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1. Translate the questions.

a) Hol születtél?
b) Hol van a könyvem?
c) Mit csinálsz?
d) Milyen messze van a templom?
e) Melyik ruhát vetted meg?
f) Milyen színű a kabátod?
g) Milyen magas a bátyád?
h) Hány toll van a dobozban?

2. ADVERB or ADJECTIVE? (9 points)

immediate/immediately, fluent/fluently, slow/slowly, quick/quickly, careful/carefully,
easy/easily, good/well, quiet/quietly, terrible/terribly
a) Jack can run very ……………….
b) Tom is a …………… student
c) We had a …………… weather in Germany.
d) I went down the stairs very……………
e) When I heard the noise I phoned …………… the police.
f) This test is …………….
g) Please speak……………. I can’t hear you.
h) The boys are playing very…………….
i) Can you speak English……………?

3. Prepositions.

4. Complete the dialogue.

……… By credit card.
………That’s £ 30.50, please.
……… Bye.
……… Next week.
……… Yes, please.
……… Hello, I would like a ticket to Edinburgh, please.
……… How do you want to pay?
……… When do you want to come back?
……… Here you are. Good bye.
……… Return please.
……… Then you need a period return.
……… Single or return?

5. Write ten sentences about The Girl with Green Eyes.

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