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CHU - PARTNER A: You are Stefano, a personel officer at the Italian

International Books, looking for somebody as a bookkeeper and meeting with

Francis. Job required fluent Italian but you are prepared to pay for Italian
lessons. The applicant lives in Turin. List: hours – holidays – sickness – benefits
– Italian training twice a week.

TRISSI - PARTNER B: You are Francis and applying for the job.
Things to mention: Flexitime – Travel expense – Are lessons available?

A: Good morning Mr. Frank. It's raining outside, isn't it?

B: Yah, fortunate that I have brought an umbrella with me

A: Good to hear that. So let's go straight to the point. We're discussing

your employment contract with all the terms and conditions included.
Additionally, we want to provide more information about it, and feel free to ask
if anything's unclear/ to ask for the questions that you need to know.

B: Yes, thank you, Ms. Stefano. /I’ve got it/ thanks a lot. can you tell me
the normal working hours?

A: Great, so let's start with our policy on your working hours. Normal
working hours are 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday, including an hour for
lunch/ one hour unpaid for lunch. The total working hours is 40 hours and we
have 2 days off at the weekend. By the way, there may be overtime/ However,
you are expected to work overtime during busy periods. This is either paid or
given as work overtime allowance/ time off in lieu.

B: I’ve got it. Does the company offer flexitime?

A: We are not opperating flexitime at the moment. We can consider it in

the near future.

B: Oh, I'm afraid that I cannot start working before 9:30 am due to
personal reasons. You know, I have to take my son to school as he's just 7 years
old. But, for the afternoon shift is ok for me as my husband will collect him
from school/ can deal with my child. Therefore, can I have flexible working
time, instead?

A: oh, I think this problem can be solved, the other staff will cover for
you from 9-9:30a.m, however you will work until 6:30p.m instead of that to
finish your work. Is that reasonable?

B: Yahhh, I think I'm ok with that. Could we discuss the holiday


A: OK, so Yes, in terms of annual paid holiday/ holiday entitlement, your

days off are 20 days per year, rising to 25 days after two years of working
service/ in service.

B: Oh, that sounds great. Moreover, could you tell me what happens if I
am ill/ sick?

A: The company will pay for the first 10 days off/ week and after that the
health insurance scheme will continue to pay you. Also we would like/ expect
you to phone/inform/announce us as soon as possible before 10 am on the 1st
day of your sickness and pls keep us informed after that?

B: ok, that sounds nice. How about the travel/ vacation expenses and
other benefits?

A: Well, for those who live in Turin, there is no relocation involved for
them. However, as you live far from us, we will have the travel expenses about
100$ for a month.

B: yeah, it seems match to me/ I understand what you mean? One more
thing is though I have live in Italian for 3 years, it seems that my fluency in
Italian is not good enough. Are there any Italian courses in your company?

A: yes, absolutely/ definitely. Our company does offer Italian courses

twice a week and it’s totally free/ our company will pay for the Italian training
courses twice a week.
B: great/ sounds Great/ sounds good. It really excites me/ I feel positive
about that.

A: Do you have any further questions? / Are you still have any hesitation?

B: I / we will send the offer letter together with the labor contract in
writing in the next 24 hours. Pls inform us whether you can receive the job or
not before / by the beginning of next week. I hope you are willing to join us and
look forward to seeing you in our office.

A: ok, I’ll do that. Thank you for arranging time for me/ your time.

B: It’s nice to see you. Bye

A: Bye

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