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Sage's Rage

Artificer: Archivist At 5th level, you better learn to sap the minds of your
Not all who study artifice work in a grimy lab with a dented enemies. You gain the following features:
hammer. Some prefer to work with an elegant quill and Honed Psionics When you make a psychic damage roll
clever wordplay. Archivists are concerned with the collection for an artificer spell or for Information Overload, you gain
and storage of knowledge, and combine arcane infusions and a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Intelligence
psionic powers to incapacitate any who would try to steal it modifier (minimum bonus of +1)
from them. Powerful Overload Once on your turn when you deal
Tool Proficiency psychic damage, you can expend a spell slot to do bonus
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with calligrapher's tools. If damage. The damage is 2d8 for a 1st level spell slot, and
you are already proficient with calligrapher's tools, you an additional 1d8 for each level above 1st.
instead gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of Shared Counsel
your choice. Additionally, whenever you create a spell scroll, it At 9th level, your artificial mind can transmit advice to any
takes you half the time and gold cost. who wish to hear it. Any creature of your choice within 30
Archivist Spells
feet of you gain proficiency in the skills granted by Psychic
Counsel. If they already had proficiency in these skills, they
Level Spell
instead gain expertise.
Additionally, the damage of information overload increases to
comprehend languages, dissonant whispers, 2d8.
mind sliver
Master Arhivist
5th detect thoughts, tasha's mind whip
At 15th level, you are a master archivist, capable of tapping
9th hypnotic pattern, tongues into the very flow of information throughout the planes. You
13th confusion, psychic lance
gain the following benefits:
17th scrying, synaptic static Consult the Archives While holding your artificial mind,
you can cast Divination, Legend Lore, Contact Other
Plane and Commune. When cast this way, you don't
Artificial Mind require material components or a spell slot, and you can
At 3rd level, you discover how to awaken a mind inside an cast them as an action. These spells don't contact deities
object. Whenever you finish a long rest and your or anything else when used this way, instead tapping into
calligrapher’s supplies are with you, you can magically rouse the Archives of Knowledge found throughout the planes.
a keen mind within a Tiny, object on which you write mystical You can cast these spells a combined times equal to your
symbols. The object can be used as a spellcasting focus. If proficiency bonus, and regain all uses when you finish a
you already have an artificial mind from this feature, the first long rest.
one immediately dissipates. While you are carrying the mind, Absolute Overload When you use Information
you gain the following features: Overload, you can use it an additional time as part of the
Psychic Counsel Whenever you finish a short or long same bonus action. If a creature fails both saves, it has
rest, choose two skills. You gain expertise with these disadvantage on all attacks it makes that turn.
skills, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for
any ability check you make with them.
Information Overload: You can cause your Artificial Mind
to overload the mind's of your foes by channeling
information at them. As a bonus action, you can force a
creature that you can see within 30 feet to make an
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8
psychic damage and disadvantage on the next attack roll it
makes before the start of your next turn.
Arcane Archive: As an action, you can touch the mind to a
book or writing that is legible to you. All of the information
in the writing is instantly saved to your mind, and while it
is on your person you can remember any information
stored in the writing.
Psionic Artifice
Also at 3rd level, your magic changes to incorporate raw
information. Whenever you deal damage with an artificer
spell, you can choose to deal psychic damage instead.
Additionally, you gain telepathy out to 30 feet. A creature
must understand you to understand your telepathic
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