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The Ormoc City Sports Commission Management System is a comprehensive

platform designed to streamline and enhance the management of sports activities and events

in Ormoc City. It serves as a centralized system that facilitates the planning, organization, and

coordination of various sports programs and initiatives within the city.

The Ormoc City Sports Commission Management System was founded by the local

government of Ormoc City but was strengthened and leaded by former Mayor Richard

Gomez, when he became the Mayor of Ormoc City, Leyte year 2016 and had fully supported

Ormoc City Sports Commission before and after the pandemic. This system aims to promote

sports development and fostering a culture of active and healthy living among the residents of


This system is based on modern technology and digital solutions, utilizing software

applications and online platforms to automate and simplify various administrative tasks

related to sports management. It provides a user-friendly interface for athletes, coaches,

organizers, and other stakeholders to access information, register for events, submit

applications, and communicate effectively.

The Ormoc City Sports Commission Management System offers a range of benefits

and services to the people of Ormoc. It provides a centralized platform for sports enthusiasts

to stay updated on upcoming events, tournaments, and training programs. It also offers online

registration and payment options, making it convenient for individuals to participate in sports

activities. Additionally, the system enables efficient coordination and communication among

sports organizations, coaches, and athletes, enhancing the overall sports experience in Ormoc

1.1 Background of the Problem

In recent years, the field of sports management has seen a significant surge in the

number and scale of events, making efficient organization and coordination paramount for

success. In Ormoc City, despite the enthusiastic participation in sports activities, the current

manual systems used for event planning, venue management, and equipment tracking have

proven to be inefficient, error-prone, and lacking in transparency. The absence of a

centralized system has led to challenges in communication, resource allocation, and data

management, hindering the potential for optimal sports event execution.

Organizers face difficulties in streamlining registration processes, disseminating real-

time updates, and effectively managing venues and equipment. This inefficiency not only

consumes valuable time but also introduces the risk of errors and miscommunications,

impacting the overall quality of sports events. Moreover, the lack of a comprehensive system

inhibits the collection of valuable data and insights that could inform future decision-making,

hinder transparency, and limit opportunities for participant engagement.

The inadequacies in the existing sports management processes underscore the need

for a modernized and integrated Sports Commission Management System tailored to the

unique needs of Ormoc City. The implementation of such a system is essential for addressing

the current challenges, enhancing organizational efficiency, and fostering a more transparent,

engaging, and sustainable sports ecosystem in the community. The proposed system aims to

revolutionize sports management practices, providing a solution that aligns with the growing

demands of the sports landscape in Ormoc City.

1.1.1 Overview of the Current State of Technology

Over the past decade, the demand for hosting major sports events has surged, driven

by their potential economic, social, and political impacts. Despite their universal appeal,

instances of mismanagement have been prevalent in this emergent industry. This study aims

to review current management practices, providing insights into historical and future

developments in the sports event industry. Focusing on local organizing committees, a

questionnaire was sent to 178 major sports event organizers from 11 countries, resulting in a

26% response rate. Follow-up interviews were conducted within a 50-mile radius, revealing

that successful management hinges on effective tripartite relationships among sports, media,

and funders, along with risk mitigation. The study concludes that a better understanding of

economics, technology, and culture is essential for ushering in a new era of global

professionalism and safer event management practices. (Emery, 2010)

The existing sports management practices in Ormoc City are predominantly manual,

relying on traditional methods for event coordination, venue management, and equipment

tracking. Event organizers commonly use spreadsheets and paper-based systems for

participant registration, schedule management, and result tracking. Venue managers often

depend on manual processes for facility coordination, lacking a centralized system for

efficient reservation and ongoing activity updates. Equipment tracking is typically done

manually, with limited tools for inventory management and borrowing processes.

Communication within the sports management ecosystem primarily relies on

conventional methods, such as email and phone calls, resulting in potential delays and

communication gaps. Real-time updates for participants and stakeholders are limited,

hindering immediate access to crucial information during sports events.

In terms of data analytics and reporting, there is a lack of comprehensive tools to

gather insights into participation trends, resource utilization, and overall event success.
Security measures for sensitive data are not optimized, and scalability is a concern as manual

systems may struggle to accommodate the potential growth of sports events and participants.

Overall, the current state of technology in sports management in Ormoc City highlights a

significant opportunity for improvement through the implementation of a modern Sports

Commission Management System. The shift from manual processes to an integrated,

technology-driven approach aims to address these limitations and usher in a new era of

efficiency, transparency, and engagement in sports event management.

1.2 Project Rationale

Sports Commission plays a pivotal role in organizing and managing various sports

events and activities. Efficient scheduling and inventory management are critical components

for the successful execution of these events. The rationale behind this project stems from the

need to enhance the operational efficiency of the Sports Commission by implementing a

robust scheduling and inventory system.

In today's dynamic sports landscape, where events range from small-scale local

competitions to large international tournaments, the importance of streamlined processes

cannot be overstated. The proposed system aims to address the existing challenges in

scheduling events and managing inventory, ensuring a seamless experience for both

organizers and participants.

In the intricate tapestry of sports event management, the importance of efficiency

cannot be overstated. This project is rooted in the deep-seated understanding that the success

of the Sports Commission is intricately linked to its ability to orchestrate events seamlessly.

The rationale behind this initiative lies in the critical need for an advanced scheduling and

inventory management system that can adapt to the diverse and dynamic nature of sports

events. In a landscape where events range from local competitions to global tournaments, the
Sports Commission recognizes the imperative to streamline its operational processes. This

project seeks to bridge the gap between the current manual methodologies and the demands

of a modern, technologically driven sports management approach.

2.0 Project Description

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is essential for businesses to keep up with the

latest technological advancements to stay competitive. One such advancement that has

revolutionized the way businesses operate is online scheduling software. This powerful tool

allows companies to streamline their operations by automating and simplifying the process of

scheduling appointments, meetings, and other important events. In this article, we will

explore the benefits of online scheduling software and how it can help businesses enhance

their efficiency and productivity.

The project focuses on developing a comprehensive scheduling and inventory

management system tailored to the specific needs of the Sports Commission. The system will

provide features for efficient event planning, scheduling, and real-time inventory tracking. By

leveraging technology, the Sports Commission aims to optimize resource utilization, reduce

manual errors, and enhance overall event management capabilities.

The system will be designed to accommodate various types of sports events, ranging

from one-day tournaments to extended multi-day competitions. Additionally, it will integrate

seamlessly with existing databases and management systems to ensure data consistency and


Key Features:

 Event Management Module: The system facilitates efficient event planning through a

user-friendly interface, enabling organizers to easily manage event details, participant

registrations, and provide real-time updates on schedules and results.

 Venue Management Module: It includes a comprehensive venue database for

streamlined coordination, a reservation system to manage bookings effectively, and a

user-friendly interface for facility managers to update ongoing activities and


 Equipment Management Module: The system centralizes the inventory of sports

equipment, implementing a borrowing system to track lending and returns.

Administrators can efficiently manage equipment information through a dedicated

user interface.

 Data Analytics and Reporting Module: This module enables detailed tracking and

reporting of sports activities, utilizing data analytics tools to provide valuable insights

into participation trends, resource utilization, and event success.

 User Engagement Features: The system incorporates interactive elements, real-time

updates, leaderboards, and social media integration to enhance participant

engagement, excitement, and community spirit.

 Security and Privacy Measures: Robust data security measures are implemented to

safeguard sensitive information. User authentication protocols restrict access,

ensuring data confidentiality.

 Scalability: The system is designed with scalability in mind, allowing it to

accommodate potential growth in the number of events, participants, and facilities


Target Users

 Venue Managers: Personnel managing sports facilities, updating ongoing activities,

and overseeing venue availability.

 Equipment Managers: Administrators handling the inventory of sports equipment and

managing borrowing processes.

 Participants: Athletes and individuals engaging in event registration, real-time

updates, and performance tracking.

 Stakeholders: Individuals and entities with an interest in sports events, seeking

transparency and engagement.

 Administrators and System Managers: Individuals responsible for maintaining overall

system functionality, configuration, and security.

2.1 Problem Statement

The current manual processes employed by the Sports Commission for scheduling

events and managing inventory are prone to errors and inefficiencies. Challenges include

conflicting schedules, inadequate resource allocation, and the risk of overstocking or

understocking inventory. These issues can lead to disruptions in event timelines,

dissatisfaction among participants, and financial losses.

As the Sports Commission grapples with the challenges of the contemporary sports

landscape, a series of issues have emerged in the current manual processes. Conflicting

schedules, inadequate resource allocation, and the looming specter of inventory

mismanagement have become persistent hurdles. These challenges pose not only operational

inefficiencies but also jeopardize the reputation and reliability of the Sports Commission. The

problem statement is clear – the existing methodologies fall short of meeting the demands of

modern sports management. The urgency lies in addressing these issues head-on through a

paradigm shift, where manual processes give way to an intelligent, automated system capable

of navigating the intricacies of scheduling and inventory management with finesse.

The need for a centralized, automated system is evident in overcoming these challenges. The

project aims to address the following key problems:

● Inefficient scheduling leading to conflicts and overlapping events.

● Manual inventory management resulting in inaccuracies and delays.

● Lack of real-time data for decision-making during events.

2.2 Proposed Researched Project

The proposed research project seeks to address the inefficiencies in sports management

processes within Ormoc City by developing and implementing a comprehensive Sports

Commission Management System. This system will integrate modules for Event

Management, Venue Management, and Equipment Management, aiming to streamline

organizational processes, improve transparency, and optimize resource utilization in the

planning and execution of sports events.

Research Questions:

 How can the development and implementation of a Sports Commission Management

System enhance the efficiency of event management in Ormoc City?

 What features and functionalities should be prioritized in the Event Management

module to meet the specific needs of sports organizers and participants?

 What impact will the implementation of the Sports Commission Management System

have on transparency in sports event planning, communication, and decision-making


 To what extent can the system contribute to data-driven decision-making by providing

valuable insights into sports participation trends, resource utilization, and overall

event success?

 What considerations need to be addressed to ensure the security and privacy of

sensitive data within the Sports Commission Management System?

 How can the success and sustainability of the system be measured, and what factors

may influence its adoption and effectiveness in the long term?

2.2.1 General Objectives

1. Modernize Sports Management Processes:

 Develop a Sports Commission Management System to replace manual and outdated


 Integrate digital tools for efficient planning, execution, and tracking of sports events.

2. Enhance Collaboration:

 Facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among administrators, coaches,

participants, etc.

 Create a unified platform for sharing information, updates, and event-related data.

3. Optimize Resource Utilization:

 Implement data-driven insights to allocate resources effectively, minimizing waste

and enhancing sustainability.

 Introduce digital solutions to reduce paper usage and streamline resource


4. Improve Accessibility and Transparency:

 Ensure easy access to event information, schedules, and results for all users.

 Enhance transparency by providing clear rules, scoring criteria, and decision-making


5. Facilitate Data-Driven Decision-Making:

 Establish a robust data analytics system to gather insights into sports participation

trends, event success metrics, and resource utilization.

 Enable evidence-based decision-making for future sports events and overall sports

management strategy.

Overall Goal: To develop a comprehensive and user-friendly software system that effectively

manages the operations of the Ormoc City Sports Commission, thereby streamlining

processes, enhancing transparency, and promoting the development of sports in the city.

2.2.2 Specific Objectives

1. Event Management Module:

 Develop an intuitive user interface for administrators to efficiently input and manage

event details, including title, description, schedule, and results.

 Enable real-time updates on event schedules and results accessible to participants and


2. Venue Management Module:

 Create a comprehensive database of sports facilities with details such as facility name,

ongoing activities, and booking availability.

 Implement a reservation system allowing administrators to manage facility bookings

for events and regular activities.

 Develop a user-friendly interface for facility managers to update ongoing activities

and availability status.

3. Equipment Management Module:

 Establish a centralized inventory system for sports equipment, including details such

as equipment name, borrower information, and event association.

 Develop a user interface for administrators to update and manage equipment


4. Data Analytics and Reporting Module:

 Develop robust reporting and analytics feature to provide stakeholders with

meaningful insights into sports participation, event success, and financial


 Utilize data analytics to identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for

optimization in sports management.

By achieving these objectives, the Sports Commission Management System aims to

revolutionize sports management in Ormoc City, fostering collaboration, transparency, and

efficiency in organizing sports events.

2.2.3 Scope and Limitations


The scope of the Sports Commission Management System encompasses the

comprehensive digitization and optimization of sports management processes within Ormoc

City. The system will cover three main modules: Event Management, Venue Management,

and Equipment Management. It aims to modernize the planning, execution, and tracking of

sports events, enhance stakeholder collaboration, optimize resource utilization through data-

driven insights, and facilitate data-driven decision-making for future sports initiatives. The

system's focus includes user-friendly interfaces for administrators, participants, and facility

managers, seamless communication tools, and robust data analytics capabilities. By

streamlining event registration, scoring, and communication processes, the system intends to

improve organizational efficiency, transparency, and participant engagement. Additionally, it

seeks to minimize resource waste through optimized resource allocation and reduced reliance

on manual communication methods.


However, there are certain limitations to consider. Geographically, the system's direct

applicability may be limited to Ormoc City. The system might also face constraints related to

available technology infrastructure and user proficiency. While efforts will be made to reduce

paper usage and streamline resource management, there may still be challenges in eliminating

manual processes. The success of the system is contingent on the active participation and

adoption by stakeholders, and any resistance or hesitancy may impact its effectiveness.

Furthermore, data privacy and security considerations will be paramount, and the system

must adhere to relevant regulations to protect sensitive information. These limitations

acknowledge the project's context and provide a framework for realistic expectations and

continuous improvement.

A Capstone Project

Presented to the

Faculty of the Department of Information Technology

ACLC College of Ormoc, Inc.

Ormoc City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies







Project Adviser

School Year 2023 – 2024



This Project Proposal Entitled






In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology/ Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.

Approved by:


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