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by iva p.s.
Yes/ No questions are the simplest type of
questions. They can can simply be answered
by “yes” or “no”
Study the example below:

example 1 example 2
statement: Ms Iva is a teacher. Novinda works at GIS 3 Jogja.
Question: Is Ms Iva a teacher? Does Novinda work at GIS 3 Jogja?
Statement: You are in Boston. Grade 2 performed drama TTA in this
Question: Are you in Boston? month.
Statement: My friends are very diligent. Did grade 2 perform drama TTA in this
Question: Are my friends very diligent? month?
Statement: I am beautiful. the students have finished the test.
Question: Am I beautiful? Have the students finished the test?
Study the example below:

example 3
statement: The students can speak
Question: Can the students speak
Statement: You may visit the library.
Question: May I visit the library?
Statement: Ari should lead the class
meeting .
Question: Should Ari lead the class

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