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Uni : Wow! Your room is clean and tidy. Nothing is messy
Ana : Thank you. I like studying here
Uni : Of course.
1. The underlined expression shows that uni….
a. Likes study in the room
b. Doesn’t like the room
c. Criticize the room
d. Praises

2. “Nothing is messy”
How will you say this sentence in their way?
a. The room is not neat
b. The room is in a mess
c. The room is not in disorder
d. There is a mess on the floor

Ujang : What are you doing, Udin?

Udin : I’m doing my math homework for tomorrow
Ujang : I see. Siti, do you know where Ucok is?
Siti : He’s in the canteen. He’s having his lunch
Ujang : Lina, Wiiwi and Adul are sitting at the back. What are they doing?
Siti : Talking about the wall-magazine for the next edition
Ujang : Butet is sitting next to the line. What is she doing?
Siti : She’s reading a book, a story book I think.

3. “She’s reading a book” She in this information refers to…

a. Siti
b. Lina
c. Wiwi
d. Butet
4. From the conversation we know that they are …
a. Having a break
b. Taking an exam
c. Studying math for tomorrow
d. Discussing the wall magazine
5. What is the name of the traditional Indonesian race where two people run together, on on
each leg of long bamboo pole?
a. Bakiak race
b. Bamboo race
c. Traditional race
d. Long race
6. What is the most challenging part of the Bakiak race?
a. Coordinating your movements with your partner
b. Staying balanced on the bamboo pole
c. Running a long distance
d. All of the above
7. What did the author do to prepare for the Bakiak race?
a. He trained for months with his partner
b. He watched videos of other Bakiak races
c. He read books about Bakiak race
d. All of the above
8. What was the most rewarding part of the Bakiak race for the author?
a. Winning the race
b. Sharing the experience with his partner
c. Achieving something great together
d. All of the above
9. What is the most important factor in winning a tug of war?
a. The number of people on each team
b. The size and strength of the people on each team
c. The position of the people on each team
d. The technique used by each team
10. Why is it important to have a good position in a tug of war?
a. To be able to pull the rope with more force
b. To be able to block the other team’s pull
c. To be able to coordinate your pull with your teammates
d. All of the above
11. What is the best technique for winning a tug of war?
a. To pull the rope as hard as you can
b. To pull the rope at the same time as your time as your teammates
c. To pull the rope in coordinated manner
d. To pull the rope in a direction that the other team is not expecting
12. What are some of the challenges of playing tug of war?
a. It can be difficult to coordinate your pull with your teammates
b. It can be difficult to maintain your balance while pulling the rope
c. It can be difficult to pull the rope against a strong opponent
d. All of the above
13. Ara ….. With her dolls in her room
a. Plays
b. Play
c. Playing
d. Is played
14. Sienna ….. to the school
a. Run
b. Runs
c. Running
d. Is run
15. My mother was in the kitchen, She……. Some cakes for four hours ago
a. Cooked
b. Cooks
c. Cooking
d. Cook
16. He ……. always study hard when he was student
a. Did not
b. Does not
c. Do not
d. Did
17. Shela : Hi Mela, what did you do last night?
Mela : ………..
a. I am watching drama series on VIU last night
b. I watch drama series on VIU last night
c. I watched drama series on VIU last night
d. I watches drama series on VIU last night
18. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense
1. Ignored 2. Last day 3. She 4. My call
a. 2-1-3-4
b. 4-1-2-1
c. 3-1-2-4
d. 3-1-4-2
19. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense
1. At 2. Yesterday 3. They 4. The 5. Lunch 6. Had 7.Restaurant
a. 4-3-5-6-1-2-7
b. 4-5-6-1-2-3-4
c. 3-6-5-1-4-7-2
d. 3-6-5-7-4-2
20. Dona …. This delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
a. Cooking
b. Cooked
c. Cooks
d. Cook
21. I …… the glass on the table
a. Put
b. Puts
c. Puted
d. Putted
Underline the correct verb in the following brackets, and make negative and interrogative
1. Our English teacher always (check/checks) our homework everyday
Negative : …………………………………
Interrogative : …………………………………
2. One of my friends (go/goes) to Bali every year
Negative : …………………………………
Interrogative : …………………………………
3. The train always (arrives/arrive) on time.
Negative : …………………………………
Interrogative : …………………………………
4. Randi (buy/buys) a very thick book.
Negative : …………………………………
Interrogative : …………………………………
5. The students (study/studies) in the classroom
Negative : …………………………………
Interrogative : …………………………………

Teks untuk soal kelas 1 dan 2

Arya : Hi, Eva. How are you?
Eva : Hi, Arya. (1) … by the way, who is with you?
Arya : Oh, this is my new friend, Rama. Rama, this is my cousin, Eva.
Rama : Hello, Eva (2) …..
Eva : Hello, Rama. Nice to meet you

1. A. How are you anyway?

B. Glad to see you, too
C. Very well, thanks
D. How do you do?

2. A. Let me introduce myself

B. Nice to meet you
C. Good Morning
D. How are you?

Teks untuk soal nomor 3-7

Mrs. Dewi : That’s the bell. Time is up.
Students : All right, Ma’am.
Mrs. Dewi : We will discuss the next chapter next friday. Please study the material at home.
Students : Sure, Ma’am
Mrs. Dewi : See you. Bye.
Students : See you, Ma’am. Bye.

3. Who is Mrs. Dewi

A. She is a student
B. She is a principle
C. She is a librarian
D. She is a teacher
4. Where does the dialog take place?
a. At the schoolfield
b. In the office
c. In the library
d. In the classroom
5. When will the next lesson be?
a. Next wednesday
b. Next thursday
c. Next friday
d. Next saturday
6. Mrs. Dewi says, “see you, bye”. What does she express?
a. Apologizing
b. Thanking
c. Greeting
d. Leave taking
7. Mrs. Dewi says, “Please ‘Study’ the material at home”. What is the synonym of the underlined
a. Learn
b. Look
c. Inform
d. Prepare
8. Bona : How old are you?
Dina : ……………..
a. I am fine
b. My brother
c. I am twelve years old
d. I’m in the seventh grade
9. Bob : ……………
Tim : I have one elder brother
a. How is your elder brother?
b. Where is your elder brother?
c. How old is your elder brother?
d. How many brothers do you have?
10. Dian : What is your address?
Dani : ……………………
a. I don’t live here
b. I like to live here
c. I live alone
d. It’s Pettarani Street No. 15

Teks untuk soal nomor 11 dan 12

Hello, I am Yogi from kendari. I will stay for two months in Bali. I like sports, but my favorite is
badminton. I joined a badminton club in Kendari. I like traveling too. I want to learn Bali
Traditional dance. I hope you can teach me.

11. What are Yogi’s Hobbies?

a. Playing badminton and traveling
b. Playing badminton only
c. Collecting book
d. Drawing manga
12. The statement which is true based on the text?
a. Yogi doesn’t join a badminton club in kendari
b. Yogi join badminton club in Kendari
c. Yogi will stay in Bali for years.
d. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance

Teks untuk 13-15

Tiur : Hi, come in.
Rio : Hi, thanks. Your living room is clean
Tiur : My sister cleans it everyday. Rio, Can you tell me about something
Rio : Sure. what is it?
Tiur : About your new school. Are there any air conditioners in your
Rio : Yes. there are
Tiur : How many air conditioners are there?
Rio : there are two air conditioners
Tiur : it’s amazing. And your classroom?
Rio : there is no air conditioner in my classroom. but , we have two fans
Tiur : I see

13. Who are talking?

a. Tiur and his friend
b. Tiur and his teacher
c. Eko and his brother
d. Tiur, eko and his sister
14. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
a. At home
b. At school
c. At the canteen
d. At Rio’s home
15. How many air conditioners are there in Tiur’s classroom
a. Three
b. Two
c. One
d. Nothing

Mrs. Alwi and her daughter, Syntia, have been out for shopping at Puri Mall for two hours. Mrs.
Alwi bought Syntia a new sweater. Now, she has already put on. She is so happy that she hasn't
even removed the tag yet.

16. Why didn't Syntia remove the tag of the sweater?

a. The tag cannot be removed Hide quoted text
b. The sweater has been put on
c. She was so glad to have it
d. The sweater is really good

Siti : Good morning, Beni

Beni : Good morning, Siti. How are you today?
Siti : I'm doing very well
Beni : You arrive very early. Do you always arrive early every day?
Siti : Yes, I do. I always come to school early. I always leave home at 6. I don't
want to be late. Beni, why do you clean the classroom by yourself?
Beni : Dayu is not here. She's late
Siti : Don't worry. I will help you to clean the classroom
Beni : Thank you, Siti. You always help other people
Siti : You are welcome, Beni.

17. Where does the dialog take place?

a. In the garden
b. At Siti's home
c. At Beni's home
d. In the classroom

18. Aura : What does your father usually do in the morning before going to work?
Raisah : He usually ... the internet to read recent online news.
a. Creates
b. Browses
c. Uploads
d. Downloads

19. Bram : There is a big ... in my bedroom. It's used for storing my clothes.
Tini : You must have a lot of clothes, so you need a big one.
a. Locker
b. Wardrobe
c. Cupboard
d. Spring bed

20. Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large
Lisa : I think it is small.
Siti : I don't think so. It is big. It has many things. There are a lot of things.
They have two pink wardrobes, a green bookshelf, a pretty bed and a brown mirror.
Why does Siti think that Lisa's bedroom is big?
a. There are many things in the bedroom.
b. The bedroom is tidy and comfortable.
c. The bedroom is well organized.
d. There are two pink wardrobes.

Fill in the blank with the correct words!

I have a pet. It is a dog and I (1) ____ it snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is (2) ____, fluffy,
and cute. It has (3) ____ white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels (4) ____. Snowy does not like
bones. Every day it eats soft (5) ____ like steamed rice, fish, or bread. When I am at school,
Snowy plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight, maybe because Snowy does not
(6) ____ a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never (7) ____ shoes.
We always (8) ____ time together at home. We do many activities; playing balls, hide and seek,
or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually (9) ____ her for a walk. People love to see
Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet and (10) ____ pet.


Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A,B,C and D

The following text is for questions 1 and 2

Dear Esther

Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of the singing contest of FLS2N. I
know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the
best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer someday

Chairperson of Class 9A

1. The text above shows that..

a. The writer is one of the contestants
b. Esther is the best students
c. Esther is the best singer
d. Rudy is Esther’s special friend
2. The text is for ….. Of L2SN
a. The best student
b. The best teacher
c. The best singer
d. The best graduates student
3. Situation :
Rania has just made a very beautiful handicraft from coconut leaf. Chandra praises her
craft and hope that she will win the national competition.
Chandra : ………………………, i’m sure you will win the national competition
Rania : “thank you, I hope so too”
a. What is that
b. That’s a very beautiful handicraft
c. i’m glad to hear that
d. You are the winner
4. What does the text mostly tell you about?
a. INSTEAD ™ softcup ™
b. Health Sciences Group
c. Toxic Shock Syndrome
d. Living a better life
5. The second paragraph of the text tells you about instead ™ softcup ™ as …
a. The best productor for all people
b. Gynecologists is for all women
c. the only sanitary care product
d. The professional in sanitary
6. The text shows that the…. Suggest people to use INSTEAD ™ softcup ™
a. All professionals
b. Some Scientists
c. All doctors
d. Gynecologists
7. The text shows that product is …. To be worn by people.
a. Dangerous
b. Interesting
c. safe
d. Hard
8. INSTEAD ™ softcup ™ is cleared by the U.S FDA and …” what does the underlined
word mean?
a. Consumed
b. Authorized
c. ordered
d. Made
9. Nuri hasjust finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of the indonesia
independence day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer, and she will get a
big applause for that.
Shinta : “you sings like a singer…………………………”
Nuri : “ Thank you. That’s very nice for you
a. I’m sure you will get a very big applause
b. You are a good student
c. i’m sorry
d. Congratulate to nuri
10. Situation :
Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition.
Dara shows her hope that Fadel I will get a prize
The conversation :
Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition”
Dara : “................., I hope you will win the competition
a. Thank you very much
b. I hope so
c. I’m sorry
d. Sure, Good luck

11. What is the text about?

a. Vitamins
b. Energy
c. fruits
d. Minerals
12. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. We make juice from fruits
b. People use fruits for many things
c. some beer and brandies are made of fruits
d. We freeze fruits to eat whenever we need later
13. Which substance do we need to have a healthy digestive system?
a. Vitamins
b. Calories
c. Fiber
d. Carbohydrate
14. People can be fat because they eat a lot of…..
a. Sweets
b. Poultry
c. cereal
d. Avocado
15. “We Freeze the to eat” (paragraph 2) the word “freze” in the sentence is similar in
meaning to…
a. Liquidate
b. Ice up
c. Preserve
d. Cool
16. Change into negative sentence!
They will go to Bandung next week
a. Will they go to Bandung next week?
b. They not will go to Bandung next week?
c. They will not go to Bandung next week?
d. Not will they go to Bandung next week?
17. Mrs. Aida : “can you help me to bring my books?”
Hesty : “..................”
a. I don’t understand
b. What is your name?
c. Yes, I can
d. No. I can
18. Figo and Santi will go to the cinema tonight …. Wants the new film.
a. He
b. They
c. We
d. You
19. I’m Saefa. I’m a student of SMPN 3 Pandeglang. I go to school by car. I have a lot of
friends at school. I love …. School because big and clean.
a. Their
b. Your
c. His
d. My
20. I … spend the next holiday with my grandmother in the village because I will go to Bali.
a. Won’t
b. Do
c. Didn’t
d. Don’t

Complete the dialogue. Use the given words in the box.

Tiara : Hello, good morning
Lia : Morning, you look very busy. What’s up?
Tiara : I’ve spent the whole morning at the library, looking for information about our
assignment that’s due Wednesday
Lia : I know………..(1) I can meet our teacher for some suggestions. ………(2)
Tiara : Well, …….. (3) and please give her …………(4)
Lia : …………. (5)

I hope Wish me luck Good luck My best wishes Thank you

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