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Say "Hi” and introduce yourself

Hi everybody / hello everyone

My name is xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My student's ID is xxxxxx

I study the career of Business Administration

Mention the person you are talking about (famous or close to you) the only condition is that the
person is not alive.

I am talking about of a famous singer.

Mention what was his/her name, and comment what age he/she died.

his name was Michael Jackson

He was fifty years old when he died, because of a combination of medications.


He was from Gary Indiana in United States, he was seventh of nine brothers

Work / occupation(s)

He worked in a musical group that formed his dad called the Jackson´s five since he was eleven.

He was famous with his solo career that began in 1971, and with his Thriller album, his fame
increased in the world.

Description (character)

He was a very enigmatic and mysterious person, with great manias and his touches of
generosity, sometimes depressed because he had an incomplete life and was hypersensitive.

Likes and dislikes

(Utiliza el verbo gustar LIKE, en pasado; dos enunciados, el primero con un concepto el segundo
con otro verbo (recuerda que solo el primer verbo lleva la conjugación en pasado)

He liked to sing, dance and write songs a lot.

and he liked to play with many kids on his Neverland ranch.

he disliked having scandals for the two allegations of abuse of minors.

He liked to travel with his three children around the world because he loved them.

DENTRO DE ESTE MISMO AUDIO ... Vamos a suponer que estás en una entrevista de trabajo y la
persona que te hace las preguntas desea "romper el hielo” por lo mismo te hace preguntas del
pasado inmediato. Dentro del archivo de audio debes leer la pregunta y dar la respuesta.

Follow the clues below.


Where were you yesterday?

I was at home watching a football game

Para la grabación debes pronunciar (leer) la pregunta de la izquierda y a continuación dar

respuesta a la misma (no se aceptan respuestas "cortas” como por ejemplo: "house” se debe
utilizar la gramática que se indicó en la clase virtual "persona + verbo en pasado” + complemento.

How did you feel last weekend?

I felt a little tired because I went to a party with my family and we slept very late.

Describe your mood form last weekend

Nuevamente tú debes leer la pregunta y responderla, No se permiten respuestas de una sola

palabra, es decir si te sentías contento... debes colocar la palabra GLAD = [contento] dentro de un
enunciado completo y con conjugación en pasado. Dentro de esta misma respuesta, coloca la
palabra "because” y explica el porqué de tu estado de ánimo de este tiempo pasado.

When did you finish high school?

I finished high school 25 years ago.

Utiliza la palabra AGO;

Nuevamente lee la pregunta... y procura que haya un enunciado completo como respuesta.

Talking about last December. What did you want for Christmas?

Last Christmas, I just wanted the whole family together, but for work reasons, some could not
be in the house, however, we enjoyed dinner and Christmas gifts, it was a happy Christmas

Last Christmas, we also visited my mother in law and my father in law to give them the
Christmas hug.

(al menos 2 enunciados) Recuerda utilizar la expression "Last Christmas”; puedes hablar, no solo
de los regalos que esperabas sino también de las expectativas sociales (visitar a alguien, reunirse
con alguien más, perdonar, etc.)
Tell me about your last job.

What did you like most?

I liked learning from the administrative areas to be the best of my team and help new staff to
grow indoors the company.

What did you enjoy doing?

I enjoyed helping my co-workers with the financial reports.

What activities did you prefer to do?

I preferred to generate financial reports from the general management of the company, for the
boss it was very important.

Recuerda leer cada pregunta y dar su respuesta. Considera que... para enunciados con dos verbos
existen reglas específicas en su gramática.

Considera además la pronunciación de los verbos like, enjoy and prefer para tiempo pasado.

Additional question

How did you handled the pressure of the work?

I handled with intelligence, without mixing my work with my personal life.

Add a question yourself

Pronuncia la expresión: "Additional question” a continuación crea una pregunta que consideres
que te pueden hacer en una entrevista de trabajo utilizando PASADO y respóndela de igual
manera en "Past tense”.

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