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Odigha Lok Sova Bhawan

Sachibalaya Marg
Govemment of Odisha Bhubane swar - 751001
Fax 0674 - 239 1413
Panchayati Raj & D.W Department E-nail-prsec. oronic in

Letter No. PR-CFC-SCHEME-0004-2023 Q9897 Date:R6 /12/2023


Krutibas Rout, OAS(SAG)

Additional Secretary to Govt.

All Collectors,
Sub: Wallpainting of "Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha" intervention Logo -Regarding
Madam/ Sir,
In inviting reference to the subject cited above, Iam directed to say that State
has launched "Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha" intervention with a view to transform rural
Odisha by augmenting infrastructure leading to accelerated growth as well as to
preserve rich cultural heritage of the State.
In order to sensitize and create awareness among the rural populace
regarding the impact of this intervention it has been decided to make wall painting of
the Logo of "Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha " intervention in each GP HOs and in other
conspicuous places of GP.
The cost incurred towards this IEC activity will be met out of the
administrative contingency available under AONO at Block level (i.e. 1% of the total
met out of
project cost). In case of any shortage at Block Level, the funds will be
administrative contingency available at District Level (i.e. 0.5% of the total approved
project cost under AONO).
Hence, you are requested to ensure wall painting of Logo of "Ama
Nabin Odisha " intervention as per the enclosed design & specification.
The above instructions may please be scrupulously followed.

Yours Faithfully,

AdditionaSectetary to Govt.
[Encl: The detailed design and specification s enclosed]
Cc: For information and necessary action
1. PS to Principal Secretary, PR & DW Department
for kind perusal of Principal
Secretary, PR & DW Department.
Department for kind perusal of
2. PS to Director, Special Project, PR & DW
Director, Special Project.
3. All BDOs
4. Office copy (

18 3@6

4.5 feet (Length)

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