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The Psychological Effects of Alcohol Towards Young People

Authors : (TNR, 12, 1space)

1st Nadine Fathaya Zohra, 2nd Akmal Rasyid Febrian

Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus

Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


This article examines the concerning increase in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Indonesia
within the past three years, whereby the recorded per capita intake stands at 0.39 liters in urban areas
and 0.66 liters in rural regions, as disclosed by Mojca Ramsak's 2022 study. Ramsak sheds light on
the influential role of social media, which, due to inadequate regulation, contributes to a sense of fear
of missing out (FOMO) among young individuals. Furthermore, the research conducted by Sandra A.
Brown and Susan F. Taper underscores the significant mental health risks associated with early
alcohol consumption, thereby highlighting the crucial importance of implementing comprehensive
intervention strategies. This article argues that addressing the issue of adolescent alcohol consumption
requires a holistic approach that takes into account social, psychological, and health aspects in order
to protect the well-being of the younger generation and promote a more educated societal perspective
on this urgent matter.

Keywords: Alcohol, Adolescence, Mental Health,


In the past three years, there has been an alarming increase in alcohol consumption among adolescents
in the age of 15 and older in Indonesia. Recent data shows that the average consumption per person is
0.39 liters in urban areas and 0.66 liters in rural regions, providing insight into a complex problem
with significant consequences. This rise can be attributed to the unregulated promotion of alcohol on
social media among vulnerable young people. The implications of this trend go beyond mere
statistics. Early alcohol use is associated with an increased risk of mental health issues, including
psychological distress, anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of suicide. As we explore the specific
effects on different genders and the broader health implications, it becomes evident that addressing
the issue of adolescent alcohol consumption is not merely a matter of numbers, but rather a pressing
societal concern that requires a comprehensive intervention.


According to the Badan Pusat Statistik for the last 3 years alcohol consumption for
adolescents the age of 15 and above was 0.39 liter per capita in the city and 0.66 liter per
capita in the village or more rural areas in Indonesia. In one article ‘Social Media, Alcohol
and Young People’ by Mojca Ramsak written in 2022, one of the reasons for the numbers to
increase throughout the year was because the exposure of alcohol usage through social media
was poorly regulated. Since young people’s behavior is influenced by social norms and peer
pressure, adding the fact that the exposure of said alcohol was through a positive light
resulted in them having fear of missing out on what is commonly called “FOMO.” It is also
stated in an article ‘Aggression and Motivation of Alcohol Consumption in Young People’
not only that they feel like they’re fitting in with their peers the alcohol consumption is often
seen as a way to enhance social interactions and be part of a particular social group.

In the Journal written by Sandra A. Brown and Susan F. Taper about ‘Reducing Underage
Drinking: A Collective Responsibility’ early alcohol use could risk multiple mental health
problems. Many studies indicate that adolescents with heavy alcohol are more at risk with
psychological issues, both socially and personality wise. Adolesence can experience
psychological distress, anxiety, and depression, not only that many of them also experience
suicidal thoughts and self harming acts. Social anxiousness could increase dramatically as
well as feelings of aggressiveness and impulse control, not only that since the lack of apathy
they could have problems with regulating negative or positive emotions and get
overwhelmed. It also stated that early alcohol usage can create a dependency, especially
using It as a coping mechanism like stress, would due to it the heavy implications of alcohol
usage could lead to a much higher rate of nicotine addiction or drug abuse. Implications also
stated that it could affect the adolescent's sexual behavior, it could lead to teen pregnancies,
sexually transmitted diseases and even assault. In the article written by Atika Islam in 2018
about ‘Toxic Effects of Alcohol in Adolescence’ it is mentioned that the impact of girls can
cause more adverse psychological issues than boys. Both would be affected on the brain and
neuro system, but girls are more susceptible to damage to brain maturation and reduced
development of the frontal lobe, and it has a higher chance of social anxiety, but boys are
more prominent to be alcoholics.

The previous article mentioned in paragraph 2 stated that adolescents have more physical
immaturity and lower tolerance levels, adolescent drinkers exhibit reduced decision-making
capability, immature brain development, and short term memory loss. Alcohol is identified as
a neurotoxic agent that can interfere with regular neurotransmitter activity and inhibit the
release of glutamate, leading to detrimental effects on the nervous system. Some
psychological studies have identified symptoms like shivering, sweating, and heavy vehicle
accidents as potential effects of alcoholism in adolescents, other psychological effects may
include changes in appetite habits, disturbed sleep patterns, and muscle weakness.
Alcoholism could also lead to some physical symptoms of headache, hyperventilation,
vomiting, change in appetite habit, weight loss, eczema, disturbance in sleep, and muscle


The conclusion that can be drawn,, a comprehensive response is required for the increase in
alcohol consumption among adolescents in Indonesia. The intertwining factors of social
media influence, peer pressure, and lax regulation, as highlighted by Ramsak, emphasize the
urgency of addressing the issue beyond mere statistical metrics. The widespread fear of
missing out or (FOMO) amplified through social platforms necessitates nuanced preventative
measures. Furthermore, the significant mental health implications described by Brown and
Taper emphasize the necessity of a comprehensive approach. Early alcohol use not only
presents immediate risks but also establishes the foundation for long-term consequences,
highlighting the importance of multifaceted strategies to safeguard the well-being of the
younger generation and foster a more knowledgeable societal perspective on adolescent
alcohol consumption.

Social Media, Alcohol, and Young People. Mojca Ramšak, 2022.

Toxic Effect of Alcohol in Adolescence: A Review. Atika Islam, 2018.

Reducing underage drinking : A Collective Responsibility. Sandra A. Brown and Susan F.

Taper, 2004.

Aggression and Motivation of Alcohol Consumption in Young People, P Yusupov and Tatiana
Aleskandrovna Mardasova, 2023.

Alcohol and the adolescents brain : Human Studies, Susan E. Tapert, 2004

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