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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________

Research in Child and Adolescent Development

Test I. TRUE or FALSE (20 points)
1. Quality research adheres to the scientific method.
2. For research on child and adolescent development to serve its ultimate purpose, researchers must be governed
by ethical principles.
3. Which research design and data-gathering technique to use has nothing to do with the nature of the research
problem and objective/s of the research.
4. Teachers are both producers of knowledge when they conduct research and are consumers or end users of
knowledge when they utilize research findings to improve instruction.
5. Research has a transformative effect on teachers’ self-understanding and on their classroom practice. It enables
teachers to develop a better understanding of themselves, their classrooms, and their practice through the act
of reflective inquiry.
6. A research abstract contains the title, researcher/s, date of research, introduction, methods, findings/results of
the study, conclusions and recommendations and references.
7. Teachers who have been involved in research may become more reflective, more critical and analytical in their
teaching, and more open and committed to professional development.
8. Research procedures can naturally might cause any harm to children, physically or psychologically.
9. There should be respect for privacy in conducting researches.
10. A high quality research does not have definite research design and data-gathering techniques.
Test II. Identification (15 points)
___________________1. A research design that has a reflective process of progressive problem-solving led by
individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice.
___________________2. This research design is the combined cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches to learn
about life-span development.
___________________3. This is a research strategy in which individuals of different ages are compared at one time.
___________________4. This research design studies and follows through a single group over a period of time.
___________________5. A research design that focuses on children’s experiences in natural settings.
___________________6. A research design that determines cause and effect relationships.
___________________7. A research design determines associations.
___________________8. A research design which focuses in an in-depth look at an individual.
___________________9. This data-gathering technique can be made in either laboratories or natural settings.
___________________10. This can be done through determining children’s development such as, among others, heart
rate, hormonal levels, bone growth, body weight, and brain activity.
___________________11. What data-gathering technique involves prepared tests that assesses individuals’
performance in different domains?
___________________12. This involves asking questions through interview or questionnaire in data-gathering.
___________________13. This data-gathering technique involves records of information about a lifetime chronology of
events and activities.
___________________14. What Philippine law states that collection of personal data must be a declared, specified and
legitimate purpose?
___________________15. What method follows a systematic and logical process?

Developmental Theories
Test III. Enumeration (14 points)
1. What are the stages and types of personality of Freud’s Psychosexual Development?
1) __________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
2) __________________________
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3) __________________________
 ____________________________
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4) __________________________
5) __________________________
2. What are the component of an individual’s personality according to Freud?
 __________________________
 __________________________
 __________________________

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

Test IV. Define the following terms. (5 points each)
1. Piagetian task-
2. Assimilation-
3. Accommodation-
4. Equilibration-
5. Cognitive Disequilibrium-
6. Object permanence-
7. Centration-
8. Egocentrism-
9. Seriation-
10. Hypothetical reasoning-

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