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Food Microbiology Practical

Experiment- 1

AIM: Introduction to the Basic Microbiology Laboratory Practices and equipment

Theory: A microbiology laboratory is a place for working with a variety of microorganisms. Since
several culture media are prepared and organic materials are present, chances exist for the presence
of high spectrum of microbial community. Secondly, while working with pure culture one should
always follow the microbiological rules for asepsis so that neither the experiment should be
unsuccessful nor any hazard may occur.

Specified equipments, tools and glasswares used in a microbiological laboratory: Some specified
equipments used in a microbiological laboratory are:

S.No. Equipments, Tools and Use

1. Petriplates For isolating specified microbial cultures
2. Inoculation loop For inoculating the microbial cells on agar or broth and
3. Spreader For equal distribution of sample on agar for isolating
4. Autoclave For sterilization
5. Laminar air flow For aseptically performing the experiments and sterilization
6. Bunsen burner Used for sterilization of inoculating loops / needles and
flaming the mouth of test tubes, conical flasks and other
glassware to prevent contamination.
7. Centrifuge Used for separation of particles dispersed in a suspended
matter by use of centrifugal force. (Usually concentrating
micro-organisms for various assays)
8. Spectrophotometer Used for determination of microbial population or density
of macromolecules in an unknown sample based on the
turbidity measurements.
9. Incubator Incubation of the micro-organisms i.e. providing them with
a constant temperature for their optimum growth
10. Vortex shaker Used to mix the contents
Petriplate Inoculation loop Spreader

Autoclave Laminar air flow

Centrifuge Spectrophotometer
LABORATORY RULES: The following laboratory rules have to be observed at all times:

1. Always wear a laboratory coat or an apron before entering a laboratory to protect clothing
from contamination or accidental discoloration by staining solutions.
2. At the beginning and termination of isolation experiments, wipe laminar flow bench tops
with a disinfectant like Lysol (1:500), phenol (1:100), spirit or 90% ethanol and always
sterilize the laminar flow with U.V. 30 minutes before the start of experiment.
3. Don’t smoke, eat or drink in the laboratory.
4. Don’t place contaminated instruments such as inoculating loops, needles and pipettes
directly on the bench tops.
5. Loops and needles should be sterilized by incineration.
6. Pipettes and cultures should be disposed off in designated receptacles.
7. All microbial cultures should be handled as being potential pathogens.
8. Wash your hands with liquid detergent / soap upon entering and prior to leaving the
9. Long hair should be tied back to minimize contamination of cultures and fire hazards.
10. Carry cultures in a tray, basket or test tube stand when moving around and stack in a test
tube stand on the laboratory bench.
11. Immediately, cover spilled cultures or broken culture tubes with filter paper and saturate
with the disinfectant.
12. Report accidental cuts or burns to the instructor immediately.
13. Never pipette by mouth any broth cultures or chemical reagents. Pipetting is to be carried
out with the aid of a mechanical pipette pump.
14. Aseptic techniques must be rigorously observed at all times.
15. Label all the plates, tubes, cultures properly before starting an exercise.
16. Discard the unused plates after sterilizing them in autoclave.

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