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Name : Siti Amna Ulhaq

NIM : 2023010101016



Students' lack of English language skills is a problem that is often faced in higher
education. One of them is due to students' lack of confidence in their own abilities. In fact, every
individual has good innate competence. However, confidence is needed in order to stimulate
these competencies to become even better. The competency referred to here is a belief that a
person has to improve academic abilities in the field of English (Daryanto, 2009)
However, in reality, students in the FTIK PAI study program in the English course are not
able to be active in speaking English, this is because the English course applies a lot of written
exercises and memorizes vocabulary so that students are not stimulated to communicate well.
This causes students to be afraid of English courses, because they are afraid of memorizing them.
However, on the student side, based on the results of interviews, they stated that they
lacked confidence if the lecturer asked them to communicate in English, because they lacked
confidence and self-motivation to learn English. Seeing this, a lecturer must choose various
methods in teaching, to stimulate students to be active in learning English. In learning English,
psychological factors such as shyness, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, lack of self-
confidence and high anxiety can have an effect on a student's English language skills (Schutz,
2017). The Affective Filter Hypothesis reveals that self-confidence, high motivation and anxiety
influence a person's ability to speak English. Referring to the theory above, anxiety is a factor
that needs more attention in learning English
To increase interest in learning English among Islamic religious education students, there are
several strategies that can be implemented. One way is to use various media such as images,
videos, animations and sounds to help students understand the material better. Another strategy is
to encourage students to actively participate in English language activities, such as speaking and
writing practice, to build their self-confidence and motivation. Students can also use discussion
methods to make English lessons more interactive and interesting. In addition, it is important to
overcome the perception that English is a difficult language to learn by providing support and
guidance to students. By implementing these strategies, students' interest in learning English can
be increased, and their language competence can be improved.
In increasing their interest in learning, Islamic Religious Education (Pai) students face
various problems that affect their understanding of English, including lack of experience
speaking in public, ignorance of effective learning methods, and lack of motivation. To overcome
the problem of students' understanding of English, several steps can be taken, including:
Improving the quality of the English language learning program by adding other objectives that
include students' wishes and desires, Providing a personal approach to each student or to students
who have problems understanding English, Using inspiring and motivating teaching techniques
for students, especially those who lack self-confidence.
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score sebagai syarat wisuda. BELAJEA; Jurnal pendidikan islam, 3(2) ,153 – 172
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meningkatkan kemampuan speaking Mahasiswa STAIBN Tegal. SHAHIH: Journal of Islamicate
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