Network Qemu

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QEMU - How to use Network

QEMU supports network in user mode. You can browse the Internet and use ftp, ssh etc. without root
privilege or Administrative privilege.
When you use a program which connect from a Host OS to a Guest OS with option -redir, it needs to
have a root privilege or an Adrimistrative privilege.
•1. Option
•2. Network card
•3. NE2000 PCI card emulation
•3.1 Auto-configuration
•3.2 Example of Morphix
•3.3 DNS server's addresses
•4. Using VLAN
•4.1 Introduction
•4.2 Guest-only network
•4.3 Guest-only network by UDP
•4.4 One guest using user-mode net, listening socket at different VLAN bus and the
other connecting to the one
•4.5 One guest using user-mode net, listening socket in the same VLAN bus and the
other guest is connecting to the one
•4.6 TCP vs. UDP
•5. Network by option -M isapc
•5.1 Setting network configuration manually
•5.2 Setting network configuration automatically at startup
•6. File transfer by option -tftp
•7. Connection from Host OS to Guest OS by option -redir
•8. Notes
•9. When the network doesn't work
•10. Virtual network's internals
•11. Sharing files between Windows guest and Windows host

1. Option
-net option is used to set a network card and a input-output of data, so it is necessary to set more than
two -net options.
-net nic -net user

-net nic,vlan=1 -net user,vlan=1

Configure network as VLAN number 1.

-net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net user

-net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user
-net nic,model=pcnet -net user
Use PCI Network card. ne2k_pci is a default.
-M isapc -net nic -net user
Use ISA network card.

2. Network card
NE2000 PCI, RTL8139, PCNET and NE2000 ISA cards are available for the network card.
-net nic,model is used to set the model of the network card. ne2k_pci is a default.
-net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net user
-net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user
-net nic,model=pcnet -net user

When you want to use ISA card, it is necessary to set -M isapc option.
-M isapc -net nic -net user
-M isapc -net nic,model=nek2_isa -net user

3. NE2000 PCI card emulation

3.1 Auto-configuration
From version 0.6.0, NE2000 PCI card is supported. If a guest OS supports Plug and Play, NE2000 will
be detected automatically. And if the guest OS have DHCP client, network will be automatically
configured. You don't have to set it manually.
Realtec 8029 driver can be used for Windows for Workgroup 3.11, Windows NT 4 and OS/2 warp 4.
NE2000 driver doesn't work for Windows fot Workgroup 3.11 and Windows NT 4.
If NE2000 can't be detected on Linux, please try these.
$ modprobe ne2k-pci
$ dhclient eth0 (or $ dhcpcd eth0)

3.2 Example of Morphix

kernel modules loaded are 8390.o and ne2k-pci.o.
sh-2.05b# lsmod
Module Size Used by Not tainted
input 3328 0 (autoclean)
pcmcia_core 43488 0
translucency 61408 8
af_packet 14568 0 (autoclean)
ne2k-pci 5504 1
8390 6576 0 [ne2k-pci]
apm 10436 1
rtc 7356 0 (autoclean)
unix 17064 16 (autoclean)
cloop 8420 4

irq equals 9 and io memory address is 0xc100.

sh-2.05b# cat /proc/interrupts
0: 218022 XT-PIC timer
1: 287 XT-PIC keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 1 XT-PIC rtc
9: 21 XT-PIC eth0
12: 240 XT-PIC PS/2 Mouse
15: 1333 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
LOC: 0
ERR: 0
MIS: 0

sh-2.05b# cat /proc/ioports

0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
0320-0323 :
0350-0353 :
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vesafb
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
c000-c00f : Intel Corp. 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]
c000-c007 : ide0
c008-c00f : ide1
c100-c1ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)
c100-c11f : ne2k-pci

An IP address of a network interface card NE2000 is

sh-2.05b# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 52:54:00:12:34:56
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:2004 (1.9 KiB) TX bytes:1746 (1.7 KiB)
Interrupt:9 Base address:0xc100

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:480 (480.0 b) TX bytes:480 (480.0 b)
Routing table is like this.
sh-2.05b# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 eth0

You can ping

sh-2.05b# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=3.05 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.14 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=2.76 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=2.13 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=2.15 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=2.91 ms

--- ping statistics ---

6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5065ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.139/2.529/3.059/0.394 ms

3.3 DNS server's addresses

There is the case that you can browse the Internet by IP address but can't browse by name (e.x. For example, It can be caused by the case that a router doesn't have a
function of DNS server.

It is necessary to set DNS server's addresses to a guest OS. When a guest OS is linux, set them in


nameserver DNS server's address 1

nameserver DNS server's address 2

When a guest OS is Windows, set them in property of NE2000 in Network and Dial-up Connections.

4. Using VLAN
4.1 Introduction
From version 0.8.0, network options are changed. It is called VLAN. You can connect among guest

-net option is used to set data input/output terminal. For NE2000, it is -net nic. If you want to use more
than two NE2000 or more than two guest OSes, it is necessary to set macaddr for each -net nic option
like -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56. The value of macaddr should be different for each NE2000.
For user mode network stack, -net user option is used. When you want to set one NE2000 for guest OS
and connect to the Internet, options are -net nic -net user. It is default.

When you want to use more than two guest OSes, you can use TCP or UDP. TCP can be used by -net
socket,listen and -net socket,connect options. UDP can be used by -net socket,mcast option. When -net
socket,listen and -net socket,connect options are used, output data from NE2000 of one guest OS are
encapsulated by TCP packet and sent to other OSes. When -net socket,mcast option is used, it is done
by UDP packet.

-net socket,listen or -net socket,mcast options need to have an administrative priviledge to use them.

Here is some usage of VLAN.

I made three copies of Redhat hard disk image and start them at different command prompt. ne2k-pci
kernel module is loaded so that I can see network interface by ifconfig -a.

Overall notices are:

It is necessary to set macaddr at the second OS.
IP address or localhost is necesary to set listen or connect. Otherwise it is set to
Don't start two QEMU using one hard disk image. It will break your hard disk image.
These results are the same as on Linux host.

4.2 Guest-only network

Redhat1 NE2000 --------------------------
| |
| |
Redhat2 NE2000 Redhat3 NE2000

Command line options are:

term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic
-net socket,listen=localhost:1234
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57
-net socket,connect=localhost:1234

Setinng on guest OS:

Redhat1 guest>ifconfig eth0

Redhat2 guest>ifconfig eth0

QEMU monitor's infomation are:

(qemu) info network
VLAN 0 devices:
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56
socket: connection from

(qemu) info network
VLAN 0 devices:
socket: connect to
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57

ping works between two guests.
telnet, ssh work fine between them.

When you want to use more than three guest OSes, just connect to the one. Use different macaddr.
term3$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:58
-net socket,connect=localhost:1234

If Redhat1 crashes, you can not communicate between Redhat2 and Redhat3.

4.3 Guest-only network by UDP

| | |
| | |
Redhat1 NE2000 Redhat2 NE2000 Redhat3 NE2000

Command line options are:

term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56
-net socket,mcast=
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57
-net socket,mcast=
term3$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat3.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:58
-net socket,mcast=

Setinng on guest OS:

Redhat1 guest>ifconfig eth0

Redhat2 guest>ifconfig eth0

Redhat3 guest>ifconfig eth0

QEMU monitor's infomation are:

(qemu) info network
VLAN 0 devices:
socket: mcast=
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56

(qemu) info network
VLAN 0 devices:
socket: mcast=
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57

(qemu) info network
VLAN 0 devices:
socket: mcast=
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:58

ping works between two guests.
telnet, ssh work fine between them.

4.4 One guest using user-mode net, listening socket at the different VLAN bus and
the other connecting to the one
Redhat1 NE2000 --------------- USER -------------- Host & Internet
NE2000 ---------
| VLAN 2
Redhat2 NE2000

Command line options are:

term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic,vlan=1 -net user,vlan=1
-net nic,vlan=2,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57
-net socket,vlan=2,listen=localhost:1234
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img
-net nic,vlan=2,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01
-net socket,vlan=2,connect=localhost:1234

Setting on guest OS:

Redhat1 guest> dhcpcd eth0
(or dhclinet eth0. If eth0 has been already configured, it is not
necessary to do this.)
(eth0 will get or

It is necessary to set IP address for the second NE2000.

Redhat1 guest> ifconfig eth1

The second guest OS does not have DHCP server so that it is necessary to set IP address.
Redhat2 guest> ifconfig eth0
Redhat2 guest> route add default gw eth0

QEMU monitor's infomation are:

(qemu) info network
VLAN 1 devices:
user redirector
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56
VLAN 2 devices:
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57
socket : connection from

VLAN 2 devices:
socket: connect to
ne2000 pci macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01

telnet and ssh works between guests.
lynx works on Redhat1.
It is necessary to set Redhat1 as a router to browse the Internet from Redat2.

VLAN ID is NOT necessary the same between guests. Port number (in this case 1234) determines
which bus is used.

4.5 One guest using user-mode net and listening socket in the same VLAN bus and
the other guest is connecting to the one
Redhat1 NE2000 -------------- USER --------- Host & Internet
Redhat2 NE2000

It doesn't work well but for your information.

Command line options are:

term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic -net user
-net socket,listen=localhost:1234
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01
-net socket,connect=localhost:1234

Setting on guest OS:

Redhat1 guest> dhcpcd eth0
(Or dhclient eth0)

The second guest OS gets IP address from DHCP server but it is the same IP as the first OS's IP. It is
necessary to set it manually.
Redhat2 guest> ifconfig eth0
Redhat2 guest> route add default gw eth0
telnet sometimes works but sometimes refuse to connect. When telnetd is working on connected guest,
it can be success.

When ssh is used, RSA key is saved at the first time but failed with this message.
Write failed: Connection reset by peer.

After second time, it failed with this message.

ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection Reset by peer.

I can browse the Internet from both Redhat1 and Redhat2.

This case does not work well.
It is not necessary to set Redhat1 as router to browse the Internet from Redhat2.

4.6 TCP vs. UDP

An advantage of TCP (-net socket,listen and -net socket,connect) is reliability. When UDP (-net
socket,mcast) is used, guest OSes' network stack is used to fill reliability.
An disadvantage of TCP is that if a guest OS with -net socket,listen option crashes, the rest of guest
OSes can not communicate each other. If -net socket,mcast is used, you do not need to worry about it.

5. Network by option -M isapc

From version 0.8.0, -isa option is changed to -M isapc option. When you use ISA NE2000 card with -M
isapc option, a network in a guest OS isn't configured automatically. It needs to set it by yourself. I used
these OSes.
Host OS: Fedora Core 1 or Windows2000
Guest OS: Red Hat Linux 7.2
I installed Red Hat 7.2 only with network support. I think it doesn't need to change CD-ROM if you
don't install X Windows.
From version 0.8.0, -user-net option is changed to -net nic -net user.
$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat72.img -net nic -net user

5.1 Setting network configuration manually

5.1.1 Loading driver modules

If you want to use NE2000 ISA card, you need to set IRQ and I/O memory base manually. IRQ is 9 and
I/O is 0x300.
It needs to be root in gest OS to set network configuration.
Please load two drivers for NE2000 at first.
[Red Hat 7.2]$ su
[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/insmod 8390
Using /lib/modules/2.4.9-13/kernel/drivers/net/8390.o
[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/insmod ne irq=9 io=0x300
Using /lib/modules/2.4.9-13/kernel/drivers/net/ne.o

Then confirm it is loaded.

[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/lsmod
Module Size Used by
ne 7488 0 (unused)
8390 6752 0 [ne]
ext3 62480 1
jbd 41056 1 [ext3]

[Red Hat 7.2]# cat /proc/interrupts

0: 31580 XT-PIC timer
1: 406 XT-PIC keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 1 XT-PIC rtc
9: 0 XT-PIC NE2000 <--- irq=9
14: 5676 XT-PIC ide0
15: 1 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
ERR: 0

[Red Hat 7.2]# cat /proc/ioports

0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0300-031f : eth0 <--- io=0x300
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)

5.1.2 Setting NE2000

NE2000(eth0) is disabled at first. You cannot see eth0 without "-a" option.
[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:420 (420.0 b) TX bytes:420 (420.0 b)

[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/ifconfig -a

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 52:54:00:12:34:56
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:9 Base address:0x300

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:420 (420.0 b) TX bytes:420 (420.0 b)

Then set eth0 to

[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/ifconfig eth0

[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/ifconfig

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 52:54:00:12:34:56
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:9 Base address:0x300

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:420 (420.0 b) TX bytes:420 (420.0 b)

5.1.3 Setting a routing table

Please check the routing table.
[Red Hat 7.2]# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 40 0 0 eth0 U 40 0 0 lo
Then set a default gateway to
[Red Hat 7.2]# /sbin/route add -net gw eth0

[Red Hat 7.2]# netstat -rn

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 40 0 0 eth0 U 40 0 0 lo UG 40 0 0 eth0

All packets except for 10.x.x.x and 127.x.x.x are sent to gateway through eth0(NE2000).
NOTE: You can use modprobe and DHCP server instead of 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
[Red Hat 7.2]#/sbin/modprobe ne irq=9 io=0x300
[Red Hat 7.2]#/sbin/dhcpcd eth0

If gest OS is Fedora Core 1,

[Guest OS is Fedora Core 1]#/sbin/dhclient eth0

It may take time to get IP address from DHCP server.

You will get IP address 10.0.2.x for eth0.

3.1.4 Checking virtual interfaces

Please check virtual interfaces by ping.
[Red Hat 7.2]# ping
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=26.471 msec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.674 msec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.579 msec

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 1.579/9.908/26.471/11.711 ms
[Red Hat 7.2]# ping
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

It seems that ping doesn't work but it is OK.

3.1.5 Checking of host OS

My network card has an address on Fedora Core 1.
[Fedora Core 1]$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:2B:XX:YY:ZZ
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1532 (1.4 Kb) TX bytes:976 (976.0 b)
Interrupt:5 Base address:0x3000

Please check sshd is working on Linux.

[Fedora Core 1]$ ps ax |grep ssh
3766 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
4048 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients
11800 pts/4 S 0:00 grep ssh

You can use ipconfig on Windows2000.

c:\> ipconfig

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Please start Telnet service from controll panel. It needs to disable NTLM authentication.
Please stop it after you use it. It can be a security hole.

3.1.6 Using software

You can connect to host OS by ssh on Linux.
[Red Hat 7.2]$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 66:aa:8d:42:bd:8a:0d:bf:98:d9:6a:f6:aa:bb:cc:dd.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
kazu@'s password:

[Fedora Core 1]$ ls

[Fedora Core 1]$ exit

Connection to closed.

Then you can use Lynx etc.

[Red Hat 7.2]$ lynx

You can use telnet on Windows2000.

[Red Hat 7.2]$ telnet


Backspace is Ctrl-h.
Then you can use other programs.
5.2 Setting network configuration automatically at startup

5.2.1 Setting driver modules

Please add a new heading in /etc/modules.conf.
alias eth0 ne
options ne irq=9 io=0x300

5.2.2 Setting a network interface

Please make a new file as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
# ISA NE2000

5.2.3 Rebooting and checking

It is OK when you can see this list at startup.
Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ]

6. File transfer by option -tftp

If you start the program with an option -tftp, you can read files on a Host OS from a guest OS by tftp

It is nessesary to set a full path name for each file name.

Please use slash '/' instead of back slash '\'.

For example, if you want to transfer file C:\msys\1.0\home\kazu\test.txt in folder C:\msys\1.0\home\


[Dos Prompt] qemu.exe -L ../pc-bios -hda redhat.img -tftp /msys/1.0/home/kazu

guest OS$ tftp

guest OS$ tftp>binary
guest OS$ tftp>get /msys/1.0/home/kazu/test.txt

In MS-DOS prompt, root directory / means C:\.

In MinGW/MSYS environment, root directory / means C:/msys/1.0 and /tmp means
C:/DOCUME~1/kazu/LOCALS~1/Temp. I'm stuck with these.

Notes: Maximum file size is (32M - 512) byte.

You can not transfer files in other drive for example D: or E:.
You can not transfer files from a guest OS to a host OS.

7. Connection from Host OS to Guest OS by option -redir

It is nesessary to set an IP address of a guest OS when the program starts. An IP address of a
Windows98 guest rented from DHCP server is, Morphix is, RedHat Linux is Please see it by yourself.

host OS$ qemu.exe -L ../pc-bios -hda redhat.img -redir tcp:5555: is the IP address of the guest OS. 5555 is a port which is used to accept a connection on the
host OS and 23 is a port which is used in the guest OS. 23 is used by telnet server.

If you want to use telnet and ssh together, you can use some -redir options.

host OS$ qemu.exe -L ../pc-bios -hda redhat.img -redir tcp:5555: -redir


22 is sshd. You can see port's numbers in /etc/services in Linux.

It seems that it takes time to set arp table.

After connecting to the guest OS, arp table is like this.

guest OS# arp -a

guest OS#? ( at 52:54:00:12:35:03 [eth0] on eth0
guest OS#? ( at 52:54:00:12:35:02 [eth0] on eth0

But don't set IP address of the guest OS manually in the guest OS.
You can see IP address gotten from DHCP server by winipcfg.exe in Windows 98/Me guest, ipconfig
/all in Windows 2000/XP guest and ifconfig in Linux guest. IP address is probably or It is necessary to set it at starting the program.
Routing table is like this when IP address is set by hand.

guest OS# Destination Genmask

guest OS#

But it is set by DHCP server,

guest OS#

It doesn't work in the case above.

If you want set them by hand, you can set them like this.

guest OS# modprobe ne2k-pci

guest OS# ifconfig eth0 netmask
guest OS# route add default gw eth0
Then you can connect from the host OS to the guest OS.
It may take time to connect to the guest OS at first.

Please check that the IP addess, routing table and xinetd.

guest OS# ifconfig

guest OS# netstat -rn
guest OS# ps ax |grep xinetd

Type on the host OS:

Note: When your host OS is Linux (Fedora Core 4), use your network card's address instead of

host OS$ telnet localhost 5555

host OS$ telnet 5555

You will see Login prompt from telnet server after a while.

If you want to use ftp, use passive mode.

host OS$ qemu.exe -L ../pc-bios -hda redhat.img -redir tcp:5558:

21 is a control port for ftp.

After configuring a network in the guest OS, type

host OS$ ftp

host OS$ ftp>open localhost 5558
host OS$ Name:
host OS$ Password:
host OS$ ftp>passive
host OS$ passive mode on.
host OS$ ftp>ls

There is a ftp client which can not set port. It takes time to connect to ftp server.

ssh port can be set by -p option.

Note: When your host OS is Linux (Fedora Core 4), use your network card's address instead of

host OS$ sshd localhost -p 5556

host OS$ sshd -p 5556

UDP ports can be redirected. -redir udp:5560: etc.

8. Notes
Please check that you can browse the Internet on host OS.
You can use softwares based on TCP/IP and UDP/IP. You cannot ping, traceroute etc. to the Internet.
Guest OS cannnot be accessed from the Internet without -redir option but it can be infected through e-
mail or browser. Please update it and use anti-virus software.

9. When a network doesn't work

9.1 To check an interface card
QEMU supporting a network in user mode is a simple client program. A virtual network in QEMU
which has a DHCP server doesn't have any relationship with a host's network configuration (except for
DNS server's addresses).
At first, to check an network interface card and the internal network, ping to a virtual router int
a guest OS.

[guest OS]$ ping

If it doesn't return elapsed time, please set IP address manually and try ping. If it works,
NE2000 and it's driver is OK. A problem is to get IP address from DHCP server.
Plese set DNS server's addresses from the Internet Service Provider manulally.

If it desn't work, it might be a problem of the driver. please try to use -isa option to start the QEMU.

[host OS] C:\qemu.exe -L ./pc-bios -hda linux.img -isa

There is a case that it works by a driver of Readtek 8029.

9.2 When the host OS is Linux

If your guest OS which is Linux can get an IP address 10.0.2.x by dhcpcd or dhclient from virtual
DHCP server , the problem is that packets cannnot be sent or received by QEMU.

If you can use tcpdump as root on a host OS, you can check it.
[host OS]# tcpdump -i eth0
[host OS]# tcpdump -i eth1 (if you have two cards)
or when you use a host-gest connection,
[host OS]# tcpdump -i lo

Then use a program on a guest OS.

[guest OS]$ lynx http://----example-----/

When a connection is normal, you will see some output of tcpdump.

9.3 When the host OS is Windows
When your host OS is Windows, a simple way to check the netwrok is to use ping. If a network address
of network interface card of host OS is, ping works.

[guest OS]C:\ ping

ICMP ping is converted UDP packet and sent to port 82 (XFER UTILITY) of the host OS. Linux
doesn't respond to it but Windows does only when it is the host OS. The program ping can't be used to
the Internet because a remote host usually doesn't respond to it.

10. Virtual network's internals

10.1 Debugging SLiRP
A virtual network in QEMU uses source codes known as SLiRP. It is originally developed in BSD. All
packets sent to are separated IP packet header, TCP packet header and data. Then QEMU
sends them as if it sends as a normal client program. This enables a user mode networking. All received
packets are reconfigured and sent to a guest OS.
A debug log can be taken by removing // in slirp/slirp.c.
// debug_init("/tmp/slirp.log", DEBUG_DEFAULT);

It is made in c:\tmp\slirp.log.
When a connection is made, there are soread and sbappend in it. Data are received by soread and send
by sbappend.

10.2 Flow of sending and receiving data

When a TCP/IP program starts in the guest OS, the following functions are called.
Then a socket is made. The socket is set to async mode (FIONBIO) so that it is checked by select()
function to determine whether it can receive or send data. If there is data which can be received or sent,
recv() or send() are used.

It is checked periodically in main_loop() in vl.c by calling slirp_select_fill(),select() and


Data are sent by these functions.

slirp_select_poll in slirp.c
tcp_input in slirp_select_poll() in slirp.c
sbappend in tcp_input.c:574
send in sbappend() in sbuf.c
Data are received by these functions.
slirp_select_poll in slirp.c
soread in slirp_select_poll() in slirp.c
recv in soread() in socket.c

When there are data to be received, these functions are called.

tcp_output in slirp_select_poll in slirp.c
Then they are sent to NE2000. It seems that data is outputed to QEMU by SLiRP, though they are input
data to the program.

Sockets can be closed by this.

tcp_close in tcp_subr.c

struct socket in socket.h has data of a socket descriptor and socket state (so_state) etc. It holds state of

For UDP/IP, it is easier. It probably works if TCP/IP works. It changes functions depending on TCP or

In addition, timer is used to send or receive data.

When -redir option is used, functions solisten and udp_listen are used to act as a server.

11. Sharing files between Windows guest and Windows host

1. On host OS, right click on the sharing folder you want in Explore. Select property and select sharing
Check in checkbox of sharing this folder on network and check in allowing to change files to network
user. Set sharing name like "tmp".

2. On guest OS, right click on my network in Explore, select allocationg network drive.
Input a drive name like E: and a folder name of sharing folder in host OS like \\\tmp , "tmp" is
the name you set in host OS. then shared folder is shared as drive E:.

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