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Jianhua Zhao and Aihua Wang

Centre of Excellence for Advance Silicon Photovoltaics and Photonics
University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia


In this paper, we report energy conversion efficiencies
of 20.8% from CZ and 22.7% from FZ n-type silicon sub- The advantage of the n-type silicon substrates is their
strates, by a rear emitter PERT (passivated emitter, rear extremely high effective carrier lifetimes. Except the boron
totally-diffused) cell structure. Record efficiency of 22.7% oxygen related effect which reduces the carrier lifetime in
and excellent open-circuit voltage of 706 mV have been p-type silicon, the n-type surface can be more readily pas-
demonstrated by these rear emitter cells on n-type FZ sivated. In our previous work, the n-type wafer surfaces
substrates. The comparable high efficiency from the CZ were diffused with phosphorus at both surfaces, and then
substrates also confirmed that high cell efficiencies can be passivated by a TCA grown oxide. A phosphorus diffused
achieved from these lower quality CZ silicon substrates. surface is expected to improve surface passivation, and
Since the CZ cell results came from the first batch of such hence increase the measured effective carrier lifetime.
CZ cells, it shows the minimum performance boundary for The effective carrier lifetime was measured by the PCD
these CZ cells. Higher performance is expected from fu- (photo-conductance decay) method with a Leo Giken car-
ture experiments, due to very little difference in the ex- rier lifetime tester. Fig. 1 shows the effective carrier life-
perimental minority carrier lifetimes between CZ and FZ time measurement results.
SEH nCz1.3
Effective Carrier Lifetime, microsecond


Topsil nFz1.5
The first silicon solar cells were fabricated on n-type 6000 SEH nCz0.4
silicon substrates in the early 1950s. However, it was SEH nCz5.5
soon found that the p-type cells gave much better stability 5000
after space radiation damage. At the time when the space
cell was the only application for these silicon cells, p-type 4000
silicon soon replaced the n-type silicon as the primary
substrate materials for solar cells. This tradition has been 3000
extended to today, probably without very clear scientific
reasons. 2000

The n-type cell structures have been explored by only
a few groups. After decades of research and development
efforts, SunPower and Sanyo are able to produce high
efficiency Back-Point-Contact cells and the HIT cells on
FG 0

ne 0

d age

st 4 0
FG 0

FG 0
FG 0

3d F G 0

ne e
Al l39

d 39



Al r a g


ay 4

the n-type silicon substrates [1, 2]. Both these cell struc-
2 8 al

2 8 tor


tures have demonstrated over 21% efficiencies at their

production facilities [1, 2]. These are also the highest effi-
cient commercially viable silicon cells for terrestrial appli-
cations. Fig. 1. Measured effective carrier lifetime under different
processing and storage conditions. Both surfaces of the
Recently a renewed interest is back to the n-type sili- wafers were diffused with phosphorus.
con substrates for high efficiency solar cells. The initial
trigger to this might be the discovery to the performance Different processing and storage conditions are listed
degradation in boron doped CZ silicon substrates [3]. It in Fig. 1, where the notation FG350 represents sintering in
was later pointed out by J. Schmidt et al that such degra- forming gas (FG) at 350°C and nCz1.3 represents 1.3
dation was a result from the reaction of boron with oxygen W×cm n-type CZ substrates. All FG sintering and alneal
in the CZ substrates [4]. Using n-type silicon substrate is (aluminium anneal) processes were carried out for 30
expected to avoid such degradation problem completely. minutes. It can be seen in Fig. 1 that all the tested wafers

1-4244-0016-3/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE 996

have effective carrier lifetimes greater than 1 millisecond CELL FABRICATION
(ms). These measured minority carrier lifetimes are signifi-
cantly higher than those previously measured in boron The high efficiency PERL type processing was used
doped p-type FZ silicon substrates. Even with the lower to fabricated these rear emitter n-type PERT cells, which
minority carrier mobility values reported in n-type com- including inverted pyramid front surface, BBr3 boron diffu-
pared to p-type, which gave effective carrier lifetime in the sion, high quality thermal oxidation, solid source phospho-
range of 0.5 to 2 ms, this results in similar or larger minor- rus diffusion, lift off and plated Ag metallization, and dou-
ity diffusion lengths for n-type over p-type FZ substrates ble layer antireflection coating. In fact the only difference
and is much longer than the p-type CZ substrates. Among from these rear emitter n-type PERT cells to our traditional
the SEH n-type CZ substrates, the 5.5 W-cm substrate front emitter p-type PERT cells [5] is the type of the sub-
gives the highest effective carrier lifetime of 5 ms. strate. These PERT cells, on both n- and p-type sub-
strates, were fabricated in the same batches, with com-
Hence, it gives a potential for cells on such n-type CZ patible performances.
materials to match the performance levels which have
been demonstrated by cells on boron doped FZ silicon Thin substrates between 170 mm to 200 mm were
substrates used for these cells both on CZ and FZ substrates to allow
light generated carriers to be transported efficiently to the
REAR EMITTER N-TYPE PERT CELL STRUCTURE rear emitter. Reasonably high substrate resistivity of 5 W-
cm and 1.5 W-cm were used for the CZ and FZ substrates,
It was the difficulties in the p-type emitter fabrication respectively. Due to the rear boron diffusion covers the
that had stopped many researchers wondering around the entire rear surfaces of the cells, the cells have to be
n-type cells. At the University of New South Wales, a high scribed into 22 cm cell size before measurement, as
lifetime, low surface damage BBr3 boron diffusion had shown in Fig. 3. Hence, these results are generally
been developed many years ago. However, the cells with equivalent to the large area production cells.
such boron emitter at the front surface of a PERT cell still
suffered a sever degradation under one-sun illumination.
In this present work, the boron doped emitter has been
moved to the rear surface of the cell as shown in Fig. 2.
This has completely eliminated the degradation problems
in these n-type cells. Their performances have also im-
proved considerably, both for FZ and CZ substrates.

double layer finger "inverted" pyramids

Fig. 3. The 22 cm2 large area scribed cells are made for
these experiments.

The performances of the FZ rear emitter cells were

p+ measured at Sandia National Laboratories under the stan-
n+ n thin oxide p dard one-sun conditions. The performances of the CZ
(~200Å) cells were tested at UNSW referenced to cells tested at
n-silicon +
p Sandia. Table 1 lists these results.
p+ p
The CZ cells had relatively low Voc of 660 mV. There
is no explanation why the CZ cells should give much lower
rear contact oxide Voc than those from FZ cells, since similarly high effective
carrier lifetimes of a few milliseconds have been demon-
Figure 2. The rear emitter n-type PERT cell structure. strated both on FZ and CZ substrates. To be noted is that
this is the first batch of the CZ cells, and some thing might

Table 1. The performance of 22 cm rear emitter PERT cells on n-type CZ and FZ silicon substrates. The FZ cells
were tested at Sandia National Laboratories under the standard 100 mW/cm2 AM1.5 global spectrum, at 25°C, and
the CZ cells were tested at UNSW referenced to cells tested at Sandia under the same conditions.
Resistivity Thickness Voc Jsc FF Efficiency
Cell ID Material (W-cm) (mm) (mV) (mA/cm ) (%) (%)
Wnrj8-3a CZ 4.5 – 5.5 200 659 39.9 78.7 20.8
Wnrj8-6a CZ 4.5 – 5.5 180 660 39.3 79.7 20.7
Wnrj7-2a FZ 1–2 170 702 40.1 80.5 22.7
Wnrj7-1a FZ 1–2 170 706 40.1 79.1 22.4

be not optimized in the cell processing. It is possible that Fig. 4 shows the measured I-V curve of the best rear
these CZ cells have relative higher rear surface recombi- emitter CZ and FZ n-PERT cells, which has demonstrated
nation. efficiencies of 20.8% and 22.7%, respectively. Both these
cells give relatively high fill factors of around 80%. Some
Interestingly, the CZ cells have close high current earlier rear emitter n-PERT cells had rather low fill factors,
density as the FZ cells. This indicates that the bulk minor- and possibly affected by the increased recombination at
ity carrier lifetime in these CZ cells are high enough to the laser scribed and cleaved cell edges. The more recent
transport most of the light generated minority carriers to cells in this paper had employed the limited emitter
the rear junction. Hence, it is possible that the surface method, so that the edge scribing and cleaving occurs
recombination is still relatively higher for these CZ cells outside of the emitter edges. This technique has markedly
compared to the FZ cells. These higher surface recombi- improved the cell fill factors. Fortunately, the larger pro-
nation, if it happens at the rear surface, will mostly con- duction cells will have relatively less cleaved edges, and
tribute to reduced open-circuit voltage, but may give very hence should have similarly high fill factors.
small contribution to reduce the short-circuit current den-
sity of these CZ cells. The spectral response measurement of the earlier FZ
cells up to 400 mm thickness have clearly shown that the
Comparably, the FZ cells have demonstrated excel- recombination loss during carrier transportation to the rear
lent Voc of 706 mV and record efficiency of 22.7%. Their surface has affected the cell current densities. Low IQE of
high current densities and high fill factors are resulted from only 93% was observed for the 400 mm thick cells. With
good cell design and processing. The spectrum response the reduced cell thickness, the IQE increased to 98% for
measurement of these FZ cells shows a very high internal the 170 mm thin cells. The optimum thickness is around
quantum efficiency of 98%. High carrier lifetime and thin 200 mm for the FZ cells, estimated both from the computer
substrate thickness have helped to achieve efficient carrier simulation and from the experimental results.
transportation to the rear emitter, and hence improved the
short circuit current density and the cell efficiency. Some Due to the similar high carrier lifetimes demonstrated
current lost is due to the increased infrared light escaped both in CZ and FZ substrates, the optimum thickness for
from the front surface, when the cell substrate was as thin the CZ cells is expected to be close to that of the FZ cells.
as 170 mm. The experimental current density of 39.9 mA/cm2 from the
1.0 CZ cell, which is only 0.2 mA/cm2 below the best FZ cell,
gives the evidence that the CZ cell also have a very good
0.8 carrier collection, and is also very close to its optimum
Cell ID: Wnrj8-3a thickness range.
Current, A

0.6 Substrate: CZ
0.4 Voc = 659 mV
Jsc = 39.9 mA/cm 2 It is found that all the rear emitter n-type PERT cells
0.2 FF = 0.787 have very stable and even improved performance under
Eff = 20.8% one-sun illumination by an ELH lamp light source for many
0.0 hours. Fig. 5 shows these results. For the 400 mm thick
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 cells in the first FZ batch, Wnrj1, with scribed and cleaved
Voltage, V through emitter edges, all parameters improved after illu-
mination. The high recombination at the scribed edges
(a) may have been reduced during illumination possibly due
1.0 to slight oxidation of the cleaved edge surfaces.

0.8 However, the cells in the later 170 mm thin FZ batch,

Cell ID: Wnrj7-2a
Wnrj7, showed much more stable performance under one-
0.6 Substrate: FZ sun illumination. Hiding the emitter from the cleaved ex-

Cell Area: 22 cm
2 posed edges with limited emitter design has further im-
0.4 Voc = 702 mV proved the cell stability, as well as improved the cell fill
Jsc = 40.1 mA/cm
2 factors. Fortunately, relatively less cleaved emitter edges
FF = 0.805 for larger area commercial cells will have much less effect
Eff = 22.7% on the final cell performance.
0.0 The CZ cell, Wnrj8-5a, is as stable as the other FZ
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 cells, even though a slightly lower initial efficiency was
observed from this cell. Moving the boron diffused emitter
(b) to the rear surface of the cell has put the emitter in the
shade, and hence the emitter area with high concentration
Fig. 4: I-V curves of rear emitter n-type cells (a) on CZ
of both boron and oxygen is not illuminated by the light,
substrate as measured at UNSW and (b) on FZ substrate
and hence, does not have the detrimental lifetime degra-
as measured at Sandia National Laboratories.
dation problem as mentioned in [3, 4].

High energy conversion efficiencies of 20.8% and
22.7% have been demonstrated by the rear emitter n-
Voc, mV 690 PERT cells on CZ and FZ substrates, respectively. The
685 Wnrj1-2b, FZ thickness has to be reduced for the best performance of
680 Wnrj1-2a, FZ these cells. Their stability has also been significantly im-
675 Wnrj7-1b, FZ proved, and making them ready for commercial applica-
670 Wnrj8-5a, CZ tions.
660 This work is considered important since the simplicity
655 of the rear emitter cell structure. It is believed possible to
0 5 10 simplify this cell structure for commercial production, and
One-sun Illumination Time, hr possibly on low cost CZ substrates.
40.0 Wnrj1-2b, FZ
39.8 Wnrj7-1b, FZ
Wnrj8-5a, CZ The authors would like to acknowledge the contribu-
Jsc, ma/cm2

tions from other members of the Centre for Photovoltaic

39.4 Engineering, University of New South Wales, particularly
39.2 Prof. M. A. Green and Prof. S. R. Wenham. Many thanks
go to Dr. Takao Abe of SEH Co. for supplying a variety of
39.0 high quality phosphorus doped n-type CZ and FZ wafers
38.8 and other materials. The contributions of members of
Sandia National Laboratories in the area of cell characteri-
38.6 zation are gratefully acknowledged, particularly those of Dr.
0 5 10 Barry Hanson and Dr. Douglas Ruby. The Photovoltaics
One-sun Illumination Time, hr
Special Research Centre was established and supported
80.0 Wnrj1-2b, FZ under the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excel-
Wnrj1-2a, FZ lence Program.
79.5 Wnrj7-1b, FZ
[1] W.P. Mulligan, et al, “Manufacture of solar cells with
FF, %

78.5 21% efficiency”, 19th European PVSEC, Paris, 2004, pp.

78.0 [2] M. Tanaka, S. Okamoto, S. Tsuge and S. Kiyama, 3rd
World Conf. on Photovoltaic Conversion, Osaka, 2003.
77.5 [3] J. Knobloch, S.W. Glunz, D. Biro, W. Warta, E.
Schaffer and W. Wettling, "Solar Cells with Efficiencies
77.0 above 21% Processed from Czochralski Grown Silicon",
0 5 10 25th IEEE PVSC, 1996, pp. 405-408.
One-sun Illumination Time, hr
[4] J. Schmidt, A.G. Aberle and R. Hezel, "Investigation
22.5 of Carrier Lifetime Instabilities in CZ-Grown silicon", 26th
Wnrj1-2b, FZ IEEE PVSC, 1997, pp. 13-18.
Wnrj1-2a, FZ [5] J. Zhao, A. Wang and M.A. Green, “24.5% Efficiency
22.0 Wnrj7-1b, FZ
Silicon PERT Cells on MCZ Substrates and 24.7% Effi-
Efficiency, %

Wnrj8-5a, CZ
ciency PERL Cells on FZ Substrates”, Progress in Photo-
21.5 voltaics, 7, 1999, pp. 471-474.



0 5 10
One-sun Illumination Time, hr

Fig. 5. The performance of FZ and CZ rear emitter n-

PERT cells of three different batches during one-sun illu-
mination by ELH lamp.


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