The Client

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Mark Sway: Main character, it’s a boy of eleven years old. He has to grow up fast in a family
with no much money and live in a poor part of town. He has to act as a father of his little
brother and teach him all.

Ricky Sway: Mark’s brother, he has 8 years old. He’s a scary child but he likes to play with his
brother at the woods.

Dianne Sway: She´s the mother of the boys, she left the father of Mark because he was often
drunk and violent. She also works a lot because they don’t have so much money.

Jerome Clifford: He´s a lawyer and works for the mafia in New Orleans and now he it´s in
problems with them because he knows something important, Barry Muldano it´s looking for
him so he wants to kill himself and disappear.

Barry (the blade) Muldano: It’s a member of the mafia in New Orleans, he recently kills a
senator and hid the body on Jerome´s garage. Barry enjoy a fast life, and liked people to be
afraid of him.

Roy Foltrigg: It´s a US government lawyer, he loves to see his face on television and win cases.
He wants to know where the body of the senator is because his job was to prove that Barry
Muldano it´s guilty.

Reggie Love: She´s a fifty-two-year-old lawyer and only been in the job for five years. She takes
Mark´s case and help him with this situation only for one dollar.

Jason McThune and Larry Truman: They both work for the FBI and national police; they help
Foltrigg to get information of Mark. They think that Jerome told something important to Mark
about Barry.

Thomas Fink: attendee of Roy.

Gill Teale: Is a lawyer but he only takes cases where he can make money, Mark doesn´t have so
much so Gill it´s not interested.

Slick Moeller: It´s a newspaper reporter, crime was his life so he will do anything to get a story
and he doesn´t care if he puts Mark’s life in danger.
Jhonny: He was the head of the Mafia in New Orleans and Barry´s uncle. He was very angry
about Barry actions. He recommends him to kill everyone.

Paul Gronke: He work for Jhonny and is part of the mafia, he helps to frighten Mark and search
the senator body.

Harry Roosevelt: The judge of the case, it´s a good man, clever kind and a fair one.

The story:

The story starts with Mark and Ricky, two brother that are smoking in the woods close
to their house. But suddenly they saw a car entering to the woods, that was weird so
they get close. They could see a drunk man trying to kill himself with gas from the
engine. Mark try to stop him, taking out the hose but the man catches him.

This man was Jerome Clifford a mafia lawyer, he enters Mark to his car and try to kill
him with the gas too. In the waiting Jerome started to tell Mark why he’s doing that.
His client Barry Muldano, has killed a senator and hid the body under Jerome´s own
boat. Now his client is looking him to kill him because he knows a lot.

Mark achieves to escape of the car; Jerome try to follow him but finish killing himself.
The boys came back to their house and Mark nervous called the police in anonymous.
While that Ricky was in shock, he entered into a state of post-traumatic stress. When
Dianne came to her house and see Ricky they decided to go to the hospital. Mark was
very nervous he didn´t know what to do.

In the hospital a cop approaches Mark and said to him that he knew that Marks did the
call to the police when Jerome kills himself. In that moment the eleven years old boy
lie, because he told the police that they were only playing in the woods and then found
the death body. The police doesn´t believe him and steal from him a can of coke to
check his dna. Roy Foltrigg finds out what happened and started to interest about
Marks and decided to go to find him and ask some questions.

While that the Mafia knows too what was happening, Barry was interested in this
because his trial for murder was to take place in four weeks, but he wasn’t worried
because nobody could fine the senator´s body.
Another man wants to know about Jerome´s death and he was Slick Moeller a crime
reporter, he wanted a story for the morning newspaper and he didn’t care how he got
it. Finally, he makes the reportage of Jerome and what happened with Mark, he put
the eleven years old in focus of attention. And obviously wanted more information so
he continued appear on Marks life and annoying.

Mark started to get scare because he discovered that the FBI now controlled the case
and two detectives Jason McThune and Larry Truman with Roy Foltrigg were working
together and looking him for do some questions (they have all the evidence and with
the dna of the can they discovered that fingerprints of Mark where over the car of
Jerome). For that reason, Mark goes in search of a lawyer who can help him. He had
seen Gill Beal in the hospital a lawyer of accident cases but he only work for money so
he was not going to help Mark. Then luckily Mark found Reggie Love, a lawyer who
decided help him just for one dollar.

Mark started to tell Reggie all that happened except what Romey had said about the
body, he was afraid to tell her where the body was. He didn´t know what to do, the
FBI, the mafia, her family, all that was stressing him a lot.

That day at twelve o’clock he went to finally speak with the FBI, Reggie accompanied
Mark and give him a small recorder that hid in his shirt. Then he enters alone. they
made fun of him for a while and pressured him to speak, “you don’t need a lawyer”
they said. Mark without wanting to say anything, he asks to go to the bathroom and
escapes. Then Reggie entered to the room, and tell the police that what they were
doing was wrong and now she was going to talk to Mark and then speak with them.

For other part in New Orleans Jhonny, Barry´s uncle send to one of his collaborator
“Gronke” to threaten Mark.

Mark was very worried for his brother and her mother, so one night he told all that
happened to her mother. But in the same night Gronke appears to do his work, hi
threaten Mark with a knife and make it clear that he couldn´t say nothing about
Jerome or Barry.

Mark was scared he don’t want to say a word to the FBI. All the hospital was full of
reporters who want information of the boy. Reggie decided to take the boy with her to
her mother´s house (mamma love). Gronke was outside watching and following Mark,
and burned Mark´s house.

Foltrigg achieves put mark under custody, so they would protect Mark from the mafia
and at the same time it will frighten Mark and make him talk. For this they talk to the
judge Rooselvelt and told him that mark was in danger and he knows something about
the Muldanno that would help the case. The judge agreed with that, and they took
mark away from his mother to children´s prison into a small room just for him, the
judge want the best for mark.

At the other day Reggie was angry but the judge had make a decision, he wants to see
mark that afternoon on court to talk to him about the case and what happened. Mark
didn’t want to talk but the consequences were to came back to prison until he spoke.

The FBI reunited with the judge and Reggie and explained them that if Mark gives
some evidence against the mafia (without Foltrigg), the government could protect him
and his family “the witness protection programme” Reggie explain this to Mark and his
mother, but he didn’t want to talk, he was too frightened.

The next day in court they heard a recording of Muldanno that said he wants to kill the
kid or the family or Reggie just to make it sure he wasn’t talk. All in the court were
frozen and the judge decided again to returned Mark to custody for his safety.

But that night in prison he faked feeling bad so they would send him to the hospital
again and he could escape. That´s what he did, he came to hospital and called Reggie
to go look for him. She did it and drive away. In the middle of the road Mark told
Reggie his idea, he wanted to go to New Orleans and check if the body of the senator
was there. Reggie wasn’t so sure but she helped him.

At the same time Barry was freak out for the disappear of the kid so decided to move
the body that night. That was the reason why they met in Jerome´s house (Barry,
Mark, Reggie, and two mans that were helping Barry).

Mark saw him trying to move the senator body so Reggie make sound an alarm, light
went on in the house next door and a man appeared with a gun. And Muldanno a his
mans had to leave the garage.
All had finished, Reggie make a deal with the FBI, they had to help mark and his family
in exchange for telling them where the body was. The deal was successful cause Mark,
Dianne and Ricky could escape after say goodbye to Reggie.

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