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In numbers 1-6, label each of the variables as independent or dependent variables. Put IV for Independent Variable and DV for Dependent

1. Tamara's daughter is a dancer who will be participating in an upcoming recital. For each dance her daughter plans to perform, she will
require a different costume.
__________________the number of costumes Tamara's daughter will require.
__________________the number of dances Tamara's daughter plans to perform.

2. Yardena is planning her wedding. The number of announcements she orders is determined by the number of guests she wants to invite.
__________________the number of guests
__________________the number of announcements

3. Spencer goes biking every morning. The farther he bikes, the more calories he burns during the bike ride.
__________________the number of calories Spencer burns during the bike ride
__________________the distance Spencer bikes

4. A committee is organizing a music festival in Jefferson County. The amount of time that the venue has been reserved for determines the
number of bands that will be able to play at the festival.
__________________the amount of time that the venue has been reserved for
__________________the number of bands that will be able to play

5. Carson is selling lemonade. The number of cups of lemonade he sells determines how much money he earns.
__________________the amount of money Carson earns
__________________the number of cups of lemonade Carson sells

6. During the winter, a trucking company ships produce from California to Cleveland. The more produce the company needs to ship, the
more truckers it will hire.
__________________the number of truckers the company will hire.
__________________the amount of produce the company needs to ship

For numbers 7 and 8, identify the independent and dependent variables in the given situation.

7. A florist wants to see if the amount of Product X will extend the life of cut flowers so that they last longer.


8. A drug company wants to prevent sneezing for people with grass allergies. They test different doses of their new drug.


Determine which of the four levels of measurement is the most appropriate.

9. Types of movies (drama, comedy, adventure, documentary, etc.)

10. Evaluations of service received at a restaurant (very poor, poor, good, very good)
11. Age
12. Amount of proteins in a soup
13. Amount of calories in a biscuit
14. Calendar Year
15. Students’ scores on a biology test
16. The time it takes to finish an exam.
17. Hair color
18. Room Temperature
19. Eye Color of each student
20. Grade for mathematics for each student.

Calculate each value requested for the following scores:
a. 5, 2, 4, 6,8,9,3,4
b. 6,23,14,18,9,17,34,27
c. 2,4,16,33,18,59,9,7
d. 8, 14,27,28,14, 18,12,27
e. 4,4,5,13,15,63,7, 16

1. ΣX
2. ΣX2
3. Σ(X + 1)
4. Σ(X + 1)2
5. Σ(X - 1)2
6. Σ(X - 1)


Calculate each value requested for the following scores:
a. 6,3,8,2,2,7,5,3
c.23, 27,19,18,12,5,9,2
d. 4,4,11,8,29,30,5,7

1. ∑(X x 2)2
2.∑(X x 3)
3.∑(X + 5)
4.∑(X + 3)2
5.∑(X - 2)
6.∑(X - 3)2
7.∑(X - 8 )
8.∑(X + 2)2
9.∑(X + 4)2
10.∑(X + 8)2

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