What Happens To My Pet After Death

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Do dogs' souls wander after they die?


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Dogs are the most loyal and adorable living things !
There's no proof or any such facts whether they
wander after they die . But I think if you lost a dog,
you'll definitely feel his presence in and around your
house for a little while as you are so used to him/her
being there. Also , I believe that they are just around
you sometimes to make sure you're doing okay !
Gowri Vembar (!"#$ %&'()*) · Follow
Former Programmer Analyst at Cognizant (company)
(2013–2015) · 5y

Related Have you ever felt your dog's presence

after it died?
Yes, I always feel her presence. (Long answer, please
ignore if you don't have time)

She was sweet and caring. She was a great

companion at my home after marriage when I moved
here in 2015.

Initially, she was neutral towards me. Soon she

became a great companion to me. I used to bath her.
She loved my pampering. She always wished me good
night by rubbing her nose against my toes.

She used to receive me with happy face and a lot of

wagging when I came after a vacation at my mom's
place. She loved when I rubbed her belly. She loved
eating watermelon and sugarcane.
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She was 15 years old when I came to

201 14 2

Jedidiah Benhur Margoschis Wisely ·

Former English Instructor · 4y

Related What do dogs do when they are about to

I was not in India when Bugs died.

I went to lay him to rest. After the burial, the whole

family stood still. We couldn't talk. We had it coming.
But none of us seemed to accept the reality.

Dad cancelled all his schedules. He pulled a chair and

sat near a tree. Mom sat nearby.

My brothers and I looked at each other, trying to

console each other. Shock and disbelief was

Finally, my brother asked mom hesitantly: "Ma, what

was he doing before he died?"

Tears trickled down her cheek. In an obviously pained

voice, she said:

"He stopped eating. I gave him everything he would

love. Nothing worked. He gestured me to the tree. I
came out and sat here," she said, pointing at the tree
near her.

"When he saw that I was there, he gave a mild bark,

jumped playfully, and slept. He never woke up," she

That was the tree under which mom found him ten
years ago.

He was saying thanks, maybe? Or love you? Or just a

dance of joy? I don’t know, really.

Run wild and free, little bugger.

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Where does a dog's spirit go when it dies?


My dog died and I can't get over it. This has

traumatized me and I can't find reason to go
on. What is wrong with me?

When my dog of 17 years passed away, I

wasn't able to feel his spirit with me? Do dogs
have a soul and does their spirit stay with us.

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Chrissy Williams · Follow

Lives in Sydney, Australia (1991–present) ·
Updated Oct 5

How do I connect with a recently

deceased pet?
I am exactly where you are now, totally heartbroken,
sleeping with her ashes in a silver heart. Stuffing the
heart into the middle of my bra when I take my other
dog for a walk. Waiting everyday for a sign, message
or something……..

I think it’s called grief. I know she’s not coming back

but I just can’t accept she’s gone forever either.

you are not alone x

it’s now 10 months on, still no connection. Therefore

unfortunately unlike humans I don’t believe we can
reconnect with our deceased pets.

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83 6

Julie A. Gates · Follow

Retired! Worked in purchasing Department at
furniture co. · Upvoted by Romi Abhimanyu,
Voracious reader and born-again Hindu · Updated 1y

Related What makes you think your dog has a

A puppy came to our porch when we lived in Georgia.
We heard her crying under our stoop in the night.

We couldn’t resist taking her in the house to be with


After bathing her, we took her to a vet clinic where

she received more care and her first puppy shots.

She grew up to be a beautiful and loyal dog.

She was with my husband and me for 18 years.

To this day, I think I hear her jumping up on the bed in

the night. Or I think I hear her walking in the hallway.
Yes, she has a soul.

This is our Misty Blue! Isn’t she gorgeous?

Misty and me in 1986—a long time ago.

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Bobbi Lum · Follow

Dog lover, provisioner to squirrels and birds. · 11mo

RelatedWhen your dog dies, can his spirit be in

your home?
Absolutely. Our beloved golden retriever, Kellie,
passed away at age 13. We also had a German
Shepherd (this will be relevant). We were all sad. One
day, I was sitting in our den reading, GDS at my feet. I
heard a familiar sound coming from above me, my
son’s bedroom. It was the thump thump of a dog
scratching. No one else was home, dog and cat were
with me. I saw the GSD glance up, then look at me
with that head tilt confusion that GSD’s are known for.
The thumping stopped, then the sound of an old
arthritic dog walking toward the stairs.

We both got up and went to the foot of the stairs, and

GSD started wagging her tail in excitement. One step
creaked, then the sound stopped altogether. Okay,
maybe I was imagining it, but the dog?!

Over the next few weeks, everyone else in the family

heard that sound at different times. We were gifted a
golden retriever puppy, and GSD and the whole family
were happy to have the new pup. When she got to
around 7–8 months, she was sleeping at the top of
the stairs, I was folding laundry, and my husband was
in another room off the landing, working. All of the
sudden, the new pup was on her feet, staring into my
son’s room (the one where the old dog slept every
night), and gave an impressive growl, hackles erect.
After about 15 seconds, she stopped, and started
wagging her tail.

After that, we never heard the thumping or paw steps

again. I think new dog saw old dog. And it is my belief
that old dog’s spirit hung around to be sure we were
all doing well, and the new pup had filled that void.
But after all these years, we still have little dog-
shaped holes in our hearts from our departed friends.
32.8K views · View 87 upvotes

87 1

Errol Greene · Follow

Company Founder, Copywriter, Animal Rescuer at
Greene Nutraceuticals (2019–present) · Upvoted by
Belinda Tantalo, Happily owned by vizslas since 198…
· Updated Oct 11
Related Where do dogs go when they have
passed? Do they go to heaven? Do you see your
pets when you have passed away?
They go to Heaven, or their version, the Rainbow
Bridge. I used to think this was just wishful thinking
invented by grieving pet owners. That is, until a
woman who I had never met personally—and who
lived in Ireland no less—wrote me the following

My beloved dog Scooby had just died under puzzling

circumstances and I wasn’t sure that I would ever get
over his loss.

Then one night just a few days later, I get the

following email—from thousands of miles away, and
from someone who wasn’t even aware he had passed:

Just a quick email to you. I was doing a meditation cd

today (trying to relax!) and Scooby came through! I
was really surprised. It was so quick that I wanted to
give you the details before they fade away. It may
mean nothing, but I always like to pass on anything
that I get like this. He seemed to be standing at the
edge of a pool/pond and had a small red ball in his
mouth but he had a big grin on his face too. There
was water splashing or spraying around him and he
looked directly at me as if to say "I'm ok - can you let
them know?" Then he was gone.

Again, I hope this makes sense to you, I had to pass it


Take care,


What makes this so amazing is that he knew to

include his two favorite things—his red ball and
playing in water—so that we knew it was truly him.
She had no way of knowing this. It was my proof that
he was okay, and it gave me a peace with his passing I
can never repay to her.

The Rainbow Bridge is real.

I hope this answer helps and brings as much peace to

others as it did to me.
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Cindy Ferguson · Follow

Former Export Supervisor (1980–2012) · 2y

Why do I hear my dead dog walking

Why do I hear my dead dog walking around?

I could say it was wishful thinking; I could say it was

your imagination …. but I won’t.

I too heard the click of doggie nails on tiled floor after

my faithful Lab x died. I heard him “knock” on the
back door, and paw at his metal bowl outside the
kitchen door. I heard him stretching out on the cool
floor outside my bedroom door - he used to kick the
wooden skirting boards to maneuver himself. And I
saw him briefly at the foot of my bed, almost touching

Your dog’s spirit is still with you, guarding you, as s/he

did in life.

26 1

Alex Smith · Follow

Former Writer (Diarist) · 2y

Related Do animal spirits exist? And if they do,

are they tied to the person or the place? My
little dog passed away & I’m moving soon. I feel
like I’m leaving him behind.
Yes. I know many reliable mediums and they
frequently note the large black dog curled up nearby.
Some animals, when they pass, are effectively
rehomed - usually, it seems from the small sample I
have - with our friends and relations who have gone
ahead of us, but they are able to stop by and visit.

The large black dog was my constant companion

when he was incarnated, and apparently he still
mostly follows me round all day. I have moved house
many times, but it is me he homes in on.

Every day I’m still here is a day closer to when I shall

run and play with him again.

32 1

Summer Rosa · Follow

BSW. RSW in Social Sciences, The University of
British Columbia (Graduated 2009) · 2y

RelatedIf life after death exists, then what

happens to the pet's soul (e.g. dog) after
death? Do their souls reincarnate?

They go to Heaven like everything does that has a

soul or spirit

You will see them there when you die!!

They will remember you & greet you!!

51 11 99

Shiva Swati · Follow

Author, Psychologist, Psychic,Past
LifeReikiThetaTherapist · Updated 1y

Yes, as other souls do. Till they see the light and
transgress their form to another ….., often dog souls
become human beings after they die …dog is a life of
learning humiliation and love which is not attached to
money …….after the suffering is done, they can go
back to human bodies…its easier and a quicker form
of suffering than a human suffering plan.

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8 1

Mike Thomas · Follow

Former Self Employed (1985–2018) · 2y

When your pet dies, do their spirits

come back to you?
Yes they do if you had a strong connection with them.

My mum had 2 dogs, and the greyhound called

Charlie would sit with her when she did circle work,
but he hated anyone giving him healing.

Snoopy on the other hand was the other way round,

and loved healing.

After Charlie died, he'd often come back when mum

was running circle, and eventually, Snoopy died about
18 months later, and when my daughter was about 5,
she said that there wasn't enough space on the bed
because the dogs were laying on it.

If you sit quietly, and ask spirit to bring her to sit on

your lap, you may be able to feel her presence there.
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Gail Simmons · Follow

Lives in Birch Coulee · 4y

RelatedCan dogs that passed away be your

guardian angel or can they keep an eye on you?
The right to believe or not believe is a wonderful
thing. Some people, due to religion or upbringing or
what have you, do not believe pets go to heaven or
that they have souls. Some people believe they do. I
believe that they do. What would heaven be without
our beloved animals? The God I believe in would not
punish us to eternity without animals. Are they angels
watching over us? I sure can’t rule that out. I think the
soul of my old heart horse whispers to me and the
horses who have come after her. My Dad went to
“puppy heaven “ with his adored dogs from his life, if
he had his way! Who knows for sure? He just might
have sent the rescue dog we just adopted, how else
could she be such a perfect fit for us? Personally I
can’t understand how anyone could look into the eyes
of an animal and not believe thy have a soul. We
humans might have a bigger brain but we rarely have
a bigger heart than a loved pet or animal companion.
15.1K views · View 47 upvotes

47 3

J. L. Blake · Follow
Graduate of Bombs and Bullets University. Indian
Head 1975. · 7mo

Related Where do dogs’ spirits go?

I don't know, but I will quote Will Rodgers, “If there are
no dogs in Heaven, then I want to go where they
went”. I can think of no better eternal companion.
783 views · View 4 upvotes

Loniann Carusso · Follow

Former Asst Manager (1983–2016) · 4y

Related Is it possible to talk to your dead pets?

Sure you can talk to your dead pets. Why not? I talk to
some of my family that aren't here anymore.I also talk
to my dead pets too. They may not be here with me,
but will always be in my heart & mind. It makes me
feel good to know I can think about them & let them
know they are still loved. It gives me peace of mind
when I think of them that they are not forgotten just
because they are not here with me on earth. They will
ALWAYS be in my heart no matter what. I still cry &
grieve for them too. I hope they know that I still love
them & miss them terribly.

44 4

Chris Hands · Follow

Assistant Shift Manager (2019–present) · 6y

Related How did you cope with the loss of your

Originally Answered: How did you cope up with the loss of your

My big boy died September 2015, I knew it was

coming as he had just turned 13 and that's a good
age for a German Shepherd.

His back legs had failed him and he kept having

accidents around the house. It broke my heart as I
had been grieving months before he had to be put
down…I couldn't imagine the day I'd have to make the
decision to end his life.

He kept me sane, he was my best friend, I could say

anything to him and he knew what I meant. He would
sit out on the drive all day and never step off it in to
the street.

The night before I called the vet I went and bought

him a big steak and cooked it for him. In the morning I
called the vet and asked her to come to my house,
within an hour she was there. I held Zac.... cuddled
him while she injected his front right leg, it took seven
seconds and was very peaceful he felt different
straight away.

I then searched for a cremation centre that performed

individual cremations. Within five hours his ashes
were back home in a German Shepherd Dog casket.

I'm not wealthy but when it came to that awful day

money was no object. I've learnt that if you truly love
your dog and it has a full and complete life then when
it comes to making that decision you will do it out of
love and respect.

My gorgeous boy, Zac 2002–2015


Thank you for the up votes and kind comments.

At the time it was very sad. I decided that I would

have a couple of years off from having another dog. I
wanted some time out……or so I thought!

The house was just not the same without a dog to

greet you when you come home.

so meet Bear

8 weeks old.

Celebrating his 1st Birthday!

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Human Psychology Stories · Follow

Posted by Agha Khan · Sep 15

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Neetu Bhambri · Follow

Associate at standard chartered bank (2018–present)
· 4y

There are 8,400,000 species of life- including

aquatics, plants , birds, beasts ,insects and human
beings. The rules of reincarnation is applicable to all
species. So, also the soul of dog took another body
after death. They get the next body of higher platform
than this because they are not bound by karmas.
They have the natural tendency to kill animals and eat
meat. Due to lack of memory they are lack in

But in human beings the consciousness is developed.

During this life you associate with various modes of
material nature and that association will decide what
kind of body you are going to get in next life. That is
strictly under the law of nature . So, your next birth
will be decided according to your activities- sinful or
pious, as the case may be.
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Penina Winisdatter · Follow

Owned dogs for 30 years. · 2y

Related When dogs passed away, do they know

that they leave their loved owner? Will they
come back to visit in a dream? I missed my 'pet
son' badly for 51 days. I lost all my interest and
feel I am half dead.
I don’t believe in a life after death… but here is a thing
I STILL cannot explain!

When I was a teenager, our cat, George, who was 19

years old at the time, passed away. he had been in our
family since he was a kitten, tiny enough to fit in the
palm of Mama’s hand. He was a 20 pound Angora cat
and he had a habit, while alive, of waiting until
everyone was in bed, and then coming in and jumping
up onto Mama’s bed, walking around, and then
settling down on the coverlet to sleep.

Two or three days after George’s death, it was

bedtime. I was in my room, my folks were doing what
they normally did, which was to sit in bed, reading for
a while before going to sleep. So the room was
lighted. In my room, I heard mama’s voice suddenly

Her tone of voice was one of shock and probably

incredulity. I got up and went in. Mama said “George
just jumped up on the bed! Walked across and lay
down… but when I looked, there was nothing there!”

I looked at the corner of the bed where he had

habitually leapt up. We all THREE saw it…

A short track of maybe six to eight indentations in

the coverlet where a cat’s paws would have
depressed the fabric!

To this day, I cannot explain it. But I would advise you

to keep listening, keep watching. Your dog just may
send you a signal.
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45 3 1

Sugar Bouche · Follow

Self Employed at Feralife (2000–present) · 3y

Related My dog died. Will I see him after I die?

Yes you will.

Life will never be the same without someone who

loved you more than he loved himself. My deepest
sympathies for your loss.

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Morva Ory · Follow

Lives in New Orleans (1942–present) · 1y

Related Will my dogs be with me in heaven?

Legend is that your pets who precede you in death
will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge, a wonderful
place where your pets are happy. It’s the entrance to
Heaven.33Once you’ve greeted your pets, you all cross
the Rainbow Bridge together to enter Heaven.
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Lisa Larson · Follow

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