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Name: _______________________________Course: _____________ Date:_________ Score:_______

PART I. IDENTIFICATION. Select the answer from the box. WRITE THE LETTER ONLY.

1. It is the expansion and belongingness – i.e., ethnicity,

intensification of social relations and language, religion and others.
consciousness across world time and 15. How many members does UN have?
space implies that there are various 16. These are companies which has
forms of connectivity. expanded outside their home
2. In what year was ICC established? countries
3. It refers to the expanding 17. How many members does EU have?
interdependence of world 18. It is a practice of interdependent
economies. collaboration.
4. How many members does ASEAN 19. This is economic dimension is seen
have? in cross-listing of shares on one or
5. The dimension of economic more foreign stock exchange, cross-
interconnectedness which is hedging and diversification of
demonstrated in the establishment portfolio, and round the clock
of the WTO that eases trade among trading worldwide (National
countries. Research Council, 1995).
6. A network of trade routes that 20. These are facilitators of connections
connected the East, particularly among nation-states.
China, and the West.
7. When was ASEAN established?
8. How many members does WTO
9. This is a facet of contemporary
political globalization that seeks to
form collaboration among nation-
states through the establishment of
intergovernmental organizations.
10. This is a political community that
emanates from a civic society to
legitimately execute peace.
11. This dimension is best illustrated by
the existence of multinational
corporations (MNCs) and
transnational corporations (TNCs).
12. This is as a compulsory political
organization with a centralized
government that maintains the
legitimate use of force within a
certain territory.
13. This dimension emphasizes that
various transactions and
interactivities that transpire instantly
due to the internet and
communication technology.
14. It emphasizes the organic ties that
hold groups of people together and
inspire a sense of loyalty and

PART II. ACRONYMS. Give the meaning of the following acronyms.

1. UN 6. CHED 11. DTI
2. EU 7. LGU 12. PAGASA
3. ASEAN 8. NATO 13. DND
4. ICC 9. DSWD 14. DENR
5. OPEC 10. WTO 15. DepEd

PART III. TRUE OR FALSE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer (2 pts each).

1. I. A state has four main elements: territory, population, government, and sovereignty.
II. A nation has fixed geographical boundaries.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both statements are false.
c. The first statement is true while the second is false.
d. The second statement is true while the first is false.
2. I. Nation is a large body of people united by common origin, history, culture, ethnicity,
or language.
II. Nation is a cultural-political community.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both statements are false.
c. The first statement is true while the second is false.
d. The second statement is true while the first is false.
3. I. State refers to a territory.
II. Nation can be created consciously.

a. Both statements are true.

b. Both statements are false.
c. The first statement is true while the second is false.
d. The second statement is true while the first is false.
4. I. Global market integration was the result of the establishment of a global economy that
involved the homogenization of trade and commerce.
II. International financial institutions play an important role in the social and economic
development programs of developing and transitional nations.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both statements are false.
c. The first statement is true while the second is false.
d. The second statement is true while the first is false.
5. I. In 2015, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was changed into Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs)
II. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is composed of 17 global goals covers social
and economic issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming,
gender equality, water sanitation, energy urbanization, environment, and social justice.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both statements are false.
c. The first statement is true while the second is false.
d. The second statement is true while the first is false.



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