Design Against Static Loads - IV - DPP-09 - GATE Crash Course 2023 Mechanical

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Branch : Mechanical Engineering Batch : Gate Crash

Course DPP-09
Subject : Machine Design
Topic Name:Theory of Failure
1. Match the following criteria of material failure, under 2. A small element at the critical section of a component
biaxial stresses 𝜎1 and 𝜎2 and yield stress 𝜎𝑦 with their in bi-axial state of stress with the two principal stresses
corresponding graphic representations: being 360 MPa and 140 MPa. The maximum working
List – I stress according to distortion energy theory is
P. Maximum normal stress criterion (a) 220 MPa (b) 110 MPa
Q. Maximum distortion energy criterion (c) 314 MPa (d) 330 MPa
R. Maximum shear stress criterion
Directions (Common data for 3,4 and 5)
List – II
The stress condition of a lamina is given below:

60 30 
30 −20  MPa
 
(L)  = 0.3
3. Equivalent normal stress as per Rankine’s Theory of
failure is ________MPa.

4. Equivalent normal stress as per Tresca’s Theory of

(M) failure is _________MPa.

5. Equivalent normal stress as per Haigh’s theory of

failure is _________MPa.

6. A thin spherical pressure vessel of diameter D and

thickness t is subjected to internal pressure p.
P: FOS as per Rankine’s theory of failure
Q: FOS as per Tresca’s theory of failure
R. FOS as per Vonmises theory of failure
(a) P-M, Q-L, R-N Which one of the following sequence of FOS is
(b) P-N, Q-M, R-L correct?
(c) P-M, Q-N, R-L (a) P = Q < R (b) P = Q > R
(c) R > Q > P (d) P = Q = R
(d) P-N, Q-L, R-M

Answer Key
1. (c)
2. (c)
3. (69.9 to 70.1)
4. (99.9 to 100.1)
5. (83.9 to 84.1)
6. (d)

Hints and Solutions

1. (c) 4. (99.9 to 100.1)
2. (c) As per Tresca’s theory of failure:
Sol. Actual stress:
Actual stress:  1 − 2 70 − (−30)
1 = 360 MPa  2 = = 50 MPa
 2
2 = 140 MPa  2 −30
3 = 0 max  = = 15MPa
 2 2
Equivalent stress:  1 70
 = = 35MPa
 2 2
max = 50 MPa
1 = e Equivalent Stress:
2 = 0 σ
( max ) e = e
3 = 0 2
Distortion energy theory of failure:  (τ max )actual = (τ max )e
u dA = u de e
 50 =
 12 +  2 2 + 32 − ( 1 2 +  23 + 31 )  =  e 2
 e = 100 MPa
 3602 + 1402 + 0 − ( 360 )(140 )  = e
5. (83.9 to 84.1)
 e = 314.32 MPa Sol.
As per Haigh’s theory of failure:
3. (69.9 to 70.1)
12 +  2 2 + 32 − 2 ( 1 2 +  2 3 + 31 )  =  e
xx = 60 MPa  12 +  2 2 – 2 1 2  = e
yy = –20 MPa
xy = 30 MPa  702 + (−30) 2 − 2  0.3 ( 70 )( −30 ) = e

 σ xx – σ yy 
 60 − ( −20) 
 e = 84.024 MPa
 + xy = 
2 2
R=   +30
 σ   2 
6. (d)
 R = 50 MPa Sol.
 xx +  yy 60 + (−20)
1, 2 = R =  50
2 2
 1 = 70 MPa, 2 = –30 MPa, 3 = 0
Equivalent Stress:

1 = e Principal stresses in thin pressure vessel subjected to

2 = 0 internal pressure p
3 = 0 pD
As per Rankine’s theory of failure: 1 = 1 =
max = e
 e = 70 MPa 1 = 2 =

3 =  r = 0 (3) Region of safety of Tresca theory of failure

Hence 1 =  2 and 3 = 0 Under 1 =  2 and 3 = 0 stress condition region of

safety of Rankine, Tresca and Vonmises theory of
failure are coinciding.
(1) Region of safety of Rankine theory of failure Therefore, FOS by all theses 3 theory of failure will be
(2) Region of safety of Vonmises theory of failure same in this stress condition i.e., P = Q = R.


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