heroes regrouping as they left.

Day 2: 12 hours, 9 minutes (12:09 pm, local time)

Midnight stared at the screen, a growing sense of tension making her hair stand on end as
Setsuna began to rant at Bakugou. And the perspective it gave was eye-opening. Nothing but
physical training and sparring? Really?

A few students deadpanned at Bakugo, while the ones on the villain team sent their mental thanks
to Izuku for being their leader.

She still didn't know how Setsuna was working with the villains. What was the loophole?
How did she get the approval–


Bakugou looked… intense, and from a camera, the angle offset, she caught Izuku, who stood
behind Setsuna shifting, hand reaching behind his back. Setsuna gave a flippant response
that Midnight missed as she focused, seeing Izuku slowly draw his handgun.

"Pew." Toru whispered.

"Don't do it…" Tokage whined.

Across the observation room, most of the teachers began to speak or twitch, all seeing what
was about to happen as though it were a trainwreck in slow motion.

“Fuck. No. I just wanna know, how the fuck are you a villain? Switching sides is against the
goddamn rules!”
Everyone could see the confusion, even as Izuku brought up a gun, the mask he wore shifting
from joyful to menacing as he pulled the trigger.


The world seemed to go silent. But Midnight saw... something flash across Setsuna’s face.
Between the wide eyes of surprise and the almost broken sting of betrayal, she thought she
saw… no, there was no way that Midnight read that shake of the body right. Even if she did
see that, it wasn’t her job to deal with it.

"Wait what." Izuku blinked, noticing the reaction.

"Uhh um I don't know. You'd have to ask Midnight." Tokage shrugged, saying nothing else.

Then the feed between teams stopped rolling and Midoriya pulled off his helmet, an
apologetic expression on his face.

“I am really, really sorry about this Setsuna.”

"Are you?" the lizard girl asked, and Izuku nodded.

The teachers looked away from the conversation, Izuku having stepped close, speaking softly.

“That's how he got away with it.” Aizawa broke the silence first. “Setsuna was never a
member of his team. She was always a prisoner of war or an adversary.”

Kan almost spoke, mouth open and shifting, before he stopped himself and leaned back with
a sigh.

"Yeah there's really nothing I could say to this… except. Always make sure to thoroughly read
everything you're given." Vlad King scolded his class, who immediately responded with apologies.
Nedzu spoke up instead.

“In less than thirty hours. Midoriya has acquired thirteen of the fifteen objectives, destroyed
several buildings, eliminated eleven of the twenty-five heroes, and not lost a single member.”
The principal sighed and looked around. “I do believe that we have severely misjudged
exactly how this event would play out.”

"Holy shit he did that much?" Mina gasped in awe.

"Talk about effective." Honenuki muttered.

Monoma grinned. "Of course this wouldn't have been possible without our help as well."

He turned to Shinso, who grinned in agreement.

The following silence of the room was broken by the chuckles of Aizawa as he lay back down.

Setsuna sighed as she was escorted from the city, though she did look at the small bag she had
been given, “As an apology for not being able to keep you on our side,” Izuku had said.

It was filled with chocolate, and small notebook.

"Better be dinosaur shaped." Setsuna scolded, a bit touched at the apology gesture.

Out of curiosity, she opened the book, seeing a letter on the first page.


We’re very sorry about how this event has played out, and our part in manipulating you.
However, in light of that, we have decided to help you out as much as we can. This book is
filled with notes and advice which you can use to help your Quirk develop, and the contact
numbers for our group chat. We hope that you forgive us and that you are willing to join us
again in the future, without the deception.

Sincerely Yours,

The Hero Class Villains.

For a moment she just stared at it, before a smile stretched across her face.

Maybe Extortion wasn't quite dead yet.

The screen turned off.

"Well that was certainly eye opening." Izuku said, closing his notebook and relaxing as some of his
classmates began to get up.

"Speaking of eye opening." Kendo said as she walked over to Hatsume, shaking her awake. "Hey.
Wakey wakey."

Hawks groaned as he stretched his wings. "The next generation of heroes sure looks promising
huh?" he said, a bit of fondness in his tone.

Toshinori grinned, looking at both classes. He couldn't help but agree.

Vlad King reluctantly agreed as he stared at his own class with a bit of respect. "Troublesome little
brats but… I wouldn't have it any other way."

"So… I think I've decided on your punishment." Tokage declared, ignoring Kodai's sarcastic mutter
of 'this should be good.'

Izuku gulped, nodding at her with determination.

She lifted a floating hand to his face. She stretched her pointer finger.

"First, I want to see your notebooks. Anything you've got on me to help me out." she said with a
cheeky grin.

Izuku nodded. Easy enough

She raised another finger.

"Second, one hour of cuddle time."

Izuku flushed, but nodded. Ok, fair

Ring finger was lifted.

"Third…" she trailed off, floating her head up to his ear and whispering.

Izuku's face turned red, and he sputtered at her but ultimately conceded.

"Yay." Tokage cheered, getting up along with the others. She wondered why Kendo was dragging
Hatsume away though.

"Where you going Toru?" Mina asked her friend.

"Feeling tired, gonna go nap for a bit." Her friend said, running off to the dorms.

Izuku stretched as he got up, looking back as he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned around to greet Yaoyorozu.

"What's up?" he asked.

Yaoyorozu coughed into her hand, looking a bit embarrassed as she stared at him.

"After your meeting, I'd like to speak with you." she simply said.

Izuku nodded, bidding his friends and girlfriends goodbye as he walked with Hawks towards the
principal's office.

He hoped it wasn't anything serious.

Chapter End Notes

next chapter i take r i s k y steps that I hope i execute next also on a sidenote the next
fic i had scheduled to do was an original one thats just a take on the fantasy au, and the
one after that was one made by saiyanturtleboss but i cant recall if i ever got
permission from them cuz im scrolling thru my comments but i aint finding anything. i
really need to be more organized.
A re-re(how many times is this?) update
Chapter Summary

Explanations and kind of a Q&A?

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

So... here we are again. I've come to a decision and decided to just be clear. I kind of quit on this
fic before for a multitude of reasons, and before you say "oh you quit on it" I'll tell ya to read the
title. I'm not a very organized person and I'll be honest i got way too lost and crap because I kept
saying I'd jot myself down a timeline to remember stuff, and I never did. So I forgot who does and
will do what, as well as who's fics I got permission to do. Yes, I failed that badly. Second reason
being I switched to doing some art at the time and made a little pocket change and it was nice.
Third, stress and confusion on how I wanted to do this story because again (no timeline), pressure
due to the surprising amount of success this fic seemed to get and not wanting to disappoint, and irl
stuff that I really should've taken care of ages ago.

I'm not satisfied with how this fic is written, and it's been one of the main reasons keeping me off
of continuing it, so I decided I'll do something about it and rewrite what's currently been written,
and hopefully with that I'll be more motivated to continue.I like to think my writing has improved
somewhat since I started writing this fic, and I've been inspired by other people's works so I figure
I'll do this much at least.

I'll remake this fic into something I'm satisfied with and that's hopefully more enjoyable. I owe it to
everyone that's read, allowed me to use their works, and kept up with this for this long. Thank you.

With that sappy crap outta the way: Q & A

Will ME continue or is it just the rewrite?

I'm still deciding on certain factors such as ships and canon events, but I'm certain by the time I'm
finished rewriting the current chapters, I will have come to a decision, so essentially yes

What's going to be going on with the ships?

Originally I wanted to make it a full 1A and B girl Dekubowl with Nejire and some pros but... I've
been very split due to a certain 1B fic that I've come to enjoy a lot, and overall I've been leaning
more towards the 1B girls but nervous as to how it'd be recieved. So, don't know yet

Plans going forward with this fic?

Was gonna have a few Midoriya counterparts pop in as a test during the joint training bit.
Ultimately I've decided I want to keep true to a promise I made ages ago and do another fic that's in
universe with this one. (Was supposed to do a full reaction to HCCW that I'm still really eager to
do, it's just... a daunting task yknow?)

Will there be more smut or violence etc?

Not in the original universe, as in the watchers, but they will be watching that going forward. Then
again they already have but y'know what I mean. I don't really shy away from that unless it's really
like, too much

What's gonna be in the rewrite?

Wait and see. Mostly just building upon the current content and doing more character accurate
portrayals. Honestly planning on at least rewritting chapter 1 tonight because I REALLY don't like
how short it is or the direction it's going in

Why not get a Beta reader, oh and be organized?

Been too nervous and slightly prideful to ask, and I will be organized don't you worry I'll be held at
gunpoint to finish the timeline. (This is a joke by the way I will not be held at gunpoint, i think)

How often will ME be updated from now on?

Honestly, realistically speaking I'd say monthly from now on. The goal though, is to do it bi-
weekly. Like I mentioned a lot this fics given me a lot of pressure, overthinking about it and
whatnot. I'd really like to work on my other works y'know? Never wanted to just do ME, plus one
of the other fics I planned to tie into this one was left abandoned so, yeah my goal is to have a
chapter out a week, but a chapter of a different fic each week. If I get my shit under control it'll be
bi weekly.

Apologies for the read and... well everything. This feels like excuses at this point tbh but if you
have any questions or opinions feel free to voice them down below. Thanks for sticking around and
until the next chapter, which will be an actual chapter or so help me I will actually like, stub my
own toe or something I don't know.

Chapter End Notes

Time to be productive
Chapter 43

This is just a general account update, but I figure I might as well put this here. Full disclosure: I've
basically stopped writing altogether, and just been more focused on art.

I HAVE however, been doing on and off shit on another ao3 account, but I don't think I'll share it
here, and I'll definitely not be touching this account as often. Apologies for kind of letting some of
the people who read my stuff down, but I at least appreciate the reception this fic has gotten and
the amount of nice people I got to interact with.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to return some video tapes.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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