A Passionate Entrepreneur in Engineering Solution

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A passionate entrepreneur in engineering solution, education and

training since 2006. Winson started his lecturing career at a local

technical community college since 2003 where he involved himself as
lecturer and facilitator for the college academic committee- outcome
based learning. Apart from his academic obligation, he is also the advisor
for engineering student society where he has applied his engineering
experiences to inspire their students to find their career pathway before
the graduation. This has been achieved by various activities such as
career talks, industrial visits, and poster exhibition. In 2005, Winson has
been offered a HOD job at Nilai International university where his main
task is to improve the quality of the academic curriculum, T & L facilities
and environment (MQA accreditation) with a group of lecturers and
industrial panels, Later, Winson has further expanded the engineering
school from two divisions to three which includes aircraft maintenance
school. In 2008, Winson have been called by Dato Lee Sing Choi to assist
him on helping secondary school dropouts to earn their career skills
through Kojadi's Skill Development Foundation. In 2009 to 2012, Winson
has been invited to joint EDS ASIA, a plant facilities design and
engineering software and training company. He has produced training
courses and conducted industrial training for more than 80 oil and gas
companies within South East Asia. In addition, he has also assisted EDS
Asia to initiate a new business division in education sector in line with
government plan in achieving high income nation by year 2020 through
NKEA (National Key Economy Areas). From 2017 to 2019, Winson was
appointed as Chief Education Officer of Sutera Analytics Sdn Bhd, where
he has initiated the implementation of data centric solution in higher
education institution in teaching digitalization of process plant especially
in the areas of oil & gas, energy, oleo chemical and food processing.

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