Unit 13-14 Elementary

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Test on Unit 13-14.

1. Give the English or Hungarian equivalents! (14 points)

repülőgép - timetable -
felfedezni - exciting -
ország - nurse -
hirtelen - neck -
színdarab - widow -
vásárló - nephew -
lenyűgöző - stockings -

2. Translate the following sentences into English! (14 points)

a) Hol vannak a tollaim?
b) Hány éves Jenny?
c) Jártál valaha Németországban?
d) Beszélhetnék Terry-vel? (telefonon!)
e) Éppen most voltam a boltam.
f) Megcsináltad már a házi feladatodat?
g) Még nem csináltam meg.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple! (10 points)
a) I (break) ………… my finger yesterday.
b) Jake is not at home. He (go) ………… to the shop.
c) - When (travel) ………… to the USA?
- In 1989.
d) We (see) ………… the Taj Mahal in 1987.
e) (you, see) ………… my book? It was here a moment ago.
f) I cannot play any more. I (just, hurt) ………… my foot.
g) Where (you, go) ………… for your holidays last year?
h) Tim (just, come) ………… back from Greece.
i) It is cold in here. Someone (open) ………… the door.
j) Tom (not take) ………… his exam yet.

4. Put in BEEN or GONE! (5 points)

a) Are you going to the shop? No I have just ………. to the shop.
b) The house is empty. They have ……….. to Africa.
c) We made some photos. We have ………… to Greece.
d) - Your shoes are very nice!
- I’ve ………… to the boutique.
e) Tim is not here at the moment. He has ………… to school.

5. Circle the correct word! (10 points)

a) Jack can run very quick/quickly.
b) Tom is a good/well student.
c) We had a terrible/terribly weather in Germany.
d) I went down the stairs very careful/carefully.
e) When I heard the noise I phone the police immediate/immediately.
f) This test is easy/easily.
g) Please speak slow/slowly. I can’t hear you.
h) The boys are playing very quiet/quietly.
i) Can you speak English fluent/fluently?

6. Write at least 7 sentences about The princess and the frog. (15 points)

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