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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf

Fiber in Bangladesh

Article in IOSR Journal of Business and Management · September 2019

DOI: 10.9790/487X-2109041723


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2 authors, including:

Pallabi Biswas
University of Dhaka


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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 21, Issue 9. Series. IV (September. 2019), PP 17-23

Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and

Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh
Pallabi Biswas1, Sharlin Afrin Nishat2
(Lecturer, Department of International Business, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
(Freelancer and Student, Department of International Business, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh )
Corresponding Author: Pallabi Biswas

Abstract: This study explores the production and export possibility of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf
fiber in Bangladesh. Pineapple has huge demand both locally and internationally for several types of uses. Its
consumption is increasing day by day because of its different nutritionals value. Since exporting fresh pineapple
is difficult because of its perishable nature, many countries are exporting canned pineapple. Besides, because of
the pineapple leaf fine fiber quality with its organic nature, it is already used for making different types of
products (clothes, rope) in some countries.In Bangladesh almost every year farmers found huge surplus
cultivation after supplying the fruits in the local market. As Bangladesh has a well cultivation of pineapple so
it’s easy to establish this potential export site. This study is a descriptive research where qualitative research
method is applied to analyze the collected data. Findings showed steadily increasing production, cheap
production costs and availability of cheap labor, standardized products quality, raw materials availability with
simpler production procedures, international market demand, demand for organic and natural fiber,
entrepreneurial development and various government incentives indicate favorable export opportunity of
canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber. The findings of this study gives insight topolicy makers, investors,
and pineapple cultivators as well as fruits businessmen to open the door of a new export sector here in
Bangladesh.Besides, this study is also helpful to others pineapple producing countries as well as researchers to
use canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber related information.
[Key words: Pineapple of Bangladesh, Canned pineapple, Pineapple Leaf Fiber, Organic Fiber, New Export
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Date of Submission: 13-09-2019 Date of Acceptance: 01-10-2019
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I. Introduction
Pineapple, also known as Ananas which is a delicious tropical fruit full of nutritional benefits.
According to different study pineapple is a healthy fruit with different types of vitaminsand minerals. More than
130% daily requirement of vitamin for human beings come from a single pineapple.Pineapple reduces the
threats of cough and cold, prevent cancer, improve vision, bone health, oral health, improve blood circulation
and regulate blood pressure (Hossain et al. 2015).
Pineapples are now cultivating worldwide. Based on time series analysis, it is the fourth most important
fruit in Bangladesh in terms of its cultivating (Hossain and Abdullah, 2015). Pineapple is becoming the main
industrial product of many countries and international demand for pineapple is increasing. It is widely cultivated
because of its delicious and fragrant fruit in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Bangladesh has a
great probability of pineapple cultivation. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) report most
of the pineapple cultivates in Dhaka, Chittagong Hill Tract, Tangail, and Sylhet area. Dhaka division is the
highest cultivable land in Bangladesh. May-July is the harvesting time of pineapple. After fulfilling the local
demand there has found a surplus quantity of pineapple. Most of the time the cultivators either have to sell the
surplus quantity at a low price or have to destroy the fruits. Every year a large amount of pineapple get damage
because of proper preservation. Farmers are losing hope and they are shifting their farming.
In Bangladesh, ripen pineapple consumed by the people. But internationally there have a demand of
canned pineapple. By preserving the pineapple in a cann with syrup it can be preserved for a year. Besides the
cultivating season consumer can get the pineapple all the time. There are many countries who are exporting the
pineapple using the cann and syrup and there have demand of this processed pineapple almost all the important
international market. Philippine and Thailand is the main exporter of canned pineapple. Every year Philippine is
producing a large amount of canned pineapple from its pineapple cultivation. European Union and American
market is the main importer of canned pineapple. With the surplus quantity of pineapple production Bangladesh
also can enter those markets.

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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh

Global awareness is increasing about pollution free environment. Developed countries are now
thinking about eco-friendly industrialization. Based on this the demand of environment friendly fiber is
increasing day by day. Man-made fiber is light in weight but they contain different chemicals. Different type of
natural fiber is introducing. Among them pineapple leaf fiber is famous for its different properties.
This unused part of pineapple should have concern because of its highly commercial value. It is more
useful than any other natural fiber. Pineapple fiber composite can be used in making different types of products.
It is also used with other fiber to increase the sustainability of cloth. This natural fiber can be used as the
alternative of existing textile fiber.
From the interview of Horticulture department official it is known that from every pineapple only 52%
can consume as fresh fruit and jam or juice production, remaining 48% of pineapple peel and leaves are forming
wastes. By using these wastes quality full luxury fiber can be produced. Pineapple fiber is famous for its
lightness, softness and highly lustering quality. It is strong, soft, breathable, versatile, light, flexible textile that
can be easily printed, stitched and cut. The fiber is used in making footwear and different fashion accessories. It
also can be used in interiors, car and aeronautics industries.
Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, China, India are the main pineapple cultivator in South East Asia. All
these countries have good potential in making pineapple leaf fiber and different type of pineapple product.
Bangladesh is also producing a good amount of pineapple in every year. It has a huge opportunity in pineapple
leaf fiber production. Using the huge amount of pineapple wastes it also can enter in the natural fiber market.
After harvesting and consuming the waste of pineapple is polluting the environment. So we can use those wastes
effectively by implementing technology. No extra land, fertilizer and pesticide is not needed to make this

1.1 Rationale of the Study

Pineapple is the fourth important tropical fruit in Bangladesh. As Bangladesh has the suitable weather
for pineapple cultivation, so it can increase its foreign currency earning by exporting different types of pineapple
made products. Generally, the ripe pineapple is consumed by the people of Bangladesh but people also likes
different types of canned fruits. Pineapple is highly perishable fruit so preservation of huge amount of
cultivation is not easy. So, Bangladesh can use its surplus pineapple cultivation to produce canned pineapple. By
fulfilling the local demand the country can also enter into the international market. As it is already known there
have many potential markets.
After extraction of its juice, the residue is used as garbage or in some cases as livestock feed. So it can
utilize the pineapple wastages by promoting pineapple leaf fiber production. Already Bangladesh has a well
establishment in garment sector. By producing pineapple leaf fiber it can expand its textile sector. Some
promotional activities have started to promote pineapple leaf fiber in Bangladesh by funding support from
European Union and Ministry of Industries, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh under
Bangladesh INSPIRED program. Since Bangladesh has only few actual and potential export sectors so it is
expected that this study will contribute to identify another potential export earning sectorof Bangladesh.Findings
of this study encourages many entrepreneurs and established businessmen to engage in this business.Besides it
also helps others pineapple producing countries as well as researchers to use canned pineapple and pineapple
leaf fiber related information from this study.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study is to identify the possibility of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber exporting
from Bangladesh. To more specific,
 To identify the possibility of canned pineapple production and export using the surplus quantity of
pineapple cultivation.
 To identify the possibility of pineapple leaf fiber production and export using the wastes of huge pineapple

1.3 Scope of the Study

Canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber production is not very popular in Bangladesh still now.
Many farmers do not have any clear idea about these. Any notable work was not found regarding the production
and export possibility of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber in Bangladesh. So there have an opportunity
to work on it. As both canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber can be two potential sectors so most of the
officials cooperate by giving different types of information and their opinions.

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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh

II. Review of Literature

Pineapple is a symbol of tropical fruit which has a good appreciation all over the world for its excellent
qualities. To avoid water pressure pineapple irrigation must be preferentially done during the phonological stage
of major growth activity (Azevedoet al. 2007). Different types of product from tropical fruits have increasingly
gained global importance because of their characteristic exotic taste, aroma and color (Abboet al. 2006).
Pineapple is a common fruit in Bangladesh and it contain good amount of various vitamins,
carbohydrates, crude fiber, water and different minerals that is good for the digestive system and helps in
maintaining ideal weight and balanced nutrition (Hossain and Islam, 2017). More than 90 countries around the
world are producing the fruit; Bangladeshi pineapples are more juicy and tasty than the others. So if it can be
marketed properly then these pineapples are sure to earn huge amounts of foreign currency through export
Most of the pineapple cultivator are mainly small and marginal level farmers, they sell their product
through trade agent at the village level and major share of pineapple marketing run by this system (Das et al.
2016). The main constraint in the marketing system of pineapple are lack of bargaining power, weak backward
and forward linkage, poor storage facility and lack of available infrastructure for grading standardization (Das et
al. 2016). In order to regain the market share both producer and exporter of nontraditional fruits and vegetables
must have continuous innovation process (Whitfield, 2010). This statement can be proved by the condition of
Ghana’s pineapple export industry, because of no development in their technological capabilities the industry
ran into a crisis and as a result they failed to turn their initial comparative advantage into customized
competitiveness (Whitfield, 2010).
Maximum developing countries are exporting their food item in developed countries and they have to
maintain food quality according to the food standard of those countries to increase the efficiency of production
through standardization (Athukoralaet al. 2002). Because of the scale which indirectly influencing the world
trade share of processed food, the local market of processed food is still small (Majumder, 2013). The processed
food export market could be influenced by the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) but the direction of its influence
is conclusive, so only single involvement of Multinational Enterprises (MNE’S) could generate positive effects
as they have international production network to complete the information flow between the home country and
other destined markets (Jongwanich, 2009).
As we know South East Asia is dominating in pineapple exporting. So we can see the situation of
Thailand. Because of their higher domestic demand for canned fruit, lower import duty on packaging materials,
market development in supermarkets and retailers in importing countries Thailand is dominating the canned
pineapple export market. The major constraint of food SME’s business is lack of packaging materials so the
government can provide loan assistance in fiscal and non-fiscal incentives(Bathan and Lantican, 2009).
The concerns of sustainable development have encouraged internationally toward increasing the
efficient utilization of raw resources and reduce the waste production. So the utilization of agricultural
byproducts has been highlighted as alternative fiber resources (Yusofaet al. 2015). Agro based bio-fibers have
the composition, properties and structure that make them suitable for different uses such as composite, textile,
pulp and paper manufacture (Reddy and Yiqi, 2005). As fibers has the satisfactory desired conditions and
transfer strength to the matrix constitute influencing and enhancing their properties so they have the importance
based on class of reinforcements (Kumar and Mohanraj, 2017).
Replacing synthetic fiber with natural one is only the first step by considering the ecological aspects in
material selection. Natural fibers cultivation depends mainly on solar energy and relatively small amount of
fossil fuel energy may be needed for fiber production, processing and extractions (Rohit and Dixit, 2015). The
different use of natural fibers are growing in many sectors, such as automobiles, furniture, packing and
construction and this is mainly because of their different advantages like low cost, low weight, less damage to
processing equipment, improved surface finish of molded parts composite, good relative mechanical properties,
abundant and renewable resources compared to synthetic fibers (Yousifet al. 2012).
Besides the fruit different parts of pineapple plant can be used as a good resource of various industrial
products. Thousand tons of natural fiber could be extracted from million tons of pineapple leaves which
discarded yearly which can be able to industrialize and commercialize the processing of pineapple leaf fiber
(Bhattacharyya, 1998). Pineapple leaf fiber has tremendous mechanical properties and have the application to
reinforced polymer composite (Cellis, 2000). Pineapple leaves have a strong, white, silky fiber, some certain
plants cultivate specially for fiber production and their young fruits are removed to give the plant maximum
vitality (Hossain, 2016).
The pineapple leaf has a ribbon structure and it is cemented together by materials like lignin and
pentosanwhich bind together with a cellulosic composition (Baniket al.2011). Pineapple leaf fiber is more
favorable as a potential substitute for wood fiber from corn stalk and napier grass (Zawawiet. al. 2014). The
highly valued fabric which made by handmade woven from pineapple leaf fiber and inflated with intricate
embroiderywas fashioned into clothing and accessoriesthat were a part of the traditional Phillipino cultural

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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh

heritage for centuries. The aspect ratio of the leaf fiber of pineapple plan is four times higher than jute and the
strength is as good as sisal (Kamarudina and Yusof, 2016).
So from the above literature it is found that there are lots of uses of pineapple as well as export
opportunity of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber. But in reality it is found that nearly no amount of
pineapple made products are exported from Bangladesh. From the review of these literature it is also found there
are not conducted any significant research and study in this field to identify the export and production
potentiality of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber.

III. Research Methodology

3.1 Research Type
The purposes of this research is to identify the production and export possibility of canned pineapple
and pineapple leaf fiber in Bangladesh and promote these sector based on the practical situation of present
pineapple cultivation. This study is based on descriptive research where qualitative method was used to analyze
most of the data and to identify the purpose of the study. Besides this, some quantitative data was also collected
and analyzed to present the actual present status of the research topics.

3.2 Sampling and Questionnaire Design

In this study semi-structured questionnaire was designed to identify canned pineapple and pineapple
leaf fiber production and export possibility in Bangladesh. The questions were a combination of inquiry about
the pineapple production rate, facilities for production, profit margin and development of pineapple cultivation
in Bangladesh and finally different opportunities that the respondents thought to establish or develop the focused
production area. Most of the questions were designed as open ended where in face to face interview the
respondent were given scope to answer based on their available information and in own point of view.
Purposive sampling technique had been used to determine the sample size and gather relevant data. From the 70
respondents 20 were mostly top level officials related to Agricultural Department of Bangladesh government
and 50 were pineapple farm owners, local fruits (pineapple) businessman, farmers and field level workers.

3.3 Data Collection

Data was collected by visiting the mostly pineapple cultivated area Rangamati and Tangail.
Information was taken from the cultivator and from different official of Department of Agriculture Extension,
Ministry of Agriculture, Upazila Agriculture Office of Naniarchar and Madhupur, the Department of
Agricultural Extension, RangamatiKhamarbari, Tangail and Dhaka Khamarbari. And also from Horticulture
wing of the Department of Agriculture Extension, Dhaka Khamarbari. The collection period of the data was
between the months of March to July, 2019.

3.4 Data Analysis

The collected data were presented using charts and diagrams by using Microsoft excel. Information
gathered from the interviews are arranged systematic way in order to identify the objectives of this research.

3.5 Limitation of the Study

After conducting the research, preparing the report was little tough as there was no notable work on
this specific topic.Since canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber production is not much popular in
Bangladesh, it was a little difficult to reach on available information for doing much extensive and deeper level
of study
IV. Research Results
4.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Study
Production Potentiality: Since pineapple is a tropical fruit and the weather of Bangladesh is suitable for
pineapple cultivation, the pineapple cultivation is increasing day by day here. Around 208401 million tons
pineapple cultivate in 30203 hector land in Bangladesh in the year of 2018. Most of the pineapple cultivates in
three main cultivable zone. These are- Chittagong Hill Tract, Tangail, and Sylhet. Last five year pineapple rate
of Bangladesh is shown below in the chart.

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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh

Pineapple cultivation rate of last four year calculated in terms of million tons and hectors

200000 195718 200701 211833 208401
33687 33498 35483 35257
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Production Area Production Rate

Table no 1 Source: Source: Author’s construction based on the data of Department of Agriculture
Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Khamarbari, Dhaka.

The above data shows that Bangladesh produces sufficient amount of pineapples every year. So it is
easy to enter in the canned pineapple market using the exceed amount of pineapple.
Cheap Production Cost:Pineapple is the fourth most cultivable fruit of Bangladesh. The production cost of
pineapple is not that much. Most of the farmers, cultivate pineapple in a traditional way. Now-a-days Ministry
of Agriculture is giving necessary training of pineapple farming and providing necessary medicine to the farmer
by regional agriculture office.

Availability of Relatively Cheap Labor: There has abundant supply of cheap labor in Bangladesh. According
to the regional agriculture office it is known that the labor cost of pineapple cultivator is not more than per 500
BDT ($8) per day. Most of the farmer in Rangamati, Bangladesh cultivates their own land with the help of their
family members so they don’t need to pay any labor cost. This adds an advantage here.

Standardized Quality Products: Pineapple of Bangladesh has standardized quality. Giant kew and Honey
queen, two most internationally famous varieties are cultivating in Bangladesh. Honey queen mostly cultivate in
Rangamati and famous for its juicy flavor. Giant kew cultivate in Tangail and it is famous for its big size. Both
types of this pineapple has so much international demand.

Availability of Raw Materials: The main raw material of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber is fresh
pineapple and its leaf. Based on the huge amount of pineapple cultivation it is easily possible to establish this

Efficient Labor Force: Bangladesh has efficient and semi-skilled labor forces that are engaging in the
cultivation of huge amount of pineapple every year. By receiving training which is provided by the Agricultural
Department of Bangladesh Government, farmers are becoming more aware and they are learning the process of
increasing the cultivation rate.

Entrepreneurial Development: As the government is providing various facilities for start-up business and the
raising sectors get different types of facilities. So by well promotional activities it is easy to attract investors.
There are many internationally established food and beverage companies in Bangladesh which can utilize this
opportunity of potential production of canned pineapple and can expand their export items. And since
Bangladesh is doing well in garments sector over the years so the fiber collected from pineapple leaf would be a
great source of raw materials for garments products.

Adding Different Varieties: There are nineteen varieties of pineapple in the world. Among them two varieties
are cultivating here in this country which have much international demand. By developing the research activity
Bangladesh can add different types of pineapple cultivation and can increase export potentiality. Ministry of
Agriculture of the Bangladesh Government has already taken the research activities.

International Market Demand: Because of high nutritional value the demand of pineapple is increasing in
both the national and international market. European market is the main target of many pineapple exporting
countries. As Bangladesh has given different trade facilities by European Union so entering that giant market is
quite easy for Bangladesh. Many Bangladeshi live in different countries of the Middle East and there is a
demand for local fruits. Many of the local company of Bangladesh like Pran Group Ltd, RahimAfroz Ltd,
Square Company Ltd etc. have strong competitiveness in those markets. So entering in the canned pineapple
market will be beneficiary for Bangladesh.

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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh

Demand for Natural Fiber: The worldwide increasing demand for natural fiber is a plus point here. Many
famous fashion designers are now using different types of natural fiber to make exceptional products. As it is
known pineapple leaf fiber is luxury type cotton and it has international market demand so it can become an
efficient export item.

Already Established Handloom Sector: Naturally and culturally Bangladesh has already some famous
handloom clothing items. Jamdani, Tant and Khadi are world famous. In the hill tract area indigenous people
has wonderful handloom efficiency. They produce their own products and sell them in the local market by using
various fibers including pineapple fiber. Besides the availability of raw materials make it possible to establish
handloom sector for pineapple leaf fiber production.

Employment Generation: By the pineapple leaf fiber extraction and weaving industry people can have income
and employment opportunities needed to substantially improve their lives. This will lead to huge potential and
economic rewards for indigenous weavers. By improving the living of their families and their communities
country can get benefits from this. Extraction of fiber, weaving and embroidery jobs enable to earn money that
allow them to remain at home. By joining this sector they don’t need to join any hazardous and non-prestigious
jobs (such as- brick field, rice mills or domestic worker) to earn money.

Simple Machinery Requirement: Pineapple leaf fiber can collect on traditional way. But for a huge amount of
production many countries are using machine for collecting the fiber. The technology of collecting pineapple
fiber is not that much costly so investor can easily invest here.

Social factors: Besides many other factors, social factors include the national aspects and health awareness,
career attitudes and emphasis on safety. High trends in social factors affect the opportunity of establishment of
canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber production.

Government Incentives: Bangladesh government has taken a lot of projects to identify its new export potential
sectors thus diversify its exports sectors. Governments also provide various incentives like tax exemption,
subsidy to promote these exports sectors.

4.2 Findings of the Study:

Based on the data analysis it is seen that pineapple cultivation is increasing every year in Bangladesh.
This is a positive news for canned pineapple production. The higher cultivation rate will result in an increase the
amount of surplus and using the surplus quantity canned pineapple production and export will be possible.
Besides the increasing amount of cultivation, there will be a huge amount of leaf wastages. This leaf is the main
raw materials for pineapple leaf fiber production. So based on the available raw materials and potential
production with a low production cost, there have a well production possibility of canned pineapple and
pineapple leaf fiber.
It is already known that there is increasing international demand for both canned pineapple and
pineapple leaf fiber and production of these twoproducts is not so complex. As Bangladesh have efficiency in
cheap labor costand government provides various incentives for export promotion so it can use these resources
to build this potential export site. Since international market demand of pineapple leaf fiber is increasing,
Bangladesh can use its already established garment sector to avail the opportunity of natural and organic
pineapple leaf fiber made products to export in foreign country. So it can be a complementary export site of
garments sector. It is well known that Bangladesh has a friendly environment for foreign investment. So by
attracting the foreign investors to invest in these sectors it can easily grab the opportunity of entering in the
international market and establish a good export sector.

V. Conclusion
This study has identified the exports possibility of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber from
Bangladesh. It is a descriptive research where qualitative research method is applied to analyze the collected
data.From the discussion it can be said that there has huge possibility of producing and exporting canned
pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber production in Bangladesh. Situating in the sub- tropical area is a great
advantage for Bangladesh. From the study it is seen that pineapple cultivation and production is increasing here.
The strength of pineapple cultivation will capable to provide available raw materials for both the canned
pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber production. As a developing country Bangladesh has different types of trade
facility in different international market, so besides other export products it can also add this potential sector in
its export basket. By fulfilling the national demand it can enter in the international market by exporting canned
pineapple. Pineapple leaf fiber is highly demandable product in international market for its organic nature so it

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Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh

can use this opportunity in productive way. This study showed since every exports triggering factors
arefavorable,Bangladesh has a well opportunity of exporting canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber from
Bangladesh thus make profit from international market. Policy makers, investors, businessmen and cultivators
of pineapple will be highly benefited from this study. Besides this study also provides valuable information to
other researchers who will be interested to study in this area.

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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) is UGC approved Journal with Sl.
No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.

* Pallabi Biswas. " Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf
Fiber in Bangladesh". IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol. 21, No. 9,
2019, pp. -.17-23

DOI: 10.9790/487X-2109041723 23 | Page

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