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Activity: Practical Exercise at home

Intended Learning Outcome:

1. Demonstrate one extension teaching method through a vlog or short video-


General Direction:

As listed below, chose one method and design a script for your short video-clip.

The script is good for 3 to 5 minutes only and this will be submitted to your learning
facilitator for documentation and grading purposes.

A short-vlog can be in a form of conducting individual, group or mass methods. For

example, as an Agricultural Extension Worker, you will conduct farm and home visit with
one farmer and his or her family.

Or, you will conduct a lecture-demonstration with training design. Assuming, you will
promote the adoption of USM banana macropropagation technique among farmers in
your own barangay.

Or, you will design an IEC material using the mass method. For example, a radio
program using the School-on-the-Air model that disseminates useful information and
relevant technologies needed by your community will be employed.

Whatever extension teaching method you will use, document through video the whole


1 – Script
2 - Video (3-5 minutes only, can be uploaded in YouTube or Social Media Platform)

Individual Methods
1. Farm and home visits
2. Office calls
3. Telephone calls
4. Personal letters
5. Informal contact
6. Electronic Media (Fax, Internet, E-mail)
Group Methods

1. Lecture
2. Demonstrations
3. Tours and Field trips
4. Field days
5. Meetings
6. Group discussion
a. Phillip 66
a. Panel
b. Brainstorming
c. Symposium

Mass methods

1. Radio
2. Television and Video
3. Print
a. Poster
b. Leaflet
c. Pamphlet
d. Journal
e. Newspaper
f. Magazine
g. Wallpaper
4. Exhibits and displays
5. Educational campaign
6. Projected visuals
a. overhead projector
b. Photographic slides (films, film strips, film slides)

Assessment Criteria:

Script – Originality ( 30%), Organization of Ideas (30%), Relevance to the

method used (20%) and Over-all-Impact (20%) = 100

Video or vlog – Refer to the RUBRICS below. Your vlog should showcase

persuasive communication in order to convince your target clienteles and

end-users of the technology being promoted. = 115

Deadline: Two-weeks in a making (from June 2, 2021)

Category Scoring Criteria VGE GE SE LE N
Ideas are arranged logically
Appropriate organizational patterned is observed
Transitions are smooth
Content is relevant and well-developed
Purpose is well-defined
Main points are stated clearly
Arguments are sound and supported with valid and
credible sources.
Introduction captures listener’s attention
Vlog or video clip is ended with a review of the main
Vlog or video clip is not delivered in a monotone voice,
voice is modulated
Fillers are avoided
Volume is well-adjusted to audience size
Verbal Rate or speed of speaking is varied.
Audible and pleasant voice is used.
Pauses are effectively used.
Words are pronounced and enunciated well.
Eye contact is established and maintained.
Resource person is prepared and confident
Distracting movements or mannerisms are avoided
Facial expressions are appropriate to the message.
Non-Verbal Gestures, posture and facial expressions are expressive,
dynamic and natural.
Attire is appropriate
Mastery of the topic is evident.

VGE – To a very great extent
GE – To a great extent
SE – To some extent
LE – To a little extent
N – Not at all

Prepared by:


Chairperson, Department of Agricultural Extension

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