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S5 B Test #2 - Study guide

What do you have to know?

The definition* of:
 Natural selection
 Genetic drift
 2 traits Punnett squares
*(you’ll notice that there aren’t any words specifically marked as “definition” in your lessons. This is because you don’t have to learn anything
by heart. However, you should be able to explain each one of those terms as we worked on them)

What do you have to be able to do?

 Understand a study case about evolution to identify variation in a population and the resulting selection
 Make a dihybrid (2 traits) Punnett square
 Recall practical labs & activities we did in class (example of question: what would you do to know to do a
mutagenesis experiment?)
 Read and analyze a document to answer to a scientific problem

+ all what was in the study guide #1, 2 & 3 !

Where can you find the information to prepare yourself?

 The lessons’ summary

 The documents on the activities’ worksheets

Some tips for you to study efficiently!

 Your brain needs to rest. When you’re sleeping, the neurons you’ve stimulated during the day reactivate
themselves in the same way they did when you used them. This means that you’re reviewing and strengthening
what you’ve learned. We don’t know exactly what happens, but we know that individual that sleep well memorize
more efficiently than those who don’t. Think about it!

 Don’t forget that learning is done with time and that what you want to achieve is long lasting memorisation (not
just for tomorrow!). It is useless to spend a lot of time studying the day before the exam. You’ll have the illusion
that you’ve memorized things but in one week almost everything will be gone… it is way more efficient to work
15 minutes for 6 days that 1h30 in one day. And it is also less tiring!

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