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Metrology clustered

Single cluster different bundle diff product

Customer does integration

Lot of integrated facilities

Often do run-offs

Multiple processing chamber on different platforms

Modern day etching and pausing in single chamber

2. Clustering ----cannibalizing

Offer integrated product are also offered independently

Product of same material are clustered together

3. Product characterization

Responsible for recognizing revenue – product group are responsible

Cross- functional team getting feedback

BU in itself – product group –


Product line ----

Integrated solution ----

Applied may have that ----may sell integrated solution -----

Expert from

Amat – working in collaboration

5. Product centric and customer centric

Drastic change at org or operational level

Customer as no 1

Make them cleaning product , processing solution, base product ….. Each customer has flavor

85-90% -----

Something unique to that customer

Common software

Same integrated platforms, navigation, uptime,

As common as possible
6. Work independently

New software or old software

common operating Software

common scheduler, integration, mainframe ---- common across product line

7. Strategic changes in last decade

Close to customer ---

Offices next to client office

Goes to Oem for tech expertise

Any change in KPI – customer scorecard with CAL team -----to rate dashboard how going new
product, existing equipment ------on frequent basis ----- review on quarterly basis

Customer issue on their own score cards--- issue notices ---- if any issue (servicing etc )

8. Cost magmnt

Procurement – product manager own product costs ---- supply side is

Service and warranty component –

Varies from cust to cust

Cust gets discount

Cost – cost reduction sourcing , avenue to reduce cost, operating cos, energy efficiency ----

Always a focus

Endlessly chasing those things

Initiators – shared services, engg. SCM( each commodity, commodity manager)

Supplier competes for same commodity ---- OEM are integrator of system and subsystem ---together
---focused on cust end product ----

Shared services – supplier is shared services partner in update subsystem (responsibility: one person
might be few people)

Ongoing digital transformation – erp in sales system --- large orgs ---- studying operation efficiencies

9. Comp advantage gain

Cust ---- does not care about inefficiencies unless it cost them money

Need to be meet ---higher % of yield

Streamliner buss processes

Ultimately care about product quality, limited downtime, q time effect

Metrics and kpi , business, digital transformation

10. Change in communication

Eight dimension report --- analyses----- cust driven failure analyses ----

Present material in a way cust wants it

11. Product marketing structure and res person for cost

Depends on orgs ---- centralized marketing group ---

Each as own marketing group

Prod manager own cost

Product marketing manager own proce of everything

Csl tems ---forecasting the cust needs –comm with cust

Bu- operation al exes – pnl – revenue plan foe prodct line

Sales person – acc team and prodct team ()varies with company

Gen manager responsible for everything, metrology

12. Sales head or account gm

Cost resp- customer account will recoment has to be appeoved by gm

Deal approval process- work flow process – get appeoved by X ---

Accountable person for every layer of deal

Fab line for deal -----deal approver in account team to bu goes to cxo level

13. Cost optimization

40% gross mrgin

Cost consumer are such ---

Depends on tools – need to watch cost erosion --- factor divi

Product mamager watching dashboards

Gross margin target

14. Prodct manger --- prodct marketing (diff or same)

Varies with company

15. Chips act

Red is big deal in us ---or freener days nad looking to expand

Lanour component gotta be hogher ---- let go of their cost -----

16. Focus on automation( Skill assessment for talent ---

Key coponnet

Chemical engg


Robotics and software sutomation ---- root of

Initiator: availability of workers

Continue to chase –labor at cheaper rate,

17. Product bu structure

Each prodct line ---- cross equipment ---

Supply chain is distint org same for manufacturing

Bu not involed with mnufavturin

Supplu chain and manf and operations

Qualify the suppliers –

product integration worksheet ---sales operations –works bet manu nad sales ---production planning

they have factories all around the eorld---

pricing target – from product marketing ----product manager gives account team proce target –

account manager gets it from gm

sales account team in every location man---labor cost for manufacturing

‘suppluchain—integratin cist

Diff – lam ---

Lam – major integration Amat -

Cust is critical to both

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